Taken In the Woods

By Dudley Jarvis-North

Published on Mar 28, 2018



Please support Nifty.org with a donation. It's a great resource for many writers and readers who love these stories. A retried Boston journalist, I've written several on here, including James (Encounters, Jan. 25); The Bass Player and The Pact (both in Encounters, September 2017); Aaron's Basement (Adult Youth, December 2017); Drink It (Urination, Sept. 20 and 24, 2017). Always enjoy comments from readers of these little fantasies (with some reality thrown in. Feel free to share your thoughts. doctordestiny@comcast.net

By Dudley Jarvis-North

The scene: The wilds of New Hampshire on a summer day.

The characters: Me, my friend Bro (two guys; Charlie and Larry, two woodsmen.

Bro (25, a muscular 6-footer with a hairy chest): Hiking in the woods always makes me horny.

Me (23, smaller wiry build and hairy all over): Why is that?

Bro: So secluded. The right place to take off your clothes, have a beer, beat off, maybe more.

Me: There's a nice spot over there under that tree. Wanna take a break?

(Bro pulls out a blanket from his backpack and a couple of beers. He takes off everything but his briefs).

Me: This is perfect. I see you're horny. You're hard.

Bro: I am hard. What are you going to do about it? You could start by stripping down. No one's here.

Me: OK. (I strip to my Jockey shorts. I am shorter than my buff buddy with longer dark hair in contrast to his sandy-colored Marine cut. But my dick matches his 8 inches).

Bro: That's a lot better. Quite a bulge you have there.

Me (wondering what's gotten into Bro): You're making me horny.

Bro: Move closer. I want you to touch something. (He grabs my hand and puts it onto his tighteys).

Me: Feels awfully big.

Bro: Why don't you pull down my shorts?

(I do it without thinking, surprising myself. His dick is beautifully shaped, with a meaty mushroom head and straight shaft. Bro's hairy down there -- a generous thicket of pubic hair crowning his tool and big balls. I wrap my hand around it and start to jerk it)

Me: I wasn't planning on this. Got me excited. You do this with your other pals?

Bro (Ignoring the question): You have nice lips. Why don't you show me how nice?

Me: Not sure about that. I have never done that before.

Bro: (Grabbing the back of my head and pushing it toward his crotch). Just do what I say. Lick the head. Tastes so good.

Me (Surprisingly into it already, I put my mouth on it):Hmmm...it has a flavor I've never tasted before.

Bro: But you always wanted to. It's dick sweat and precum. Put it deeper in your mouth. I need to get blown really bad.

Me (It's all the way in and tickling my throat): Ahhhh... I think I like it, Bro.

(This continues for about five minutes)

Bro (Abruptly pushes me off): You did well. Now I need to teach you some other stuff.

Me. Like what?

Bro: Lie down on your stomach.

Me. What are you planning?

Bro: You'll see.

Me: But nothing too crazy.

(Bro roughly pulls off my Jockeys).

Bro: Lift your ass up a little. (I feel his tongue on my crack. It moves from just south of my balls to the top of my crack and parks in my hole).

Me: Oooh ... that feels so good.

Bro. My tongue likes your hole. But it's just to loosen you up for bigger things.

Me: I don't think I can do more than get licked.

Bro: Yes, you can.

Me. Ahhhh... your tongue feels so good. I've never had a tongue in my butt.

Bro: Didn't realize you were so hairy down there. Like how sweaty it is. Some day, I'm going to shave your butt with a straight razor.

(Bro continues to lick my butt and gets me wet as he slides one, then two fingers inside)

Me: I never felt anything like that before. Strange sensation I'm feeling.

Bro: You're about to feel another one.

(Bro grabs my hand and makes me reach backward and grab his dick, which seems to have swelled in size)

Me: You are so fucking big.

Bro: I know.

(Bro has placed the head of his dick against my lathered hole and begins to push it in. His mushroom cap is gigantic, flaring out from the shaft).

Bro: Relax, breathe -- push out like you need to go. There's no turning back. You are going to get fucked.

Me: Go slow, Bro

(Bro ignores me and in 5 seconds, he has his fattie halfway inside)

Bro: That's a-boy. We're almost there. Can't believe you are swallowing my meat. (He has his arm around my neck and is hugging my torso)

Me: This is starting to feel good.(I have spoken too soon as Bro is no longer gentle. He plunges the rest of his 8 inches in one quick motion).

Bro: Take it up your hairy ass, the way it was meant to be taken. Never told you that I always wanted to do this. I've been staring at your rear end for months. Thought you'd pick up on that.

