
By Alex

Published on May 17, 2001



(The Coconut Test sequel) by Alex Ferretti shoulder@montevideo.com.uy

DISCLAIMER: The following story is the sequel of The Coconut Test, a fantasy story involving the King of the Jungle. Tarzan is trademark of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Chapter 1

The blue lights of the tv filled the dark room. The man watched the inexpert video footage, showing Tarzan beating the one known as Butcher, and then the steroid boy falling into the water, where he found death, after that the camera moves towards the Ape Man standing in the shore. The man watched the footage for the tenth time.

He pressed the "Pause" button. The frozen image of Tarzan filled the screen, his 240 lbs of big muscles looked powerful.

John stood up, and grabbed the photograph in his hand. An old picture of him and Crusher...his brother. He left it gently on his bed, and walked towards the tv. The image of the muscle boy of the jungle on the screen.

At 40, John was a big man, the word "massive" would define him more precisely. 350 lbs of vastness with and imposing look: his 21,5" arms were enormous, as well as his extra wide back. He was not the kind of man who would waste his precious time working on his abs, his belly was big, round and solid. Able to eat more than four men together he was nothing but gross and strong, His almost bald head and a his dark goatee gave him a terrible look. That was John, the perfect man for his job, nobody was better than him. He was a bouncer in a night club and he loved it.

It doesn't mater how big or strong the opponent... you can always call the massive John to control him. An expert in getting the maximum pain, he had the skill to find the exact point of attack to break any man...an expert in the art of whipping.

He looked at the image frozen on the screen, his eyes studying very keenly the wall of muscle known as Tarzan, he watched the footage one more time, studying every movement of our muscle hero.

Tarzan held the tree trunk on his shoulders for the last rep. He loved to feel the pump in his legs, he squatted once again... -"....nnghhh!!!"- then he lifted the heavy tree trunk over his head to throw it violently against the ground.

Now he was hungry.

The Charles Atlas of the jungle displayed the agility of a professional swimmer while steaming the tide, feeling the fresh crystalline water massaging his muscles. He got out of the water, his shoulder-length black hair pouring drops of water over his developed heaving chest, already wet, carrying four enormous fishes, big enough to feed a whole family... but you know you have to eat BIG if you want to get BIG!!

Carrying the big -still struggling for their lives- fishes his beefy wet muscles glistened under the sunlight- the giant White Ape looked huge and manly, the natural muscle head knew that his huge frame was intimidating, and he enjoyed it.

Chapter 2

The driver of the jeep accelerated fiercely, causing the wheels to sink some inches more into the turbid brown mud, and disturbing the peace of the forest with the unusual sound of the mechanical engine, as well as filling the air with the sick smell of burnt gasoline.

John stopped... nothing happened. He tried again....the back wheels sprinkling mud and sinking more and more. Suddenly a big heavily muscled man jumped right in front of the half buried vehicle.

The enormous muscles of Tarzan evidenced the landing, slightly trembling from the impact of his feet against the ground. To be honest I must tell you that our hero loved this kind of situations: the perfect scenario to show all of those stupid fools from the city, the might it takes to survive in his jungle, and to casually flex his pecs just to hear them say "WOWWW...He is fucking HUGE!!!"

-"Stop or you will never get out of there" -commanded Tarzan.

The jungle boy put some stones under the back wheels to help their way out, and went to the back of the jeep, placed his back against the vehicle, and grabbing it very firmly with his hands, he took a big breath and a second after he was pumped as hell pushing the jeep with all his might....total muscle power!!! Roaring....OOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH....!!!!! He had moved a thousand vehicles that way...but this was a hard one. Tarzan stopped. His chest heaving...

But he tried again, HOOOAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH...!!!!! His traps were an arch of muscle, and his deltoids were big and round, straining harder and harder, the muscle boy threw his head back in a titanic effort to move the jeep, that started moving a pair of inches, to loose them back when Tarzan stopped. Our confused hero rested his back against the jeep, in order to catch his breath... his legs were having a hard time...

Our hero continued his useless efforts, useless since he didn't know that everytime he tried to move the vehicle, the jeep driver -standing by it- was pushing the grip brake.

Tarzan's legs were almost shaking for the incredible effort, his pecs and arms were as solid and tight as stone, while the arch of his traps looked like a mass of muscle bent to it's limit. "MOOOOVE..!!

HHOOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH....!!!" Our obliging muscle boy was hardly struggling with an enormous weight and -he didn't know it- but with the vehicle's brak too, causing him to waste a great amount of muscular energy.

Tarzan almost falls to the ground when the jeep got out of the mud pit.

John walked slowly towards our hero, who was now heavily breathing, drops of sweat falling all over his body, even Tarzan could not move all that weight without being affected.

The man walked towards our hero. Tarzan straightened his back, words like "God...Tarzan you are so good and strong!! Thanks!!!" or "Man...you saved my life...thank you" were expected by our big boy. For the first time Tarzan paid attention to the man walking towards him, and he could tell he was BIG. Wearing blue jeans, and an extra large gray shirt that seemed about to burst-hardly containing his extra wide mass of beef- the rough faced man looked at Tarzan walking the few steps that separated him from the good muscle boy .

-"Good"- grunted John dryly in a very low tone of voice. Tarzan was in awe...the big man wasn't showing much gratitude, ladies and gentlemen!!

And when the -momentarily exhausted- Ape Man held the big hand for a handshake, his own hand was unexpectedly pulled with great strength, and THUK! the massive bear sent Tarzan two steps backwards by knocking his forehead against Tarzan's.

All Tarzan knew was that he was handshaking the big stranger when he felt like if a cement slab had blown his forehead. His view got dark for a second but the hands of the stranger digging his fingers like sausages into his traps in a painful nerve hold, helped to open his clear his view again.

Tarzan felt terrible cramps running over his muscular traps, that forced him to almost bend himself to stand the pain.

-"I'll make you pay, muscle boy....you'll pay for the death of my brother Crusher!!!....My name is John, you killed my brother...and now...I MUST DESTROY YOU!!!"-

Tarzan, felt his traps burning, and tried to take John hands off of him, in the same moment he managed himself to set free Tarzan could hear the drums playing a distant cry for help...he had to attend the call, maybe somebody's life was in mortal danger and he had to help.

-"Run and hide, jungle man... but I'll find you...YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT YOU!"

Chapter 3

The big Tarzan had to fight against the river flow, a titanic effort to rapidly rescue the two missing kids of the Tumback tribe. The infantile game of being brave warriors on a canoe stopped when the medium size trunk with them sitting on it was dragged by the water; the drums called Tarzan for urgent help. The unstoppable power of the water got rougher being just one mile from the falls, what would have mean death for both kids; the big Charles Atlas of the jungle stood there with the water over his broad shoulders with just in time to catch the trunk carrying the frightened kids. Pulling the tree trunk against the fury of the river flow -with the weight of the two boys on it- was a hard job. For the young boys whose fate seemed to be being carried by the flow and dying once they get the falls, finding the muscular white ape meant salvation. In the middle of their path towards the shore, one of the kids slipped off the trunk, so Tarzan had to struggle pulling the trunk and carrying one kid in his arm. The proximity of the falls made the struggle against the power of the water even harder for the Ape Man. Finally they reached the shore. Both kids were now safe with their feet on the sand, and the big man almost collapsed on the hot sand, but instead of that -and saving face- he tried to hide from the kids his fatigue.

The massive John was watching the scene over one of the branches of the nearest giant tree, that reached the shore, interesting view. Suddenly he understood that being a tree-climber was not for him, he had to go down... and he had the perfect place for his 350lbs to land over.

The good hearted King of the jungle was striking a double biceps pose for the kids when he realized that a big shadow blocked the sun on him, he lifted his head to see what it was, and all he could say was a brief..." Noo.." and SPLAT!!!!!!! He was flattened by a gigantic mass called John. The kids were in awe...

When the older man got to his feet, they could see that the muscular Tarzan was half buried into the ground, his face towards the ground and his back -which absorbed most of the impact- like an extra wide gigantic carpet of bulging muscles semi buried in the ground. The view was incredible, the boys could not believe what had happened to their muscular hero. The bigger man ripped off his shirt, revealing his enormous torso not ripped like a bodybuilder, but huge and hard as stone like a powerlifter, super wide shoulders, huge stocky pecs, and his bulging hard belly.

The bulky aggressive man said: "Hey, Tarzan....let me help you...!!" grabbing our hero painfully by his dark hair forcing him to get to his feet -not concerned about the damage his fall could have caused on the muscle boy's back-, and once there he shoved his ripped shirt into the hero's gaping mouth, just to toss him again to the ground, while saying to the kids:

"Why don't you ask him to flex now, boys?"

