Tales of Middle Earth


Published on Jul 8, 2004


Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth are the property of JRR Tolkein and New Line Cinema, and I have no connection with either. None of the characters described here are meant to besmirch the original and much loved characters of Lord of the Rings, or imply anything about the actors who played them in the movie trilogy. If you are too young, or don't like gay stories, PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE, or I'll get in trouble. These stories contain scenes of gay sex without condoms or protection, because it doesn't seem likely that condoms would exist in Middle Earth, or STDs for that matter - don't try and copy these fictional characters - always wear a condom during sex, the experience isn't worth the risk

Author's Notes: Part one of Tales of Middle Earth deals with the period before the Fellowship of the Ring begins, and later parts will most likely take place during the Fellowship, Two Towers and Return of the King - good idea or not? Email me with your views. If you have any ideas for the story that you think I could use, or would even like to help me write it, don't hesitate to contact me. I was slightly disappointed by the lack of emails from fellow readers at Nifty, only one (and thanks again Larue)! I know its only been a few days, but I did mean what I said about emailing me with suggestions, tips, or even if you just liked the story and wanted to congratulate me, or hated it and wanted to say how crap a writer you think I am! :-), But I would really like to know that people are reading, otherwise, as I said in the notes of the last chapter, I could be doing better things with my time, even though I do like writing!

And now...

Tales of Middle Earth The Deep Breath Before the Plunge Chapter Two - Mirkwood

In another dark forest, many hundreds of miles from the Buckland, beyond the geographical knowledge of Hobbits, two other figures walked calmly among the trees, as though the tales of the dangers contained within did not concern them. And with good reason.

The shadows of Legolas and Aragorn were hardly visible among the darkness of Mirkwood, where the branches of the trees above formed a canopy that let almost no light in at all, just metres away, giant spiders lurked, waiting for some creature to spring their traps. But Legolas had walked through the dark forest so many times, that he was well aware where all of these spiders had built their nests, and, although not as confident, Aragorn was almost as good. With the Lonely Mountain and Esgaroth behind them and the shadows of the Misty Mountains and the valley of the Anduin ahead, they went on, not caring for a moment about the darkness; both had been in darker places than this. Aragorn had already been through Mirkwood once recently, on his way to the Halls of the Elven King to escort his fair Elven friend to Rivendell. There was no real reason for this, Legolas just wanted to go. He felt he would be needed soon.

It had been almost a month and three weeks since Aragorn had had any 'relief', since he had seen Arwen. He had made a journey to Laketown before coming to the Elven King, but insatiable Laketown whores didn't really make up for his beloved back in Rivendell, waiting for him. She would never know he had fucked around on her, of course, because she would never be told. And it didn't matter, not to him anyway. Temporary relief it was, quick and impassive, so that he wouldn't be haunted by guilt for the rest of his journey. But it didn't really give him pleasure, and Laketown whores, farmer's wives and daughters, were not what you would call 'easy on the eyes'. What he craved was compassion, and mutual understanding of 'needs', not just a quick fuck in a shed with a woman who was so loose it was obvious she was faithful to no one. But as he walked along the Mirkwood path, his mind only half listening to Legolas' light talk, he had realised that at that moment, he wasn't craving fulfilment from only Arwen. The second object of desire was much closer, so close to him their hands occasionally touched. And his desires left him cold inside. This craving couldn't be just described as lust or horny-ness. He desired Legolas so strongly, he was having to prevent himself from jumping on him right there, an act that Legolas would think of as mere fun, a bit out of character perhaps, but just a build-up of high spirits, but Aragorn knew that if he more than put one arm around his companion's shoulders, he would not be able to contain himself, and things would happen that could not be taken back. So he walked on in silence, trying to both pay attention to the conversation that Legolas might as well be having with himself, and ignore the jolt of hormones if their hands came within stroking distance, which happened a lot.