Me (I hadn't, but I had dreamed of getting fucked. Bro is so straight, I never thought he'd be the one. Then I am feeling the full fury of his dick):It hurts, Bro. Never did this before. Could you take it out while I catch my breath.

Bro: Not a chance. Your ass is mine now. Relax the muscle inside. Visualize your best friend's dick inside your hole. Do it for Bro.

(Just then we hear the noise of a truck rumbling through the dirt path nearby. Then we hear the sound of footsteps on leaves and twigs.

Before we have a chance to disengage, two guys are on top of us.

Wally: Hey, Charlie, looks like we found a couple of fudge packers.

Charlie: Looks that way.

(We instantly realize that we've in a dangerous situation. The two look like something out of "Duck Dynasty."Charlie is about 6-4, weather-beaten face, dirty blond hair and scraggly beard. He looks to be In his 50s, arms covered with tattoos; his flannel shirt has been cut off at the shoulders. Actually, he's a hot daddy. Wally is much younger shorter, more handsome, ethnic, probably with roots in Quebec, 5-11, dark hair, closely cropped beard, dark eyes, a menacing look. They both have muscular bodies and are wearing flannel shirts, tight Levi's and boots.)

Charlie (showing anger as his veins can be seen popping on his neck):You guys are trespassing on my fucking property. Didn't you see the "No Queers" sign?

Me (thinking an apology might help: We're sorry, man. Didn't know we were trespassing.

Bro: We'll leave right away. No hard feelings.

Charlie: The hell you will. (He nods at Wally and points at the pickup truck. Wally heads toward the truck.)

You fucking city boys think you can come into my woods, litter the place with beer cans, and do any fucking perverted thing you like. I'm here to tell you different. Retribution is in order. (Wally has returned with a rope curled around his forearm): You guys get up against that tree and wrap your arms around it like the good tree huggers you are.

Me: Sir (I decide to try a respectful approach), we didn't mean any harm. We'll clear out immediately. Be glad to pay you for using your property. And we'll clean up the spot we were using.

Charlie (having none of it): Do as you're told and you guys won't get beaten to a pulp. Move against that tree. Now.

(They are tougher than we by a thousand miles. Bro moves onto one side of the tree and and I on the other, me facing inward, Bro outward. We are sweating now).

Wally (circling and moving swiftly with the rope reaching under our arms to our waists and then around our ankles.): Charlie, Today is my birthday. Looks like we found my present.

Charlie:Happy birthday. You get your pick. (We are naked except for the briefs we barely had time to put on. The woodsmen move closer. Wally reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife).

Wally: You guys won't be needing these. (Wally cuts off my shorts).

Wally: No use scaring the creatures out here with your screaming (he stuffs the remnants of the briefs in my mouth).

(Wally shreds Bro's underwear. They slide to the ground. We hear belts being unbuckled and zippers being unzipped. Charlie and Wally have pulled down their pants and slid their BVDs to their ankles).

Charlie:Which one you want? Your birthday, your choice.

Wally: I want the short one (that was I). These sissies have never had real man-dick up their butts.

(He pushes up behind me and coos in my ear.)

Wally:(He inspects my rear) I like hairy asses. I know you can handle my hog, but I want you to feel it first and get an idea of what you'll be taking.

(Wally moves his dick into my right hand. It was a whopper -- 9 inches, fat, uncircumcised, with a slight bend in it.

Wally: Pull the skin back, loosen it up.

(I tug back his foreskin as best I can with my body pinned by the rope. Wally obviously hasn't showered in a few days. I can turn my head enough to see there is smegma on the head and in the folds. He notices my look of disgust).

Wally: Sorry if I offended you, prissy city boy. You ever taste dick cheese? Maybe I should make you clean it with your tongue.

Charlie: (watching intently with dick in hand). Nah, just take his hole. He really wants to get fucked. He has a boner. (Charlie is right).

Wally: (pushes into me, spreads my cheeks, spits on my hole and rubs his dirty dick up and down the crack, still moist from the workout Bro had given me earlier). I see you're ready-- all wet for me.

(I figured it was useless to talk him out of it. I feel a shock of pain as In one motion Wally has thrust his 9-incher up my ass. It hurts and my brain is numb. Wally leaves his dick deep inside me for a minute, then he pulls it almost all the way out and back in hard. He pulls my hair and whispers in my ear.)

Wally: You like my donkey dick, don't you? It really likes your hairy hole.

