Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 25, 2023


"Jason, come look. I think you're gonna be happy. With the pictures and the comments!" Richard was sitting on Jason's sofa, shirtless , in very tiny shorts. He had posted the photo he and Jason had chosen on his social media page. There was Richard smiling broadly, sitting on a low chair. He was wearing a tight fitting, blue short sleeve shirt, with little sailboats on it, and white jeans. Jason was standing behind him, his hands on Richard's biceps, hands just slightly tight, as though he were getting ready to pull them back. He was wearing a dark blue and white striped shirt, a red tie, and a blazer. He was kissing the top of Richard's head. The legend to the photo said:

"Hey guys. Many of you asked about my change to 'spoken for'. Well, it took some doing, but here's

the man who does the speaking. That's why I'm dressed! His name is Jason, and he does NOT like

being on social media (I'm going to pay for this, I know). Thanks for all your support. I'm head over heels

about this. Don't ask for more pictures. If Jason 'speaks' there will be. Just don't count on it."

Jason put his arm around Richard's shoulders "Oh you make me sound like such an authoritarian MONSTER." "I prefer authoritarian MASTER Sir, and I'm up for it if you are." "GRRRR. Don't tempt me orsino. What's this about 'you're gonna pay for this?'" "Well, I was hoping." "Let me see the comments. Oh, look at all those hearts. Does that mean they like us?" "It does. There are some more 'graphic ones, and I probably shouldn't have written head over heels." "Ah, yes. I see that comment: 'looks like you're more heels over head.'" "You know, Sir, they say the truth hurts, but if that's what people think, I don't really care. " He looked into Jason's eyes. "What I care is that, if my heels are gonna be over my head, you're the one who's holding them there." "OH, orsino. I'm not sure if that's sweet or filthy or both. Let's think of it as a candy cane that fell in the dirt." "Speaking of candy canes... " Richard moved his hand to Jason's crotch. "Can I get an early Christmas present." Jason took the ipad out of Richard's hands. He kissed him. Then he kissed him a few more times, and began to stroke Richard's chest. When he stopped for a breath, Richard looked at him and smiled. He whispered. "Who's my lover?" Jason pushed his forehead to Richard's. "you have to ask? " "Then make love to me, stud." "MMMM. Best idea I've heard since ... oh, what am I talking about? It's a damn good idea. " He grabbed Richard's hand. "Let's go."

Once he was on top of Richard, Jason began kissing his chin, his cheeks, everywhere but Richard's lips. The game was getting Richard very, very hot. He wanted Jason in him. One way or the other. He moved to grab Jason's head to pull him in, and Jason laughed and pinned his wrists to the bed. "You'll get it when I'm ready. Not before. " He kneaded Richard's crotch with his knee, and Richard responded by wrapping his legs around Jason. "Heels over head. Let's get started." Jason had discovered that the horizontal line where Richard's shorts met his torso, was a hotspot for him, and he ran his thumb along it now. "OH GOD DON"T DO THAT TO ME SIR. IT'S TOO HARD FOR ME TO HANDLE." "That right, pretty boy? Is that right. Then make me stop." Jason continued to move his thumb, very slowly across the line, until he had Richard wimpering. His voice was high and shrill. "Please. Please. I need you Jason. I need my silver fox. " Jason shoved his tongue down Richard's mouth and, while he was sucking on his man's tongue, Jason got Richard's shorts down, and spread his legs. He slid in, and his tongue was in Richard's mouth, and his cock was inside his ass. It was THEIR variation of a spit roast. Richard was thinking "OH could you imagine if these photos were on my page? Geez." Then he stopped thinking. All he did was feel.. he felt Jason's tongue, expertly explore his mouth. (Jason had said he was out of practice. Maybe. He sure wasn't anymore.). Rather than thrusting, Jason just kept his cock inside Richard. It gave orsino a warm feeling, almost like a hug. Then Jason began moving slowly.. OH so slowly. He saw Richard's mouth open, in a soundless kind of scream, which is exactly what he wanted. "So you want authoritarian huh? You want me to be more of a Boss?" FUCK YES SIR." "Heh heh heh. When we're done, you're getting dressed up just the way you did for the photos. For now... Time to speed things up." Jason's thrusts got faster, deeper, and Richard was loving it. His head flopped back and forth as he moaned, and encouraged Jason. "OH yes. OH YES. MORE. ALWAYS MORE. PLEASE. GIVE YOUR DICKENS TO MY TWIST. "Jason ignored that, because he was too close to climax, as he filled the younger man . There was so much that some of it spilled out.

