Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Sep 6, 2003


Enter the infamous legal disclaimer... NOW:

I do not own any of the following. I wish I did. OH how I wish I did. Do you know how much money some of these bring in? But alas, I am but a meager college student working towards a teaching degree. That's right; I am in college, and going to be a teacher. Going from no money at all (college student) to no money at all (teacher). Please don't sue. You'll get a crappy pen set that I got from my brother many moons ago. Now, onto everything I do not own. Repeat. Don't own. I don't know sexual orientations or personalities either. DON'T OWN, DON'T KNOW!

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations. Wish I did though.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series and characters written by Anne Rice.

Harry Potter and all characters, abilities, and creatures there within. (I have been forgetting to put this in. A fan pointed it out. So, a special thank you to Frithjof for telling me.)

Buffy & Angel television series.

Birds Of Prey television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

Ok, now that that is taken care of, a little publicity for my co-authors. Go read these four stories in the Boy Bands, and Celebrity sections:

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

Tales of a Human Spider celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-human-spider/

There may also be a new writer up and coming. Good luck! I love the storyline I've seen so far dude! Keep writing!

Finally, this is it I promise, we are entering into a section of the story where 4 stories converge. I am hoping that this is not confusing, but exciting for you all. So, enjoy!

The Story of the Birds Of Prey Chapter 12: The Final Battle

"No, no, no, no, no..." JC was in the back being cradled by Bobby. He was in hysterics, my mind had simply shut down. Blake, dead. Can't be true.

"We have to find Dasro." I said restarting the Hummer and putting it in drive.

"Dead." JC said through the tears. "Blake killed Dasro, but died stopping her."

"Her?" Jean asked. "Who is she?"

"Don't know. I don..." then he passed out and I was glad. He needed his rest.

"That doesn't change much. We still have hundreds, if not thousands of vampires in this city, with a lycanthrope chaser." I pulled off the freeway and started making for Blake and JC's condo. "Tonight, we go to war with what goes bump in the night."

I charged my ring and Devin gave us the game plan. Me and Storm would take to the sky. Dasro's army seemed to have control of Sentinels and that can't help any situation. Also the fighter jets. We had to keep them from attacking the city. The others would be split into two groups. One group would be led by David Talbot, vampire and former Talamasca. He would have Marvel Woman, Dazzler, and Iceman. Devin would head out with Boomer and Jubilee. Rogue was being left to guard Blake.

With our orders we set out. Storm and I took to a high flight pattern. I decided not to use my Falcon Construct and rather surrounded my body in a tight field of GL energy to lift me up. I could feel the wind that supported Storm as I flew next to her.

"We should split up and cover greater areas." She said.

"Agreed. You take the bay and shore, I'll take the city." She nodded and we went our separate ways. It seemed very quiet. And it was until I saw the first missile streak through the sky towards an office building. I pointed my ring at it and fired a particle beam. It blew up and I turned in the direction it came from.

"Jesus..." I whispered. A fleet of jets and Sentinels were moving towards the city. At least three hundred total. "Fortune favors the bold." I said and moved for them.

"Storm to Green Falcon." I heard through the glasses.

"Falcon here, I'm moving for the fleet. They seem to be coming from the East." I said.

"Ok, here's how it will work Storm. You take the 150 to the left, I'll take the 150 to the right. This will work." I giggled lightly at my joke. Storm didn't.

I stopped and pointed my ring at the fleet and projected a giant sword. I swept it through the jets and Sentinels destroying a good number. Storm arrived at my side and held her hands out. Dark clouds suddenly appeared over the jets. Lightning began crashing with great ferocity, and dozens of tornados appeared. I kept sweeping the sword back and forth as the Jets and Sentinels tried to stay aloft in the storm that... Storm created. Really, the Code Names, getting annoying here.

When there were less then fifty left Storm and I stopped the assault and sped for the much smaller group.

The hero's striving to save the unprepared city from attack were spread thin, but not unaided. Mutants throughout the city along with witches and wizards left the safety of their homes to protect their neighborhoods along side normal homo-sapiens that refused to stand by and watch the events unfold. Police and National Guard took to the streets along with local military. The Air Force scrambled its jets while the Coast Guard and Navy took to the sea.

