Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 28, 2023


Story Recap: Miguel finds himself in the body of a teenage white boy named Colton owned by an older muscle-daddy, Asian/White/Black man he only knows as Mr. Takada. He finds that life as a kept gay boy is preferable to his previous life as a Sheriff's deputy, but the trail of clues leads him to push on with finding out what happened to him. What will happen when he ventures out into Colton's life without his owner...

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.5- The Boy goes Viral]

~By Emri~

"No, no. I think he can do his full schedule this afternoon other than gym. He was cleared by the doctor this morning. He's allowed to attend classes, but can do strenuous activity or carry too many things," Mr. Takada explained to one of the vice principals at Beverly Hills South. I sat quietly as Mr. Takada had instructed. I was a little nervous to be in a school.

I had put on a black hooded sweatshirt with a picture of two cartoon kittens dressed as ninjas. I had tight skinny jeans on with the knees ripped out and new white tennis skater shoes. Mr. Takada had helped me style my black floppy hair and used the clippers to trim it close on the sides. I looked like a standard urban child of privilege.

He told me to only speak when spoken to and not to mention anything about my previous life as Miguel. He'd told me I could stay home today, but after the morning doctor's appointment and a phone call he received from a client, he decided I should try to attend at least half a day at school.

"Not to worry. I'll have him check in with the nurse between each class and he can attend study hall seventh period instead of gym. Care and safety of our students is priority number one here! Your son will be looked after. He'll report directly to my office at 3:20 and only be dismissed to you," Ms. Sheffield told Mr. Takada. She offered me a look of pity and I returned a smile.

"If there is any problem, please do not hesitate to call me. I'll be over in a heartbeat. He shouldn't be any trouble, but my if my son needs a heavy hand, you let me know. I fully support you in any discipline matters," Mr. Takada frowned. He hated leaving me here, but he had an urgent meeting about his app release and I'd assured him I'd be fine. I didn't want to be trapped in the house and a day at a high school sounded fun.

"Oh, well thank you. That's refreshing to hear. I have nothing in his discipline file so I'm sure he will be no trouble," Ms. Sheffield glowed. She seemed charmed by Mr. Takada, a dark handsome man in a fine suit. She looked at me again and I offered a confident smile.

"He's still pretty bruised up, but I don't want him missing more of his courses," Mr. Takada said.

"The poor dear has been through so much. Hit by a car. What a shame. I'm sure he will be fine. Now you let me know if you have any troubles, Colton Come directly to my office and you can rest here if we need to call your father," she told me in that overly sweet tone like she was talking to someone's young child.

"If he gets out of line at all..." Mr. Takada started to say, but Ms. Sheffield interrupted him.

"He'll be a lamb! Won't you, honey? Oh look. Here's his student chaperone now. I believe you know Justin. He's one of our finest. He'll chaperone Colton between classes," she said. Justin waved to us from the doorway.

"Hi, Mr. T! I brought Colt's books back to school. There in his locker. I'll watch him like a hawk! Here, let me get his backpack," he said and hurried over to my side.

"I'll be good, ma'am. I promise," I said to her. She flashed that smile at me again.

"See there? Nothing to worry about. We'll take good care of him. You run along to your meetings!" Ms. Sheffield cooed. I noted the absence of a wedding ring on her finger. She was eyeing Mr. Takada like fresh meat and was eager to prove she'd make a good step-mother.

"I'll be alright, daddy," I assured him. He looked unconvinced, but then a chirp of his phone made him rise to his feet. He'd been missing out on his businesses and needed to get back to them. He'd spent the morning with me at the doctor's office getting checked out.

"I love you, baby. Any problems and you call me immediately. Make me proud, boy," he whispered as he left me with a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. I nodded assurance.

"Lucky you got here just in time for lunch! It's taco day!" Justin said excitedly as he led me out to the hall. Mr. Takada chuckled and waved goodbye as he headed the other way.

Justin put our backpacks in his locker and we headed to lunch. Mr. Takada had put cash in my wallet so I paid for both of us. Justin was excited because I told him we had enough for the orange jello he was eyeing. We shuffled through the crowd and found an empty table by the window that looked out over the courtyard crammed with kids.

"Is this our usual spot?" I asked as Justin tore into his tacos.

"Well, no. I usually eat over there with my friends and your crowd avoids the cafeteria all together," he said with a piece of lettuce stuck to his lower lip. He pointed to a group of kids hanging out near the fountain in the courtyard. It was a few guys with skateboards. Some of them sat on the side of the fountain talking while two of them did tricks in the small space with the crush of kids walking by.

"They're my friends?" I asked.

"I guess so. They just hang together at lunch. That one guy doing tricks has a thing for you. He usually shows off while you pretend to ignore him and play with your phone," Justin shrugged.

"You spy on me?" I raised an eyebrow and tried the taco oozing grease on my tray.

"No... well not really. I mean... you never notice me here and Mr. Takada just wanted me to make sure you didn't get hurt. It's not like that though." Justin slowly realized he'd been a spy.

"It's ok. Listen. Does the name Eizo Kimura mean anything to you?" I asked. Justin gave me a confused look as he crunched into his second taco and squirted grease on the table.

"Nah... Does he go here? That's like an Asian name? I don't know it," he said and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I don't think so... just a name in my head," I shrugged it off. It was the name I'd seen in Mr. Takada's check ledger and a name I remembered as an old friend from the gym that we'd busted selling narcotics. It was the only connection I could find between Miguel and Colton. There had to be something to it.

I remembered the deal I'd made with Mr. Takada to not pursue anything Miguel related for at least a week. Here I was the very next day digging into it. I felt a twinge of guilt and then a busty dark haired girl rushed me from behind.

"Colty! Oh my godddd. I was like so upset to hear what happened to you!" The girl shoved in next to me at the table and knocked me against the window. Her petite hand with pink manicured nails came to rub my cast.

"Oh, yeah. Got hit by a car," I said. I looked to Justin for help. He froze with the last bite of taco in his mouth. He just stared at me wide-eyed and chewed like a cow.

