Tarzan and The Dance of Dominance

By tarzan

Published on Aug 14, 2024



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot.

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Chapter 57: Dreams of Dominion-------------------------------- (c) tarzanstud1@gmail.com

Chapter 57 -- Dreams of Dominion

In the hazy realm of slumber, Baron von Richter found himself standing at the heart of the jungle, his every breath laced with the scent of verdant growth and untamed wilderness. The vibrant colors of exotic flora surrounded him, and the distant calls of elusive creatures echoed through the canopy.

As he ventured deeper into the primeval expanse, the very air seemed to pulse with vitality. He felt an overwhelming sense of power, a sensation that surged through him like a force of nature. The ground beneath his boots was firm, yet yielding, as if it yielded to his every step.

Suddenly, the dense vegetation gave way to a clearing, revealing a magnificent sight. Before him stood Tarzan, once the mighty ruler of this domain, now reduced to a mere shadow of his former self. Shackled and submissive, he knelt before the Baron, his eyes downcast in humble obedience.

The Baron's heart swelled with triumph, relishing in the sight of his old nemesis brought to heel. He could feel the latent power emanating from the once indomitable king of the jungle, now redirected and harnessed for a purpose far greater.

In this dream, the Baron's dominance was absolute. He issued commands, and Tarzan, ever the obedient servant, complied without hesitation. The Baron reveled in the feeling of control, every gesture and word speaking to his unassailable authority.

As the dream unfolded, the jungle itself seemed to acknowledge the Baron's newfound supremacy. Trees bent to his will, their branches forming archways that framed the path ahead. The very earth seemed to vibrate with a subservient energy, a response to the Baron's dominion over this untamed realm.

As the dream drew to a close, the Baron stood at the precipice of a roaring waterfall, the cascade of water symbolizing his unyielding power. He raised his arms, a gesture of command, and Tarzan obediently stepped forward, disappearing into the cascade, a willing sacrifice to the Baron's insatiable appetite for control.

With a triumphant smile, the Baron awoke, his heart still pounding with the intoxicating rush of dominion. He knew that this dream was a glimpse of the future, a destiny in which he, Baron von Richter, would rise to unparalleled heights of power, with Tarzan forever in his thrall.

to be continued...

END OF CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN-------------------------------------

Thanks for the emails! I always appreciate hearing your reactions, including your constructive criticism. If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com .

Next: Chapter 58

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