Teenage Curiosities

By Skylar Williams

Published on Apr 27, 2024


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough to read this, go away. This story is fantasy. It didn't happen.

Copyright Notice - Copyright February 2, 2024 by the author.

This story is copyrighted by the author and the author retains all rights. This work may not be duplicated in any form, physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise without the author's expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply worldwide.

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Chapter 7 (Final Chapter)

Jeremy's room felt warm, and the twins still had sweat glistening on their foreheads from the intense orgasms they had both experienced. I looked back over at Jack, who was still lying on the bed in just his bulged briefs. I dialed the phone to get permission to spend the rest of the night with the guys. "Hey, ma, can I stay at Jeremy's place tonight? Yep, I promise. Thank you. Love you too." I ended the call.

"My mom said I can crash here tonight, but I may need to run back home to get some clothes and stuff," I announced.

Still trying to straighten himself out by adjusting his semi-hard dick in his underwear, Jeremy said, "You can borrow some of my clothes."

"Jerm, don't we have a team meeting today?" Jack asked, finally lifting his head from the bed.

"Fuck, I forgot. Sky, feel like coming to practice and hanging out with us? It shouldn't take too long; we can grab some food afterward," Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, that sounds cool. Is Chase going to be there?" I asked.

Jack looked over at Jeremy, "Yeah, he is. Don't sweat it, though; I'll talk to him when we get there. It'll be fine," Jack said, brushing it off.

Jack looked at me and motioned me over to him. "I really didn't mean anything by the 'gay' shit, bro."

"I get it. It's cool, man," I smiled at Jack as I walked back over to Jeremy's bed. Jack swung his legs off the bed and sat up straight. I stood a foot from him, listening to what he had to say.

"Just so we are even," Jack started to say with a grin. He reached out to the strings on my basketball shorts and pulled them loose. He tugged on my shorts, letting them fall to the floor. I looked back at Jeremy to see what his reaction was going to be, only to see him sitting in his chair, watching his brother intently.

Jack grabbed my waist just under the band of my boxer briefs and pulled me closer to him. He palmed my bulge, squeezing and shifting it around. I could feel my precum spot move across the tip of my penis as he played with my semi more. His other hand slid up and down on the fabric of my ass, feeling my glutes tense up. I was a bit nervous having Jack fondle me in front of Jeremy like this. I kept glancing back at Jeremy, but there was no reaction. He just sat and watched his brother massage me. I looked back down at Jack; he looked up at me and slid my underwear down to my knees. My dick was starting to grow as he stared at it.

"I've never done this before, so DON'T cum in my mouth. Just tell me when you're close." Jack spoke. He grabbed my semi and lifted it to his mouth while he leaned in. Sticking out his tongue, he licked the helmet of my boyhood and pulled back, tasting my precum. "It doesn't taste like anything, really." He said, continuing to search for something to dislike about what he had just done. Licking his lips, he went back in to taste it again. This time, I was fully erect, and his fingers were gently holding my shaft. Jack licked the tip again, and, this time, he wrapped his lips around my head, giving a quick suck before pulling back off. He continued to examine any tastes he could decern from my cock.

Jack lifted up my dick and looked at it intensely. This may have been the first uncut dick he has played with. As he was exploring the underside of my hard dick, he rubbed it with his thumb tracing a straight line from where my dick and scrotum met back up to the tip. He followed that by leaning in and running his tongue up from the bottom of my shaft. This was getting intense as I stared down at him. I had to place my hand on his shoulder to avoid losing balance as my legs buckled. Jack took long licks of each side of my shaft. Encouraging him to take it all in, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and started massaging. His eager blue eyes looked up at me for approval with each lick. Even without him swallowing my shaft whole, I was getting close. Jack looked back down at my cock in front of him, opened his mouth wider, and took half of my shaft into his mouth. He used his tongue to lick around, moving his lips up and down about three inches of my dick. That was enough to send me over the edge.

"Pull OFF, I'm going to cum!" I shouted while pushing his shoulders back, popping my dick from his mouth. Jack moved his head out of the line of fire, continuing to give light strokes to my dick. Within a few seconds, I couldn't hold back, my dick twitched in Jack's fingers, and I let out a moan of pleasure.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, oh shit!" I moaned. Jack stared at my dick intently, and I could see Jeremy peering around my body to watch me cum. I blasted my first rope of jizz past Jack's head onto Jeremy's bedding. The second and third hit his shoulder and dripped down his chest and arm. As my orgasm began to slow in, I watched as Jack continued to milk the last of it from my sack and settle onto his hand. My white opaque liquid was running down his chest, leaving a slick trail down to his abdomen.

