Take a seat / highschool

By Robert Strong

Published on Feb 21, 2000



"Take a seat" Nathan said as I walked into the room, his bedroom. I quickly looked around, and spotting a black beanbag in the corner, made my way over to it.

"So how'd you go with that book I lent you?" he asked as I sat down in the beanbag as graciously as possible.

"Yeh, not too bad. Good to see he finally gets it on with that chick towards the end though. Thought it'd never happen," I replied, shifting my weight to try and simultaneously be comfortable and not look uncoordinated in the overfilled bag.

"Not like he wasn't trying throughout the whole book, though," he said sarcastically.

"Too true." And it was true. The book Nathan had given me to read last week was more or less your James Bond style god-like-guy-meets-god-like-woman, rescues said women from ultimate disaster, and retires to screw his way into the next book. Made for a good relaxing read, but it was far from a work of art.

"And how about last night? Did you manage to pull on?" he asked me as I changed positions in the beanbag again.

"Ha, I wish. I swear that chick is tighter than a fish's asshole, the way she gives out," I was referring to my very short-term 'girlfriend' of sorts, Melissa. We had been going out for a week or two now, nothing serious. I was just basically using her to cover my blatant homosexuality, something I hadn't come to terms with myself, let alone wanted to tell anyone else about. This relationship would end more or less the same as the previous few had: with me breaking up with them due to some inane or non-existant problem that I would blow out of proportion and thus justify ending the relationship. By doing this, I managed to maintain my cover as a heterosexual, yet never got into the position of having to admit my gayiety or, even worse, get into a situation where it would be proved by my inability or unwillingness to 'go all the way' with a girl.

Melissa and I had had a date last night, movies and McDonalds after. I could tell that if I had pursued it, I might have actually gotten a bit of action off her. But that wasn't what I wanted. What I wanted was action off this prime young specimen in front of me; my best friend Nathan.

Nathan and I, both sixteen years old, had been friends for some time now. We met through a mutual friend when highschool started, and since we were both on the swim team together, got to know each other pretty well. When I first met him, I thought he was cute. But when he really hit puberty and the swimming really started to take effect on his body, he turned into a virtual god. Although not strongly tanned, he had that type of porcelain skin that had no blemishes on it, and was just the right milky white with a bit of golden tan to drive me crazy. Blue eyes with dark brown, curly hair that grew in an almost Neil Gallagher type style, perfectly white and straight teeth (courtesy of a year a braces in grade eight), broad shoulders, skinny waist, hardly any chest, arm or leg hair, a good height of 6 foot, and most of all, a perfectly sized bulge in his speedos, combined to make Nathan the object of my numerous wet dreams and masturbation sessions.

I was dreaming off about him when I zoned back in to what he was saying.

"...be hard up hey?" I catched at the end of the sentence.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked, unable to understand the fragment that I had caught. He looked a little uneasy when I asked him to repeat it; I wondered why.

"Um, I said, you must be pretty hard up by now then, yes?" he repeated, not looking me straight in the eyes as he usually did when he talked to me.

"You better believe it. My balls are like watermelons," I joked, still wondering why he seemed a little uneasy.

There was a moments silence, which I broke.

"Which is not a good thing, considering we've got training in an hour. Nothing worse that the feeling that you're about to get a hard-on when you see those chicks in their bikinis at the pool, when all you're wearing is speedos," I commented, well, actually lied. I had never felt like I was going to get a hard on by just looking at girls. It was the guys on the swim team, especially Nathan, that gave me a hard-on.

"Yeh, know exactly what you mean," he replied, looking down at the floor.

One thing I had noticed about Nathan these past few months. Firstly, he rarely, if ever, bought up the topic of women. Which, for an adolescent male, is a strange thing. I hardly even caught him looking at girls, and would only comment or look if someone pointed out a good looking girl first. And then there was this; whenever someone started to talk about women to him, he would look down at the ground, as if he didn't want to talk about it. I had thought at times that maybe he was gay like me, but dismissed it as nothing more than wishful thinking.

