Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 19, 2023


Richard had a regular Saturday morning gym date with two of his friends. He had met Pete and Emily at the gym, at different times. Now, every Saturday morning, sometime around 7, they'd work out together, spotting when they lifted, pushing each other during cardio drills, etc. "Hey, Richard, what's going on? I saw the update on your page. Spoken For?" Emily was grinning "Spoken for? So Speak." "Yeah, I saw that too" Pete added, pushing his glasses up on his eyes. "Who? When? What ? Where? " Richard started laughing. "Come on guys, at break, ok? "No, Richard. NOW" Emily insisted. "Ok, ok... He told them the whole story of how he and Jason had met, and how things were moving, but not as fast as he wanted them to." "Hey slow down" Emily pushed her blond hair (from a bottle: she was upfront about it), out of her hair. "No one would ever THINK you're a lesbian, but if you go that fast, well.." Richard laughed. "That's exactly what Jason said." "So tell me about him. Why is his picture not on your page." "Ah, I wish I could get him to agree to that . Not Jason. He's, well, old fashioned. He didn't even know about my page. "HUH?" was Pete's response. "There's a gay man in this city who didn't know about your page?" Richard sighed. "He's a little bit older than the rest of us. And he really doesn't do the gym thing." "Then how did you meet?" Emily was more than a little bit curious. She was a trainer at another gym, but she worked out here to avoid meeting her clients and her colleagues, whom she really didn't care for. She was a beautiful woman, and she preferred being in a "gay gym" so she wouldn't get hit on. "Well, a mutual friend invited me to a party at his house. And when he didn't come to watch me flex.... I guess I got pissed off. " "And now you're sleeping with him. " Pete added. "Is he hot?" Richard sighed. "Well, to be honest, no. You wouldn't put him on the list of guys you'd sell your soul to sleep with. " "He must be hung like a horse then." "Well, again , no. He's not lacking anything, but we've both had bigger, Pete. But..." and he smiled. "The man knows how to use what he has." "OOOH. Now I'm JEALOUS" Emily joined in. "So what does he do?" "He's a professor. He teaches English over at the university." "A SMART one..." Pete was a civil engineer who had just started work. He was a graduate of the university. What's his name?" When Richard told him, he laughed "Oh shit. I took a class with him. Em, he's right. The man is NOT hot, but he'll seduce you with his voice and his attitude, every single time." "Uh, you have something to tell us, Pete?" He blushed. "Only that I sat in the front row of every class and imagined what it would be like to undress him. Is he as, well, hairy as I think he is." A BIG smile from Richard. "Yup. White. Solid white. All over his chest. Damn, I shouldn't talk about it. It gets me, well.." Em looked at Pete. "Know what I think we have to do? I think we have to persuade Richard to invite Jason to join us for lunch." He laughed. "He really doesn't go in for all the health stuff." "So he can get a burger. COME ON. He's got to meet your friends eventually." "Well... alright." Richard was a bit bashful about calling Jason, but he was surprised. "Oh, what a LOVELY idea. Of course. I just finished grading papers, and I haven't stopped for more than coffee. I'd love to join you." Em and Pete saw the big smile on Richard's face. "He's joining us" said Emily. "Yes, he is. Now, guys, I'm serious. No pictures. PLEASE . Jason is out, but he really doesn't like any of the social media stuff. He doesn't do facebook, he doesn't do instagram, he barely manages to use the university network for his classes." Pete shook his head. "Oh yeah. We used to make fun of some of his posts. He actually wrote 'I have no idea what I'm doing ' in one of them." "He sure knows what he's doing in bed," Richard thought, but he didn't say anything.

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At 12:30, Jason sat down to a table with three, very fit looking young people. He charmed Emily within minutes. He shook her hand, and when they were sitting down, Jason moved behind her chair to make sure she was seated properly. "WELL. I'm glad there's ONE gentleman left in the world!" she said, mock glaring at Richard and Pete "No gentleman in the sack," Richard kept to himself. "Well, thank you for inviting this old guy to join your party. I'm very flattered. " He was wearing a french blue oxford shirt, opened so that some of that hair Richard loved stuck out, and a pair of relaxed khakis. Richard thought he was the handsomest man in the world. "Now I'm sure Richard has told you about me, but he only told me about your beautiful eyes." He turned to Emily "And I know nothing about what happened in your life since you left my class, Pete." (Richard had not, in fact, ever mentioned Emily to Jason. And no one was more surprised that he remembered Pete, than Pete." "Uh, uh..." Under the table, Jason squeezed Richard's knee. "Didn't you go to engineering school?" "I did. I work as a civil engineer now." "You know Pete, when you left humanities, it was a loss. You would have made a tremendous scholar of American literature." Pete blushed. "May I share your final paper thesis with Emily and Richard?" Pete blushed, because now he knew, it was going to happen. "Oh yes. TELL US" Emily was fascinated. "Did he write about machines in literature." Jason laughed. "Well, I guess in a way. He wrote about Moby Dick. And Pete argued that the white whale was a metaphor for insecurities about sexuality in Melville, and in men of the period in general. " He paused. "It was an EXCELLENT paper. Pete, had you written it for a graduate course, I would have signed off on the Master's Degree ." "REALLY? I had no idea. Thank you Professor." "OH Please. I'm just Jason now." (Jason did in fact remember Pete, and how moon eyed he had been during that junior year class. And he felt similarly about Pete. Had he not been so strict about the code.). He turned to Emily. "Emily, my lovely lady, please do not let me leave without contact information for you. If I'm going to date a gym rat, I may as well find out what this stuff is all about." Richard looked at him. "You're going to train and you're not going to let me do it?" "Well, yes and yes. I think I'm going to need more stamina to keep up with you, young man. And no, I am NOT going to let you train me, because either you won't yell at me because you'll be intimidated, or you WILL yell at me and we'll fight." He turned to Emily. "you'll yell at me if I do things wrong, won't you?" She laughed. "I'll do it right now. SIT UP STRAIGHT." "Yes ma'am," and they all had a laugh.