Jack let go of my dick and examined his chest and hand, which was dripping with my semen. "Oh man, that was a lot," he said, lifting his hand to his face to smell the load I had just deposited. "That's strong. Smells kinda sweet," he mentioned as he took another sniff. "I should go shower."

"Taste it," Jeremy chuckled, egging Jack on. "Haven't you tasted yours before? It's not bad at all."

Jack stood up, giving Jeremy a side glance. He raised his hand back to his face and took another smell. "Maybe another time when I haven't just busted myself." Jack walked to Jeremy's restroom and started to clean himself off.

Still breathing heavily with my shorts and underwear below my knees, I looked at Jeremy and gave him a quick smile. "Damn!" I exclaimed, looking at him.

"Feel better?" Jeremy joked back

"Yeah, much better." I laughed, bending over to pull up my undies.

"Hold up," Jeremy instructed. He got up from the chair, walked over, and seized my flaccid dick. Jeremy bent over and licked the remaining drops of cum that had been draining from my tip. "See, it tastes good," he said to Jack, watching from the restroom doorway.

Smiling, Jack replied, "Maybe after practice, I'll try it if you're up for it, Sky. I'm still finding places your cum seeped into." Wiping the rest of his shoulder, stomach, and thigh as he walked back to his room.

"Can I put my dick away now?" I joked to Jeremy.

"What? I can't take a turn?" Jeremy asked.

"Later, it's too sensitive right now." I laughed.

Jeremy sighed and let go of my dick, letting it droop in front of my balls. I pulled up my underwear again and adjusted my cock so any leftover cum would leak into the fabric and not down my leg.

"What do you feel like doing," Jeremy asked as I pulled up my shorts.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, that works," Jeremy replied, heading into the common area between the twin's room.

We both plopped down on the couch, looking for a movie on cable. I was spent. I had just swallowed loads from Jeremy and Jack and could still taste their mixture, which coated my mouth and throat. I really didn't care what we watched; I was just exhausted from what just took place.

After about 30 minutes, I was dozing off and could hear Jeremy snoring beside me. Guess I wasn't the only one exhausted from this afternoon.

I was awakened sometime later when Jack walked out of his room and giggled, "Aw, how cute."

Opening my eyes, the movie we were watching was over, and another was playing. I felt Jeremy's head resting on my shoulder. He was breathing softly and had his hand resting on my thigh. Jack motioned for me to come over to him. I gently moved Jeremy's hand and head and got up without waking him.

Walking over to Jack, I whispered, "What's up?"

Jack returned to his room, wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. I could see white streaks of cum residue on his back shoulder that he had missed when he cleaned up earlier.

"What's up with you two? You guys like a thing or just messing around?" Jack quizzed.

Shrugging back to him, "I don't know. We've just been messing around. We're not gay, man."

"I didn't say that. I was just wondering 'cause you sounded worried about what Jerm thought about you and Chase." He questioned.

"I was nervous telling either of you because of how you reacted, thinking I'm gay. I know Chase will say something, so I wanted to say something first." I told him.

"I get that, but you went to Jeremy first, so I assumed something was going on. It's cool if you guys are just messing around, but you should talk to Jerm. I know my brother, he doesn't wear his emtions on his sleeve. If there is something there, it better to find out now." Jack explained. "Also, let me deal with Chase. He's immature but a good guy; I don't think he'd say anything outside of our group."

"Thanks, man, and thanks for handling Chase for me," I said.

"No problem, dude. Chase will be excited to hear that I know about you two. He's been hinting at doing more when we hang out, but I wasn't sure about it. After today, he and I may have a lot more fun." Jack laughed. He then pulled his shorts off and walked to his closet. When he emerged, he was holding his uniform and tossed it on his bed.

"Man, you should clean your shoulder before you leave. Looks like you missed some of my cum when you wiped down earlier." I smirked.

"Yeah? Shit, I thought I got it all. You do cum a lot for your age. At 14, I wasn't shooting that much." Jack mentioned as he tried to see what was left on his back shoulder.

"Your brother said the same thing," I said amusingly. "I'll grab a towel and get it wiped off."

I entered his restroom, grabbed a towel, and wet it in the sink. Jack was standing in front of his drawers, looking for his socks. "Don't move," I told Jack as I grabbed his shoulder and wiped his back. He closed his drawer, bent over, and slid his briefs off, shoving his bare ass into my groin.

