
By Grey Fox

Published on Dec 14, 2002


Jim awoke with his arms loosely wrapped around Philip's middle and his legs around Ralphie's shoulders. After passing out from the pleasure of the vibrator and being fucked by both of his bed companions, Jim remembered little else. He had vague recollections of kissing Ralphie but couldn't recall what happened after that.

He stretched his neck and kissed Philip's stomach. When that did little to cause his lover to stir, he moved up and began sucking the delicious pink nipple. It had the effects Jim wanted; Philip awoke and his nipple got hard.

"Is there no stopping you, baby?"

Jim mumbled 'no' through his closed mouth that was contentedly sucking Philip's nipple. This feel's good, Jim thought. It felt even better as Ralphie awoke and immediately began sucking Jim's cock.

"Ohh, don't tell anyone I said it, but stop," Philip pleaded. "I need to go to the loo."

Ralphie laughed. "Loo? Sounds like a zoo for lovers."

Soon they were all up. Jim noticed that both men sat to pee so he did the same. Ralphie drew a tub of hot sudsy water and they lowered themselves in.

"This is a different smell than yesterday. What is it?" Jim asked.

"French frou-frou powder. Lilac, I think," replied Ralphie.

"Nope, lavender," said Philip. "Last night's was rose scented. I think there are three or four more different ones. You have a favorite scent?"

Jim replied that he didn't; he liked them all. Lavender, lilac, rose, honeysuckle, it didn't matter.

"Honeysuckle, tha's what I like," Ralphie said as he began sucking one of Philip's large nipples. Not to be outdone, Jim started sucking on the other. Philip moaned slightly and moved his legs apart as two hands began sliding up them to massage his cock.

"Very nice, ladies, but we've got company coming soon." Philip thought for a moment and laughed. "Yep, they'll be CUMMING real soon." The meaning was certainly not missed on Jim.

Then he began slowly washing Philip as Ralphie began washing him. There was a pecking order, Jim could see. Right now he was Philip's favorite while Ralphie ministered to him. Hmm, was there someone before Ralphie, he wondered? Teddy? Someone else? It didn't seem to bother Ralphie and Teddy; they were happy with everyone. Oh well, he thought, something to think about later.

It was erotic slowly washing Philip while Ralphie was stroked his cock. He half stood to wash Philip's back when Philip suddenly pulled him down on top of him. Without a word he began kissing Jim. It was so easy to get lost in the magic of his lips. All the while his cock was being stroked. What a great way to start the day.

"Anyone home? Where are you all hiding?" It was Teddy walking into the bathroom while still asking the questions.

They all looked up and greeted him.

"Just have time for a quickie before an appointment I have. Mind if I borrow Jim?"

"Be my guest," Philip replied. "Okay, Jim?"

Teddy unzipped his pants and brought out his soft cock before Jim even began nodding 'yes'. Obviously the question was rhetorical. Teddy and Philip could and would do anything they wanted with Jim and his opinion really didn't enter into their minds. They'd use him as they wished and it didn't bother him - in fact it excited Jim.

"Here you go, baby. Just stay in the tub and suck this."

Without blinking an eye Teddy held his cock for Jim and he immediately took Teddy's soft cock into his mouth. He never shook Teddy's hand or kissed or touched him. He knew what to do. It seemed so natural to be used for sexual pleasure and he liked it.

"Ahh, nice. Don't be bashful, honey. I need to cum now. Just suck hard. Yes, like that."

Jim had little real experience sucking cocks but he knew what Teddy wanted. Teddy's cock was fairly hard now and he concentrated on sucking him as best he could while using his tongue on the sensitive underneath.

"Mmm, yeah. Harder. Make me cum, baby. Quick."

While Jim was obediently doing his best to make Teddy cum, he could sense that Philip and Ralphie were busy making love alongside him. There was certainly no sense of modesty with these lovers. And all of Philip's comments about hurrying seemed lost.

Teddy reached down, put his hands on the back of Jim's head and began moving his hips to force his cock further and harder into Jim's mouth. He was completely at ease standing there before the other two men, actively fucking Jim's mouth.

"Just make your mouth as tight as you can, bitch. I'm going to cum in your mouth."

The word bounced around Jim's brain. Bitch! Yes! He made his mouth as tight as he could and sucked as hard as possible. Teddy's hands were uncomfortably tight on his head. He was being fucked in the mouth and he could feel himself becoming hot with passion. What's happening to me, he thought.

"Ohh, yessss. Suck it. Eat it. Don't stop. Ahhh."

Teddy's hot cum surprised Jim with its volume. He started to cough and gag mainly from having Teddy's cock rammed into the back of his throat but Teddy's hands his head stopped him from doing anything but make a noise and swallow.and swallow. There wasn't a lot of cum but it tasted rich and powerful. Have I sucked Teddy before, Jim wondered? God, I can't remember what or when I did anything or to whom. Sex was so all around him it was becoming part of him.

"Thanks, baby. I needed that. Now just two more licks, if you're good, and I can go."

Jim licked Teddy's cock clean. There was certainly no cum or even a drop of Jim's saliva left on the half hard cock as Teddy put it back in his pants.

"Have fun, kiddoes. I've got to run. See you all later."

Talk about wham, bam, thank you ma'am, Jim thought. Wow, have I been a slut! He felt absolutely used and also alive and sexy. Sexy, hell, he was horny! He turned to face his two fellow bathers and found Ralphie sitting on Philip's lap, facing away from him. From the movements and sounds it was obvious Philip was fucking Ralphie up his ass.

"Just keeping my wick wet while you were busy servicing Teddy. Everything CUM out alright?" Philip said, emphasizing the word with a laugh. He withdrew from Ralphie who made a sound of protest.

