Terry's Christmas

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 20, 2006



Terry's Christmas by justjames17.

Terry was a child of the streets, at 16 he was discovered in his bedroom with an older lad having sex, his father stood in the doorway shocked to silence at first as he watched his son being sodomised but obviously enjoying the action. Terry was moaning loudly while begging the stud to fuck him harder. Ron, his dad, regained his equilibrium and erupted screaming profanities as he barged into the room creating panic with Terry and his lover Rex.

Rex ripped his not inconsiderable tool from Terry's tight arse as he leapt back to dodge the swinging fists of the furious man, Terry screamed in pain as the penis ripped from his anus. Ron began belabouring the now crying boy, both ham-sized fists slamming into Terry's terrified traumatised torso and head. Rex fled the room clutching his clothes in his hands and ran from the house with Terry's cries of pain and anguish ringing in his ears.

Ron's anger cooled a little when he saw his son lying weeping, sobbing for breath in a bloody bruised mess on the dishevelled bed, but his ire made him irrational and he bellowed that Terry was no longer welcome in his home and that he was not going to have a fairy as his son. He grabbed Terry by the neck and dragged his limp body bumping down the stairs before opening the front door and kicking the supine youth out onto the front steps. Terry semi clad only in his jeans, socks and briefs lay bare arsed, jeans and briefs around his ankles, on the cold tiled steps.

Ron looked down coldly at his weeping son and spat on him saying, "Get off my property you disgusting little whore go and flog your body in the gutters where you belong."

With that he sank his shoe into Terry's white buttocks rolling him limply down onto the path leading to the street and walked back inside slamming the door. Terry slowly staggered to his unsteady cold feet and struggled to pull up his briefs and jeans to cover himself, his bruised torso and bleeding face on show to the watching neighbours, who were peering through their curtains to see what the ruckus was about. Terry limped slowly painfully down to the street and hobbled away into the late afternoon winter sunlight, his shoulders slumped dejectedly as he shuffled away the cold pavement chilled his sock covered feet. His body shivering from the cold and shock of his beating staggered along towards the huge shopping mall a few streets away; there he hoped he could hide away inside where it was at least warmer than the streets.

Terry reached the mall and crept in through the entrance embarrassed by the stares of the shoppers thronging the place doing their Christmas shopping. Little children looked at him and asked their parent, why is that boy undressed or why is he so dirty looking. Terry's battered body was showing the bruises and blood from his beating, the youngsters thought he was unwashed. Terry slouched head hung down not making eye contact with anyone, his confused brain whirring about in circles wondering why he'd let Rex have sex with him and how stupid he was letting his father catch them. He worried what he was going to do? Where could he sleep? How was he going to get some clothes to cover himself or a pair of trainers for his frozen feet? Food where was he going to find food?

He saw an empty seat near where the mall had set up their Santa Klaus and he gingerly sank down to rest and think as he watched the line of little children waiting to get to sit on Santa's knee and whisper their Christmas wishes in his ear. Terry sat there tears in his eyes from the pain, loss of esteem and loss of his family and home, he stared blindly at the floor unknowing that a pair of eyes were watching him from behind a pair of spectacles.

Time passed and it was near closing time when the children were gone and Santa was relaxing with his two young helpers, the red suited old man asked the youngest helper to go and talk to Timmy. Timmy was startled by the sudden arrival of the lad dressed as an elf, he jerked startled as the teen sat beside him, Timmy looked askance at this apparition dressed in skin tight lycra tights with tiny red shorts a form fitting lycra top and a crazy little red and green hat perched on his blond head. The boy was stunningly built, long slim but muscled legs glistened in the lycra, the tight red shorts highlighted the well-developed bulge between those coltishly attractive sexy looking legs which ended in a pair of strange red slippers with long pointy curled tips. The lad smiled at Terry and said, "Santa has seen you sitting here and he knows you need help so he wants you to come and join us at Santa's castle over there.

Terry got stiffly and painfully to his feet and followed the lissom lad across to where Santa sat watching them through his small spectacles a smile hidden by the long silky white beard. As the two boys approached Santa opened his arms to Terry and the lad sat on Santa's wide plump lap revelling in the soft warmth exuding through the bright red suit. Santa hugged Terry to him and said, "You have many worries young man, but I'm certain I can help you sort things out."

Terry sobbed and shook his head mumbling, "No Santa I'm beyond help, I'm not worthy of your help I'm an evil and dirty boy."

Santa hugged him tighter and whispered, "No Terry I know what happened son, you aren't evil or a dirty boy you are a wonderful lad who deserves to be loved as he should be. We will show you that love if you let us."

Terry sobbing into Santa's beard mumbled, "But Santa how could you know what happened you weren't there."

Santa laughed warmly, "Ho, Ho, Ho, Terry don't you know Santa knows everything? I know if children have been naughty or good and if they deserve a present or not. Weren't you taught that when you were young?"