"Sorry, had to get these off." He apologized, standing up straight and holding his red underwear.

"You're lucky my shorts are on; otherwise, you would have much more to explain to Chase today." I laughed, finishing wiping down his shoulder.

"HAHA, no kidding." He laughed back. Looking down at his musky briefs in his hand, he said, "I think I'll have to do some more laundry," tossing his underwear at my chest. I could see the stains of all the cum that dripped out of him.

"You leaked a lot more. I thought I got it all out of you." I told him, examining the crotch of his briefs.

"You got most of it. I think the rest leaked out when I was going down on you." He said, pulling his jockstrap up around his waist. He turned to grab his uniform, and I couldn't help but stare at his round muscular ass in that jock. The sight of this teenage athlete was getting me hard again.

Jack bent over, exposing his tight, smooth, pink hole to me as he stepped into his pants. I was fully hard now. Flashbacks of what Chase had done to me made me think about what it would be like to stick my dick into Jeremy or Jack. Noticing how tight Jack's hole looked, I imagined what it would feel like to have it tightly wrapped around my shaft.

Jack turned around and eyed the tent in my shorts. He smiled and reached his hand out, gesturing to his underwear I was still holding. Blushing, I handed him his briefs and gave him an awkward smile.

"Can you go wake up, Jerm; we need to leave soon," Jack said.

"Yeah, good idea." I smiled and went to see if Jeremy was still napping.

Jeremy was still sleeping when I shook him, waking him up. "Jeremy, you need to get changed for your team meeting," I whispered.

"Yeah, ok," Jeremy moaned and then went to his room to change.

The three of us walked to their practice field and hung out, waiting for the rest of the team and coaches to show up. I dreaded seeing Chase and any comments he'd make about what had happened between us. I watched as the players stretched and coaches arrived, filling out the rest of the team. One of the coaches shouted that Chase and another player had called to say they wouldn't make it tonight. A wave of relief washed over me. One less thing I'd have to talk about.

After some warm-ups and basic drills, the coaches had the team gather to discuss changes to their lineup and strategies for their game. The guys practiced more and ran the bases a few times before the coaches dismissed them all to head home.

We ended up taking the long way back to our neighborhood as we walked home. We were caught up in conversation to notice how late it was getting. When we returned to the twin's house, their mom was already home, and dinner was getting cold.

"It's about time you made it home. I was about to drive to the field looking for you boys," Mrs. Collins said. "Wash your hands and come sit down. This food isn't going to be warm much longer."

We ran to the restroom, washed our hands, and sat with their mom. "Sky, I talked to your mom, and she said you didn't pick up any clothes for tonight," Mrs. Collins quizzed. "Did you need pajamas or anything?"

Jeremy jumped in quickly, "He can borrow some of mine. It's already getting late, and we will just be watching movies."

Mrs. Collins nodded her head and kept eating. "Once you boys are done, you all need a shower. You all smell," she laughed as Jack smelled his armpits.

"Ooof, we didn't even practice that hard tonight," Jack said with a wince. Mrs. Collins told us about her day while we ate. We joked and talked for about an hour at the table until we all had finished. Mrs. Collins said to us that there was ice cream in the freezer for dessert, but we needed to get cleaned up first.

"Since you have a guest, I'll clean up tonight. You boys go shower and get changed. Don't be too loud. I have a few phone calls to make, so there's no roughhousing up there," she said as the three of us left the table and made our way upstairs.

Jack started stripping as soon as he reached the top of the stairs, dropping his clothing as he made his way to his room. Jeremy and I headed to his room and closed the door. Jeremy walked over to his drawers, pulled out two pairs of briefs, and tossed a blue pair to me.

"These are a bit small on me, so they should fit you," he said.

"Thanks. Do you have any shorts I can sleep in?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can grab you a pair if you want; we usually just hang out in our underwear. Besides, I don't want to keep pulling them down every time I want to play with your dick," He said assertively.

Laughing, Jeremy made me feel relaxed and able to open up, so this was the best chance to talk to him like Jack suggested.

"Nice, ok!" I laughed. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's up," Jeremy asked, unbuttoning his jersey.

"I know we have just been messing around and having some fun, but did it bother you that Chase and I had sex?" I questioned.