"Don't worry my little babies. I've got lots of good things planned for you today. You'll both get everything you deserve," Philip said with a big grin on his face. "Now let's go, we're going to be late for our own party!"

Jim noticed that Ralphie never asked what party, who's coming, how many, or anything. He knew Philip had mentioned company was expected but thought it best not to say anything. If Ralphie doesn't ask does that mean he knows all about it? Should I ask? Maybe it's not my place to ask. He smiled inwardly. He instantly decided it was not his place to ask. I'm here for anyone's sexual pleasure; everyone's sexual pleasure. If I please them, I'll be happy. He liked the feeling it gave him of being soft, submissive, feminine, romantic, sensual and excited!

They took turns washing and soaping and rinsing each other off. It was more stroking and massaging and caressing but it worked. Each left the tub wearing a big hard on.

Jim dried and patted Philip as Ralphie did the same to him.

"Who dries Ralphie?" Jim asked.

"You do, honey," answered Philip.

And he did, taking care to be as gentle and thorough as possible.

Suddenly Jim heard a noise downstairs and quieted his friends who told him it was just Gloria, the maid, preparing breakfast. Within a few minutes Gloria appeared with two trays of Danish pastries, coffee and juice. They were starved and devoured it quickly. Jim eyed Gloria. She was a Spanish woman, perhaps mid to late 30s, almost six feet tall and about 200 pounds, short dark hair. Attractive but big-boned is a good description, Jim thought, and also big breasted. She had on a French maid's outfit that showed off her long legs and big breasts. Not bad, if I was into women, which I'm not at the present time. Strange, Jim thought, I like women but right now I love the sexual company of men. He also noticed that after greeting them Gloria never said another word and seemed to be comfortable around the three naked men.

While he was finishing breakfast Jim noticed Philip sitting at the big dressing table applying eye make-up.

"Come here and watch. You can learn to do me and yourself from this," Philip said.

Jim sat on a small stool and watched as Philip transformed himself into the beautiful woman he had seen the day before.

"Since you're not doing anything, honey, would you mind slipping under this table and sucking me? I'd like to feel your lips around me," Philip said as nonchalantly as ordering coffee.

Jim got on his knees and crept under the table. Philip's knees moved apart and Jim could see the large hard cock. He began kissing it and then after several minutes moved to licking it, first with long slow strokes of his full tongue and then shorter harder strokes. The cock was rigid and precum was leaking profusely from it.

"Ahh, you do a nice job of making love, honey, but you better stop. Time's short and I'm saving myself."

Jim was actually disappointed. He disobeyed slightly, taking time to slip his mouth over the top of Philip's cock and sucked and licked every drop of the tasteless hot precum. This was getting to be part of a pattern. He turning into a submissive little bitch, he thought. Someone says, "Suck me" and I drop everything and suck. Well, what's wrong with that? This is the most alive and the most sex I've had in my life. In the last two or three days I've had more sexual adventures than I thought was possible. And the day was still young.

After Philip and Ralphie were made up they turned their attention to Jim. Jim had watched, when he wasn't sucking Philip's cock, how the two of them used foundation and powder. He liked the blush brush and how it made them glow. They used liquid eyeliner and eye shadow and mascara. And, of course, lipstick and lip liner. Jim said frankly that he didn't feel ready to use all these delightful cosmetics so he allowed both Philip and Ralphie to make him into a beautiful woman. The reflection of himself in the mirror was remarkable and the feeling it brought of being feminine, dainty and, yes, sensual, was incredible. He especially enjoyed the application of the lipstick. It was a bright red that accented and outlined his lips and made them so kissable.

While Philip was applying a light pink lipstick to his aureoles and a deeper pink to the nipples, Ralphie applied a light shading of pink to the head of his cock. He looked down and was amazed at how it exciting it looked.

"Good enough to eat," Jim said of his cock.

"Oh, count on that, baby, count on that," Philip added.

Then they moved into the master bedroom to get dressed. Jim's outfit consisted of silk panties, garter belt, stockings, bra and a full-length sheer negligee, all in bright red. The bra was new and fit amazingly well. But before putting it on Jim, Philip fastened two miniature clamps to his nipples. They weren't terribly tight, just pressure. A silver chain hung between them. Then Philip snapped the bra on Jim. It was sheer silk with lace trim and Jim noticed how easily he could see his clamped nipples through this marvelous undergarment. Before pulling on his panties, Philip produced a black leather device that bound Jim's balls and cock, making his cock harder and his balls larger and more pronounced. There was slight pain that only added to Jim's feeling of erotic pleasure. Then Philip pulled up the panties that seemed to add to the illusion of sensual feminine submission. After donning the negligee Jim looked at himself in the mirror.

"Holy cow!" he exclaimed. "Wow! I'd like to go on a date with me!"

Philip and Ralphie laughed as they finished dressing in the same type outfits as Jim's, with Philip in black and Ralphie in white.

They moved downstairs and began getting ready drink glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Since he knew little of the home's layout Jim deferred to Philip and Ralphie and just did as he was told.

Hmm, he thought, it seems I like doing what I'm told. Jim also noticed that his nipple clamps and cock ring were exciting but slightly aching. It's not pain, he thought, just uncomfortable or controlling. In the few minutes he was wearing them they were becoming his sexual focal point and the more pressure they exerted, the more docile and submissive he felt. Yes, that was the word, controlling. They're controlling how I feel and are causing me to feel more dependent. And more sexually excited.

Soon there was the ring of the doorbell and Ralphie answered it. There appeared to be a crowd outside and they all entered at once, laughing and talking and kissing each other. There certainly didn't appear to be a stranger among them.

Next: Chapter 7

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