Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 30, 2023


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Story Recap: Miguel finds himself in the body of a teenage white boy named Colton owned by Jason Takada, an older muscle-daddy. He finds himself completely addicted and helpless to Mr. Takada's touch and love, but the trail of clues leads him to push on and a cell phone provides the biggest bombshell yet.

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.6- The Boy can Sleuth]

~By Emri~

"You're a nerd though, aren't you?" I asked Justin. He frowned at that, but gave the phone a second look. I was desperate to find out what was on it. I'd spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom looking for a way to get into it, but all it showed was a white screen with the words "Say my name, bitch." written. I finally gave up and decided to wait for Justin to see if he could help me.

"You found this taped under Colton's drawer? It's a super cheap phone. Why the hell does it have this crazy security on it?" Justin asked as he turned it over in his hands.

"I have no idea! It just says `Say My Name, Bitch'," I said aloud and the phone screen started to dance in blue waves until it finally opened.

"Holy shit, that's it! It was just waiting for you voiceprint. That's so rad, dude! Now can we go get lunch? They'll run out of Orange Chicken and we'll have to eat fish sticks," Jason pleaded.

"Fine, fine," I said as he led me by the hand while I stared at the phone like every other kid in school. Jason seemed totally disinterested in the mystery. I'd filled him in a little, but he just thought I was still recovering from the accident.

There wasn't much on the phone. It had the standard junk phone bloatware plus a banking app and some messages. None of them were from Mr. Takada. I started to look at them while Jason put two trays down and triumphantly scored a plate of orange chicken and fried rice. He asked what I wanted and I just waved my hand dismissively so he ordered me the same. I wasn't hungry, I wanted to find out what Colton was up to.

The first set of messages was with a guy named Julian Cheng. It's weird to follow a conversation in text messages because it goes in reverse. There were a few messages from him to Colton asking what the fuck was up. Obviously I hadn't used this phone since the accident so Julian was pretty frantic. I scrolled way down and decided to read the conversation the way it happened.

I picked it up somewhere in the middle, but I quickly gathered that Julian wasn't interested in Colton sexually. Whenever Colton made suggestive comments, Julian ignored them and steered them back to "the plan." He said they already had enough money and it was time to get out before Mr. Takada caught on. Colton seemed desperate to leave the man.

He wanted to get to San Francisco where Julian had set up a safe place for him to hide out. Who was he hiding from? Colton said he was working hard in his Japanese class for when it was safe enough to get out of the country. Japan? I tried hard to search for a Japanese word in my head or some memory from Colton, but I couldn't. All I remembered was that Ohio meant hello or something like that.

So that was why I'd sat through a 50-minute Japanese class this morning. I had no idea what was going on, but the teacher was kind and thought it was related to my accident. Colton wasn't just trying to learn Mr. Takada's heritage language, he was planning an escape. But an escape from what? None of this made sense.

"Hey man, we need to talk," I texted Julian and looked through the other messages. There was a thread with some older guy who must have been Colton's banker. It was just business stuff about setting up the account. I remembered the banking app. I exited the messages and opened it. It was a Japanese bank with locations here in LA and in Tokyo. I saw that Colton had saved the login information and when I opened it I let out a loud, "Woah Shit!"

"What?" Justin asked. I'd forgotten he was there. I looked up to see him already helping himself to my plate of lunch. I wasn't very hungry anyways.

"Colton had... wait. Dude, we need to get something straight here," I said.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I thought you weren't hungry," Justin looked at me guiltily like he thought I was going to yell at him for eating my food. I laughed and pushed my tray towards him. I remembered being Miguel and being an 18 year old athlete that could put away huge amounts of food and burn it all off after a few hours of practice. Colton's body never seemed that hungry. Justin's was insatiable. He smiled and dug in.

"No, not the food. I need to know I can trust you and things won't get reported to Donovan or Mr. Takada," I said. I didn't have anyone else to talk this out with. I needed him. Justin looked hurt by my accusation.

"I'm not a fucking tool, dude. I'm not just some dumb jock who does what he's told all the time. Sure I drool over Donovan, but I can be a badass too." Justin flexed his arm for me. He had a hot mix of lean youth and muscle jock, but I'd seen in his eyes he was a submissive boy who just wanted to please the men he served.

"Sure," I dismissed. "But I need to know that if I let you in on this you won't go running to narc on me, at least not until I know the whole story. I'm finding out things that don't make sense yet."

"You can trust me, Colt. I've sucked your cock, dude. That's for real," he whispered like it was some sacred bond we shared instead a moment of hot, raw lust to please our daddies.

I filled him in and showed him the phone. The bank account had over $50,000 in it. Where had Colton gotten it from and what had he done to earn it? Justin showed me how to look at the deposits, but they were all in a variety of Asian characters. He recognized the Cantonese ones since that's what Donovan used with his parents, but he couldn't read any of it.

"What are you going to do with all that money?" Justin asked.

"I don't know! I can't help but think it has something to do with the accident," I said. Just then a text came into the phone.

"7th period, library men's room. Last stall," Julian wrote. Justin looked at me with shock.

"This sounds dangerous, Colt. I don't think you should go," he said.

"I have to. I have to know," I said and texted back "K."

Justin tried to talk me out of it as we finished the last few pieces of Orange Chicken and rice. It was actually pretty good and I was sorry I hadn't eaten more of it. He shared his jello with me.

