Tales of Middle Earth


Published on Jul 21, 2004


Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth are the property of JRR Tolkein and New Line Cinema, and I have no connection with either. None of the characters described here are meant to besmirch the original and much loved characters of Lord of the Rings, or imply anything about the actors who played them in the movie trilogy. If you are too young, or don't like gay stories, PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE, or I'll get in trouble. These stories contain scenes of gay sex without condoms or protection, because it doesn't seem likely that condoms would exist in Middle Earth, or STDs for that matter - don't try and copy these fictional characters - always wear a condom during sex; the experience isn't worth the risk

Author's Notes: I'm not going to bitch about the lack of Email I've been getting, back suffice to say I'd like more, going as far as I wish everybody who reads this would send me a message with their opinions. Secondly, I'm sorry for the lateness, shortness and rubbish planning of this story, since it is meant to be just an establishing chapter, but I ended up having to literally wrench it from my mind, and the result wasn't quite what I'd hoped for, and I will try my best to make sure the next chapter is more satisfactory.

Tales of Middle Earth The Deep Breath Before the Plunge Chapter Four

The sun was rising over the Lonely Mountain, to the east of Mirkwood the next day, but it was still quite cold. But despite the cold, one or two Dwarves sat on one of several ledges of rock that overlooked the land to the south, the Long Lake, Mirkwood and the Misty Mountains gracing the horizon. Gimli sat alone, away from the few other Dwarves, smoking his pipe in a relaxed sort of fashion, just staring into the distance. There wasn't anything there he hadn't seen before, but he wasn't really looking at the view. Gimli wasn't lonely, or horny, or even particularly bored. It was just good to be able to sit and stare at nothing for a while, and it gave a break from the noise and heat of the inside of the mountain. Despite the warrior-like appearance they might display to the outside world, armour wearing, axe wielding soldiers, most Dwarves were still miners at heart, and Gimli was no different, not having worn his Dwarf armour for almost a year, he worked as a metal smith in the mines below, working in roaring heat of furnaces and molten or heated metal for swords, armour, or just plain decoration. While he might still be a bit overweight, the work he did had gifted Gimli with broad shoulders, muscular chest and a solid (yet still round) belly. With his beard and generous body hair, Gimli enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror everyday, running his fingers through the thick fur on his chest, down to his belly, and then into the thick bush of his pubic hair, and then stroke his hard manhood until he came, roaring and swearing. He didn't really care if other Dwarves heard him at his games, since he could quite often hear others doing the same thing in the morning, in the short spaces of time when he himself was not waking up the mountain with his thunderous orgasmic bellowing. On the ledge, now clad in simple leather garbs, which covered a thin scale shirt to protect him from the heat of the furnaces, Gimli chuckled to himself and stroked his impressive beard at the thought of other Dwarves beating off before the days work, but he had never been really sexually interested in anyone else but himself. And he had ways of dealing with that... Gimli came down off his rock after an hour or two of being alone. It was getting a bit colder as the afternoon wore on, and the view was getting boring once more. On the steps down to the main brazier chambers, Gimli heard a very strange sound, like all the bellows in Moria were working full speed with punctures. He stopped to listen. It sounded almost like groaning. He shrugged and continued down the stairs. What greeted him at the bottom was a sight that would shock even the folk of Angmar. He was standing on a walled balcony overlooking the halls, and the whole floor was just a seething mass of bodies, all naked, all sweating, and all male. Gimli just stood in shock, and then ducked down below the balcony wall, praying that nobody had seen him. Then, gathering courage, he got onto his knees and looked over. He didn't realise it, but his large cock was slowly swelling in his breeches.

The sight Gimli now saw below was the result of the horny nature of the chief brazier, Doin, who had been caught taking a blowjob from another Dwarf, and it had started from there, with several others joining in, and eventually spreading throughout the whole hall. Gimli, despite his routine jerk-off sessions, was very private about sex, and it would never have occurred to him to join in the orgy below, but he could watch. Slowly, he began to fondle himself, stroking his manhood through the leather of his trousers, getting himself harder and harder. He focused on one segment of the action below, where five Dwarves, two of them wearing new armour, were entangled in a frenzy of fucking and sucking among other things. The hidden Dwarf finally released his huge cock from his breeches, and began to stroke the 9 inch long rod gently, his large hands just able to hold the 3 inch width in his palm. He began to beat off, faster and faster, watching some Dwarves he had known for years fuck each other's muscular, hairy butts with their massive cocks. Many of the Dwarves were hugely muscular with potbellies, and some were covered with hair all over, as Gimli was, their impressive manhood emerging from thick bushes of hair between their legs. Staring fixedly at several hundred of these horny Dwarves got Gimli so hard that every vein on his cock stood out like cords, and his hands were working so fast, rolling down his foreskin so that the huge pink cockhead was bared, that he barely felt them. Eventually, he got so horny, that he decided that he needed to cum and fast before his balls exploded. The Dwarf rolled his breeched down around his ankles and sat bare-arsed on the stone floor, both his legs spread wide, his cock pointing diagonally upwards, bouncing gently, his large egg-sized balls brushing the ground. He then leaned forwards and easily took the head of his cock into his mouth and began to suck, feeling the vertebra in his spine loosening as they always did, so used they were to this act. As his back got looser, Gimli managed to get a whole eight inches of his cock down his throat, his nose rubbing his balls. He eventually felt the sensation that all men crave but many dread, the feeling of orgasm, meaning that the experience was about to end. Sure enough, a few seconds later, he felt his balls release a huge volley of spunk into his mouth, and then another and another. He shot eight thick generous loads into his own mouth before they began to die down, and made twelve in all before he ran out. A solitary Dwarf guard on the opposite side of the hall, higher up than the balcony on which Gimli sat, saw the whole show, and found himself beating on his own large cock, as he watched his fellow miner blow several loads down his own gullet. He smiled to himself. This looked like fun. He recognised Gimli as he stood up, and with one last look below, departed through the gateway to the brazier hall. He would be sure to remember this...

Gimli didn't feel shame or guilt, since these were emotions he very rarely dealt with. He knew that he had enjoyed watching a huge crowd of Dwarves fuck each other, and he wasn't going to deny it. It was just an odd experience that required some thought. The orgy went on for several more hours, until eventually, they all tired, many from physical exhaustion, most from sheer lack of spunk to go on. Gimli thought about what he had seen for several more days, and each day he found himself getting more and more curious, and eager...

To be continued...

Some guy's who've emailed me have expressed regret that more doesn't happen in these chapters, like Aragorn not joining in with the orgy between the men and Legolas, or the story of Eomer and Kian not progressing further. Remember, the bit at the end always has 'to be continued...' written, and it will be (especially with Eomer because I like that one!). See ya next chapter! JC

Next: Chapter 5

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