Teenage Curiosities

By Skylar Williams

Published on Feb 20, 2024


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough to read this, go away. This story is fantasy. It didn't happen.

Copyright Notice - Copyright February 2, 2024 by the author.

This story is copyrighted by the author and the author retains all rights. This work may not be duplicated in any form, physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise without the author's expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply worldwide.

Chapter One

One afternoon, while hanging out in my bedroom playing video games, there was knock at my front door. Being home alone this afternoon, i was a bit annoyed to be interrupted. As i reached the door, that annoyance subsided as i recognized my friend Jeremy standing there. Jeremy was a neighbor of mine who had a twin bother. They were about a year older than me and were the first friends i made when I moved to Texas. Both were very cute athletic and just fun to be around. They stood about 6 feet tall with dirty blond hair, muscular builds, and an overall farmboy look to them.

"hey man how's it going?" i greeted him as i opened the door.

"Hey man, was wondering if you wanted to hang out? he replied.

"Yeah, I'm just playing some games, come in."

As we made our way upstairs to my room, i couldn't help but not notice his tight 15yr old ass flexing as he took each step. His tight ass muscles stretching against the fabric of his gym shorts kept my attention enough that i almost missed the last step. I had to laugh it off a bit as he noticed me almost falling on my face. Luckily, he couldn't tell it was because of his firm ass.

"Hehe, you ok man?" he giggled as we walked down the hall.

As we got to my room, I shuffled about trying to pick up laundry off the floor and straightening up a bit. As i was tossing some clothes in the closet, I heard a chuckle behind me. As i turned around, Jeremy was holding a pair of my boxer briefs by the waist band. "These yours?" he asked, looking a bit confused. Being the early 90s, boxerbriefs weren't commonly worn by 14 year old boys.

"Uh, yeah, I got those for gym," I quipped as i grabbed them from him

"Cool, why for gym?" he questioned

"Um, not a fan of tighty whiteys and boxers don't have enough support. Boxerbriefs are just more comfortable."

"Hm ok. Just never seen anyone wearing them outside of a Calvin Klein commercial."

As he sat on my bed I finished picking up and handed him a controller. We sat there playing games for about 20 minutes and talking about how good the Cowboys were going to be this year. As we were talking he leaned forward and i was able to catch a glipse of his underwear wasit band and some green fabric. >From the looks of it, he was wearing green briefs. The sight of that and imagining his tight ass in those briefs got me really excited. I have alway liked seeeing guys in their underwear from as far back as i can remember. My middle school didn't have a gym or locker room so when i moved to Texas before my freshman year of highschool, I felt self conscience. This all goes to say i have not really seen other guys naked unless it was in a magazine. So my whole perception of what guys should look naked was skewed. Because of this i never really felt comfortable being undressed in front of other boys because i was not hung like the guys in the magazines. That said, I still want to somehow try to see if i could see him in just his underwear.

As we continued to play video games, i decided to see if he wanted to go swimming. Hoping to see him changing into a swim suit had started slowly pumping blood into my groin.

"Hey, you feel like going swimming?", i anxiously asked.

"Yeah sure, i guess you're tired of getting your ass kicked on this game." he joked "I'll run home and change, give me about 15 minutes."

"You can borrow a pair of my swim trunks. This way you don't have to run back home in this heat. I'm sure i have some that will fit you."

"Cool, just nothing too tight like a speedo. I need to let the boys breath." he laughed grabbing his crotch.

I laughed playing along all the while anxious as i realized i would have to undress infront of him as well. Not like i can change in the restroom and come back hoping i walk in on him undressing. I didn't even know what to say as i pulled a pair of trunks out for him.

"Here, will these work?" holding up a pair that were about mid-thigh length and hawaiian themed.

"Yep those will do. You cool if i change here or should i go to the restroom?" he asked.

"You can change in here, i don't mind." I said with a bit of a laugh

He laughed as he shot back, "You don't mind seeing me naked? Hahaha"

Scared that he might think i was being a homo i told him, "I'll turn around so we don't see each other naked." smiling with an eye roll.

"Haha, I was just messing with you, I dont care, like in gym."