Jeremy stopped undressing and stood up straight, thinking about his response. "No...Well, kinda," he replied, unsure of his answer. "A little, yeah. Not that it was Chase, but that it wasn't me, I guess,"

"OH," I didn't really know how to reply. I thought he'd shrug it off and make a joke, but he didn't. He was trying to be honest about it. "To be honest, I was hoping it would have been you," I said in a low voice. It was true. I thought about Jeremy when it was happening and again after I got home. I regret that I had put myself in that situation, and now, I'm here wondering why I felt that way. Admittedly, I had feelings for Jeremy; as much as I bitched about what Jack was saying earlier, he saw my feelings toward Jeremy too.

Jeremy could see the confusion on my face, and I could see it in his. We were quiet for a minute before he broke the silence. "Sooooo...what are we saying? We want to have sex with each other or something more?" he questioned?

"I don't know. I think I have feelings for you; I think about you all the time. Not just when I'm horny but when something cool happens and I want to tell someone. Does that make sense?" I asked.

Jeremy plopped down on his bed and looked down. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's the same for me. When you and Jack were messing around, I tried to play it off like it didn't bother me; I didn't want him to think it was more than just fooling around." He confessed, looking up at me.

"Well, he knows. He was the one that said I should talk to you." Jeremy's eyes widened when he heard this.

"What did he say?" Jeremy sounded concerned.

"Nothing specific, just that I should talk to you 'cause he thought you may have been hurt that I messed around with Chase," I told him.

Jeremy nodded his head, "So what do you want to do? It's not like we can be boyfriends. Between my parents and friends and coaches and this being Texas, that won't fly." He sounded depressed about it, like he had thought about this before, and...he sounded trapped; I knew exactly how he felt.

I walked over and sat next to him. Both of us looked blankly at the floor. More silence crept in, and I felt more alone as I contemplated our options. I was trying to come to grips with who I was now and what that meant for the both of us. I could only see one option.

"This is just between us, then. We won't tell anyone anything and not mess around with other guys. We'll just be ordinary guys until we are alone. We can be boyfriends when we are alone. How does that sound?" I asked nervously.

"So we just act 'normal', but when we're alone, we can be boyfriends? That sounds shitty." He said, looking over at me.

"Do you have any other ideas?" I asked, looking at him.

Jeremy leaned in and kissed me softly, then pulled away. "No, I don't," he whispered.

I leaned into him and kissed his soft lips more forcefully than he did. Before I could pull away, he grabbed the back of my head and slipped his tongue in my mouth. The force of his kiss and the feeling of his tongue in my mouth shot lightning through my body. It wasn't like when we kissed before; this held meaning behind it. He was telling me that he wanted me, not just sexually, but he wanted me. I placed my hand on the back of his head and kissed him back. Our lips and tongues danced as I ran my other hand down his arm. I felt goose bumps on his muscular forearms before finding his hand and gripping it while we continued.

I have no idea how much time passed before we broke away and looked into each other's eyes. He caressed the back of my head, looked down at our hands, and then looked back up at me before telling me, "We should jump in the shower." Still holding my hand, he stood up and led me into his bathroom.

I shut and locked the door behind us while Jeremy turned the shower on to get it warmed up. We both started to undress, watching each other as we peeled each layer of clothing off our bodies. I could smell Jeremy's musky scent as he removed his shirt and baseball pants. He kicked his pants off from his ankles and stood there in just his jock and socks. His body was gorgeous and smooth, with slight traces of hair on his chest and stomach. His dick bulged his new white jockstrap while his balls were nestled between two muscular thighs. I wanted him in my mouth. I removed my pants and socks and stood there facing him in just my tighty-whiteys. Bulging and leaking precum, he could tell I wanted more. Jeremy reached over and pulled my underwear down, springing my cock up to my stomach. Using his thumb, he wiped some of the precum off my cut dick and tasted it. He smiled at me before removing his jock and socks and turning to step into the shower.

I followed Jeremy into the warm shower, letting the water run over my head. I felt a jolt in my body as Jeremy started to soap up my balls and play with them in his hands. He moved up to the shaft, slowly stroking it up and down, working soap into every area of my crotch. I knew I had to stay quiet and muffle any moans while he washed my body. He lathered the soap on my stomach, then crest working his way to my armpits. When he reached my neck, he whispered for me to turn around. My heart was beating quickly as I anticipated his hands massaging my back. He pressed firmly into my muscles as he washed down my back. His hands moved lower and lower until he reached the top of my ass.

Jeremy placed one hand on my ass crack, leaned in, and asked, "Are you too sore for me to wash this?"

