Tex Taken

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 15, 2022


The image of Tex getting a big dick up his ass and the sounds he made begging for more were not easy for Noah to get out of his head. He thought about what he had seen and heard as he packed up that day and headed to his apartment. He had to pack. He and some friends had a standing engagement at the holidays: they met at a ski lodge that had a reputation for being very gay friendly, and while you COULD ski if you wanted to, there were plenty of "indoor sports" as we would say to keep a man occupied. Noah had taken Youssef with him in the past. Youssef wasn't particularly fond of skiing or the snow, but he had been the sub in the relationship, so he went. Some of the other guys had their own subs, and they would hang out, skiing occasionally but usually dancing, or working out, or something else. Noah loved to ski, and for the past few years that's what he spent most of his time doing: he'd ski while it was light, then as dusk fell, he'd head to the heated whirlpool, or the sauna, or someplace to warm up after the day he had spent with "Mother Fucking Nature". It didn't take much time skiing for the scene of Tex getting fucked to recede from his mind. The process was helped by a beautiful cub of a man named Trevor. Noah was in the whirlpool, in the warmer end, where he had staked out a corner of the pool so he could sit back and just sort of relax. He closed his eyes and just felt the water. Until he felt this big, humpy presence sort of insinuate himself between his legs. Startled, he opened his eyes to find Trevor, just resting up against his crotch and occasionally pushing back. "You like bear cubs Daddy? Cause I like my daddies." Noah smiled. Something like this had never happened to him before. Must be the time he had been spending at the university gym. "I like taming bear cubs," he growled, and moved his hands around Trevor, who hadn't introduced himself yet. He found Trevor's nipples, and he kissed his ear. "I've got LOTS of experience in training them to behave just the way I like them to behave." He could hear Trevor beginning to breathe hard. "Oh, Daddy, and how do you like them to behave?" "I think you know, boy. I think you know." He squeezed Trevor's nipples harder and thrust his hips forward awkwardly. "Yes, I think I do Sir. But I'm sure you'll correct me if I... don't behave." "You'll behave boy. I think you've had some training. You escape from a Master or something?" "No sir. Just let go because I got too big, Sir." "Heh heh. Well, I think you're just the right size. Let's get dry so we can get wet." "Yes, Sir. You're the Boss." "Damn right." Each member of Noah's party had his own room, so there was no problem with anyone interrupting anyone else. Noah just walked past one of his buds and said that he might be late for dinner, or not meet up with them at all. "This way, boy." "By the way, my name is Trevor, Sir." "Did I ask you what your name was?" He saw a momentary look of fear go over Trevor's face, and then a slight smile. "No Sir. Presumptuous of me. Sorry Sir." "To the left. My cabin is down a bit." They were dressed and outside, where snow was falling lightly. Noah was thinking "not QUITE my type but, it's been a while and I bet he's good at what he does." Trevor was, indeed, good at what he did. After they had gotten out of their coats, Noah locked eyes with him. "You any good at sucking dick, boy?" "Other people told me I am Sir. But maybe you should decide that?" "Get on your knees. Get to work." Noah pulled down his zipper. Normally, he got MUCH harder than he was for a blowjob, but the combination of the relaxing whirlpool, his less than total enthusiasm about Trevor, and a few other things kept him semi flaccid. Trevor took care of that. "DAMN. You are good boy," Noah started pushing Trevor's head forward, nearly gagging him as he sucked. Noah wondered if the young man was so good because he was used to being everyone's second choice and having to be best at something. "That's enough. Time to move on. Get on the bed. On your belly." Noah saw the almost giddy smile on Trevor's face. "YES SIR. Right away. Should I get undressed Sir?" "Did I tell you to undress, boy? Maybe I like unwrapping my holiday gifts myself." "Yes Sir, sorry Sir." It was a "thing" with Noah. He liked to undress his bottoms. If Trevor had superior skills in cock sucking, Noah could get any man more aroused than he already was if he undressed him. He was doing just that to trevor, who was whining, moaning, begging, and breathing harder and harder. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD SIR," Noah was running a finger very lightly down each of the sides of Trevor's ass, and then circling his pink hole. Trevor was reacting in a way that couldn't be faked. When Noah saw him reach down to grab his cock, he pulled the cub's wrist back and pinned it down on the bed. "DID I SAY YOU COULD RELIEVE YOURSELF BOY?" "No Sir. You didn't. I'm usually not this sloppy Sir. I'm sorry." He got a whack on his ass. "YOU TALK TOO MUCH. MAYBE YOU NEED A GAG TO REMIND YOU WHAT YOU ARE." Noah's hand covered trevor's mouth. "Now I can use this to keep you quiet, or I can use it to make you even more horny than you are. You want the second one, boy?" "MPHYSIR" Trevor tried to get "Yes sir" out of the handgag. Noah rolled him onto his back skillfully. "Boys should see their Top's face when they're getting fucked. Remind them of good times." As he positioned Trevor the way he wanted him, he remembered that Tex was face down when he was getting fucked by that guy.

