Teacher! Teacher!

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Nov 9, 2008



Teacher! Teacher!

I got my first job two weeks before graduating college. I secured a position teaching third grade in an elementary school on the upper east side of Manhattan in the Yorkville section of town. There was nothing special about me, then or now. I was average height, average build, thinning hair at twenty-three, average size circumcised cock, average amount of sexual encounters per week (maybe once a month). You might say my only outstanding feature was my love of teaching and my love and faith in children.

Not too far from the school, there was a very intimate bar tucked away between two German restaurants. Yorkville is basically a neighborhood of people of German descent. The front of the bar was very unpromising as a place to spend an enjoyable evening. It was certainly no Cheers.' It consisted of one average size door. Over the door there hung a rather small sign that read Dudes'. From the appearance of the frontage, you would think that the whole interior of the bar was the width of the door. Well that's near the truth. Once inside, the bar stretched about six feet on each side of the door. The whole place was about fifteen feet wide, but about forty feet deep.

The clientele of the bar were mainly young to middle age men who worked in the area. Rowdy young twinkies went elsewhere to dance and make out. Dudes was a pretty staid place for a gay bar, so staid that its existence never impacted on the two surrounding restaurants. It turned out that the owner of one of the restaurants was of a mind to frequent the bar himself.

I lived within walking distance of the school and therefore within walking distance of the bar. Two or three times a week after I consumed a meager and lonely bachelor dinner at home, I would walk over to the bar. I got friendly with a few of the other regulars and I even scored there once in a while, but that was not my main purpose to be there. It was where I went to spend a few friendly hours a week, away from my solitude.

In the middle of January, in my second year at the school, I went to bed one evening and started to sneeze, and then I started to cough. I didn't sleep at all that night. My throat was rough and sore and I couldn't talk or swallow. My temperature reached 103 degrees. Hot tea with honey did not relieve me at all. For the first time ever, I called in sick and ran to my doctor. He told me that I had the Asian flu, prescribed some medication, advised bed rest, and finally admonished me to drink plenty of fluids.

This particular school year there had been no openings for new teachers in our school. The graduating class after mine was having a tough time finding employment. School budgets had been cut drastically and raises had been minimal for those of us who were happily employed. Notwithstanding all this, the school administration had put two graduates on the roster as substitutes with the promise of regular employment as the openings occurred. I am happy to say that both these fine teachers were regulars by the next school year. One of them was a woman, Janet Blake, and the other was a young man, Robert Bondie. Robbie took over my class.

I returned almost ten school days later and was astonished to find that my class was right up to snuff. Substitute teachers never get respect from their classes, which makes learning (and teaching) difficult. It seemed to me that Mr. Bondie had done a great job. My students were ecstatic. They were ebullient in informing me of how much they liked him and what a great teacher he was. Needless to say that made me a little shaky, until one sweet little girl told me that I was a great teacher also.

At lunch time, I went to the office and found out that Robbie was teaching another class and was in the school. I was determined to meet this master teacher so the minute the school bell announced the end of the day, I ran over to the class room where he was teaching. I got there just as he was packing a small back pack in preparation of his departure.

I walked in and stuck out my hand. "Hi," I said, "I'm John Corbin. You taught my class for the past couple of weeks."

"Oh yes," he said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand and I took it. I don't know how I got through the next few seconds. When Robbie took my hand, electric bolts went through my body, and I know I held on way too long, but I just couldn't let go. As average a guy as I was, he was leagues beyond me. He was about six feet tall. Even below his winter attire, I could see his ripped body. His hair was straight and ebony black and his eyes were ice blue. He was so handsome, I nearly swooned.

"The kids were telling me how much they liked you and what a good teacher you are and I just had to meet Mr. Wonderful," I managed to stammer out.

Robbie started to laugh. "You can relax," he said. "They said the same thing about you." Then we both laughed.

"Well," I said, "I'll see you around."

