Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 2, 2023


Jason heard an alarm go off. He looked at his own clock: 4:30 ??? What in blazes was an alarm going off at 4:30 for? Had he set it for a nap, but picked a.m, instead of pm? He felt Richard stirring in his arms. "I'm sorry Sir. I was so, well, SO, last night, I didn't tell you. I need to get up to get to my workout. Two hours in the morning, then two hours in the afternoon. " He rolled over to kiss Jason. "I am REALLY sorry. No one should have to get up this early. "MMMM, well, no, it's 8 o' clock somewhere, I guess? Jason was more than a bit groggy, as Richard jumped out of bed. "Can I use the shower Jason? If not, it's ok, I'll use the one at the gym." "No, no, use it if you want. Can I make you coffee before you leave?" "Ah, I wish, but I can't. No coffee before the workout. Makes me wet my gym shorts. " "Well, we can't let your viewing public think you're incontinent young man." Richard came over before he went into the shower. "I REALLY wish this were my off day Sir. I have had so much fun with you. " Richard smiled, and he twisted his own nips in front of Jason. "I'll never be able to do it as well as you did." "Well, then you'll have to come back for more?" Richard looked at him. "Really? I can come back?" "OF COURSE YOUNG MAN. Maybe tonight is not such a good idea, but please give me a call. I'd LOVE to see you again." By now, Richard had a tight t shirt on, and a pair of blue shorts. He was smiling. "It's gonna be hard trying to work out thinking about you Sir. " Jason laughed a sleepy laugh. "Well, I don't want to insult you, but I'm going to have no trouble falling back asleep." Richard stroked Jason's hair. "You sleep Sir. Get lots of sleep. I want you to be energized for when I'm back. Because I am coming back. " He bent down and kissed Jason. "See you later professor." Through a sleepy haze, Jason responded. "Have a good day Orsino."

Richard smiled, not knowing what that meant. Jason had rolled over and was sleeping again. He didn't see Richard pick up the briefs he had been wearing before they went to bed, and stuff them in his gym bag.

Jason slept until nearly 9:30. He didn't have any classes that day, and no faculty meetings until 2. As he was making breakfast, his phone rang. It was Carol. "Ok, talk Jason. Tell me everything." Jason sat down with his coffee, and smiled. "Oh, Carol, I'm afraid I may be BESOTTED with that young man. " "Besotted? Hmmm. That's a pretty strong word for you." "I know Carol, but it's true. You know, when I use escorts, I know that it's fake. I know that they're doing what I pay them to do, and it's like eating non fat cheese. It's never really satisfying. But that young man. OH, he was such a sweetheart. " "Did he show you his social media stuff?" "He did, just for a little bit. Quite a transformation." "Yes, when Richard came back from Europe, he just buried himself in the gym." "That's right. I remember you and he said that. Was he , well, in a relationship there?" "For a little while. A Spanish guy who , well, wasn't faithful. It may be refreshing to you. If Richard feels he's dating YOU, he's not seeing anyone else." "Well then I better make my intentions clear Carol, don't you think?" "OOOOOH. Do you have intentions, Jason?" "Indeed I do, love. But I'll share them with you at lunch." "Did you? " "Ha ha ha ha. I know you won't believe this, because you know me so well, but no, I did not penetrate him last night. Well, my tongue did a number on his mouth, and his ears. But the usual sites that your dirty mind goes to, no, we did not do that." "And you still..." Jason sighed. "Twice for me love, three times for him. I think. He may have a fourth time when he went to the bathroom." "MY LORD OLD MAN. YOU'VE STILL GOT IT." Jason came close to spitting out a mouth of coffee. "I'm not sure about that. " He paused and sighed. "I sound like a moonstruck teenager, don't I? I think he brought it out in me. For a while, I just rested my head on his chest, and he stroked my ears. It nearly drove me crazy. " "Jason, please don't get this single gal horny. I'm already dieting so I'm pissed at everyone who's getting what I don't get. Don't make it worse." "Usual place? 12:30. ?" "Usual place, you lovebird. You're treating since I introduced the two of you. And you better be ready to tell me EVERYTHING I ask."

