Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #79 . Chuck and Mary Visit Jones: Bi-SexualHigh School


Chuckand Mary Visit Jones


Larry Marian

For ten days messages flew between new friends Chuck and Mary and the confusing to outsiders of brother and sister Barry and Cindy and brother and sister Amanda and Ron and Jones Lab beddies Barry and Amanda and Ron and Cindy.Messages included tame e-mail, but tweets, Skype, and half a hundred visuals exchanges.Some of the visuals were more than graphic. Some bordered on the recent Supreme Court decision that a boy of fifteen could not go to jail for sending a picture of his naked self to a girl of thirteen, especially when she sent him back a picture of herself, equally naked.

Then the assumed leader, sixteen year old Barry, sent to his sister, his beddie, and his sister's beddie, a simple e-mail: "Hey, Chuck and Mary - just saw that our school, Jones Lab, and you can search for this, is having a three day `Are you interested program' where you will have an experienced Jones room mate at your grade level, or perhaps a grade above or a grade below, as Jones dorms are grade specific, 7/8; 9/10; 11/12.If at all possible your room mate for these three days, will be of the opposite physical sex if at all possible. You will tour the campus, eat in the dining hall, and learn about Jones. Interested?We've already said we'd be your room mates. "

Very soon after that Chuck sent a reply."Sounds interesting.Who would we room with?So I would room with Amanda or Cindy and Mary would room with Barry or Ron.Right? "

"Correct.So they would probably put you in with Amanda.Mary would probably be with Ron. Cindy and Barry may be acting as assistant counselors, depending on how many come to check Jones out.Or they may be room mates for other explorers.

"Let your grandparents know. Check it out - it's not that expensive."

Two months later some 100 "explorers" and veteran Jones students and assistant counselors sat fully clothed in the lecture hall of Jones Lab School - the Mother School.On the stage were two adults, both totally nude.Both adults looked rather old to the teens and tweens, apparently older parents or even young looking grandparents.

"Hi, everybody.I'm Gwen Giovanni and this is my husband Tony.We retired from the Corporation last year but were asked to come back to act as the head counselors for this three day, three night introduction to Jones and the lab school philosophy.Total disclosure makes me say that among you is one of our granddaughters. However, we are not disclosing who she is.

"You saw when you took a seat that there is a white bag, part cloth and part mesh.This is where you will put your clothes in just a minute or two.Please take you bag and all of you file out of your row and go either up on the stage or the area between stage and seats.There undress and put your clothing in the bag and return to a seat.Notice in the bag is a paper seat cover for you to sit on for the rest of the introduction.

"So, let's start the process, Jones hopefuls and veterans."

One group consisted of Chuck and Mary, investigating Jones and Jones vets,Amanda,Barry, Ron, and Cindy, Amanda scheduled to be Chuck's room mate and Mary rooming with Barry.Ron and Cindy got picked as assistant counselors, better known as gophers.All six began to strip as soon as they were away from their seats.As Chuck and Barry stripped off their underpants, other teens around them began to notice their cocks.Barry's remained flacid, but Chuck, not used to so much nude female flesh, got hard at once.

Barry turned to him."Ignore the glances.By Sunday it'll be normal."

Chuck grinned."I'm advertising."Barry laughed.

While there were a few reluctant strippers, all were back in a seat within five minutes.The man took the stage this time. "I'm going to make it short.One rule that Jones has will seem very strange to all of you seeing Jones for the first time.You know you will spend three nights with a member of the opposite sex, in two cases, two members of the opposite sex.Next, while you may go to a CO pool to swim, you aren't going to be there 24 hours a day.So, may I ask Ron and Cindy Brown to come up on stage, please?"

The two, who were secretly holding hands, looked up, looked at each other, but got up to head for the stage."For your information, Ron and Cindy are fourteen and going into ninth grade. This will be their second year at Jones."The two stood before Mr. Giovanni."Thanks to both of you.So either one of you - what was the most dramatic thing you saw the first day of school last year?"