"I'm like so so sorry. Are you on pain meds? Did you get stitches? I had all my girls praying for you. I'm so glad you made it," she swooned. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked up at me with beautiful brown eyes and long lashes.

"Yeah. I got good stuff. I'm ok though, just lost my memory... well most of it," I admitted.

"Like Amnesia? Oh Woah that's like so crazy! I saw a snap about that in my feed! It's like a serious thing! You could be totally brain damaged and stuff. Can you still read?" she went on.

"Yeah nah. I can totally read. I'm just like... I forgot everyone," I said. Something about her, so sweet and perky with these huge tits that were rubbing on my arm. She had this Indian princess look to her with a head of thick, flowy black hair and a hefty nose that looked right on her. It brought out the dude in me.

"I'm still hungry," Justin said as he scooped the last of his jello out. I pushed my tray over to him and he ate my second taco as this sweet girl looked like she was ready to be my full-time nurse.

"Well I'm Naya," she said and then burst into laughter. "Like you could ever forget me."

"No way, Naya. You're totally up here," I beamed and poked on my forehead. She cooed and her hand slid down to my thigh. My cock perked up.

"I have to get to class! I didn't know you'd be back so soon! Oh my god! Like you TOTALLY have to meet me at 3:30 dismissal at the gate near the office. Ok? Promise me! I can do it today! I'll get ready. Be there!" She grabbed my bulge and then ran off before I could protest.

"Woah," I said to Justin as her thick ass and tiny waist bounced away.

"Dude!" he echoed.

"What the fuck was that about?" I whispered.

"Naya Pretani. Head of the Persian cheerleader mafia. One of the chief mean girls of South Beverly. She's got a thing for you... You're a golden boy, Colt. Perfect for social media. She's a pretty big online star, at least the biggest one I know. She puts out videos trying to go viral. She goes by Beverly Hills Princess... I think... Not like I stalk her or anything," Justin filled me in. I raised an eyebrow at that and he just shrugged.

"For real?" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah, You got that all-american, cali dream boy look to you; the face, the clothes, the eyes. She knows it'll play big for her fans." Justin looked at me like I should know this.

"Doesn't she know I... you know, I like guys," I said like it was some secret.

"It's not like you have a boyfriend here... Besides, I've known her since 3rd grade. She doesn't let anything stand in her way," Justin laughed.

"Why does she want to meet me at dismissal? She said she could do it today. Do what?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm betting it'll be all over youtube before bedtime," He offered. He finished the remains of my taco day fiesta platter and we set off for class.

Chemistry was a bore. Apparently Colton hadn't made any friends in that one so I just sat at the front and tried to pay attention. Next up was World History. Some kid whose textbook cover said "Blaine" saved me a seat, but the teacher was super strict and we didn't get a chance to chat. He seemed chill though and said he was glad I was ok. Justin dutifully shuttled me between classes. The last section was my study hall. Justin walked me there and I handed the note from the Vice Principal to a teacher who just grunted at me and nodded to an empty table.

I didn't have much to study, but I read through the chapter we covered in my history class so I'd be prepared if Mr. Takada wanted to quiz me. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled it out to see a text from him that he would be there at dismissal to collect me from the office. He asked how I was feeling and I told him I was ok but tired. He said I should nap until the bell rang. The teacher was ignoring us except to yell at kids who talked so I thought it might be a good idea.

When the dismissal bell rang I popped my head up groggily. The pain meds were wearing off and I felt a little achy as Justin came to find me and lead me to the office. He took his chaperoning seriously. Mr. Takada was waiting there and flirting with the vice principal. She smiled confidently when she saw me come in and she reached to feel my forehead for a fever.

"No troubles today?" she asked in that overly sweet mommy voice.

"No ma'am. Everyone was so helpful. Thank you," I said. Mr. Takada beamed with pride at my good manners. He took my backpack from Justin and ruffled my hair as he said goodbye to the vice principal.

"Such a good kid," she said as we walked away.

"Well it was only four hours, but you did good today. You feel good enough to try again tomorrow?" Mr. Takada asked as he led me out through the hallway.

"I think so. I'd rather just hang with you though. Can't I just do online school?" I asked.

"I wanted that when you came here, but you begged me to go here! I think it's better for you to have some socialization with kids your own age, otherwise I'd keep you in my home," he said.

"It wasn't so bad. Everyone pretty much ignored me," I said as we made our way to the glass doors that opened to a crowd of kids buzzing around after school.

"Ignored you?" Mr. Takada asked as we stepped out side. I looked around and noticed all the kids had stopped and turned to look at me. Lots of them raised their camera phones towards me. I stopped and looked at them like a deer in the headlights.

"Am I famous?" I whispered. Mr. Takada shook his head.

"I didn't think so. I guess they weren't ignoring you, they were just waiting until the bell," Mr. Takada sounded uneasy.

Suddenly a loud thumping beat started from a car parked right on the curb. Naya jumped out from behind a bush followed by five other girls. They were all dressed in their cheerleader uniforms with short red tops and skimpy red skirts.

They prowled around to the beat until they stopped right in front of me. Then the music stopped.

"Ready? Ok!" Naya raised her pom-poms and her entourage followed her lead. Mr. Takada whipped out his camera phone like the mass of students accumulating around us had done.

"Colty Colty you're so fly! C-O-L-T I can't lie!" Naya called while they jumped and cheered. It was so over the top and Mr. Takada stifled a laugh. I groaned in embarrassment and he put his hand on my back for support.

The beat started again from the car stereo and they did some synchronized dance that was actually kind of hot like a strip tease but with clothes still on. Naya slid her pom-poms down her breasts and buried them between her legs seductively while she danced. Mr. Takada eyed me with pity as a warm blush swept across my face. Naya broke away to do some bopping rap rhythm. I noticed a guy with a professional looking camera over my shoulder. Naya seemed to be focusing on him more than me.

"Colton baby hot and brave. Drunk lady couldn't send you to your grave!" Naya started to rap. I thought that line was kind of tacky.