And the contact was giving him something else to hide. It was lucky Rangers wore heavy, knee-length jackets over their breeches, Aragorn thought to himself, because if they didn't, he knew that Legolas would immediately notice the growing bulge down the inside thigh of his right leg, a bulge that already reached almost halfway to his knee. And while Legolas, if he happened to notice, might find this highly amusing, Aragorn was very private in matters concerning his manhood and who it rose to, and would find himself hugely embarrassed at the Elf's inevitable playful taunting. Even worse, Legolas might offer to...no. It was no good thinking that if he wanted his cock to go down before they reached Rivendell in six days, where he would be obliged to remove his jacket. Trying to control these thoughts when the only form of distraction was the voice of his fair skinned buddy beside him was proving an impossible form of torture.

Meanwhile, Legolas was experiencing his own internal difficulties in the crotch area. Unlike Aragorn, his feelings were not directed towards his friend beside him (he had gotten over his feeling for Aragorn long ago), but were more feelings of general horny-ness. In the woodland kingdom of the Elves, there was a limitless availability of sex or pleasure at any time (what did people think Elves did all day; sit around and sing?), so that Legolas had gone little more than three days without at least shooting a load or two. But he had been travelling with Aragorn now for three days, and, while it was great to be back with him, and although his attraction towards the older looking, but certainly younger man, had been dealt with years before, being in the proximity of this fantastic example of a man, so close that he could smell him strongly (not that it was difficult for him to smell a man from Gondor strongly, at any distance!), was nonetheless a strong source of arousal for him, best friend or not. He had, of course noticed hours ago that Aragorn was aroused. Aragorn didn't know this, but the occasional weak breeze had once or twice been strong enough to open the cut of the man's jacket, enough to allow Legolas to see the tube-like bulge down his inner thigh. Also, he knew that Aragorn wasn't really paying attention to a word he was saying, a sure sign that he had his horn on. Legolas himself had more control over his cock and how it behaved. But he was finding it difficult. He normally gave himself more time to prepare for a week or two without sex, and keeping himself under control was proving tougher than usual. The only way, it seemed, to keep himself from getting too aroused was to keep talking, not really a problem when Aragorn wasn't listening, but he had to pay attention to what he was saying to make sure nothing about sex entered the conversation.

Five hours later and it was getting dark. Both Aragorn and Legolas knew that, even for an Elf and a Ranger it wasn't safe to wander Mirkwood at night, and it was much safer to stay where you were until it got light again. They were still almost a day from the Misty Mountains, and the climb would take them a few more. Both of them could hardly wait; Aragorn to be with Arwen again, and Legolas to be in a place where there were loads of Elves to fuck about with again.

They made a fireless camp, and fell asleep with their swords by their sides. At least, one of them fell asleep.

Aragorn lay there for almost two hours, turning over occasionally to try and get more comfortable, but as used as he was to sleeping in his clothes on the ground, it was just not possible. Legolas, the naïve fucker, had laid down less than two feet from him, and he didn't want to move away for fear of waking him up, as people often said that Legolas slept with one eye open. But it was now impossible for Aragorn to keep his mind off him. If he lay facing Legolas, then he could not take his eyes off of his slim bubble butt under his jerkin, and if he turned over facing away from him, he could still smell the fresh scent of an elf that has been travelling all day without a wash, and sleep was chased away as if Gandalf the Grey were after it with his staff. Eventually he couldn't stand it any longer. Deciding to risk it, he gingerly got up off the ground, and moved silently away, watching out for dry sticks and leaves. He knew that this wasn't exactly sensible, but he had to get away, if only for a few minutes. He disappeared swiftly into the darkness of the tress.

Unconsciously, Legolas heard him go, but the alert part of his brain assured him it was just Aragorn, and that there was nothing to worry about, for if there was, the ranger would surely have woken him. He relaxed again. About half an hour later, he heard a twig cracking. The sleeping area of his brain said that it was Aragorn coming back, but the alert portion jumped in and warned that a Ranger wouldn't have trodden on a stick. And that, whoever it was, there was more than one of them. His eyes flew open, and he sat up sharply, looking around. For half a second it was too dark to see. But then his Elf eyes adjusted to this, and he saw four men in brownish clothing approaching from the depths of the wood. It was obvious that they had not yet seen him, as they were looking around as though terrified, as Legolas reminded himself they rightly should be; and he wondered what had made them be stupid enough to travel the forest after dark.

