Tex Taken

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 26, 2022


Dear Readers: Thank you for your patience. Let's go back to the story of Noah and "tex," and then bid them a farewell, at least for now.

mark looked around his empty apartment. The only things left were the bag on the floor -- the stuff he had been using for the last three days -- and one tan cowboy hat. All of the rest of his things were at Noah's. It was his last day in what he called "Tex's cowboy cave." The cave was gone and, to the extent Tex the cowboy was still around, it was at Selma's place, one night a week.

The bell rang and mark went to the intercom. "Sir, is that you?"

"Better not be anyone else. You ready, boy?" mark gulped. "Yes sir. I'll be right down." He put on his denim jacket, picked up the bag and the cowboy hat. His stomach was filled with the proverbial butterflies: he was getting what he wanted, and he was scared to death.

Noah was standing in front of the apartment building, smiling. "God, he's so handsome," mark thought. "Even in dress clothes." The one criticism that Noah had received during his first year of teaching was his "unprofessional appearance." Had the comment come from the faculty, he would have laughed and made no changes; however, a large majority of his students, both undergrads and grads, had made the anonymous comment. Noah took the comments to heart, especially since many of the students said it was "hard to take him seriously" because "he looks like one of us, not one of the faculty." Now, he stuck to well-tailored dress shirts and slacks. Weekends were a different story, but he had come over from the university to pick up mark.

"Sir, I don't see the motorcycle. Couldn't find parking?" Noah laughed as he planted a kiss on mark's lips. "Nope. It's close enough to walk and it's a beautiful day. Why shouldn't people see us together outside of a bar?" Noah could outstare mark easily and he was doing it now. He smiled. "You look so fuckable I may have to bring you back upstairs and breed you right now, boy." mark smiled. "Sort of like a reverse baptism, Sir?"

"Ha ha. I guess. But I'll wait. It'll feel MUCH better. Gimme that bag. You know where your hands go. And what's this with the hat? I thought we discussed the cowboy thing."

"I know, Sir, but could I just have one souvenir? I won't wear it." He put his hands behind his back. He had on the little toy that Noah had found in a European sex toy store, which he thought was brilliant. It was a pair of separated "bracelets:" very thin, and very strong. One had a small eyelet on it, and the other hand a clip that fit through that eyelet. It was a very discrete way a DOM could handcuff his sub, without needing a heavy set of handcuffs.

"You can have the hat but...I'll take it out in trade. We practiced. Can you get the clip in?

"Yes Sir. I practiced." mark locked his own cuffs. They were concealed by his shirt cuffs and the jacket, so no one would know he was locked up but Noah and himself.

So much had happened since that night when mark finally gave Noah his submission. Noah had been very clear that he wanted mark as a sub, and not tex the cowboy, so the cowboy was going to have to go. They had made plans for Noah to come over and go through mark's stuff to get rid of the cowboy regalia -- until mark, and not tex, showed up at Selma's place for his regular Monday night. She flew off the handle.

"I WANT TO GET FUCKED BY A COWBOY, NOT A GODDAMN PREPPY. WHAT IS GOING ON?" When mark explained the situation to Selma, she started to laugh.

"Oh, we'll see about this. I am going to have a word with your man, let me tell you. Now, do you have any stuff here?

"I think so ma'am. A few things."

"Well, you get changed and then you get to work. I have a pretty good imagination and I guess I'll have to use it tonight."

The next day, Selma didn't even go to her office before she flounced into the chair opposite Noah.

"What have you done with Tex, you greedy faggot!" was her opening. "Good morning to you too, Selma. Would you like some coffee?" Noah had the classic accoutrement of a professor in his office: an espresso machine. Selma kept it simple with a bottle of scotch.

"YES! Black and strong. Like Lucius. WITH WHOM I may be spending more time." She paused. "So, your boy told me that you've banished Tex to oblivion?" Noah laughed.

"Indeed, I have. He's so much taller, and he looks so masculine in those outfits that they have to go. People misconstrue: they think HE's the Top and I'M the bottom, and I'm not having that."

"But the cowboy thing drives me absolutely mad, Noah. I mean, it's no secret that I'm a horny old lady."

"Shocked, dear one. I am SHOCKED that you admit it. My understanding was that you were opening yourself up to horny young men and got no joy out of it yourself." She sneered.

"DO NOT make me key your motorcycle, stud." Noah laughed because he knew Selma would do it. "Now, come on! I understand your reasons but, we HAVE to be able to come to an agreement on this." Then she stopped and her eyes went big. "HOLY FUCKING JOCK STRAP! YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM STOP SEEING ME! BITCH! SLUT! WOMAN HATER!" Now Noah laughed harder.

"No, no, no. At least for now, mark is going to need a break from me, and I had no intention of making him give that up. But I admit, I didn't think it through, and it would have been better to ask you."

"Damn straight," she answered and sneered. "Words misspoken but meant." After a pause, she continued. "I'm already getting nothing but your crumbs"

"While I fill the pastry with cream" Noah joked

"But now you're taking some of those from me. Life is NOT fair." Noah paused for a minute.