Richard saw it. "Please Sir? A taste? A taste of you? Can I have some more?" Jason looked at him. "Are you reading Oliver Twist, orsino?" He blushed. "You decided to go to the gym, I could do some reading in return." Jason growled. "You're gonna do more than read." He dipped his finger in the semen, and he moved it to Richard's mouth. Sucking on that finger, brought Richard to the edge, and then he shot. "I can do everything you can do," and Jason reached down to take a bit of Richard's cum. "No no Sir. Please... " Richard sat up, and he dipped HIS finger in the jizz. "Open big Sir." "Give your dickens to my twist?" That may be the silliest thing I ever heard." "It was in the moment Sir." "Ok, moment to moment. Go change like I told you. " "Yes sir. " When Richard was dressed, Jason moved him to a supporting beam that was near the fire place in the living room. He tied Richard's wrists behind him. Then he dipped a cloth in their mixed semen, and he gagged Richard. He just left him there, for about 15 minutes, before he came over, and began opening Richard's shirt, squeezing his nips. "I have a feeling that there's just a little bit more juice in you cubbie." After another ten minutes of nipple torture, they found out Jason was right. This orgasm produced very little, other than the deepest feeling of bliss Richard had felt in a long, LONG time. "

"We need to stop, handsome. We're going to dinner with Carol tonight. She hasn't seen either of us in forever. She's cooking. " "You wanna pick my clothes boss?" "Damn right I do." He pulled out a light tan pair of pants, and a yellow oxford for Richard. "I know you prefer blue, but you look so good in yellow." "I look even better naked." "Well, yes, I know, but I think she'd mind if you stained her chair cushions. " "She didn't last time, Sir." Jason stopped. "Ok. That's one of those stories that I need from different angles. " Richard only giggled. "You're not my first man, stud." Jason took him from behind and hugged him. "But I WILL be your last." Richard had never heard Jason speak in such definitive tones. Was that how he led his classes? He believed him. From that simple sentence, he thought: "I'm going to be with this man forever. I'm good with that."

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"So, what's Carol going to make, orsino: chicken or lasagna?" "HUH" Richard looked up a bit confused. Jason laughed. "Carol has two dishes. She makes a great roast chicken, and a great meat lasagna. If you go to her house for dinner, you're getting one of those." "I never got lasagna when I went over. She always made chicken. Jason laughed. "She probably thought you wouldn't eat the carbs. Well, maybe we'll luck out with the lasagna tonight.

As they drove, Richard spoke "Jason, can I ask you a question?" Now, in class, Jason always answered that with "well you just did, didn't you?" He had to literally bite his tongue not to do that. He was still assimilating being the lover of a younger man "Try it. Can't say yes if you don't ask." "Well, there's a vacation resort for gay folks. It's about a 3 hour drive, but I wondered if, well, maybe, you'd be interested in spending a weekend there." "Hmmm. Tell me more. What's the name." "It's called Jackson Cove." Jason started laughing so hard he almost had to stop the car. "What was funny Sir?" "Jackson Cove? Is that place still opened? Oh My God. That's the first gay vacation spot I ever went to. Maybe 35 years ago? Is it still opened?" "I think it closed for a while, but then some gays with money bought it, renovated it, and reopened. It's very popular now." Jason was shaking his head. "I don't think I've heard the name in about 15 years. But sure. Let's look at schedules. " He sighed. "You know, before cell phones, we had cameras. And scrap books. I might have one or two from those days. If we get home early enough, I'll pull them out." "COOL. " Richard joked. "I LOVE looking at ancient civilizations." Jason knew when his leg was being pulled. "You know, you HAVEN'T been tickled thoroughly today. That COULD change." "Have to catch me first, Sir." "Hmmm. I see a game coming up. If not tonight..."

