Tales of Sol

By Joseph Klimczak

Published on Feb 6, 2022


The Tales of Sol 58 By Joe at3unit3@yahoo.com

This my second attempt to write so please tell me what you think. This is a fictional story it is not intended to imply that any members of the Backstreet Boys, Nsync or 98 Degrees are gay, or any of the other celebrities mentioned are homosexuals. If you are not old enough to read these stories do yourself a favor don't get caught. The same goes for those people whose countries have these sites made illegal. And for everyone else enjoy

Captain Planet and related characters was created by R.E Turner and copyright by AOL Time Warner Company and Trademark by TBS Productions

Babylon 5 and all related characters and props were created by Michael Straczynski and copyright by Warner Bros.

Star Trek and all related characters created by Gene Roddenberry. Copyright Paramount

Transformers and all related characters, and props are trademarked by Hasbro inc. Copyright Rhino Home Videos and AOL Time Warner Entertainment CO

He-Man, She-Ra, related characters, and props are trademarked by Filmation 1980's

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox.

Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros.

X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox.

To those who've been reading Tales of Sol. I want you to know that while there is sex in this story. That is not is sole purpose and yes I do hope the sex sense makes you all hard and gets you off.

Sol is an adaption from my childhood favorite show Captain Planet and the Planeteers, The cartoon showed us that the world can be a better place if we took a few moments to care for it.

Tales of Sol is meant to express hope.

It is also shows how music can have an impact in our lives. While I don't know if my favorite bands 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys or Nsync have ever read this. They saw me through some of the hardest moments of my life and offered in their own way hope. To them I say thank you.

I dedicate the Tales of Sol to all of my brothers and sisters of the US armed service past, present, and future.

I like to thank my friends who I had the privilege showing these chapters with. They helped with editing and inspiration,

John Rivera, Albert-Russ Alan Rivera-Odum, Derbe.D. Hunte Yvette Ortiz Samuel Diaz Jr for all their help in Making The Tales of Sol an enjoyable story to write.

And I have a few other names starting with the beginner of this universe James the author of Tales of a Real Dark Knight. I still hope to reconnect with you dear friend and all the rest of this series.

Blake the author of Tales of a New Phoenix

Jeremi author of the Tales of Young Mutants

Please remember to Donate to Nifty

And now without any further ado I give you the next chapter of Tales of Sol.

The Tales of Sol 59 Time has Come

While Brian and the rest of the Backstreet Boys were busy packing I was on a three way call with Johnny and Tony giving them my full report on my encounters with Devin. As soon as I brought up Devin's name Tony swore "I should have thought about that bastard,"

"I didn't think about him either Tony," Johnny grumbled

I told them everything Devin told me and I relayed his involvement with Hector and what had happened to Frank.

"Are you sure Devin isn't coming back?" Tony asked

"As long as we can keep the bully in an Alaskan prison," I remarked

That got a chuckle out of both of them "You didn't?" Tony laughed

"It was obvious that Devin couldn't take Brian's rejection and nothing I said or did had any impact so I put a bit of a distance between them," I simply said

"A bit of a distance?" Johnny chuckled

"In any case as long as we can keep the bastard from getting near Brian and the rest we should be okay," I redirected

"I will see what strings I can pull," Johnny acknowledged

After we all hung up I went back to packing myself. I sent any bags I had packed to the Sea Dragon. We left the bags of merchandise I had bought out so we could donate them to a local charity at Brian's recommendation. After everything was loaded onto their bus and at my recommendation the tour bus will make its way back to Philadelphia so it would be here for their next stop as the Backstreet Boys were supposed to fly to Florida and come back north so they can do a concert in Ohio. With the bus in Philadelphia saving them on gas and other things.

Once packing was done I met with Brian and the rest in the main lobby as we waited for Kevin to check us out. Steve and the other bodyguards had already put the bags with my merchandise into one of the security vehicles.

One guard had asked why I had bought stuff I didn't even want or need. It was Steve who pointed out that before I did Jordan McKnight was giving me a hard time being around the band. This got the guard's attention, "So he bought this junk to prove a point?" the guard asked

"He bought them after he and McKnight got in a fight," Steve said

"Who the hell takes on a person with Mike's martial arts training?" the guard gasped

This made Steve snicker. "McKnight found that one out the hard way and you know the old adage you break it you bought it,"

"So Mike bought all this because they were wrecked in the fight," the guard acknowledged

Kevin came back to the group and we all left the hotel and were soon coming to the thrifty shop who was more than excited that we were donating a lot of usable items after I produced the receipt to prove I did indeed purchase them and I was indeed donating them. While I did that the band walked around the thrift shop and I could see some sadness on their faces.

