Tales from Bentonville

By David Lee

Published on Nov 25, 2007


Tales from Bentonville, Chapter 84

By David Lee


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction. Much of this involves males with other males. If the reading or possessing of such material as this is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains all rights to this original story. Please do not publish without explicit authorization from me.


This story is completely fictional. Most of the places mentioned, and none of the characters exist in real life. Some may possess physical or personality characteristics of people I know or have known. But if you see yourself in this story, your imagination is better than mine!

"Tales from Bentonville" is a romantic story centering on the lives of high school kids. Lovers of other ages may appear, but not normally in a cross-generational sense. References to sex with under-age kids may be made for the sake of the story line. However, I feel that child molestation is a crime and should not be glorified or tolerated.

This is my fifth attempt at writing fiction. My other stories on Nifty include: "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004) under High School, "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 23, 2004) under Camping, and "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004) under High School. Some characters from previous stories may have cameo roles in this one. However, you need not read them first.

Our only reward for contributing to Nifty is your e-mails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your e-mail. I get a lot of spam!

Finally, thanks and hugs to Tim, Tom, and David who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes!


Tales from Bentonville, Chapter 84

The next couple of days on the farm followed similar patterns as the ones before in being dedicated to chores, maintenance, work and cleanup. But some things had changed. Joel and Alex were back at their own pursuits and Dustin and Dave were more casual about showing affection in front of Jared than they had been up to that time.

Jared was also more relaxed and less guarded about times when he felt horny - even to the point of sporting a rather respectable boner when they were all skinny dipping one hot afternoon. It wasn't as big as either of the older boys, but it was certainly adequate for his age.

"You'd better put a safety lock on that gun so it doesn't go off when you don't intend it to," Dave joked.

Jared giggled as he took his cock in his hand and pointed it at Dave as if it were a weapon.

"Uh, could you teach me about `safeties'? Or don't you guys use those?" Jared asked, blushing as usual when saying something personal.

"Sure," Dustin answered for both of them. "If by `safeties' you mean condos, we don't have to use them because we aren't afraid that we'll catch something from each other since we don't mess with other guys, but we do have some."

"Cool! I want to learn how to use them right in case I ever get too excited and want to go all the way with a girl. I don't want to ask Dad to show me. That would be too embarrassing and he'd figure out why I wanted to know. I'd die if I talked to him about it, but I don't want to end up having a kid before I'm ready either."

"I'm sure that you'll make a great dad when the time comes, but you're smart not to rush into fatherhood -- especially by accident. We'll give you some rubbers if you want, but if you save them for years from now don't expect them to be okay because they do have an expiration date."

That evening was the last night on their own because the rest of the Manson family would be home the next day. All three of the boys had mixed emotions. They were, at the same time, relieved and a bit sad. It would be great to have less responsibility and to enjoy the great food that Christine made.

It would be wonderful for Dave and Dustin to be able to make love in any fashion that they chose and to be as noisy as they wanted to be in bed after Jared returned to his own place. But they would miss having the kid underfoot. They had really come to think of him as a little brother and pretty much as a peer.

For Jared, the feelings were much the same. He longed to have his family back -- particularly his brother (even though the kid could be a pest sometimes), and he knew that Dustin and Dave would be more at ease making love in the trailer without him in the other bedroom, but he had bonded with them strongly -- especially with the storm and its aftermath.

While they were doing their evening chores, they had a medium sized beef roast cooking in the farmhouse oven along with some potatoes (which they added about halfway through the cooking time). With the addition of a salad and ice cream, the boys would eat well that night and also have some yummy leftovers for sandwiches if the family came home near a mealtime.

No one was sure exactly when the Manson's would arrive. They knew that Christine had driven to her mother's house that day and would drive home the next.

It wasn't that she couldn't have driven it all in one shot, but she felt that Bob couldn't sit for that long a time. He would need to stretch and relax and she also sensed that Grandma was eager to "mother" Bob and her. A good night's sleep and a big farm-type breakfast wouldn't hurt either one of them.

After the dinner things were cleaned up, the boys retired to the trailer. They all took showers and changed into lounging shorts before they sat down to watch TV. Dave and Dustin were quite relaxed cuddling together on the sofa, but Jared was antsy. The older boys were pretty sure what was bugging him, but they let him broach the subject.

"Uh when do I get my lesson on rubbers?" he finally ventured not daring to look up from the floor.

Dave grinned, but didn't answer. He got up and went to their bedroom to retrieve a couple of condoms. Jared was getting really turned on in anticipation of learning another adult fact of life. The front of his shorts was tented out far enough to shelter a couple of cub scouts.

Dustin picked up one of the foil packets and demonstrated how to tear it open. Jared swallowed hard as he listened to the directions intently.

"Then you should squeeze the reservoir tip and roll it down over your dick. It's a good idea to make sure that you are unrolling it the right way in the first place. If it rests on you dick inside out and there's some sperm floating in your pre-cum and then you turn it over, that sperm would not be trapped where you want it to be and it's remotely possible that it could swim upstream and find its mark." Dustin explained as he handed the condom to Jared.