Torin of Laketown had been almost at a stage of panic. He knew he should have stopped ages ago, or even taken help before they got into the forest. They would have been welcome at Rivendell, and could have taken a guide from there, or even from Bree, someone to protect them. But they had, as men often do, believed that they were all right by themselves, and claimed independence for their journey. And now they were hopelessly lost in Mirkwood, and every hour got them even more lost, so that they didn't even know which direction they were travelling. No place seemed safe to stop, they couldn't see the stars, and the sounds and noises of the forest were beginning to scare his men. And then he had seen a clearing to their left, about 200 yards away, where the light from the moon was able to penetrate the branches overhead. He pointed this out to his men, who all relaxed visibly and hoisted their packs higher on their backs. But when they had reached the clearing, it was obvious before they even got out of the trees that it was already occupied. Lying on the ground was a lone Elf, dressed in different shades of green and with long white blonde hair braided in several places. And it was looking right at them.

For perhaps the first time in his life, Legolas had been too slow. He had meant to move quickly out of sight, leaving no trace of himself, not too difficult for an Elf. But he had hesitated at the sight of the men. They were all tired, and there were traces of fear on their faces. But then, before he had a chance to move, the taller man had seen him, looking him right in the eyes. It was too late to move now, Legolas thought, and so he stood, waiting for them to come to him. And if they tried to make trouble - well, they had obviously never seen an Elf fight before, and they were in for a surprise.

Torin walked up to the fair Elf, who was even taller than he was, and inclined his head slightly in greeting. The Elf did the same, and then looked him and his men up and down, as if surveying them. "Are you lost?" he asked the man in a light but strong voice. "Well, yes you could say that." Torin replied, "We need rest and directions to Laketown. We've come from Bree with trade to the Long Lake." "Well, you can rest here for the night."

Legolas heard him saying these words, while his brain protested loudly. These were men. You never knew with men. They had a tendency to let their emotions get the better of them, even Aragorn from time to time. But despite all his logic and defensive knowledge, he could see that these men were so tired that they were practically harmless. And, again, despite his higher senses, he was still horny as fuck, and, even if there were no women among them, it would be good to spend the night with just the company of men for once. But he mentally chastised himself for being so ignorant. These were men from Laketown, and he had often had first hand experience at how uptight they could be about sex, and he knew that he had less chance of getting laid tonight than he had of getting a satisfactory blowjob from an Ent. But he couldn't exactly turn them away now. "What are your names?" he asked curiously, thinking that he might as well know what to call them, in case of danger during the night. "I am Legolas, of the woodland realm." He wondered briefly where Aragorn had got to, but he knew he could take care of himself. "My name is Torin." Said the man who had spoken to him, and he assumed was the leader. He went around the other four men, giving their names as he went. "You are all welcome to sleep here," Legolas told them, with a half smile "Nothing will harm you while you're with me." "Thank you very much, err...Legolas." Torin replied, returning the smile.

There was not much talking as the five men settled down to rest. After trading a few more pleasantries with Torin, Legolas himself settled back on the ground, and tried to get back to sleep. But he was now suffering what unknown to him Aragorn had been ailed with earlier. He had looked the men over, and they were all fine looking men, broad shoulders, firmly muscled arms and legs, one or two of them hairier than the others, all with beards and long brown or black hair, typical Laketown farmers. But the biggest problem for Legolas was caused by his acute sense of smell. While he had been in the company of a man of Gondor for three days, most of whom had a very distinct and strong smell, even from a distance, he had never had much chance to catch the scent of a man from Laketown, and being now surrounded by five of them, who had travelled for twelve days, probably without washing, he could tell that they all had a much stronger smell than any man he had met. He was quite fond of Aragorn's smell, and he had never found a man from Gondor with a smell he didn't like. But these men, with their unhygienic ways of farm work and personal cleanliness, stank, to put it lightly. And he was seriously surprised he hadn't smelt them in his sleep as they approached. They smelled of sweat and dirt, not a combination Legolas enjoyed, and they were all literally dripping with it, making it impossible for the Elf to get the smell out of his nose, preventing him from going to sleep. But they smelled of men, big dirty men, and just the thought of that almost destroyed the control Legolas had over his cock, and he could feel it almost semi-hard pressing against his tight breeches. He turned away from the men, who were sitting in a circle, talking in whispers about nothing in particular, and tried to ignore them. He wanted Aragorn to come back, so he could turn his attention to something familiar.

