Teenage Curiosities

By Skylar Williams

Published on Feb 27, 2024


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough to read this, go away. This story is fantasy. It didn't happen.

Copyright Notice - Copyright February 2, 2024 by the author.

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Chapter Three

The next morning, I had some chores to do before going to the mall. As I was mowing the grass, I looked down the street and could see the twins, Jeremy and Jack, working outside with their dad. I could see where they got their looks. Wrapping up my chores, I headed back inside to take a shower and head out when I noticed Jeremy's underwear peeking out from under my bed. Instantly, I could feel blood rush to my groin. I walked over and picked them up, noticing that they were dried from yesterday's activities. Just raising them to chest level, I could smell a distinct sweet scent that I have smelt before from my own cum rags. There were white outlines from the dried cum puddles that Jeremy unloaded into them and a bit of stiff texture to the cotton. I stretched them out as I held them up to eye level and was in awe by the size of the stains. There was very little area on these green cotton briefs that didn't have either Jeremy or I's cream dried in them. Out of curiosity, I held them to my nose to get a better whiff of the clothing. Inhaling deeply, the scent was intoxicating, and that was all I needed to put my dick at full mast.

"We are leaving in 30 minutes, son. Make sure you're ready!" my mom announced from downstairs.

Snapping back to reality, I tossed his underwear back under my bed and headed to the shower. There was no way I'd be able to hang out with him today if I didn't get those briefs out of my head. The best way for me to do that was to grab some shampoo, lathered up my hard shaft and gently stroked it the way he did yesterday. I was much more excited reimagining what took place yesterday than i thought. Within 5 minutes, I was leaning up against the shower wall and shooting rope after rope against the glass of the shower door. The pressure from those first blast surprised me as they shot up eye level before oozing down the door. I rinsed off all the shampoo and did a quick clean of the rest of my body before jumping out and drying off.

"Jeremy's here, are you ready?" my mom shouted. "Can you be a dear and go up there and see what is taking so long."

I had my towel wrapped around my waist and was digging in my sock drawer when he knocked on the door and let himself into my room. "Your mom is asking what is taking so long." He stated as he shut the door behind him and walked over to my bed to sit.

Laughing it off, "I had to take care of some business in the shower. "

"Yeah? Feeling better?" he joked back.

"Much!", tossing a pair of socks on the bed with the rest of my clothes, I turned around and dropped my towel. "You should check out my shower door. I didn't have a chance to clean it after."

I walked over to my bed and grabbed a pair of white Hanes Y fronts and started to put them on.

"Haha, made a mess on the shower door? I'll check that out later, seems like your mom is in a hurry. Yesterday you were so nervous to change in front of me, now you're walking around naked and wearing normal underwear." he stated

"Not much to hide now that I jizzzed all over your leg. Also, the rest of my boxerbriefs are dirty or lent out..." I quipped back, slowly pulling my undies up. He seemed to be paying more attention to my semi-hard dick as I finally tucked it into my briefs. The bulge was not much bigger than yesterday, but his eyes stayed fixated on it.

"Yeah sorry about that I forgot to bring them over. Besides I think I should wash them first. They are very comfortable to sleep in and I might have leaked a lot more into them. Haha" he stated

"No worries you can grab them after we get back, I have to do laundry today anyways. Speaking of washing out messes, take a look under my bed for the pair you left."

He bent over and pulled his underwear out from under the bed. Holding them up he exclaimed, "Holy shit! Is there any part of these that aren't stained? We really did a number to these. Crap did you smell these, they wreak of cum."

"Boys! You ready?" my mom shouted. She was getting impatient.

"Yeah I could definitely smell them." I laughed. "We should go, else she'll come up to get us."

Walking down the stairs, my mom looked up and asked Jeremy if his twin, Jack, wanted to join us at the mall. "No, Mrs. W., he and my dad are going to the base to pick up some things for my mom."