"Especially when you're doing laps up one way, and a chick is in the opposite lane, keeping pace with you, and every time you breath, all you see is a faceful of tit," I joked with him, another lie. In fact, I loved nothing more than doing breaststroke behind Nathan or another guy on the swim team, getting a clear view of all that was infront of me.

"Ha, yeh, know exactly what you mean" he said, still looking down. What was that though? He said, 'know what you mean' again, in response to both my observations about hot girls at the pool. There was something going on here.

We were quite for a few seconds, Nathan still looking down at the floor, and me taking this opportunity to see up his pant leg to try and catch a glimpse of underwear. He was sitting on a chair infront of me, so my head was at the same height as his cock.

"I can feel myself getting a hard on just thinking about it," I ventured. We always joked around about sex and stuff, but just a comment like that, saying that I was getting a hard on, was a bit unusual. He looked up from the floor and instead looked at my crotch. Maybe I had gone too far, thinking that maybe there was something there when in actual fact there wasn't. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach.

"That's not going to do your swimming any good, having to drag that thing through the water," he joked with me, smiling. God that smile sent me crazy....

This was followed by an uncomfortable silence, both of us staring at objects around the room, but not at each other.

"Is it OK if I get changed here?" I asked, breaking the silence again.

"Yeh, go ahead," he said as, with great difficulty, I got up out of the beanbag and grabbed my backpack that I had bought with me. I unzipped the top of it and pulled out my speedos.

"Where should I go?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Why not here?" he said, picking up a pen off his table to avoid looking at me.

I froze for a second. What was he suggesting here? Was this purely innocent, was he teasing me, or was he trying to make a move on me?

"Here?" I asked.

"Yeh, I'll just turn around," he said, swivelling in his chair to face the opposite wall.

I stood there for a second, unsure what to do. What the hell...he had invited me to get changed here, he obviously had no problem with it, and I had nothing to hide, so I undid the tie strings on my pants and dropped them to the floor, pushing my boxers down with them.

I stepped out of my underwear and pants and stepped into my speedos, pulling them up to my waist. It was there that I came to a problem.

My dick had responded to being naked only metres from my dream boy, and had started growing. I tried to push it into the material of the speedos, but they were tight, racing pairs, and all they did was cover the enormous bulge, making it look even more obvious. I tried to rearrange it, to no avail.

"Taking your sweet time," Nathan muttered, sarcastically again.

"Well I told you, hard-ons in speedos are not good," I said, still fiddling with my dick.

With that, Nathan swivelled around in his chair to face me. I froze with panic. Here I was, with my 6.5" cock bulging out of my tight speedos, half my pubic hair showing, and Nathan was staring at my near-naked body.

He shook his head from side to side.

"I'm afraid that isn't going away that easily by the looks of it," he said, staring at my bulge.

"Um, yeh," was all I could manage, looking down at it. I was afraid to touch it, in case it popped out and Nathan saw it all...what little he didn't already see that is.

"So why don't you do something about it?" he ventured, changing what he was looking at from my cock to my eyes.

I just raised an eyebrow at him, thinking I knew what he meant, but not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

He continued to look at me for a second, and then reached over to a corner of his desk that was behind him. There was box of tissues there, which he grabbed and handed to me.

I looked at the box as if it were some kind of relic from another planet that had mysteriously and suddenly appeared in my hands, blank and dumbfounded. He was suggesting that I beat off!

"Here?" I asked him when I finally came to my senses.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before or done myself," he replied. OK, so he was keen to see me beat off.

I went back to staring at the box of tissues in my hand, and finally getting my nerves together, put it down on the bed beside me before reaching down to my speedos.

I pulled the front of the swimmers away from my waist and my cock raised up to peek out over the edge. Nathan would just be able to see the top of the uncircumcised head from where he was. I reached in with my other hand and pulled it out all the way, where it sat straight out from my body, pointing at my best friend.

He only caught a glimpse of it, because next I bent over to pull my speedos down to my ankles. As I stood up I pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it on the bed beside me. I was now standing totally naked infront of him.

