Tales of a Night Walker

By moc.loa@KcMtreB

Published on Jan 19, 2011


Tales of a Night Walker By Bert McKenzie Copyright 2010

Chapter 12

Rehearsals continued smoothly. For all my fear and trepidation about directing a Shakespearian tragedy, I found that this turned out to be the easiest rehearsal period I ever had. Leon and his crew built the set and his costumers, "Leon's ladies" as we called the women he always managed to recruit, did a fantastic job of building some new things and borrowing a bunch of other things from a local university. As opening night approached, I was very proud of the show and all the work my cast and crew had done on it. The only thing that bothered me was my relationship with Jeff.

I was falling for the guy. How could I not? Jeff was charming, attractive, and sincere, everything I wanted in a man. Plus he was talented. At times we seemed very close and then he would draw back, as if there was something keeping us apart, something he didn't want to share. I guessed it was that he was really straight. He never came out and said that, but he never admitted to being gay either. Jeff was a very private person and didn't discuss much concerning himself. He didn't give any of the girls in the cast any encouragement when they hit on him, and he did seem friendlier with me than he was with them. But that didn't mean he was gay. Or maybe he was and didn't realize it, or was fighting it. After all, he was only 23. Maybe he didn't like older men. I was at the ripe old age of 32, practically ready for the senior citizen home.

And then there was the issue of his money. He jokingly told Kelly he was rich. And he didn't seem to want for anything, except maybe a car. But he certainly didn't live like a rich person. His clothes, while clean and neat were not flashy. There was a distinct lack of jewelry. Yet he didn't seem to be looking for a job either. I had guessed he had inherited money from his family, but he never spoke of them. He truly was a mystery man.

Tech week finally arrived and Jeff again raised the issue about the Sunday matinee. "Do we have to do that show?" he asked.

"So what is this big conflict?" I asked him as we drove to the theatre. He was still allowing me to pick him up and transport him to and from rehearsals. The weather was growing colder and the promise of an early winter was in the air.

"Well, it's not so much a conflict as a condition," he finally said.

"A condition? What, are you allergic to afternoon shows?"

"No, just afternoons," he said with an odd look.

"You're joking," I replied looking at him with a scowl.

"The truth is, I have a very rare condition. I don't like to speak about it, but I have an allergy to strong ultraviolet light, as in sunlight. I can't go out in the sun."

I pulled into the parking lot, turned off the ignition and turned in my seat to face my friend. "You're serious? You really are allergic to sunlight? I've never heard of that before."

"I told you it was rare." He gave me a half smile and a shrug. Every time he smiled at me, my heart seemed to skip a beat. I wasn't sure if I could take much more of this. The show would be over in two weeks and I could try and get Jeff out of my mind.

"Well can't you just put on a hat or something? As long as you don't burst into flames," I joked.

For a minute Jeff looked shocked, and then shook his head. "That won't work. And you wouldn't want me to go on stage all red and blotchy, would you?"

"The makeup will cover it," I said with a grin.

"I have thought of one solution," Jeff said, ignoring my suggestion. "It's kind of weird, but if you are insisting we have to do a matinee, then this might be the only way. I could either spend the night at the theatre or get up early and come in before sunrise so I would already be here. As long as I don't go out to the lobby, I think I would be okay. The house and stage don't have any windows."

"I'll have a cot brought in for," I told him, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice as we got out of the car.

"Don't bother. I can sleep on the couch in the green room."

"Well I'm glad that problem is settled. This has been the easiest show I've ever had, thanks to you. And if a sun allergy is the worst problem we face, then I guess we'll make history. It seems like we always have some sort of crisis."

"Let's not jinx things," Jeff said, knocking on the wooden door frame as we went into the theatre.

Opening night finally arrived and to my surprise we were nearly sold out. Of course a lot of the tickets were sold to out-of-towners. I didn't think the usual Auburn crowd would flock to Shakespeare. But Lucinda in the box office assured me that we had advance sales and reservations that clearly made this the biggest show of the season. I walked backstage to give everyone a pep-talk before the show. Everyone was in the green room except our star. One of the volunteers was spraying Jeff's hair in place. I gave my quick "Go out there and knock 'em dead" speech, and then walked down to the men's dressing room. Olga had just finished, and Jeff was slipping into his costume. I had the rare chance to see him without his shirt, and my body instantly responded. Jeff's chest, although thin was well muscled, a definite six pack of abs with well defined pecs capped by quarter sized nipples. He pulled on his shirt and looked up in the mirror. Our eyes met and I again blushed. Jeff just grinned and that seemed to make it worse.

"I just wanted to say ..." But for the first time in my life I couldn't think of anything I wanted to say. Jeff pulled on his doublet, fastened it and stepped over to me.

