Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 3, 2023


Richard sat in the middle of Jason's living room. He was tied, securely and tightly to what they called "the play chair." His wrists were behind his back, roped securely. Jason had also tied him right at his waist band, which forced Richard to such in his gut, and point out his nipples. Since Jason had roped him directly under and directly over his nips, it just exaggerated their availabiltiy more. His legs, spread, and tied at the ankle, and a big bandana tied around his mouth, also tight, pushing his lips apart, and his tongue down. And Richad was getting harder by the second, as Jason prepared to come out and work him over. This was the compromise for another set of photos. Let's step back to that.

The response to that one photo of Jason and richard together, on richard's social media page, had been so positive, that richard began to think about what he could do to get Jason to agree to another one. One night, when they were at Jason's house, he showed Jason all the comments. Jason studied them carefully. "Hmmm. All these people asking me to wear less clothes. I guess that's not a question they ask you, huh orsino?" He squeezed the back of richard's neck gently. "What can I say? I'm an exhibitionist." Jason laughed. "I think you're more an attention whore." "OOOOOH. Now THOSE are fighting words, sir." Jason smiled. "Then start one strong man. Just better protect your nips. Once I get them, it's over." Richard laughed, because he knew Jason was right. And the thought of Jason playing with his nipples was always on his mind. He was hoping it would happen tonight. He had worn a snug gray t shirt to show them off, but Jason hadn't touched them yet.

"Jason Sir, seriously, I think we should take more pictures. For us. And one for the site. PLEASE????" Richard looked at Jason with the eyes Jason just could not resist. "I promise. I'll give you the best blow job I've ever given you." "Well, THAT's quite a promise orsino. You've given me some mighty fine ones. Hmmm. I'll tell you what. I'll do it, BUT. You have to wear clothes in the shot. " That took Richard by surprise. He had never thought about dressing for these shots. "No, I'm serious. I want us to dress for each other, and then have the shots taken. We'll agree on one for the site." Jason's eyes gleamed. "The rest, we'll keep for ourselves." Richard thought about it, and then smiled. "I think I could do that. I have an idea. We'll both dress the way we think the other one sees us as his hottest." Jason laughed. "Oh dear. I'm not appearing in a black jockstrap and a leather harness." Richard took his hand. "Yeah, you're hot in that outfit. REALLY HOT. But you handle subtle butch better. And that's all I'll say." "Ok sweetpea. Two more things. Since I'm doing this for you, you have to do something for me. Bondage play when we're done. Whatever I want. And if you DON'T surpass yourself on blow jobs, I get to exact a penalty. " Richard was getting more and more excited "I like this Sir. It's like a prolonged date. " "Now speaking of a prolonged date, let's see how long it takes me to work those tits, until you beg for cock." He reached out and grabbed them. Answer: not long.