An hour later, Carol got a call from Richard. "Don't you ever work Richard? I mean, you're at the gym, taking photos, calling me. They pay you to do what?" "I know, I know Carol. It's just.... well, I needed to call you to tell you what an unbelievable evening I spent with Jason." "OH? Do tell." He sighed. "Well, you know a head of salt and pepper hair will always turn my head. And he's got that. And his chest is covered with soft white hair. And his hands, well.. Oh, Carol, his hands. I know, he's a professor, but he's got worker's hands. And they worked me. OH BOY did they work me. " "Did you do the deed, Richard?" "You know, that's what's so amazing. We didn't. He played with my balls, and he ran his finger over my hole, but that was it. Kissing, hugging, rolling around, him playing with my nips. Oh, his kisses." "RICHARD. Are you going to tell me he got you off without , well, any of the main dishes." "Carol, he got me off four times." "AHA. " she smiled. "He DID sneak off once." "You came FOUR times in one night?" "Well, he only knows about three. I didn't want him to think I was a whore or anything." She laughed. "Oh, trust me darling. If Jason thought you were a whore you would've been out of there faster than you could say "Slut." "Well, I didn't leave. We had some coffee, and then we took a walk, and then we had dinner, and... " "How long did he keep you tied up?" There was a pause. "I'm sorry Carol, I didn't understand your question." Now Carol was embarrassed. "Oh, I've said too much. Now I'll have to say more..." She took a deep breath. "Jason likes to dominate." "Oh I KNOW that. And he did. GOD I LOVED it. He introduced me to this game: he was sitting on my chest, and I'd reach up to touch him, and he'd work my nips until I just fell back. He kept me helpless for so long. And the edging. OH, I didn't think I could go that long with someone playing with me without shooting. But ... tied up?" "I should have kept my mouth shut Richard. Part of Jason dominating a man, is tying him up. Making him struggle, playing with him when he's helpless." "SHIT!" she thought to herself. "I just fucked up this relationship. "Oh. Maybe he didn't like me. He didn't do any of that. " "Jason didn't tie you up? Not even a little bit?" "No. He held me down in bed, and he's STRONG. But no. No ropes, no chains, no gags. Gee, now I feel cheated. And hard Carol." "DON'T TALK TO MOM LIKE THAT!" "Hey, mom, I have one thing to ask. As I left for the gym, he called me something. I don't understand what it means. He called me Orsino." Carol started laughing. "Oh yes, you're not an English major. Orsino is a character in Shakespeare. But more important to you, 'orsino" is Italian for "little bear" or "bear cub." He was using it as a term of affection. He thinks of you as a furry bear cub." "Carol, that may be the sweetest thing I hear this week. Now, I HAVE to call him." "Why? Aren't you seeing him tonight?" "No, he thought we should spend one night apart." "OH BULLSHIT RICHARD. CALL HIM OUT ON THAT. AND IF HE SAYS NO JUST SHOW UP AT HIS GODDAMN APARTMENT. Seriously young man, I've heard you complain about not meeting anyone for HOW LONG? Now you meet someone, and you're gonna let him do THIS? No, you show up, damn it. You go get your man. Or, let your man get you."

When they got off the phone, Richard went through his gym bag. He found the briefs that he had stolen from Richard's room that morning. He smelled them. He felt a rush of blood go to his cock. His cock was tired, but still... He'd best put those back in the bag, until a later time. He took one last sniff. "DAMN. This man has gotten into my head" he thought to himself.

Later that afternoon, Jason sat in his office, not getting any work done. At lunch, Carol told him how she had spilled the beans. Or, in her words "spilled the chains" in talking to Richard earlier that day.

Jason had blanched. He felt like he had been hit in the stomach. "Oh, no! " "Yes, I knew that if we went forward, I was going to have to let him know, but I wasn't quite ready for it. " He sighed. "He's going to freak out. I know it. He's gone. " Jason tried to shrug it off: it had happened before. Richard though, was special. REALLY special.