"Colton cutie you're the bomb! Won't you go with me to prom? Make my dreams so real and true, be my date and I'll show you. You know you dream all night bout this so come on boy and get your kiss," She rapped and then abruptly stopped when her lips got to mine. She latched onto me, but kept her lips shut. She grabbed my casted arm and put it up her back like I was feeling her up. I felt instantly that it was all an act, but my cock still chubbed happily at her touch.

"What do you say? I feel so bad you got hit by a car and you're working through rehabilitation. You're so brave, Colton! I wanted to do something special for you," she said in a sappy girl whine as the professional camera guy got uncomfortably close to us.

"He got viciously attacked by an old drunk lady driver while he was on his skateboard! Don't drink and drive, guys! For reals!" She explained to the camera.

I looked over at Mr. Takada who had a disturbingly pleased grin on his lips. He was enjoying this way too much. His eyes lit up and he nodded once to show approval. I felt Naya rub her tits against my chest impatiently.

"Yeah... Yes. I mean, hell yeah," I said and turned to the camera with a dazed look.

"Oh Colty-bear! I can't wait! We're going to be the hottest couple there!" She lit up with an overly plastic smile. We'd definitely have to discuss not using that as my nickname. It burned in my ears. She kissed me again then the camera guy backed off and so did she.

"You're Colton's dad?" She asked Mr. Takada, her voice returning to normal. They exchanged greetings while she fished a pen out of my backpack without asking. She wrote her number on my wrist so we could make arrangements.

"Thanks, Colt. I really do hope you feel better," she said and dashed off... stealing my pen.

"Well," Mr. Takada cleared his throat and pushed me towards the parking lot.

"Don't say it," I groaned. He helped me into the passenger side then we headed home in silence. The school was only a few blocks from the gated daddy compound where we lived.

"Colty," he said flatly when the garage door closed behind us and he turned off the car.

"No! No! That can NOT be my new name! You will stop that now!" I whined.

"Oh but Colty-bear, it's like so cute!" he effected Naya's whiny baby voice she used in the video.

"No! Please, Daddy!" I laughed.

"All right, boy. Let's get you some pain pills and put you down for a nice nap. I have some work to finish and we have Thursday dinner tonight," he said as we got out of the car.

"What's that? Don't we eat dinner every night?" I asked.

"It's the community dinner for all the families here. We try to do it once a month at the very least. We're at Kevin and Daniel's place tonight. Brent is the designated server. He usually goes around wearing an apron and tight briefs. Should be fun," Mr. Takada explained. My eyes widened. This place just kept getting weirder and weirder.

He gave me two pills and a water bottle. I chugged both. He helped me change out of my school clothes and into an old worn t-shirt of his and pajama pants. He set up his laptop and computer on our bed then pulled an old satin quilt from the closet and spread it over me. It smelled like that expensive fabric softener rich people used. He sprayed a little mist over me from a small bottle and I inhaled a scent that made me yawn.

"It's a lavender sleep mix. A client today suggested it for me to help you sleep," he shrugged as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his blue dress shirt. He got out of his suit and then came back to the bed in a pair of blue briefs that hugged his fat bulge.

"I like it," I said and gave another yawn. He settled in beside me on the bed and I wormed my way over into his side. I put my head on his chest and he rubbed my back while he fired up his emails.

"I love you, Colty. You're like so totally lit," he joked. I pinched his nipple from under the quilt. I started to doze off on his chest. He was scrolling through his emails and I saw the name again on one of them.

Eizo Kimura. The subject line said "Let's check in next week."

I wanted so badly to reach over there and open it, but I couldn't. Was Mr. Takada mixed up in all of this? He couldn't be. I didn't believe it.

"What's that? You have a meeting?" I asked as though I didn't care. I added a yawn and scratched his chest playfully to emphasize my disinterest.

"A medical guy. Just meeting for some app idea he got me to invest in," he said as though there was nothing to my inquiry. It fit with the check copy I'd seen in the ledger. $15,000 could just be an investment. Damn it.

"Oh," I said with a little more dejection than I should have.

"You should be napping, boy. Do you need me to cuddle you?" he asked. I nodded and looked up at him with needy green eyes. He smiled. He closed his laptop and set it aside then turned me over so my back was to him.

He got under the quilt with me and filled me with his warmth. His strong arms slid around me and his lips nuzzled into the back of my neck. His bulge nudged in between my ass cheeks and I felt a hungry twitch. He knew how to put his boy down properly. His legs wrapped around mine and his hand rubbed my stomach.

We ended up both falling asleep, and I awoke to Mr. Takada's phone buzzing on the bed beside me. He must have been looking at it over my shoulder while he fell asleep.

It was a phone call and I elbowed him gently and called his name. He stirred and let out a low sleepy grumble as he reached for his phone and answered it. He mumbled something in another language and I fell back asleep to his deep, soothing tones.


I woke up to Mr. Takada wearing a tight red t-shirt with a neck that scooped low to show off his pecs and proud bronze chest. He had on a gold chain necklace and tight blue preppy shorts that hugged his bulge and showed off his healthy ass. He was in the corner of the room looking at his phone as I sat up and yawned. He sat down to pull on a pair of bright white tennis shoes and noticed me waking up.

"We're going to dinner soon. I wanted you to rest as much as you could," he explained. He leaned over me and kissed my hair. I nodded and sat up. I went to wash my face, hard to do with one hand in a cast. He came in and helped me then got me into a red tank top with white fitted shorts and a crisp white hoodie with matching slip on shoes. We brushed our teeth and walked next door to Kevin and Daniel's place.

"This looks like ours but with different style!" I said after the two middle-aged Chinese daddies hugged me. They were slimmer than Mr. Takada, more toned than hulking but both in decent shape with good style. They were an inch or two shorter than Mr. Takada too, but just as dominant and masculine. Except for the fact that one of them put his hand on the other's shoulder frequently and the other one grabbed a kiss every now and then, they looked like straight buddies. This new world I'd been thrust into was opening my eyes to a wide spectrum of gay identity.

"Yes, we have a better decorator," Mr. Choi (Daniel, but I called adults by their last name) said.

"But a smaller budget," Mr. Jung (Kevin) joked and earned an eye-roll from Mr. Takada.