The two sweet elves giggled and nodded at Terry, "He, He, He, He. Yes Terry, Santa really does know everything we can guarantee that."

Terry lifted his tear stained face to look into the soft but twinkling eyes magnified by the lenses of Santa's glasses and knew that the man did know everything. Santa said softly, "Willem lad, go into the castle and get Terry an elf outfit would you please?"

Willem danced away on fleet feet disappeared into the quaint castle and reappeared bearing a red and green bundle in his fine fingered hands, Terry noticed that both elves had large strange pointy ears, not dissimilar to Mr. Spock from Star Trek. He wondered if it was make up or real and he became obsessed in finding out, Willem handed Terry the small bundle and Santa said, "Come now Terry strip off and put on that outfit."

Terry whispered, "But Santa people will see my bare arse if I strip off here, maybe I should go into the castle to change."

Santa chortled in his beard, "Ho, ho, ho, ho, no Terry you are safe no one is here except us so you are quite ok."

Terry, em bare arsed (embarrassed) slid down his jeans an pulled them off over his dirty socks and reached for the shiny lycra tights, Santa shook his head making his pointy hat bobble about comically as he laughed and said, "Oh Ho, Ho, Ho, no Terry off with everything, just those tights and the red shorts to cover your so sexy lithe body."

Terry looked about the mall and seeing nobody but Santa and his elves blushingly pulled off his briefs and dirty socks as the elves whistled in appreciation of his snow-white smooth young buttocks as they came into view. Terry bent over to pull the slippery green lycra tights over his bare feet and Willem whistled as he said, "Oh wow Terry your crack is completely hairless and so sweet to see."

Terry peered over his shoulder to see both elves bent over studying his crack from close quarters as he began wriggling the tight stretchy leggings up his calves, the tightness made it difficult to stretch the material over his well-muscled football playing and swimming developed legs. He hopped and pulled, pulled and wriggled struggling to cover his nakedness while Santa and the elves panted and drooled watching his sweet goodies wobble and bounce about.

Terry finally succeeded in covering himself and he sank his hand down inside the incredibly tight tights to adjust his semi hard cock, Willem said, "Here Terry let me do that for you sweet boy."

The eager elf reached out grasping Terry's tossle through the slippery material as Terry merrily moaned, the feel of Willem's fingers fondling his fucker soon had Terry fully rigid, his rock hard rod bulged obscenely in the tights making a glistening mound of munchy muscle. Willem bent over and peered at Timmy's pulsing penis then his long pointy tongue protruded and licked the shiny satiny covering making Timmy quiver and squeak. Walter the second elf moved behind Terry rubbing his bonny boner against the bubbly buttocks bulging so sexily as Terry quivered with eager delight.

Santa watching his elves pleasure the boy chortled and clapped his fat hands as his shiny black boots tapped a tune on the tiles. Terry was well away in lala land as Santa got heavily to his feet and moved across to kiss Terry on his pink parted panting lips as his fat fingers fiddled with Terry's excited erect nipples. Terry sucked on Santa's fat tongue and drained the jolly gentleman's juices from his mouth as they pashed on frantically, the youth's body on fire with desire and lust from the skilful manipulations of this terrific trio.

Terry wriggled and writhed as Willem and Walter peeled down his tights and pleasured his private parts, his anus ached with lust from the feverish tonguing Walter was giving him, his little ring excitedly pulsed opening and closing on that long, long tongue lapping way up inside his pleasure palace. Willem was swallowing his willy slurping and slobbering wetly as he bobbed merrily up and down Terry's tingling tool.

Santa now erect and uncovered after Willem pulled down the bright red pants was standing huge cock pulsing red and dribbling copiously clutched the slender svelte youth to his red coated breast murmured in his ear, "Are you ready to join us Terry?"

Terry out of his tiny mind with desire nodded and bleated, "Yes Santa I'm so ready I'm aching."

Santa turned the willing teen about pushing his head down as Willem stuffed his silky slender schlong deep into Terry's gaping mouth while Walter slid to his knees swallowing Terry's dripping dong as Santa slammed hard and fast up Terry's tongue tenderised tunnel. The feeling of incredible fulfilment rocked the teen to his core as his ears tingled queerly. Santa slammed and rooted Terry's wanton body as the elves serviced him elsewhere until Terry blew his load encouraging Santa to fill him with his special Christmas present of red hot special Santa sauce.

The party over Terry was satiated and happy as were Santa and his eager elves, Terry still felt his ears weirdly, hotly tingling and as he reached his fingers up to feel them he found they had grown points too like his elfish companions. Willem giggled at Terry's cumsternation (consternation) and said, "Santa cums so hard it spurts through your body and your eats fill and grow, you are now one of us."

Terry grinned impishly and they high fived happily as he yelled, "OK! Way to go."

They all got on fine and Terry loved being one of Santa's helpers, the three elves played hot games with the merry old gentleman for eternity while every Christmas they reappeared at the Mall to give the children pleasure, not to mention each other.

They all lived so gaily ever after.



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