"Uh, the couple caught having sex in the band room." Cindy said.

"What happened?"

"They each got - I think it was one paddle.Maybe two.But I still remember that."

"Thank you Cindy.Anything to add, Ron?"

"Yeah.You see a friend, bent over a table for all your friends to see.... genitals."

"So, would you demonstrate the one form of a Public Display of Affection that is okay at Jones?"The two grinned, then Ron took Cindy's hand and they held hands. "Everybody see that?Ron and Cindy, please slowly turn around. Good.Now, with a promise of no consequences, please demonstrate any three Public Displays of Affection which would lead to some form of punishment."Ron and Cindy looked at Mr. Giovanni, who nodded his head in the affirmative.The two stepped close together with Cindy putting her arm around his neck while Ron placed his hand on her butt.Then they kissed and didn't hold back.The audience began to murmur.The two looked at Mr. Giovanni who held up two fingers.Ron kissed her again, turning her sideways to the audience, then cupped her breast exposed to the view of the audience. That response was louder.

"That's good, Ron and Cindy. Thanks.You guys can sit down now."

"Mr. Giovanni, I'd like to add something, please.Sort of personal, my beddie's sister told me once."

"Go ahead then, Cindy."

"Probably all of us to go to Jones will see a paddle or two.Some of us will experienceone.Without any names, a friend has a cousin who told me about how she got two and then had to watch a guy get his three.I watched one last year.When you are leaning over the punishment table with your legs spread, everybody can clearly see, whether you are a boy or a girl. In the halls, in the classroom, we're not really exposed.But at the punishment table, that's different. Thanks."

"And thanks, Cindy.She's right.I've seen enough swats with a paddle.To go back to when I was a kid to when our kids were growing up, guys, that dick and balls are real obvious; girls, so is that pussy.Don't do anything that warrants even one paddle on your butt.

"This said, room mates and assistant counselors, go to your stations.Hold up your sign when you get to the area designated for you.Prospects, go to the area that has the letters corresponding to your last name.So if you are Adams, go to the ABC group.The exceptions are the five or six who asked for a specific person to room with.In that case go to the group with the last name beginning with the letter of the specific person's last name.

"Questions?Seems like the groups have formed.Go to your roommate or junior counselor. I hope this is a fun filled three days and nights."

Leaving the lecture hall,Amanda verified that she and Chuck had a room across the dorm hall from the room Mary and Barry had on second floor Dorm9/10 II. Barry verified that each had their small suitcase and their clothes bag with the clothes each had removed.Ron and Cindy, being junior counselors, shared a room in Dorm 11/12 II so, left their siblings and new friends tosee what a 11/12 room looked like - they had no arguments.

As the four approached the two assigned rooms one of the older veterans came out of the room.Both Barry and Chuck had to check her out:blond hair, nicely shaped and sized perky breasts, nice looking aureoles topped with cute nipples, nice hips, neatly trimmed pubes, all in all a nice looking teenaged girl.

"Vickie, how are you?" Barry asked.

"Fine, Barry.And you? But who is your friend?A possible, I'm sure.God, let me take him to a PR and suck his cum.You come here, don't look me up, I'll look you up. "

"Hi, I'm Chuck.Like to come here and make you cum.How about that?"

"Sounds good.And if I happen to catch you tomorrow or Saturday..." she smiled."And Barry,let's check out a PR soon after Jones starts. "

"Yeah, Vickie.Let's."

As Vickie walked away and Barry and Chuck raced to catch up with Mary and Amanda, Chuck said, "I'd never hear that conversation in my high school!"

"Nor in mine either. Look, here you can't get a girl here pregnant.You can't get an STD. Almost everybody who has a beddie, also has another friend. Tomorrow, I'll show you Mason/Paige 7/8 I Hall.Story is that every time Francoise, a pure African from West Africa came to visit, he'd always bring Simone.When 2200 rolled around, either Mason would leave with Simone, or Paige would leave with Francoise. Two would sleep in the counselor's apartmentand the other two in a several star hotel.

