TDY to Fort Hood

By Cooper Max

Published on May 14, 2016



Hi all, I'm the author of three other stories on Nifty: The Military Network, The Officers, and Diplomacy and Lust. This story will be unique in that I'm writing the first part and a friend is writing the second part from the other character's perspective. I've had some recent inspiration from this friend and he decided to write the follow on.

I can be reached at and respond to all emails Ð positive or negative. I really enjoy talking with readers from all over the world. For the bi / married guys out there, feel free to visit my website at

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TDY to Fort Hood, The Great Place

Captain James Hershfield's strolled into the gymnasium at mid morning. He hadn't felt this refreshed in weeks. He had actually gotten a full nights rest and slept past his usual 0400 wake up. Ever since he started his medical school rotation at Darnall Army Hospital, he'd barely had time to breath or sleep, let alone work out. Today was an anomaly; a day off from the medical grind. He had thought his life at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, the military's medical school, was demanding but he was beginning to see that his rotations and residency may beat the life out of him before he ever truly got to enjoy being a practicing Army doctor.

The gym was oddly quiet and desolate. James figured with it being mid morning, most of Fort Hood's many thousands of soldiers were already at work in their unit areas. A bunch of units were out on the training ranges too. CPT Hershfield had been treating all their injuries on his last few shifts at the hospital and hearing their `war stories' in the process. From what the soldiers were telling him, life never slowed down at Ft. Hood between training and deployments.

James had tried to come to the gym once before during PT hours; terrible mistake. He could barely move, let alone work out, because the place was so packed with soldiers clamoring for exercise equipment and free weights. Apparently the rule most military installations lived by `no gym during PT hours' didn't always get enforced. CPT Hershfield was happy not have to wait for the exercise equipment but working out wasn't quite as fun without handsome men to sneak peeks at in between sets. From what CPT Hershfield had seen at the hospital, Ft. Hood had no shortage of in shape, sexy men.

CPT Hershfield plowed into his workout; he needed to burn off the stress. James looked at himself in the tall towering mirrors and smiled. Despite grueling hours at medical school, he had fought to get in his exercise time. His six foot two, lean, chiseled frame hadn't changed too much despite the poor diet and lack of sleep. He ran his fingers through his short blond hair, his brown eyes glancing around with hope that some handsome soldier would saunter in and start working out too.

Finally, covered in sweat, CPT Hershfield headed off to the showers. James had always enjoyed long showers as a way to relax his mind and muscles. With the day off, he was in no hurry today. He'd even jump in the dry sauna room for a bit.

To his disappointment, the locker room was empty. James quickly stripped down and set off for the dry sauna room. He'd do his favorite rotation; sweat it up in the dry sauna, jump into the steam room, take a cold shower, return to the dry sauna, back to the steam room, take a cold shower and continue until he got bored.

James flung open to the door and with no surprise, found the room completely empty.

`Seriously, where the fuck is every body? Is it a training holiday that I don't know about? Not one hot guy in this entire gym?' James thought to himself in frustration, sighing audibly to an empty room.

He twisted the switch and flung himself down onto the wooden bench. Faster than he expected, the room started to get hot. He sat there for a few minutes, jumped out, hit the steam room and then rinsed off in the shower. While darting through the locker room, on this first rotation, his excitement built as he heard shuffling, voices and lockers closing. Rounding a corner quickly to investigate, his heart sunk Ð just some elderly retirees.

James began his rotation again: dry sauna Ð no one Ð steam room Ð no one Ð and upon getting to the shower again Ð no one. His frustration boiled over into placid acceptance. He relaxed into his cold shower when he heard the shuffling of flip-flops behind him. Darting a quick glance over his shoulder expecting to see one of the retirees, his eyes bolted wide and he turned his head back to the wall quickly.

Shifting nervously as his pulse started to beat harder, CPT Hershfield furtively stole another glance at the shower's new occupant.

The man was short and thick chested. His head was completely shaved; it shone and reflected in the shower's light. CPT Hershfield, who had now shifted his body in a way to allow longer and less obvious staring, guessed the man to be in his mid 30s.

