Tex Taken

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 3, 2022


Noah sat at the table in his dining area, drinking coffee. He could hear tex/mark's breathing as he slept. He looked at his watch and smiled: it was 8:15. Noah had told mark the night before that they'd start at 8. He had been up since 7:30: if he didn't go out the night before, Noah couldn't sleep late. He had thought about waking up tex so they could get started but changed his mind: oversleeping was something for which he could discipline tex. And his new toy wasn't going anywhere, so they could start at any time. He had spent too much time in academia, that was for sure. Noah overthought everything, just as he was overthinking his new relationship with tex. He had read all the theoretical work on domination and submission, and he began putting the two of them in categories. He figured that on a scale of 0-100, tex was probably at about 20 on the submission scale. (He put himself at 100 on the domination scale). From what he had read, he'd call tex more a bottom and passive than submissive: tex hadn't broken through from physical to mental, and that's what Noah was going to work on. Yes, there was a BIG physical component to it, and Noah's mouth watered as he thought about that. He'd be using physical domination as a tool to get through to the submissive core he knew tex had. "Good morning, Sir." He heard tex' voice, but he knew he was in the room before he spoke. Noah was an "over taster" with smells. He smelled everything more like an animal than a human, and one thing he had noticed about tex from the day he met him, was his very strong, very intoxicating body aroma. It was a mix of musk and an almost metallic undertone. It was one of the parts of tex that had led Noah to decide to go after him. And now Selma's attraction to her "straight for pay" cowboy made sense: Selma had her perfumes all custom made, and they were VERY heavy on musky, dark components. Noah didn't care for them because they also had a sweet note, rather than the metallic one he was smelling as tex came into the dining area. He had put on the clothes he had worn the day before, leaving his shirt opened. He was smiling. Noah looked up. The man had just given him another opening and he was going to take it. "Who the FUCK gave you permission to get dressed?" Noah pushed his chair back, scowling. He saw tex's face go from a smile to one of worry and fright. "No one, Sir. I just thought." "You thought? Subs don't think, mark." He saw the look on tex/mark's face get more and more concerned. "If I don't tell you to do something, you don't do it unless you ask and get permission. IS THAT CLEAR?" Noah could feel his cock begin to stiffen. mark's jeans were tight enough that Noah could see his cock was stiffening too." "I understand Sir. I'm sorry. Should I strip." "Yes, fucker. Then go in the top drawer and pull out a pair of white running shorts. They're mine. Wear those when you sit down to have your breakfast." "Sir, I think I wear a larger size than you do." Noah knew that. This was part of his plan for humiliation. "You think I'm not aware of your size, bottom? Now go and do what you're told, because if you don't, you'll be wearing clamps with the shorts." "Yes sir." Noah covered his mouth with his hand as mark went back in the bedroom. He didn't want mark to hear him laughing over how easy this had been so far. The shorts were, of course, very tight and ill fitting, but Noah made mark turn around and admired his ass. "How's it feel mark? Being looked at by a man as if you were just some hot chick on the street? Bend over." "Yes sir," mark complied, and he felt Noah's finger running vertically down the crack in his ass. "Oh, the fun we'll have today. Now sit. Eat breakfast. You're gonna need something inside you before we start. We'll be going for 3-4 hours, stud. " When mark heard that, he wondered if he could take it. The session with Noah the night before had been intense, but it had been short. Could he handle a session that long? "What time is it mark?" "It's 8:25 Sir" "And did I not tell you we were starting at 8?" "You did Sir but..." "BUT WHAT?" "I thought you'd wake me up." Noah began to laugh. "You thought your Top man the man you want to dominate you, is going to look after you like you're a school child? You'd better get over that, fucker. If I tell you by a certain time, you make sure you're ready AT THAT TIME. You've got an alarm on your watch. Set it next time." "Yes sir. I'm sorry, Sir." He continued to eat breakfast, even though his stomach was turning. mark was hungry, and he wasn't used to being fed by the people with whom