"Wow. "

"Yep.They're all retirednow, but one retired as a senator, one as a colonel, one as a professor at a major university, and one as an author on Africa.Both women are mothers of multi-racial children.I actually may be related to Paige's child by Francoise - the only one they had together."

"Wow." Chuck said.

Several hours later as lights out was called, Chuck and Amanda, having done the trip down to the communal bath room, where Amanda washed Chuck's back while he watched Mary's back get washed by Barry, both almost laughed as they heard Cindy ask "Okay?"

Amanda replied, "Yes," and weighed for hers beddie's kid sister move a bit further down the line."Chuck, we can't move the beds together.We can either say `good night' and go to sleep which we probably need, or one of us can come to the other,make out or more, and return to the vacant bed.What would you like?"

"Would you like to come here or me go to you?"

Well, you should come to me, but a strange room, I will come to you, Young Man's Horses Still Frighten Foes.I expect you will wear another feather for counting coup on me."

"Not counting coup.Counting experience."

It was an hour when Amanda returned to her bed."Good night, Young Man.I may have to limit you to my mouth or butt tomorrow.But you are a great lover. "

Mary and Barry

Barry showed Mary how to put her stuff, even for only three nights and then showed how two room mates became roomies and then beddies."We can't put our beds together now.We can sleep in our separate bed all night or we can lie together in one and then sleep a bit more comfortable in our separatebeds.I know lots who do this - some parents just don't want that idea of their child spending the night in bed with a room mate of the opposite sex. "

"Barry. I think we want to come here.You say there is a lights out. After that, do you want me to come to you or me to come to you?"

"I'll come to you. This is the same size room I've had before.I know my way around.You don't."

"Then please come, Barry. "

Mary giggled after lights out and Barry came across the small room to slide into the bed.She hugged him, then laid his hand on her small breast. "You've come to me.Are you going to cum into me?"

"As you wish."Withthat Barry began to kiss and caress Mary. "Will you be `Dung Kim' in my arms?"

"I'd like that.I will ask my brother to name you. " With that, Mary and Barry went beyond exchanging names as hands groped for the other.Kisses fell on lips, tongues got involved, nipples got involved, breathing became heavy."I want to cum with you, Barry.Lie on your back.I will make you cum, then you can make me cum.Is that okay?"

"Oh course.I'll never turn down a blow job. "With that he eased off Mary to lie on his back and spread his legs."I'm ready when you're ready," he challenged.

"Here I come," she replied.With that Shelly between his legs, took Barry's almost seven inch cock in her small hand, licked the tip clean of pre-cum and lowered her mouth onto it.At once Barry felt the lips seal his cock to get a tongue administration to the cock as she bobbed up and down.

"God, Mary, super.Don't tell Amanda, but you're really good."Mary grunted as she continued to work Barry's cock."I'm getting close, Mary. I'll warn you."

Mary let the bright red cockhead be visible again."I swallow," she said as she returned to worshiping Barry's dark brown skinned, purple headed cock.Barry felt the pressure in his balls increase.He knew he was about to cum.

"I'm gonna Mary I.... CUM!"His spasms were harsh, his quantity, large.He felt her swallow. And swallow. Finally he was spent. He put his hands under her shoulders to raise her up and draw her small body to him to kiss.They did while he tasted his cum in her mouth."I need to taste you, Dung Kim."

"I tasted you, Asante warrior.You taste of valor."

"Well thank you, Dung Kim.Now let us trade places with you up at the pillow and me between your beautiful legs. "They kissed as they swapped places.Mary/Dung Kim now lay on her back, her legs spread and knees raised.Barry, gently spread her lips and began to feast on the rising moisture as his tongue and fingers began to explore.After a minute or so he raised his face from Dung Kim's wet pussy."I don't think I've ever kissed a pussy as smooth and soft as yours.Even Amanda has some stubble after she shaves."