"Ok well thought i would ask. I'm going to have to drop you boys off so I can run some errands myself. You'll be ok shopping without me?" She asked

"We'll be fine mom." i replied

As we drove to the mall, Jeremy and I joked about some of the teachers i might have that are a pain in the ass. We pulled up to the mall and in typical mom fashion she started barking off things i needed to remember.

"We have dinner at your uncle's tonight, so you need to hurry. I'll be back in two hours. Also, try on all your clothes, I don't want to have to come back and exchange anything. Behave and don't get into any trouble...." she kept the orders flowing as I agreed and shut the door to the car.

"I only have two places that i need to go to. What about you? I asked.

"Um I have a list. Shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, underwear, and athletic gear." he read off. "I think we can get that in two or three places, should be quick."

"Athletic gear?" i asked.

"For P.E. and baseball, I need new undershirts, jock, a cup and my dad said if i have enough to grab some new cleats."

We strolled around the mall talking girls and sports, i suggested we grab our clothes first and hit the shoe/sporting stores last. First stop I planned was a higher-end department store that I knew had the boxerbriefs I wanted to see him in. We walked around the store, we grabbed our shirts and shorts first, then ended up in the underwear section. I led him to the area they sold CK boxerbriefs and grabbed a random pack and tossed them to him. "Look now you can buy your own. hehe"

"Cool I thought they only had black or white, looks like there are other colors." he said as he started looking through the packs for his size.

"yep, what size are you looking for?" I asked

"Your's are a bit small so if you find a pack of mediums with different colors, grab them." he instructed

"Right here, there's black, white and red or black, white and grey. Which ones?"

"Grab both packs and let's head over to look at shoes."

"You don't want to try them on first? They are a bit expensive." I questioned. I really wanted to watch him try them on.

"Nah, not sure they allow that here." he laughed, "besides I can come back with my mom and Jack this week if i need to exchange them."

"Ok, unless you need anything else let's buy these and head over to the sporting goods store." I was bummed but he was right.

We bought the clothes then ran over to the sporting goods store since we were already running out of time. Once we got there, we made a beeline to the shoe area and tried on a few pairs before grabbing what we liked and heading over to the baseball section. He showed me a few gloves and bats he was saving up to buy, then led me over to the protective equipment area.

"They always put this stuff in the back corners of the store, like people get embarrassed by the sight of jockstraps and cups." he groused "Take one line drive to the nuts and you'd want to see this section right up front!"

I laughed "Has that happened to you before?"

"Nah, a ground ball did jump and smacked my thight but that's the closest a ball has come to my boys. Jack did once. He was pitching and a shot came right back at him and nailed him square in the dick. He folded so quick I thought he died." he chuckled. " I shouldn't laugh, he was in pain for a couple days after that. He dick swelled up so big. If it wasn't for the bruising, it would have been impressive. Chase even said that was the only time one of us was bigger than him."

"Dude that sucks! He wasn't wearing a cup?" I asked

"No, he hated the way they feel cause sometimes they pinch or move around. He wears one every game now. My dad tells me to tap Jack's cup before the games just to make sure it's on."

"I doubt you can try these on, so how do you know your size? Not like all 14-15 yr olds are the same length."

"I just find the cup I think will fit and slide it in my shorts to try. Ususally im right and i just go up and buy it." As he was saying that he opened a shiny black cup and slid it down the front of his pants. He walked up and down the aisle and then said, " yeah this works. I can walk easier in this than the one i have now. I'm getting it."

I reached over and gave his nuts a slight tap. "Feel that?" i laughed

Instinctually, he tried to dodge but I got him. "Dick! HAHA no I didn't feel that punk. You playing any sports this year? If so you should grab one."

"I was thinking of trying out for wrestling. My brother wrestled and wanted to try." I told him

"That'd be cool. Chase has been trying to get Jack and I to join the wrestling team too. I'm not sure about it though." While he was saying that, he pulled the cup out of his pants and handed it to me. "Slip this in and see if it fits. If it's too small it'll pinch, too big and it will slide around."