A server came over, and he clearly knew the "gang of three" as Jason began thinking of them. "Well, I know I don't have to bother with menus for YOU three," he said, which got a laugh. "But you Sir... would you like a menu?" "Hmmm. What are these children having?" The server sighed. "Same thing, every week: chicken Caesar salad, extra chicken, dressing on the side." Jason laughed. "Oh my. The amount of health at this table. Young man, I'll have the same thing, only without the extra please." "Would you like me to bring some bread, Sir?" Jason was about to automatically say yes, but he saw the faces. "I think probably not. " Richard smiled at him. "Jason, you could have had whatever you wanted." "Oh, I know that, dear. But do you know the expression, "when in Rome..." "Do excuse me for a minute.." Richard, Pete and Emily thought he was heading to the bathroom. Instead, he found the server and whispered "when lunch is over, bring a Sundae. The richest one you have. And four spoons." The server laughed at being included in the joke, and responded. "Of course. Extra chicken?" "No, I think extra hot fudge sauce instead." You'd best believe that sundae was licked clean. Jason almost never had dessert, and took a spoon of it before letting the jocks and the jockette demolish it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Jason and Richard had driven to the gym and restaurant separately, so they had both of their cars going back. They did have their phones on speaker. "That was quite a trick Sir, ordering the sundae behind our backs." "Did I hear a complaint? And speaking of behind the back, that's where your hands are going very soon." "Hmmmm. It IS going to be a good weekend. Do you promise we can make out first?" "Absolutey."

