Terry Cloth

Published on Mar 16, 1999



I had arrived as planned to go out for beers, pizza, loud laughter, dirty jokes, flirtations with the waitresses, bragging about ficticious sexploits and staggering home , often interupted by roadside vomiting.

Ok, it doesn't sound like a great night, but in the sticks as we were, it was better then sitting at home and whacking off..or it was great in addition to sitting at home and whacking off.

Terri was in the bathroom when I opened the door and yelled out. In our town, leaving your door unlocked wasn't unheard of. I know in the big cities that's strange but that's one of the few upsides of living in the small town in North Carolina where we lived.

Terry lived in the house left him by his great aunt who had worked in the nearby mill for years until she was forced to retire. She died and Terry suddenly owned his own house...a "mill house" to be sure, but it was his.

I heard the shower running and assumed he had heard me when I yelled out. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV....as usual, my shirt was opened thanks to the humidity and heat. My cutoffs let air up into the pricate areas since I never wore underwear. And my boots looked mocho as I propped them on Terry's coffee table.

"Hey didn't know you were here yet"

I looked up and tried not to stare, but coudln't avoid it. He was glowing with the water that still remained on him head to toe. Around his waist was a cloth towel wrapped loosely, and knotted slightly to the right of his crotch..so low that I could see his pubic hair.

He glowed. I stammered, "I yelled, thought you heard" and he lifted the towel to dry himself...the side of the towel revealed his smooth and thick thighs.

I had stared at his thights often as we worked side by side, the sun baking his bare legs. His toolbelt hiding the bulge that I knew was underneath.

My own crotch would expand seeing him bend over to lift lumber at the worksite...and I ventured to pat that firm pair of buttocks now and then..getting either a yell or a wicked smile out of him.

"You want something" he'd ask and I'd laugh answering "you offering?"

Everyone laughed at our joke. But inside I said "yea, I want more then you know".

He whipped the towel off and dried his hair.

"Hey " I yelled

"Don't bs me, man, you want it" he said

He was nearly naked, the towel lifted so high, his cock and balls dangled in front of me like fruit fo rthe picking.

"Yea but I like my men dry and in my face" I said not realizing completely what I had said...let alone what he heard.

"Here" he dried his cock and balls and moved directly in front of me.

"Don't offer what you dont' want to give" I said...teasingly.

Then it got quiet.

He didn't move away and I had run out of smart ass things to say.

I touched his thighs with my two hands....he didn't respond or move away.

"You've got great thighs" I sighed with enough enunciation to hear him sigh in reply.

He moved slithgly closer as he tossed the towel on my head..covering me.

But he didn't move from the spot, he didn't push me away. Insted he lifted the towel away from the front of my face.

"Sorry..dind't mean to block you" he said.

I looked up and he smiled...his eyes seemed to stare deep inside me and his hands touched the sides of my face.....gently guiding me forward until the aroma of his crotch filled my very being.

I used my tongue to flick the tip of his cock. It grew. I licked underthe head and soon sucked on it.

He sighed and groaned.

"at last" I heard him say.

The house was small, but seemed to contain us both as we explored our relationship that would normallly be considered queer to most.

But everyone in that town knew we had been boyhood friends so being roommates didn't seem odd.

"There they are the terry cloth boys" Adam Mussler called out as he biked by throwing the newspaper.

Terry and I were indeed wearing only out terry cloth towels...he standing there drying his head standing on the portch and I laying on the lounge, my towel keeping my hard cock from Adam's prying and I suspected interested eyes.

"Time to come inside.....me" Terry said.

And I went inside.

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