Jared then did something that caused the other two to raise their eyebrows. He pulled down his shorts, pinched the end of the condom and rolled it pretty accurately onto his throbbing erection.

Immediately, he blushed and covered his crotch with both hands.

"Uh, I guess I got carried away. I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize," Dave insisted. "You're trying to learn something new and you want to make sure it's correct. You did a good job. We've already seen that pistol, so you aren't embarrassing us. I'm a little surprised, but not shocked. And, never, ever apologize for showing off something that fine!"

Jared giggled and pulled his hands away to expose it to their view.

"Uh, I g-guess I'll go to my room," he stammered.

"Okay Kiddo," Dave smiled. "I have a suggestion for you because I know that you aren't going to be able to sleep until you take care of that bad boy. Try sticking it between your mattress and the foundation of your bed and practice humping."

Jared grinned, gulped and nodded as he headed quickly for his room.

"Don't you think you're liable to turn him into a little pervert teaching him to do that?" Dustin laughed as Jared retreated.

"Are you going to tell me that you never did that at his age?" Dave said.

"Well, maybe," Dustin admitted. "But that was before I had a better place to put it."

"Would you care to show me?" Dave asked seductively. "I have a feeling that our young buddy is going to be too distracted to hear us..."

The rest of the Manson family arrived around 11:00 the next morning bringing food from grandma's house including a couple of loaves of homemade bread.

Bob got out of the car moving more agilely than he had the week before despite his recent surgery. It was, he said, because he wasn't in constant pain. His whole outlook seemed more upbeat.

Then he noticed the blue tarp that was held in place by laths and nails over the window of Jared's bedroom. His eyes traveled down to the tree stump below.

"It looks like you didn't tell us everything about the storm damage," he said.

"Uh, I didn't want you to worry about anything but getting well," Jared responded. "I have the check from the insurance and the estimate from the building guy. It's all cool because we cleaned up the tree and did the chicken coop and stuff with the help of Joel and Alex. We won't have to pay anything extra. In fact, we came out about $100 to the good. The guy can start to replace my window, the trim, and siding as soon as you call him. We would have had it all done, but I couldn't sign the papers. I hope you're not mad at me."

"Mad at you?" Bob exclaimed. "How could anyone be unhappy with a young man who has everything under control? Or, I should say: three young men who worked like seasoned farmhands. I need to give you all bonuses and I need to pay those two boys who helped you!"

"We just did what we are hired to do," Dave insisted. "We don't want anything else. But you might give your son the extra money that he saved you on the insurance deal. And please don't attempt to pay Joel and Alex. The both made it plain that this was meant as a favor; they like helping others. But, you might send them a thank-you and invite them for a picnic or meal or whatever."

"I'll see that something gets arranged," Christine assured them.

"Yes, we have to do something," Bob agreed wiping a tear from his eyes. "Knowing that teenagers have hearts that big restores my faith in humanity. You two have brought a lot of good into our lives including your generous friends. And obviously you are as awesome as they are. Wow!"

Jason interrupted the "love-fest" before it got too maudlin by announcing that he was starving. Christine enlisted him in helping her prepare lunch. She was pleased to have the roast beef to slice and added it to the things that her mother had sent along. It went especially well on homemade bread with lettuce and a little horseradish/mayo sauce.

After everyone was well fed, Bob called the handyman to get the house repairs started and Jared took his young brother (along with Dave and Dustin) out to see the newly rebuilt swimming hole. Jace as suitably impressed and proved it by stripping and jumping right in.

"Come on, you wusses, get your clothes off and get in here!" he cried as he plunged beneath the surface.

The other guys laughed, but did as he said. They spent about half an hour splashing around before Dustin reminded them that there was work to be done. They all sat around naked in the sun for a few minutes to dry off. Jared sprang a boner, but didn't act self-conscious about it even in front of his young brother who kept eyeballing it while trying to act like he wasn't. His smaller dick was beginning to lengthen and he turned away as he put his pants back on.

In a little while, all four of them were out weeding in the fields again. After all, in order to keep the "organic" label, the crops had to be free of weed killers as well as not being raised from genetically modified seeds. This applied to what was fed to the cows too so that the milk could be certified. That meant lots of manual labor was necessary.

Since the house repairs couldn't be started until the next day and would probably take a few days to finish, Jared had to find another bed to sleep in. There were twin beds in Jace's room just like there were in his, but he didn't think his brother would like it if he moved in. Jared was contemplating sleeping in the guest room when Jace surprised him by inviting him to share his room until everything was fixed. It was kind of cool. Jace seemed to want to be closer than before. Jared wondered if his little brother had actually missed him.

Jared soon found out a part of what motivated Jason to want to be buddies. He was curious about growing up and about being like the older boys.

"You've really got a big penis," Jace blurted out (much as Jared might have with Dave and Dustin).

