Tell Me Why

By Rich Henderson

Published on Jan 3, 2000


_______________________________ Disclaimer

This story is completely fictional and does not indicate that Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys or any of the Backstreet boys are homosexual. If you are under 18 you should not be reading this story so...dont. -------------------------------

Tell Me why part 2.

Wow, I got this chapter finished faster than I'd thought. Ok, thanks for the feedback guys. I dont think I'm too good at this writing stuff, but its nice to know that other people think I am. Well, I hope this story will be a lil less rushed than the other one. Hmm...Not much more to say so lets just get it on..:)

"AND THAN....he got on the pole and humped it and oh my god, it was so cute, Nick poured water on himself! I almost died!" Ashley kept going on about the concert. I've never seen her be so....well, annoying. I was almost ignoring her completely.

Ashley - "Hello!?, come on! You ditched me at the concert so now you have to suffer! You know how much I love to talk, and this is something I'll be talking about for a while," She smiled in my agony, "Anyways, how did you get into their private snack room!? I need all the details."

Rich - "I told you, I just went in and fell asleep, please Ash, I've had a rough night. I have so much on my mind and I'm all stressed out and this is about the last thing I have time for right now." She looked hurt. "Ashley, come on, how long have you known me? I'm just in a bad mood. I need 'me' time. And, I think you need some time to relax."

Ashley - After a moment of deep thinking she carefully let out, "Huh?" I laughed a bit.

Rich - "I'm just saying, your 20 years old. I can understand the eany meany teeny boppers, but not you. I mean I've never seen you like this. Your like candy loving kid in a....I dunno..a candy factory?" I smiled, "Ugh, you know what I mean."

Ashley - "Excuse me....But you have no right to make me feel old! I mean, you have 3 years on me. And thats..." She tried to work it out in her head, but to no avail, "...a whole lotta months!" She was so cute. She wasn't stupid, but sometimes she could be decieving. And that was what made her cute. "But, if you need some 'me' time or 'you' time, or whatever the heck you wanna call it, feel free. I'll call Dan and catch a movie, some people know how to have a fun time...or at least fake it when I'm around." She left the room. I heard the door slam a couple seconds later. No, she wasn't mad, she was just a drama queen.

Rich - "What no kiss?" I smiled a bit, until reality sinked back into my brain. Am I supposed to call Brian right away? Hmm...He must think I set this up. This is all to conveniant. Ugh, I dont know why I was so quick to judge Brian. I mean, he is my friend. He is 'my' friend. I mean, we were closer than him and Kevin were, at least at the time. yawn. I'll call him in the morning. I walked to the window just in time to see Ash zooming off in her cute lil Voltzwagon beetle. That car was Hilarious. You'd expect some giant clowns to jump out of it at any minute. Where did she say she was going? Oh yeah...To meet Dan. Okay, Dan was my other friend. Yes, my 'other friend', I only have 2. Well, I only have two real friends. I have others, but he and Ashley were the only two who knew I was gay. I didn't trust anyone else not to just shove me aside and place me on their 'queer' list. Oh, well, my mom knew I was gay too, but we didn't really talk about it. We were close, thats why she didn't bring it up. She knew how uncomfortable I felt with it. Anyways, back to Dan, he is one of the cutest guys I know. He had green eyes and dark brown hair and...boy..was he ripped. Whenever I get the chance, when I'm not working--by the way, I'm an editor for the New York Times Newspaper--, I go with him to the gym and work out. He's like my own personal trainer, he tells me what I should and should not be eating, and he supervises my workouts and instructs me and stuff. He was a really cool guy. He reminded me of, dare I say it, Kevin. Except for the fact that Kevin was gay and Dan was bi. Yeah, Dan was bi, but I never came on to him and he was too awkward with his gay side to make the first move. It was still a bit early, but I started getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, got showered, and stepped out of the bathroom. Brrr...Cold cold cold. I ran to my bedside closet and pushed past all my clothes, "Damn, where the hell is my Robe!" I shoved past rack after rack. There it is. I pulled it out. No. Not my robe. These were my old pajamas. I havn't worn them for a long time. But I kept them anyways. They were sentimental. I used to wear them all the time when I was depressed. They reminded me of Kevin. Oh yeah, Kevin bought these for me. It was the only good memory of him that I had really kept track of through the years. I remember....

6 years ago

Rich - "Cold Cold Cold...brrrr..." I wrapped the thick blanket around myself, but the cold was still there, it had snuck in between the gaps. Stupid winter, I thought to myself. My mom was out of town and had trusted me to take care of myself. I was 16, I was a man, I needed no help. Needless to say, that wasn't working out, I didn't know how to turn on the stupid heater. Ugh, stupid electronics. I had to laugh at myself, I was being a total Scroog. I decided to go back and see if I couldn't get the heater to work this time. I got out of bed.

"Brrr...", it was freezing, more so because I was naked. I couldn't sleep with clothes, it was this thing I had a problem with since I was 6. No, nothing had happened to me, but I just felt more comfortable sleeping naked and nobody could make me do otherwise. I was just about to reach out to the heater when the front door, to the right of me burst open.