he slept. Noah's food was pretty tasty too. "I can't eat anymore Sir." "You sure, boy?" "OK, we'll get started as soon as you go and clean yourself out. Take as much time in the bathroom as you need, but remember you're already late, and there WILL be consequences." mark felt more of a twinge in his balls when he heard the word "consequences." He went off to the bathroom. Noah cleaned up in the kitchen. He hated clean up and he thought the idea of making mark do it in the future was a really good one. "I haven't found anything to support my theory, but I'm sure that there must be a medieval equivalent to this," Noah was talking to mark as he pulled a humbler out from under the bed. "Has anyone ever made you wear one?" "No Sir. I've never seen anything like that." "Then we're both in for a treat." Noah moved behind mark and reached between his legs, grabbing his balls hard enough that mark groaned. "Putting them right... here." mark didn't know what to expect: was there a blade, or a rough surface? He closed his eyes, and that seemed to amplify the sound of the thing closing on him. He felt the sides of the humbler pressed up against his ass. "On your knees, slave. I'm not done." It was a struggle, but mark got to his knees. Noah stood in front of him showing him another bondage toy. This one had a leather collar attached by a vertical strip to two leather cuffs. "Again, haven't seen anything like this in research, but it sure feels medieval to me. Get your hands behind you, mark." The feel of the leather on his wrists got mark even more excited than he was, and he felt the drop of pre-cum when Noah put the collar around him. The strap was short enough so mark knew immediately what would happen: if he tried to look up, his wrists would get pulled into an even more uncomfortable position. If he moved his wrists, he'd feel the constriction from the collar. He could barely see Noah's face, but he COULD see his hard cock. "I'm gonna leave you in this for an hour, stud. And then, you're gonna pay me back for being late, by staying in it another half hour, with nipple clamps." Noah could see mark sweating, and that intoxicating aroma started rising from him. DAMN. Noah's "horny hours" as he called them were early morning and evening, but it was beginning to feel like he was going to fuck this boy in the early afternoon. He rumpled mark's hair. "Try not to move and be glad I'm not making you kneel on rice grains. THAT's a torment even I don't use." He laughed and went off for his own shower. He could hear mark's moans and an occasional "SHIT" while he was cleaning up. It was hard to keep his hands off of his cock, but he was saving that for mark: maybe he'd call him tex when he was fucking him, maybe not. He hadn't decided. "Hour's just about over stud. How're you feeling?" Noah had put on a pair of tight jeans and some sneakers, but his tattooed upper body was naked. He stepped behind mark and began running his finger all around mark's balls. "It's intense Sir. REALLY intense. Painful." "Just like a medieval sex slave would've felt before he got fucked, huh?" Now Noah squeezed mark's balls and heard him almost hiss. "I guess so Sir." "Well, we're gonna go modern in a minute, so...." Noah began loosening the humbler. "Just keep in mind that this is available for use any time I want." "Yes sir. I understand Sir." As the humbler came off his balls, mark breathed a sigh of relief. Then he felt a flogger hit his ass. "You're WELCOME ungrateful slave." "OW. Sorry Sir. I have bad manners. THANK YOU, SIR." Noah continued to flog mark for another five minutes. He grabbed mark's hair and pulled his head back so he could look directly into his eyes. "Lack of manners shows poor training. "He jangled the clamps in his hand. "I think another fifteen minutes of these might convince you to be more careful about yours. GET UP" Noah hooked his finger through a loop on mark's collar and pulled him to his feet. You're gonna wear these in the punishment chair. "He put his hand on mark's meaty bicep. As Noah walked mark to the chair, he thought "if he were skilled, he could beat the shit outta me. Maybe one day he will. But I doubt it." "SIT HANDSOME". The punishment chair wasn't the one with the metal pole in the center, but just a normal chair with a very high back. A little bit of adjustment, and the leather cuffs and collar did quite fine. "Stick out your beautiful chest boy." That wasn't hard for mark to do. He dreaded and looked forward to the clamps. He held back any reaction when Noah put on the first one and let out a low moan when he attached the second one. When Noah pulled them, he screamed. It was the