"I'm not that big. You should see Dustin." Jared remarked grinning with pride at Jason's appraisal of his equipment.

"Did they show you?" Jace asked excitedly.

"No, I managed to see them once when they didn't know it. They don't do stuff around me."

"Do you jerk off?" Jace wondered.

"If I did, do you think I would tell you? Besides, where did you learn to talk like that, Twerp?"

"Well, Corbin says everyone does."

"Who is Corbin and what were you two doing?" Jared demanded.

"He lives next to Grandma and we didn't get to do anything because his mother called him to dinner just when it was getting interesting. He was going to have me sleep over tonight, but then Mom and Dad came back earlier than we thought they would. Anyway, his brother told him how to do it and he was going to teach me, but he said that I should ask you since we didn't get to."

"I think seven's too young to learn about doing things like that and I don't think that Corbin's brother should have taught him."

"Please don't treat me like a baby; I'm almost eight!" Jace pleaded. "All the other boys at school know about it. When they talk about it, I pretend that I know too so they won't call me a little kid."

"I'm sure that they probably don't know any more about it than you do. Lots of kids brag. Wait till you get to be my age. You'll hear plenty of bull crap."

"Can I look at your penis again?" Jace asked.

"Okay, but don't tell Mom and Dad."

"I won't!"

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Jace promised.

Jared pulled his sleep shorts down to give his little brother a better look. Jason reached out quickly and wrapped his hand around the slowly thickening shaft. He began to move it up and down.

"Corbin said it's kind of like milking a cow and his brother squirts some juice when he does it."

"You've got to stop!" Jared demanded.

"Don't you like it?" Jace pouted.

"I like it a lot, but I'm not supposed to do it with someone that much younger than me -- especially my brother. Someone could take me away and lock me up in jail!"

"Okay. I'm sorry. I don't want you to go to jail. Will they take me away if they catch me doing it?"

"No, you can play with yourself all you want as long as you don't do it in front of adults. And be careful about doing it around other boys until you get older. In fact you should probably wait for three or four years before you do it. We'll talk about it again when you're 11 or 12 and in the mean time we'll keep this talk as our little secret."




As soon Jason's breathing patterns changed, Jared pulled his shorts off and wrapped his throbbing cock in his right hand. He began to stroke as slowly as he could force himself to. Then he switched hands and thrust his hips upward. He pretended that it was Katie Winters who was allowing him to make love to her. He reached his climax in record time. At the last second, he covered his spewing cock with his shorts. His jizz still wasn't really thick and creamy, but the feelings he got from the discharge were awesome. Awesome, that is, until be started to feel guilty about lusting for his sweet little classmate. He'd have to try to keep his mind more neutral next time. Lust was a sin!

It was the weekend, and Dave and Dustin were free after the morning milking. That was accomplished in less time than usual because Jason got up to help. In his own little way, he could be a big help when he was motivated. The older boys wondered why he was so ambitious. Jared knew. Jason was trying to grow up as rapidly as he could.

After they left the farm, Dustin and Dave headed to the Johnson's lake-side cottage. They had been invited (by text messaging) to spend a couple of days with Dane and Colt in order to catch up on each other's lives and spend some quality time with their boyfriends naked in the sun.

They water skied, swam, and generally lazed about. Whenever they were not in public, they were naked. All four of them were eager to even out their tans.

Besides having fun, the guys planned what they were going to do on the 4th of July which was coming up soon. Dane suggested that they all go to Cosgrove to try the rides there. It was supposed to be a bigger and better attraction than what was coming to Bentonville.

Of course, Dane did not reveal his real motive. He didn't want Colton to have flashbacks to the time when his stepfather abducted him and tried to make him tell where his mother was.

Eventually, some tentative plans were agreed upon. Dave asked if they could bring Jared along since he was going to be in high school in the fall. The others agreed that it would be okay.

"Could we see if Mike and Brent want to go too?" Dustin asked.

Again no one saw any reason not to. Colt said that he would ask Grandma for the Highlander so that there would be enough room for all of them to travel together. He was certain that she would loan it to them. It made more sense than taking two vehicles -- especially with the rise in gasoline prices.

Author's note: Disclaimer -- This is fiction! Not all relationships happen so quickly or last forever! Those that do, require a lot of communication and hard work. It's worth it in the end, if you find that special someone. There is a lesbian couple at my church who recently celebrated 18 years together.

A few of you have pointed out that there are also quite a lot gay kids per capita in Bentonville. However, that is possible given the number of kids in the high school. In many situations, they would not come out to each other because they would be too afraid to let their orientation be known. Some schools are safe enough to have that happen. It is possible.

Thanks to all who wrote since last posting: Ben D, Russell C, Ed H, Raymond K, Jim C, Paul W, Jace, Mark S, Paul R, Phil S, and especially Tom H and David S who do a great job of editing for me.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day and that you are healthy and happy. Special thoughts and prayers for Ben who lost a good friend.

Tim P, if you are still reading this, please write to me!!!


Next: Chapter 86

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