He imagined that Trevor, underneath him, was Tex "OH, FUCK SIR YOU'RE SO HARD." Trevor moaned. "You're hurting me a little bit Sir." Noah leered. "Just a little? Then I'm doing it wrong." He pushed harder and then he felt trevor's whole gut relax He was all the way in, and he could do whatever he wanted. And he DID whatever he wanted, for about 45 minutes. He saw "cock drool," which was a literal translation from one of the books he had read when he was writing his translation. He remembered his very proper British lesbian Professor saying, "Some of you may prefer to render that word as pre-cum. Mr. Stone, please continue to translate." "You're enjoying yourself, Sir?" Trevor had seen the smile come over Noah's face. "Very much. You're a good bottom boy. Mouthy, but good." "Thank you, Sir, thank you. Sir, may I tighten my cheeks and bring you off?" "DO IT BOY" "YES SIR." Trevor smiled, squeezed and he drained Noah like a pro. While he was shooting, Noah grabbed trevor's nipples and squeezed them, first gently, then hard. "PLEASE SIR. I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF ANYMORE." Noah whispered, "then shoot for me, boy." Trevor gave out a very high-pitched yell and then he shot a HUGE load. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "I should go so you can go meet up with your friends, Sir." It was fifteen minutes after they had finished and trevor was sitting on the edge of the bed. "We're meeting my friends together trevor. And you're spending the night." Noah loved the way trevor's face broke into a big smile. "REALLY SIR? YOU MEAN IT?" "I mean it. How long are you staying here?" "Just a few days more, Sir." "Pick up what you need for those days and get your shit into this room. We'll both be much happier." "YOU MEAN THAT SIR? REALLY?" "Trevor, it isn't Christmas and I'm not fucking Santa Claus. Now if you don't stop acting like you just got your first bicycle, I'm changing my mind." "YES SIR. ABSOLUTELY SIR. I have to go and change. I can't go to dinner like this. Not with you sophisticated daddies." "Sophisticated Daddies," Noah laughed to himself. Could be a gay review. It was bittersweet when trevor said goodbye three days before Noah was heading home. They did the ritual: exchanged phone numbers, promised to text each other, yadda yadda. When he was growing up, being forced to be a straight boy, Noah learned all about summer romances. He wondered why there were so many movies about people having affairs at ski resorts, but no one ever spoke about winter romances. Maybe they were too short? "I sound like that fucking show on cable" he said to himself and went back to getting ready to ski down another slope.

