Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Sep 8, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

Teen Witch-5

I looked at the phone again, this didn't seem right. But I could see they needed my help...or will. Whatever I'm just going to make sure they don't die, and get my messenger bag holding my Grimoire.

I got dressed in a black see through shirt (Think Lestat's rockstar shirt. Black leather pants, and knee length black leather boots.

I breathed in calming breaths before I lifted myself in flight. I got to the school quickly, surprised at what I saw. The school's main entrance was wide open. Stiles' blue jeep was bent open, and the battery was gone. I traced the claw markings knowing what did this.

I was about to head inside when Jackson's car pulled up.

"What are you doing here?" Allison asked more in an accusing tone than in a questioning tone.

"What's your deal? I didn't do anything and you're acting like a total bitch to me." I told her.

Jackson couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wrong words, dude." He said to me looking at Allison's expression. She was pissed, honestly for a reason I don't know.

"If you must know, Scott text me to get here, and I forgot something." I told her crossing my arms.

"Scott texted you?" She asked me.

"Yes. He text me, to get the the school that it was urgent." I told her. She walked up to me and we compared the message on the phone. It was the exact same one.

"Clever." I said in a hushed whispered tone.

"What was that?" Lydia asked.

"Nothing. Anyways, I'm going inside. You three can wait here and be, well, scared." I told them.

"Hold it!" Allison ordered, "I'm coming with you." She said in a matter of fact tone.

"Whatever cupcake. I don't know what's got your panties in a wad, but by all means, remove the beehive in your pants." I told her.

"I'm sorry. I just feel like I was stood up by Scott. Today was date night, and he didn't come instead has us going into the school at night." She said.

"Wait!" Jackson said, "Here." He said handing Allison a flashlight.

"Thanks." She said to him happily.

We walked inside through the hallways. Everything was different at night. Allison's flash light isn't doing that good of a job. I just want to cast a simple light spell, but I don't want to prove her right on her suspicions and theories.

She walked into the pool area, expecting me to follow her.

"I'm not going in there. One way in, no way out if some serial killer happens to be here." I told her she glanced at me and continued on by herself. I picked up a few I saw images that Allison would be fine. It's actually shes least to run into the Alpha, on her own.

So I continued on my path, I had to find the guys. I felt around trying to sense anything, honestly the Alpha was here. Just on a different floor.

I walked upstairs, glancing around. Nothing up here...yet. I kept walking to get to the west wing of the school, where my locker was. I could smell him, he was here, not exactly here but on this floor. I ran to my locker, werewolves have superhearing, I'm pretty sure He knows I was here. With a flick of the wrist, my locker door opened.

I grabbed my messenger bag and strapped it on. Closing the locker door, a roar could be heard. I turned to see Scott and Stiles running my way. They grabbed my arms, "Run! Run! Faster!!" They yelled together pulling me along. I finally got to pace with well Stiles, Scott could pass us easily.

Scott used Stiles' phone saying he heard Allison's ring tone.

"Why are you two here?" Scott asked.

"You told us to come." Allison and I said together.

"I didn't ask for you to come. I lost my phone." Scott told us, we continued to walk finding Lydia and Jackson.

"What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked, "We could ask you the same." Jackson commented, "Guys! Right now isn't the time. I suggest you keep your petty squabbles to a minimum." I told them, the ceiling began creaking at first, then it turned to a full on metal bending contest at a junk yard.

"Run!" Scott yelled as we began our ascend upstairs, The Alpha literally not far behind. We found ourselves in the cafeteria.

"Guys!" Stiles said, We glanced at eachother as we watched the others move machines and chairs trying to make a blockade.

"Guys! Hello!" He tried again.

I understood why he tried to stop them, it was pointless.

"Hello! Listen to Stiles, see Stiles talking now." He said to them as they continued stacking chairs.

"Guys! One second, stop!" He ordered they turned breathing heavily. Fear just dripping from them.