"C'est la vie" he told Carol at lunch. "You probably did me a favor. Now Richard and I don't have to have a confrontation where he calls me 'perv' and asks why the hell I didn't let him know about this sooner. It's all good. It always works out for the best. "

Still, he sighed. How many things had he done wrong with this relationship, from not being impressed with the posing, to not telling Richard what he liked to do in bed? He tried to think of the things that HAD been good . He smiled when he remembered Richard's reaction, when he ran his finger up and down Richard's butt crack, and how he ejaculated without even touching himself. He thought about Richard's soft mouth, and he began to get aroused. He should've taken pictures. Maybe he could learn how to work social media and follow Richard's page.

He came out of his reverie when his cell phone rang, loud and shrill. "Dr. Messer. How can I help you?" "Hey. You recognize my voice you sexy old man?" Jason smiled. "RICHARD! This is SUCH a pleasant surprise. How are you? Did you have a good workout?" "Well, I had a good workout that's for sure. Lots of good pumping. I want to look good for you." Jason felt his heart melting. Were they still going to see each other? "Aw, Richard, you look so good. Maybe too good for me. But what about my other question. How are you?" "I'm lonely Sir . I miss you. I know you said give it a day's rest, but... if you tell me not to come over tonight, I'm coming over anyway, and I'm sitting in your lobby until you let me in." "Ha ha ha ha ha. You did say you were a bottom, didn't you Richard? Is this what we call a pushy bottom?" "I think we should just call me someone who is so into you he doesn't want to be away from you." "Well.... , you're not completely away from me Richard. Make sure you bring back my underwear." Richard blushed. But then he smiled. "You mean it Sir? You mean I can come over? REALLY?" "Really Richard. I should be out of here at 6 today. Perhaps we'll catch some dinner, and then watch tv or, whatever. Is that going to work for you?" "Can I come over at 7 Sir? Now I REALLY need a second workout." "Well, ok. How about you workout, but come over and shower at my place before dinner? One thing, young man. Is there anything you can do about that alarm? "Ha ha. Well, if you kick me out, it's not a problem. But if you don't... Maybe if I put it under my pillow." "We'll try it under your pillow. Now, let the old man go back to grading papers. I'll see you tonight, orsino." "HEY, I remember you using that. I looked it up. Bear cub? That what you call me?" "It is. It's better than porcino" Richard paused for a minute. "Does that mean piglet?" "Yes it does." "I'll stick with orsino. I already altered my IG page. I'll show you tonight." "I'll look forward to it."

As Jason got off the phone, he was grinning like a school child who had just gotten an A. Carol's revelations hadn't scared the boy off. They would probably need to talk tonight. "OH Jason, YOU ARE SO BAD AT THIS" he thought to himself. Should he bring it up, or should he let Richard? Should he explain why he hadn't? He tried to focus. It wasn't happening. Jason was known for getting student work back promptly. This time, he was going to be a little late.

Meanwhile, Richard was thinking about other things. Like what to wear tonight. He looked at what he WAS wearing: jeans, a long sleeve buttondown shirt, with a small pattern of: bears. He smiled. No, this would do fine. But he wanted to do one thing before he left. He walked over to the supply room. "Hey, Michael" He spoke to the young man who ran that department. "You don't happen to have any sturdy rope, do you?" In fact, Michael did. "I just need, oh, I don't know, about five feet of it." Michael asked no questions. This was far from the most unusual request he got at the company. Richard smiled. "Thanks man. Really appreciate it. "Dude, nice shirt. Gonna wear it on IG?" Richard laughed. "Not a bad idea. You wanna take the shot?" "SURE. You gonna give me photo cred." "DONE." He took a photo of Richard just looking off into space, and then one where he put on his glasses, and looked at a manual that was sitting around the supply room. No one would see the cover. The whole point was to look studious.

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When he was finished with his workout, and sitting on a bench in the locker room, Richard checked his phone. He had a text from Jason "The hell with restaurants. I'm making dinner tonight. I'm sure a healthy boy like you won't object to chicken and spinach. Your old man boyfriend likes wine with his dinner, but of course, there's way more to drink than that. Looking forward to it."

Richard felt a jolt go through his cock. "He did write boyfriend, didn't he? And he was MAKING dinner?" Richard had a devilish idea. He took a selfie, shirtless, and then texted it back to Jason. He had a big smile , and the text said "This is a happy face. I love chicken and spinach. Orsino."