"Our specialty cocktail tonight is a Moroccan Mai Tai," a voice said from around the corner. I recognized it as Brent's when he came out with a tray of high, narrow glasses with red straws and fruit chunks with little umbrellas.

"The pink straw is Colton's. Just juice and spritzer," he assured. The men took their drinks and then he gave me the last one on the tray. He looked to be completely naked except for a small half apron tied around his waist. His bare, pale chest of muscles called to me. When he turned though, I could see the tiniest pair of briefs with a Hawaiian print that left the bottom of his ass cheeks exposed. If I thought Colton was needy for attention, Brent certainly gave him good competition.

Mr. Takada led me by the hand into the living room where Donovan and Justin were already sitting along with other men I didn't recognize. There was another boy who looked just a little older than me. He was an athletic Russian guy with the most amazing blue eyes. Mr. Takada introduced him as Vlad and he greeted me in very limited English. He had close shaved cornsilk blonde hair that seemed a shame to not let grow out. He belonged to a Korean guy named Mr. Park who was in his late 20's and smaller than his boy but very much in control.

"Vlad's here studying English. Ethan [Mr. Park], met him on a work trip to Russia last year." Mr. Takada was giving me backstories on everyone even though they'd been around Cotlton frequently. Everyone gave me a pity look when he did this because of the amnesia and accident trauma. I got a lot of hugs and roaming hands from some hard-bodied daddies and had to hide behind Mr. Takada whenever my cock chubbed up too much.

We sat around the living room while everyone sipped their cocktails and joked or discussed community news. They were all very serious about our little circle of walled-in townhomes. I caught Vlad checking me out a few times and I returned his looks as I sat in Mr. Takada's hold.

I was sorting out in my head all these different attractions. The strong arms of Mr. Takada made me want to bounce on his cock while the hot body of Naya brought out the straight urges I'd always had as Miguel. Something about Vlad and Justin had me attracted in a different way. They were taller and stronger, but much closer to my age. It brought out this third attraction in me like I wanted to wrestle with them and dominate them. It had me feeling weird.

With a girl I wanted this equal sharing of tenderness and closeness. With Mr. Takada and other daddies I wanted to be the little slutboy under their control and let them fill my hole with their seed. With guys like Justin and Vlad though I wanted to see how far I could push them. I wanted to see how much they would take and beg me for. It felt weird. I didn't even know what I would do with them.

"Yes, baby?" Mr. Takada asked as he rubbed my stomach. I looked down at my lap to see I was tenting form my wandering thoughts.

"What, daddy?" I asked. I had no clue what his question had been.

"You can go help Brent in the kitchen. It's almost dinner time." Mr. Takada said as he nudged me off his lap. I covered my bulge with my hand and nodded as I went off to the kitchen.

"I'm surprised you came. You always boycotted these things. They made me put on clothes since you're underaged," Brent laughed when I walked to the kitchen and offered to help.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I said. He just shrugged.

"It's cool. I'm naked most of the time around the house. I'm just glad you're better and starting to associate with us." He winked and handed me a tray of drinks to take out to the guys.

"I didn't used to do that?" I asked. There was always some new and intriguing piece to the Colton puzzle.

"Never. You liked the attention of the daddies, but you pretty much ignored the rest of us and spent a lot of time to yourself. It's why he carved out that bedroom just for you. You were kind of a bitch about it. I half expected you to go back to Utah," Brent said flatly without putting on fake sweetness to preserve my feelings. I appreciated that.

"Really?" I looked at him with my jaw hanging open. I couldn't believe what a bitch Colton was.

"Yeah. He was trying to make you happy. I'm glad to see he's finally taking the reigns with you and laying down the rules. It's kind of turned you into a decent human being," Brent laughed.

"I'm kind of learning that I wasn't the nicest person," I said.

"Well yes, but you made Mr. Takada happy. Whatever your faults, you certainly held his heart," Brent shrugged. I paused to think about that, then Mr. Takada called me back to the living room to pass out the drinks. I did and earned a few pats on the bottom from some of the daddies. Mr. Takada seemed to not mind that.

"Tell me more," I said when I got back to the kitchen. "Is he different with me? I'm getting clues about things and trying to figure out who I was."

Brent opened his mouth then closed it and looked at me suspiciously.

"I probably shouldn't be the one to fill in the gaps. That's something you should probe your daddy about," he said and turned back to assembling a big salad.

"Please," I begged and put my hand on his arm. He wasn't like Justin or Vlad. He had no sexual interest in me and I didn't intimidate him. The only chance I had was to beg.

"Go back to the men. I'm almost finished here," he said coldly. I decided I'd gotten all I was going to learn from him, at least for tonight.

"Yes sir," I said without thinking about his rank. I turned and left.

"Ok, now we can show it!" Mr. Takada said excitedly as I got back to the living room. There was a huge screen television over the fireplace and I already knew what he was talking about.

"NO! Oh my god seriously No!" I begged and turned to him with pleading eyes.

"Settle down. It's fucking adorable and it's already blown up on that girl's youtube channel. I didn't have to search hard to find it!" Mr. Takada laughed. Like any father, his son's misfortunes were fodder for entertainment, no matter how embarrassing.

The video cued up with the title "Bombastic Promposal from the original BHP [Beverly Hills Princess]." It loaded while the camera was stopped on my face.

"Oh he looks like a hostage in a bank robbery! Look at that scared little face. So damn cute," Mr. Park laughed and reached over to put his hand on my thigh.

"So adorable. Poor kid got ambushed," Mr. Choi echoed with a laugh. And then the video began. As soon as she called me "Colty," the room was alive with laughter. My cheeks burned bright red and I looked back at Mr. Takada with what must have been an awful glare because he immediately looked like he regretted showing it.

"Don't be mad, baby boy. You look pretty hot," he said with pouty lips. In truth I wasn't all that upset. I was more embarrassed and uncomfortable by having the entire room's attention. I knew Colton would have loved it, but I wasn't used to it. I really just wanted to take Mr. Takada back to our house and slurp on his cock.

"It's soooooo embarrassing," I said as Naya's voice started to rap behind me.