"Okay! Good job! Now, what are we going to do about the 20 foot wall of windows!" Stiles said gesturing to the windows. Really, this was pretty stupid. We ran to the most defenceless point in the school.

Everyone finally understood and let out sighs of exhaustion and fear.

"Okay! Can someone please tell me so I can understand? What exactly is going on?" Allison asked terrified.

"Scott?" She asked again, fear evident in her voice.

He walked forward leaning on chairs, rubbing his face from the stress, unsure of what to say.

"Someone killed the Janitor." Stiles said as calmly as he could.

"What?" Lydia gasped in shock, unable to process the information.

"This has got to be a joke!" Allison said in denial that this whole thing was happening.

"It's no joke." Stiles reassured her, she ran a hand through her hair.

"How this can't be happening. They said the mountain lion was gone-" Lydia started but was stopped as Jackson put his hands on her arms.

"Stop with the mountain lion!" He said desperately not wanting to hear about the cover up for the mystery animal killings.

"Scott?" Allison asked.

"Who would do somehing like this?" She asked,

"I- I don't know. I just know that if we stay here hes going to kill us too!" Scott answered.

"Us? Going to kill us?" Lydia asked terrified.

"Who? Who is it??" Allison asked,

"It's Derek! Derek Hale! That's the murderer." Scott said. Jackson grabbed the back of his neck, no doubt rubbing the claw markings Derek left behind. Stiles and I glanced at eachother both giving off a surprised, yet knowing look. It was a lie, Derek wasn't the Alpha.

"What? Your friend?" Allison asked, "He's not my friend. I barely know him. Derek killed the Janitor, and if we go out there then he's going to kill us." Scott said.

"But the mountain lion-" Lydia started,

"Don't you get it? There was never a mountain lion." Jackson told her.

"No! It was always Derek. He killed everyone. The Janitor, the bus driver, the movie store guy! Everyone. Starting with his own sister, and now he's going to try and kill us." Scott finished, breathing heavily. Unsure of what to further say.

"Call the cops." Jackson said, "No." Stiles replied instantly, he knows that I know. It took a special Wolfsbane bullet to even slow Derek down. This thing is much stronger. Getting police involved would be like setting up an all you can eat buffet for the Alpha.

"What do you mean no?" Jackson asked, "I said no. Want to hear it in Spanish? No!" Stiles said back to him annoyed.

"Derek killed three people already, we don't know what he's armed with." Stiles told them.

"Dude! Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department." Jackson told Stiles trying to reason with him.

"No." Stiles said again, putting his foot down on the matter.

"I'll do it!" Lydia said grabbing her phone and dialing.

"No!" Stiles said trying to stop her but to be stopped by Jackson.

"Hello? We're Beacon Hills High School and..-" Lydia began lowered the phone with a shocked look on her face.

"What did they say?" Allison asked, "They hung up on me." She answered still in disbelief.

"They hung up on you?" Allison asked shocked herself, "They said that they got a tip that some kids would make prank calls from this area. That if I called back they would trace the call and have us arrested." Lydia finished, coming out of shock.

"Wait. Is Derek the one who sent the text?" Lydia asked, "I don't know." Scott answered, "Is he the one who called the police?" Allison asked, "I don't know!" Scott answered annoyed.

"Okay! Lets simmer things down, shall we?" Stiles said pulling Scott aside. We watched as they conversed privately.

"Okay! Asswipes! New plan! We're going to call the police again." Jackson said to them.

"It won't work. They won't trace your cell. And even if they do, they'll go to your house first." Stiles said.

"Then call your rent a cop dad, and get him to bring us some decent aid." Jackson said, honestly that was just rude.

Stiles licked his lips, thinking of what to do.

"Fine! Give me the phone! I'll do it." Jackson said approaching Stiles, I was surprised when Stiles elbowed Jackson in the face.