The next two periods crawled by while I waited. I read through more of their texts. Colton mentioned something about going to a therapy clinic Mr. Takada had set up just before he stopped writing. It was supposed to help with his nightmares and anxiety. Julian warned him not to go, but Colton said he didn't really have a choice.

7th period finally came and I went to the study hall to check in. As soon as the bell rang to start the period, I told the teacher I was having really bad stomach issues since the accident. I showed him the health pass the assistant principal had given me. He wasn't interested in my story, he just marked me present on his laptop and shooed me away with a plastic pass.

I barrelled down the empty hallway towards the library. I got held up momentarily by a school security officer, but I showed him my pass and clutched my stomach in pain. He nodded and waived me on, being a white kid gave me an instant credibility I'd never had as Miguel. Everyone just seemed to buy whatever Colton fed them. It was magic.

I got to the men's room across from the library entrance. It was empty. I paced around and checked the phone as my heart pounded in my ear. There was no text from Julian so I wrote him and let him know I was there. I waited another minute, the teacher in the study hall probably forgot I'd even gone to the restroom.

A kid walked in wearing tight gray sweatpants with white van's and a black t-shirt. He had heavy Chinese features with a handsome face and slicked-back black hair. He looked tough enough to be Julian, but I wasn't sure. He looked at me weirdly like I was some bathroom creeper. He went to get a paper towel and blew his nose then washed his hands while I tried to not look like I was checking him out. I went to a urinal and pretended like I was pissing. He started to walk back towards the door like he was going to leave, but then he turned back to me.

"You ok, dude?" he asked.

"Yeah, just wrecked. Too much Monster drink has me pissing every ten minutes," I laughed.

"Seriously, Colton?" he asked. He came towards me, like right up on me as I stood there with my dick out trying to piss. I got scared. He studied me with narrowed brown eyes. His cologne hit my nose and reminded me of Mr. Takada. It made my dick chub up. He was an alpha.

"Julian?" I asked. He nodded and checked out my eyes like they held a clue.

"Julian Cheng?" I asked again just to clarify.

"Yeah, dumbass. Fuck, Colt! What are you playing at?" he glared. He put his hand on my chest and shoved me away from the urinal. I followed with my dick out as he backed me into a stall. He shoved me against the wall and put his forearm against my neck, pushing me up to my tip-toes. He was stronger than he looked and I drooled at the flex of his muscles and raw power. Something about being manhandled made Colton's cock go rock hard.

"I got hit by a car. I don't remember anything. I found the phone in Colton's drawer!" I melted under his hold and told him what I could. He studied my face again for a few minutes then backed off as he decided I was telling the truth.

"Fuck! They really did it! Fucking shit," he said to himself then added, "Put your cock away!"

I wrestled my snake back into the pair of lacy pink panties Mr. Takada had laid out for Colton this morning. Julian seemed unphased by the sight of them.

"Did what? I don't know what happened to me. What did they do and who are they?" I begged.

"Eizo and his crew. He's networked to guys all over the world doing this. Plus that Jason guy, your owner. He was their customer," he offered and paced back and forth in thought. He pulled out his cellphone like he was checking something out. He held it up to my face to take a super close picture. I backed away. He looked down and sent it to someone.

"Mr. Takada and Eizo Kimura? I knew it! What did they do?" I asked. I pulled at his arm as he paced in the small bathroom stall. It was the oversized handicap one so he had a few paces.

"Shut up and let me do this. We have to get in there somehow," he said and typed in something on his phone while he ignored my questions. I stood there, dumb and helpless as he paced like a caged panther.

"Get in where? What do we do?" I was desperate to understand this.

"I said shut the fuck up," he hissed. He moved towards me like he was going to shove me against the wall and I backed into the tile and put my hands up defensively. He smirked and went back to his phone. I feared Julian Cheng, but I also felt strangely protected with him.

"Such a pussy. They really did a number on you, didn't they?" he laughed. He didn't seem like such a nice guy, but he was my only ray of hope. He balled his fist on his free hand while he typed something into his phone. I watched a vein throb in his neck while he worked. I wanted to drop down to my knees and suck him off. Colton was addicted to tough guys.

"Ok, Ok! Now we got their attention. Fuck yeah!" he said and typed something again as a smile spread across his face. "They believe me! The scar is gone. They're going to help us! Finally! Fucking Finally!" Julian jumped and punched the wall. I backed away in fright. Julian Cheng was insane.

"They? Scar? I have no idea what you're even talking about," I said hopelessly.

"The agency. I don't know any of their names. Fuck, I don't even know their voices or phone numbers. I just contact them through the app. Eizo's done this before. They evaluated your case when I found you and they didn't think Takada would really go through with it, but the scar is gone! They believe me!" Julian cheered.

"What scar? I don't have any yet. I'm still recovering," I fumbled.

"You used to have some little acne scars on your cheek just by your eye where that bruise is. I'm sure it'll heal into perfect, smooth skin! It's Eizo's signature. He hates imperfections!" Julian said triumphantly. I touched my bruise. It was sore, but the skin was smooth.

"He got rid of my scar?" I touched my face again.

"That's what they do, Colton! It's like you're a doll. You were good looking before, but you had minor imperfections here and there like everyone does. Don't you think it's odd that there isn't a single blemish on you? What about the chicken pox scar on your leg. Is that gone too?" Julian asked. I didn't know where to look so he yanked at my pants and pointed to a small bruise on my thigh, the skin was smooth.

"I'm not a doll!" I shook my head. This was straight out of a movie.

"Fine! Action figure," he laughed like it was the girl terminology I objected to. I sighed.