Robbie taught almost constantly that year. It seemed that the flu and other ailments were rampant among the teaching staff. We ran into each other in the hallways often, and occasionally had lunch together in the teacher's lounge. But that was the extent of our relationship. Robbie kept talking about his girl friend and then he started talking about their upcoming wedding. He was straight, and as attracted to him as I was, there was nothing I could do about it.

Towards the end of that year, one of the young female teachers handed in her resignation effective with the end of the school year. She was getting married and moving to Seattle. Janet got her job. Robbie and I were both disappointed for one day. Then another older teacher resigned because her husband was being transferred to Phoenix. Tada! Robbie would now be a regular next school year.

As the year drew to a close, I asked Robbie one day when he was getting married and what he was doing this summer.

"I was going to go back to my home in Trenton," he said. There's a community center there that offered me a job coaching basketball in their summer programs, but I'm not going to do it. I think I'll take some summer courses here in New York instead." As he said that he looked down and sounded very sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I can tell something's wrong."

"My engagement is off," he stated simply.

My heart began to beat a little faster and I know that my blood pressure rose, but what could I do? Nothing! I wanted to comfort him and offer to take him out to dinner or something, but I was so afraid of my own emotions that I remained silent. If I made a move on a straight man, he would either shrug it off or slug me. I didn't want to risk his friendship.

"Buck up," I said I'll see you tomorrow.

"I'm bucked up," he said. "I'm the one who broke it off." He turned and left me gaping after him.

As it turned out I never did see him again before school ended. The regular teachers stayed healthy and they all finished off the year. In fact, the summer was nearly over and I still hadn't seen Robbie. I wanted to call him often but resisted the urge. I could have called to see how he was doing, but since he told me that he had been the one to break the engagement, there didn't seem to be much reason to check on him.

It was mid August. I hadn't had much luck in the romance department lately, and I was feeling sorry for myself. It was one of those Saturday evenings that saw no respite from the heat of the dog day afternoon. The air was hot, sultry, and very humid. I decided to walk over to Dudes for a cool one. By the time I got there my tank top was ringing wet.

I was surprised to find the place nearly deserted, but I shouldn't have been. Dudes' main business was after work at happy hour. I sat down at the bar and asked for a cold, very cold, Bud Light. After I took my first sip of the refreshing beverage, I looked around to see if I knew anyone there. My eyes finally hit on the far end of the bar. Someone was sitting there all alone, holding a beer bottle and looking very, very unhappy. I recognized him immediately. It was Robbie.

My heart started beating faster than a speeding bullet. I was in a panic and I wanted to run, but my ass was glued to my bar stool. Robbie was looking down and I knew he could not see me. That gave me some time to think.

Robbie had told me that he broke the engagement. Did he do that because he was gay? He had to be gay if he was in Dudes, or did he just wander in here by accident, not realizing that the bar was for men only? My heart beat began to slow down, and I began to think a little more clearly.

If Robbie had wandered in here by mistake and didn't know the place was gay, he still wouldn't know I was gay if I went over to him. On the other hand, if he was gay, and he knew exactly where he was, I didn't mind in the least outing myself to him. My decision was made. I decided that I was definitely going to go over and ask how he was doing. Obviously he wasn't doing well based upon his demeanor.

I picked up my beer bottle and ambled down to the end of the bar. I came up behind him and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Robbie, my friend," I said. "What's wrong? You look like you were just hit by a truck" He looked up to see who was being so intimate with him. When he saw who it was, his sad, sad face broke out into a big grin.

"Johnny," he said, half laughing, half sobbing. "I so need a friend right now." I was still holding his shoulder but he jumped up and threw his arms around me, hugging me hard. He turned around and spied an empty table in a far corner. He motioned toward the table and we went over to it and sat down.

"First of all," he began, "what the fuck are you doing in a gay bar? I would have bet a bundle that you were straight."

"I would have bet two bundles that you were the straight one," I countered. He smiled at me and took one of my hands in both of his. Then he began his narrative.