I stood there for a second, noting the fact that Nathan was staring straight at my cock, transfixed by it. I reached down with my left hand and took good grip on the shaft, then pulled back until the foreskin peeled back over the red, hard cockhead. A small drip of precum had oozed out of the head and stood like a pearl in my piss-slit.

Then I moved my fist forward, closing the foreskin over the head again and feeling my first and second finger run over the bell-like edge of the head, sending sensations all the way up and down my back and legs, through my entire body.

Then I repeated the movement, back slowly until the foreskin was open, then forward until it closed. Then I did it again, but a bit faster this time, and then again, faster again. Within a few seconds, I had a good rhythm going, stroking myself infront of my best friend.

I had closed my eyes for a second to enjoy the sensations of jerking off, and when I opened them again, they went straight to Nathans crotch, attracted by movement there. His hand was rubbing the obvious bulge that had grown between his legs.

I continued to stroke my cock, feeling the sensation of my fingers running over the cockhead run through my entire body, when Nathan spoke up.

"That's the first time I've seem someone who is uncircumcised jerk off. How do you do it?" he asked.

I ceased my cock stroking efforts, causing my dick to jump a few times..

"Easy, really. Just put your fingers here," I said as I took a step toward him so he could see easier, and wrapped half my fist around my cock so that my middle finger rested on the bell edge.

"Then make a fist, and stroke," I explained, as I did just that, closing my hand around my cock and beginning to stroke again.

He watched closely as my hand ran up and down my cock, opening and closing my foreskin over the red tip. This felt so much better with him watching, better than ever before.

I continued to stroke myself, starting to feel the beginnings of an orgasm coming on, when, he spoke up again.

"Can I try it?" he asked. "I have to use lube to do it properly, like you're doing," he added, as if to justify his request.

I took a second to think about it. Then decided that it required no thought at all; I knew what I wanted.

"Sure, go ahead," I said, as I removed my fist and took a step back to let him get up out of the chair.

He walked over to me and stook beside me, never taking his eyes off my cock. Then he reached across my body and grabbed my dick with his left hand, so we were both facing the same direction, him to my right.

This was the first time another guy had touched my cock, and the feeling was electric. I nearly blew my load right there and then. But I managed to hold on long enough for him to start stroking me.

It was bit cumbersome, he wasn't able to get the angle correct, and wasn't really doing it right. He kept loosing his grip and couldn't get a good stroke rate going.

"Hold on, try this," I said, taking a step to my left and causing him to let go of my cock. Then, I backed up to him so my ass was against his crotch, and he was looking at the back of my head. I reached behind myself and grabbed his left hand, then bought it around to the front of my body and placed it on my cock.

I saw Nathan look over my right shoulder to see what he was doing as he rearranged his grip on my shaft, and at the same time, moved his right hand up to my sternum, using it to pull my body closer to his. As our bodies touched, his chest and stomach against my back, I felt his rock hard cock press up against my ass. It made my asshole tingle and my cock jump again. I physically felt another drop of precum leak out of the top of my cock. He now had a good solid grip on my dick and was holding my body tight against his.

He started stroking me again, the wet precum causing a slapping sound as my foreskin open and closed over the head. I looked down and saw the glistening substance had worked its way over a few of Nathans fingers, also making my entire cock slightly damp.

He continued to stroke me, gripping tight and going fast, just as if I were doing it myself. But standing there, with my best friend, who I had dreamed of for years, doing it me, was so much better than anything I could ever have hoped to achieved by myself.

He started to grind his hips into mine, driving his dick, covered by his pants, into my bare asscheeks. I could tell that it was pointing straight up, and the tip was running up and down between the crack as he dry humped me. The thought got me even hornier, and I started to feel the orgasmic sensation returning to my dick.

"I think I'm going to cum soon," I said quietly, simultaneously pushing my ass back against his cock.

He tugged my dick a few more times, then stopped and removed his fist. A few strings of precum followed it. I could see his forefinger and middlefinger were covered in it, as was about two thirds of my cock.

"We wouldn't want that, just yet, would we?" he mused, grabbing my waist and turning me around so that I faced him. We were eye to eye, and he smiled again, nearly driving me to cum all over him even without anyone touching my dick. Then he did something that took me by surprise, even at this point.