reaction Noah expected. He pulled the chain up and held it to mark's mouth. "TAKE THIS. THEN PULL." Now mark couldn't scream, and the clamps hurt even more. "You're keeping that chain in your mouth for fifteen minutes. If you drop them, I add five minutes. Understand?" And mark fell for the trick. "Yes sir. OH SHIT." He dropped the clamps and felt even more pain. "You fucking bastard" he thought. Noah laughed. "You want to kill me right now, don't you mark?" He snorted like a bull, but mark didn't answer. "That's ok. I just wanted you to know what dropping them felt like. Now, open your mouth. Fifteen minutes." "mmmmmmmmmmph" mark began to whimper after three minutes. Noah was sitting, watching him, when he thought of something else. He got up and came back with the hitachi. "Now, studmuffin. I'm going to give you a choice. I'll take the clamps out of your mouth, but they're staying on for the full half hour. If you don't keep the chain in your mouth, you get this for the rest of the time. And if you cum.... You get them both. Nod once for the hitachi, twice for the clamps." Noah was using a typical medieval torture technique. There wasn't a good answer here, but mark thought he could maintain his orgasm. He nodded once. "So be it, slave." He gently held the clamps as mark opened his mouth and he put them carefully back on mark's chest. "Thank you, Sir," mark remembered, and Noah was pleased. He knew mark was smart, and he was showing that he learned quickly. He also didn't resist very much, and he seemed to be enjoying this. He turned the hitachi on low and put it on mark's balls. He could tell mark had never had the hitachi used on his pubes before. He was twisting, and when Noah moved it to the bottom of his cock, mark began to moan in a very very loud voice. "PLEASE SIR JUST FUCK ME. FUCK ME." "Stud boy, understand. I decide when to fuck you, only me." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. I need discipline." "You certainly do." Noah smiled and turned the hitachi to the next level. mark's hips began to buck. He was going to cum. Noah could tell that even if he took the hitachi away, mark was too far gone. That was okay: he was so close himself that he was going to need relief, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." I'M SORRY SIR I'M SORRY. I COULDN'T HELP IT. I'M SORRY." Noah had to grin as he saw the distressed look on mark's face as the cum came gushing out of him. When mark finished, Noah stepped behind him and massaged his shoulders. "It's ok big guy. It's ok. Training takes time." He reached around mark and took off the clamps. The blood rushing back hurt, but mark answered "Thank you Sir. THANK YOU." Now Noah began whispering into mark's ear. "You want to be my boy, don't you mark? My bottom, my sub, my slave?" "YES SIR YES SIR. OH GOD MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD." "I won," thought Noah, and it was followed by the thought "I always do" "Let's get back to the bedroom, slave boy mark. I'm gonna fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked before." Noah hadn't untied mark yet, and he didn't plan to. "BELLY ON THE BED SLAVE BOY" he yelled, pushing mark forward. Noah thought to himself: "he is SUCH A FUCKING STUD". He understood why Selma was so taken with him -- he certainly was. As he pushed mark's legs apart, exposing his ass, Noah remembered something about Selma's sexual past. "I'll have to tell her. Maybe Philly the dilly will come back out" he thought. Then he turned back to the matter at hand. He took in some of the odor coming off of mark: he imagined a lot of people would find it objectionable, but it was getting him hotter and hotter. So was the sweat that was covering mark's body. "You sweat a lot, don't you bud," Noah asked as he began positioning his hands under mark's hips, to push them forward. "I do Sir. Sorry. I'll try to do something like wear more deodorant stuff if it bothers you." "Don't you fucking dare, stud. I like it. Spread your arms. Maybe I'll get more. When mark spread them apart, Noah did get more of that intoxicating muskiness that he loved. He felt his cock jump. "You're a fucking bull, tex," Noah whispered as he pushed his cock head into mark's ass. "I'm gonna turn you into a steer." Noah drove his cock into tex, hard. Noah's statement worried mark: what did that mean? He knew the difference between bulls and steers of course, and - did Noah mean to castrate him? He tried not to think about it because Noah's cock felt so good. He was probing, going deeper. He felt Noah's finger go back into the collar loop again and pull his head back. "How do I fuck boy? As good as Lucius?" "OH