"I promise I'll make your night extra special when we get back home. Ok, boy?" he whisper-growled in that low daddy voice that had me melting. I couldn't fight off the smile that spread over my lips. I nodded excitedly.

I turned around and relaxed back against his chest. His arms wrapped around me and held me extra tight as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I grabbed a pillow from beside us and put it in my lap. My body reacted so quickly to his adoring touch.

"Look at my baby getting serenaded," Mr. Takada said proudly. And then the part came where she kissed me. The room filled with catcalls and everyone turned to look at me. I got a few jabs on the shoulder.

"This just got really hot," some voice said. "You ok with this Jason? Your little Colty becoming a man? If I had a boy that beautiful I'd keep him at home." He laughed. That hit me like a brick.

"Jason?" I asked with shock and turned to face him.

"That's me," he said sheepishly. He'd never told me his first name. The man who had dug inside me to parts no one had ever touched, the daddy who had seeded my hole and awakened feelings I didn't know I could experience, and I didn't even know his name I'd forgotten to even hunt for it. He had become Mr. Takada to me.

"Jason... Takada," I said. I touched his face. He batted his eyelashes and pouted his lips.

"Colton... Johnson," he said my name like we were introducing ourselves to each other. I stared him down until he leaned in and pecked my nose with fish lips. I giggled.

"Colty-bear? Oh this is gold!" One of the men joked at the part where Naya called me that. I groaned and buried my face in Mr. Takada's chest. He laughed and hugged me.

"Don't be mad, Colty-bear. Daddy loves his cub beary, beary much," Mr. Takada chuckled.

"Woah!" The room cheered and I realized it was the part of the video where I'd said yes.

"You're letting him go?" Someone asked.

"Hell yeah. I get to see my boy in a tux taking some hot girl to his prom. It's every father's dream," Mr. Takada laughed. I decided I couldn't call him Jason. It felt too weird.

"Colty's gettin some pussy! I'd pay to watch that," One of the daddies joked.

"He most certainly is not. He'll be a perfect gentleman," Mr. Takada assured.

"Well if he wants the full prom experience, he has to go for it," One of the daddies joked. I wasn't watching them, neither was Mr. Takada. We had our eyes locked on each other.

"Could you even imagine that? What would Colton do with her? She'd need a strap-on," one of the other daddies joked. I glared at that one. I knew damn well how to please a girl.

Mr. Takada laughed, but then added, "My Colton's packing enough to keep her happy, not that she'll ever find out!"

That got more catcalls from the room including one voice that suggested Mr. Takada would find out how well I packed it when we got home. I couldn't ever imagine me topping him. The thought made me shudder. This was going downhill fast. Mr. Takada leaned in and kissed me. He knew where my heart and body belonged. He was secure in what we had.

"Wait, what's that?" Mr. Takada said and turned me back to the screen. I saw Naya had added a message to the end of the video. She had a very serious look on her face.

"Colton was hit by a car a few days ago while he was just out skateboarding like he loved to do. He's so brave for getting back to school and I just had to brighten his day. Do good for other people and stop the bullying!" She said with a grim tone.

Who said anything about me being bullied? Everyone had been overly nice to me since the accident. She was working every angle to get views on her video. I shook my head.

"Colton's getting bullied? That's horrible!" Brent called as he came in from the kitchen.

"No. I don't think he is. Is someone bullying my baby?" Mr. Takada asked.

"No! She's just doing everything she can to get views." I shook my head. Everyone in the room looked at me with pity like I was covering something up.

"I'm not being bullied!" I was so embarrassed by the situation. I squirmed uncomfortably on Mr. Takada's bulge as everyone looked at me.

"Well good. Let's eat," Brent shrugged. I was ready to go and my stomach wasn't wanting food.

We went through a buffet line and Mr. Takada said we would share a plate. Neither of us was very hungry and we both urgently needed to get back to our house. He went through the dishes and told me what not to eat. There was a dish that had shrimp in it (allergy) and one with mushrooms (extreme dislike). Another dish was something Colton had previously said tasted like feet.

We settled on a piece of steak and a healthy heap of salad with a side of rice. We headed back to the living room with the other men and he parked me in his lap with our plate in mine. He leaned over me to cut our meat and then we took turns with the fork. I poked a piece of steak and put it over my shoulder for him. We ate and he made conversation with the other guys while I kept quiet. I was thinking and focused on wrapping this night up. We declined dessert and headed home.

"Are you still mad at daddy for the embarrassing video? You looked so adorable!" he asked sheepishly as we walked across the yards back to our front door. He kept his hand on my back like I needed guidance.

"I'm not mad at you. I was just... It felt weird being the center of attention like that. I was happy sitting quietly in your lap. I don't know the people there and it was awkward." I admitted.

"You love being the center of attention!" he balked.

"Colton loved it. I just enjoyed being with you," I said and headed up the step to our porch. Mr. Takada's hand caught my elbow and he pulled me back to face him. He slid his hands down to my ass and pulled my bulge into his.

"I still have to get used to this... new Colton," he whispered as his eyes focused on me hungrily. His face looked darker, fiercer in the shadows of the moonlight. I swallowed hard and got a chill.

"Colton was a real douche. I feel so bad for how he acted, how he treated you," I said.

"You're my boy. I loved you before and I love you now," he insisted.

"He was a total dick to you. Everyone keeps telling me that and the stuff I found on his phone. How could you put up with that? It doesn't seem like you," I asked. I let it slip about the dirty pictures I'd found on his phone that he sent back and forth with random old guys. Mr. Takada looked at me as if I'd punched him in the heart. He still held onto me, but his face ran through emotions from anger to sadness then back to composure.

"Maybe I'm different since the accident too. You take so easily to me being firm with you. You let me be the daddy I know you need. I'm the same as before, but now you're not fighting me on everything. This is a chance for us to start fresh and do things right. Being a daddy and boy, or a dom and sub, an owner and pet; it takes two. The more you open to me, the better I can be for you. Maybe a life changing accident can turn into the best thing for you. I know what you need, Colt. I know what you beg for. And now you're letting me give it to you," Mr. Takada explained.