"Just don't be too rough," I replied as I leaned forward, placing both hands on the wall in front of me.

Jeremy washed each of my ass cheeks before I felt his soapy hand reach under my ass, softly running three soapy fingers in the area just behind my sack. His finger continued up to my hole, where he was extra gentle, making circular motions around the edges. He wrapped his free arm around my chest, pulling me up as I felt him using just one finger now, making smaller circles around my pink spot.

"Does it hurt if I do this?" He asked as he pressed his soapy index finger directly onto my hole.

With a slight moan, I responded, "A little, but don't stop."

Using more pressure, Jeremy continued pressing his index finger into my hole. Suddenly, my hole gave way, and he sank his finger in knuckle deep. I gasped at the sudden pain, but he did not withdraw. Jeremy continued sliding his finger deeper in and out. It felt amazing letting him inside me with the warm water running down my back.

"Should I try for two fingers?" Jeremy asked.

"No, that would hurt too much," I gasped.

Jeremy continued to "wash" my hole and crack until I got close to cumming. I had him stop, wanting to save my orgasm. He pulled his finger from me and rinsed the soap from my body.

"Let's switch, I want to wash you," I said to Jeremy as I moved behind him.

I started with Jeremy's arms and smooth chest, pressing firmly on his muscles as I rubbed the soap over his body. He watched intently as my hands made their way down his stomach and rested at the base of his hard cock. Kneeling down to one knee, I got a closer look at his dick as I lathered it up. I pulled his foreskin back and washed every inch of his 6-inch cock. My fingers traced the veins running through his dick as my hand, and water rinsed it clean. Instead of washing his balls the way he did mine, I lifted his cock, leaned in, and put his whole sack in my mouth. His legs shivered from the feeling of my tongue swirling around his sack. Jeremy moaned quietly, feeling his bag get licked and sucked. I stood up and turned his body around, getting a good look at his back muscles flexing and his tight, bubbled ass clench.

"Don't put anything inside me, ok?" Jeremy asked in a concerned voice.

"Ok, I won't," I reassured him.

He stood there tensely while my hands rubbed the soap across his shoulder and down his back.

"Relax. I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to," I pleaded.

He relaxed his muscles, allowing me to continue washing his back, making my way towards his ass. I ran my soapy hand down through his ass crack, softly over his hole, then back up. His body jerked a bit, but there was no other reaction. Wanting to see his hole, I again got down on one knee and spread his muscular ass cheeks apart. It was smooth and pink and clenched tights. It was a perfect virgin hole. The soapy water from his back ran across his hole, making him lean forward to experience more. I placed one finger against his hole and circled the nickel-sized pink sphincter. The combination of the warm, slick water and the rubbing motion made Jeremy utter, "Maybe just one finger, slowly."

"You sure?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but pull out if I say stop."

I soaped up my finger a little more and began to press firmly. "Just take a breath and relax, or it's going to hurt," I instructed.

I could feel his muscles relax when he took a deep breath and let it out. Suddenly, my finger slid in, causing his muscles to grab my finger.

"Oh shit!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"Shhhhh. You're mom's home." I whispered.

Jeremy replied with an "mhm," avoiding any other audible sounds from escaping. Once I felt he was used to just the tip of my finger in him, I slid it in deeper, not stopping until it was all in. I could feel his body shaking and his head leaning back before falling back down again. I started to work it in and out, mimicking the action of his finger when it was in me. My dick continued to leak precum from the sight of my finger penetrating Jeremy and watching his body enjoy it.

"OK, stop, stop, stop." He groaned.

I quickly pulled my finger from him with a popping sound. He turned around quickly and looked at me with amazement. "Why does that feel good?" he asked.

"I have no idea, but when you were doing it to me, I wanted to cum so bad," I exclaimed.

"We should get out before Jack or my mom comes in," He said, rinsing the rest of the soap off his body.

We stepped out of the shower, grabbed a couple of towels from the linen cabinet, and dried off. Jeremy joked as he bent down to dry his legs for me not to stick anything back in him. I looked around and noticed we didn't have our underwear with us.

"Think we left our underwear on the bed," I told him as I unlocked the door and entered his room. Jeremy and I stopped suddenly, standing in the doorway naked, seeing Jack sitting at Jeremy's desk.

"I'm not even going to ask. That's between you two, but I recommend not being so loud, Jerm. I don't know what would happen if Mom or Dad heard you guys." Jack scolded.

"Sorry, Jack," I muttered to him

"Yeah, sorry, man." Jeremy agreed.

