Tex Taken

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 22, 2022


It took about 30 minutes for Noah to pilot his motorcycle back to his rented space. The university had been so eager to hire him that they had subsidized part of the rent on the house he had found. Single story, five rooms, two of which were bedrooms. Noah turned the second bedroom into a "playroom/dungeon." It wasn't especially elaborate or filled with gear. Most of his stuff was in storage, waiting for the chance for him to use it. The grin on Noah's face as he drove was from the thought that he might have to bring "tex" to the storage facility and get some of the stuff back to the house. For tonight, he had thought out several things that he was going to do because while Noah had no doubt that "tex" was a bottom, and had a submissive penchant, he wasn't sure if he was "a" sub, let alone "the" sub for the future. Tonight, and the weekend would address the former, and if Noah decided that yes, "tex" WAS a sub, he'd move forward on getting an answer to the second question. Tex had his arms wrapped around Noah's waist as Noah made his way through the streets. At one point, Noah drove so fast that tex almost lost his cowboy hat, and he reached up to pull it down. "HOLD ON STUPID BASTARD! THAT HAT IS EXPENDIBLE. YOU'RE NOT." Tex was ready to answer with "That hat is my trademark," but thought better of it. Noah sounded a little cranky, and Selma had warned him at one point that Noah could have a VERY bad temper. Still, he sensed that Noah slowed down. They pulled up in front of a house in what could be called an "up and coming" neighborhood. Tex knew it somewhat. It was close enough to the university so that someone could walk there in about 15 minutes, but far enough away from the gay center of town that you really needed a car, or bike, or something. "Let go and get off. Stand at attention while I lock Bessie up." Tex wasn't sure what Noah meant by standing at attention, so he widened his stance and put his hands behind his back. Noah turned to him and smiled. "You sure you want to go through with this, tex? Because once we walk through those doors, you aren't leaving until Sunday night." "I am sure. Definitely." "I'm gonna have to train him on answering me," Noah thought. "That'll be fun." He opened the door of the house and pushed Tex in. Tex was a bit surprised by the strength of Noah's grip: he didn't expect it. He imagined that he was probably stronger than Noah, but that Noah knew a few things about keeping a man in line. "Now, the first thing you do, boy, is get that fucking hat outta my face. And if you ever come back here, don't you EVER fucking wear it again. It's just plain stupid." Again, Tex was ready to say something, but he didn't get a chance. "And if you think for one fucking minute, I believe your name is tex, you think I'm really dumb. And I'm not asking you your real name" he leered at Tex. "Because if you read those stories carefully, you know how a Master can control a sub much more easily if he knows his name. And I'm gonna find out what it is." Tex smiled. He knew the stories. He wondered what Noah had in mind, and how long he'd last, because he had no doubt that Noah WOULD get it out of him. Tex heard a chain swinging and then he saw the pendant with the lock on it. "SLAVES wear these. Put it on." Tex complied. "Now get out of that jacket, and then, you're gonna do this: you're gonna let me know how much you want me to take control of you tonight, boy, without saying a word. If I have to gag you, I will, but it'll be much more fun watching you try to keep your big mouth shut. I'll open it when I'm ready." Noah had started in a way that Tex had not expected. No words, let him know he wanted Noah to take charge. He DID: he wanted this hot man to take TOTAL charge, but how to convey it, without words? Tex kept his hands behind his back, which made it difficult for him to get down on his knees, but he did. Kneeling in his tight jeans was difficult, and he felt the buckle press against his belly. He looked up at Noah and tried as best as he could to beg with his eyes. Tex's eyes were one of his most expressive features, and Noah was pleased. He thought that the look Tex was giving him was somewhere between a puppy wanting to be petted, and a slave not wanting to get a flogging. He got more aroused, but he looked directly into Tex's