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They scheduled the shoot for two days later. Nothing "professional", but a "good shoot." At work, Randy saw Richard staring off into space . He came over. "Hey, you hairy beast. You look, well, out of it. what's going on? Things going well with Jason? Richard sighed. "They are. Maybe too well?" Randy looked puzzled. "TOO WELL? You gotta explain that." Another big sigh. Richard got very serious looking. "Remember when I told you how he asked me to move in? I think I'm going to go for it." "OH GOOD! You two belong together. I'm serious . I check out that photo every day. " "Well, that's the second thing. We're going to do another photo." "ABOUT TIME." Richard laughed. "I agree. I didn't think he'd say yes, but he did, with one condition. I have to dress. And the dress theme is 'what I think he would like the best." Randy smiled. "OH, I have an idea already Richard. And it will involve absolutely no work on your part." "Really? What's that Ran?" "Didn't you tell me his favorite flower is orchids?" "Well, yeah. You want me to dress as an orchid?" "Kinda. What color are orchids?" "Uh, they're all colors, but mostly purple. Light purple." "Like, uh, lavender? Like that tight shirt you have in your closet that you don't wear anymore because you can barely get into it." A big smile played across Richard's face. "he DOES like it when my clothes are snug." "And don't you have green khakis?" "I do... OH WOW. The stem and flowers. Randy, you're a genius." "No, I'm just a yenta in training." Richard looked up. "Do you know Seth? We used to call him Madame Seth. He's like the best matchmaker in town for gay guys. I could introduce you sometime." "He'd show me the ropes?" Richard laughed. "Well, metaphorically. He specializes in D/s, and stays away from vanilla, so if you were going to do vanilla, I think he'd have no problem giving you some advice." "Oh, cool. I think it would be fun." Silence again. Randy spoke. "Richard, there's something else on your mind. Speak." "Welllll, Randy.... I started thinking about this after Jason invited me to move in with him. I'm thinking, really hard, of proposing to him." "OH MY GOD. RICHARD!!! You'd settle down?" "Well, you know, I may be a virtual player, but I haven't date that much. Jason's been the only guy who wasn't impressed with the social media persona, and he seems to really like me. " Randy added. "Richard, I've seen the way he looks at you. I think it goes beyond really likes me." Another pause. "Something else is propelling this Randy. I don't know if you heard. They asked me to do a short transfer to England. Just a year. I'd die, being away from Richard for a year. But maybe he could get leave, or a grant, or something." "Well, are you going to ask him?" "Yes. But I want to do it creatively. And I'm not sure how to go about it." Again Randy smiled. "I have an idea. Let's go eat salad for lunch and we'll conspire.

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Two days later, Jason and Richard met up at the photo studio for the shots. Richard had huffed and puffed, and gotten himself into that lavender shirt. He rolled the sleeves, because he knew Jason loved seeing his arms, and he only left one button opened, so Jason could open the other one. The dark green pants fit perfectly. He heard Jason suck in his breath when he walked into the studio. "Oh My. Richard, I may have to take you on the floor right now. After I open that button." He came over and popped the second one, as Richard got even harder. "And I'd let you, you stud." Richard had said that he loved seeing Jason without his shirt on. Well, Jason wasn't ready for that for photos, but he tried to be "old school butch" as he called it. He had on the white t shirt that fit him best - and it fit him REALLY well. Some of his chest hair protruded from the neck line. And he had on a pair of jeans Richard didn't even know he had. Snug fitting, and worn, especially at the crotch. "It's a good thing the pants are looser than the shirt," Richard thought. "I'd burst through them now, if they weren't." The photographer came in. A friend of Richard's "Ok, boys. You both look beautiful. Now, why don't we do the social media ones first, because I have a feeling they'll be harder." He took photos for about fifteen minutes. Later, Richard and Jason settled on a shot where Richard was sitting and smiling, looking up at Jason, who had his arms around Richard, from a standing position, looking down, also smiling, his lips in the direction of Richard's. Afterwards, they laughed about how the photographer said he was going to get a hose because he couldn't separate them.

The personal photos were much more intimate. There was some serious kissing, some shots with Jason's fingers on Richard's nipples. There were shots where Jason pretended to be trying to escape from a hold Jason had put on him. And then the "floor shots," where Jason had Richard on his back, pinning him, kissing him on his neck. It was during one of those shots, that Richard lost it. Since he had very little shame , he just switched to the short he had in his gym bag.

When they got to Richard's place, he switched to jeans.

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"Given what has happened Richard, are you still in the mood? Jason asked him. Richard smiled. "Yes sir. The whole point now is to make you happy. Jason smiled. He pointed to the chair, and then bound Richard the way we started. He left the room for a few minutes so Richard could get accustomed. Then, he came in. He had taken off the t shirt, and now, Richard knew that, no, he would NOT have any trouble getting in the mood.