"HEY RICH, GET UP BUDDY WE'RE GOIN--, he stopped and froze. "Umm, oh my god, Why are you naked? Its ten degrees up in here?", Ugh, it was Kevin. He was this annoying guy who helped my mom with her chorus students. My mom was the music teacher. I didn't like that much, but my mom did and so did Brian. Well, he was Brians cousin so that made sence. I didn't really have a reason for disliking him, but for some reason whenever he was around I was in an embarrasing moment. He must think I'm a geek. Thats why I dont like him. He thinks I'm a geek.

Rich - "Ugh! Cant you knock?" I was blushing from head to toe, I ran back into my room. Kevin spoke up behind my door.

Kevin - "You know you still havn't told me why your naked in the middle of one of the coldest winters. I mean, you could catch pneumonia."

Rich - "Umm..ok mom..Well, if you were my mom you'd know I cant sleep in clothes. And thats besides the point. what the hell are you doing here?"

Kevin - "Oh, I told your mom if she wanted, I could check up on you. Y'know? See if you need anything. Right now I'd say you need some clothes." I came out of the room in jeans and a fleece.

Rich - "Well...not that I need a babysitter, but if you wouldn't mind, knock next time."

Kevin - "No prob buddy. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out and get some pizza."

Rich - "Its only 9'oclock, and anyways, I dont know....I dont really know you." He laughed at this.

Kevin - "What? Do you think I'm gonna kidnap you and make you my slave?"

Rich - "No, its just I dont really eat out with people I dont know, I mean, I'm not the worlds most outgoing person."

Kevin - "Bri's in the car waiting, come on, it'll be fun, we could go see a movie afterwards maybe."

Rich - "Oh yeah, then can we go to the ice cream parlor and maybe play some miniature golf? Huh? Can we?" I was being sarcastic. I dont know why, but I seemed to be picking on the poor guy. I mean, he came here to see if I was ok.

Kevin - "Aren't you a little old for miniature golf?"

Rich - "Does sarcasm have any meaning to you?" Brian poked his head in the door.

Brian - "Hey! Whats takin' so long. I'm hungry." As if in direct responce his stomach grumbled. Me and Kevin burst out laughing. "I'm serious, Rich get your ass in the car!" He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me to the jeep. Kevins ride I guess. After shutting and locking the door to my house behind him Kevin jumped in the front seat,

Kevin - "Ok Bri, lay off the kids clothes, I think he may be runnin low on them." I playfully smacked Kevin across the back of his head."

Brian - "Huh? What? Ok whatever, just get us to McDonalds."

The ride to Mickey D's was composed of mainly just me and Brian talking. We seemed to exclude Kevin. I guess because I still felt strange around Kevin, especially after that nude scene, lol, and I could understand Brian. I mean, I often ignored my relatives when I was with friends. But still, I felt bad for him. I mean, he wasn't that much older than us, he wasn't like the babysitter, He was what...21? Five years isn't that much. We reached a stop light, I could see McDonalds right in front of us. Just then a convertible pulled up on our right, it was a bunch of Jocks, I think it was mainly guys on the football team.

"Hey, its Kev! Hey Kev! HEYY!!!" They honked their horn. Ugh, definatly jocks. I had nothing against football players, but I used the word Jocks to describe the ones that fit the steriotype. Like these guys for example. I bet all but maybe one of them are drunk off their asses. Kevin gave them a wave before the light changed and we pulled into McD's parking lot.

Kevin - "Ok, you guys know what you want?"

Brian - "Umm, hey smart guy, why dont we see what they have before we say what we want."

Kevin - "Look Curly, its not the Hotel Carlton, its a fast food restaraunt that you go to no less than twice a week, so just tell me what you want now cause I dont feel like waiting like an ass while you look at all the pretty pictures and then just order what you always get."

Brian - "Ugh, fine, me and Rich will have the BigMac extra-value meals."

Rich - "Excuse me, but I can order for myself."

Brian - "Fine, what do you want?"

Rich - "Umm...", I thought for a considerable amount of time, "I'll have the...BigMac....extra value meal." I laughed.

Kevin - "Ugh, I can see why you too are attracted to each other." I froze.

Rich - "What the fuck does that mean?" Brian looked at me worried.

Kevin - "Oh, I, umm, sorry. Dont be mad at Brian, he didn't say you too were going out. I just figured since you both were..."

Brian - "SHUT UP!" Brian grabbed me again, this time by the arm and took me out of the car and out to the empty lot behind the store. He cleared his throat. "Listen, I didn't tell him we were going out. I'm not even attracted to you that way, no offence, but we're too brotherly for me to have any feelin--, anyways, I just need you to know that." I stirred a little out of my trance.

Rich - "How the hell did he know I was...Why the fuck did you tell him? Damn it Brian! I trusted you to tell no one." I turned away from him. I could tell he was almost about to cry.

Brian - "I'm sorry, its just that I talk to Kevin about everything, and your my best friend, and it slipped out, and, I dont know, but Kevin understands, he's there for me and he's there for you if you need someone." He walked around to face me.