eyes. "That the best you got, boy? You wasting my time? If that's what you got, I'll give ya a ride home now." Tex still didn't have permission to speak, so he did the best he could. He kept his hands behind his back and instead of looking AT Noah's face, he looked down. Noah was just far enough away that Tex had to almost crawl to get to his boots. It was difficult, but once he got there, he began kissing Noah's boots, all around the perimeter. "Cat got your tongue, or did you leave it home, boy?" Tex understood, and he began cleaning Noah's boots. Noah was pleased. "That's enough. Back up on your knees, boy. And you may speak now. Unless I tell you to shut up." "Yes Sir. I understand." NOW Noah smiled. He had deduced that, at least for now, it took a little bit of domination for Tex to act like a sub. In time, he could train him so that a Master's words were NOT necessary. Tex felt Noah's fingers at his shirt, opening buttons. "Push that chest forward, boy. Let's find out about your nipples." The words provoked a sigh from Tex, and when Noah's perfectly manicured nails took his nipples, the sigh became a moan. "FUCK you sound like a cow in the moonlight. You a cow, boy? I like bulls and steers. I don't care for cows." He pinched Tex's nipples harder. "I'm whatever you say I am, Sir. "He moaned a more high-pitched moan as Noah kept twisting those nipples. "Tonight, you'll learn about my special clamps for those but first." Noah moved close to Tex. "Are you a good cocksucker boy?" "I don't know Sir." "FINE ANSWER. We're gonna find out. SUCK ME." Tex looked up at him. "Sir, can I use my hands to unzip you." When Tex saw the look in Noah's face, he knew that was the wrong question to ask. "NO, YOU MAY NOT. PART OF SEEING HOW WELL YOU DO IS HOW YOU GET THAT ZIP OPENED. YOU'RE NOT FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD, BOY, GET THAT ZIP OPENED. MY COCK IS WAITING." Tex had sucked his first dick when he was about 15 years old. It was one of his teachers, who kept him for "detention," even though Tex was a model student. It was true that Tex had a crush on the man, but he didn't think the teacher knew it. Clearly, he did. The teacher did open his own pants, and he led Tex through giving his first blow job. When Tex tried to spit out the ejaculate, the teacher had pinched Tex's nose and said, "SWALLOW IT BOY." Tex had developed a taste for cum after that, and he had a reputation before he came north: if you liked your sucker to swallow, get Tex. Soon, someone told him that because he would do that, he should use it as a money maker: "I don't WANT to swallow, but I will for ..." and the price went up as he got older. When he got to NY, Tex learned that it wasn't difficult to find a bottom willing to swallow, and it meant nothing. Also, since most of the guys he met wanted to suck HIS 7 cut inches, he wasn't getting his "nourishment," as one client called it. Tex had big teeth. That made it hard to get them on the hook to get down Noah's zipper. He tried, and he was getting frustrated. Noah just smiled. "I'll give you help this time boy, but you're gonna have to do better in the future." "Yes Sir. I promise. I'm a good student." By the time he finished, Noah's pants were down, and 9 hard uncut inches were in Tex's face. "You're talking too much. Gotta fill that loudmouth of yours. GET ON IT. "YES SIR." Truth was, Tex was out of practice, which Noah suspected was the case. He wasn't all that interested in a good quality blow job, but he WAS interested in what kind of effort he got out of this prime hunk of beef. "Just like my students," he thought as Tex moved his tongue up and down Noah's shaft. "I'll grade for improvement and effort. Quality should go up, but the effort BETTER be there." After about fifteen minutes, he pulled Tex's head back. "You got a LOT to learn, boy." "I do Sir." Then he saw a look on Noah's face. It scared Tex and got him more excited. "Get out of your clothes." "YES SIR." Tex stripped down and he saw that Noah had taken a strip of what looked like leather. He had tied a small noose in it. "AT ATTENTION BOY." "Yes sir." When he put his hands behind him, Tex saw Noah slipping the noose around the base of his balls. He pulled and Tex felt a jolt of pain. "Rawhide, cowboy. You cowboys know what happens to rawhide, right?" Tex began to sweat. He had no idea. But he answered, "Yes sir." Noah "smelled" the lie. "What does it do?" Tex was silent. Noah pulled on the leash. "WELL? What does it do?" He pulled harder. "I lied Sir. I don't know Sir." Noah wrapped his hand around Tex's balls and squeezed. "BOY, here's your first lesson, and learn it well: NEVER lie to me. First, because I won't accept it. And second, there WILL be consequences of you not telling the truth." He squeezed Tex's balls hard. "Do we understand each other." Pain was shooting through Tex, but he answered. "Yes sir. No more lies." "Good. Is Tex your name?" "No Sir." "Well, what is it?" Tex looked away. "I'd rather not say Sir." "IS THAT RIGHT? So, a half hour into our first session, you're gonna defy me?" "I'd rather not say Sir." "Well, I'd rather you did, and you WILL tell me. Let's go." He yanked on Tex's leash hard and led him to the makeshift playroom. Noah pointed to a metal chair. There was a protrusion coming out of it: maybe 8 inches. "MY version of an Iron Maiden. Impale from the bottom not from the sides. SIT. Lower yourself on it. Then we'll begin." Tex looked at the chair and gulped. Lucius had been longer than 8 inches, and he knew now that Noah was just a bit longer, but that one time with Lucius had left him sore for three days. This would hurt because the metal was not retractable like Lucius' cock. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET IN THE CHAIR." "I'll... I'll tell you my name Sir." "You're still going in the chair, boy. Or you're going home. Now SIT." Tex gulped. "Yes sir." When he moved over to the chair, Noah folded his arms across his chest. "Take your time, boy. First try is always the hardest one, and you're gonna have to get used to this." Not surprisingly, Tex moved down on the first part of the metal dildo very easily. When he got to about the 5th inch, he began slowing down. Noah laughed. "And you say you're a bottom. I've never heard of a bottom who can't take 8 inches. Why am I wasting my time?" That pissed Tex off, and his temper got the best of him. He moved down quickly. Too quickly. He let out a "HOLY FUCK!" that only made Noah laugh. "Yeah, there were a lot of holy fucks during the inquisition, boy. Especially to handsome warriors like you. You'd better get used to it, boy, because if I'm not in you, that probably WILL be. Now, get your hands behind your back." "Yes sir." Tex complied. His cock was rigid and beginning to drip. "We'll work on getting that under control, stud, but for tonight, since it's our first time, you're getting a LOT more freedom than you should." "Thank you, Sir," Tex gasped out as Noah tied his wrists with more of the rawhide. He came around in front of Tex and secured his ankles and thighs to the chair legs. Then he took the rawhide leash off. Tex breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, you shouldn't get too comfortable boy. By the way, how does 8 inches feel?" "It hurst some, Sir." "Well, it's getting you ready for 9. Trust me, boy, 9 is gonna be MUCH easier than this. Now, here's one of my contraptions. You'll be begging for the rawhide leash in a second. Noah brought over what was clearly a cock ring. "Nothing new about that," Tex thought. He wore them when he saw women clients who wished he were "just a little bigger." "Take a look at the inside, boy. See that? Velcro. Ever have Velcro rub against your sack?" "No Sir." "First time for everything." Noah's practiced hands secured the ring at the base of Tex's cock. It wasn't very rigid Velcro, but it made Tex very aware that he was ringed. He began to moan some more. "Had enough yet, boy? I don't think so. Another one of my contraptions." The nipple clamps Noah had in his hand looked heavy but not too unusual. "WAIT" thought Tex. "They're not spring clips. They're like. OH SHIT. They're like thumb screws." Noah adjusted them so that they just fit on Tex's nipples, which were already sore from the earlier work. Then he began twisting little screws at the side of each of them. "One turn, every three minutes. And let's add something modern while we're going medieval." He picked up a small paddle that looked like a kitchen spatula. He positioned it underneath Tex's balls and began a slow, regular beating. "OH GOD SIR OH GOD." "For three minutes. Then we turn the clamps." Noah "accidentally" brushed his knee against Tex's cock and the same kind of moan that came out of Tex's mouth previously came out. "I LOVE the sound of a boy in pain. You in pain, boy?" "Yes sir." "HA! You don't know pain." Noah gave the clamps an especially vigorous twist. When he did that, Tex squirmed, and he found out what moving on the metal pike did to him. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. PLEASE. NO MORE NO MORE. I'LL TELL YOU MY NAME. I WILL. PLEASE. " "You're gonna have to do more than that now, tex. But first: YOUR NAME." "It's.... It's Mark, Sir. Mark Heller." "You're not lying to me, are you Mark?" "NO SIR. ABSOLUTELY NOT." "Ok mark. I'll continue to call you Tex in public, but when you cross the entrance to this house, you are boy, or mark. Are we clear?" "Yes sir." "And the first thing you will do, whenever you come in is put the slave necklace on. Also, clear?" "Yes sir." "Now, if you want these things taken off you, and want to proceed to your true initiation, you'll answer this question: are you ticklish?" mark didn't want to answer truthfully, because he was. When he hesitated, Noah tightened the screws. "OWWWWWWWWWW. YES SIR. YES, I AM." "Where?" "All over Sir. But my pits are the worst. Then my feet. "Noah grinned. "Any other spots?" mark thought and answered, "No Sir." "Well, you better hope that you didn't forget any because if I find them... let's just say there are a whole lot of different ways I can make you `enjoy' the pleasures of medieval torture, in a modern way." Noah began undressing. He had stripped down to a military regulation jock, and mark eyed a body that was lean and muscular. "I can still take him," he told himself, assuming that since he was about six inches taller and about 40-50 pounds heavier, while Noah could put up a good fight, he'd just overwhelm him. "Like what you see boy?" Noah asked, "You don't have to answer that because I can see... you do." He stroked mark's penis slowly, which only increased the agony mark was feeling from the impalement, the clamps, the cock ring, everything. "If I were to take ONE thing away, boy, what would that be? What do you want to STOP torturing you?" mark thought about it for a minute. He squirmed on the metal dildo and realized he had gone past pain and was enjoying it. His nipples were numb. "The cock ring Sir. Please. It makes me itch there." "Ho ho. The cock ring it is. But I got news for you, boy. You better get used to feeling an itch, because there's lots in that playroom to keep you itching all fucking day. As you'll find out." Noah's hands at the base of his junk got mark even more excited. Noah lowered his voice and whispered, "if you shoot, it's going right back on." Whining and struggling, mark answered "yes sir. It's just so, so hard NOT to." "DISCIPLINE BOY! You need a shit load of discipline. And you're gonna get it. Now, let me just adjust these to keep you in line." Noah tightened the nipple clamps. If mark thought his nipples had gone numb, he was mistaken. He watched as Noah untied the bonds around his legs and ankles. Then he stepped behind him and untied his wrists. "Don't get too comfortable boy. You're getting tied up again, I'm just moving the location. Stand up." The "POP" when mark's ass came off the dildo made Noah laugh. "I guess that was a vacuum seal boy. Hope you liked it because we're gonna use it a lot." Noah smiled some more when mark didn't answer. He pointed toward the bedroom. "MOVE BOY". mark was weak from what had just happened, but he stumbled into the bedroom. He saw the four-poster bed and thought about what Noah could do to him on it. Then he saw the shackles at the center of the headboard. "One of the things you don't learn about in school, boy. Monks, nuns, they all practiced celibacy. That meant NOTHING. Even involuntary. At night, they chained their wrists to those things to make sure they didn't touch themselves in their sleep. "He reached to the clamps from behind and opened them. When the blood started running back to his nips, mark moaned again. "You can lock your wrists in yourself, boy. The monks did it. You gonna tell me you're weaker than some fucking monk or nun?" mark sighed. He REALLY wanted to feel Noah take control of him again, but he had an idea of what was about to happen, so he did it. "Neat thing about them, boy, is that now that they're locked, only a second person can open them. Officially, you are completely and totally helpless. I can do whatever I want to you." mark saw Noah putting on