"Jackson!" Allison said concerned checking to see if he was okay, she turned and gave a look to Scott.

I watched Stiles whip out his phone, "Hey dad! And it's your voicemail. Okay dad, I need you to call me back. Please! Call me back. We're at the school." Stiles said into the phone. We jumped when the door to the cafeteria began to shake. The stuff being knocked down. We all stepped away from it. Watching the chairs fall.

"The kitchen. The door to the kitchen leads to a stairway." Stiles told us, "But it only leads up!" Scott said, "It's better than here." Stiles told him, noticing that I haven't moved. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along, "Come on Kendall!" He said terrified.

We ran through the door and up the stairs. The sound of the doors to the cafeteria being broken into and the stuff stacked to create the blockade falling to the ground.

We ran along the halls, Scott,Stiles, and Jackson tried opening the door. It was locked, I turned to see Lydia opening a door. "In here!" She whispered loudly. We all gathered in the science lab. Scott placed a metal stool by the doorknob, we backed up and tried calming down or holding our breaths. We watched as a dark figure passed by the door's window. It's footsteps thumping, I heard some growling.

The others, may not have heard it though...besides Scott.

"Are you alright?" Stiles asked me, noticing I was much more quiet than everyone else.

"Fine. Strangely I'm not so scared anymore." I told him, I noticed we were still holding hands. I looked at our hands and took notice of the electricity I felt when I touched Stiles' hand.

He noticed looking at our hands and blushed, pulling his hand away in surprise of the feeling.

"So what do we do now?" Allison asked, "I don't know. He wants...he wants me. He wants me to go out there." Scott said, looking at our faces, he didn't want to but...he assumed it would be the only possible way that any of us would make it.

"What? No...No! You're not going out there!!" Allison said grabbing onto Scott's hand.

"Indeed. Not without proper protection." I told him.

"I have an idea." Lydia said, looking around at all the chemicals.

She grabbed a beaker and began grabbing the chemicals in the cabinet.

"What are you doing?" Jackson asked her, "Making a flaming Russian cocktail." She said, we looked at her confused.

"A Molotov?" I asked her, I wasn't confused by the name. Just confused she knew how to make it, granted. Lydia is actually a genius, with a very high IQ. She only pretends to be stupid, so that Jackson doesn't feel like an idiot.

"What? I learned how to make one from a fashion magazine." She said with a smirk.

She continued calling out needed chemicals, she mixed and stirred and mixed and stirred.

She handed the finished beaker Molotov to Scott.

"Alright. I'm going out there. If I don't come back in 10 minutes, then run." Scott said.

He glanced at me for a second and left, we watched him leave. I felt bad, like something was about to happen. I looked outside, feeling myself slip into a trance. I watched Scott walk down the hall, then the stairs. He walked into the gym, looking around for the Alpha.

"Kendall." Stiles' voice snapped me out of the trance. "Yes?" I asked blinking rapidly and focused on Stiles.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, "You seemed to be out of it for a second." I noticed the others watching me. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking." I told him, he nodded. I could tell I had Allison's attention. She motioned for me to follow her. We sat at the back of the room, whispering so that the others wouldn't hear us.

"I know." Allison said to me, "I won't tell anyone. I just need your help." She said.

"Know what?" I asked making sure we were on the same page.

"That you're a witch. A genuine all powerful witch." She whispered, watching as the others glanced at us and eachother.

"I am." I said, "I also know you won't hurt me. If you wanted to you could kill us all with a thought...couldn't you." Allison said in a whisper.

"I could. Now what is it that you need from me?" I asked her, she gulped.

"I need...well. What can you totally do?" She asked not sure of my abilities.

"Sorry. I just never met a witch. I been going on what I found on Bing." She said.

"Really?" I asked with a smirk.

"It's fine. I can do quite a bit. I'm have "The Sight", I can see the past, present, and future. I am telekinetic, pyrokinetic, I can control the elements, even the weather." I told her what I learned I could so far.