They got back to Jason's house at about the same time. Richard had worn a superman t shirt to the gym that day, and when they got in the house, Jason pushed him up against the wall, and began working Richard's nipples. "Your kryptonite, superman," Jason smiled as Richard fairly melted. Jason leaned in, and started a gentle nibbling of Richard's chin. "Yet more weaknesses on the man of steel." He laughed as he reached down to Richard's cock. "Seems all of the steel in the man of steel is one place today." "OH GOD JASON. I'M SO FUCKING HORNY. " Richard didn't get out more as Jason jammed his tongue into his mouth. He smiled "You taste of hot fudge. Maybe in a little while, you'll taste of my cock." "Yes sir..." Richard moaned as he embraced Jason in his strong arms. He realized he was much stronger than Jason, but all he wanted was this man to take complete control. "You want to lie down a while, recover from your workout, handsome?" Jason smiled, and Richard laughed. He tossed off the superman shirt, and got on the bed. Jason followed. "Now, about that necking." He began kissing Richard, and moving his hands expertly all over Richard's body. Small moans, purrs, and other sounds of contentment came out of Richard, as Jason slid off his pants. "Someone's got to take care of this," He pointed to his own hard cock. "I think that's gonna be you." "I hope so." Richard began making loud, slurping sounds as he took Jason's cock. He had been thinking of that cock during the whole gym session. Talking about his man with his friends made him even more aroused. "I think it's time. Don't you orsino?" Jason smiled. "It's been time for about 3 hours. Take me polar bear." Jason grinned. It was the first time Richard used that expression, and it seemed appropriate, given his white hair. His cock, wet from Richard's blow job, began sliding into the man. Richard just moaned. "OOOOOOO SIR. YES. " Jason slid his cock back and forth, finding spots that seemed to make Richard even more excited. He reached up and got his nipples and that pushed Richard into another place. He began to beg, and to talk filth. In turn, that encouraged Jason and he began pushing faster, harder. It went on for another four or five minutes before Jason totally lost control and shot into Richard. Just before he finished, he grabbed Richard's cock and began jerking him. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Get that cub juice all over me. Bring me off. OOOOOOOOH MY GODDDDDDDD" Richard's climax showed he had been waiting to do this for a while. He began to breathe hard. "Are you ok, babe?" Jason stroked his hair, and Richard began to cry. "Please. Please hold me.." He was crying a little "But yes, everything is fine. Everything is golden.." Jason could feel Richard's tight grip,and he felt as it loosened. The young man was falling asleep. That was fine. When Richard was asleep - and Richard slept deeply - he got up to take care of things around the house. Richard napped for about an hour and a half. He was always tired after a Saturday workout, because the gang pushed each other harder than he pushed himself when he worked out alone. Also, he hadn't expected the call to Jason to join them for lunch, and then Jason accepting. It was all a bit too much stress. All had worked out much better than he could have imagined, but he was, as they say "fried." Jason walked into the bedroom and saw Richard awake, and a bit groggy. "Oh, hello there. You've rejoined us. Sleep well." "Like a baby," Richard smiled. It was true. If you had asked him what he had dreamed, he couldn't tell you: the sleep was that deep. "How about you come and join me ? " Richard flashed the smile that Jason couldn't resist. He was walking around the house in sweat pants and no shirt, and Richard wanted to bury his nose in that chest. That's exactly what he did, as Jason got in, running his unshaven face up and down Jason's torso. "Oh, that feels good orsino. Be careful. I want you to be able to sit during dinner, and I can't guarantee that if you keep this up." "MMMM. Kiss me sweet man. Then talk to me." Jason gave him three quick kisses, and then asked "So.. what's on your mind, handsome?" "You're really gonna join a gym. REALLY?" He was smiling, and his eyes were big. "Well, yes, I am. I had been thinking about it after I met you. I mean, it's so important to you, and it can't hurt, so.... " He leaned down and kissed Richard again. "Maybe tomorrow you can help me buy some workout clothes." "OOOO. Fitting you for a jock. I'm there. " He laughed. "And with Emily?" "Call me a chauvinist if you will. I hadn't really thought about women as trainers. And when I met Em, I thought 'she's gonna be good'. No way I could take class with a man, I wouldn't trust myself. " He rolled onto Richard "And with YOU.... I've always fantasized about having sex in a gym." Richard put that to the back of his mind. He didn't say anything but he thought he might be able to make that happen. "Now, I wanna ask you something else." His eyes got serious. "What's wrong baby?" "No, no, nothing's wrong. I just hope the answer to the question I'm gonna ask is yes: we've been calling each other boyfriends. Would you mind if I started calling you my lover?" Jason was taken aback. He hadn't really thought about that. He didn't want to make Richard wait, so he began thinking it through. It was a good question. "Boyfriend" didn't really imply that there was sex involved, and hmmmm. Did he want people to know? Hell, they had to be assuming it. " "One promise from you, Richard? Please don't talk about me on your internet page. I just want to live a quiet life. " He ran a finger over Richard's lips. "With you as my lover." Then he moved his teeth to Richard's nips. Richard gasped "OH MY. I thought you said you wanted me to be able to sit tonight." "Well, maybe I'll get you a cushion. C'mon jock boy. Grab those ankles. Polar bear wants that ass." He smacked each of Richard's butt cheeks, and threw some spit on his hands. He lubed up and started pushing in. Richard was still moist from the first one, and this second one was not nearly as eruptive as the first, but it was a satisfying screw nonetheless. Both men had small, extremely intense orgasms. "Now I would suggest you get cleaned up, orsino. Yes, the staff where we're going tonight can smell semen three kitchens down, but I'd prefer it weren't from us. "

Jason was taking Richard to dinner that night. The restaurant was one of his favorites, but he hadn't been there in a while. He would go with Carol, but she was clearly uncomfortable, as the clientele was almost exclusively gay. She had told Jason once "I KNOW I'm your beard, but PLEASE. I don't want 45 homosexuals I've never seen before, know it." Some people enjoy eating alone, Jason didn't. There WOULD be friends of his at the restaurant - the gay faculty at the university ate there often - and Jason liked the idea of being seen with his new, young, handsome.... lover. Yes, he liked the word. Very much.

As Richard came out of the shower,wrapped only in a big white towel, he smiled "that smile": Jason, I have one more request. Think about it, but please don't say no right away. Can we take just one picture together for my page? Just one? I'm really proud to be seen with you, and well... you're not closeted, and it won't surprise anyone that you're gay, so..." Jason smiled. It might have just been coincidence that he was thinking about how he was about to show off Richard to his friends. His heart skipped a beat: Richard was proud to be seen with him? For people to know, he was his lover?

Richard could see Jason thinking and he was concerned. "Hey, Polar Bear topman. Don't sweat it. I'm sorry I brought it up." "No, no... " Jason shook his head. "It's just the opposite of what you think Richard. It really is. I... I just never thought anyone would want to show me off as their partner, or lover, or anything like that. " "OF COURSE I'm going to do it. My request though, is that even if you choose to do your flexing, or bare chested thing, I'm wearing clothes." Richard was just about 1-2 inches shorter than Jason, and he looked up into his eyes. "You'll do it? You'll be on my site?" "ONE TIME. ONE TIME. " "Jason, thank you. I promise. You'll like the photo. I'm going to ask one of my friends to do it. I know JUST what I want you to wear, too. And I'll wear clothes. A WHOLE outfit. " "Well, if you pick mine, I get to pick yours. That's only fair orsino." There was a big smile on Richard's face. "It's a deal." He moved into Jason's arms for a hug. "I am SO hoping we both recover again so we can have another session. And don't forget those ropes." Jason smiled. "There's Sunday too orsino. "

Next: Chapter 6

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