He came back home feeling invigorated. He traveled the last part of it alone and began to think about tex again. The little tryst he had with Trevor made him think that life was too short. First, he needed to talk to tex about what he had seen. Then he needed to ask Selma if she thought there was ANY way he or tex would get into trouble if he made advances on tex (Of course, Selma might become EXTREMELY pissed off when she heard what "my favorite cowboy callboy" was doing. She had made no secret of how she continued to hire tex ). Noah got back to his office on a Monday, after arriving home on a Sunday afternoon. He had a sack of new books with him, lecture notes for his spring semester classes, and a gift for tex: he'd have to warn him NOT to try to use them, but he had taken a set of thumb screws that he had found in a German antiques store about 15 years ago. They were the real thing, and they could cripple a person's hands. He'd head downstairs and look for tex in a little while. Then he began delving into his notes to begin the outline of his first graduate level seminar at this Institution. He lost track of time and it had gotten dark. He heard a knock on his door. "Excuse me, Professor? I don't mean to disturb you but during break, we turn off the heat and close the building after 7pm." He looked up. Someone in a janitor's uniform was standing there: a young, very tall, very thin blond man who looked like he was younger than Noah's students. The name "Rick" was embroidered on his shirt. "Oh, I lost track of time. Thank you for bringing me out of medieval land." The young man giggled. "No problem, Professor. It happens around here all the time. By the way, I should introduce myself. I know you're new here, but I'm even newer. Just two weeks, hah hah. I'm Rick." "Rick it's nice to meet you. Are you working with Tex?" "Oh, no Professor. I'm Tex's replacement. Tex left just as the holiday break started. My gain. I needed a job." "Well, welcome to History Hall, Rick. Everyone here is very nice and, well, I'd like to say we're neat and clean but." "Ha ha. Some of the professors didn't go away during the holidays. And Lucius told me it gets busier as the term goes on." "Lucius?" "Oh, he doesn't `surface' too much. He works on custodial stuff too, but he does most of the heavy-duty stuff like boiler repairs, and mechanical stuff. He isn't happy about Tex leaving so, I got my work cut out for me." "Well, you let me or let Professor Hines know if you need some support." "Thank you, Professor. I already met Professor Hines. "He shook his head. "This guy Tex must have been really special. When I introduced myself, she looked up from her desk and said, "You're not TEX!" I said "Well, no ma'am, I'm Rick," she said "Well, good for you. Now please, I'm very busy." "Ah, Selma. You never change," Noah thought. "Professor Hines has a very heavy load this semester. I'm sure you two will hit it off before long." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Don't ask ME why he left darling. He not only left me, he stopped escorting as far as I can tell." "Hmm. This is all so strange," Noah remarked before he took another bite of his sandwich. Selma was dieting so she was having saltines and a vodka martini for lunch. "I saw him right before I left, but I didn't get a chance to wish him a Happy Holiday or anything else." Selma made a tight smile. "But you DID leave him a gift. I know you did because before he left, he stopped by and gave me a note to pass onto you. He said it was a thank you for the books. "She handed Noah an ecru colored small envelope. "Oh, I just gave him two books on medieval studies. He was very interested. Did you know he could read Latin? Selma took a sip of her "diet sprite" as she called it. "I didn't and I don't really care, love. What I know is that he fucks like a demon, and I MISS THAT COCK." The restaurant wasn't very crowded -- school hadn't started yet -- but two tables looked up at Selma. She gave them an icy smile, toasted them, and turned back to Noah. "Sweetums, listen. I was just a client, albeit a regular one, and you and he seem to have bonded in some way. If you have a way of getting in touch with him, please let me know. "She dropped her voice. "Tell him I'll let him practice the pear of anguish on me." Noah almost choked on his sandwich. He was very familiar with the pear of anguish and, well, it wasn't a toy. People had died from them. "He's not USING one on you, is he?" She laughed. "Oh good heavens, no, darling. I'm not THAT provincial that I don't know what they are. EWWWWW. But he'd do something with his hands and dick and..." She looked over at a table. "PAY MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR FOOD THAN TO A HORNY WOMAN TALKING ABOUT HER SEX LIFE WITH HER BEST FRIEND DAMN YOU!" She looked at Noah and smiled. "She's chair of the Comp Lit department. Tenure has its blessings that show up in the oddest places. "

"Dear Professor Stone: Thank you for the books. I'm sure I'm going to find them very interesting. I looked at one of them before I wrote this note, and I didn't want to put it down. By the time you read this, you'll probably know that I left the University. Don't worry it isn't because of what you saw (I know you saw Lucius and me. There's a story there I'd like to tell you sometime), but this new job gave me better pay and better hours so that I can do my second job better (I know you know about that one too. Professor Hines was one of my best clients, LOL). Anyhow, I'm taking a short break from the escorting now for a lot of reasons. Since I'm not at the University anymore, would it be ok if I referred to you as Noah rather than Professor? Or would you prefer "SIR" LOL. Just kidding. But not really: do you think we could get together sometime? I know your office number, but I didn't want to call you there and embarrass you, so here's my number. If you'd like to maybe catch a drink or a cookie or something, give me a call. Best of luck for the semester. Tex." Noah read the note four times before he went to the men's room and masturbated.