News crews braved the fighting to capture footage of the events. While shooting a cameraman filmed a reporter being fed on by a vampire. Another camera crew was killed by a pack of Wereleopards, the footage played live for twenty seconds before the station cut it. The battle was becoming bloody and the city was in a state of disarray. Riots broke out and many were killed as people tried to escape the city. One family tried to board itself inside their home, only to burn to death when the fires started breaking out.

San Francisco had not seen this much wide spread damage since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.

And no one knew what to do.

"Jubilee, duck now!" Boomer yelled as she threw a bomb over the car beside them. It exploded taking out several lycanthropes all at once. Owl was using every curse he could think of to stop the onslaught of vampires and lycanthropes. They just about assumed they were pinned down when a group of unknown mutants and magic folk showed up.

They all started fighting the forces back with a wide array of powers. Blasts from the guns held by the vampires along with debris thrown by the lycanthropes was met with energy beams, wind gusts, fire balls, curses and other debris.

Owl pointed his wand at his throat and muttered a spell. When he spoke his voice was greatly amplified. "Take off the heads of the ones in black or light them up. Those buggars are vampires. Use silver or fire on the beasties. They are lycanthropes." Devin yelled to the crowd. The ones using magic nodded, along with a few mutants. On the most part he was met with dubious looks.

The new group of 30 was now pushing back the forces. Slowly the made for the docks.

"Mr. Talbot?" Iceman asked, firing ice beam after ice beam at approaching vampires. "Shouldn't we retreat? We are SO outnumbered."

"To where Ice Cube? The whole city is under siege." Dazzler said. She pointed her hand at a lycanthrope that was charging them. A wolf the size of a small pony. A great beam of light hit it in the eyes blinding it. Marvel Woman picked up the creature and hurled it into a group of vampires. The disabled beast began to tear apart the undead troopers.

"Ms. Dazzler is quite right I'm afraid." The young, tanned man said. "There is no where for us to go." He was focusing on vampire after vampire. As he did they would either burst into flames, fall apart in cinders, or crumble in dust.

"We won't be alone for long. I can sense National Guard three blocks over, and a group of mutants one block to our right." Jean said while erecting a force field to protect them from a new wave of fire. "We have reinforcements, just no way of organizing them all. God I wish Phoenix was here. He could contact them all with his mind."

"But there is a way." David said. "You may not be powerful enough to contact all the people of the city, but I can almost guarantee that there is a good number of true psychics. Close your eyes and try to find them. If you work together, you may be able to contact and maneuver as we need."

"I'll try." Jean said closing her eyes.

"Dazzler to Jubilee." Dazzler said stopping momentarily and activating the communicator built into her glasses. "We are going to try to organize a Psychic Communications Network over the city."

"Ok." Jubilee responded.

"San Francisco is under siege tonight, as is a number of cities around the world as what appears to be Vampires and Were-Animals attack people. There is also a great Armada of small Jet Aircraft and what seems to be rogue Sentinels pushing against American Defenses.

"So soon after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the destruction of Santa Cruz it is widely questioned if these attacks are connected. Americans can only question why? Why now? Why us... Just a moment...

"Yes... We have just received word that it is not just America that is currently being attacked but cities world wide are being attacked by these... Vampires and Were-Animals. It's almost as if... as if the world of fiction has been spilled into the world of fact as these... horror story monsters fight to take over.

"Here in San Francisco we are facing a dire situation. Wide spread panic, looting, fires breaking out all over. It is almost like after the 1989 Earthquake. Power is out to a good portion of the city.

"One of our two mysterious hero's that have seared through the skies for these last few months is fighting in the air along side the Air Force as well as a mysterious woman who seems to be able to shoot Lightning from her hands. The Green Falcon is putting up a great fight, but people wonder... where is The Phoenix? Why is he not here with his companion in this great time of need?

"This is all very unbelievable. But citizens are not standing for this invasion. Mutants from through out the city have, along side average humans, began a campaign to take back our home. It is a great sign that perhaps, one day, Humans and Mutants will be able to stand side by side.

"Until then, we seem to have a long fight ahead of us."

"Storm! You have an attack wing closing on your 6!" I screamed into my Comm.

An hour after the attack began we were still trying to take down the last of the jets and Sentinels. I sighted down another Sentinel and sliced it in half. Storm used her powers to drive back the attack wing that was coming up from behind her and destroy half of them.