Still keeping eye contact with me, and smiling all the way, he dropped slowly to his knees infront of me, my wet cock now only inches from his face. He moved his gaze from my eyes to the hard, wet dick in front of him, and gripped it again with his precum-covered left hand. He moved the foreskin right back so the red end was pointing directly at him, covered in wet, clear, sticky precum. Then, without warning or hesitation, he opened his mouth and took above half of my cock into it.

The feeling was unbelievable. This was the first time I had gotten head from someone else, and Nathan was working on my cock like there was no tomorrow. First, he ran his tongue over the bell end, licking off all the precum, and then I could feel him rubbing it back and forth quickly over the underside of my cock, at the most sensitive part at the bottom. He did this whilst creating a suction like no other on my piece of meat, and simultaneously moving his mouth back and forth over the shaft in a wanking-like rhythm. It was all I could do not to collapse.

I moved my hands down to rest on the top of his head, so that even though he was doing all the work, it felt like I was face fucking him. He continued to work my cock, holding the base with his left hand so that it pointed straight out, and working on the rest of it with his mouth, swallowing all the precum that had previously covered it and licking up any more that oozed out.

I had closed my eyes and was concentrating on not cumming straight away when I felt his left hand move from my cock and be replaced by his other hand. Before I knew it, I felt his left hand reappear on my ass, his fingers resting on the crack.

He started to explore my ass with his left hand as he continued to suck away on my dick, alternating his tongue movements from flicking back and forth on the underside to running over the bell head and in and around the piss slit. This was driving me crazy.

Then his fingers, still wet with precum, found my asshole. I felt it twitch as he touched it for the first time, and started to kneed it with his forefinger, pressing gently against it and rubbing it in a circular motion. I pressed my ass back against his hand to show my approval, taking care not to remove too much of my cock from his mouth while doing so.

I closed my eyes again, and then, without warning, I suddenly felt his finger penetrate my virgin asshole, driving it in to what felt like about the second knuckle, about six centimetres.

I jumped with surprise, driving my cock right into Nathans mouth and pressing it up against his throat, which served a good purpose really, because the act of getting ass-fingered for the first time caused a shot of cum to jump out of my cock, which then landed at the back of Nathans throat, causing him to swallow it immediately.

My knees buckled as he withdrew his finger until only the nail was still inside me, and then slowly slipped it back in again, lubed with my own precum. I could feel every millimetre of his long finger moving into me, and was lost in the combined sensations of being fingered and having my dick sucked.

He pumped his finger in and out of my ass a few more times, getting me loose a little bit and making my ass feel a little bit more confortable with the finger that was lodged in it, when I felt him push it in as far as it would go, right up to where it joined his hand. I could feel his finger pretty deep inside me, wiggling around.

I was enjoying this too much to think, but I should have realised what it was he was looking for before he found it. When his finger touched my prostate gland for the first time, my entire body suddenly jumped with a surprise additional sensation, like no other I had felt up to this point. I felt another volley of cum launch out of my cock to land at the back of Nathan's throat. I took the pause in sucking as meaning that he had swallowed it like the previous one.

Now that he had found the gland, he drove his finger even deeper into my ass, causing me to drive my dick further into his mouth. He wiggled the end of his finger over the gland, as if it were a roller ball on a tracking mouse.

"Mmmmm...I'm going to cum," I managed to whisper through clenched teeth, feeling my load whell up inside me, ready to spray out into his mouth.

He stopped stroking my prostate and simultaneously removed his mouth from my cock, causing it to slap up wetly against my lower belly, leaving a wet patch of saliva and cum on my belly button. He removed his finger slowly from my ass, leaving it feeling a little sore, but also making me wish it was back in there.

He stood up to face me.

"Did you like that?" he asked. Need he ask?

"Need you ask?" I replied, smiling.

"I couldn't let you cum just yet though. In case you haven't noticed, I'm still fully dressed," he said, stepping back and holding out his hands to display his clothed body.

Without need for further hints, I kneeled down infront of him and lifted up the front part of his shirt to get to his pants. I could see the bulge there, and couldn't wait to see what his cock looked like. I had seen him nearly naked in speedos, but to finally see him fully naked and allowing me to do whatever I wanted to him, would be a dream come true.