"Hey Tex, this is Noah Stone calling. Thanks for giving me info on getting in touch with you. I'd love to see you and chat. I'm glad you're enjoying the books. Gimme a call back whenever you like." Noah left the message, thinking that he'd never hear from Tex. He was wrong. He heard from him within an hour. "Noah? Hey, it's Tex. I hope I didn't interrupt you with work or getting ready for bed or anything." "Ha ha. Oh no, not at all. I schedule all my classes for the afternoon because I'm NOT a morning person. More of a vampire. How's it going? I heard you got a new job." "Uh, yeah, I guess I needed a change. It's alright, I guess. Money's better but I don't have access to a free gym like I did at the University. Trade offs I guess, ha ha." "Everywhere. If you saw the size of the house I had at my old school and compared it to the apartment I have now, it's a big change." "Do you regret the move?" "NO. Absolutely not. I had to get away too, Tex. I'm glad that I had Selma to help rescue me. Incidentally, even if you're not working at escorting, Tex, can you make an exception for Selma? I mean she's, well, have you seen her angry?" "Is it anything like when she's horny?" "Tex I think they're pretty much the same. If she's horny she's angry and if she's angry...." "Got it. I'll give her a call. I promise. Hey, Noah, apart from that, I, well, I know you saw me and Lucius that day and..." "Tex, stop right there, okay? I didn't belong down there, number one, and number two, it's none of my business." "Well, I'm hoping you'll sort of MAKE it your business Noah?" "I'm not sure I understand, Tex" Noah heard a big sigh. "Well, can we talk, Professor? I mean Sir. I mean Noah. Well, I don't know what I mean but, can we talk? Maybe have a drink together or something?" Noah started putting things together. He had spent a lot of time in his life piecing together damaged manuscripts, making assumptions about what was missing, what it was safe to infer and what was NOT safe to infer, and he had made some inferences here. In the past, however, his testosterone levels had not been involved like this. "Well, sure. If you're not working the escort job for a while, do you have some time on Friday night?" "Sure. I could do that. Where and when should we meet?" Now, Noah took a big swing as they say. "How about 8 pm at the Rambler?" "The Rambler" was one of the rougher bars in town. Noah waited for Tex's response. "Uh, sure. I know where the Rambler is. Never been there but, you'll be there, ha ha, so I guess I'll be safe." "Tex, EVERYONE is safe at Rambler. Don't listen to the trash about it." "Ok Sir. I mean Professor. I mean NOAH. DAMN why can't I get this right." "Because you're nervous, Tex. Try not to be. Hey, do you want me to pick you up on my bike and we'll head there?" There was hesitation. "Maybe you could take me home on it?" "My my. This boy is GOOD. What does home' mean?" Noah thought. "Ok, that's a deal. I'm usually early so I'll see you there." Noah WAS there early, and he saw when Tex came in the door. "A BIT excessive" Noah thought. Tex was wearing a white cowboy shirt with snap buttons, a denim jacket, Wranglers, and the excessive part: a cowboy hat. He saw Noah, smiled and hurried over, almost knocking over two smaller men in his rush. "HEY PROF. "Noah held out his hand only to be enveloped in a bear hug. "It sure is good to see you." "Likewise big guy." He looked at Tex and whispered. "Take off the hat. You're embarrassing yourself." Tex turned red. "Really? I mean, chicks usually go bat shit when I wear it." "See any chicks in here?" "Point taken," Tex conceded, and he took it off. "I'd ask you what you want to drink, Tex, but drinking anything other than beer in this place is asking for trouble." "I like beer Sir. I mean Noah." Noah's mind began to formulate some ideas. "I don't trust leaving you here by yourself. Come up to the bar with me." As they went, Noah put his hand on the back of Tex's neck. He felt Tex sort of sink into the grip. He got the beers and they headed for a corner. The bar was crowded, and it was hard to find space where they could hear each other. "Outside, Tex? Better for talking?" "Sounds good to me Sir." And this time, Tex didn't change it. Noah had seen Tex checking out his tattoos, his whole body and caught him staring at his crotch for a couple of seconds. What "home" meant began to make sense. They found a bleacher style bench a bit from the bar and sat