Looking annoyed, Jack got up, walked past us, and headed to his room. Jeremy shut the door behind Jack and looked at me wide-eyed.

"Shit! Well, I guess Jack knows." He laughed.

"Well fuck. We need to be more careful." I chuckled back.

I walked over quickly and threw on the blue briefs Jeremy had given me. Jeremy picked up a pair of white CK boxer briefs and slid them on. Avoiding the disaster of Mrs. Collins finding out and the exhilaration of our shower, I laid back on Jeremy's bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Should we go watch a movie or something?" I asked Jeremy.

"Um, hold on. I'm going to see if my mom is still up," Jeremy said, leaving his room to go downstairs.

Taking the opportunity to get comfortable in his bed, I adjusted my package in his underwear, trying to make my soft bulge look a little bigger. When he walked back in, he locked the door behind him.

"She's in her room asleep, I think...." Jeremy stated before stopping to stare at me. "Damn you look good in my bed."

Smiling at him, I wiggled my bulge as he walked over. Jeremy stood next to the bed, eyeing my near-naked body. He placed his hand on my ankle and slowly slid it up my hairless shin, over my knee, and onto my smooth thigh. His touch felt more sensual; my body was tingling from hand. With a slight pull, he moved my thigh, widening the gap between my legs. His hand proceeded to move higher up my inner thigh until it reached my groin. Jeremy's fingers and palm massaged this area lightly as the back of his hand made passing glances against my scrotum. He watched as my muscles constricted and relaxed with each rub. I looked at his eyes as they were fixated on my growing tent.

"Do you like this?" he asked.

"I do," I muttered, feeling lightheaded as my body responded to his touch.

"Good," Jeremy whispered as he withdrew his hand and climbed into bed, kneeling in the space he created between my legs. He sat there for a few seconds, staring down at my young, developing body before placing each of his hands on my knees and sliding them back up to my groin. Jeremy bent down, with his hands gripping the top of my thighs, and put my whole package in his face. He nestled his nose on my crotch, inhaling deeply and lightly tugging on my shaft and balls with moist lips. I could feel his warm breathes through the fabric, causing my dick to ooze more of my boy juices into them. Seeing the growing wet spot, he stuck out his tongue, running it over my spilled precum. Smiling wide as he tasted my fluid on his tongue and inching his body higher onto mine until his face reached mine. Our faces were inches apart as I stared into his blue eyes. I could feel his hard dick pressed against mine and the weight of his body as it lay on top of me. His hips gyrated back and forth, pushing his dick harder into mine, when he pressed his lips to mine, prying them open with his tongue. We kissed lustfully, running my hands down down his back. I didn't realize how much I wanted this until now. He was soft but forceful as he controlled me under him. Jeremy broke our kiss and moved his mouth to my neck, kissing me lightly down to my shoulder.

Jeremy's knees pulled up under my thighs as he propped himself over me on all fours. He looked down at me silently, but I knew what he wanted. The head of his dick slid under my balls to my ass as he pressed it slightly against my hole. Each time he did this, my back would arch, and I would moan.

"Are you ok with this?" Jeremy asked as he pressed his clothed tip against my ass. Caught up in the moment, I just nodded my head.

He sat back on his heels, grabbed the waistband of my underwear, lifted my legs, and pulled them off. I was completely naked and exposed to him as he tossed the pair on the floor. Jeremy pulled his underwear down, showing his rigid cock pumped full and looking more prominent than I had seen it before. He reached into his nightstand and retrieved a small jar of Vaseline. Taking a small amount on his finger, he lifted one of my legs and spread the lube on my pink hole.

"I promise I'll be gentle," he spoke softly as I peered at him, rubbing more of the lube onto his solid tool. My heart was racing, knowing Jeremy was about to invade the inside of my body with his immense meat. I tried to relax, knowing it would only make it painful if I tensed up. I took a couple of deep breaths while Jeremy positioned himself and took aim at my entrance. I felt his tip press against it lightly when he laid back down on top of me, looking into my eyes.

"Tell me if it hurts, ok?" Jeremy asked worriedly. I nodded again, too focused on what he was about to do to speak.