I found the ties that were holding his pants up, and started to fumble with them. In my excitement, I could hardly work out how to undo them. Finally, the knot came undone and I loosened the elastic around his waist.

Immediately, I hooked my fingers into the waistline of his pants and found the elastic of his boxers. Then, running one hand to the front of his pants to pull his underwear out away from his cock, I quickly but gently pulled down his pants and boxers.

And there it was; the object of my desires. His cock was as beautiful as the rest of him: porcelain white perfect skin, covering a straight 7 inches of hard cock, ending in a pinky red slightly pointed cockhead which pointed out from his circumcised bell-end. His dick was longer than mine, but a little thinner. The thought entered my head that if he decided to put it in my ass, it wouldn't stretch my asshole too much, but I would be able to feel it deep inside me.

The base was covered in short, probably trimmed, brown pubic hair, and his balls were shaved by the looks of it, completely hairless. They clung close to the base of his cock, and were of average size. The musky smell of his manhood reached my nose and drove me crazy. Without further ado, I gripped the base of his cock the same as he had done with mine, and opening my mouth, took as much of it into my throat as I could.

There was little or no taste to his cock, just a hint of saltiness as I licked around his cockhead to pick up any precum that might be there. I tried to do the same for him as he had done for me, using my tongue to flick back and forth over the underside of his dick and run it in and out of his piss-slit. I used my left hand to stroke the rest of the shaft of his cock, the part that I couldn't fit into my mouth.

I continued on like this for a minute or two, savouring the taste of his dick and cum. After a little while, he lifted his shirt up over his head so he was fully naked. I took the opportunity to reach around behind him and grip both his asscheeks with my hands, leaving my mouth to work his dick.

I started to feel around his ass to find his anus, and when I did, I started to kneed it like he had done with mine. I would have pushed my finger in right there and then, but it was dry, and I knew it wouldn't work properly, at least, not as good as he had done for me.

I ceased my sucking on his cock and rocked back onto my ankles so that I was still at the same height as his cock and ass.

"Turn around, bend over and grab your ankles without bending your knees," I ordered him. This might have been a hard task for some people, but I knew that both Nathan and I were quite flexible from the training we did. He did as I had told him, exposing his pink anus and hairless asscrack for me.

I moved forward on my knees and positioned my face at his ass. Then, I got under him and stuck out my touch to lick his balls, which were just visible between his legs. I looked down at him, and saw him staring at my cock, which was inches from his face but too far away from him to do anything with.

After licking his balls for a second or two, I proceeded to lap my tongue further up his asscrack until I reached his asshole, which I spent a few more seconds playing with, rubbing my tongue around it and pushing the tip inside a little. I felt him jump as I broke into him just slightly.

Teasing him, I left his anus and continued up his asscrack until I reached the top, leaving a trail of spit from his balls to the top of his asscrack, with a large wet patch at his anus.

I rocked back onto my ankles at looked at him, his face upside-down to me.

"You like that?" I asked.

"Hell yeh," he replied, starting to stand up, thinking it was all over. But I quickly grabbed one of the hands that he was using to hold on to his ankle, so he stayed where he was. Then, I rocked forward again off my ankles and dove into his ass again.

This time I attacked his asshole straight away, using my tongue to wetten the whole area and lick in and around the puckered hole. Then, as if I were giving an open-mouthed kiss to someone, I opened my mouth and sealed off an area around his anus.

Then, I started to suck as best I could, which was not very well, but also started to prode his hole with my tongue.

At first, it was gently prodding. Then, I poked him hard enough to break the seal of his anus and popped my tongue inside him half a centimetre. I left it in there for a second or two, then pulled it back out.

Next, I prodded him again, not entering him, but just pushing against his ass. Then, I pushed hard enough to enter him again, this time twice as far as before, but still only a centimetre or so.

Just as quickly, I removed my tongue and prodded him again, but not entering him. Then, I did enter him, this time, by two centimetres.