YES SIR. YES. OH GOD." "It's not all size, boy. You have to learn to appreciate finesse. And style. And paying attention to what your boy likes. Like this spot right... here." Noah flexed his glutes after he had withdrawn his cock about halfway from mark's hole. "OH, SHIT SIR OH SHIT. OH GOD SIR. How did you know that spot?" "Heh heh. Top man's intuition maybe. I'll never tell you..." he smacked mark's ass. "BOTTOM." "YES, SIR. I'm not just a bottom, I'm YOUR bottom. BREED ME PROFESSOR. BREED MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Noah had never enjoyed fucking someone the way he enjoyed fucking mark. He flipped him over so that he could see his face, and while he adjusted to Noah's vigorous fucking, mark was also smiling. Noah knew mark's nipples would be sensitive from the "play" previously, but he tweaked them anyway. That started mark moaning even more. His eyes were closed, his wrists were pinned underneath him, and they were beginning to hurt, but Noah felt so good inside of him: SO GOOD. "You're gonna be getting this just about every fucking night, stud. Get that through your head. "It's an honor Sir. Thank you. Thank you for making me your boy. OOOOOOOOOOH" Noah was getting harder and harder and then, he climaxed. He spilled his jizz into mark's ass, both of them screaming as he did. When he was done, Noah caught his breath. "In a weekend you went from Top man tex to boy mark. Isn't life strange, cowboy?" "It is, Sir. I'm getting what I want though. What I need. Sir, I know I shouldn't ask but, would you kiss me?" Noah smiled. In his experience, when the boy was asking for kisses, he was pretty far along on the acceptance of his role as a sub. As Noah shoved his tongue down mark's throat, he found himself overthinking again. "Maybe 20% was too low. Maybe it's closer to 60" he thought, as mark moaned and tried to get comfortable with his bound wrists. And mark was thinking "why didn't I go after this sooner? GOD, did I luck out." Noah drove mark back to his place on Sunday afternoon, after mark had blown him. Noah also laid down the law. "Listen up stud. From here on, you have sex with me, and whomever I say you can have sex with. And as of today, the only woman you have sex with, is Selma." mark looked up -- his eyes showed his surprise. "Yeah, Selma is my best friend in the world, and in a way, you should be thanking her because she brought me to the university. She and I will work out who gets you when." He gave mark a big smile. "She's more interested in certain parts of your anatomy than I am," he said, thinking "although that may change, given what I know about Selma." Then he turned back to mark. "Monday you can do whatever you like with yourself. Tuesday, I teach until 8. You show up at History Hall. Wear your janitor uniform from your new job. I want to see the boy I first saw." The weekend had left mark very overwhelmed, and he just said, "Yes sir, I understand." "After a couple of weeks, I think we'll start some kind of game where I'll be making you read Latin for me and interpret it. How you do will determine what I do to you. For now, let's get you home." He leaned in and gave mark a soft kiss. "Oh, I have a LOT planned for you for Tuesday night already boy. Too much. Whatever we don't get done during the week, we'll have to carry over to the weekend. " When Noah left him home, the first thing mark did was jerk off. Riding on the motorcycle and bouncing with it had made him even hornier than he had been. When he was finished, he went to look at his uniforms. He wanted to find the one that was tightest. "OH SHIT" he thought to himself. "I don't know if he wants me to wear a t shirt or not. FUCK!!!" He was terrified about interrupting Noah, and he wasn't sure if he was happier with wearing the right thing or the wrong thing on Tuesday. While mark was trying to pick his uniform and whether or not to wear the t shirt, Noah was calling Selma. "Darling, you just interrupted me in the middle of my favorite movie. This better be good." "Which one is that these days, Selma?" "Oh, I don't know. I forget the title. It's in one of those languages without vowels. It's about these two blond people who are extremely ugly but clearly fuck a lot, and then at the end of the movie you find out they're both women, and each one thought the other one was a man." "You've seen this before?" "Darling, I treat it as a comedy. I've seen it six times. You should watch it with me some time." "I think I'll pass Selma. I didn't mean to disturb you but, I have some big news for you." "HA! Your idea of big news is letting me know about some obscure Latin word you just deciphered." "Well, it's