"Right there! I fucking told them! We took pics of everything before so now there's real proof they can't ignore. Look, look!" Julian swiped through a gallery on his phone. It had pics of me and zoom ins on my face and thighs to show the marks. They were gone now.

"Oh my god! What am I going to do?" I felt a panic in my chest and I sank to the cold tile floor clutching my pants. I started to cry.

"No, no, Colton. Fuck you're such a pussy now. See what he made you? Old Colton wouldn't be a sobbing mess right now. Old Colton would already be scheming with me to fix this. You're like a three year old. Don't cry," he said and I saw his smile melt into pity. He sank down next to me and pulled my pants back up over the pink lacy panties. He sat beside me and I leaned into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it," I said between sniffles.

"We're going to fix this! Ok? The agency is sending me the worm so I can get the details to them. They'll know what to do with it. They have to know how to fix this," he assured.

"Worm? What kind of worm? What do I do until then?" I asked and wiped my face. I didn't know what it would mean to fix this. Would I be Miguel again?

"You're going to be daddy's slutty little double agent. Extra obedient, just how he ordered you until we can blow the lid off this. I bet you can't even control it. Your brain probably thinks his cock is the best and biggest you've ever seen. It's all part of your wiring now," he said to me. I raised an eyebrow. It was true I thought of him as a hung sexgod. I craved that cock so bad. He shoved the phone in his pocket and put his hands on my shoulder.

"If there's evidence, Jason might have it in his emails or texts. Plus there should be a backdoor into Eizo's system files. That's where the real jackpot would be! Come by my locker at dismissal. It's #175 by the chem labs. I'll leave a stick drive on top. You have to get it into his computer for at least two solid minutes so I can get the worm in there. That'll give me access to what I need," Julian instructed.

"Will Mr. Takada get in trouble? They'll send him away. I can't live without him," I said with a sudden pain of dread. I didn't know what I would do if they took me away from him. I wanted to run right out of there and text him to come pick me up so I could feel him again. This was shattering my world, my very base.

"That's the mind wipe talking, Colton! You just think you can't be apart from him. He did some bad shit to you! Of course he needs to pay for it, but the real target is Eizo and the network. Think of the other people you'll be saving! Give me your cell, the one he gave you," Julian said. I slid the new phone he'd given me out of my pocket.

"It's a weird one," I noted and handed him the white square Mr. Takada used to talk and text with me.

"Fuck he's got you so beyond whipped. What the fuck is this?" he laughed as he looked it over.

"It just does talk and text plus what he allows. He can send me apps when I need them and then they disappear when he sets them to," I explained.

"Fucking lit, bro. This is straight out of Singapore. I read about this. He's tracking your every move and probably listening in and watching out of this camera when he wants. It's dormant now though. You must be boring. >From now on this stays in your backpack and away from you when we talk," Julian said. I nodded. He got the phone number off of it and put it back in my pocket. He made sure my burner phone turned off.

"This phone stays off starting right now. Turn it on Monday so we can meet up again. I'll text you from another number tonight if the stick drive worked. I'll say I'm looking for Julia if it's good. If I ask for Adam then it failed and you'll try again. Be his good little slut tonight and get him relaxed so he doesn't suspect anything. If he thinks it didn't work then he might try to do it again to you," Julian said. I didn't tell them that I'd been all over Mr. Takada's cock insatiably the last few days.

"What didn't work?" I asked.

"You really don't get it, do you?" he said. I shook my head.

"They wiped you and put in this new personality. Real Colton would have fought me back. Takada probably personalized it just how he wanted and made you his obedient little pussyboy. You're probably missing him right now, aren't you? Sick little fuck," Julian looked at me with concern.

"I am... He's like this ultra magnet for me. I can't get enough. I love him so much," I admitted.

"Yeah, they did the same to my twin brother Jackson. You wouldn't remember any of this... I kept you out of it so you'd go through with it... Anyways, Jackson. Now he's in Hong Kong and won't even return my calls. He's with some old rich dude and he hangs on his every command. It took me months to figure out what happened. If I can help you, maybe I can help him too," Julian said sadly.

"Did Colt know?" I asked since he'd said I wouldn't remember it.

"No... Look, dude. I'm sorry. I thought I could stop it before they did it to you. I just needed to find Eizo and his lab so I could maybe get some help to reverse it. I don't know how many other boys they did this to, but it's fucked up and it has to stop." Julian sighed.

"You knew this was going to happen to me?" I flared angrily.

"I thought I could stop it before they went through with it. I just needed to get close enough."

"What the fuck dude? And what about Miguel?" I asked.

"Who the fuck is that?" He looked at me with confusion. I explained my past life, my girlfriend, my job, the accident. He just laughed.

"Dude you are so lost! There was never a Miguel or maybe there is, but you weren't him. They just put in some backstory to make you confused and extra needy for your daddy. When you convince a boy he's crazy, he'll latch on to whomever has stability," Julian explained.

"He wouldn't do that. He loves me. He does everything to take care of me," I retorted.

"They did the same to my brother. He thought he was a baseball player from Montreal. He even speaks french now! It's wild what they can do. They blank slated you, total Tabula Rasa, then loaded in what they wanted. This whole thing was just a computer program." Julian said.

"No, no way! Mr. Takada wouldn't do that," I protested. I thought about the warm arms that rocked me to sleep and held me so protectively. He loved me.