I carried on this routine until I had my entire tongue pushing in and out of his asshole, as far as I could get it in and then pulling it all the way out, then prodding his asshole but not entering him, but pushing it in as far as it would go again. By the groans he was letting out, I ascertained that this was driving him crazy.

Next, I reached around underneath him to grab his cock. It was pressed up against his belly, but I could still play with it and stroke him a little bit as I continued to drive my tongue into him, adding swirling motions as I went and especially swirling it around when it was inside him, as if I were pashing his asshole.

After only a minute or so of this, I heard him mutter, "Wait..."

I stopped, standing back and drawing in a deep breath of air. That had been hard work. I saw a large wet spot around his asshole as he stood up and turned around to face me.

He walked up to me and grabbed me in an embrace, quickly locking his lips onto mine and opening his mouth to pash me in the same way I had pashed his asshole seconds earlier. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and move around my teeth and lock with my tongue.

The passionate kiss lasted for what felt like a full minute, when he finally broke it.

"That was unbelievable," he said, gripping my shoulders and holding me at arms length while he looked me straight in the eyes. I just cocked my head to one side as if it say 'it was nothing'.

"The only reason I told you stop is because I was going to cum right there and then, and I didn't want to do that," he said.

"Why, what did you have in mind?" I asked him, unsure of what he was thinking of.

"Not so much what, but where, as in where was I going to cum," he said.

This last part I didn't quite understand. He could cum anywhere he wanted to; this was his bedroom and I was sure he had cummed just about everywhere through it anyway.

Then, he leaned to one side, using his grip on my shoulders to move me the other way, and looked down at my ass for a second, then returned his gaze to my eyes.

He wanted to put it in my ass.

I smiled at him. "I think we can manage that," I said, still smiling.

Letting go of me, he walked over to his bedside table and pulled out a tube of lubricant from the drawer there. Popping the top, he squeezed out a bit onto his fingers and started to work it around his hard dick.

"Lay down on the bed, facing the wall," he instructed me, squeezing out a bit more lube and adding it to what was already on his cock. I did as he said, laying down on the double bed on my side, my ass facing him, and myself facing the wall.

I felt him lie down on the bed beside me.

"Now curl up into a foetus position," he told me, moving a pillow so he could use it to prop up an elbow onto. Again, I did as I was told, pulling my legs up to my chest and holding onto them with my arms. This movement exposed my asshole, which apart from Nathan's finger, was still virginal, to his cock, which was just lower than my ass and pointing directly up at it.

I saw him squeeze out a bit more lube from the bottle and felt him start to work it into my asshole, using two fingers to spread it around my asscrack and one to work it into and around my actual asshole. It felt so good to have his finger back in there, but before I knew it, it was gone again.

I heard him cap the bottle and put it back over on the beside table, then use a couple of tissues to dry his hands. I then felt his left hand rest on my waist at the point where my legs started to curl back up to my chest, just above my exposed buttocks.

"Are you ready?" he asked, grabbing hold of the base of his dick with his right hand.

"Sure. Go ahead," I answered, rolling my head forward to look directly at the wall and relaxing my ass muscles as much as I could.

"OK," he said, moving up slightly on the bed to position his dick at my entrance.

I could feel the warm, wet tip of his dick press against the virgin flesh of my tight asshole, and was getting ready for it when he suddenly applied a small amount of pressure and the tip of his dick popped into my ass.

There was a moment's pain while my ass got use to having something a bit bigger than his finger in there, but like I had said, his dick was long and fairly thin, so it wasn't an enormous thing to get use to. My ass adapted quickly, and I got use to having him inside me.

"You OK?" he asked, pausing for a second. He must have noticed me jump when he pushed the tip in.

"Yeh, I'm fine. Just take it slow," I told him, glancing over my shoulder to look at him.

Without replying, he applied a little more pressure and I started to feel the shaft of his dick move into me, slowly, slowly. I could feel my asshole stretching, and it sometimes felt a bit painful, but every inch or so, Nathan would stop for a few seconds and let my asshole expand to accommodate the new length of shaft that was in me.

