
By Grey Fox

Published on Oct 29, 2002


Teddy #2

Silently, we walked to the car. The down elevator had been occupied so there was no repeat of the up trip.

Teddy unlocked the door on the passenger side and opened the door for me. I slid in and he walked around, got in and looked over at me.

"You okay? Things happened awfully fast back there. God, I've been wanting you it seems like forever. You were great. It was great. Hell, the sex was great. Everything was and is great! You okay?"

I grinned and said, "Yeah. Jesus, Teddy, I sure wasn't expecting it but I liked it." I hesitated and thought about everything and said, "Hell, Teddy, I loved it. I don't know what to say. Seems like all my life I've been the one making all the moves. Now you did and I liked it. No, I loved it when you made love to me, Teddy. You okay with it?"

Teddy leaned over, put his hand behind my head and kissed me a soft, sensual kiss. I did love it.

As we drove, Teddy talked, the words pouring out of him in his usual rapid staccato fashion. Sitting there looking at him I was amazed at his power, his enthusiasm, and his love of life. He explained that most of his life he had been "straight" but occasionally had a male partner. After his wife's death he found himself drawn more and more into the homosexual community. Many of his fellow musicians were gay or bisexual. One of his best friends, Philip, had proven to be his mentor and sexual confidante. Philip described how he absolutely adored kissing and nipple play with another man. It was a hundred things, he said, erotic, taboo, forbidden, exciting. Men, he said, played such few games. They all wanted the same thing. Sex without boundaries and he loved being part of it all.

"We're going to a club I belong to. A private club. Men only. You okay with that?" Teddy asked.

"Sure. I know nothing from nothing."

"I like this place. I'd like to show you off. You'll find it exciting. Stick close to me and you'll be okay. Oh, hell, you'll love it!"

Show me off? I certainly didn't think of myself as handsome, good looking or attractive. What was I, a show horse? It didn't matter; I was excited thinking about being with Teddy. I was also a bit apprehensive almost scared.

We arrived at a large, rambling building in a dark commercial area. I assumed we were still in Atlantic City. There were plenty of cars in the unpaved parking lot. The entrance was on the side of the building. A simple brown painted steel door. Teddy rang the bell and looked into the mirrored window. The door was opened but a big, big guy. He was taller than my 6' 2" and outweighed me by a hundred pounds.

"Hi, Tiny. Meet Jim, a friend of mine."

"Hi, Teddy. Come on in. And pleased to meet you, Jim."

I shook Tiny's hand and quickly deduced he was the bouncer. That was okay with me. I was a lover, not a fighter - in spite of my six years in the Army.

The place was fabulous. Somewhere between rundown and opulent. It was a rabbit warren of nooks and crannies. Parts of it were well lighted and others were so damn dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Up and down levels. I wasn't sure, at first, if there was just one bar or three. It was bigger than I imagined.

Teddy, of course, moved with his usual style and grace, meeting and greeting every patron by first name. He was amazing and I was glad I was with him and staying close.

The patrons were better than the club. Men in every stage of life. Young and old. Hairy and bald. Clean shaven and beards and mustaches.lots of mustaches. Dark and blonde. Handsome, rugged and plain. Clothes of every description, especially tight pants, very tight pants. Some men were queens with bright red lipstick in spite of their obvious five o'clock shadows. I was enchanted. A sexual smorgasbord of delicious men.

We ended up in a dance hall area. To my virgin eyes it was awesome to see a half dozen male couples on the floor dancing.

Teddy and I sat at a table and immediately a waiter appeared. Teddy ordered for both of us.

"Dance with me. I want to show you off."

Teddy led me onto the dance floor. For a second it was awkward to know where to put my hands. Teddy was leading. Without hesitation I assumed my role. It was so natural I can't explain it. I liked him leading me.

Within minutes men were coming up with comments and looking for introductions.

"Teddy, you dog. Where have you been hiding him?"

"You sly fox. Introduce me. He's gorgeous."

"He's not from here, is he, Teddy darling? Where did you find this baby?"

Now I knew what Teddy meant about showing me off. What he failed to mention was that every guy who showed his attention also had attentive hands. I was being fondled and caressed on every part of my body. Hands smoothed my back and stroked my ass. Hands broadly rubbed my chest and fingers tweaked my nipples. My cock was groped and grabbed. And I loved every minute of it.

Somewhere along the line Teddy and I were separated. Men danced and rubbed themselves against me just as surely as I rubbed myself against them. Chest to chest, cock to cock. First it was one, then two, three and four men all dancing to slow, romantic music.

My shirt was opened and pulled from my trousers to give those wicked hands better access to me. I stood and kissed someone, my tongue devoured, as my zipper was lowered and my hard cock was pulled out.

Our undulating mass moved to a nearby table and we sat down. Nothing stopped. When one stopped kissing me, another gladly took his spot. I felt my pants being removed and I was naked. No one objected. No one tried to stop us.

I gasped as I felt my cock being sucked by a hot, wet mouth. Two mouths closed on my nipples while someone's tongue flicked and probed in my mouth. It was incredible. Briefly I thought of Teddy and looked around. He was sitting close by and I could sense rather than see, that someone's head was buried in his lap. Our eyes met and I could see the laughter and pride.

The mouth left mine and I inhaled sharply as the incredible mouth sucking my cock was bringing me to the edge. Then there was a cock touching my lips. Moaning loudly I kissed it and sucked it into my mouth. It was large and thick. It was the first cock I had ever sucked and I didn't know who my lover was.

My hands were immediately filled with cocks. My hands knew immediately what to do and being stroking them. I was being buried alive in mouths and cocks. It was a once-in-a- lifetime experience.

My passion was peaking. Each mouth was sucking and biting and nibbling on my sensitive nipples. I thought of them as the most erotic part of me. There was no stopping. I rocked and exploded into the hungry mouth. At the same time I could feel hot cum hit me as first one then the other of the men came from my jacking them off. The hot cum hit my sides and chest. The mouth on my cock sucked hard and I bucked in the pleasurable pain. I half rose from the chair as he continued to suck until I was dry.

The mouths withdrew from my nipples and then my unknown lover came in my mouth. Hot cum overcame me. No one was touching me. I was on my own. I was sucking someone's cock and I couldn't care less. I just continued to suck and lick at the cock in my mouth. Hot cum filled my mouth and I swallowed again and again. And I sucked and licked wanting more. Then the cock was gone and I heard the applause. There must have been a dozen or more men clapping their hands.

I was naked, cum covered, exhausted and tired, yet exhilarated and alive. Oh God, I loved it! I wanted more!

Next: Chapter 3

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