"You were going to leave him, Colt! Wake the fuck up! We were planning it. You were raising funds to get out. You were finding out about what he planned for you and you were scared shitless! I had a safe place in Cisco with a friend for you," Julian replied. My head was spinning.

"He did it to hold on to you and now he gets this perfect docile boy who drools over his body and does whatever he's told like a good little sex doll. Think about it, Colt. You're a good looking guy. You could have a lot better than him. You only came here thinking you could get into movies, and Jason was just a place to stay until that happened," Julian continued. Colton really was using Mr. Takada.

"No! I love him. He's so amazing and sweet to me. When he touches me my body just feels like..." I started but he interrupted and finished my though.

"Like the best thing you've ever felt. Of course it does. He made it that way so everything in you responds to his touch. The rougher he is the more you respond. Look how hard you got just from me shoving you around. You're a pussy boy who's nothing without a daddy. That's what he wanted. That's what he ordered. He killed off the old you,." Julian gave me a shove against the wall. My cock stirred.

My eyes started to tear up again. Julian looked at me with frustration.

"Look. I don't have time for your therapy session right now, Colton. I have to prepare the stick with the worm they're sending and the bell's going off in fifteen minutes for dismissal. You get back to study hall then get the stick on your way out. Remember, be his good little boy until you can get alone time with his laptop. I need all I can get from it," Julian said. I nodded. I headed back to study hall.

When the bell rang, Justin showed up to get my backpack. I needed to distract him while I got the stick drive. I told him I needed him to get a folder from my locker and I'd meet him at the office. He bought it and loped away happily. I went to Julian's locker and found the drive waiting on top. It was small enough to hide in my pocket and I raced to the office to meet Justin.

"There you are," Donovan said when I got to the office. I'd forgotten he was taking me home today. Justin came in just after me and held up the folder. He had to go to basketball practice, but he got a quick kiss from Donovan that raised a few eyebrows in the office. Donovan wasn't much older than us, so it wasn't too out of the ordinary.

Donovan took my backpack and put the folder inside. He led me out to his shiny, black sports car and took me home. He kept asking about my day and how I felt. I was too focused on all that I'd learned from Julian and i was eager to get home. If Mr. Takada had left his laptop then it would be a cinch to get the stick drive in there and put in Julian's worm.

"Justin said you didn't eat lunch. How about I make you a sandwich and you can study til your dad gets home," Donovan said when he parked in the driveway. It would keep him distracted for a few minutes.

"Yeah, sounds great. I really gotta pee," I said as I got out. He went to open the front door. I raced upstairs while he put my backpack on the kitchen bar and went to make my sandwich.

I nearly tripped on the last step, but I recovered and made my way to his office. The computer wasn't on his desk. I pulled open drawers and only found files and office supplies. I checked our bedroom next, it was gone. Of course he had taken it with him to work. That's what normal people do. I felt the stick drive in my pocket and sighed. I decided I'd better hide it and the burner phone in Colton's room.

"There you are. Everything ok, buddy?" Donovan asked when I got downstairs. He had on a yellow tank top and white shorts. He was a pretty sturdy guy and looked like he could be a personal trainer. I saw the peek of an orange waistband on his underwear as he stretched and put the plate with my sandwich on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, just feeling achy," I said. My bruises were healing, but my muscles still felt sore when I moved around too much. He texted Mr. Takada to ask if I could have a pill. I bit into the sandwich. It was turkey with mustard and lots of vegetables.

"Pretty good, huh? I'm a great babysitter, he beamed as he started to put things away. He cleaned up the kitchen while I finished the sandwich and then he gave me a pill and told me to go lie down for a nap until Mr. Takada came home.

I got a text on my phone and felt it buzz in my pocket. I wondered if Julian was expecting me to already have the laptop cracked. It was just a text from Mr. Takada telling me to go to bed and set up my tablet. I went up and changed out of my school clothes into a pair of sleep shorts and t-shirt. I got into bed and turned on the tablet. There was a video request from Mr. Takada.

"There's my boy. You don't feel good, baby?" he asked when I accepted it. He was in his car and dressed nicely in his suit. I nodded and laid back against the pillows.

"Don't worry, daddy'll be there soon. I just need to drop off files at my office. I'm stuck in some fucked up mess on the 5, but I'm coming home soon. You just rest. How was school?" he asked. I couldn't tell him about much of my day or what I'd discovered. I looked at him and saw a whole new side. Could he really do that to Colton? He basically killed him.

"It was ok. I just got so tired and I hurt... I need you," I affected my best whiny boy voice. It worked.

"I'm trying, Colt. Daddy's coming... You took the pain pill from Donovan?" he asked sounding guilty for not being by my side.

"I did," I yawned. "But it's so cold in here." I rubbed my hand down my chest and slid it into the shorts. I needed him home so I could get to the laptop.

"Get under the covers. Wait. You still wearing the pink panties daddy put you in this morning like a good little boy?" he asked.

"Yes sir," I said and pushed down my shorts to show him. My cock was hard and trapped in the restrictive lace. I rubbed my bulge for him. Whatever worked.

"Oh fuck that's so hot. Spread your legs for me, boy." He rubbed his crotch while he inched along in traffic. He had his phone mounted to the dashboard so he could watch me.

"It's so empty down here," I said and spread my legs for him. I moved the fabric aside and winked my hole for him. I put a finger there and saw the longing in his eyes.

"Look at that pretty little pink hole winking for daddy. Ok, fuck the office. I'm coming home. Rest up and maybe you'll feel better when I get there," he said. I watched him look up at the roadway and move his arms like he was steering away from the traffic. I knew he'd do his best to get there. He told me he loved me then let me go.