Mary laughed."Asian girls don't have much pubic hair.What you see - a little on the top of my slit is all I will ever have." In the dim light from the moon they smiled at each other."You gave me a small cum.Could you give me a bigger one?"

"I will try, Dung Kim."He did. She did. They lay side by side, trading the taste of cum and pussy juice. Finally, Barry sat up."I think it's time for me to get into my narrow bed.I wish we could spend the night in each other's arms and have sex in the morning."

Mary drew her pussy smelling fingers across Barry's lips. "Asante warrior, could we make love instead of having sex? She kissed again.

"Dung Kim, yes, I want to make love with you."They kissed as Barry got off the bed to walk across the narrow room to the one he would sleep on for the next two nights.

The next morning Barry woke up to Mary's sucking on a nipple. "Good morning, Asante Warrior.Would you like to start our day making love?"

Barry threw back his covers to reveal his nude body and his erect cock.He smiled."Would you like to come here while we use the Mason Method?"

Dung Kim got out of bed, walked over the five feet to get on his bed, then straddle him."Play with my Asian boobs before I impale myself, Asante warrior."

And they did.

Chuck and Amanda

The morning of the first full day, Chuck woke up first, two teens in a bed for one, spooned together.He briefly thought over the beginning, the stripping, the comments made about his large hard dick, all favorable from most girls and a few boys, Amanda showing him how to set up his side of the room, him ten minutes or more, her less than ten minutes. "It's my tampons," she laughed.

The night before they had started with sex and ended with love.Chuck, though a bit younger, initiated their play with oral by Chuck, followed by a similar response by Amanda.There followed doggie style, finished by the Mason method, with Amanda telling the White Room story, which she promised to show him both the pictures in the Entrance Hall, and the hidden stuff in PR #3.

So, Chuck woke to find himself, his morning wood poking the butt of the nude sixteen year old girl in front of him.He eased back from herby a few inches, then slid his hand from the rear to begin caressing her snatch.Some few minutes later she yawned, then said, "Chuck?I hope it's you.I'm ready if you are.First call is fifteen minutes away. "Her hand fumbled a second for his cock to guide his cock's head to the entrance, then slid backwards, feeling that seven inches begin to slide into her love pot.

"God, Amanda.Feels so good. "

"It does. Make love to me!" With that his arms flew around her.

"Yes, I will."They did, then joined the campers and staff in the communalbathroom,Amanda taking Chuck to the recently vacated end of the room half walled four "privacy" showers.

"Why these walls?" he asked as he soaped Amanda's front, not back.

She giggled as his hand, sort of with the wash cloth, washed between her spread legs."Lots of kids say it's great for a blow job shower."She smiled."Want one?"

"Look at my cock."With that she sank to her knees, took the seven inch cock in hand to begin sucking it.A minute later Chuck moaned, putting his hands behind Amanda's head."Yes, he said, his back to the entrance to the shower.

"Woops," said a boy's voice. "Sorry."

"The next one's empty.We'll use it," said a girl's voice.

Amanda took her mouth off Chuck's cock, glistening with saliva.In a low voice she said, "Don't know who the boy is, but the girl is Cindy."With that she went back to serving Chuck's cock.

"I'm about to cum," Chuck said, then seconds later ."Yes.So good."Amanda stood back up.They kissed, Chuck tasting his own cum as they Frenched. Both looked to the next stall, to see a boy's head, a smile on his face. He looked older, sixteen or seventeen.

"Cindy's real good, I'm told," Amanda said."At least my brother thinks so."With that they turned the water off, grabbed their towels and started drying off as they walked out of the bathroom.

Once back in their temporary room Chuck said, "This is wild."

"Yeah.But fun.Well, let's go get breakfast.It's always good here.Next I'll show you around the school and campus." Amanda gave him her hand and led him to the fast filling cafeteria .It was noisy, of course, with experienced Jones students calling out to friends while also talking to their temporary room mate. The two got their breakfast, then Amanda searched around, to spot two vacant seats next to Barry and Mary, plus Ron and another girl and Cindy and a boy who looked older.Chuck and Amanda slid in between Barry on one side and Cindy on the other.

