Taking Down Arrogant Andy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 4, 2022


So, as we headed back to my place, I could tell that "arrogant andy" was beginning to get somewhat, well, arrogant. "Speak up andy boy. Something's bothering you and I plan to gag you tonight, so get it out now." "Sir, you let another man use me." "Damn right I did. Better get used to it." "I didn't want to do it, Sir" "Who cares?" He began to sputter. Then came the answer that made me glad Sir Roberto had turned him down. "You know, you can't just do that." I started to laugh. "Sure I can andy boy. Know what you are?" "Your lover Sir?" "Yeah, but you're also my sub, and my slave. Property. " "I didn't agree to that Sir." I laughed some more. "Sure you did. And if I have to get you to agree to it again, I will." "I'm. Not. Property." "SIR"

It was gonna be fun.

"You have a woody andy boy?" He began to color and he said very softly "yes sir." "Hmmm. Why's that?" "Because I'm thinking of your cock and what you're gonna do to me." "Ha ha. If you knew, you might not be so hard, bitch stud. I had something in mind but clearly, you need a reminder of your place." He was scared. No question about it. And he should've been. When we got home, I shoved him up against the wall. I had slipped on my gloves right before we got out of the car, and I pushed him against the wall, holding him right by his Adam's Apple. "LISTEN UP STUDMUFFIN. GET OUT OF YOUR CLOTHES AND GET ON THE BED. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED AN INTENSIVE REVIEW OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE MY SUB." "I don't need a review of being a sub sir, but I am NOT your slave." Now I grabbed his nipples, and I squeezed. "GET UNDRESSED AND GET ON THE BED. NOW." He had on the cage, of course, but by touching his dick, I could tell he was hard. GOOD. That's what I wanted. First, I ordered him to tie one of his own wrists down and to do a good job. I saw the look on his face. But he did it. Then I grabbed his other wrist and tied that one. From the way he winced when I did the second one, I knew he had left the first one loose. I tied his ankles next, nice and wide. "You're gonna be screaming andy, so.... open your mouth. " That provoked him to tighten his lips. Nothing like a good smack on the balls to get your sub to open his mouth and once it was opened, in went the cleave gag. That was the type I knew he hated. I just wish I had one that I had used to clean up jizz. That would have been perfect. And that's when the reason why he didn't tie his wrist very tightly became clear. He slipped out of it and tried to grab for me. "That was stupid andy. REALLY stupid." A moan came out of him: a big one, when I pushed my knee into his crotch. Then when I bit his nipple, that wrist dropped and he gave no resistance as I tied him. "Now..." I took the bag with the little clover clips and sprinkled them over his chest. "How many you think are here? Forty? Fifty?" I took his balls in one hand, and I took a clip in the other. Then I attached it to some of his loose ball flesh. The first moan and attempt to scream was louder than the others, and it took a while, but I got forty of them all over his ball sack and penis. The moaning had changed to something almost like crying when I finished. Except I wasn't TRULY finished. "Bigger ones for bigger game," I sneered and pulled out a set of tit clamps. He was kind of exhausted from screaming but moaned some more. I could see his eyes. He was begging for relief. He wasn't getting it yet. "Now, andy. I have been wanting to do something for a LONG time and I just waited until now because... I didn't know if I was going to keep you. I am." He looked confused, until I took out the electric clippers. "Yup, stud. Nice and smooth. Your first pruning. Plan on one every week. " He began squirming. He clearly didn't want this but... I wanted it and he was going to learn that MY wants came first. He was relatively calm as I got his chest hair taken. I collected it into a little ball, and put it to the side, on a table. He had this terrified look when I moved to his first arm pit, and he tried to pull his arms into his sides. A yank on the tit clamps took care of THAT, and as he moaned, I got one, then the other pit cleaned. "You're sweating andy. Must be the leather. You'll get used to it." I added that hair to the pile. He looked at me and I could tell: he knew I wasn't done. "Ok big boy. I'd keep real calm if I were you. Those clamps have got to hurt and.. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" His eyes rolled in his head as I picked up his balls so I could get a good position to take his pubic hair. OH MAN. I wish I had taken pictures. The look on his face was SO FUCKING HOT. This big, rich arrogant hunk was totally and completely helpless. There was just enough slack in the ropes so I could do something I have always wanted to do: andy has a hairy ass if you don't keep it under control. He got the closest I've ever done to a "Brazilian wax," just with the clippers. And all the while, I saw his anger turn to fear and then resignation... and submission. There was pre-cum leaking from his cage. My finger probing his ass hole didn't help. Nor did my moving the clips on his balls like I was playing the harp.