"What have I gotten myself into?" thought Jason. "I feel old, and young at the same time. " He was deep into meal prep when the doorbell rang. There he was - another orchid in his hand. "Hey. " He leaned forward and kissed Jason. "I showered at the gym so we'd have more time together. I hope you don't mind, Sir." Jason closed the door, and put the orchid and Richard's brief case on his coffee table. He turned back around and wrapped his arms around Richard. His hands went down to Richard's butt cheeks, and he squeezed them just enough to make Richard moan. His kiss went from chaste, to romantic, to lustful, in about ten seconds as he probed Richard with his tongue. "OH YES SIR YES SIR. " Richard whispered, as Jason moved his hands around, from his butt cheeks, to his nipples. The tight shirt didn't give Jason enough room to squeeze them, but he had been working on tenderizing Richard's nips so, just running his bent back thumbs over them, got a louder moan. "FUCK SIR. How did you learn all my hotspots so fast?" Jason smiled. "Have I learned them all?" A big smile on Richard's face. "You may have to try to find some more tonight. " "Hmmmmm" was all Jason said. "Let me go and finish our supper. Pour yourself a drink of something, handsome. I won't be long." After he poured half a glass of white wine, Richard went over to Jason's book cases. SO MANY BOOKS. Such interesting titles! Some were in French. Some were in German, but most were in English, with ponderous, long titles. "Have you read all of these Sir?" Jason laughed. "More or less. Some of them more closely than others. I can't read German real well, but the French stuff, oui. I needed it when I wrote my dissertation." "Could you show me your dissertation some day, Sir?" "Well, sure. It's about as dry as the Sahara, and it takes an interesting topic and makes it as boring as you can get, but sure. I'll pull out a copy. " "What's it about Sir?" "Oh, I wrote on images relating to bondage and imprisonment in the Victorian era. Unfortunately, most of it is about women, but there IS a section on men, however short. " He shook his head and smiled. "At the time, it was something you just didn't write about. I had a longer section, and my sponsor, God rest his soul, made me cut it out." A pause. "Some day, maybe I'll go back and write the book I wanted to write." He went back to the kitchen and plated up their food. He toasted with Richard. "So, how did your day go?" "Well, " he blushed. "First, I apologize for taking your underwear without permissions." He blushed. "But I'm not giving them back." and he giggled. Jason blushed a little at that. "My day itself, pretty routine. I did post more pictures, and I'll show them to you if you want." "I think I'd like to see them Richard. If I'm dating an internet sensation, I should know what I have to be ready for. " He looked over his own glasses. "I KNOW I've got competition out there." Richard covered his hand. "No you don't Sir. You really don't." He squeezed Jason's hand. "I'd like to do something for you tonight Sir. After dinner. I won't if you don't want me to, but... I'd really like to flex for you. Just a little. " Jason laughed. "Oh, dear. You may make me explode, but sure. Why not? When I was a young man, we'd go to strip shows, and I'm sure your show is going to be MUCH better. And it's private." "Do I see you eating faster, Sir?" Richard teased and Jason responded. "I may have to start looking for those unknown hotspots sooner rather than later. I bet I know one that you don't think I do." Now Richard was intrigued. "Oh yeah? What?" "ha ha. I wonder what would happen if I stuck my tongue in your navel." Richard didn't know EXACTLY what would happen, but he knew he just got an inch more erect. How did he know? Even Carol didn't know about that. "We'll have to find out. But now, the rule is, whoever didn't cook, cleans up. So let me get the dishes. And..." he began to unbutton his shirt. "since I don't want to stain this one, I'm going to take it off. Mind?" He winked at Jason. "Just keep your pants on. At least in the kitchen."

Jason sat in the living room as Richard worked. He wanted to go into the kitchen and just take the boy from behind SO bad. But he'd wait.