"I had gone home to Trenton the weekend before I told you that my wedding was off. I tried hard to go through with it, but I knew I couldn't lie any longer to myself or to anyone who knew me. I came out to my fiancée and to my parents. She slapped my face, called me a bastard, and ran off somewhere. My parents disowned me and told me they never wanted to see me again. I'm not sad about what I did or about my fiancée calling me a bastard, but I am sad and disappointed at my parents' reaction. I would have hoped for more love and understanding."

I laid my free hand on top of his. "Now it's my turn to confess," I said. From the first moment that we shook hands, I've had strong feelings for you. I thought you were straight and I suppressed those feelings. Now I can be truthful and tell you that I would like to pursue a relationship with you."

"What jerks we were to waste all this time," Robbie said. "I've pretty much felt the same way. In fact it was my feelings for you that prompted me to be honest with myself and to come out."

"Why the hell didn't you call me?" I asked.

"I thought you were straight, and I didn't want to spoil our friendship, such as it was," he answered.

"I didn't call you for the same reason," I said. Then I leaned forward across the tiny table and I kissed Robbie. It was a very chaste kiss and lasted only a second but those electric bolts invaded my body once again.

"You should know that I am a virgin as far as man sex is concerned," Robbie confessed. "I did sleep with my girlfriend a couple of times, but it didn't send me to Nirvana."

"I'd like a chance to do that for you. Would you like me to send you to Nirvana?" I asked Robbie as I squeezed his hand tightly. He didn't say anything but he nodded his head. We sat silently for awhile, staring at each other and smiling.

Finally he said, "I've got a pretty solid hardon, and I'd hate to have to do something about it by myself."

I stood up so he could see my tenting gym shorts. "I live really close by. I'd love for you to come home with me." He smiled broadly at me, and we got up to leave. I held his hand all the way home, not caring who saw us.

The moment we got into my apartment and locked the door, we started kissing wildly. There was nothing chaste about our kisses now. Our tongues locked in a duel and we started to pull off our skimpy clothing. It didn't take long for us to stand facing each other naked. Robbie's circumcised cock was at least an inch and a half bigger than mine, but he stared at my hard cock as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Can I touch it?" he asked me. His voice was shaking.

"If you don't I'll go crazy," I answered him. As I said that, I wrapped my palm around his cock and started to stroke it gently. He did the same to me. I led him into the bedroom and we threw ourselves on the bed still kissing.

"Lie on your back," I commanded. Robbie turned over and I began to move down his body, lingering in all the right places. I took little bites out of his neck. He was going to have a very purple hickey in the morning. Then I went down to his nipples, sucking, kissing and nipping at them. By this time Robbie was moaning and writhing in pleasure.

I sucked hard on his innie, trying to vacuum it out, and then I went down to his abdomen. I buried my tongue in his untrimmed pubes and heard him making little whining sounds. I carefully avoided his throbbing cock, being sure not to touch it. I started to suck on his balls and then the inside of his thighs. I worked down to his ankles and then sucked on all ten of his toes, giving each equal attention. By now he was lifting his body off the bed and I thought he might be crying so I decided to end his agony. I leaned on my knees between his legs and took his cock into my mouth. I always sucked cock from this angle so that my tongue could slide up and down the underside of my partner's shaft. That's where I knew I was giving him the most pleasure.

Robbie's moans grew louder and then, with a wailing shriek, he came. I was glad my A/C was on and the windows were closed. His shriek was so loud, I bet his parents could hear him in Trenton. I tried to swallow all of his sweet juices, but he shot out a gallon and some of it began to dribble from my mouth. I scooted up his body and placed my mouth on his. To my astonishment and my delight, he began to suck in and swallow his own cum.

I rolled over on my side, making sure that our bodies were touching. Everything was silent. Neither of us said a word and then I heard Robbie crying like a baby. "That was so wonderful," he sobbed. "I knew it would be great, but I never knew how great. Thank you Johnny, thank you."

We lay there without moving. We both needed recovery time from our recent encounter. Of course, I needed relief, and I had an erection so stiff, it hurt. What surprised me was that Robbie never lost his erection and he was twitching like he was raring to go again.