"Funny you say that ", I said "I never seen another guy nude not even in gym. NOT THAT I WANT TO! We just didn't have a gym at my old school so we never changed out for P.E. I do have porn mags though." Saying that as i laughed. "So you are probably the first guy that i have changed in front of."

"Really?!?!?" He said as he removed his shirt baring his smooth chest and perfect nickle sized nipples. I tried really hard not to stare but damn it was getting hot in my room.

"Yeah, which is why i was a bit embarassed with you were holding my underwear earlier." i said as i kicked off my shoes and sat to take my socks off,

"Didn't you have sleepovers when you where a kid? Swimming parties, or anything like that were you would have had to change in front of your friends?" He questioned as he started taking his shoes off.

Pulling my shirt over my head i felt a rush of embarassment as i was very aware of what we are both going to be taking off next. "Yeah of course but usually the parents made us change in the restroom or something."

As he stood up, he began to untie the string on his basketball shorts, "Damn, well, if this makes you uncomfortable, i can turn around", as he stood there with his thumbs hooked on the top of his shorts ready to pull them down.

Now i can feel my face turning red, I was embarrassed but not by him but about myself. "Nah bro it's cool, it's more about me changing infront of someone else, like i said I have porno mags although I'm not 'built' like those guys." I joked

"Dude no one is 'built' like those guys." As he said that he slide his shorts down and stepped out of them. I was unbuttoning my shorts when i looked up and saw him standing there in nothing but his green Fruit of the Loom briefs. I let out a quiet gasp as i glimpsed his toned thighs and a big green cotton bulge. As my eyes quickly looked away, all i could think about was that he WAS 'built' like one of those guys in the magazines. His bulge was a lot bigger than mine and it stretched the front of his briefs. It wasn't like a banana down the shorts big, but then again I was 14 and not used to seeing other bulges. As he turned to get the trunks off the bed i was then able to catch a glimpse of his tight ass. Those tight green briefs with the white trim held his firm bubble ass and highlighted the curve of each cheek perfectly. The cotton fabric making each cheek so smooth, i wanted to grab it.

I guess he could tell something was up from my slight gasp and how slowly i was now lowering my zipper. It was taking everything in me to keep from getting hard. And with one quick drop of my shorts, I was standing in front of my friend in only my underwear with a semi hard dick.

As he turned back around he looked at me and said, "I thought you only wore those for gym?"

"As you can see i haven't done laundry and these were the only thing kinda clean." I laughed

He was just standing there holding the trunks still in his underwear when he asked, "So have you have NEVER seen another guys dick before? In real life? Like never? I find that hard to believe."

"No, have you?!?!" I asked back

"Well yeah of course but not becuase i went looking! I mean i have a twin brother, also in the showers at school after baseball practice and when I'd go camping with friends." As he said that i could have sworn i saw his dick twick with the mention of camping.

"Having a twin brother doesn't count." i chuckled "It's like looking in a mirror."

As we both laughed, i noticed that both of us were just standing in our underwear holding our swimsuits. I think he noticed as well because he asked me a question that kinda shocked me.

"Are you cut or uncut?"

Taken back a bit and turning bright red again, i said "cut, is circumcised right? Yeah i'm cut. what about you?"

He chuckled again and said "Yes, cut means circumcised. i'm uncut. I was just asking cause i didn't want you to trip if you glaced over while i was putting the shorts on...wait, have you ever seen an uncut dick before?"

"Yeah of course, in health class." Come to think of it i couldn't even picture what a uncut dick looked like at that moment.

"Not trying to be homo or anything, but you could look if you wanted. I really don't mind." As he said that he looped both thumbs on the side of his tight green briefs, bent over and pulled them down. As he stood back up i saw his thick tool just dangling there. Before he said anything i quickly looked away, acting distracted.

"Dude, seriously? I really don't care if you look. Besides who am I going to say anything to? I'm the one naked."

As looked back trying to act cool, i just locked eyes with him and was a bit afraid to look down.

"I mean, you don't have to look if you don't want, just thought you might be curious."