"Well, Cindy how was the shower this morning?" Amanda asked politely.

"Good.Lots of fun.This is Joe Jones.He's a junior transfer from - believe it or not - Paige and Mason Adams Lab School in Phoenix, Arizona.Oh, he goes by JJ. "

"Hi. Had lots of fun with Cindy yesterday and this morning.Seems we met up with my room mate, Melinda and her beddie Ron.We got to talking and unofficially switched over and Cindy joined me and Melinda joined Ron. You must have just missed Melinda and Ron."

"Yeah, we took the stall next to Cindy and JJ,"Ron said.

"You and Cindy go together?" JJ asked.

"Yeah.We were beddies before we knew about beddies."

"All I can say is that Cindy gives a wonderful blow job."

"Thanks, JJ.And you did a great job on my pussy last night and this morning. "

"You guys talk about this openly?"Chuck said as Mary blinked her eyes, her mouth slightly open.

"Sure," Barry said."Look, we do everything nude. We see each other that way.Girls will giggle when some guy springs a boner in November.That happens.A guy will come into a bath room and see three girls either taking out or putting in a tampon.That's normal. We all have the shots.Girls have their period, sure, but they can't get pregnant and boys can't impregnate them.We can't get a STD from another Lab school student.

"We all know and agree that while we have a favorite, both of us has friends and friends have fun.Chuck, you heard Vickie.You see her and you are both available, go ahead.She asked if I wanted to get together when school starts. I said sure.Manda's not going to be upset.In fact she may be with Vickie's beddie.

"There are plenty of stories about a roommate coming into the room and find their roommate having sex with somebody else. If its fine, the one who entered will say excuse me,' and leave.Unless the roommate says, let's make a three way. "

"God.This talk gives me a boner!" Chuck wailed.Cindy looked up.

"Hey Chuck, if you're finished with breakfast, like I am, I'll take our trays up and go to my room.I'll take care of it there.Okay?"

"Uh...okay.That alright,JJ?"

"Sure.She and I'll have plenty of time."

So Cindy took the trays up,then joined hands with Chuck and took him to the room where she was staying.Despite the explorers not being able to put beds together,obviously Cindy and JJ being junior counselors got to bend rules. Cindy closed the door and drew the curtain."JJ and I have plenty of time but you and I don't.You're still hard and big and thick. I'm good. What's your pleasure?"With that she raised herself up, kissed him, then played with his boy tits.

"Uh, if not enough time, BJ, please Cindy."At once Cindy dropped to her knees,took his cock, then popped it into her mouth and began to suck him, showing Chuck that she might only be fourteen, but she knew how to suck a dick.After two minutes. Chuck drew his cock out of Cindy's dark face, picked her up in his arms, then laid her down on the bed, spread her legs and got between them as Cindy raised her knees.In an instant he was inside her, the entrance making squishy sounds, trumpeting how wet she was."Oh, God, Cindy. So wet and so tight. I'm not going to last. "

"Either am I.Go fast, Chuck.See who cums first." They really began to hump.Soon Cindy began to moan."So long.. So thick.OH, God.YES!" As she hit her cum just seconds after she felt his first spurt of cum into her.

Some time later the two left Cindy's temporary room, the bed even messier than it had been, holding hands to meet up withChuck and Amanda, as well asBarry and Mary also holding hands. "Hey, we've got some friends doing a talk in PR # 12 - the big one on the Locker Club and the Train group," Barry said.

"What's that?" Mary asked.

"It's a fund raiser for the school.It actually brings in several thousand dollars a year, for school projects to benefit the students,Amanda said."Let's go. " She started down the hall, tuggingChuck behind her, the rest following behind towards #12.They came into an almost full room and had to split up into groups of mostly couples.