After what seemed a few minutes, I could feel the prickly bush of his pubic hair push up against my asscheeks and crack. He was all the way in; his dick was right inside me.

"That's it, it's in," he confirmed. "How are you?" he asked, still concerned.

"Fine, just fine. It feels absolutely fantastic," I told him. Not a lie: it felt unbelievable. I couldn't wait until he started to pump me.

He paused for a second, then started to slowly withdraw his long shaft from my now non-virgin ass. I could feel every inch slip out of me, right up until his dickhead popped out and his dick was out of me again. My ass felt hollow: I wanted him back in there.

But there was no need for me to say so; he quickly put the head back in and then started to push the shaft back into my ass again, at about the same speed he had withdrawn it from me seconds earlier. It felt so good to have his dick running into me, impaling my exposed ass.

When he was all the way in, up to the base of his dick again, he paused, and then started to withdraw it again, but this time paused before the head popped out. Then, he started to push it back in, this time a little quicker, until it was all the way in, at which point he pulling it out again until only the head was inside me. My ass was on fire with sensations; I thought I had died and gone to heaven as my 16 year old best friend steadily broke in my asshole.

Within a few minutes, he had a good stroke rate going, pulling out and pushing in the full length of his dick at the rate of a slow masturbation session. My ass was feeling fine, and the lube made it easy for his dick to get in and out..

Then, he stopped with his dick fully lodged inside me.

"OK, now straighten your legs out," he told me, moving his left hand from my waist to my lower thigh and directing my legs down until I was lying straight again. Now, we were both lying outstretched, him facing my back and his dick inside me. As I moved my legs down, I could feel the dynamics of my ass change, and especially felt my asshole tighten its grip on his dick.

When I was lying straight again, Nathan resumed his drilling of my ass. He pulled out again, and then drove back in, slightly slower than before. This way was way better than before: I could feel his dick rubbing against my asscheeks as he pulling out and pushed in to my asshole. I started to take deep, short breaths, and I could hear him doing the same.

"God, you're so tight. This is great," he said, looking down at my ass as he pumped away at me.

I had no reply, I just laid there lost in ecstasy as he fucked me for the first time. The first time of what I imagined would be many.

After a few minutes, I felt him reach around with his free left hand and formed a fist with it around my rock-hard dick. The mere sensation of him touching my cock caused it to jump and issue a glob of precum. He quickly started to stroke my dick.

The feeling from this was unbelievable. The simultaneously sensation of him drilling my ass and jacking me off was too much. My asshole started to convulse around his dick, tightening its already tight grip on his shaft. I could tell I was going to cum any second now.

Then, I heard Nathan let out a "mmm...hhhhh" sound, and felt his dick drive deep into me as it started to jump widely. He was cumming inside me, and I could feel the hot spurts of cum painting my insides.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The thought of him cumming inside me, him screwing my ass, and also jacking me off launched me into the biggest orgasm of my life so far. It was all I could do not to scream out as I spurted shot after shot of long, stringy, white cum over his bedspread, his hand and my stomach.

After what seemed like minutes, with Nathan slowly rocking his dick back and forth in my ass to squeeze out any remaining cum and finish off the orgasm, and using his hand to do the same to me, he finally withdrew his deflating dick.

He rolled back onto his back, and I did the same, rolling over onto my other side so that I faced him. I moved my right leg over his so legs were intertwined and put my right arm on his chest. Both our bodies were dripping with sweat and I could feel the heat from his body as he took in deep breaths to recover form the orgasm.

There was silence for a second, niether of us knowing exactly what to say.

"That was...unbelievable," was all I could manage, thinking that only minutes ago I had walked into his room, as I had done on hundreds of days before this, not expecting anything different, but instead receiving the best sexual experience of my life.

"Yeh, I know. I think we might have to try that again some time," he mused, smiling at me again.

We layed there for a second more.

"We've got training in half an hour," I told him, looking over at the clock on his bedside table.

He turned to look at it too, then turned to look at me and smiled again.

"I've got a better idea," he said, as he rolled over onto his side to look away from me, and curled up into a foetus position, exposing his virgin ass to my now hardening dick.

I could tell this was going to be a good training session.

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