Aragorn was still wandering about on his own, so distracted he occasionally bumped into trees, but still managed to move almost noiselessly. But without Legolas there to aggravate his senses, he was managing to bring his throbbing manhood under some form of control. Finally, after an hour and a half of walking among the trees, he decided to turn back. He knew which way to go of course, as he had never gone that far from the clearing where he left his friend. He knew that Legolas could take care of himself, probably better than he, Aragorn, could. But the walk had made him feel sleepier, and he probably wouldn't find ignoring his Elven friend's 'charms' once he got back to the comfort of the ground. He crept through the trees that surrounded the clearing, so as not to disturb Legolas too much. He knew that the Elf would hear him no matter how quietly he went, but it was better than if he went crashing through the leaves and fallen sticks and wake him up fully. But when he looked between the trees towards the dappled circle of moonlight, he saw that he needn't have bothered going so lightly, as it seemed as if Legolas had quite enough to deal with as it was. His semi-flaccid, which he had worked so hard to get down, sprang to full hardness again, so rigid that it felt as though it would rip right through his breeches.

Legolas had been unable to sleep. The five men behind him had quietened down as time went on, but their presence still disturbed him enough to prevent him from doing more than dozing off occasionally. He was still managing to keep his hornyness under control, but he knew it would probably only be a matter of time, especially if he couldn't sleep. He turned on his back and looked through the tangled branches above him at what he could see of the stars. Staring at stars had made him go to sleep once or twice before when he was feeling like this. He didn't move for about ten minutes, and he didn't notice that the men had stopped talking altogether, though they were still sitting up or lying down. Not long after, Legolas had fallen asleep, lying on his back. But it wasn't more than half an hour before he woke up again. There was a very uncomfortable feeling in his lower body. He opened his eyes; propped himself up on his shoulders and then looked down. His cock was obviously fully hard, the obscene bulge sticking more than four inches, the head resting on his stomach, and an ominously sticky feeling coating his tight lower abdomen. Legolas blushed to himself. It had been years since he had had a wet dream, since he had normally been so drained of cum during the day that there wasn't much left during the night. He tried to remember what he had dreamed of to make this happen. He closed his eyes, and saw the face of Aragorn float past, his firm upper body naked and wet, his light chest hair sticking to his skin, matching the stubble on his face, which was wearing a suggestive smile. And then the image faded, and a vision of another man he didn't know, with steely blue-grey eyes and long light brown hair, and wearing the outfit of a Gondorian Ranger, different from Aragorn's but still similar. He felt this man was important, and he felt more than saw a sense of raging desire on his premonition's face. His cock strained under his breeches, and he felt almost ready to cum again. He could have cum another fifteen times over that feeling, and the beautiful face of the man he saw.