Rich - "Ok, calm down. I dont hate you or anything. I could never hate you. Its just that, before you go and do something that involves me, do me a favor? And involve me. I mean, if you trust Kevin as much as I think you do I have no problem in coming out to him. Your my best friend and I trust you. But just dont let anything like this happen again." I didn't have to say that. I knew Brian wouldn't do anything to hurt me, knowingly at least. "Common, lets go back to the jeep, your cousins probably worried." Brian lightened up and hugged me. "Ok, now can we go?"

Brian - "Ya." We went back to the jeep, normal, as if nothing had happened.

Rich - "Hey? Where is he?" Kevin wasn't in the jeep.

Brian - "Ugh, he probably went to look for--"

Kevin - "Hey guys, I'm glad you worked out your little 'thing', and just in time too. Food is here." Brians face lit up. He was right, I did feel brotherly with him.

Rich - "And just to straten things out, I'm not in a relationship with your cousin, but I am gay."

Kevin - "Ok, thats great, but do you think you could be a little less open?" I was shocked, Brian said he would understand.

Rich - "Sorry..." I didn't know what to say. This is what I feared most and what kept me in the closet.

Kevin - "No no no....I mean, you were being a lil loud and I thought people might hear you. You dont have to be that way around me. I'm not the kind of person know. Anyways, heres your 'Value Meal'", he frowned at Brian who was almost done with his. "Jesus, your gonna be really fat when you grow up." I couldn't help but laugh, Kevin was just this great friend that I never knew I had. I started hanging out with him a lot, even sometimes without Brian. I didn't feel the same connection I did with Brian. But I felt something different. I dunno, it was confusing to me at the time. As time flew by, I started hanging out with Kevin more than I did with Brian. Brian was a little jealous, but he knew why I liked Kevin so much. He knew that I was attracted to his cousin and he seemed happy for me. I didn't even know how much I liked Kevin till, well, I guess it was my birthday.

My mom - "Ok son, I know its your birthday and you shouldn't have to clean all this up," By 'this', she was reffering to the mess my bday party had made. There were paper napkins, cups, plates, and all the other stuff a party mess has, all over the floor. "So, since this is your special day you dont have to." As she was speaking she was walking upstairs. "But!, Tommorow isn't your birthday so you'd better clean up by then!" Her door closed behind her. God I loved my mom. She was so funny. I wasn't in the mood to clean up anyways so I headed to my room to sleep. I was so happy, I'm 17, I'm a man, well, I already was a man, but now even more so. I ran upstairs to my room, closed the door, and flopped down on the bed.

"Ouch!", I had landed right down on a box. Hmm, I thought I opened all my gifts. Cool, extra gift. I looked at the card. Ooh, it was from Kevin!

The card said: Hey guy!, Happy 17th, sorry I couldn't be there, but I had to work. You know how busy I am. And anyways, I couldn't really think of a gift to get you. I mean, if you wanted anything you have the money to buy it yourself. So I thought I'd go for something sentimental, lol, yeah, look at me, Corny old Kev. But anyways, Open it up, and if you dont like it...Tell me you loved it anyways. lol, Seeya laterz. Luv Kev.

I was touched. I didn't know how he managed to be so perfect. I unwrapped it, and it was so cute. I mean, I didn't even open the gift yet, but It seemed Kevin had tried really hard to wrap this. There was far too much wrapping paper and it was practically taped all over. I finally managed to open it with the help of my nearby scissors. There was another card, or rather just a piece of paper. It read:

"Ok, sentimental, here we go. Its still cold, so stay warm naked boy!" I didn't know what he possibly mean until I looked inside. It looked like clothes. I took it out. Oh my god. He bought me pajamas. It was a red cotton pair thing, like with a matching top and bottom. I told him I cant sleep in clothes. But, for some reason, I tried it on. It was really soft and comfy. It made me think of Kevin. I got in bed to see if I could possibly sleep in it. I never had a more peaceful nights sleep."

"YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY! I JUST CANT S---", I quickly flipped the radio off. It snapped me out of my daydream. It was automatically set to go off at 6:30 am. I must have been daydreaming all night. I dont know what was happening to me. But the more I thought of Kevin the more I realized that not only was I less worried about seeing him, I had fallen in love with him all over again. This cant be happening. I cant love someone I hate so much. I tried to coach myself out of it, I gave myself an explanation.

Rich - "The only reason I'm having these feelings now is because I'm only thinking about the good times. I'm not thinking about what he did right after I gave him what I thought was the greatest gift of all. He left me right after we made love. And I hate him for that." I had to say that out loud, I thought it would snap me back into reality. But to my dismay, the only thing that snapped into my head was that these thoughts of hatred sounded even more false when I heard aloud.

Ok people, I think I still have a way to go before the 'real' story takes place. But I thought it would be a better story if you knew the past so you could get a feel of how Rich feels for Kevin and not just have them 'hook up', anyways, thanks for reading this, and like before, feel free to email me at with your input. Later!

Next: Chapter 3

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