"I need you so much it scares me. I hate feeling so clingy, but when I'm not in your arms everything feels so cold. All I hear is what a jerk I was and how people didn't even think I'd stick around. I've never needed someone like this," I lowered my eyes to his chin.

"You never had a real daddy before. You never learned how to accept love when it isn't tied to something someone wants from you. I don't want anything from you except for what feels right and helps you grow. Yes you made bad choices, but I've been patient and it's paying off. I want you to have a normal happy high school experience and a bright future. It's what I want for my boy," Mr. Takada said and kissed my cheek.

"So," Mr. Takada said as he led me back into the house. "Tell me about this girl who has stolen my boy's heart." I filled him in on Naya and was honest about how i felt when she touched me or rubbed against me. He frowned when I told him she'd squeezed my hard-on.

"Lots of gay boys your age go through a fascination phase with girls. But I know my boy and what he likes. I know what makes his cock drool in his shorts," he said as he pushed me up the stairs holding onto my ass. He gave my cheeks a squeeze and rubbed his finger over my hole.

"It's not like that. I never wanted to be a girl or wear girl's clothes. She just brings out the straight side of me, makes me want to do different things than the ones I crave with you," I admitted.

"You never wanted to wear a dress or be a girl or even do drag, but sometimes when you wanted to please me or needed to ask me for something big, you'd wear something more... girlish. You knew it had been a fantasy of mine. Donovan didn't have the body for it..." He seemed to be asking me to try this.

"Sure. I'll give it a shot," I shrugged and received his warm smile.

"There's a whole drawer in your bedroom of things you knew excited me. Why don't you go pick something out while I change out of this and we'll have our nice evening together," Mr. Takada suggested. He was completely ignoring what I said about my feelings for Naya, instead insisting I was talking about wearing girl's clothes. I agreed though. I needed his cock.

I went into Colton's small, blue-painted bedroom while Mr. Takada went to our room to get ready. I found a small dresser in the closet that had a variety of things. There were some pictures of Colton with his family, some notebooks with drawings, other things Colton treasured.

In the second drawer I found neatly folded stacks of pink, see-through, and girl-colored clothes including panties, stockings, tights, lingerie and even an expensive looking corset. It was all kind of weird. I always liked looking at my girlfriend's stuff, but never really thought about putting it on. Colton's body was made for it though with his thin build and lean muscle. As Miguel I'd been bulkier and would have looked like one freaky dude. Colton could pull it off. I picked out a pair of white, almost transparent panties that were super tiny and a pair of matching stockings that slid up to my thighs.

I felt weird and the panties didn't have a place to put my cock so I pointed it down between my nuts. Luckily, they were stretchy enough to hold my balls. The thin strap in back settled in between my ass cheeks. There was a little pink bow The only thing that turned me on about it all was the thought that he would get excited and touch me. I rubbed my hand down my legs and they did feel nice.

I started to close the drawer and heard something catch underneath it. It reminded me of a case where a guy hid flash drives with information taped under a drawer. I slid open the drawer beneath it just enough to get my arm in and felt around. My fingers touched on something hard, metal, and plastic. I pulled at it and it came untaped. It was a burner phone, one of those cheap ones you get for ten bucks at the drug store and reload with a card each month.

"Holy shit," I told myself. If Colton kept hidden messages on his regular phone that were filthy then this must have stuff he really didn't want Mr. Takada to find.

"Don't turn me on inside the community!" read a note taped to the back. Why would Colton write himself a note? Did he know what was going to happen to him? I thought it probably needed a charge anyways, I found an old micro usb plug in the drawer and plugged it in under the bed to charge overnight. I'd get to it in the morning. I had a man to take care of first.

I put on my shoes which looked silly with the stockings, but I didn't want to walk around without them. They made me feel like a guy for some reason. As I walked to our bedroom I tried to adjust my bulge, but that only made the problem bigger. The thought of being in his arms made my stomach leap.

"Woah," I said when I opened the door. Mr. Takada was checking his phone and sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide to show his fat, soft cock. He had the lights off, but the room was lit by some kind of laser show thing that splayed stars across the ceiling that twinkled and moved. There was soft dance music coming from speakers I couldn't see, and I smelled the aura of cologne he must have sprayed around. It reeked of masculine energy and had me hard.

"Come here, boy," he said without looking up from his phone. He was typing something important on it. It reminded me of the phone I had charging in Colton's bedroom. I came to stand between his knees.

"One sec, boy," he said and typed with his right hand. He put his left hand on my ass and rubbed up between my cheeks. "Fuck you feel so nice," he added without looking at me.

"It's cold in here, daddy," I said and he pulled me down to his lap. He settled the phone between my thighs and finished up what looked like a work email. There was something about a warehouse in Santa Ana. I pushed off my shoes.

"I'll warm you, one minute whiny boy," he said dismissively. He typed out a few more words, something about making sure it was zoned like he wanted. "And... done. Business never rests."

"You seem like you work a lot," I said as his arms wrapped around me and warmed me.

"My baby likes expensive panties," he growled and put his teeth on my neck. His hands rubbed up my legs and he laid back on the bed with me.

"I can't believe you finally wore these. I got them for you and you wouldn't put them on," he said and rolled me off of him onto my back. He got up on his knees and crawled between my legs, parting them and resting my ankles on his shoulders.

"So fucking sexy in stockings," he said and kissed my right leg. He had this look in his eyes I recognized from when he fucked me. He looked at my leg with a wide smile like Christmas morning.

"I just grabbed them from the drawer, thought you'd like them," I said as I laid on my back looking up at him. I wiggled my toes and rubbed one against his hair. He rubbed his nose up my foot and inhaled me. He was a man possessed as he took my feet off of him, held them up to his nose and kissed the bottom of them.

"You want to be daddy's little girl? You want me to suck those pink nipples and plow your tight little hole?" he asked as his face appeared between my feet.

"Yes, sir. Please fuck me." I nodded vigorously. Of course I wanted that.