Torin was still awake along with another two of his men, just sitting and not talking with each other, all thinking about Laketown, and their wives, and the unquenchable whores that roamed the streets at night. Faithfulness wasn't really considered paramount in the Long Lake, and wherever the five men had gone on their journey from Laketown and then back again, they had got lucky with the women, or the occasional young stable boy in Bree, eager to become a man, which the five trading farmers were only too happy to demonstrate. They had given each other blowjobs along the way of course, but that was as far as it had gone; so since Bree, none of them had gotten laid, and they were all craving some kind of hole tighter than a mouth, a wet pussy or a tight male butt. Torin had barely been able to control himself when he had looked upon the form of the young-looking Elf when they had arrived at the clearing, and he was still having a hard time concealing his hard-on as a result. He had looked over at Legolas several times over the last 45 minutes, and the Elf had seemed asleep each time, once with his back to them, showing his fantastic butt through his breeches, and then lying on his back, his package bulging slightly out from his groin, either position, heightening the man's arousal. Torin decided to go to sleep at last, and took one last look at the Elf. His eyes nearly popped at the sight. The Elf was still on his back, but it was now obvious that he was even more aroused than any of the men had been during the whole four weeks they had been away. His package was now a colossal bulge between his legs, not stretching down his thigh, but lying on the Elf's stomach, and occasionally giving a twitch. And Legolas was groaning, as he evidently imagined something that was causing him distinct pleasure. Torin approached the Elf on his hands and knees, trying not to disturb him, knowing from experience what to do. He gently undid the leather belt around Legolas' waist and pulled his breeches and underwear down his thighs. He sat on his feet for a moment to admire the sight; two round smooth balls topped by a nine inch uncut shaft with a mushroom head, that was leaking cum onto the Elf's hairless six-pack. There was a light, fresh sort of smell emanating from Legolas' groin, and Torin inhaled it gently. He then built up his courage, braced himself for a possible outburst of indignation from the object of his desire, and grasped the monster between both his hands. Legolas was incredibly still too out of it to notice what was being done to him. The image of the unknown man had faded, but he felt the sensations running through his cock-shaft grow in strength. Torin moved his broad rough hands slowly up and down the long smooth shaft, getting his face closer and closer to the head. He was just about to stick out his tongue, when a small burst of pre-cum shot from the head and landed in his mouth. The taste erupted on his taste buds, and he knew that he had to have more. He took a deep breath, and placed the head in his mouth. Legolas' eyes flew open again, and he sat up almost involuntarily with a load moan. He looked down his chest, and saw his manhood uncovered, dripping with the remains of his wet dream, and the head of the leader of the five men from Laketown bobbing up and down on it, sucking and licking under the foreskin. A louder moan, almost a yelp, escaped him as Torin began to squeeze his large balls lovingly, tickling and stroking them. His yelp attracted the attention of the other two men who were awake, and they just stared at the sight of their boss giving head to the fresh-faced Elf, who appeared to be packing a whopper in his breeches. They watched, mesmerised for a minute or two, and then they crawled over to join the man and the Elf. One of the men, whose name was Tuck, started stroking Legolas' taught belly, tweaking his nipples and cupping his defined pecs. The other, called Lank, went to the Elf's head, first pressing their mouths firmly together, initiating a tongue battle between themselves. He then unbuckled his own breeches, pulled out his seven-inch cock, and began to stroke it, rubbing the smooth cut head over Legolas' chest, moving Tuck's hand from his nipple occasionally. He then pulled his mouth away from Legolas', and placed his cock at the Elf's lips and pushed it down his throat. Legolas was used to getting large meat shoved down his gullet when he was least expecting it, so he had no trouble with this man's seven-incher, sucking it into his mouth and swallowing it down like he hadn't eaten for days, and, in this case, he hadn't. Tuck now had his own cock out, which was half an inch larger than Lank's, and was moaning and swearing as he beat off slowly, watching Torin suck the Elf's cock, making loud slurping noises as he pulled off, and rugged groans as he went back down on it. It wasn't long, of course, before the other two, Bert and Will, woke up crankily amidst all the moaning and slurping coming from Legolas and Torin. But they soon shook the sleep off to watch the activities going on between their new buddy and their three companions. After a few minutes, during which they too whipped out their 7.5-inch shafts out of their breeches and started wanking leisurely, they crawled over and joined in, Bert moving to Legolas' left side to get a better view, and Will going to Torin's butt, the crack visible over the waistline of his loose breeches, running a finger over the hole gently, but enough to make his boss groan even louder, if possible, and pull his own cock out over his undone belt.