He looked at my raised eyebrows and said "You don't mind catching my cum in your hand, but putting on a new cup I wore for 2 minutes is where you draw the line?"

I looked up laughing, "Whatever." I joked back, taking his lead, i slid it down the front of my underwear and began to walk up and down the aisle. It felt weird and a bit bulky.

"So? Does if fit?" he asked

"I don't know it doesn't pinch but feels bulky." I answered

"Let me see" He reached down and grabbed the front of my jeans, placing his right hand fully on the noticeable bulge in my pants. He was gentle as he moved it around side to side and up and down. "Yeah this feels a little big. Grab one size down and some a medium jock." He then reached in my jeans and pulled the cup out. "I'm buying this one."

"Ummmm ok. A medium jock? My underwear are small." I questioned, still shocked how comfortable he was just grabbing my groin.

"They run a bit small and the cup goes inside the pouch which will take some space. Also when wrestling season is here, you might have started puberty by then. HAHAHA" he joked

"Fuck you dude, hahaha. Let's get this and see if my mom is here yet."

We checked out then bolted to the exit knowing my mom may be waiting. Jumping into the car I showed my mom my new shoes and some of the clothes i bought. In typical mom fashion her first question was asking if i tried everything on and it all fit?

"Yeah most of it. We didn't have a ton of time so I didn't try everything." I explained.

"Ok, make sure you try it all on as soon as we get home."

We got back to my house, Jeremy and I headed to my room. My mom reminded me we were going out in a couple of hours. When we got to my room, I shut the door and told Jeremy, "I need to try some of this on, if you want to play some video games until I have to leave."

"Ok, I need to try some of mine on too, if that's cool?" He asked

I nodded and began to strip just to my tighty-whiteys, throwing on a couple shirts and the new shorts i just bought. I turned when i heard Jeremy state, "Damn these are soft."

Turning around, He was standing there in his tighty-whities holding up a pair of his new underwear. He dropped them on my chair and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his Y fronts and slipped them off. Damn, he was naked again in my room. His uncut cock swinging as he getting ready to try on his new boxerbriefs. He grabbed the red pair of CKs, and slid them up. He stepped in front of my mirror and began to twist a bit, checking himself out from each angle. "These do feel better when they are the right size." He kept reaching inside and adjusting his balls and dick from side to side. "Whatcha think?"

He could tell i was staring and smiled as he turned to face me. "They look good." I replied. His package looked bigger in his briefs but these made his ass look so much hotter. He nodded, then slide them down standing there naked again. Reaching into one of his bags he pulled out his jockstrap, unwrapped it and held it up. He looked at me and said "You should try yours on too." He bent down, stepped into them and pull them up to his waist. He turned to look in the mirror and there was his bare ass. It was muscular with a little peach fuzz on it. That did it, my dick was hard. He twisted and checked himself out in the mirror before turning around again noticing my briefs were tented out as far as they could go.

"You really should try yours on but i would not try to put the cup in the pouch. That wouldn't feel good." he said as he gestured to my jock sitting on my bed. Without saying anything i turned and opened the package and held them up trying to figure out how to put them on.

"Here, let me help." Jeremy took the jock, turned them, bent down and said, "step in here" he grabbed my right calf and lifted my foot into the strap followed by the left. He pulled them up and over my erection. "The cup would slide in here." he said as he pull the waistband out exposing my dick and then placed a couple of fingers into the pouch. As he was showing me this i saw and felt his thumb graze the head of my penis. "It's going to be hard to fit the cup in with your hardon. If you can go soft, we can put the cup in and make sure it all fits right."

Laughing at the suggestion that i could control my erection, i asked, "Any quick tips on getting this to go down?"

"Well it seemed to pop up when i put my jock on, i don't think if i took mine off, your dick would go down." he joked. "Jack it off, once you cum it'll go soft again."