I got under the covers and settled in for a nap. The pill had me sleepy and the sandwich had me full. I nodded off thinking about him rushing home to play with me. As confused and angry as I'd been, I was still very much in need of daddy's cock.

"Colt? Colty-bear?" Mr. Takada's voice woke me up. I blinked up at him to see him in his nice suit leaning down to look at me.

"Hi daddy," I yawned sleepily and squeezed the pillow I had been hugging, but it wasn't a pillow. It felt furry and smaller. I looked down and realized it was a teddy bear.

"I felt so guilty this morning leaving you at school. Your sad little face watched me drive away. You held onto me like you were afraid to let me go. That new French store, Thierry Aurand, on Rodeo makes them. They put a little bottle of that cologne of mine that makes you so hard right inside it so when you need to smell me you can just hug it. It gives a light spray so it won't mark you. A boy shouldn't smell like a man unless he's been with him. But it will bring you comfort when you need me. Do you like it?" he asked.

His eyes looked at me searching for my approval in a way I hadn't seen before. He put himself out there and I guessed he worried that Old Colton would mock him for it. I was seeing things differently now. I read how desperate he was for Colton's adoration. It was hiding just beneath the surface and competing with his need to be a strong, alpha daddy for his boy.

"He's beautiful and so soft." I smiled and pet the chocolate brown bear dressed in little gray pants and a red hoodie with a black t-shirt that said `Daddy loves You' in red script. Mr. Takada smiled at me and put his hand on my stomach to rub it. My heart started pounding both in anger and lust. My cock thickened up and I forgot about the stick drive.

"You waited for me, like a good boy?" he asked. I nodded and started to sit up.

"Of course you did. My boy knows his pleasure always comes from his daddy." Mr. Takada winked at me confidently. How could he be those terrible things Julian told me about? It didn't make sense. He loved Colton so much.

"There's more. I had my secretary pick these out for you. He knows what boys your age like," he continued and grabbed a small brown shopping bag from the table. He pulled out a pack of sporty athletic briefs in neon colors. I laughed.

"Non-trashy underwear!" I said and remembered the lacy pink panties I had on.

"I love what you wear, but these will work better for school. I don't want anyone thinking my boy is free for the taking," Mr. Takada said. He opened the pack and took out three pair of sensible guy underwear. They were an expensive brand and much better for working out or feeling my package secure during the school day.

"Now I'll stop getting looks from guys when I bend down or squat. I can go back to gym class without worrying," I laughed.

"You used to love the attention from anyone who would give it. Now you know your body is just for me... and others we choose to include," Mr. Takada said and leaned down to kiss me as I clutched the briefs.

"Thank you, daddy. They're perfect," I said. I felt his warmth radiate through me like a fire. I knew he couldn't do anything to hurt me. Julian must have been wrong. I was safe here. Mr. Takada couldn't have gotten mixed up in this stuff. There had to be a good explanation. I thought about throwing away the stick drive and the burner phone. What good would it do to betray the man who held me so lovingly in his arms? I couldn't get him mixed up in this. What if he ended up in jail?

"I need to hop in the shower. I had to rush my training session at the gym to get home to you. I didn't get a chance to shower," he said as he loosened his tie. He got off the bed and took off his suit while I watched.

"You need some sexy music," I laughed.

"Oh yeah? Daddy strips to the beat?" he danced and put his tie around my neck then tightened it. He used it to pull me up for a kiss. He did smell kind of ripe, but I liked it.

"You stay right there. I'll be out in two minutes." he said. Two minutes. That was what Julian had said I'd need for the worm to get from the stick drive to the laptop. Mr. Takada went and disappeared into the bathroom. I fidgeted there for a minute until I heard him turn on the water. Could I do it? Could I betray him? What if he really was involved with this? What if he had made me into a blank person and programmed me to be his obedient cock slave. Was it worth finding out the truth?

I darted out of the bed before I could think it over anymore. I saw he'd left his work bag on the floor and his laptop was plugged in on a side table out of view. I ran to Colton's room and got the stick drive, before I could think it over more. I knew this would eat at me if I didn't get some answers and the threat of disappointing Julian Cheng would be severe when I got back to school on Monday if I failed.

I shoved it in the USB port of his computer and opened it to turn it on. He didn't say I'd have to log in. I couldn't anyways. I just hoped the worm would do its work and get in there. I went to the bathroom to see how he was doing. He looked at me from behind the foggy glass as he soaped up his nuts and gave his cock a tug. He was hard, so was I.

"I wish you could join me in here, but we can't get the cast wet," he lamented as he stopped soaping himself and took me in. This was good. This would buy us time if I could keep him occupied for a few minutes.

"You always love it when I fuck you in the shower. I get that hot little pussy soaped up with the oil wash and then ram it in hard while you hold onto the tile shelf," He said and wanked his cock for me. He licked his lips and ran a hand down over his brown, soapy pecs.

"Fuck yeah. Tell me more," I begged in my best whineyboy voice. I took off my shirt and pushed down my shorts to show my throbbing cock in the pink lace panties.

"I love seeing my boy in those. Fuck yeah you love when daddy pounds you under the hot spray. I pull that hair and make you beg for it. My good little pussy boy with his needy little hole. You want that, baby?" he asked and gave his hard cock a squeeze. He pounded it against his open palm a few times to show off the heft of what he lugged around. I licked my lips.