We just stared into the eyes of each other, looking for any sign of discomfort or pleasure, as his hips pushed his dick against my hole. I winced a little before I let out another deep breath, relaxing my muscles and feeling his head slide in. Our eyes widened as he paused to gain my reaction; there was minimal pain. "Keep going," I urged him. As his tip past my entrance, I felt the girth of his shaft stretching my hole wide to accommodate his teen dick inside of me. My eyes closed, and my head leaned back, flexing the muscles in my neck, feeling each inch slide into me deeper. The pain was back, but there was much more pleasure this time. My balls pressed against his abdomen when all of his 6 inches came to rest in me. Jeremy's eyes were closed, and his mouth agape, feeling his pelvis trying to go deeper. There was a long, hard foreign object inside of me again, but this time, I wanted it there.

Feeling he had reached max depth, Jeremy looked down at me to check for my reaction. "Are you still ok? He asked.

"Yeah, it feels weird, but I like it," I responded.

"Fuck this feels awesome. I'm afraid if I move, I'm going to cum." He uttered, sweat forming on his brow.

"Just stay still until you've relaxed," I chuckled.

Jeremy laid his whole body weight on me, taking a break, trying to prevent himself from unloading in me from just his initial penetration. He was breathing heavily when I finally felt his hips pull his dick out to the tip. Jeremy was letting out low groans as he slid it back in. I could feel him hitting the same spot that caused me to cum when Chase was in me. Jeremy sped up his pace, using just his hips to glide his shaft in and out of me. After a minute or two of pounding, he was moaning more loudly; I knew he wouldn't last much longer. Before I could slow him down, Jeremy propelled his whole pelvis into mine and let out a muffled growl, blasting his seed deep into me. After the first blast, he thrust a few more times, pumping the rest of his juices from his sack. I could feel his dick pulsating with each ejaculated burst, expanding and contracting the insides of my body around him.

Jeremy lay there on top of me, sweating, eyes closed, trying to catch his breath. The feeling of his still rock-hard cock impaled in me, the slick wet puddle of my precum wedged between us, and the musky smell of teen sex filling the room gave me a memory I wasn't going to forget. I rubbed the back of his head and neck, trying to slow the raising and falling of his chest on mine.

I whispered in his ear, "Hey, are you okay?"

Barely lifting his head, he replied, "Yeah, that was awesome. I've never felt anything like that in my life. Thank you."

"Haha, you don't have to thank me, but maybe you can pull out. My ass is kinda sore." I chuckled back to him.

"Yeah, sorry," he replied, lifting his chest off of mine. Watching me closely as he pulled his hips back, gliding his softening cock from my hole. I winced when his tip popped out, feeling his cum leak down my ass. He rolled to his side, leaving his meat resting on my thigh.

"Sky, that felt awesome; sorry I came so fast, but your ass was squeezing so tight," he said

"Honestly, I don't think I could have taken you in me much longer. It felt good, but I was already sore. Hopefully, I'll be able to enjoy it more next time." I reassured him.

"Next time? Already thinking of having me fuck you again?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Isn't that what 'boyfriends' do?" I shot back.

"I hope so. I already want to do it again." Jeremy laughed as he played with the precum still oozing from my tip.

I turned to my side and faced him, watching a single drop of sweat roll down his forehead.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked.

"Well, I'm still hard, soooo..." I laughed back at him.

"Ha ha ha, give me a second, I'll take care of that," he smiled. We both lay there for a few minutes, touching each other's bodies, before Jeremy lowered his head and licked the precum from my tip.

"Wait, before you do that, I want to see what it feels like sticking it in you," I told him.

"You want fuck me?" He questioned.

"Yeah, why not?" I asked.

"I don't know man, I don't think I'll like it," Jeremy said hesitantly, "What does it feel like?"

"Well, it kind of hurts at first, like in the shower, but it starts to feel good after the initial pain. I won't lie; it feels weird, but you forget about that after a few minutes." I laughed, watching his face contemplate opening up for me.

Jeremy lay there quietly for a few seconds before asking, "You really want to try it?"

"If you're cool with it, yeah," I said, trying to hide my excitement.

"Ok. Should I lay on my stomach?" Jeremy asked with a worried tone in his voice.

"Maybe get on all fours, and I'll kneel behind you?" I asked, hoping that position would give me better access to his hole.

Jeremy nodded and turned over, positioning his body on his hands and knees. I got on my knees behind him. His round bubble ass was propped up before me. I rubbed my hand over his smooth ass taking in the sight. His sexy tan line separated his back from his ass. Noticing the fine blond hairs on his ass, I watched his muscles flex under his skin while he reached back into his drawer and handed me the small jar of Vaseline. Spreading his cheeks to expose his puckered pink hole, I dabbed a small amount of Vaseline and spread it around the edges. With a bit of pressure, my index finger pushed passed his tight muscle allowing me to lube the inside of his ass. Jeremy's body flinched as he felt my finger invade him for the second time today.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said softly, lowering his chest and head to the bed.