"Wait. The rain...that was you?" She asked.

"Yes...yes, that was me." I said agreeing but had to lie a bit for Scott's benefit. "I was home, practicing my powers." I told her.

"I don't need to cast a spell for using my abilities, but they can help to focus them." I told her.

"Alright...I need you to protect Scott, I'm mad for him not listening to me...but I don't want him to die...I love him." She told me.

"Like in what way? Forcefield or actually going to help him, save our lives?" I asked, knowing what she was saying.

"Both." She said nervously, "Okay, but I don't want the others to find out my secret." I told her, we shook hands.

"We need to get to a safe area away from them." I told her motioning with my eyes.

"I'm on it." She said.

"Guys. I need to use the bathroom." Allison said, "Kendall's going to escort me there. You stay here." She said.

The others gave us disbelieving looks. Honestly I agreed, that was the best you could come up with? Really??

"No! I'm going with you." Jackson said trying to be a regular alpha male.

"No! That's okay. We'll be back." Allison said removing the chair, and opening the door.

We ran quickly to the girl's bathroom, since it was the only close by room that was opened.

I pulled out my candles and positioned them in a circle around me. I grabbed my Grimoire and held it in my hands.

"Are you scared?" I asked Allison, "Huh?" She wasn't sure of what I was truly asking. I mean, come on. Anyone would be scared in this situation...well besides me.

I couldn't let fear stop me from living my life.

"I asked, Are you scared??" I said to her showing my glowing purple eyes.

She looked surprised, maybe even shocked. Watching as the candles were lit by themselves.

I pulled out salt and wrote the pentagram. I muttered a spell, causing the salt to glow bright with a pure light.

"Luminous Knox!" I chanted, the light from the moon glowing brightly through the small windows. The salt pentagram began to glow as the moonlight hit it.

"Aglow." I said, my voice distorted. My eyes shifted and glowing brightly.My Grimoire levitated infront of me as I held my hands up, secreting a glow of pure magic.

"What the hell is going on?" Stiles asked after bursting through the door.

"Stiles. Leave!" I told him, the flames from the candles rose and shot towards Stiles like a stream of flames. I held my hand protecting him in a bubble of translucent pure purple magical energy.

"Whoa!" He said freaking out, "Did you try to kill me?" He asked in disbelief.

"What are you?" He asked, "Get a clue!" I told him, trying to stay focused.

"The stories. They're true...your're a witch." He said breathing heavily, "I didn't want anyone to findout. I'm trying to save Scott. Please don't hate me." I said as tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want anyone to know, but now Allison knew, and now Stiles.

"I..I trust you. Just...It's just a lot to take in." He said walking closer to me as the flames were now gone. "You have explaining to do later, though. Okay??" He asked.

"Agreed." I told him, the protecting spell needed one last thing. Blood of a virgin, not a problem. I grabbed my athame, cutting my hands lightly. The blood poured onto the glowing salt pentagram, it turned from glowing white salt to a blood red powder.

I began chanting calling on Nature, I looked to the windows causing them to explode, and letting in the wind.

"In this night in this hour, I call upon ancient power. Bring forth protection in your sweep, may we know protection and not weep. Save the life of another for a week. May life that is too weak, be safe from evil's reach." I chanted, the flames left the candles and went into the red salt, as they rose together and combined it unleashed a bright red wave. "Come here quickly!" I told them. As Stiles and Allison entered the pentagram, the wave... It expanded and expanded before blowing up, destroying the bathroom around us.

I grabbed and closed my Grimoire and placed it in my bag, along with the candles and athame.

Toilets erupted sending water in every direction, the sink pouring water on the floor. The flames now gone, everything around us was destroyed. "Let's go." I tell them pulling them through the debris.

"Did it work?" Allison asked, "It should have. I have to help Scott now. Just to make sure the spell holds it's part of the bargain." I tell them, as I run to the gym.