He was an inch from my face. "Yes?" He looked at me with his intense, green eyes. "You wanted to say?" I was enveloped in that scent of vanilla and musk. It seemed incredibly erotic.

"Break a leg," I whispered.

Jeff's eyes widened in surprise. "Why do you want me to break my leg?"

That comment pulled me back to reality. I laughed. "That's just a theatre tradition," I explained. "It's bad luck to wish someone good luck before the performance. So we say 'break a leg' as a way of wishing you good luck."

"Oh," the novice actor said with understanding. "In that case I hope we break as many bones as we can, maybe even a neck or two."

"Just 'break a leg' will suffice," I replied, still standing inches from him, our chests almost touching. I couldn't hold back. I leaned forward on my tiptoes and planted a quick kiss on the actor's lips, then turned and dashed out the door, up the steps and out to the house.

The show ran flawlessly, but the entire time I was preoccupied with what I had done. Did Jeff hate me? Was he upset? I kissed him. Jeff knew I was gay, and now he knew how I felt about him. I thought I had no right to do that. Well, the cat was out of the bag and wouldn't go back in. Jeff would only have to deal with me for the run of the show, this weekend and next. Then he would never have to see me again.

The curtain dropped on the scene of death and destruction at the end of the play. The audience was instantly on its feet. This was our first standing ovation of the season. Apparently people really enjoyed it. Well, I said I knew all along this was going to be a hit. Who doesn't like Shakespeare? The curtain rose and the actors came out in groups, taking bows. The applause just seemed to get louder and louder. Finally Jeff stepped onto the stage. They went wild, cheering and applauding. He smiled and bowed, then stepped back to acknowledge the rest of the cast. Everyone took a final bow and then stepped back for the curtain to drop. I couldn't have been prouder. "Great show, Frank," someone was saying and pumping my hand. "It was so moving. I never knew Shakespeare was really exciting. It always bored me in high school English." Person after person came by to wish me congratulations.

The actors came out of the backstage door to mingle with friends and family in the audience and receive personal well wishes. It was kind of a tradition with our small company that the cast always came out to greet audience members rather than have people crowd backstage. I looked up to see most everyone there, but Jeff was conspicuously missing. Well, he would undoubtedly see everyone at the opening night party. It was to be at Harriet's house. She had a really big almost mansion on a private lake just ten minutes out of town. Everyone was invited and I knew our board of directors was eager to get a chance to mingle with the actors. Food and drink would flow liberally. This was Harriet's way of showing off. She even hired a woodwind quintet out of Topeka to play music for the party.

I went back to my office and slipped out of my tux and into jeans and a pull over shirt. The party wasn't formal and everyone would be comfortable. I then went backstage to see what was going on. By this time most of the cast was already heading out the door. Buddy was turning off lights and locking things up for the night. The house manager had just locked the lobby and slipped out the back door. "Everyone gone?" I asked Buddy.

"Yep, just you and me left."

"Where's Jeff?" I asked, looking around. "He came with me. I thought he'd want to ride back to the party with me."

"Actually, I think he got a ride with Kelly," Buddy said, looking uncomfortable.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked him. I knew that look and had seen it before.

"Don't be mad, okay?" he asked as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I won't be mad. What?"

"I heard Jeff and Kelly talking. She said you had the hots for him and he said he was aware of that. But he told her he thought it was a bad idea for the two of you to get close. Then they walked out the door together, her arm linked in his."

So there it was. My kiss did scare him off. Why had I done that? I ruined everything. Well it was over and that was that. "Let's go to the party, Buddy," I said and we walked out the door together. I got in my car and followed Buddy out of the parking lot and down the road, wiping the tears from my eyes as I drove. No one would see me like this.

Ten minutes later, I pulled up behind the group of cars lined up on the road outside Harriet's house. I stumbled down the gravel drive and stepped into the crowded house. Actors, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and board members were everywhere. As I came in, many of them greeted me, patting me on the back and again offering congratulations. Harriet was instantly at my side, shoving a glass in my hand. I took a sip and nearly choked. It was really good Scotch.

Several people asked me where Jeff was. I didn't know. I assumed the young man had arrived before me, but no one had seen him. I wandered around until I finally found Kelly. I knew Jeff would be with her, but she was by herself, holding court with several young actors. "Kelly, where's Jeff," I asked when I was able to catch her attention.

"Hell if I know," she replied.

"Didn't he come with you?"

"No, he said he had a ride and walked off down the street."

"Great!" I mumbled. Well kiss or no kiss, our star wasn't going to miss his own opening night party. I struggled my way through the crowd, heading back to the door.

"You aren't leaving?" Harriet called as she saw me about to slip out.

