Team Cocksucker

By Mark Smith

Published on Mar 10, 2019


Thanks for all the comments and feedback so far. Glad people are enjoying my fantasy as much as I'm enjoying writing it down. As ever comments and feedback are welcome.

The First Hotel

I stepped off the coach, my knees aching and the taste of multiple loads of cum in my mouth. It was autumn but the sun was still bright and several hours on the coach meant my eyes were unaccustomed to the brightness.

The team had headed in to the hotel reception. I retrieved my bag and followed them.

In reception the team were chatting in groups whilst Steve spoke to the receptionist. After a few minutes he turned around and began handing out room keys. Most guys were sharing a room but the star players got rooms to themselves. I waited for my key. I assumed, given my role, that I'd have a room to myself. Once all the team had their keys and had left reception I approached Steve for mine.

"I guess I'll need a room to myself?" I said tentatively

"You will" Steve laughed. "Follow me and I'll show you to your room"

"Can I have my key?" I asked

"Key?" Steve replied. He lowered his voice to a whisper, "You wont need a key. You are going to be in your room sucking dick a lot. The only time you'll need to get in is when someone is taking you back to give them a blow job"

"But how will we get in if I don't have a key?" I protested

"Oh they'll have a key. They all have a key to your room. You never know when they might need...relief"

"Oh" I replied. "So everyone has a key to room except me?"

"Exactly" Steve replied. "And whilst we're on the subject I think its best if you remain in your room, you know, to be available. I don't want the guys having to look for their cum dump. We need to keep their relief as easy as possible."

Steve winked and I managed a tentative smile. We got in the lift and headed to the third floor.

Steve let me in to room 320. "Get yourself settled" he said "and then come over to my room. I'm in 301, just down the corridor"

"Will do" I replied and entered my room

We were staying here for a few days so I hung up my clothes and freshened up. Then headed down to Steve's room as instructed.

I knocked on the door to 301. "Its open" I heard Steve's voice call so I headed in.

"Ah perfect" Steve said as he saw me walk in. "Room ok?" He asked

"Fine" I replied

"How was it on the coach?" Steve asked. "I was busy so wasn't paying much attention but from what I can gather the guys made good use of you"

"It was pretty full on" I replied. Whilst I was talking Steve had begun to remove his trousers and boxer shorts.

"Ok, and you seem to have handled it well. Perfect."

He was now stood behind a desk with his cock hanging free.

"I've still got work to do before I can join everyone downstairs for a drink" Steve said whilst rubbing his cock. "But to help me focus I need you to suck me off. Hearing you getting facefucked on the coach has made me horny and I need to be able to concentrate."

He pointed to the floor in front of him and sat down in a chair near the desk. I walked towards where he had pointed and got on to my knees.

His cock was already getting hard as I took it into my mouth. He moaned as I wrapped my lips around his shaft.

I'd only sucked him off yesterday but I'd discovered, over the past few days, that Steve likes to be sucked off many times a day. This was about as long as I'd gone between sucking him since I'd signed that contract. Once again I was on my knees in front of him sucking up and down the length of his now fully hard cock.

He sat up and turned himself towards the desk. "You keep going" he said "I need to get on with some work"

I was now virtually under his desk with his cock in my mouth whilst Steve dealt with some paperwork. I heard him turning pages and writing and then his phone rang.

"Hi" said Steve. "Oh Jay, great to hear from you. How are things?" He leant back in his chair.

I kept sucking on Steve's cock. He pressed his free hand against the back of my head

"Yes all good here. We've started on the tour. You were right, the team cocksucker is working out perfectly."

I knew I was being spoken about but who was this Jay guy?

"He is with me now." Said Steve. "Yes, I'm sampling the goods, so to speak" He said with a laugh.

"Yep, the whole team tried him earlier today. Yes he is still going strong" Steve looked down at me and winked.

"Of course" he said. "Any time, just drop by and you are welcome to try him. You know our schedule"

I was being offered out to a stranger over the phone. I stopped sucking whilst this thought went through my mind but Steve pushed my mouth back onto his cock.

"Oh plenty of the guys on the team are big, I'm sure he can manage you" Steve said with a laugh. "Anyway I'd better go, I'm monopolising him at the moment and the rest of the team need his services more than me"

"I know, disgusting right?" Steve said. "But it's what he is good at."

"Oh I think he'll be measuring it in pints easily, he must be close to that now" Steve said with a laugh. "Anyway, see you next week"

Steve ended his call and went back to pushing my head down on his cock. It didn't take long until I felt his cock head engorge and his balls tightened whilst he pumped his cum into my mouth.

"Ah that's better, thanks". He said. "Now go and see the guys in the bar, you should get to know them a bit"

I swallowed and got up off my knees. "But I thought you wanted me to remain in my room?" I asked

"I think, given the performance you gave on the coach this afternoon, that they should all be good for a while" Steve said with a wink.

I left Steve to his paper work and headed down to the bar.

I saw the team sat around a few tables in a corner of the hotel bar. A few ladies had joined them. I bought a drink and headed over.

"Hi, are you part of the basketball team" one of the girls asked

"I'm part of the support team" I replied quietly

"He is our cocksucker" Rob, one of the players interjected. "He sucks our dicks when we need it"

I flushed red. The girls giggled.

"Is that true?" the blonde one asked

"Yes" I mumbled, staring at the floor and glowing redder.

The giggled again and whispered amongst themselves.

I took a sip from my drink realising that I would always been seen as the cum dump for the duration of this tour so I'd better get used to it.