And before he could finish that sentence i lowered my head and actually took in the sight in front of me. Jeremy was standing there completely naked. His smooth chest lightly glistening from the warmth of the room. I noticed the outlines of a six pack that was still forming as well as a trail of blonde-ish hair that led from his navel to a light set of pubic hairs. He didn't have a bush but you could tell puburity was taking care of that quickly. At the base of the pubic hairs was the start of his thick meaty shaft. Although i really had nothing to compare it with, I could tell it had to be above average for a 15 year old. It had to be at least six inches long and about five inches around. Where the head should be there was just more skin. It look like the skin was a bit thicker near the tip with a hole where i could see just a slight bit of the tip of his dick. His pinkish shaft was wrinkled landscape cut by thin veins running down. Behind this gorgous cock sat his two balls that had slight traces of hair starting grow out.

As I stood there the word "whoa" slipped out of my mouth. He giggled a bit as he said "So this is the first dick you have ever seen? Whatcha think?"

Again tryng to play it cool "Cool, i guess. Definitely looks different than mine." As i smiled

"Does yours look more like this?" He asked as he reached down with both hands grabbing his cock then pulling the foreskin back exposing a slightly purple meaty head.

Again being the master of cool I let another "whoa" slip out.

"It's just my foreskin, I pull it up like that sometimes when i piss but the head comes out when i get hard."

"Yeah? Mine doesn't do that." I said jokingly

"Let's see" He shot back. "Youre almost bursting out of those fancy underwear anyways."

I looked down and didn't even realize my 14 year old dick was hard as ever and tenting my black boxer briefs. At this point i decided to just roll with it, what did i have to lose at this point. I pulled down my underwear bending at the waste so he couldn't see my dick. Then stepped out of them and with a silent sigh, stood up completely naked in front of one of my new friends. I stood there completely hairless with my five inch fully erect cut dick sticking out striaght out towards him. We were about 18 inches apart from each other when i looked at him to see what he would say, but his head was down looking at my cock instead, not saying a word.

As he looked back up at me he said "Damn man, nice. I get hard all the time too. Are you fully hard right now?" he said with a slight laugh.

Without even thinking about it I reached down with my right index finger and thumb and squeezed the shaft of my dick, "Yeah, that's about as hard as i get."

As we both chuckled he said "Let's see" and without asking, reached down and squeezed my dick the same way I did. After about two little squeezes he let go then grabbed my dick using his whole hand and gently squeezing the whole thing a couple of times before letting go and saying, "Yeah man that is hard."

I was shocked. My friend had just grabbed my dick. It felt great but I didn't know what to say.

I don't think that was his first time doing that. He looked a bit embarrassed when he stated, "damn, sorry. I guess my curiosity got the best of me. I'm not hard but you can do it back to me so we're even..?"

Without saying anything I reached out and did a little two finger squeeze mid shaft. It felt warm and a but more spongy than mine.

"If you wanted to pull the skin backnear the tip, you can check out out the head slides out." he said not looking up but staring down at his limp shaft.

My dick started to twitch when he said that. I reached out again and with two fingers tried to slide the silky foreskin back.

"You're gonna need to use two hands. It's not as easy when Im not hard."

With my left hand I grabbed mid-shaft with my whole hand, pointed his cock upward and with my right hand slide the skin back softly to expose his large mushroom tip. I couldn't really say anything, I was still not sure this was actually happening.

"When it gets hard, it's a lot easier to pull the skin back. Just can't pull it back too far without it hurting."

"Hurting?", I asked.

"Yeah, not always just sometimes. My brother can pull his foreskin back further than mine and it doesn't hurt him."

My mind raced thinking of the two of them comparing thier dicks. As he was talking, I kept playing with the foreskin and sliding it up and down the shaft a couple more times. I was beginning to feel it getting warmer and could fill it starting to stiffen up.

Jeremy looked down and kind of backed away a bit letting his semi-erect dick slipe from my hands.

With an akward grin he stated, "If you keep doing that, we won't be able to go swimming. People will see the tents in our trunks."

"Yeah, yeah, youre right. Good thing my family isn't hear, else we'd have to walk downstairs with towels in front of us. We should get dress and head to the pull."

"Well if they are going to be away for a bit, we don't have to rush. Did you you see everything you wanted to see, before i put my trunks on? I don't mind you checking it out, if you wanted to do that instead of swimming?" Jeremy asked

Feel free to communicate at stories.genx@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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