"No, I'm going to find our leading man. Apparently he missed his ride," I told her.

"Yes, definitely bring him back here," she demanded. "I want to talk him into auditioning for more shows. He's quite a find."

I finally managed to get out the door and into the fresh air. I hurried down the lane to where my car was parked, jumped in and immediately headed back to the theatre. Buddy said he had left in the company of Kelly, and Kelly said he had walked down the street. So I passed the theatre and drove straight to Jeff's house. As usual, it was all dark. I went up to the door and rang the bell. When there was no answer, I rapped on the door. I waited for a few minutes, then rang the bell and knocked again. I finally pounded on the door. "Jeff, I know you're in there!" I shouted.

Suddenly the door opened and I almost fell inside as I was about to pound on it again. Jeff caught me and pulled me into the dark hallway. "Can you keep it down? I have neighbors, you know." I looked up into his face but all I could see were two glowing green eyes. They shined back at me, just like a cat or other wild animal.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I asked, starting to tremble. The glowing eyes were a bit unnerving.

"Sorry," Jeff replied as if suddenly realizing how odd this looked. The room was instantly flooded with bright light. The glowing green eyes disappeared to be replaced by Jeff's worried face, looking down at me. "It's kind of late, you know, and I thought..."

"Jeff, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I realize I made you very uncomfortable, but that is no reason to pass up the opening night party. You were a hit, the star of the show and everyone wants to see you. Don't miss it because of my kiss."

Before I could say more, Jeff grabbed me and pulled me into a tight embrace. This time Jeff was the initiator, kissing me firmly on the lips. I was so surprised, I forgot to breathe. There was a burning intensity in those green eyes. He broke the kiss and held me back from him. "Frank, don't be sorry. It wasn't because of your kiss that I missed the party."

"But ... but you..." I didn't know what to say. I was thrown into total confusion. When I found my tongue I said the first thing that came into my head. "Do you wear special contact lenses? Why do your eyes glow in the dark?"

Jeff laughed freely, and then pulled me to him in another hug, wrapping his arms around my torso. "When you kissed me, I realized how much I felt for you, how much I cared about you. It's just not right, Frank. We can't do this."

"Of course we can," I replied. "Jeff, I think I love you. I know this is probably your first experience with another man, but it isn't a bad thing. There's no reason why we can't be together."

Jeff laughed a soft chuckle as he held me. "If you only knew the truth," he said, gently rocking us as he swayed from side to side. "It has nothing to do with us both being men. And for the record, I have had a relationship with another man before."

"Then it's got to be the age thing. It is, isn't it?" Tears were beginning to run down my face.

Jeff looked at me and then reached down, sweeping me off my feet and into his arms as if I were a child. He carried me into a dark living room and sat on a couch, holding me in his lap. "Well, age is a part of it," Jeff admitted. "But don't cry. If that were the only thing, we could get beyond that. But it's just dangerous for you to be here."

"Dangerous?" I couldn't understand. "What, are you in the witness protection program or something? Are you a spy or secret agent?" I was grasping at straws.

"No, no, nothing like that." He bent forward and kissed me again. "I can see you aren't going to give up." He stood, still holding me in his arms like a child, and then carried me up to a bedroom on the second floor. The room was shrouded in darkness and he didn't bother to snap on a light. He gently placed me on the edge of the bed, and then stepped back. I couldn't really see what was going on, but I could hear fabric rustling. Then Jeff reached out and pulled my shirt off over my head. I got the idea and quickly kicked off my shoes and socks and pulled off my jeans and underwear in one movement.

Jeff reached for me as the two of us lay back on his bed. I was astounded at how cold my friend felt. His skin was like ice, as though he had been sitting outside in the chill night air. "You're so cold," I breathed.

"Ssshhhh," Jeff whispered, placing a finger to my lips. Then he began sliding his hands over my naked body. "You are warm enough for both of us," he said softly as he kissed my cheek. He ran his lips down my jaw line and onto my neck. Jeff seemed to pause there for a long time as if thinking about what he was doing, or was going to do. Then he moved on, kissing his way down my chest and sending cold little thrills through my body. But he was right. It was as if my body was on fire making enough heat for both of us. It didn't take me long to climax. Jeff then kissed his way back to my lips. I could taste myself on my lover's lips.

I had sex with other men before, but this was the first time I felt I was actually being made love to. It was more than just a sexual release. There was a deep spiritual feeling to what we were doing, a true joining of two people to become one. "I love you," I said softly and held him close, still wondering at the coldness of his body. Jeff held me tight, and I began to feel drowsy. In a matter of minutes, the dark room began to disappear and I sank into a deep sleep in my lover's arms.

Next: Chapter 13

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