The girls turned back to me

"So you suck their dicks whenever they want?"

I nodded.

"If you suck their dicks" the blonde one asked "who has the biggest cock?"

"Him" I replied pointing to the point guard. "That's Ed, his is easily the biggest"

They giggled again and turned away again.

Steve walked in. He headed straight for me and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I've made a deal with the hotel. We get free drinks for the evening but you need to blow the bar staff. Its only two guys, should be easy for you". He nodded his head towards the bar.

I looked over at the two guys behind the bar. They were staring back at me, obviously expectant.

"Go on", hissed Steve. "We're going to need a new round soon and I don't want to be paying for it"

I stood up and headed to the bar. One of the bartenders noticed me and gestured towards the back room.

I walked into the room behind the bar. The bartender, Dave, closed the door.

"So how does this work?" he said nervously. He was a young guy and I got the impression he couldn't believe what was about to happen.

"I think I'm here to suck your cock" I replied. "How do you want it?"

"Um... just the regular way I guess" he replied.

I decided, for the first time on this tour, I'd have to take the lead. I got down to my knees and gestured for him to come closer.

I stood in front of me and I unzipped his trousers. His cock was already hard. I took it into my mouth, it was a decent size but I easily took it all in.

He moaned in pleasure, I thought he was going to cum immediately and looking up at his face he had closed his eyes and was definitely not far off. This was either his first blow job or it had been a while.

He moaned again and I felt his sticky load empty into my mouth. There was a lot but I swallowed everything.

"Thank you" he gasped whilst doing up his trousers. "Wait here and I'll get Al".

I remained kneeling on the floor whilst he went out. I heard a bit of discussion outside the room and the 2ndbartender came in.

"Oh my god I didn't believe them but here you are" he said as he approached me and started to unbuckle his belt. "There have been rumours going round that there was a cocksucker travelling with those guys but I didn't believe it"

As he approached me his semi hard cock was already out. I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock in as far as he could.

"Oh yeah, this mouth feels good"

He kept pushing in and out of my mouth with his hand on the back of my head. He wasn't hard face fucking me but he had no reservations about using my mouth. I just relaxed and let him pump away at my face until I heard him moan in pleasure and felt the 10th, or was it the 12th, I'd lost count, sticky warm load empty into my mouth.

He pulled out his cock and stuffed it back into his trousers. I got to my feet.

"Thanks" he said breathlessly. "I needed that. Are you staying for long? I sure I'm going to want to get my dick sucked again."

"You'll have to speak to Steve" I mumbled in reply.

"Steve?" He said. "Oh, I know. The guy we spoke to earlier. Said we could both get the best blowjob of our lives in exchange for some free drinks. Well he wasn't wrong. The guys are going to go crazy when they hear about you."

I didn't know who `the guys' were but I wasn't sure I wanted everyone in the hotel knowing about this.

"Could you let me into my room?" I asked. "I'm in room 320"

"Forgot your key?"

"Um, no" I answered awkwardly. "They didn't give me one"

He laughed. "Ok but only on the condition that you blow me each day you stay here."

I nodded in resignation.

"Amazing!" He replied. "Ok, follow me"

He led me back to my room and let me in. I half expected I'd have to suck his cock again but he just let me in and went.

"See you tomorrow cocksucker"

I was exhausted but had to brush my teeth several times to get rid of the taste of cum. Even then it wasn't completely gone. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep.

I was woken by the sound of someone coming into my room and the lights being turned on. I looked towards the door and it was Ed, he had one of the girls from the bar with him. He was pulling her along by her hand and seemed angry. He was wearing only boxer shorts and I could see the outline of his cock, a good 8 inches but still only semi hard.

"Get in here bitch" he said to the girl. "Let him show you how its done"

He pulled her over to where I was now sat on the bed.

"Get on your knees" he commanded

I did as he said. He pulled the front of his shorts down and his cock flopped forward.

"Show her how a real cocksucker deepthroats" he said

I lifted his cock towards my mouth. It was thick and weighty, I put the tip against my lips and began to take it in.

"Hurry up" Ed said and grabbed my head and forced his cock down my throat.

My eyes bulged as his massive meat stretched out my throat. My face was against his stomach and I could feel his huge balls pressing on my chin.

"See!" he said turning towards the girl. "It easy. You barely took in the tip. You told me you like big dick, that you could handle it"

He continued berating her whilst his cock was buried in my throat. I could feel it throbbing as my eyes began to water.

"Now fuck off" was the last thing Ed said to the girl as I heard her run out of the room.

"Good job we have a cocksucker on this tour" Ed said, more to himself than to me as he began to slide his cock back and forth.

He had closed his eyes and was slowly thrusting in and out of my throat. Every time he plunged his cock back my throat stretched out again to accommodate him. After a while it remained stretched and lubed with my saliva.

His pace quickened and I felt his balls hitting my chin. Then his cockhead expanded in my throat and I felt him empty his balls into me. He grunted in pleasure, held his cock in place whilst it pumped his cum down my throat and then slid his monster cock out of my throat.

"Glad you are here" he said as he tucked his cock back into his shorts. "She wasn't going to be able to take it so good to know I've got you as a backup. I'm going to be seeing you at least once a day, you are our cocksucker for the entire tour right?"

I gulped down the mix of saliva and cum and smiled nervously. "Yes Ed, I am."

Then with surprising pride in my voice, "I'm the Tour Cocksucker."

Next: Chapter 4

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