"You daddy's little bitch boy? Begging for that alpha cock injection?" He looked down at me with hazy lusty eyes like Justin had done when Donovan was fucking him, but there wasn't a trace of weak submissiveness to Mr. Takada. He flexed those pecs as he put my toe onto his lips and slurped at the stocking fabric.

"Yeah daddy, your slutboy needs you so bad," I whined, fumbling for filthy talk. His cock was rock hard and rubbed against my ass as he slowly rocked back and forth. It poked teasingly at my hole and I wanted him in there. I rubbed my hand over my bulge feeling the stretchy, silky fabric of the panties. He reached down and moved my hand off.

"My girl doesn't touch herself until daddy tells her to," he warned with fierce, dark eyes. He wanted to enjoy sucking on my feet and letting his cock poke against the fabric. He reached down one hand to jerk his cock then slid it up under the leg of the panties to slide against my own. My cock pulsed at the touch of the alpha tool. My eyes went blurry as I stared up at him.

"Yes sir, but my boy hole needs you in it soon please," I whimpered.

"This little pussy? This little pink chute that's winking at me?" he asked as he slid a finger down between my cheeks. He pushed the string aside and rubbed my hole. My body started to twist and shake on the bed at his touch.

"Fukkkk," I hissed. "Yes sir, fuck it please."

"Fuck what?" he growled. He rubbed his finger inside it sending fireworks off all over me. My skin buzzed with electricity as he plugged into me. I knew what he wanted me to say.

"My pussy, sir. Please fuck my pussy, daddy," I whined.

"Yeah that pussy's sucking my finger in. Aw fuck look how pretty it is. You want to be a girl, huh? You want me to eat you out and suck on those nipples? Yeah? You want daddy to take care of all your pink parts?" Mr. Takada growled. He still thought I wanted to be a girl.

This was no time to correct him, especially laid out on my back with my legs in the air wearing stretchy white stockings and panties while I begged for him to fuck my pussy. But I did anyway.

"I want to be YOUR girl... but I'm a guy. I didn't feel like I wanted to be Naya. I wanted to be with her. She excited me," I said without the tone of bedroom voice. I was happy being a guy. Mr. Takada stopped and looked down at me like he understood.

"You want to try a girl?" he asked as his finger slid in and out of me. I got a sudden jolt when he touched it just right and my body spasmed.

"I've been with girls. It's not bad. Just feels different than when I'm with you," I corrected.

"Tell me about it," he said and slid his finger out of my hole. "But first, get these wet."

I slurped on his two fingers while he rubbed them over my tongue, letting me taste my sweaty hole. He pushed them back to my throat until I gagged and made a lot of spit then he dragged them back over my tongue and stretched my lips until I winced in pain.

"Tell me how you feel different," he said with sincere interest. He took the fingers out of my mouth and went back to work between my legs.

"Well, Ahh!" I started to talk but his fingers pushed inside me and worked my hole. "It's different. With you I feel so protected and safe. You have this power that just drips off your muscles and makes me want you to use me however you want. Ahhh!" He touched another perfect spot. He stopped finger-fucking me and just rubbed over that spot as my cock bounced and drooled precum all over the panties.

"You're made to be an alpha's boy, his sweet little protectorate. You're a natural boy, baby," he said and leaned down to kiss me. He was pumping my hole hard with his fingers. I whined and jolted as my eyes fluttered.

"I get what you mean though. Fucking a boy feels so different." He nodded thoughtfully as if oblivious to the intense pleasure he was bringing my hole. I thrashed around under him. He reached his free hand down to my neck and gave it a gentle squeeze to hold me down.

"Yeah, fuck me daddy. Fuck that feels so good," I begged. I was trying to follow his conversation, but he sent chills through me everytime he shoved into the hole he owned.

"I never felt this way with a girl, even when my cock stretched her open. There's just something about being with the boy who opens himself completely to me," he said.

"Uh huh. Open me, daddy," I gasped and pushed back on his fingers. My cock was dripping hard and he slid a hand down to free it. It snaked halfway out of the panties and drooled cum over my tummy.

"I mean I like women. Don't get me wrong. I do love playing with a big pair of tits," he said and leaned over me to bite and suck at my right nipple until it puffed up angrily. He slid his fingers out of me and shoved them back in my lips so I could taste myself again. I sucked on his fingers and he put his cock to my hole and slowly shoved it in.

"Yeah, daddy! Fuck me!" I whimpered and bit on my lip as he slowly shoved a python up my tight hole. The head popped in and I threw my head back with a scream as I watched the stars dance around the ceiling.

"It's hard to beat a good pair of tits especially when you can suck a little milk out," he laughed as if thinking back to some treasured memory.

"Fuckkkk daddy! Fuck your boy! Own that hole, daddy. Please!" I was so needy for him.

"And I do like to tease and suck on a clit until it cums all over my tongue," he leaned down over me with my legs on his shoulders. He rubbed up and down the stockings happily then let his lips rest on my neck. He was pummeling me into the bed with my knees on either side of my head as he shoved that cock in deeper. It filled me, stretched me, made me beg for him.

"So fucking good," I cried. I felt my eyes water and his teeth bit into my shoulder as he sucked on my skin. He started to pound me, take what was his. His strong muscled arms wrapped around me and lifted my back off of the bed.

"Yeah, baby girl. You need daddy seed that pussy? Huh? You want my seed, baby girl?" he whispered and chewed on my ear.

"Yes, sir! Please, sir!" I begged. Our hearts beat on each other's chests as we smashed together. Every time he plunged deep inside me his rippled stomach massaged my cock and ground it against my own smooth, soft skin. It felt like an eternity on the edge with my cock drooling out with every stroke he took on my hole.

"Tell me, baby girl. Tell me what you need from daddy. Tell me why you deserve my seed in that little pussy," he growled in this animal rumble that came from his chest.

"I need your seed, daddy. I need it deep inside me. I'll do whatever you want! I'll be your good girl," I swore. I'd give him anything he wanted for that hot spunk to feel it deep inside my hole and know he loved me. I felt so close to him as our bodies melded together. He made me feel like no one ever could. I'd be his boy, his girl, his bottom bitch slut slave, whatever he wanted.