The man was now standing in a powerful stream of hot water; the steam billowing up and starting to fill the shower space. The man shifted to allow the water to spray his back, the hair on his thick, muscled chest clinging to his body. His blue eyes met James' brown eyes. The man nodded a nonchalant acknowledgment of James' presence and turned around again; not giving James a second look. He had a gruff, no nonsense look to him; almost intimidating. James guessed that this guy was one of those people that only smiled when he had to smile.

James was suddenly very glad he was taking a cold shower. This guy fit somewhere in between James' favorite categories Ð bear and daddy. James shifted again uncomfortably, wondering if it was obvious that he was taking an abnormally long shower. He glanced over again at the man. If he noticed, he gave no sign that he did as he soaped up his thick thighs. James almost popped an instant woody despite the very cold shower as the man turned his back to James and soaped up his squat, muscular ass with soap; the muscles on his back rippled and reflected in the shower light at the same time.

The man turned to rinse off his muscled bubble butt and then began to soap up his cock in an `all about the business' way. James couldn't help but notice the man's large nuts and cock though James couldn't really tell how big it'd be hard. The man had a thick bush Ð clearly not too concerned with keeping things overly tidy down there. James imagined the guy probably thought it was too metrosexual to trim or shave down there.

Without a word, the man shut off his shower and walked out not giving James even a parting glance. James waited a very long five minutes and followed him.

The man headed towards a locker and an Army Uniform spread out on one of the tan wooden benches. Luckily, James own bright red gym bag sat a comfortable distance away from the man but still within an easy view. CPT Hershfield hurried towards his bag and tried to look casually occupied with sorting through its contents while drying himself off.

James could only make out the rank on the uniform because the gold was so noticeable; a gold oak leaf. This man was a Major Ð a field grade officer. The man shifted his uniform so CPT Hershfield could see the unit patch. The gruffness made more sense as James stared at his first cav patch - this guy had to be a field grade Armor officer. From the look of the patch on his other sleeve, he had deployed Ð likely multiple times Ð to Afghanistan and/or Iraq.

James thought the man would be drying off and getting dressed but he threw his shower materials into his bag and headed towards the dry room. He walked right by James and gave a stiff `hey' as he walked by without bothering to look at James.

James mind raced. `Is it too risky to follow this guy? Would that be too obvious?'

James again waited a few minutes while building his courage. He thought that he'd be able to play off any suspicion although CPT Hershfield did have an inkling of fear Ð this guy was huge and tough looking.

Taking a deep breath, James walked towards the dry sauna. Confidently, he swung open the door and sat down across from the Major without giving him a single word or look. James picked an indistinct part of the wall slightly to the right and above the Major to stare at while trying to appear uninterested and inattentive.

The Major shifted. James kept giving quick glances at the man trying to take in more of his features; clean shaven, square face, symmetrical head Ð being bald suited this man well. James noticed a slight golden glint. He looked closer. The man was wearing a wedding band. James quickly glanced at his own wedding band and sighed.

The man didn't seem to notice CPT Hershfield at all. He was staring blankly ahead either completely lost in deep thought or maybe not thinking about anything at all. The man stood abruptly and again exited without a word.

CPT Hershfield thought to himself `Well he's clearly not giving off any signals. No surprise with that wedding band of his on. Oh well. He was still fun to look at!'

James relaxed a little and decided to spend a few extra minutes in the dry sauna Ð no sense in pursuing the guy with zero indication he was interested.

After a good fifteen minutes, James imagined the other guy was probably packed up and gone. Still not ready to go home, he decided he'd make one last stop at the steam room.

James flung the door open and steam billowed out. It was dark and he couldn't see well. He entered and flopped down still not being able to see too well. A grunt from the opposite corner startled James and drew his attention. The Major was sitting in the corner with no towel on; completely naked. CPT Hershfield couldn't help but stare.

The man's deep, serious voice cut through the steam like a knife, "Do you have a fucking problem?"

"Sorry, what was that?" CPT Hershfield muttered in a startled, confused tone.

"I said do you have a fucking problem. I saw you in the shower. The locker room. The dry sauna. And now here in the steam room. Looks like you're following me."