This was the sight Aragorn saw as he returned from his walk, and made his meat go harder than the tree he was leaning against. He watched, shocked. He had known all about the activities going on in the Woodland realm for decades, because they had been going on in Rivendell also, where Aragorn had grown up, but he himself had never taken part in the 2 hour orgies happening somewhere or other, and he didn't think that Legolas, with all his subtlety and sense, would either. But he was now convinced otherwise, as he watched the Elf whom he knew almost as a distant brother being tended to by four Laketown men. He didn't know where the men had come from, but at the moment he had stopped caring, and observed eagerly as Torin gave up Legolas' cock to Tuck, pulling up the Elf's legs and licking his butt greedily, and as Bert moved up towards Lank and also started to lick and suck at his butt. Nothing, not Arwen or even Legolas alone had turned him on more than this, and he felt his heart start beating faster, and his skin start to get damp with excited sweat as he got off on the thrill of watching something like this without those involved knowing he was there, and began to stroke his throbbing eight inches through his breeches, crouching down onto his feet so as to have less chance of being seen as he, the voyeur, gazed at the orgy hungrily, his tongue coming out to lick his drying lips, his breathing shallow. After five minutes, he saw Torin pull his face out of Legolas' butt, pull the Elf's knees up under his armpits and begin to force his thick veiny meat between the smooth buns of the apparently untouched backside. Legolas opened his mouth around Lank's cock and began to yell in delight as inch after inch glided up inside him, and finally came to rest, chafing against his sensitive prostate gland. Aragorn gulped to wet his dry throat. He undid his belt and pulled his breeches down his hairy legs and grasped his almost vertical cock, which he could see was bigger than any of the other men's, but was still dwarfed by Legolas' 9.5-inch length. His was a good thick eight-inches, and perfectly cut like a mushroom, with his thick pubic hair growing about four inches up the shaft from the wavy bush beneath his navel. He started to stroke his hot meat lovingly, glancing down at it in self-admiration every now and then, squeezing it hard so that his cut head expanded momentarily as he ran his hand up the shaft, causing a pleasurable 'pins-and-needles' feeling all the way up and down the veins on his cock. His balls swung down from his scrotum as he jerked himself, the light breeze lightly brushing his wonderfully hairy butt-cheeks. He found himself rubbing his crack up and down the smooth trunk of a tree right behind him, causing his to imagine that someone with a cock three feet thick was trying to penetrate him. He began to pant, his tongue still running over his lips, which were drying as fast as he was wetting them. But he never took his eyes f the scene in front of his for a second. Torin was now past the 'let his butt adjust' stage, and was pulling his cock right out to the rim of the head and then sliding it slowly all the way back in to the hilt. Legolas' fingers had joined Bert's inside Lank's hole, and the Elf was now licking the man's tight nut-sack. Then Lank scooted back carefully so that the head of Legolas' cock was rubbing against his hole, and with a loud roar of pain, he sat right down on it. His hole seemed to open up quickly enough to accommodate it though, and the look of pain quickly turned to pleasure. Aragorn let go of his cock quickly and it jerked violently, and then settled down to its normal jerking up and down. He let out a sigh and relaxed. He knew he'd probably never come that close to shooting and still not spilt a drop in his life, and the feeling of an orgasm without cumming glowed throughout his body wonderfully, and Aragorn groaned as every hair on his body stood up and prickled. He had to learn how to do that more often. Torin had by now grabbed Lank around the belly and had holding him tight as he let fly on Legolas' but, pounding hard and fast, his shaft now running on a layer of pre-cum like a greased crankshaft, making slapping noises as the man's loins hit the Elf's butt. Tuck, who had been sitting and watching for the last ten minutes, cock in hand, now got up and kneeled over Legolas' face, his butt right over the Elf's nose. Aragorn noticed this, and he screwed up his nose in disgust. Tuck didn't actually think Legolas was going to do that did he? But still he watched, now simply fondling the head of his still rock hard cock between his fingers. And then he saw Legolas pull his head up and stick his nose into Tuck's crack, and then take a large lick of it with his long tongue. Aragorn's mouth fell open, and he once again had to quickly let go of his cock, a little prematurely this time, and there was less pleasure, but he