I got to the gym and made sure Scott was fine. The Alpha swiped at him, to have his attack blocked from a red forcefield. Scott looked just as surprised as the Alpha. The Alpha charged Scott to run into the forcefield head on which blocked him, even repelled him to into the wall.

The Alpha took notice of me, growling in anger. It ran towards me, I couldn't stop it in time. It had charged into me, knocking me into the wall and knocking the air out of me. I attempted to get up, but felt a large paw on my chest.

I looked up to see the eyes of the Alpha. His jaw opened, letting out a massive roar. My head was swimming from the previous blow, but knew my body would heal quickly.

I heard panting and whimpering, it was coming from Scott. "Get off!" I yelled at the Alpha to watch him be forced off of me. I got up slowly to my knees, to see the Alpha had left. What was he after?

I turned to a growling coming from Scott. "Scott?" I asked, he growled at me. Lunging at me, pushing me into the wall. I noticed he had phased. He held me tightly against the wall, attacking my neck with his lips. He nipped and licked at it. Rubbing his erection into my inner thigh, "Scott?" I said weakly whimpering from what he was doing. I knew it wasn't just him, he was under Alpha influence.

"Scott!" I yelled at him, holding his head in my hands. He stopped, looking in my eyes. He seemed sad of what he was doing. "I'm...sorry." he said slowly, we fell to the ground together, him on top of me. I felt something on my neck, I heard sniffles.

Scott was crying, "Shh. Everything is alright. Everyone is safe, we made it through." I told him, rubbing his head. Calming him down,

"I didn't want this. I didn't want to be a werewolf. It's so hard, almost raping you. Almost killing Stiles. Being in love with Allison. Everything is complicated." He said.

"I know, but you have to keep going. What's done is done. It can't be reversed. Just keep moving forward." I told him.

I was surprised when he kissed me deeply, "Sorry," he said blushing, "My human side wants Allison, but my animal side wants to take you so deeply." He said blushing more.

"It's okay. I understand...be with Allison. She's who your heart sings for. The animal side is just anger, lust, and animal attraction." I told him, as we got up and walked out of the gym. Not minding the damage done by the fight. We walked into the science lab upstairs to find Jackson had gone through some sort of pain. It must be a connection to the Alpha through Derek's claw markings. The police sirens blaring in the distance. "We're safe." I told them.

I turned to leave, when Scott and Stiles grabbed my hands and pulled then back. Both looking at their hands to see blood smeared on them.

"What?" I asked, "Thank you. For your help." They said, "It's fine. I'm going home now...I need to take a shower." I told them.

They nodded and we all left together. Once we reached outside we were greeted by Stiles' dad and every police officer in the county.

"Guess, I'm not going home so quickly." I said.

We'll I wasn't...I spent hours in the ambulance. Like everyone else. Except unlike everyone else...I didn't have a parent to come and pick me up. So Stiles, and His dad took me home.

"Thanks for the ride. Sheriff Stilinski." I said to him, "Good night Stiles. I'll guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah. It's the weekend tomorrow. So we can chill." He said with a wink and a wave. The left afterwards, I walked inside and literally had to pull myself upstairs and into my shower. I stripped of my clothes and noticed something. A paw mark...where the Alpha touched my chest. I didn't even notice...It slowly disappeared as my healing picked up.

I just laid in the shower, pealing off all of the bandages the Paramedics out on me.

Tonight...was a night that shouldn't have happened for me. I was found out by Stiles and Allison, Scott...when he comes down from his over emotional, will start asking questions. It's only a matter of time before Lydia and Jackson know. So much for keeping my existence a secret.

I touched my lips, recalling the kiss Scott gave me. It was nice...but something was lacking. It just didn't feel right. But...when I touched Stiles' hand...I felt electricity...just from a touch....and it felt so right.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it, if not oh well. I can't please everyone, Blessed Be!)

Next: Chapter 6

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