I spread the lube onto my hard dripping cock, almost cumming from just the light strokes used to apply it. I placed the tip of my dick on his pink hole and rubbed it around, teasing him.

Grabbing Jeremy's hips, I asked, "You ready?"

Keeping his forehead pressed into his pillow, he mumbled, "Slow, ok?"

"Yeah, just take a deep breath and relax," I instructed.

When I felt him exhale and watched his body relax, I tightened my grip on his hips. I pushed my pelvis forward, feeling my tip shove firmly onto his hole until I felt a slight pop as his hole gave way to the head of my cock. OH, MY GOD, his sphincter latched onto my cock and gripped it tightly. I quickly paused, fighting back my orgasm.

"Oh, oh, whoa, hold on!" Jeremy said excitedly as his body tried to squirm away. I kept a tight grip on his hips, keeping him in place.

"Don't move, I don't want to cum already!" I begged. "Stay still; your ass will loosen up; just breathe."

Jeremy and I stayed completely still for the next few seconds as I tried to prevent myself from unloading my sack in him, and he adjusted to the feeling of my tip inside of him.

"Are you ok with me going deeper?" I asked

Trying to control his breathing, Jeremy let out a muffled, "Yeah, slow."

I pushed harder this time to get past the hold his ass had on my dick, sliding an inch deeper.

"UUUUUUuuuuhhhhh," Jeremy moaned, feeling my teenaged 5-inch cock force its way into him.

I continued to slide more and more of my shaft into his warm hole. This felt amazing. He was so tight; the warmth and squeezing on my dick was nothing like I had ever felt before. Looking down, I could see my shaft disappearing into his ass until there was no more length to stuff in him.

"OK, STOP STOP STOP," Jeremy begged me. Lifting his head and chest off the bed and looked back at me. "This hurts, man. Can you stay still for a second?"

"Yeah, I'm all the way in," I replied.

Jeremy and I became still again as we processed these new feelings from our bodies being connected. Again, I had to control myself from cumming. At the same time, he kept breathing deeply as his body adapted to the foreign object inside.

He began to relax more and placed his head back into his pillow. This was my cue to slowly slide my dick back out to just the tip. Still watching my cock as it emerged from his hole, I heard a gasp and then a moan.

I had hit his spot.

"Whoa, ohhhhhh, what was that!" Jeremy asked. I pushed my cock back into where I felt his initial reaction, and he let out another moan.

"Does that feel good?" I asked, sliding my tip back and forth against this area, making his body twitch.

"Oh my god, yes. Keep going!" Jeremy implored.

Making my strokes longer, I sped up my pace, fucking him harder while he moaned. Making each thrust more forceful and trying to go deeper, we were rocking his bed to the slapping sounds of his ass against my body. With each stroke out, I would yank his hips back to my groin, emphasizing each thrust back into him. Although I was lacking the length and girth of his cock, I wanted him to feel each stroke as much as possible. Pounding harder and harder. I could hear his breath escaping his mouth, making "UH" noises from his pillow with each of my penetrating thrusts. My balls tingled as my juices were building up, and my hips took one last plunge into him. With a loud slap, I buried every inch of me into him, and my first blast erupted out of me. Both our bodies tensed as my cum filled his voids with every pulse of my cumming cock.

"OOOoooooo, I'm cumming," I moaned, feeling my cum rush through the slit of my tip. With the final rope shooting into him, I collapsed onto his back, exhausted.

"Whhhhhaaat was that," Jeremy asked, sounding surprised.

"What do you mean?" I shot back.

"That felt so good. That spot you kept hitting." he chuckled, still sounding surprised.

"Oh, I have no idea, but that was fucking amazing," I said as I leaned up off his back. "Don't move, I'm going to pull out." I slipped my softening dick out of him, watching a small drop of my cum drip from his ass and down his balls. Once I was out, we both collapsed back onto the bed.

Laying on his stomach, he turned his head to me, "You were rougher than I was. I didn't pound you that hard," he laughed.

"I kinda got carried away." I chuckled back

"I liked it," he smiled.

"Hope you can't get pregnant, 'cause I left a lot of cum in you." I laughed, leaning in to kiss his soft lips.

Kissing me back, he giggled, "I think we're fine."

Feel free to communicate at stories.genx@gmail.com

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