(I try to breathe deeply and imagine being in a safer place, but his dick was hard to ignore. I was getting raped. Even stranger, I liked it. Wally continues to push in and out, sometimes all the way. I feel the rhythm of him long-dicking me. My prostate feels it, too, as it responds to his dick poking into it. I am hard).

Wally: Your ass feels better than my wife's pussy, much tighter. Your friend who was fucking you must have small dick. It didn't stretch you much. My load is ready to fill you up. Tell me how much you want it.

Me (obliging): I really want it. Please give me your cum. (I feel like Patty Hearst switching sides. Bro gives me a dirty look perhaps with jealousy mixed in).

Wally (breathing heavier and making loud noises): I'm... yes ... I'm ... oh, fuck...jeezus ... gasp .... yes ... damn...fuck....I'm coming in your ass. (His dick pops out and cum is already oozing from my hole. It must have been a huge load. Wally, still up against me, sniffs and licks my neck -- the only sign of tenderness through the whole ordeal).

Charlie:I've never seen you get so loud. You must have enjoyed your birthday present. His ass must be nice (perhaps betraying a tinge of jealousy).

Wally: His ass is the eighth wonder of the world. (With one final indignity, he gives me a hard whack on the buttocks.)

Charlie (cutting the rope and releasing Bro from the tree): Wally likes it standing up, but I don't. You're going to take it doggie-style.Get on your knees.

(Bro, unusually silent up to now, suddenly gets chippy): Fuck you, Redneck. You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves. Let us go right now or you'll be sorry. (Bro has made me nervous with this outburst, but the two woodsmen erupt in laughter).

Wally: She speaks. We'll see how tough she looks with Charlie's dick up her shithole.

(Bro looks defeated, knows he is powerless to stop them)

Bro: Get it fucking over with, asswipe.

Charlie (pushing Bro to the ground): Get on all fours. You'll be begging for it when you see how fat it is.

(He pushes Bro's cheeks apart and spits once on his hole):That's enough lube for you. Faggot trespassers should get dry-fucked. Lift your ass up now or Ill use my belt on it.

(His tool, while not as long as Wally's, is a beer can of a dick and circumcised. He pushes it slowly past the ring of Bro's ass, taking his time.)

Bro (living dangerously decides to taunt his rapist): Is that all you got? It feels like there's nothing in me. Is it even hard? (maybe Bro is just stalling)

Charlie: What you say, jerkoff? Just for that, I'm going to lash your butt. (Charlie pulls his belt out of his jeans on the ground). Let's see how red I can make it.

Wally: He disrespected you. Beat his ass into submission.

(Charlie is plainly irritated as his belt makes a loud thwapping sound as leather meets Bro's skin).

Bro (still in a taunting mood): You call that a whuppin'? Didn't feel anything. You need to go heavier on the weights at the gym. (I am now totally worried for Bro's safety).

Charlie (grabs the rope and ties Bro's hands tightly behind his back): We'll see what you say after the 20th one. (Charlie grabs Bro's head, jerks it back and puts more might into the thrashing. The sound of belt on ass becomes louder.)

Bro: (at the fifth one) Ow. Fuck. Hurts. OK, you win.

Charlie: That's what I want to hear. Didn't take long for you to cave. Still, you pissed me off and my dick will make you pay. (He beckons Wally as he mounts Bro). Come over here. This queer needs to suck dick while I'm plowing him. That'll shut him up.

Wally (moving up to Bro's face and pushes his dick against his lips): I think you'll like my foreskin. It has cheese inside and also your buddy's ass juice. We don't like loudmouths around here.(Wally pulls back the skin, which has the remnants of his fucking me on the head and specks of smegma).

Charlie: Lick him clean or I'll use my belt again. (Charlie is now all the way in with his beer can of a dick, pounding Bro's hole as if he were fucking a farm animal, which he probably has.I watch as Bro takes it like a champ, sucking Wally's gamey uncut dick while handling Charlie's weapon on the other end without complaint. I actually feel envious).

Charlie (his moaning gets so loud the whole forest knows he's coming): My 5-day load is shooting inside you, fairy. You'll have wet-ass for the trip home.

Wally (in sync): You better swallow all of my cum. (Wally erupts in Bro's mouth. I can see his cum oozing out of the corners).

(Then it is over. They untie us, get dressed, get in their truck, and tell us if they ever see us again, they might not be so pleasant.

Bro (pulling on his Levi's): Let's get the fuck out of here.

Me: Yep.

(But secretly, I'm thinking of returning alone next time.)

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