a pair of gloves that seemed to be lined with the same Velcro that had been on the cock ring. "OH GOD NO SIR. NOT MORE OF THAT. PLEASE." "One more outburst boy, and I get a gag. Understand?" A sigh came out of mark as he answered, "yes sir." "I want to stimulate EVERY cell on your body." Noah began stroking mark's torso with the gloves. "I can't believe you're naturally smooth boy. Who shaves you?" "I shave myself Sir. The ladies like me smooth." "Well, boys need to be smooth, so I'll take over that. But you're not working for the ladies anymore. Only one." Now mark pulled at the restraints. He began struggling. "SIR! I have clients! That's my income. I can't.... NOOOOOOOOOOOO" It was the reaction Noah expected. And he was ready. "I already showed you how knowing someone's name gives you control of them. Now, I'll teach you something else. We all have words that just paralyze us." "I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU MEAN," mark continued to struggle with the shackles. Noah leaned down and whispered one word in mark's ear. "CUNT." The struggling stopped as the word sunk into mark. He WAS a cunt -- Noah's cunt. "A shaved chest but these..." He picked up mark's junk. "They need to be clean on a boy too. I'd ask you if you agree but I don't give a shit. That hair is going." "ppppppppppplll" came out of mark's mouth before he caught himself. "Yes sir." "And I'm going to do it old school. Just not yet. Right now, we'll take care of business boy. I'm gonna breed you and make you my BITCH." mark began breathing very hard. He was nervous. This was what he wanted -- he thought -- but now, when he saw that Noah was NOT small, and with the stimulation his hole had already gotten. "GET EM UP BOY" Noah sneered as he grabbed mark's ankles and pushed his legs up in the air. "The playroom has a set up where I can chain those ankles up and keep them up as long as I like. Here, it's just you and me." mark closed his eyes, and he felt Noah's cock head enter him. It felt different than Lucius': somehow easier, but also rougher. "You doing ok, boy?" "Yes sir" mark answered. Lucius had never asked. He just took "tex." And he took him hard. Noah was sliding in, little by little. He was smiling as he saw mark twisting in the bed. "I'm being easy on ya for the first time, boy, but trust me. I can get a LOT rougher. And I will." "Yes sir. Please SIR. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR CUNT" It seemed that Noah had buzz words too, because as soon as mark said that his own cock jumped and got even harder than it was. "You're dripping boy. You're gonna have to wait until I'm done before you get relief." "Yes sir," mark thought about how when Lucius was finished, he just walked away. He had a feeling that Noah wasn't going to do that. Noah's teeth were showing as he grunted. DAMN this boy had a fine ass. He hadn't had ass in a while, and he sure hadn't had one of this quality in like forever. He sped up and mark tried to keep the same rhythm. "FUCK ME, DADDY. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR BOY. PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". Noah had no idea that being called "Daddy" was going to set him off the way it did. He yelled. His yell was louder than any mark had sounded that night. And his jizz was spilling into mark. "OH GOD SIR OH GOD. All your little babies in my mancunt." Noah smacked mark's balls hard. "That's GROSS boy. Don't ever refer to my juice like that again, or it'll be a while before YOUR juice comes out." "Yes sir, sorry Sir. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH" Noah had started stroking mark's cock with one of his gloved hands. The small amount of stimulation was more than mark had ever experienced. "Please not my cockhead," he thought to himself, and instead, Noah moved down to mark's balls and his hole. Noah grinned. "This is gonna set you off boy." He inserted a velcroed finger into mark's ass and mark just lost it. He spilled cum all over himself. "OH GOD. THANK YOU, SIR. THANK YOU, DADDY. OH MY GOD. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Noah smiled. "If you think I'm taking you to bed in this state, you're wrong. You stink to the high heavens. You get a shower boy, and then we're going to bed. Training begins again tomorrow at 8. You'd best be ready."

Next: Chapter 4

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