Richard came out and stood in front of Jason. "Ok. Now, this is a flexing set based on one I saw a body builder do. But I tossed in something at the end, just for you. I'll never do it for anyone else." "Oh, this is intriguing. " Jason smiled, as Richard went through his poses. Indeed, Jason thought, this IS sexy. No wonder everyone wanted Richard to flex at the party. As he was concluding, Richard reached into his pocket. "Now, this is just for you, Sir.." He pulled out the rope that he had gotten from the storeroom, and tossed it to Jason. Then he put his hands behind his back and began flexing, as if he were tied up and trying to escape. But all the while, he smiled. He winked at Jason, he pointed out his nips. Then, he got closer, and looked at Jason. "Tie me up Sir." and he turned around. Jason felt his cock spring into action. "What are you waiting for Sir? The night isn't that long." "No, it's not." Jason answered, as he secured Richard's wrists. He reached around from behind and ran a hand over Richard's chest. "You like how that feels, handsome? Being the captive of an old man, who's gonna FUCK you." He was whispering in Richard's ear, and Richard's breathing got faster, and more shallow. "You won. You defeated me Sir. I'm yours. I belong to you. FUCK ME. Please. Not just a finger. ALL of you. Your cock. In me. PLEASE." Jason stopped for a minute and turned the bound man around face to face. "Are you sure about this Richard?" "I brought the rope, didn't I Sir?" THAT was indisputable. He put his hand on the back of Richard's neck, and led him to the bedroom. "It's gonna be easier if we do it this way.." He untied Richard's ropes, and then tied each wrist to the frame of the bed. Then he grinned. "About that navel." He bent down, and raspberried Richard's it." "FUCCCCCK. NO ONE knows about that. " "That's wrong, Orsino. Never underestimate an old man who's read more porn posing as erotica than you can imagine." He went back to Richard's navel and, when he was done, kissed him. All lust. No romance. ALL LUST. " "We've got to get my bear cub undressed. And then... " "The leopard needs to undress himself Sir." "The leopard." Jason liked that. He took way more time slipping off Richard's jeans than he needed to. He was teasing the helpless man. Then he began undressing himself slowly, but he couldn't wait any longer. He stripped down. Both of their cocks were rigid. "I'm afraid I may not have as much as you're used to, stud." Jason looked at Richard. "But it will be one of the best fucks you've ever had." "I know Sir. I know.." Richard closed his eyes, as he felt Jason's cock head begin to slip into him. "OH YES. OH YUM. My big cat. My leopard. Take me daddy. Take me. " Richard's talk was inspiring Jason to push deeper, and deeper. He had less than 7 inches - he used to say "God gives and God takes away. I got a big brain and... " Richard didn't seem to mind. He pulled at the ropes. "I want you SO BAD Sir. I wanted you at the party. I wanted you every day since then. And now... I have you in me. KISS ME. PLEASE . KISS ME.' When Jason bent down to kiss Richard, the young man shot a load between them. He struggled to get out "OOPS. Sorry Sir. I'm sorry. You had me hard all day." "Discipline cub. Discipline. I'll have to teach you some." Jason took his time. Now that Richard had shot, he had the luxury of making things a bit more romantic. He ran his hands through Richard's short hair. He nibbled on his scruffy chin. He put his tongue back into Richard's navel. And then, when Richard said "TAKE ME MASTER TAKE ME," he couldn't help himself anymore. Jason fairly exploded in Richard, filling him with cum. It was the first time Jason had had sex with another man, in well over ten years. He fell on Richard and began to cry.

"Hey. I can't hug you because of my situation, but what's wrong." Jason looked up, smiling. "Nothing's wrong Richard. Nothing. Do you want me to untie you?" "Not quite yet sir. But let me bury my tongue in that fur on you." Jason moved up so Richard could give his chest a tongue bath. "I need to hug you Orsino. I have to untie you. " He embraced the younger man, like he was never going to let him go again. "Sir, instead of spooning, can I sleep on your chest tonight." "You can have anything you want." "How about your cock in my mouth before the gym, Sir?" "Oh dear. I have to get up and make a protein shake. I don't mind." Richard snored a bit when he slept. He was the first one to fall asleep, as Jason ran his hand up and down Richard's hairy back and head. "What's that line about 'who the gods would destroy they first favor?" Jason was falling asleep and he couldn't think of it. He was skeptical of how long this bliss could last. For now though... He fell asleep with that in mind

Next: Chapter 4

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