
By Alex

Published on Jul 12, 2001


TARZAN'S BREAKING POINT by Alex Ferretti shoulder@montevideo.com.uy

DISCLAIMER: The following story is the first chapter of a fantasy story involving the King of the Jungle. Tarzan is trademark of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Chapter 5 The headache.

The boys -who had been sitting on the ground watching the brawl, laughing and cheering- stood up seriously alarmed.

Tarzan's body remained standing...exactly in the same position he was before...his enormous muscles semi flexed and his fist clenched in guard like if had been froze....his mouth open in a desperate gasp for air...his proud chest puffed out with every breath; his muscular legs -knees lightly flexed- were trembling, barely supporting his muscled body.

Tarzan's face was a mask of surprise, and not a single word got out of his mouth, just a strange:


The kids felt concerned for the luck of their brawny hero.

The stout bouncer grabbed the hero's wrists pulling his arms outwards, and felt the weight of those muscular arms while holding them completely stretched, just to release his grip and see how they fall limply to his sides. The immense John looked at the young man's perplexed dark eyes, and without taking his killer laser eyes off Tarzan's started laughing.

-" ... HAVING A HEADACHE, GORILLA MAN ?!! ... HA... HA... HA... !!"-

It looked like the jungle man was in a deep shock, and certainly he moved his head trying to shake the cobwebs in vain.

-"WAKE UP, TARZAN....PLEASE WAKE UP!!"- claimed the kids in unison.

-"I'LL HELP YOU TO WAKE UP, TARZAN!!"- roared John, slapping one of the beefy pecs of Tarzan very hard!! The massive John felt a bit surprised when he heard some repressed laughs from the kids. The 240 pounds of big solid muscle in Tarzan were now relaxed, and looking a bit flabby, causing the slapped muscle to rebound in a pretty funny fashion provoking the kids to laugh.

The king of the jungle was not in condition to be showing off, puffing out his chest, therefore his abs were completely relaxed too, making his belly look swollen and flabby.

-"..WHY DON'T YOU FLEX NOW, GORILLA? "- Massive John grabbed the muscular arm of Tarzan placing it against his own gross arm- "WHO IS BIGGER, BOYS ?... YOUR POOR SAVAGE OR ME ...AH ?!!"

The arm of the jungle man would have been the envy of any bodybuilder: his biceps were compared by the kids to a big orange, he was able to lift what no other men in the jungle dreamt of moving, but the gross arm of massive John was visibly bigger, he had serious muscle covered by a thick layer of fat and his arm looked almost ... TWICE BIGGER THAN TARZAN'S!!

The boys couldn't help whistling: -"Wowww....your arm is enormous, sir!!!"-

Tarzan was slowly recovering his consciousness, just to realize that he was being dolefully humiliated in a size comparison; and now the massive bouncer was comparing his relaxed beefy arm to one of Tarzan's thighs -verifying that they were almost the same size- causing commotion between the young boys!!


-"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, MUSCLE MONKEY ? WHAT??!!!!"- roared the massive bouncer right into Tarzan's right ear -just like in a military training style- punishing his tympanum; he flexed one of his enormous biceps. He literally inflated his gun in front of our hero's face, all Tarzan could see was a menacing 23" ball of cement. He was starting to gain strength, but having a sadistic brutal and aggressive night club bouncer flexing his gigantic biceps one inch far from his face was not a promising view.

-"KISS THIS BABY, GORILLA!!!"- ordered John.

Tarzan tossed his arm away, unfortunately for him it made the bouncer angry, who grabbed the King of the Jungle by his forehead and squashed his handsome face against the gigantic mass he called biceps, not allowing him to let go!!

-"HAVE A CLOSE-UP OF MY GUN, LOOSER!!"- laughed the massive John, literally flattening Tarzan's noose against his round iron biceps.

He left the King of the jungle go, the kids were now making big noise, cheering Tarzan watching him recover his consciousness after the blow that was supposed to kill him.