"Uhhh," James voice echoed off the tiles as his mind whirled trying to think of something to say, "No, no problem here. I'm not following you. I was here before you anyway."

"Yeah. Ok." The man said bluntly, "I didn't think so," he finished in a menacing voice.

"Alright then." James said firmly sinking back into his spot; his heart still beating heavily.

A few minutes passed. The men said nothing to each other. James couldn't help but give him another quick glance.

"There you go again looking at me. Are you some kind of queer? Like what you see here?" The man said slapping his chest aggressively. "You realize you could get the shit kicked out of you for this kind of thing." The man finished.

"Man, you need to chill out. We're the only two people in here. Of course my eyes are going to be drawn to the other person in the damn room instead of lifeless, aged tile." CPT Hershfield's temper started to rise as his nerves shifted to anger.

"Well, I'm out of here." The man stood abruptly.

"Good bye then." James said more aggressively than he probably should have.

James stayed put. He definitely didn't want another confrontation again with that guy. He seemed a little off balance. Hell, James was indeed ogling him but James had never encountered someone that reacted so aggressively. It wasn't like James grabbed the man's dick or something.

Twenty minutes passed. James hearing more voices out in the locker room and feeling safer with the thought of more people out there, popped out of the room. Luckily the man was gone. James dressed quickly and scurried out of the gym.

Weeks passed and James quickly put the incident at the gym out of his head. Work was consuming his life so his mind was either occupied or exhausted. James elected to do quick work outs in his hotel's small gym since he didn't have much time to fit in anything else anyway.

Finally, James received another day off but this time only a half day. He decided to head to the gym again. The memory of his last time darted through his mind but James figured it was weeks ago and the chances of running into that guy again on an installation as large as Ft. Hood was unlikely.

CPT Hershfield decided to go to the gym at the same time he did before. There were a few more people this time but not that many more. Those folks cleared out and didn't bother heading to the locker room. James, disappointed to see them go off to their own showers, headed to the locker room.

Disappointingly, this place too was empty again. James jumped in the shower, rinsed off and then headed towards the dry sauna. A muffled noise coming from the steam room caught his attention and he diverted. Quickly, he swung the door open and entered.

There was a flurry of movement on the other end of the dark, steam filled room. CPT Hershfield just barely caught the sight of two very naked and close figures sliding quickly apart and scrambling to put their towels back on. The two were successful in covering themselves but failed in truly concealing the hardons they both had. CPT Hershfield's eyes hadn't drifted from the hardons protruding from the towels to notice the men's faces until a nervous cough broke James' concentration. He glanced up but before he had a chance to notice faces, the one man brushed rapidly past James and out the door. James' gaze shifted from the scurrying man to the man still seated.

"You again." The bald-headed man said in a stoic voice.

James smiled.

"Yes. Me again. Apologies for interrupting."

"You didn't interrupt anything. We weren't even talking."

"Well, no, of course not. You weren't talking at all. You were too busy with other things." James stated sarcastically.

"What the hell are you trying to insinuate?" The man growled angrily.

"Oh come off it. Drop the act. I see you trying to cover that boner of yours. Don't think I didn't notice the other guy's hardon and how fast you two slid apart when I came in here." James intoned.

The man stood quickly. Glaring furiously at James. CPT Hershfield almost thought the man might bull rush him or punch him but instead he stood glaring.

Suddenly, the man's face shifted from anger and he plopped down onto the bench.

"Listen, I'm sorry about a few weeks ago. I was expecting someone else to meet me in here. I didn't expect to find you. This kind of thing makes me really nervous with CID and the possibility of other people blabbering. I'm married. I'm an officer looking at Battalion command soon once I pin Lieutenant Colonel. I was more aggressive than I should have been." The man stated.

CPT Hershfield didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe it. The man gave zero signals that he was interested in other guys. Maybe he just wasn't interested in James or like he said Ð he wanted the steam room to himself for other reasons.

"Uh. No worries. Forget about it." James replied after a prolonged silence. "Your secrets safe with me."

Another minute of awkward silence passed before, daringly, James spoke up again.