wasn't paying attention right now. The look on Tuck's face as Legolas rimmed him out almost looked like intense pain, but the way his mouth hung open and the sound of his gasps and yelps as the Elf's tongue explored him gave away how much he was enjoying the experience, and the way his hand was now flying up and down his thick shaft also seemed to give it away. Aragorn took a moment to get a good look at the strangers themselves. Torin was smooth and muscular, but seemed to have a lot of hair around his groin and nowhere else except for on his chin and his head. Tuck was slim with a defined chest, sort of like Legolas', but had a lot more hair that Torin, mostly on his legs and forearms, and a light spattering across his chest. Lank was, as his name suggested, tall, and was not as defined as the others, his belly seemingly holding a bit of flab, but not enough to really be noticeable. His body was also hairier than Torin's, but was limited to a light patch on the small of his back and his shoulders. He had the biggest beard of the lot, so that you couldn't really se his jawline. Will, his face now in Torin's butt crack, had the same definition as Torin, but while Lank had the hairiest face, Will certainly had the hairiest body, with light smooth looking hair running from the backs of his hands up the his shoulders, down his back and over his chest, covering his firm belly and bubble butt with a fine carpet that continued down his legs and halfway along his big feet. He even had hairy toes. Bert, who was now just sitting to the side, jerking his big cock, was the biggest of all of the men, with large beefy muscles, broad shoulders and a barrel chest. He too had some hair, but only on his chest, belly and legs, as well as the generous growth between his thick legs. Then, as Aragorn continued to watch, beginning to beat faster on his cock, Will pulled his tongue out of Torin's butt, and literally rammed his cock inside without hesitation, and began to fuck him hard, his bulging butt cheeks rippling on impact. Torin's scream could probably been heard from Rivendell, and Aragorn, taken by surprise, lost his balance and slipped backwards into the leaves. Hearing this, Legolas turned his eyes while keeping his long tongue buried inside Tuck's hole, and for a moment ignoring the pleasure that was almost causing him to black out. On the outskirts of the clearing, he saw the dark, longhaired figure of his old friend Aragorn kneeling on the ground, apparently just having fallen over, his breeches around his ankles, showing his hairy legs and firm hairy butt cheeks, his eight inch cock bobbing in front of him. Legolas grinned to himself, and quickly turned his attention back to Tuck as Aragorn regained his balance and took his manhood back in his hand, not wanting his friend to know that he, Legolas, knew he was there. But he kept half and eye on the figure in the shadows, watching as he began to pant harder as he got closer to shooting, his palm massaging the naked head of his cock. He himself was getting closer by the second, his cock being massaged by the butt muscles of Lank, and his own butt muscles being kneaded by Torin's cock. Aragorn had not noticed the glances that Legolas was giving him, as he was too busy watching Bert. The big man's stomach muscles were contracting as his back arched, his mouth stretched in a silent yell. One last pump on his cock, and Bert gave a animalistic grunt, a ribbon of thick pearly white cum erupting from his head, the first shot hitting him in the forehead, and the second right in his open mouth, and then the last five drenching his chest and stomach. The second to go was Tuck. He began to swear and moan, ordering Legolas not to stop over and over again. And then he shot his thick new load all over Lank's stomach and Torin's hands, and then down over Lank's cock and all over Legolas' stomach. He rolled off the Elf's face and lay next to Bert, who had collapsed on the ground, and began to lick the cum off his face, chest and stomach. It wasn't exactly clear to Aragorn who went next, as the other three men all went off at the same time. Torin's face went suddenly redder his groans increasing to yells and oaths as he fucked and was fucked both at once. Lank also began to get obscenely vocal as Legolas' monster stimulated him almost beyond orgasm, and Will simply sank his teeth into Torin's shoulder. Then all three men started roaring and grunting and Lank's cum hit Legolas in the face, where he started to lick it off. Then Will pulled out of Torin, his shrinking cock drenched in his own cum and the juices from his boss' arse. Lank and Torin both remained where they were, Torin slowly sliding his cock, which was also shrinking, in and out of Legolas, and Lank bouncing up and down cautiously on the Elf's cock, both waiting for Legolas to shoot before they finished. A few minutes later, Legolas' golden skin began to tighten as his