One of them went to the near river shore and carried some water in his hands, and in a hurried run, he threw the handful of water right into their hero's handsome face and wetting some of his hair in the process. Tarzan was looking down, he shook his head, blinking, coming to this planet again, recovering his legendary strength. The muscular king of the jungle, felt the strength filling his powerful legs and arms, was ready to kick asses again, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs

The gigantic bad ass was so furious that he lifted the poor kid off the ground and throwing his big fist backwards decided to give this spoiled kid what he deserved, to crush his skull unmercifully, but he could not, the killer arm was stopped in the air by the strongest man of the jungle, who made him release the -saved by the bell- kid. The young man dug his fist right into the bigger man's belly, once and again, provoking Massive John to bend forward dolefully, saliva dropping shamefully off his opened mouth, gasping for air.

Our handsome hero grabbed the kid -who was fallen dangerously near the battle ground- to place him on his feet, in a safe distance. Done that, Tarzan immediately turned around to go back to where his opponent was to find the enormous mountain of man known as Massive John an inch from his face. The impact of the proximity made Tarzan throw his head involuntarily backwards with surprise. His wrists were grabbed with tremendous and unbreakable pressure. Tarzan, at 6'1" and 240lbs of muscle was a big man himself and the shadow of his body was just the reflex of his brawny magnificence, his only presence was nothing but imposing; but the shadow cast by massive John covered his body completely, 350lbs of beefy fat muscle, an inch close to him.


Grabbing our hero by his wrists, not even giving him time to blink again -in a movement that took no more than half a second, the aggressive bouncer outstretched the arms of Tarzan very violently. Acknowledging his surprise, he looked into the bouncer's penetrating eyes and answered in a very confident and manly tone:


And with those words the jungle man turned his head towards his right arm, concentrating on his right bicep, which seemed to tighten and bulge as well as his left one, obeying their master's orders to react. The muscular hero was fighting the grip, slowly bending his elbow, inch after inch, the biceps pumped to their maximum. Proud of being wining the strength battle, Tarzan looked again right into the eyes of the massive man with a self confident look in his manly features.

The boys were having a "cinemascope" sight of the massive muscular mass of the back of Tarzan, legs lightly spread firmly placed on the ground, his lats expanded and every muscular fiber showing under the tanned skin, his delts incredibly round and muscular, his biceps were hard as ivory the size of big oranges (as they used to call them) that showed perfectly in that "double biceps" pose in which had lead his big arms. They could see their hero being grabbed by his wrists by the enormous hands of Massive John (trying to straighten his arms again), and how he -shirtless, wearing his jeans and boots, bigger than Tarzan but with a remarkable lack of definition, had so tremendous arms, and powerful enough to grab their young and brawny hero like that, forcing him to struggle in a merciless "let's-see-who-is-stronger" competition. And through the effort of the competition massive John managed to give Tarzan an intimidating speech:

-" I feel very impressed, Tarzan. I underestimated your strength...you were able to bend your elbows again... It seems you have some serious arm development there, ah gorilla? But you will never dare to brag about the strength of those guns of yours in my presence again. Since I was very young I knew that I possessed more strength in my arms than many ordinary men, enough might to bend bars made of pure iron. Yes, Tarzan, I can do that, and I can bend coins with my fingers..."-

Massive John said those words almost without blinking, looking at Tarzan right into his eyes, and with a dreadful grin he added:

-" But now I don't have any iron bar in my hands, but YOU. The strongest guy of the damn jungle... - the grin became an awful half smile- ... I guess that if I can't apply my monstrous strength to an iron bar... WHY NOT APPLYING IT TO YOU??!!! HAAAAAA... HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!-

Then massive John seemed to increase his strength to a limit unknown for Tarzan whose eyes widened in disbelief; he could feel his 19 inches biceps ballooning and the tendons stretching to their limit, struggling to keep his elbows in his previous 90 degree position; all the tremendous effort was clearly showing in his handsome features, like the face of a bodybuilder in a bodybuilding magazine managing to get the last repetition of an extra heavy biceps curl.

They saw how the giant man with a prominent belly under his fleshy pecs and round shoulders, had slowly returned Tarzan's arms to their initial position -not taking his eyes off the face of Tarzan not even for a second. In his squared face the effort was showing, but cooler, impassive. Once that the king of the jungle had his arms straightened again by the big bouncer, a momentary relief in the improvised contest of arm strength.