"Come here, boy. Come to daddy," he said and opened the glass a little. He popped out his head and gave me a wet, steamy kiss when I got to him.

"Fuck me daddy. I'm so hard," I said. He reached down a wet hand and pulled at the waistband of the panties. My cock and balls fell out of the side and he reached to give my cock a pump. My whole body shivered at his touch.

"I can't wait, baby." He reached and angled the showerhead away from the glass door so it wouldn't spray out. There was a superthick foam mat in front of the shower and he pushed me down to my knees on it. I put my casted arm over on the glass so it would stay away from the water. He put his cock to my lips and pushed into me. I slurped on the huge invader until it hit my throat and made me gag.

"Too big for you? Too bad, boy. Daddy needs that throat," he growled and shoved into me with force. I wretched but didn't vomit. Spit drooled out of my mouth over his cock which only made him go harder. He started to fuck my throat as his fingers brushed through my black hair. He gripped it and held me still while he fucked.

"So good, boy. No one makes my cock feel like this," he praised. His other hand went under my throat and rubbed it as he felt the outline of his cock fucking me.

"That's good, boy. Now get your prize," he said. He pulled my face off his cock and he sank to his knees on the wet tile. He pulled my face over to his armpit and shoved it in. He hadn't washed his pits yet but they were wet. I inhaled his funky sweat and my tongue went out instinctively to taste his salty buildup. He hadn't put on any deodorant there, it was all him.

"You love how a real man smells and tastes, don't you, boy? Suck your reward, boy. You did good today for daddy," he growled. He gripped my hair tightly and moved me up and down to clean out his left armpit. I breathed him in and felt my cock leaking precum. This was so fucking hot. I forgot all about the stick drive I'd put in his computer.

"Mmmm," I moaned in pleasure as I slurped up the last of his sweat. When I started to taste just skin and hair, he moved me over to the other one. I stopped momentarily to pick a pit hair off my tongue. He laughed and took it to put near the drain. I coughed and felt another one in my throat.

"Hazard of serving a daddy, but you love your job," he said proudly and shoved my face into his right armpit. I slurped a fresh batch of salty funk. It made me so hard.

"Look at this tight little pussy begging for me," he noted as I felt his wet finger poke at my hole. I licked and sucked his armpit, so intoxicated by his smell. He must have worked hard at the gym.

"Let me get at that," he said and pushed me away from his pit. He turned me around and dragged my back half into the shower with him. He tore the pink panties off my ankles and shoved them in my mouth. I struggled with him but then accepted them. I could taste the precum I'd left in them from earlier. It was dried and hard but the hot water made them come to life.

"Suck on your panties, little boyslut." He had me on all fours as I fell forward against the floor mat. My cast was still dry. He poured bodywash over my ass and then worked it into me. I let out a loud moan when his soapy fingers shoved inside my hole. It was so ready for him.

"Getting that hole nice and clean for daddy's cock. Yeah baby you feel so good. That eager little beaver needs its wood," he praised. I looked ahead and saw the mirror showing us half in and out of the shower. Mr. Takada was dripping as steam rose around us. I had that same look of hazy lust that I'd seen on Justin's face when Donovan was plowing him, only there was pink lace hanging out of my lips as I sucked them clean.

"Fuck yeah, that's my good little girl, sucking daddy's fingers inside her. Such a tight little baby, but so ready for daddy's cock," he praised. I mumbled happily with the underwear stuck in my mouth. He was sliding his fingers in and out of me with force, only stopping to add more of the oily wash. I looked behind me to watch him.

The Californian in me had the sudden thought that we should turn off the water, but I had my mouth full. I turned back to the mirror and thought I caught a blink of a green light.

"Mah Mick!" I suddenly said to myself though the underwear in my mouth made it hard to talk. I'd forgotten about the stick drive. It had been at least a solid ten minutes since I'd put it in. I needed an excuse to get out of there.

"What?" Mr. Takada asked, obviously not understanding my panty-stuffed speech.

"I need lube. I'll get it from the bedroom! I remember where you put it. You finish your washing," I kept rambling as I pulled off his fingers. I got to my feet before he could argue and I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist.

"Nonsense, the wash is super slick. The lube in the bedroom will just wash out in the shower," he said, but I was already out of the bathroom.

I raced across the room and noticed a blue light on the stick drive. I hoped that meant it was done, but those lights don't usually mean anything. I yanked it out of his laptop and quietly closed it.

"Baby? What's wrong? You're all weird. Did I hurt you?" Mr. Takada called. I heard the water turn off and I chucked the stick drive under the bedside table on my side of the bed. I heard it land with a thud and then roll out onto the floor.

"Colton!" He shouted and came out naked, hard, and dripping.

"Yes, sir?" I asked like I had no idea what was going on.

"What's wrong? You got daddy so hard." He gripped his cock in one hand and beat it against the open palm of his other hand to show me. "And then you left. You know I hate when you do that."

I guessed Colton had done that to him before. "I... I'm sorry. I just came for the lube but I thought you left it right here on my table. It's not here," I said with my most innocent boy voice. I walked over to where the stick drive was on the floor. I nudged it under the table as far as I could with my toe.

"It's here, baby girl. You forgot where I keep it," he said with a voice full of pity as if he was chalking this up to my amnesia. He reached into his drawer and pulled it out. He tossed it over to me and I caught it.

"I get so confused, daddy. Nothing makes sense anymore. I need my daddy," I played along and started to sniff back fake tears like I was completely out of it. He ran over to me and swooped me up off my feet.