Tarzan was a strong man, no doubt about it, and not wasting a second, he used his big muscular right leg to throw a kick that hit John's knee, making him stumble and heavily fall. Both men rolled struggling in a man-to-man brawl, like two fierce lions combating for their territory, Tarzan was on top of the bulky bouncer, when John kicked him sending him flying some feet away.

Tarzan's hand looked for the knife in his belt, but it wasn't there!!!

-"Looking for this, muscle boy?"- The huge bouncer had Tarzan's knife in his hand.

Both men circled each other. Tarzan tried to reason with his aggressor:

-"I did not kill your brother, John....we fought and he died accidentaly, I tried to save him, but it was too late."-

-"He wouldn't have died if it wasn't for you, Tarzan!!"- replied the angry bouncer.

Both men continued to circle each other, both trying to foretell the next movement of his opponent.

-"However...muscle, boy.....I don't need this to tear you apart!!"-said cockily John and grabbing the knife firmly in his hand, he pushed it's blade with his thumb..bending the steel blade!!! After his show of strength, the man threw the knife at Tarzan's feet, bent like a toy. The boys uttered a WOWWWWW, impressed at the stranger's power. They were happy, not many people has the chance to have such perfect view of a brawl like this!! Their jungle boy have worked hard on his muscular body, his arms almost as big as a pro-bodybuilder, and now this new guy has come, big as a fucking house, and he wants to whip Tarzan, no reasoning....no talking....just whipping Tarzan!!!

Ruining almost the only thing he had from his parents: his knife was too much for Tarzan and he jumped over John agile like a panther, discharging a rain of blows on his face. The boys cheering.

-"C'MON, TARZAN.... KICK HIS ASS!!" The angry jungle man, wrapped his developed arms around John's extra wide neck, Tarzan tightened his grip. His biceps ballooned, making the veins on his biceps and forearms to look incredibly!! The massive John understood that his neck was one inch from being cracked, and kept calm. The boys cheered Tarzan even louder!!! Their hero looked huge now, his wild black hair falling over his manly face and the muscle strain pumping his arms and deltoids covered with sweat.

"LEAVE NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU!!" shouted the huge Tarzan to his -now gasping for breath- enemy. But he was underestimating the intelligence of his brutal foe, because while he was saying these words, the massive bouncer had slipped his hand down to Tarzan's loin-cloth crushing the big testicles of Tarzan. The cheering boys could see how their handsome hero opened his mouth like if to shout, but not a sound got out of it, his manly face becoming pale as a death man's, and they heard him say in a very thin tone of voice:


A minute later the sadistic bouncer was lifting the 240lbs of muscle called Tarzan over his head like a sack of potatoes, and with a roar that made the nearest lion run away, he sent the muscle boy flying.

The boys had to jump from the place they were sitting watching the fight to avoid being squashed by their falling hero, who looked very funny desperately shacking his arms and legs on the air trying to make the impact less painful for him, without much luck.


John seemed excited of being able to display such display of roughness over Tarzan.

-"he he he...It's just the beginning, muscle boy!!"-

He circled the fallen Tarzan, his blue jeans covered big legs that from Tarzan's point of view were like columns of solid cement, it was obvious for the Ape Man that those legs were the result of a lifetime of hard training, squatting with tremendous weight! The jungle boy could hardly avoid being crushed by one of them.

-"Let's hear the sound of those ribs cracking Tarzan! HE HEHE!"-

Chapter 4

Massive John lifted again his powerful and oversized right leg to crush Tarzan like an ant!! The muscular boy moved swiftly rolling his brawny body over the ground, saving his ribs from being bend slowly till they crack one by one, but he could not manage to move faster when his right lat was caught under the oversized boot. The enormous John felt the consistence of the fleshy muscle under the heel of his boot and with a sadistic delight moved his 350lbs over his right leg causing Tarzan to moan in pain HOOOOAAAAAAAAAA......IIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE----!!!

The fun of the huge bouncer did not last much,-THUD!- Tarzan directed a painful kick right into his wicked face, a second later the jungle man was on his feet again...enraged!! He was looking directly into the eyes of the brutal men before him, like an angry animal ready to attack, and he kept looking at the man's eyes while he talked to his pupils:

"The greatest asset of an authentic warrior must be his reasoning, boys... I tried to reason with him, but this man's silliness did not allow him to do it-Tarzan lifted one of his fists ballooning his right biceps- Now this is personal !!"