-" A man with a muscular development like yours should stretch after training... he he... TIME TO OVERSTRETCH, GORILA!!!"-

The boys knew things were going wrong when they saw massive John taking a big deep breath -making his gigantic torso grow bigger, belly included, like someone who is about to make a great effort), and suddenly the brawny good boy known as Tarzan threw his head backwards with a moan: "...oomph--!!!"

What's happening they asked themselves, and then they realized that the contest of strength had become -for Tarzan's bitter surprise- a crude exercise of brutality and sadism in which the voluminous and hard as stone arms of Tarzan were being outstretched to their limit, by the massive strongman.

Just by looking at the position of the two contestants you -ladies and gentlemen- would not be able to tell that the tension applied on Tarzan was tremendously powerful: the strongman -and night club bouncer- was grabbing the king of the jungle by his wrists, arms stretched, but now Tarzan's legs were showing a great tension, and the muscles of his back -as the kids saw it- had elongated in order to the outstretching the arms were supporting, and Tarzan's face was getting red, his eyes close for the effort, jaws clenched, the veins and muscles about to explode.

-"..aghhh... my a-arms... you a... are over--uhgg-- overstretching them... but you won't...AGGGHHH... you won't... destroy TarzNGHHHHH--....!!" The king of the jungle could not complete his sentence because massive John deliberately twisted his wrists putting some additional pain to the already distressed muscleman, and producing a jolt of pain that shot through his arms right into their sockets, and causing Tarzan to move his head to the sides, twisting his neck in obvious pain!! -"nghhh... MY... ARMSGHHHHHAAAAAAAAGGHHH...!"

This had been too much for Tarzan, he had endured an amount of pain that he never thought he could experience and in a certain moment his pain became strength and he shout in a very deep tone:


The earth seemed to tremble, and the captive king of the jungle seemed to take brutal strength from who-knows-where to break the grip and throw a pulverizing kick that landed right into the prominent gut of his aggressor.

It all happened so fast that it seemed to the kids like if a bomb had exploded inside Tarzan, giving him some super natural strength. The 350lbs mighty mix of fat and muscles fell ten feet ahead, in a mud pit. After unleashing such a powerful kick Tarzan flexed every muscle in his enormous sweaty body and looking up to the skies, he struck what it looked like a most muscular pose, with a new and deep roar, to jump again on his fallen enemy.

Those kids looked the scene is disbelief, it looked like if Tarzan had been possessed by some kind of a supernatural energy, he was discharging a dozen blows right into the contorting face of the fallen man in a lightning speed.

In a first moment, massive John tried to control Tarzan's hands, to stop the punishment he was receiving, but after many punches with the force of an atomic bomb fell on his face and shoulders, the strength of his enormous arms seemed to disappear dramatically. Tarzan, still possessed by a wild animal rage, released the man just to emit another roar that thrilled every living being one mile round, and to lift the 350lbs man over his head saying:


And with those threatening words our muscular hero threw his defeated enemy to the dusty ground. Massive John fell on his back the pain was immense but no sound came out of his puffed and bloody lips, but a ridiculous weep, and if I say "ridiculous", ladies and gentlemen it is because you just have to imagine a 350lbs whipped man fallen and weeping to realize how ridiculously humiliated he was.

The man painfully stood on his enormous legs -now shaking- and started to walk away, acknowledging his complete defeat, when the confident Tarzan made him stop:

"-But before you leave, you must answer a single question."

The big man stood there frozen, and slowly turned his head with a disgusting expression, a mix of shame, hate and fear, in his face. Tarzan, with an triumphal expression, full of himself, irradiating power and respect, slowly walked two steps towards the defeated John, very slowly flexed his left pec in a show of total control over his muscles, and lifting both arms in a double biceps triumphal pose, asked:

-"Tell me: who is the strongest man of the jungle?"

The defeated giant, lowered his head, ashamed, and answered:

"-Tarzan is the strongest man of the jungle. The strongest man I've ever faced."

Then he left.

Any comments or suggestions, if you liked it or not, please let me know!!!! Alex. shoulder@montevideo.com.uy

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