The woman at the counter told me to wait until she would come back with a total for the items I was giving the thrift shop.

As I looked out the window across from the thrift shop was a construction site various construction vehicles were going to and from, construction men were busy with jobs. In the middle of all that my sensitive hearing picked up whining and whimpering I followed the sounds to a mother dog and her puppies trapped between several fallen iron beams. "Oh on!" I bolted out the door.

"Mike!" I heard before I ran to the construction site.

Dodging oncoming dump trucks and bulldozers I even heard a man or two screaming at me as I reached the dogs. I got to them and tried to dig the dogs out when I looked up at a cement bucket full of concrete about to come crashing down on the canine family. Just as the bucket came crashing down. I managed to shield the dogs as the cement poured over me. The Foreman came running "What in the world are you doing?" He screamed

Brushing the cement off of me, "We need animal rescue," I told him as I dug into the rubble, trying to pull the iron beams off of the family of dogs.

"Give me one good reason to not have the cops come and haul you away for trespassing?" The Foreman screamed when he saw a paw sticking out "Holy!" he swore as he saw the dog trying to dig herself and her puppies out of their dire situation. "Men hold up!" He screamed as moved and he helped me pull more rubble away, trying to clear the area. Several of the work men stopped what they were doing and rushed to our sides. I was surround by a dozen construction men normally this would be a gay man fantacy, but right now we were all trying to get these dogs free. The mother dog was nipping at the metal confinement trying to help us and when the foreman's hand came into reach she smelled him and began to lick the Foreman's hand the poor girl and her puppies were whimpering loudly as they begged us to free them "Hang in there girl, we will get you out of there," The Foreman tried to comfort the frightened dogs. Animal rescue had arrived and soon even more people were there trying to get these dogs free. We had managed to clear all but a large and very heavy piece of iron beam only the dog's paw could fit out, "Back up momma," I said as I managed to get a good grip and pulled up a large iron beam. Two construction workers quickly wrapped a chain around the beam "Careful this could easily collapse if you guys try to lift it too quickly," I warned

"I will have the Lift operator try to ease it up," the worker assured he ran off and with as much care as possible the iron began to rise but I didn't let go, it went up giving clearance for someone to reach in and get the dogs out of the rubble. I could feel the strain in the rubble as the beam pushed against the debris.

I held it in place so someone could reach under and get them. It turned out to be the Foreman who dove under pulling the mother dog free. Giving her to animal rescue Momma dog began whining for her puppies.

"Don't worry mom we'll, get your children too," The Foreman reassured her then went under to pull out the puppies one by one. Giving them to a waiting hand. When the Foreman came out with the last puppy he cleared the debris and everyone backed away. I let go and the lift operator let the beam go and it came crashing down. "I hope that was reason enough?" I asked, dusting my hands.

Holding one of the puppies in his big burly hands the Foremen turned to me with amazement "This is more than sufficient man, how in the world did you even know they were there?" The Foreman asked us to walk over to the animal rescue truck reuniting the puppy with her mother. They were licking every hand that was in reach. I patted momma's head and her tail was wagging happily.

"You are so welcome mom, just be careful where you put your children," I smiled warmly.

"Let's just say, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time," I answered

"Just double check your work area so we can avoid this and we will call it it even," I smiled

"This was a miracle man we could have accidentally killed them," The Foreman gasped

"If you will excuse me I have a plane to catch," I stated. As I moved back to where Brian and the rest of the Backstreet Boys were still standing at the thrift store. Along with the girl who was behind the counter.

"I was just coming out with you receipt I thought you were ditching everything," the girl remarked, pointing her finger towards Brian and the rest "They assured me you would be back,"

"I didn't mean to run out there was small problem that needed my attention," I replied sheepishly

The girl shook her head "I saw, we all saw you risked your life to save a family of dogs,"

"No matter if its human or animal all life is unique," I told her

"I just wanted to say I am impressed," The girl said, handing me my receipt and then reentered the thrift shop. Nick pulled me into a hug and then gave me a noggy "Not this guy he never thinks twice when he see someone in danger,"

Brian had a smile plastered on his handsome face. "Mike, that was an incredible rescue, your heart knows no bounds," Brian words were the kisses he couldn't give me in public.

"All life is precious," I spoke softly.

"I was astonished at seeing how quickly all those construction guys went to your aid once they realized that there was trouble," Howie was still gasping.

"The power of heart is incredible," I smiled warmly.