When they got to Carol's place, they could smell the rich odors of chicken - AND lasagna - coming out of the house. "Jason. Richard." She kissed them both. "you know, if I ever thought I'd have the two of you here at the same time... come on in." Carol's home was filled with antiques. She led them to a sofa they had both sat on, and poured champagne. "I wasn't quite sure what to serve for drinks, but something festive seemed right." She looked at Richard and smiled. "Look how HANDSOME you are. You DO look good when you're dressed up." Jason looked up. "Carol. He told me that he soiled one of your seat cushions when he sat on it naked?" Carol began to laugh "Oh dear, oh yes. Let's just say Richard's flexing got a little out of hand, and then someone made off with his clothes." Jason rolled his eyes. "The stories a social media star could tell." "Speaking of that," Carol looked up. "I saw the photo of the two of you. Oh goodness, so cute. So romantic. Jason, are you the next social media star? "Oh good heavens, I hope not." She was opening her ipad. "Just LOOK at some of these comments: "who's the guy with the beard. Who cares? Bring me that fox" She read a few more like that. "You guys should do a duo photo once a week." "I'm working on it Carol. " Richard smiled. "I have to take this one thing at a time." "Well, I'm in favor of it. Now, Richard, I made lasagna tonight with the chicken, but if you really don't want to eat it, that's ok." Jason looked at him. "Just put it in your mouth. You shouldn't have any problem." Carol began to laugh. "What do you mean, hon? I'm VERY selective about what I put in my mouth. Be it dead or alive. " He grabbed Jason's hand. "Lately it's only one thing. I'm not complaining. Carol rolled her eyes. "I may get diabetes from all this sweetness. Let me go get dinner. The three of them marveled, during the dinner, how Carol had brought Jason and Richard together. She shook her head and remarked "And my birthday is next week. I assume my gifts will be lavish and plentiful. " When it was time to go, Jason had his hand on Richard's shoulder, "Thank you so much for this Carol. It's our turn next time." "Oh, that's right. NOT that I've noticed or anything, but I haven't been over lately, Jason." She looked at Richard. "Will you please promise to try his meatloaf? Even though it has pork in it. " Richard's eyes began to brighten and he was about to say something, but Jason hastened them out. "It's been wonderful Carol. But I promised to show Richard some pictures of ancient ruins." "JACKSON COVE!!!!" She exclaimed. "Oh dear. Ancient is putting it nicely. I'd say prehistoric." Richard looked at her. "How did you know about Jackson Cove." "Darling, I've been there. More than once. With Jason, with other guys. It was OLD when WE went. " She paused. "Didn't they close? Weren't they in bankruptcy?" "They were. Fags with money restored it." She laughed. "If the drag shows come back, I'm going." Jason turned to Richard. "What Carol isn't telling you is that she won a drag show there once. Richard's eyes got wise. "YOU DID? What was your drag name. "CAROL. I wasn't in costume." Jason was giggling uncontrollably. "You know, you still haven't paid sufficiently for nominating me." "If I hold him down you wanna tickle him , Carol?" Richard gave her a mischievous look. "Now THERE's a man with ideas. We'll talk." She gave them both a hug. Now, Professor Carol has to go back to making sure none of her darling undergrads fail this semester. Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys.