Suddenly he rolled over and took my cock in his mouth. He tongued the head and all around the shaft. He stopped sucking for a moment and said to me, "It tastes better than I had ever imagined," and he went back to sucking me. I could tell he was trying to emulate me, but he was very inept.

"Get between my legs and take it so that your tongue is on the underside of my cock. Use your tongue more than your lips and try to keep your teeth out of the picture," I instructed him. "My erogenous zone is the underside of my cock."

What a quick learner my lover was. He did as I instructed and brought me to ecstasy in short order. He also swallowed most of my cum and then offered the rest to me. I took it eagerly, and as I did so our tongues resumed their dueling battle of love. After several minutes we lay still together getting our strength back.

"Johnny!" Robbie said. "It was Nirvana." I smiled, rolled on top of him, and we resumed kissing as our still erect cocks ground together. Robbie had his arms wrapped so tightly around me that I could hardly breathe.

"How soon will you teach me how to fuck?" he asked me.

"Soon, my love, soon," I answered. I wrapped my arms around Robbie, making sure that our cocks were touching and that's how we fell asleep.

The morning came hot and sunny. I jumped out of bed and pulled down the shades to keep the room as dark as possible. Robbie was still asleep and snoring ever so lightly. It was more like heavy breathing. I feasted my eyes on his magnificent athletic body and tears began to well up. I went into the bathroom to relieve myself and I brushed my teeth.

When I went back to the bedroom, Robbie was sitting up and smiling at me. "I need a shower," he said to me as he bounded out of bed to pee.

"So do I," I said. "Do you mind if I ask you to brush your teeth. I have designs on your mouth." I didn't have a new toothbrush so I offered him my own saying, "If you can suck my cock you can use my tooth brush." That must have struck him very funny because he couldn't stop laughing even while brushing his teeth.

While he was brushing, I regulated the temperature of the shower water and by the time he was finished, the temperature was perfect. We stepped into the shower together and immediately crushed our bodies together in a bear hug. I took the soap in my hand and began to wash him all over, paying particular attention to his genitals and his ass. Robbie began to moan as I soaped his crack. As I did so, I slipped in one finger and was pleased to see that it went almost all the way in with no pain or resistance. I told you, he learns quickly and he started to do the same to me.

When I inserted a second finger, he flinched and I withdrew it at once. After a few seconds, I inserted the second finger again and it went in more readily. He did the same to me. We were face to face, feeling our throbbing dicks rubbing one on the other, and with our fingers playing inside our ass holes. Then I slipped in a third finger. Robbie gave a little cry of pain and did the same to me.

I did not add another finger but I started kneading his crack with the fingers already there, and began stretching him out to receive me. I had a bottle of baby oil in the shower. I separated from Robbie and turned him around. I lubed my cock generously with the baby oil and then reinserted the three fingers in Robbie's crack. This time my fingers were oily and met no resistance. I continued to stretch him and instructed him to put his hands on the wall and stick his butt out. When he was in position, I substituted my cock for my fingers as quickly as I could. I told you that I am not too big and I met very little resistance going in.

When I was totally in, I tried not to move, hard as that was. I let him get used to me and asked with some trepidation, "How do you feel? Does it hurt?" Robbie didn't answer. "Are you all right?" I asked again. Robbie made some sort of a guttural sound which frightened me, but I wasn't about to pull out.

"I thought last night was Nirvana, but now I'm in ecstasy. Fuck me, please," he whispered. "I feel like our bodies have fused together." I started to move slowly in and out of him. I came out as far as I could and then thrust in again. A couple of times I fell out of him and had to reinsert myself, but I went right in easily. That unmistakable feeling began to pervade my body and to grow strongly in my cock. "I'm cumming," I whispered in his ear.

"Cum inside me," was his response. Two more hard thrusts and I was doing the screaming, filling his guts with my juice.