"Well now we must get going, our flight leaves in a few hours," Kevin reminded us. I cringed as did Brian once we were back inside the limo Brian took my hand and wouldn't release it until we got to the airport. I could already see my Sea Dragon sitting on the tarmac waiting for me.

Kevin had gone ahead with Steve to confirm their reservations and to get their plane tickets.

I sat with Brian and the rest of the Backstreet Boys waiting for Kevin to come back. The trip to New York was an exhilarating experience. And a very tiring one the guys were equally beat with all of rehearsals and the actual concert had taken their toll on them and with Devin re-surfacing during the concert hadn't helped much. But that guy was now in an Alaskan Prison. Johnny had informed me that Frank finally regained consciousness during the concert and when we tried to warn us about Devin's return. Frank was informed that we knew about Devin and that he was dealt with. Frank is flying out to meet them in Orlando. With this moment now on the back burner everyone was able to think of the upcoming concert in Orlando.

It was a good visit. I made new friends like Rob Thomas, taking a car for Rob Thomas not how I wanted our friendship to be forged but it made a lasting impact. I had earned the respect from Eminem and Jordan McKnight. Made friends with the X-Men. Dealing with my own trauma and learning how to use my powers I too was beat. That didn't make this any easier as I was saying goodbye to my love and loving friends.

"I hope you have a good time with your mother Bri," I told him with a sniffle there at the end

"I wish you were coming," Brian sighed trying to keep the tears out his eyes but neither of us were making a good show of how much we were hurting over this separation. The rest of the Backstreet Boys and the bodyguards were helping us spend what little time we had left together.

"So do I babe but I don't think now is a good time," I told him

"Why not?" Brian asked

"Well for one we've just met, and I am not sure how she'd react to that kind of news," I told him

"She'd see that I am in love and that is all she will see," Brian replied

"That it maybe babe, but we still need a bit more time before we play let's meet the parents bit," I spoke

"Okay, we will wait, but I still wish you were coming," Brian conceded

"So do I but I really need to get back to Philadelphia," I reminded him

"So, Mike, how are you getting home?" Nick asked changing the subject.

"You remember that behemoth of a helicopter is sitting on the tarmac," I told him as I pointed out the window where my Sea Dragon was sitting idle.

Nick looked out and sort of blushed "Oh yes you told us that was here to also take you home,"

"The next we get stranded in the hangar I will have something more suitable waiting," I quipped

"Mike I don't expect and I shouldn't have expected anything then what you had when you saved our lives," Nick said bowing his head in remorse. I quickly moved over to Nick and grabbed him in a hug "I love you all Nick never forget that," I said into his ear

"We love you just the same Mike," Nick said back. When I let go of Nick, AJ came over and gave me a hug, so did Kevin and finally Howie. We each spoke of our love for each other. I wished them a great flight and they offered their own to me.

Their flight was announced and they began to board. I waited until the stewardess had led them down the jetway before I made my way to the helipad where my ride was parked. Once I sat in the cockpit I wiped the tears that I was finally able to shed. I mournfully did my preflight checks as I began to start-up BEATTI's engines.

"The plane carrying Backstreet Boys has just taken off and is on course to Orlando Florida," BEATTI announced seem to be softly spoken as not to take away the fact that I was flying in a different direction

"Good, now how about we head home too, girl?" Through tears my voice shuddered

"Very good sir," my computer complied

"This is Ranger T-121 requesting clearance to take off?" I made an official request to airport control tower

"Ranger T-121 what is your destination?" the woman on the radio asked

"I am transmitting my flight plan now," I informed her as I keyed the requested information

"Ranger T-121 your flight plan has been received. You are clear to take off on Pad C and have a safe trip back to Philadelphia," the Control Tower told me.

"Roger Control Tower and thank you," I replied and we made our way to the designated pad.

Five minutes later we were airborne and heading home to Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Brian was looking out the window wishing that Mike was here; he never felt this way about anyone before. Mike was such a special person, so strong even when he didn't realize it. Brian could see the struggle in which Mike fights more so than most people he's ever encountered. He isn't surprised that God had chosen him as the planet's Guardian and he's only known Mike for a few days. The compassion and courage Mike has shown was incredible. His willingness to put himself in harm's way to save even a small cat was nothing short of heroic. Even though Mike said it was Gaia he knew in his heart it was God who had moved things so the Spirit of the Earth would pick Mike.

"What are you thinking of Bri?" his cousin asked

"Mike," Brian confessed

"Yeah I figured as much," Kevin smiled

Brian blushed, "Seriously Bri he's everything you could want," Kevin stated

"When Jeff told me he knew someone, I was skeptical but now I am not sure how I can do without him," Brian confessed.