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"You know, that was fun." Richard was smiling. "You sound like you expected it wouldn't be." Well, no, that's not what I meant. It's just that, well... You realize that's the first time we went out as a couple." Jason was silent. You could see him thinking. "Know what orsino? You're right. You're absolutely right. " He moved a hand off the steering wheel to take one of Richard's. "OOOH. I just felt a shiver go through me. A good one. I'm part of a couple. " He squeezed Richard's hand. When they got back to Jason' s house, Richard plopped down at his usual place on the sofa. Jason came back with some nighcaps. And then he went to the bookshelf. "Let's see. AH. 1990. This one will be good." He brought over a book. Here are some pictures from Jackson Cove. Nearly 30 years ago. He draped his arm around Richard, as he began paging through the photos. "Oh WOW. Some of these buildings are still there. Yes... that's the main hotel.. Then the , ahem , "guest quarters." "Still a brothel?" Richard smiled "I wouldn't know. Or more to the point, I won't tell." He kept turning photos. One was a picture of a striking man, tanned, smiling, in a very skinny bathing suit. "OH MY GOD. Who's this? Was he your boyfriend?" Jason looked down and just started laughing. "WOW. You have a LOT of photos of him. Each one: it's hotter than the next one. DAMN. OH, sex with him must have been amazing. " Jason just kept on laughing. "What's so funny? You DID date him, didn't you?" "Yes and no." "DAMN. I wonder what he looks like now. Did he hold up well?" "I think he did." "Do you have any recent pictures." Jason nearly lost it. "Yes. So do you. On your media page. That's me you little twerp." Richard looked a little shocked. "Did I fall for that? Is that YOU?" "It is. " "Oh yeah. How did I miss it? The birthmark. He's got a mark on the inside of his thigh, just like you do." He made a wicked grin. "You don't have an identical twin do you?" "Uh no, orsino. The world couldn't handle it." "I sure couldn't. " He closed the book and looked at Jason. "I asked if he held up well. More than that. He looks better now than he did back then. " He leaned in for a kiss. "And he's mine. And I bet he's horny." He saw the bulge in Jason's pants. "I think my ass has recovered. Just saying." "Say no more." He had Richard on the bed, and climbed on him. He grinned . "Just letting you know: nothing stimulates your nips more than a tight fitting, rough oxford shirt..." He proved it by gently teasing Richard's nips through the shirt. It didn't take long to get the moans. It was late, and Jason wanted to ask Richard something before they fell asleep, so he didn't tarry. "Mouth or butt, orsino?" "Boy, first chicken or lasagna, now mouth or butt. How about both." Jason was too happy to comply, especially when Richard, now in a rowdy mood, refused to easily let go of his cock when Jason was heading down to fuck him. Richard took his revenge, by toying with Richard's butt, slapping his cock head against it but not going in, for about ten minutes. The sex that followed was hot, and fast.

As they cuddled in bed, Jason asked his question. "Richard, this is serious, and don't give me an answer now. It's too soon. You have to think about it. Lovers. The social media picture. Being called part of a couple. I don't know about you, but I'm overflowing with happiness. And I'm, well... Richard, would you consider moving in here?"

"Oh, Wow. I hadn't thought about that Sir. I thought you treasured your privacy. " "Well, I do. But I treasure my time with you more. And I feel like we don't have enough of it together. I know you don't need a place to stay, and you've been independent forever. Think about it, love, ok?"

It didn't escape Richard that Jason had just called him "love." He remembered the comment about how Jason was gonna be his LAST man. He smiled as he thought "well, unless he plans to kill me, which I doubt. " "I love the idea Sir. But I want to think about it." "Yes, please do. There's no hurry. I just wanted to bring it up while, well, I'm so flooded with how I feel about you." Richard hugged him tight, and whispered. "And I AM gonna hold you down and let Carol tickle you." "OH, you better be careful about what you promise. It may backfire, Orsino." He kissed the scruff face of the young man. "Let's sleep. I think we have LOTS to consider. First on the list: Carol's birthday present."

Next: Chapter 7

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