"Know what I think you want even more than those clips off your balls, andy? I bet you want cock in your ass." His head moved slowly, but he was shaking it "yes." "Well, now here's the thing andy boy. We've come far enough along in this relationship where there's one place to go, or it ends. And you know where that is? When I take the gag off, you're going to repeat after me: "I'm Jerry's slave. He owns me." When I saw reticence cross his face, I went back to "playing my harp." And I began to stand up instead of taking the position I normally took when I fucked him from that position. "You know you wanna say it andy. And if you change your mind later, that's ok because... I'll persuade you again." I took off the gag, and I didn't say anything. Instead, one hand pulled the nipple clamps, and the other one "played the harp." His moans were so sweet: is there anything hotter than a big, muscular man at your mercy, groaning and moaning as you torture him? "I'm Jerry's slave. He owns me." It came out in a weak voice. "LOUDER." "I'M JERRY'S SLAVE HE OWNS ME." "Excellent. I'm satisfied with that. Now, understand something bitch boy. If you ever need convincing, I'm more than happy to repeat some variation of what I've just done. " "Yes sir." "You want those clips taken off don't you?" "YES SIR. PLEASE SIR." "Oh, you may regret that choice." I had never done anything like this to andy before so... he wasn't prepared for the sensation when the blood came back to those nerve endings. I kind of wished I had left the gag in: his gagged moans are so much sexier than his screams, but... next time. "OK, big boy. Time for you to do what you were BORN to do: to take a superior man's cock. Your MASTER'S cock. Your OWNER'S cock." "Yes sir. Please sir..... fuck me." And I did. OH, was it a GLORIOUS fuck. I had thought about something that I had bought recently: something called a "breeder tube" that would add an inch or so to my cock, but I was too horny. I wanted to celebrate. It felt very much like a major victory. And after I fucked him, I was going to go over what was going to be happening from now on. I pushed my cock head to his hole and wiggled it. He loved it. andy tried to catch the head in his ass, and I teased him until he was whining. Then I took him all at once, shoving every last bit of my dick, up to my balls into him. "SIR THAT FEELS SO GOOD. FUCK YOUR SLAVE. FUCK HIM. PLEASE. SHOW HIM YOU OWN HIM" I didn't prompt andy: that came out of him. VICTORY. And I DID fuck him. I fucked him hard. SO HARD. (He told me that he had trouble sitting down on Monday and I felt proud). I shot my load all over him and then I said: "I think you've had a rough day. You should sleep. No need to shoot. " He looked at me and I began laughing. "NAH. Gonna purge those balls so you start empty. Going to a four day lock now." "Yes sir. " He wasn't going to move: I did the edging. I ran my finger around the point where his head met his cock because I knew it drove him crazy. He was whining some more. And then... I think it was an orgasm way bigger than the first one I gave him. "GOOD BOY. Now, you're ready to truly be my boy. You're gonna get cleaned up now, studbitch, because the cage is going back on, and I want you CLEAN." He went off, and I could hear him pulling out his various vials and tubes of "product" as he "made himself pretty." That's what I called it because he HATED being called pretty (he wasn't. He was, and is truly ruggedly handsome). He came out of the bathroom looking even more like a Greek god than he had the first time he used my bathroom, only now he didn't wrap his body: his hairless body, in a towel. Instead, he put his hands behind his back and said "ready Sir." He was. I locked the cage. Then I took something else: something I had been saving "just in case": the collar with the lock on it, with my initials engraved in it. "The only one who takes that off you is me. And if I do, it means we're done. You understand andy?" He looked down. "Yes sir. I do. I hope it never comes off. "

And you know what? It hasn't. He was wearing it, and his arm band, when I took him to the leather bar that Friday night, with his wrists bound behind him, and his uniform shirt opened. Sir Roberto was holding court - that's the only way to describe it. This time, he asked me "may I?" before he began working on andy's nipples. "I'm wondering if you're going to have the Buck boy pierced, Gerard?" I smiled. "I just realized Buck boy rhymes with fuck toy, Sir Roberto. I think instead of piercing... I'm going to have his ass tattooed. When andy lifted up his head - he didn't know about that, I smacked his crotch. "WHO SAID YOU COULD LOOK UP SLAVE?" "No one Sir. I'm sorry." "YOU MIGHT GET AN EXTRA DAY IN THE CAGE FOR THAT." "Yes sir. I'm sorry." Sir Roberto laughed. "Ah, standards have gone down, Gerard. In my day, the punishment would have been blowing the first ten people who lined up ." "That will come Sir Roberto. I want him to learn his duties first." "I see. Yes. A boy who is used to having his own way, must be broken in gradually. " He grinned his malevolent grin. "I hope the tattoo will adequately let him know his place."

The tattoo was two words: "Jerry's Property." I thought about having it placed on his ass, but my assumption was that almost no one would see that; however, given his time at the gym, and how delicious he looked with rolled sleeves, I had it put on his forearm. He wasn't happy about that, but hey, life as a slave is what it is.

It's been a fun, interesting ride with him. I learned some things and had to adapt. For example, you may have figured out that andy did not "shop" for clothes. They were custom made. And when he came to me and said "Sir, I think I need new shirts," and he explained what that meant, I went with him. I was the one who told the tailor to trim them: I wanted his shirts to be, as I put it "another layer of skin." And now, andy's color palette changed: he was a sub, and a slave. He needed bitch boy colors like pink, yellow, light green. I liked how he looked in those banker shirts with the white collars and cuffs on a blue torso, so that was allowed. And darker colors, for when we went out. I finally got to see his "apartment:" the suite at one of the most exclusive hotels in the city. He had a true four poster bed: and he looked REAL good tied down in it, before I fucked him on satin sheets. He looked clearly distressed when I took his black silk bathrobe and cut it into strips so I could use them to tie him down. Again, this is how it goes for slaves.

He's become very compliant, but I tell him when I want more resistance from him and it's not hard to get it. It's real. Someone once told me that if you capture a wild bird like an eagle, or an owl, they may SEEM to have been tamed, but you've got to be vigilant all the time. When I nicknamed him "andy the eagle," he smiled. andy knew EXACTLY what I was saying. And I will tell you that I've kept those big, powerful wings clipped since day 1. I've also kept that sharp beak neutralized. If you saw him, you'd see a hunky, hot, middle aged man, who looked in control of everything. He is, until he's with me. Then he's not.

So there we are folks. That's how I took down arrogant andy. He was so defeated that when I put him to work helping me subdue that yoga instructor Wayne, he didn't argue and his help was invaluable. I'll tell you that story some time. For now though, thanks for following along. Andy would tell you thanks as well but, "he's a little tied up at the moment."

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