"I know baby. I pushed you hard to get back to school and a normal routine again. It's ok. We have a nice weekend now and we can just relax together. Does that sound good, baby girl?" he asked in a deep daddy tone that had me feeling weak in his hold.

"Let's get you fucked properly and then back to bed. Would you like that?" he asked as he carried me back to the bathroom.

"Yes sir. Please fuck me," I asked him. He nodded solemnly like he understood it was his duty. He laid me down on the granite counter so my ass was hanging off the edge. He grabbed a rolled up towel from a basket and put it under my head for when he banged me into the mirror. I kept my legs raised in the air and parted so he could see my hole.

"That's it, baby girl. Spread that pussy for daddy. Get ready for that thick, Asian meat." he growled. He'd never called it Asian before. It seemed weird even though he clearly looked Asian though mixed with European and African... and he had told me of his Korean and Japanese roots. Still it just seemed like a weird thing to say. I tried to respond in kind though

"Yeah daddy, I need that hot Asian meat in my... Wait! I don't even know what I am! Damn it, Colton sucks! I loved being Mexican. Now I'm just generic white boy," I burst out laughing. I felt his tip rubbing at my hole.

"You're not generic! You're my boy!" Mr. Takada hissed as his cock pushed into my hole.

"What kind of boy am I?" I asked.

"Your genetic tests showed British and Scandinavian roots. They did a whole work up of you. Utah has a very small genetic pool," he laughed. I gasped, both from him shoving inside me and the red flag that he had run that kind of test on me.

"You had me studied?" I asked and started to raise up with my elbows under me.

"I wanted to know what I was getting," he laughed like it was nothing. I started to ask more questions, but his cock slid over my special spot and sent a deep chill through me as his warmth filled my body. I flailed on the counter and let out this high pitched whine.

"There we go, there's my good pussy boy. Suck daddy's cock in. Open for me. You feel so good, baby," he beamed in pride and leaned down to kiss me. He wrapped his arms around me. He had me folded up like a pretzel and whining for more. I sucked on his tongue like a pacifier as he pushed deep inside me.

"Mmmm," I moaned on his tongue as he stretched me with his thick cock. My eyes rolled back as warmth spread out from his cock, his arms, his lips. He filled me with life and wrapped me in this cocoon of ecstasy and safety. Nothing else mattered when I was on his cock.

"You are so fucking beautiful, baby," he praised when his lips left mine. He looked down at me with pure joy and love. He slid a hand down my chest and started to jerk on my cock slowly as his cock began to pound me.

"Fuck me, daddy. Make me yours," I begged through ragged breaths. He pistoned in and out of me with urgency.

"And that hole feels like it was made just for me. It's so perfect, so beautiful," he growled.

"Just how you ordered it, daddy? It's what you paid for?" It was a stupid thing to say. I don't know why I said it. The conversation with Juian Cheng had floated back into my head.

"I knew you were what I wanted the minute I saw you online," he said as he pounded away at my hole. That had me totally confused, but he was rubbing that spot inside me that made my body shake in ecstasy. I kept losing focus. I really was a slave to his cock. I was his boy.

"Fuck, that's good! Yes daddy!" I screamed. He leaned into me and bit softly at my neck while he pistoned in and out of me. His arms wrapped around me securely and he pressed me against his chest. He lifted me up off the counter and let me slide down his pole.

"Uhhhh!" I gasped as he backed away from the counter with me in his arms, balanced on his cock. I slid my legs down to wrap around his waist. He backed against the wall and leaned on it as he jackhammered me, bouncing me up and down on him. I impaled myself on his cock and the deeper he got the better it felt. He dug into me with brute force and growled against my ear.

"My girl can't get enough of that monster cock stretching her tight baby pussy. Can she, Colty? You my little Colty-slut?" he growled.

"Yes daddy! Fuck yes! Own that hole. I'm so close!" I whined.

"Yeah? You're going to cum for daddy?" he hissed as he drove up inside me.

"Uh huhhh," I whined as my head rested on his shoulder. My arms wrapped around him and held on as he pounded away at me. He went back towards the counter and laid me down on the towel without stopping his assault on my hole.

He slid out of me just to the tip and then bent forward and took my throbbing cock into his mouth. He slurped up and down on it and looked up at me with those eyes that told me he loved his boy. He rubbed one hand over my sensitive stomach and I felt his cock pull out of my hole. It was replaced with two fingers from his other hand.

"Huhhh," I whimpered. I was disappointed at first, but then those fingers went to work milking my prostate and rubbing right on the one spot that made me go weak and beg for more.

"Fuck, daddy! I'm gonna cum!" I whined and looked down at him as my pale white boycock disappeared into his soft full lips. He easily took me without gagging and making a mess of himself like I did when I had his cock.

"Fuhhhh!" I whined and shoved my cock up into his mouth where i started to unload. He sucked and slurped me, taking every drop of my seed as his tongue worked my shaft. My eyes rolled back in my head and I couldn't focus on his face. I thrashed around as he worked me like a puppet pulling the strings of my muscles.

"Muh! Mah! Moo!" I screamed nonsense as my brain went white from the intense feelings pulsing through me. I was so lost to him. I reached for his hair and slid my fingers into it. I didn't grip it or push him down on me, he was still the daddy. I just pet him and held on as I exploded in his mouth.

"Fuhhhhh. Kinnng. Gooood," I howled as I shot the last drop of cream inside him. He nursed it for another minute until it got so sensitive I begged him to stop.