down. "So, what's up, Tex? And I'm sure that's not your name. NO ONE names their son Tex, but at some point, you'll tell me your real name." "Ha ha. You're the expert on interrogation Sir. You'll have to get it out of me." "Oh, and if you want me to, I will." Noah made a joke, but he saw Tex's face blanch. "Did I say something wrong, Tex? I didn't mean to insult you." "No, no, it's just, well, when you joke about things like that it does a few things to me. First, it makes me realize that, well, being interested in that kind of thing is ok. I mean, you're teaching it, and, well, talking about it makes me... excited." "Excited? How?" Noah thought he knew the answer, but he wanted to put Tex on the spot. "I read those books you gave me and. If they were supposed to make me get aroused, they did their job. Some of the stories...I read them over and over again and imagined myself as the giant being tortured or held prisoner." "Well, Tex, just keep in mind: NO ONE uses the iron maiden or any of that stuff anymore. It's WAY too dangerous. It's probably unfair to call them torture' devices because, well, I know you're familiar with the pear of anguish." Tex smiled. "Selma told you about my variation." Noah smiled. "Yes, and I have one of my own, but Tex, if you used one of those on her, you'd be in jail for murder." "Sometimes the modern stuff is better Sir. Like handcuffs or ropes or, well, other stuff. " "That's right, Tex." There was a pause as they drank. "You want another one, Tex? I'll go back in. "No, I want to keep my head clear. What you saw that day." "Tex, we don't have to talk about it." "I want to Sir. I mean, yeah, I do the escorting for women and it's cool. I like it. But I like guys better and, well, I like being the submissive one. It's just so hard to find someone who believes me since I'm so big. Lucius, well, Lucius did prison time and nothing scares him so, when he saw me checking out his muscles, he just looked at me and said: "The bigger they are the harder they fall and the better they better suck." Noah began to laugh. "I like this Lucius character. I need to meet him sometime." "I hope you do Sir." Noah saw Tex get pale again. "Noah, you're a Top and a DOM, aren't you?" "Oh, I'm sure you confirmed that with Selma." "Hah hah. No one can tell one of you something without the other one knowing it. That's what everyone in the department says. When I asked her what kind of guys you like, she kinda got pissed off and said, "how the hell should I know, ask him yourself you big dumb Texan boy." "I hope you fucked the hell out of her after that." "I did. Second time that night." "GEEZ. That divorce settlement must've been big cause she's not getting the money to pay you on what the University pays us." "See, Professor, I'm asking because, well, Lucius is a big guy: as big as me and it just felt right. I don't know if I could be with a DOM who was smaller than me." "You ever try?" "No Sir." "Okay, here goes nothing," Noah thought. "STAND UP TEX. PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" Tex laughed. "DID YOU HEAR ME, SUB BOI? I SAID STAND UP AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." Noah had a deadly stare and he used it on tex, who answered "Yes sir," and stood up in position. "GOOD. That points these little guys out right where I want them." He ran his thumbs up and down tex's nipples, then he snapped open his shirt so he could get his fingers directly on them. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES. YES SIR. YES, YES, YES." "SHUT UP. Now this is what we're gonna do. You're getting on my bike, behind me and we're going home. To MY home. And that will be the LAST time tonight you'll be behind me. You'll be in front of me, underneath me, anywhere else. But as of now, I'm in charge." Noah had come prepared. He pulled a leather collar with a lead on it out of his pocket. He put it around tex's neck and heard another moan. "I'm gonna tie this to the front of the bike. You're not going anywhere. And you're gonna learn a whole lot about MODERN torture, tex and then... I'm gonna fuck you even harder than Lucius did. "That's gonna be pretty hard Sir." "You're right, it is. And you're gonna know it." We'll never know who was harder as Noah revved up the bike that night, but what I'll tell you is: tex never made it home until Sunday night. Stay tuned. We'll be back...

Next: Chapter 3

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