not quite as big as THAT Selma, but I wanted to tell you about the new boy I'm fucking." "OH GEEZ. Someone you picked up without me being there? That means his IQ is less than his weight. NOT that there's anything wrong with that. That cowboy -- that cowboy janitor, well..." Noah began to laugh. "His IQ may be less than his weight, darling, because he's so big. "He paused. "And he's a great fuck." He heard what he thought was Selma's cocktail glass fall over when her phone hit it. She didn't speak for a minute, then she composed herself. "Well, I'm not surprised. You have a history of seducing the men I find and making them queer -- for at least a while. " "Well, that isn't quite the way this happened, love." Then he told her about seeing Lucius fucking tex in the basement, and how things went from there. He heard a big sigh." "Well, it seems that Momma is going to have to hit the streets and find someone else to pay for the pleasure of her company." "That's up to you, dear. I gave him permission to have sex with you, but no other woman." "Well, that's very big of you darling. DO TELL. How long do you expect Momma to take your sloppy seconds with gratitude and pleasure?" "Hmmm. You know, you don't have to say yes. But if I may, how long has it been since you took Philly the Dilly out of his case?" "OH! You mean..." "Yes dear, I do. And he's free on Monday." "Now how do you know that?" "I told him he had Monday to himself. And that you and I would talk and decide who would get him when." She paused. "Do you remember, darling, that time when..." "SELMA, are you suggesting another escort sandwich?" "I am DEMANDING it. That MUST factor into our plans." "Well, I was already thinking of one sandwich with Lucius." "OH, YOU DIRTY BOY! I DO hope you'll film it, my perverted little Medievalist." "Says the woman watching people fuck each other without vowels." "This is true darling. You should come over just to let me know what language it is." "Read me the title. Just spell it out." Selma did. "I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll give you a translation." "You do that, darling. Now if you'll excuse me, it's getting late, and Momma has to pour dinner." On Monday, Noah didn't have classes until 1. He had office hours for students before that, but since it was still early in the semester, they weren't beating down his door to tell him how they were panicking. Since he had time, he called the building manager. "Carlos, I wonder if I could ask you for a favor. Could you ask the superintendent Lucius to come and see me this morning? I won't take up too much of his time." Lucius was at his office in fifteen minutes, clearly looking perturbed. "Carlos told me that no one else would do but me, Professor. What do you need that only I can handle?" His fingers were hooked in his belt, at his crotch. He clearly thought Noah had something else in mind. "Lucius, do you remember a custodian named Tex?" He saw a smile flit across Lucius' face before it vanished. "What about him?" he asked. "Have a seat, Lucius. I want to tell you a bit of a story and then ask you if you'd be interested in something." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx The next night, when mark got to History Hall, there was Lucius standing in the lobby. His arms were folded across his chest, and he was smiling. "Well, well, well. Look who's here." mark couldn't help himself: seeing Lucius again made him thing about the hot sex they had before mark took the other job. "Hey Mr. Lucius. I didn't expect to see you." "Professor Noah asked me to bring you to his office personally." mark gulped. "Well, okay." Lucius laughed. "You got it bad for that man, don't you?" "Uh, yeah." "Well, Professor Noah just wanted me to let you know: the three of us are gonna have some fun in the future. And I can't wait." He showed his big smile. "You better work on your gag reflex, boy." As they were getting to Noah's office, Lucius said "you'd better get your hands behind your back, tex. And make sure that chest is pointed out. It ain't legal to have sex in a professor's office, but I would be Professor Noah has broken THAT rule before." He knocked on Noah's open door. "Hey, Professor, someone came by looking for you and..." Noah smiled. He saw the bulge in mark's pants. He assumed it was from meeting Lucius again. Then he noticed how snugly mark's short sleeved shirt fit him, and how his biceps showed. "You're a hunk, mark. A studly bottom hunk with a shit load of muscles. And a great ass. Let's go. I'm gonna introduce you to my barbering skills tonight."

Next: Chapter 5

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