"I know you will, boy. You'll do whatever daddy tells you." He punctuated each syllable by slamming into me viciously.

"Yes, daddy," I pleaded as he rammed me into the bed.

"Fuck yeah you feel so good, baby girl," he told me.

"I'm so close. I'm gonna cum, daddy." I slid my arms around his back and held on for dear life. My cock was on the edge and throbbing against his stomach.

"I know, baby. You never last long when daddy fucks you right, do you?" he offered.

"No sir. I can't... hold... ahhh!" He drove extra deep into me and his nuts smacked against me pushing me over the edge. My balls tensed up and my cock started to fire off between us. I thrashed around in his arms as he looked down at me with a wicked smile.

"Fuck yeah, baby. Cum for daddy. Your pussy feels so tight when you cum," he praised.

"Fuck, daddy! Fuck! Fuck! ing! Good!" I howled as I lost control. He nodded knowing what he did to me, knowing how he made my body feel.

"That's my girl," he soothed as he kissed my cheek and plowed my hole. "That's my good Colty."

"Oh fuck, daddy," I laughed and coughed as I recovered. He kept right on plowing me.

"Daddy's almost there," he warned. "Where do you want it?"

"Huh?" I asked, still lost in a daze.

"Mouth or pussy? Think quick, Colty," he growled.

"Mouth," I said without thinking. He ripped out of my hole and got to his feet, came towards my face and squatted in front of me.

"Here cums," he said and then let out a deep groan as he shoved his cock past my lips. I tasted myself for just a second as it glided over my tongue then felt hot salt spray down my throat as he pumped his shaft and fed it to me. I swallowed and sputtered, coughed and gagged as he growled deeply and filled me.

"Uhhh!" I screamed as cum shot down my throat, came out of my nose, and made my eyes tear up. I hadn't thought this through. I tried desperately to swallow and breathe as he suffocated me with his seed. He just kept pumping my mouth though, unable to control it.

"Fuck yeah, baby. Take daddy's cum. Swallow it all," he ordered as he pummeled my face. His low-hanging nuts swung against my chest as he rammed me and spewed his offering.

"Ahhhh yeah, fuck!" He gave his cock one more pump and I felt the last hot missile hit my throat. I swallowed as much as I could but it leaked out of my lips around his shaft and dripped down my nose and chin.

"Fuuuuuck, baby. So fucking good," he praised. He took his cock out and I fought for air, trying to swallow and clear the cum from my throat. He had quite a build-up to unload in me. I felt it run down my throat and burrow inside me.

"Ahhh fuck yeah." He squeezed out the last drop and swiped it across my chin. He fell over beside me and rolled onto his back. He reached for me and brought in against his chest. I laid there with my ear on his heartbeat listening to it pound as he recovered.

"Thank you, daddy," I said and kissed his chest.

"It's what daddies do for their little Colty-bears," he laughed.

"Not my nickname," I said and jabbed his side.

"Ungrateful little brat," he teased. He gave my ass a swat and laughed. We laid there for awhile then he carried me off to the bath to get ready for bed.


The next morning I sneaked into Colton's bedroom while Mr. Takada was doing his alone time in the bathroom. I found the phone was charged up and I made sure it wasn't turned on like the note had warned. I got dressed for school in a pair of khakis, converse, and a black t-shirt with a unicorn on the front. I slipped the phone into the pocket of the pants until I could get downstairs to put it in my backpack. I grabbed a red hoodie and put it on to cover the lump in the pocket.

I met up with him before he could find me in Colton's bedroom. He was downstairs in the kitchen making pancakes. We ate a quick breakfast then he took me to school before rushing off to a meeting.

"Donovan will pick you up today unless you don't feel good. Call me if you need me to come get you, otherwise I'll be in meetings. I have a busy day, but my boy comes first. Promise me you'll call if you need me, even if you're just sad or confused by things you forgot with the accident." He seemed extra protective this morning. He checked that I had money in my wallet for lunch and checked that the phone he gave me was fully charged. He put an extra water bottle in my backpack and a small envelope with an extra pain pill if I needed it.

"I will, I will! Go or you'll be late," I laughed.

"Everyone else can wait. I love you so much, Colton. I hope you have a good day. There's Justin now to chaperone you," he said and pointed out the window where Justin stood. Mr. Takada leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"I love you too, daddy. I'll be fine," I urged, wanting him to leave so I could check out the phone.

"Ok, ok!" he said. He took my backpack and hopped out of the car. I reached for it when we got to the sidewalk, but he shook his head and gave it to Justin.

"No carrying things until you're recovered. That pack is made of bricks," Mr. Takada laughed.

"I got it, Mr. Takada. No worries!" Justin assured as he took it.

"Thanks, Justin. And Colton is buying your lunch again, anything you want. I appreciate you taking care of my boy," he said.

"It's my pleasure, sir. You've been so nice to let me stay with Donovan while he's there," Justin said. Their small talk was getting annoying. I was desperate to get to that phone. Mr. Takada gave me one last kiss, on the forehead since everyone was watching us.

I was in a hurry to check out the phone, but I couldn't resist his touch. I buried my face in his tie and hugged him, not caring who was watching. He seemed stunned by that, but then he slid his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I said. The thought of being away from him for a full day brought panic to my chest. I held on until he pulled away. His eyes looked at me with so much guilt I thought he'd throw me in the car and drive away.

"Call or text, anything you need," he said and tore away from me. He waited for me to nod and then he got in the car and sped off to his busy day.

Justin refused to give me my backpack. He walked me all the way to my first class where I got a pitiful look from my math teacher. She called me a "poor dear," and showed me where I sat. Justin dropped my pack and headed for his class.

It took me 20 minutes to work up the nerve to ask for a bathroom pass. She handed it to me and I got Colton's burner phone from the bag, slipping it into my pocket as I left. The hall was empty except for a teacher who eyed me suspiciously. I held up the red pass and he nodded as I made my way to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and fired it up to find out what Colton was hiding.


Woah! What a crazy cliffhanger there! Let me know what you think he finds: .

I apologize if I offended anyone with the female stuff. I had to do some research on that. It's not something I've ever gotten into.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 6

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