"Not everyone is successful enough to capture the furry orsino boy." Jason smiled as he ran his finger along the line where he had tied Richard to the chair at his waist. He had never done that to Richard before, and they discovered another hot spot on richard's body. The moans that came out of Richard's gagged mouth affirmed that. Then Jason moved up, and began teasing richard's nipples through the shirt. The fabric was so close to richard's body that, even though it was very fine pinpoint, it exaggerated the feeling and he was almost delirious, when Jason stepped behind him and began the neck nibble that always drove him crazy. Jason covered richard's ear with his mouth and whispered "kissing and fucking?" Richard shook his head yes, vigorously. "I'm holding off on the blow job challenge." He bent down and undid the ankle restraints, but not until he had teased Richard's crotch for about ten minutes, and Richard's moans become more desperate. He untied the remaining ropes holding Richard to the chair. He kept his wrists tied, but took off the gag. He said two words: "Bed. Now." Richard managed to get out... "yes sir," Only then did Jason untie Richard's wrists, and hold them over his head, as he opened that lavender shirt, and began getting to work with his tongue. "OH YES. OH GOD. MORE SIR. PLEASE . CAN I HAVE SOME MORE? ' Jason laughed. He knew that Richard was reading more since they had become a couple. He gave him more, in the style of nibbling his tits until Richard begged him to stop. "PLEASE. I'VE NEEDED COCK SINCE THIS AFTERNOON. GIVE IT TO ME. PLEASE SIR." Jason smiled, and took off Richard's black shoes. He smiled. "You know, at some point, we're going to have a session with your feet. Only your feet." "FUCK." Richard thought. He wanted that, but had been embarrassed to ask. Now, he only responded with "Yes sir." Off went the jeans. Richard hadn't bothered with underwear, something he did often, and which always made Jason laugh. Jason had been hard since the session that afternoon too, but he wasn't quite ready. He fingered Richard's ass, sliding his index finger back and forth, pausing, poking, asking questions like "Any doubts who's in charge?" "No Sir" "Or who tops" "No Sir. " "Who's my boy?" "I am Sir. I'm your boy. Your cub. Your lover. Your fuck bottom." Jason began sliding in, and he moaned, just about as loud as Richard did. It felt so good. So right. Sometimes, Jason felt like they were a pot and a cover, they fit so well, together. The tension from that afternoon broke, as they came, nearly at the same time. Jason felt exhilarated , but also tired. He could've used some sleep, but Richard asked.

"Please Sir. Can we clean up and just cuddle a bit? And I want to ask you something about a book I'm reading. Randy gave it to me. " "Well, certainly. A quick clean up, for sure. You first, then I'll come and meet you on the sofa." He kissed Richard before he let him up. Richard jumped over to the bathroom and got the jizz off himself. He was nervous. He wished he had planned this better, but... and he wished he had thought through what he'd do, if Jason said no. He went off to the sofa, and waited for Jason, who followed shortly after, tossing his arm around Richard's shoulder, and his left leg over Richard's right one. He kissed Richard again. "Today was awesome, young man. FUCKING AWESOME. Have you posted your photo yet? "Yes, but let's look at that later. I really want to ask my question" "Hmmm. This must be SOME question if you're off social media. But ok." "Well, Randy gave me this book to read." Richard pulled out a copy of "Far From the Madding Crowd." Jason smiled. "Ah yes. The one that divides the Hardy community. Some love it, some hate it. I confess I'm in the love camp. It's the melodrama." "Well, Sir, there was one line in the book. I was wondering what your comments were. I marked the page, and I highlighted it."

Richard moved through the book to where he had put the post it. Jason thought he looked very nervous. What kind of question was it? Here it is Sir. It's short. Just two words. Underlined in yellow." He handed Jason the book. The words in yellow highlight were "Marry Me." Jason stared at it for a while, trying unsucessfully to hold back tears. When he looked up, Richard was on his knee, looking beseechingly. He hadn't expected this. Ever. EVER. Now, there were two confused and nervous people in the room. Jason took Richard's hands. He looked at him lovingly. His answer was one word. "yes."

Next: Chapter 8

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