The Air Force flooded into the sky as ships on ground contended with Dasro's naval fleet. Ok, he had two attack cruisers, but the hulls must have been plated with Adamantium because the ships were having trouble with them.

I was beginning to become fed up when I had a sudden idea. I thought it out and decided it would work. It had to. "Storm, get out of here. I have an idea and you can't be in the air. Land!" I used my ring to determine the frequency the Air Force was communicating on and opened a channel. On a side note, I wondered if I could steal cable with the little thing.

"US Air Force, this is The Green Falcon. I need you boys and girls to clear the air over San Francisco if you don't want to die a horrible death. I'm about to take care of our little problem." I flew straight up until I was above the melee.

I watched the US Jets clear out and then started my brilliant idea. I projected a shell around all the Sentinels and Vampire Jets. It was a little like what I did with Boomer, but on a larger scale and... a little different.

The strain was almost immediate. Sentinels flew up to the barrier and tried to punch though. Jets were circling trying not to crash into each other in the mile wide circle of energy. I closed my eyes and started to constrict the bubble. It only hurt me when I thought. The amount of concentration and will power I had to throw into the ring was staggering.

The jets started the chain reaction when the space was down to a half mile. They couldn't avoid each other any more. As they began to blast apart pieces ricocheted off the energy bubble and slammed into the others. Sentinels and Jets blew apart in explosion after explosion. When I was about to give up the smoke started to clear and all I could see was the debris littering the bottom of my bubble.

I used the last bit of my strength to safely deposit it all on the ground without hurting anyone bellow. I let go of the field and turned to see Storm flying towards me.

"Well... that's taken care of..." I said, but my voice sounded distant.

"Andrea, your nose is bleeding... as is your ear. Were you hurt?" she was looking at me with a worried expression.

"Bleeding?" I put a hand to my ear and brought it out for me to see. "Will you look at that? I'm bleeding." I finished saying that then saw the world narrowing in front of me. "Storm... I don't feel so ok..." and then the world vanished and was replaced with that stretching feeling you get right before you fall asleep. As if your body were melting away.

"Jean, I... I think it's working." Yelled Dazzler over an explosion.

"Yes... I do believe it is." David said as he engulfed another Vampire in flames.

"Ok, they all know how to hurt them. Through the network I was able to locate most of the baddies. We have them in a position that... they aren't going to win. We have turned the tide." Jean smiled at everyone. "We're going to win!"

It didn't take them long after that. Storm flew Andrea to Rogue and JC, then went out and joined the fight on the streets. The city forces made mince meat of the Vampires and Lycanthropes. But it was not without a price.

San Francisco lost thousands of innocent bystanders. Property destruction in the hundreds of millions. But it was nothing compared to the loss of Santa Cruz. It was determined that roughly 60,000 people died when Dasro unleashed his bomb on the city.

The Vampire war was wide reaching also. When forces lost contact with Dasro many simply launched their attacks. But none of the forces were as powerful as that which attacked San Francisco. But it was enough to tell the world that the things that go bump in the night, the shadow that hides in the corner of your eye on a dark night, the sound that you think was imagined, is real.

In cities around the world people rejoiced in the fact that humanity won out this time. That the monsters did not win. But it was all sobered by the staggering loss.

A group of hero's converged on a Condo in San Francisco. Here they tended to their wounded. But there was one that they couldn't help to heal. He simply huddled in his bed. Because it was no longer their bed. The part that made it their was gone. When someone would come in to check on him, he would pretend he was asleep. But a black haired woman came into the room. She moved unsteadily because of her own injuries, but moved with a cause. She knew he was pretending because she had come to know him as a dear friend.

She climbed on top of the covers and spooned behind him. She held him as he started to weep once again. She buried her face in his back and she wept with him.

The war had ended, but the pain was new.

I'm sorry this took so long to get out to yall, school just started and I'm pretty much overwhelmed. I'm currently working on the last chapter of this storyline, which will be chapter 14 of Birds of Prey, and will be posting thirteen when I finish 14. I'm sorry if it takes a while, my schedule is sorta... you would prolly run screaming. Anyhoo... does anyone hate me? For killing Blake? Tell me. I've only gotten a couple e-mails.

Next: Chapter 24: Birds of Prey 13

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