"I never met anyone with such dedication and compassion," Brian fawned over his lover

"Yes he certainly kept us on our toes as he rescued any animal in danger," Kevin exhaled sharply. Thinking about how Mike ran off a balcony, to save a dog that had fallen over the floor above them.

"No more than when he took that car for Rob after that loon tried to run him down," Brian shuddered

That made Kevin shudder harder, the falling dog at least didn't nearly kill Mike, as that star crazed fan Erica did when she tried to take Rob out with a car. That still made Kevin wince at the image of Mike covered head to toe in bandages. But Kevin has never been so proud of his newest cousin either.

"He does have his charm," Kevin chuckled

"So are you okay with Mike?" Brian asked

"Are you kidding I love Mike he's one of the most amazing person I have ever met," Kevin stated

Brian just listened to his cousin.

"He's compassionate and loyal, willing to put his life on the line for those he loves," Kevin spoke

Brian just listened to his cousin. It was nice to hear that he wasn't the only one who thought about these things.

"Although you do have some competition," Kevin laughed

That confused Brian for a moment until it hit him, "Yeah he does have a soft spot for the Earth doesn't he?" He chuckled.

"A soft spot," Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"Okay he's in love with the Planet," Brian answered

"I won't say he's in love with the Earth, but he does care about the world," Kevin corrected

"I don't get what you mean?" Brian confessed

"Brian, Mike loves you there is absolutely no doubt there," Kevin admitted

"But his feelings towards this world can't be denied either and he certainly doesn't hide it either," Brian said

Brian knew more than he let on; he wanted to see if Kevin would catch on.

"Mike's love for this planet isn't like his love for you, but the way we love our parents and I think that is how Mike sees the Earth," Kevin said

"Your correct except for one thing," Brian spoke with a smile

"What is that?" Kevin quizzed

"Mike's loves the Earth greatly but it's more than as a motherly figure," Brian answered

"Then what do you think it is Bri?" Kevin wanted to know.

"He has faith in this world, while I wouldn't say he worships Earth in a religious sort of way, but for Mike it's enough to know that the Earth is there. The same way I feel when I know I have God to be there when I am in need of his grace to help me through hard time, and it has given him strength when he doesn't have any," Brian stated

"Yeah I can agree with that, we all need something bigger than ourselves to take on impossible burdens," Kevin agreed.

"What do the others think of Mike?" Brian whispered

"We all love him Bri, he's like the family member we all wanted to connect us to in some way," Kevin reassured his cousin.

Brian smiled and was about to say something when the plane began to shake violently and a massive snapping sound filled the plane and then all went black.

I was a half hour outside of Philly talking to Dave about the events in New York, at least those he was not made aware of and told more about the training session I had with the X-Men and how they helped me control my ever growing powers. We even talked more about Devin so he knew everything that I didn't tell Tony or Johnny. Including the help from a Gargoyle near the end. Dave did say that he will do what he can to help keep Devin behind bars.

"I told Goliath that he was welcome to come to Philly if he needed to," I told Dave

"I still can't believe that there are real gargoyles out there," Dave awed

"Dave, I'm the planet's guardian and have Godlike powers. How can anything at this point shock you?" I asked

"Mike there are things about the last months or so that I am still having trouble grasping," Dave stated

I was about to make a comment when I was hit with a massive ping from the Earth and I felt a hole form in my heart.

"Dave, I have to go!" I suddenly cut our conversation and turned the screen off and brought the radar page up.

"BEATTI I need you to monitor the emergency aircraft broadcast network now!" I ordered

"Understood," BEATTI complied

"Brian," I whispered

A moment later a voice filled the radio static, "This is Atlantic Base Tower to flight 145, please come in,"

I swung the Sea Dragon around on a heading for the Atlantic Ocean and then flew us out to sea as fast as the old girl was going to be able to, I went in search of my other half.

"This is Atlantic Base Tower to flight 145 for Orlando international please respond,"

So ends this shadow that stalked the group but there is more to come hope you are all enjoying this story.

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Please tell me what you think at3unit3@yahoo.com

All comments are welcome

I also recommend the following stories it was because of them I got into writing in the first place.

"Tales of a Real Dark Knight" by authorjames

"Marvel Knights" also by authorjames

"Tales of the New Phoenix" by Blake

"Tales of a Superhero Band" by Leo

"Tales of a Young Mutant" by Jeremi

"Tales of a Thunder God" by Tony Justiss

Next: Chapter 60

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