"It looks like you didn't get to finish before I interrupted. Seems like you're still pretty hard from what I can see. Maybe we can help each other out." James remarked.

The man stared at him for a moment and then smiled for the first time.

"Yeah? You want to?" He inquired while squeezing his own cock.

"Fuck yeah I do." James said while moving across the room and sitting next to him.

The man was even sexier up close. The gruff, stoic, tough guy thing he had going for him only added to his appeal. No one would get mixed signals from this guy unless he wanted them to have mixed signals.

The man didn't waste any time. He slid his hand up and down James' thick, hairy thighs, gently kneading them and squeezing them as he went. Slowly, he slid his firm, rough hand up James towel and tickled his balls with his fingertips. The man grabbed them, cupped them and squeezed them a little bit.

James let out a low moan. Suddenly, loud sounds echoed outside the door.

"Shit. Not again." The man muttered.

"Hey I don't want to be interrupted. How about we take this somewhere else." James suggested.

"I've got to get to work. I can't take you home" the man said pointing at his ring."

"Yeah I have to get going here too," James said remembering his last minute agreement to take an afternoon shift.

"Listen, I have truck with well tinted windows. How about you meet me out at the end of the parking lot in 10 minutes? I drive a large F250. Black."

The men left the steam room and got dressed quickly. James let the man go first. Shortly, he followed him out and jumped in the passenger seat.

The man already had his Army uniform at his ankles. When James jumped in, he looked at him, smiling, as he stroked his cock.

James didn't say a word as he plunged his mouth onto the man's cock. James cupped the man's large hairy balls and stroked his dick as he sucked him. James could feel the man's large bush against his face each time he took the man's cock deep into his mouth. The man leaned his car seat back and put his hand on the back of James' blond head, gently bobbing James head onto his cock and thrusting his hips upward.

"Fuck yeah man. That's it right there." The man moaned.

James thought he'd get risky and try something. Slowly, he slid his hand off the man's balls and worked his fingers towards the man's ass hole. He gently started massaging it.

The man stopped his thrusting and got quiet Ð as if he was contemplating whether he was ok with this bold move.

"Just don't stick your fingers in. Keep going." The man grunted abrasively.

James kept working the man's cock. Up and down. Up and down. This guy's cock was six and half inches. James was loving the taste and smell of this guy's precum; so sweet.

"I'm going to blow man." The man practically whispered. "Where do you want it?"

CPT Hershfield didn't bother responding. He answered by quickening the pace of his mouth on the man's cock.

The man groaned. He heaved his hips. He twisted. He grabbed CPT Hershfield's head with his hands and exploded his sweet, cream load into James' mouth.

The man panted. Sweat covering his shiny head and dripping down his forehead.

"Your turn stud." He uttered.

He spit on his hand and started stroking CPT Hershfield's cock vigorously. He cupped James' balls again and squeezed aggressively.

The man looked him right in the eyes as he stroked him. His firm, masculine face staring right into James' face as he spoke, "Yeah stud. Blow this load for me. Fuck yeah. I want this man cock's load from those hot balls of yours. Your cock is so hot. fuck yeah. Yeah. Give it to me. Shoot it everywhere."

Hearing this stud of a man talk about his load and cock while stroking it and grabbing his balls, James couldn't contain himself. With a huge heave of his hips, he shot his load all over the man's hands and over his own Army uniform.

The man smiled. "Fuck yeah stud! What a fucking load! You shot everywhere!"

James cleaned himself up the best he could. The man's voice broke the muffled noises, "My name's Aaron by the way. Don't think I mentioned it before."

"Nice to meet you Aaron. You're a fucking stud." James replied

"Uhhh maybe we can meet up again sometime. This was great and you're hot." Aaron questioned.

"Wish I could! Man I'm just here TDY and my rotation is coming to and end this week." James retorted.

The man looked crestfallen.

"I'm not just saying that. I'd definitely want to get together again if I wasn't leaving. We'll have to exchange information. The Army is a small world. Who knows Ð we could end up on the same post together full time."

James returned Aaron's smile and jumped out of the truck wishing he had much more time at Ft. Hood.

---- The End ----

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