Just a couple of teenage boys standing around in their jockstraps. Although, there was only one with an erection. I could tell it wasn't going to go away on it's own. "That's not a quick solution, unless you help, like yesterday."

"Can you help me out after? Yesterday was pretty fun. I nutted in your underwear last night a couple of times thinking about how good it felt." he smiled as he said that.

"Yeah of course, that's what i was thinking about when i sprayed my shower door this morning."

He moved forward and cupped my balls in my jock. He then started rubbing my shaft until a wet spot started to form on the fabric. Jeremy noticed this and pulled his hand away looking at his palm, looking to see the moisture from my precum. He raised his palm to his nose and inhaled, smelling my teen boy precum then stuck his tongue out and lightly pressed it against his hand. As he looked up he muttered "tastes sweet." He looked back down at my wet tent and pulled the waist band out and pulled my jock down to mid-thigh. My dick was sticking up pointing towards his abdomen with a large drop slipping out from the slit on my tip. He scooped it up before it dropped to the floor and brought it to his lips tasting the clear liquid. I wanted to be shocked but instead i felt relieved. I wanted to taste his cum stained green briefs under my bed but was hesitant. Watching him lick my precum and knowing he is going to want me to return the favor, I got more excited.

"Dude you were right, you're precum tastes really good. You mind if I try something real quick?" he asked looking at me with a shy look on his face

"What are you thinking?" I asked

He got down on one knee, gripped my cock and pulled on it slightly to get another drop of precum to ooze out. As my slit produced another large drop of fluid, Jeremy stuck his tongue out and swiped the tip of my dick. I felt a joint race through my body as his tongue grazed my mushroom head. He looked up at me and did it again. I put my hand on his shoulder as I watched him smack his lips tasting my cum. He stuck his tongue back out, laying my whole purple head on his tongue. He began to milk my cock as more precum leaked out of me. After about a minute of collecting my boy juices, he wrapped his lip around the head of my cock and began to suck. My knees buckled and I put my other hand on his shoulder, as I did this Jeremy reached up to catch me placing his left hand behind me gripping my ass cheek.

He released my tip from his mouth and looked up. "You ok?" he smiled

"Yeah, yeah just unexpected. Do it again, that feels good." I told him.

He then wrapped his lips around just the tip and continued to jack me off while holding my ass cheek. Jeremy began rubbing his tongue on the underside of my tip. That was it, I couldn't last any longer, I pulled my hips back popping my tip from his mouth just in time to see the first rope of cum shoot over his shoulder, followed by five more blasts. It was one of the most intense orgasim of my young life. I opened my eyes and started to come back to reality. I felt Jeremy squeezing my ass and when i looked down he was looking up at me smiling. There was my cum on his shoulder and some dripping down his back. He was still tugging on my shaft, pumping the last of my seed out. After the last tug he stuck his tongue out and with one last swipe of his tongue he lapped up the last pearl that was coming from the tip.

Jeremy stood up licking his lips, "Cum tastes a lot different than precum. It's still good but more salty than sweet." He then looked at his shoulder and scooped my cum from there and played with it between his fingers before sticking both of them in his mouth. He handed me his green underwear from yesterday, handed them to me and asked if I could wipe my cum from his back. He turned around and as i was wiping him down, I noticed a drop on the shelf of his perky ass. Curiously I swiped it up with my thumb and tasted it. It was good! Not missing a good opportunity i ran my hand across his ass cheek. It was so firm and round. I gave it a quick smack letting him know, "it's all cleaned up." He turned and smiled knowing i was feeling more comfortable playing around with him.