muscles clenched, and he started to moan louder and louder as he grabbed Lank's hips and started pounding his loins roughly against the man's butt. Then Aragorn heard Lank give a small whimper as Legolas bellowed at the sky in pleasure, and the force of the Elf's cum stimulated his prostate momentarily. Then Legolas relaxed back, his head lolling down onto the ground, his eyes closed and his chest heaving as he panted, trying to get his strength back. Aragorn watched this wave of cum in delight, as he too began to get closer to the edge. He then began to panic, as he had never been able to cum quietly, always involuntarily shouting his gratification to the world. But he couldn't do that now, or the group below in the clearing would hear him. He looked down at his cock, and began to slow his pumping. Then, reaching a decision, he let go of his cock, stood up, pulling his breeches up with him. He then turned and walked as quietly and as quickly as he could back into the woods. Legolas saw him go through his half-closed eyes, and smiled. He hoped his friend had enjoyed the 'show'! Aragorn walked for almost three minutes, his solid shaft straining against the fabric of his breeches. When he felt he was a safe enough distance away from the clearing, he leaned against another tree and pulled his breeches down again. He grasped his cock with his left hand, his fat balls in his right hand, and began to beat off hard. It was only a matter of minutes before he felt the cum boiling up from his balls, and he leant his head back against the tree, and took deep rugged breaths of forest air. As he had predicted, when his white, ropey load finally burst from the end of his cock, flying over two metres away, he yelled as though he had been stabbed in the leg, and then again with the second shot. After the third, he managed to get control of himself, and limited himself to grunts of contentment as five more small shots jutted and dribbled from his manhood, and down his left leg. He milked his cock for a minute or two more, his eyes closed, before the feeling of pleasure left him. Then came the feeling of guilt. He hadn't hurt anyone, and he wasn't being unfaithful to Arwen just by wanking, but it was more that he had gotten off watching six men in an orgy that disturbed him. He knew that he had been turned on by the smell of Legolas the last couple of days, but that was out of horniness, and he had thought he could hold off until he got home. But he had cum after watching men fuck each other. This couldn't mean that... No. It couldn't. Could it? He pushed the questions from his mind as he stood up straight again, and buckled his belt. He walked around again some more before returning to the clearing. He had managed to suppress the questions for the time being, at least until he felt ready to face them, which he was conveniently convinced wouldn't be soon, but he had been unable to chase away the twisting feeling of guilt and uncertainty from his stomach. The men and Legolas had managed to get dressed again by the time he walked back into the clearing, and were asleep on the ground. He crept as stealthily as he could to an empty spot as far from the others as possible, and then, when he was least expecting it, fell fast asleep until morning. When Legolas awoke, he immediately looked around for Aragorn, and was relived to see him lying half awake on the ground on the other side of the clearing from himself. He knew that Aragorn wouldn't mention the fact that he had watched the activities of last night, and Legolas wasn't about to bring it up between them. But he wasn't going to forget this, he though as he smiled to himself. Eventually, the five men woke up again, and after being introduced to Aragorn (who grunted his greetings without looking any of them in the eye), got directions from Legolas how to get back to Laketown, and then they went off, all giving Legolas a grateful smile as they went. Soon after, the two companions set off again. Aragorn was slightly more talkative this time, but he still felt the doubt coursing through him, but was grateful for the talk now, as it seemed to stave off the memories of last night. Legolas meanwhile was in a haze of 'got laid last night' happiness, but also had the feeling, as he talked with his friend, that he knew something that nobody else did, that Aragorn got off watching gay sex. This brought a smile to his face as the road went on ahead. Rivendell was still three days away, if they didn't stop during the day, but they went on, as friends, but with a difference now that had not been there before.

That's chapter two of Part one finished then! I'm not sure how much longer part one will go on before we reach the beginning of 'Fellowship', but I guarantee you its on the way, maybe after another five or six chapters to part one. See you for chapter three! JC

Next: Chapter 3

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