"Stop, stop, stop, please!" I whined and tried to get away. He just looked up at me though. It was his cock to do with as he pleased.

"Please, daddy. Please!" I begged and he pulled off of me.

"Thank you, thank you, sir," I gasped. He rose up from between my legs and came up to give me a kiss. His lips wrestled mine and he delivered my load back into me mixed with his spit. I swallowed then sucked his tongue clean. I laid there spent and happy in his arms until his cock shoved into me again.

"Take it baby. Take the cock you beg for," he growled. He leaned down over me and kissed me while he started to fuck hard. He pistoned in and out of me a few times until I felt the deep growl build in his chest. He was close.

Without saying anything, he kept his lips on mine and his tongue in my mouth while he drove into my hole. He fucked me with force and I felt his balls slap against my ass. He was really burying it deep. I got hard again and my cock was drooling more precum while he stuffed me.

"Huhhhh," he moaned on my lips and then I felt his body tense up and hot cum start to shoot into me. He rammed it deep and slow, holding it each time he shoved into the hilt. His body jerked and my hole felt warm and stretched as he filled it with his seed.

He pounded a few more times as he emptied into me then relaxed against me, pinning me on the counter under his muscled frame.

"Fuck, I love you, Colt. Like no one else," he said sleepily and kissed me.

"I love you too, daddy." I meant it. He smiled at that. He left me there on the counter and told me to stay put. He dashed into the shower and cleaned himself then came back with a hot, wet little towel and cleaned me.

I felt like a baby. I was on my back with my legs spread while he cleaned me off, rinsing the hand towel in the sink. He wiped me dry with a towel and then went to the closet where he found a pair of Colton's slutty briefs. This pair wasn't too bad. It was yellow and stretchy but see-through. He put it over my ankles then slid it down to cover me. He lifted me up and then set me on my feet. He put me in a pair of shorts and tank top then he put on a pair of shorts without underwear and a t-shirt.

We had dinner with Donovan and Justin. We settled into the couches and watched tv until a little pinging sound disturbed us.

"What is that? Sounds like someone's phone," Donovan said.

"It's the baby phone! I set that chirp!" Mr. Takada sat up. "Who would text it?"

"I'll get it," I jumped up, but he pulled me back down to the couch.

"You will not! No one should be texting my boy. You don't even know the number," he looked at me with jealous anger like I'd done something bad and went to get it from the charger where he'd told me to put it.

I stayed there on the couch and listened for some reaction. There was just a little laugh.

"Who was it? Someone from school?" I asked with a little too much interest.

"Nothing to worry about. Just a wrong number. I guess someone had the number before you and they were looking for that person," Mr. Takada said and came back to the couch to slide me back into his lap where i'd been resting.

"Who were they looking for?" I asked. I remembered Julian Cheng told me that if he asked for Julia it was all good and if he asked for Adam then I had to do it again. I needed to know if the worm worked.

"Don't worry about it, baby boy. Daddy took care of it," he said. He pulled me down against his chest and kissed me as a commercial for extra powerful laundry soap ended.

"But, are you sure? What if they really need to find that person? Let me go check. Maybe I know them," I said and started to get off of him.

"I told them wrong number and they said ok. That was it. Nothing to worry about," he said as if I was being silly. He pulled me back down and held me against him.

"But who were they looking for? Did you read the name? What was the name they asked for?" I asked with a little too much desperation in my voice.

"It wasn't Miguel if that's what you're worried about." He eyed me sadly thinking this had to do with my neverending quest to figure out what happened to Miguel.

"No, it's not that. Let me just go look. Please, daddy?" I begged a little too hard. His sympathetic smile faded to frustration.

"That's enough, Colton. It was just a wrong number. Nothing to get excited about. When you're with me, the phone isn't your concern. It's only for when you're away and only to contact me or one of your emergency contacts. When you're with me, it's not yours to worry about!" He was starting to get angry.

"But, daddy..." I started to argue but he cut me off with a hard swat to my ass.

"I said enough! My boy doesn't talk back when Daddy said no! Do I need to take you upstairs and remind you who owns this ass in the way you don't enjoy?" He looked at me with heavy disappointment and rubbed my ass as if preparing for another swat. He wasn't used to me arguing. He was caught off guard by it but quickly recovered to remind me who was the alpha.

"No sir, I'm sorry. I'm just sleepy," I said and faked a yawn. I couldn't push it. I could wait until later and then get to it. Julian would be pissed at me if I didn't respond and the worm hadn't worked, but he'd be more pissed if I blew things with Mr. Takada and exposed the plan.

Then there was something else. I felt this pain in my chest when he got upset with me. Something inside me physically reacted to letting him down. I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"I know, boy. You can fall asleep here. Daddy has you now. You're safe. I've got you," he said and rubbed my back with one hand as his other slid up and held the back of my head against his chest. I looked over at Justin and Donovan who were trying to act like they weren't paying attention to us. Justin just shrugged at me. I knew he hadn't told about the money we'd found on Colton's phone. I wondered how much more I could trust him with.

Mr. Takada rubbed me soothingly and I felt his warmth of approval fill me again. It put my body at ease and soon had me yawning. I hoped I could wake up sometime in the night and go find out what Julian wrote and if the worm worked.


Another crazy cliffhanger! It looks like these guys are headed for rough times! Thanks for letting me know your thoughts. They help me know where to go with the story. Send comments to my email or my blog (link below):

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Next: Chapter 7

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