A small blond girl, her hair in a short pony tail, stood up and walked to the podium, then obviously stepped up to keep her medium sized breasts aboveit so she could be seen.She raised her right hand. The volunteer student helpers saw the raised hand, got quiet, and got their explorer room mate quiet as well.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Jill Adams and I'm going into my sophomore year at Jones.This will be my second year and I sure wish I could have started in seventh, if not sixth.I love Jones.

"But first, I brought some helpers with me.First, my older brother Jack.Raise your hand and stop oogling that red headed seventh grader in the front row.Thanks, Jack.Next, my best girl friend, Bonnie, who is Jack's beddie. Notice she's sitting next to him.Finally, Bonnie's brother Clyde, with whom I have exchangeda few pleasant moments."

"Well, I've spent hours with her in pleasantmoments.Jill is my best friend and beddie. Get with the presentation," Clyde said.

"Yes.First is the oldest fund raising group, dating from Jones' first year, the Locker Club. For a fee members engage in consensual sexual acts with a provider.The fee goes to three area- the school as a whole, the class of the recipient, and a small percentage to the provider.There are both male and female providers.

"It's called the Locker Club because at first a person would write a requestand slip a piece of paper into the specific locker,#166, with the locker number of the requester.Then , at the time, one provider would respond with a yes or no,and the time and PR for the service to be provided.

"It started as a joke in the late winter of the first year. The second year the providers numbered about ten and they were straight, bi, gay, or lesbian. I asked and there are currently 35 providers.In fact, you willnotice that several of the PRs are marked as "LC functions have priority.

"You can see locker #166 with a plaque on it, honoring the founder,Senator Paige Jefferson Adams, my great aunt."

"A senator was a prostitute as a teen?" a boy shouted.

"Not prostitute.None of the providers are forced to do this. Yeah, they mostly enjoy what the do and it greatly helps the school.Ask your room mate what he or she thinks of the Locker Club.Some may say, `I'm a provider and proud of it.'

"Now the next is The Train Pullers.This is much newer than the Locker Club.The one requirement The Train Pullers has is that Engineer may not be a virgin.Engineersmay start as young as thirteen, but that is sort of frowned on now.

"What happens? " a girl asked.

"Okay, the vast majority of engineers are girls.There are only three male engineers right now and all three are bi.So, just like on a real train, the size is limited.Girls and boys eleven through thirteen can handle a train of no more than four and oftenthree.For fourteen through sixteen, the number is six or maybe seven, for seventeen and up, the norm is seven, but maybe up to ten.

"The passengers decide the order to go and what will be performed.The engineer must agree.

"So.And this is for our possible new Jones members - if you are interested in an attempt to see how this works, Jones investigators, consider if you would like to participate.Now, would the engineers present raise his or her hand." At that, Jill raised her hand, as well as Connie, Amanda, Melinda, and, walking in the door, Vickie.Oh, and Jack and Clyde. So, if you are a scout for Jones, interested in taking a ride on a train,raise your hand. Vet student room mates and assistant counselors don't count."

As hands began to rise, Jill looked towards Clyde."Beddie - help me count!"

Clyde looked at the sea of hands to whisper to Jill. "Clyde's good decisions-the best one when he decided I was a sexy girl and not a pain in the butt. "

"Everybody lower their hands," Clyde commanded in his full bass voice. "Good. Now, and it's okay, if you do not want to physically participate, raise yourhand."Everybody sat quietly as one, two, then two more raised their hands."Wow," Clyde said.

Jill and Clyde, joined by Amanda and Barry gathered in a quiet group.Finally Jill stood away."Okay.We think we have this solved.We were not expecting this many passengers.Bonnie and I will engineer passengers eleven to thirteen.Amanda, Vickie, Connie, and Melinda will handle fourteen througheighteen.Jack and Clyde will pull all appropriate passengers.

"That's it for us.See you at the station."

As the other visitors streamed to the waiting Private Rooms, Mary and Chuck came to them.Chuck faced Amanda, "Would this be a good idea.?"

"Yeah.Do it and we can talk after dinner."

"Okay.I'll see somebody at the station.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 80

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