The kids were extremely excited, their hero was giving a tremendous show. Both men circling each other. It looked like a heavyweight boxing championship, less technical but rougher. And they were certainly heavyweights!! The tremendous bouncer looked impressive, -shirtless- with his enormous frame crowned by his hard like stone round belly impassively looking at Tarzan's eyes like a giant and treacherous cobra. Both men exchanged a barrage of blows that sounded like they could kill an ordinary man, and kept circling each other again till the circle closed again and they came back to the battle, then circled again.

The jungle man ,with his powerful fists in guard and his intimidating 240lbs of natural muscle tensed was like a gladiator in the arena, moving his developed legs like an expert boxer getting closer to discharge his blows, and further to avoid his enemy's ones. And actually the bouncer had the chance to feel -first hand- the power of Tarzan's fists!!

The enthusiastic boys had never seen the King of the Jungle boxing before and one of them pointed how Tarzan's muscles seemed to bounce rhythmically with each of his boxing movements.

The men exchanged another barrage of heavy blows, the big bouncer showed to be too slow for Tarzan, and seemed to be softening with each of Tarzan punches.

Many years ago -in his twenties- John was already a massive boy, his arms were almost as gross as today; he got a job in a slaughterhouse. He still remembers the day he was looking at the man in charge to kill the cattle. The method was extremely simple, hitting the animal with a gigantic iron hammer right in the head -BLOFT!!- He and a bunch of guys were keenly watching this man's labor, when John asked the man to give it a try. They could not believe what they saw. The animal was a big, enormous cow. John lifted his arm over the cow's head, clenched his fist on the air and THUD!! lowered his demolisher fist on the top of the head of the poor animal. The monumental beast collapsed falling to the floor...dying instantly. The bunch of guys -each of them tough men- were frankly shocked, they had never seen such strength and brutalism before, and so they managed to get the biggest cow they could get, a gigantic enormously stocky Hereford. It would have taken a steam-roller to take the animal down. They heard the massive John shouting "READY FOR THE MORTAL HAMMER.....?!" and then--THUD!-- he discharged his clenched fist on the top of the animal's head. A second later the Hereford was lying on the floor into convulsions, dying.

Tarzan threw a painful punch to John's squared jaw, making him throw his head backwards -with a moan of pain- and the two boys cheered their muscular and skilled hero who kept his guard up, his tensed muscles look thick under his tanned skin. The jungle man avoided a punch that flew directly to his stomach, to send two more blows that landed right into John's jaw.

In the middle of that storm of punches, John had the chance to "soften" some muscular tissue, when -taking advantage of Tarzan's fatigue - he pounded twice his fist into our hero's muscular gut, bending the natural muscle man over. Without wasting a single second Tarzan returned the blows with all the power of his rock hard fists!!!

The big Tarzan said to the two kids:

"..watch carefully my movements...the way I fight, you must take this fight as a lesson for.."

-"COME HERE, TARZAN...!!"- interrupted the massive bouncer in a commanding tone of voice.

Tarzan turned to him, bouncing as he walked -casually throwing his arms backwards flexing his back muscles- he lifted his fists in guard again. The aggressive bouncer looked at Tarzan's muscles with contempt, and went for a second round, very slowly circling Tarzan...looking right into his eyes... and then the question :


Tarzan did not understood the implications of the question, and threw two powerful punches into John's massive shoulders, sending the shirtless huge bear some steps backwards, answering:


The massive monster called John, jumped towards Tarzan with a threatening roar..."GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.....!!!" and the he tried to dig his left fist into Tarzan's loincloth in vain, the Ape Man moved fast. He tried to do it for the second time. This time his proximity made Tarzan lower his guard to block the bouncer's left fist, saving his already punished balls for just a few inches. When Tarzan lifted his face he saw the massive John lifting his huge right arm over his head.... his frightful fist clenched, looking right into the muscle boy's worried eyes:

-"... GOOD BYE, GORILLA..." -

The boys could see how the sadistic bouncer discharged his clenched fist like a demolition ball on Tarzan's head with an awful sound; the dreadful fist fell like a giant hammer on his skull!!! The aggressor literally dug Tarzan's head into his muscular shoulders!!


If you have any comments, suggestions or critics, just let me know shoulder@montevideo.com.uy

Next: Chapter 3: Breaking Point 2

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