"Thanks man. Thanks for pulling out of my mouth before cumming. That was my first time and don't think I could have taken your whole load." he admitted. With a wry smile he continued "I think i have a problem now." looking down at his crotch. His 6in member was in the same state as mine prior to him sucking me. All except his tent was much bigger and more soaked through with precum, a pretty good sign he enjoyed what he did to my 14yr old dick. I did not feel like playing with him. I wasn't horny anymore but I also told him I would return the favor. He could tell i was a bit reluctant and tried to give me an out. "You don't have to man, I should probably get going anyway."

"No it's cool man, I told you I'd return the favor" I said lowering my self to both knees. Looking at his precum soaked jock, I lowered it exposing his massive uncut cock with his tip dripping clear liquid. II remembered what we did yesterday and gently rolled his foreskin back while inching my face closer preparing to taste another guys semen. Another drop of precum started to form from the slit, I could smell his musk as i stuck my tongue out and catch the drop on my tongue. Rubbing it against the roof of my mouth as i tasted it, i knew i wanted more. I went back to get another drop and decided to just take his whole head into my mouth. I opened wide to make sure the massive head would fit then wrapped both my lips around. I sucked a little and pulled it back out of my mouth. I thought i was going to hate the taste and want to spit but i didn't, i liked it.

I could hear him whisper "oh fuuuuck" as the head popped out of my mouth. "What's wrong?" he asked as he looked down nervously? "Not a fan of the taste?"

"Nah it's tastes fine man." Then i opened up again putting his mushroom back into my mouth. He started to moan as i stroked his cock and running my tongue against his tool. This being my first time, i was sucking on the tip like a straw trying to suck the cum out of him.

He lifted my chin up and said, "try this, loosen your lips a bit and let me slide it in and out of your mouth." I did as he asked. While holding my chin up he used his other hand to push my forehead back so he could get a good look as he began to slide his member further into my mouth. "Yeeeeaaahh like that, let it just slide in. mmmmmmm" after slide about two inches in he began to slide it back out. "This time run tighten your lips a little more." I slightly nodded and he began to slide it in an inch then out then back in two inches then back out. He started to pick up the pace and moan never sliding it in too deep. To get a grip and control his rocking hips i grabbed both of his ass cheeks and spreading them while gripping them tight. He kept this motion going for a few more minutes then telling me to grab something to catch his cum. Before i could find a something to catch his load, he tried to pull out but my hands holding his ass didn't let his tip all the way out allowing his first blast to hit the back of my throat, laying its creamy rope across my tongue and on my lips. The second blast came just as fast and as explosive, but this time his tip was out and sprayed my cheek and ear. I had a perfect view of his ejeculation pumping directly out of the slit and warm dick was pulsating. Blast after blast flowed from his tip and onto my chest.

I could taste his semen in my mouth, it was a bit bitter and salty and coated the back of my throat and tongue. I could also feel the warm cum on my cheek, chest and ear. He looked down coming off his orgasmic high and began to apologize.

"Bro, i'm so sorry i tried to pull out but you were grabbing my ass tight." He quickly grabbed a pair of underwear and began to wipe my face as I stood up.

Laughing, i told him "Don't worry man, i'll consider it payback for yesterday." He continued to wipe up my chest then finished by cleaning the tip of his cock.

"In two days these underwear have seen some things." he joked holding up his pair of green Fruit of the Looms.

"No kidding and this room smells like cum, sweat and ass" i laughed.

"I have a twin brother this smells just like his room." he chuckled back. "I should get going."

He looked around, found his white briefs, threw them on and began to get dressed and i followed suit.

As he was collecting his bags he tossed me the green briefs we have been abusing with load after load. "If you jack off tonight catch it in these. I'll pick them up tomorrow."

"Ok." Looking at them, they had most of Jeremy's recent load in them. I ran my finger though an area where most of the creamy thick load was sitting. With him watching i put my finger into my mouth, tasting more of his jizz. "Damn this tastes good."

"Well i have a lot more for you when you want." he said grabbing his balls. "Give me a call tomorrow when you're not busy."

"Cool, see you later man." I told him as he walked out.

Feel free to communicate at stories.genx@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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