"I can feel your stuff filling me up," Robbie whimpered. "It's more wonderful than I ever imagined." I pulled him to me and stayed in as long as possible, but the inevitable happened and my limp cock fell out. I immediately fell to my knees and began to lick Robbie's ass hole clean. I consumed as much of my own cum as dribbled out of him.

"When you sucked my ass hole," Robbie said later on, "that was the best part."

"Fuck me now," I begged as I handed him the bottle of baby oil. I must say I was a little worried because Robbie's cock was the biggest that had ever entered me. I needn't have been concerned. Not only did he prepare me as I had prepared him, but anticipating his larger size he worked four fingers in before inserting his cock. At his initial entry, it hurt like hell, but I pretended it didn't hurt at all and I urged him on. Soon he was all the way in and stayed perfectly still just as I had done, letting me get used to his size. I felt that someone had blown a balloon up my ass and it was wonderful.

I had previously had very few cocks up my ass and none had ever found my prostate. Robbie's monster was lying on it and when he began to stroke, his cock rubbed my prostate. The room began to spin. I was fainting and I didn't know how to tell him. If I did faint his huge cock held me tight so I couldn't fall to the floor. I felt another orgasm coming on and I spurted against the shower wall way before he let loose with his primeval scream, and squirted another huge load up my ass.

"How did you do that?" he asked after we had recovered somewhat. "How could you cum without my touching you?"

"Let's clean up and have breakfast and then I'll teach you about the birds and bees," I told him.

We decided to have breakfast out and then go to Robbie's place for a fresh change of clothes for him. Unfortunately none of my stuff fit him. At breakfast I explained to Robbie how I was able to cum without his stimulating me. I told him that his cock had rubbed against my prostate and that brought me to orgasm. My cock was smaller than his was, and apparently I hadn't given him the same pleasure. I promised that in the future we would experiment and I would find his sweet spot. To that he commented, "My life is getting sweeter and sweeter." He took my hand and squeezed it tightly.

Robbie's place was a furnished studio apartment. It was very cramped and very small. You couldn't even use the shower unless the bathroom door was open. The landlord provided a small refrigerator and a hot tray. The apartment had no oven.

"When is your lease up?" I asked

"I'm on a month to month."

"That requires a month's notice. If you give notice today you'll have to pay September's rent, and that's it. Move in with me today, Robbie. I know it's the right thing to do. I love you. I swear there will never be another guy in my life."

"Wow," he answered. "This is so quick."

"Not really, I've been in love with you since I met you in January. Besides I can't bear the thought of not sleeping with you every day for the rest of my life."

Robbie grabbed me and kissed me. He laid his cheek on mine and I could feel his tears. "It's a deal," he said, "for life."

He had one beat up old suit case which we packed for his immediate needs. That afternoon we came back with flat boxes which we put together and used to pack his stuff. He had so little that we didn't even use all the boxes. We were packed in less than an hour. We went down stairs to his landlord's apartment. Robbie gave him notice and a check for September's rent. I handed him my card to be used as a forwarding address.

"I'm sorry to see you go," the landlord said. "I don't often get such a good tenant like you." We left the building, and hailed a cab. The cabbie, Robbie, and I got his few boxes in the cab and Robbie gave his house key to the landlord. They shook hands and away we went for the short ride to my apartment. Again the cabbie helped us unload. As I was paying him and giving him a generous tip he looked at me and winked. "I hope you two will be as happy together as my partner and I." I wanted to grab and hug him, but he was off in a flash.

Robbie tried to pay for half the cab fare, but I wouldn't let him and we had our first `fight.' Well I was glad that was out of the way.

It took even less time to hang his stuff in my closet which was almost as empty as his. There was plenty of drawer space also. We laughed at how little we each had. We managed to survive only by washing our dirty clothes very often.

We marked the day Robbie moved in with me as our commitment day. Now thirty-five years later, we are getting ourselves ready to go to a big party we are throwing for all our friends to mark the event. It has been thirty-five glorious and happy years, especially since the very next time I fucked Robbie I found his prostate.

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