"I may have a solution. I was going to go over to mark's place tonight and gather up the stuff to donate it. Why don't you go over tonight, and I'll go tomorrow? Tonight, take whatever you want. Don't forget the lariat."

"The lariat? Why should I take THAT? I HATE being tied up."

"Tex LOVES to be bound. Especially in a hog tie. On his side." Selma began to purr.

"I guess I need to join the boy scouts. I need to learn to tie a good knot."

"Or you could close the door and we could practice on the furniture."

"I knew there were reasons I liked you, Noah. This is one of them."

The workshop began. Noah called mark and told him about the change in plans, and that night, Selma piled her car with whatever mark had that she liked. She took all of his satin, embroidered shirts, including the only one that Noah didn't find objectionable: white with embroidered flowers. When Noah came over the next night and saw it was gone, he started shopping. He found what he was looking for in a boutique where the salesman kept on cruising him. A white cotton shirt with hand embroidered flowers: one size smaller than the uniform that mark wore to his job. Then Noah threw in a pair of skinny black jeans. "He'll wear that when he meets the gang," he thought. He handed his credit card to the clerk, and said "They're for my boyfriend," provoking a sigh from the other side of the register. "Is he as handsome as you are?" Noah leered. "Let me write down the name of the bar where we hang out. Come and find out, although I can assure you, he will NOT be wearing this outfit at that bar."

Now, to be clear, at this point mark had submitted, but Noah hadn't said anything about moving in. That came about two weeks later. It was a Sunday night. They had gone to dinner at a casual place not far from Noah's place. Noah had put mark into chastity within ten minutes of his coming over on Friday night, and mark felt like he was going to burst. Noah was holding his hand, and mark was wondering "is this what a high school girl feels like with her beau, except for the hard-on?", when Noah stopped. He turned mark around, so he was facing him. It was dark, so mark couldn't make out much of Noah's face as he said, "you know, mark, this is the last time I'm going to invite you to stay over on Sunday night." Then he stopped, and mark began to feel sick. "He's breaking up with me! OH GOD. OH NO!" He began to stammer. "Well, Sir, I mean, if that's your choice it's your decision but... can I ask what I did to displease you? Was I not submissive enough? Was I not learning fast enough? Could you please tell me, and maybe, just maybe I can fix it?" "There's nothing to fix, mark. I phrased what I said for a reason. I was 95% sure now I'm 100% sure. I'm not going to invite you to spend the night because you're moving in with me. Permanently." If mark had been able to see more in the dark, he would have seen Noah's big smile. "OH. OH MY. OH. WOW. I mean, Sir, I wanted to. I want to. I mean, I wanted to for months and I still want to. You're not kidding, are you?" Noah started using the voice he used during role play. "Boy, I didn't ask you if you wanted to. I TOLD you what you were doing. Would I kid about something like that?" He heard mark gulp. "No, Sir, I know you wouldn't. OH, GOD. When Sir?" As soon as possible. Tomorrow, you'll go to work, get to your place and pack what you need for a week here. Then on the weekend, I'll go over with you, and we'll finish packing you up. As much as we can, because I have a feeling you've got a fair amount of shit that is not going to be allowed in the house." "YES SIR. Absolutely. ABSOLUTELY." "You'll make your regular visit to Selma on Monday night, but you'll come back here, not go home." "Yes Sir. Of course." Next day, Noah did ride up to the building where mark worked to pick him up. They were going back to mark's place to start cleaning it up.

"He's so fucking hot," went through Noah's head as mark came out of the building. He was still in his uniform -- tailored to Noah's specifications -- and he had his slave collar on, without the lock. Noah would place the lock on when they went out or when mark was at his place. "Feels like I'm gonna have to put you in chastity during the week from now on, boy" Noah spoke to mark as he drove off. He could feel mark's hard on pressing into his back. "If we hit a bump, you may soil yourself." Noah couldn't see mark blush at that remark because it was true. He had been hard or semi-hard almost immediately after Noah made the announcement about mark moving in with him. Even Selma had noticed "something" as Mark slid into her. He was thinking about being in Noah's bed every night, and he just got harder, and thicker and Selma, with her years of experience, had to beg him to slow down. She later told Noah: "the first, and ONLY time I have ever found a fucking to EXCEED my expectations, darling. May you screw him as well as he screwed me that night." Now, Noah had seen mark dressed up as a cowboy, but he had never seen all the cowboy gear mark had: the spurs, the belt buckles, and there, in the corner: the lariat. Noah's eyes got wide. "Well, well, well. You didn't tell me about this, boy. And here I am, all hot and bothered and getting ready for what I'm gonna do to you at MY place, and I can do it here." He started moving on mark, with mark retreating until he bumped into the wall. Noah pinned his wrists up near his shoulders. "I have never taken you in your own place, fucktoy. THAT is about to change." "But I thought we were...OH GOD, SIR..." Noah's tongue was working on mark's salty neck. Noah loved topping mark before he had washed up from work: that distinct body odor that aroused him so much was even stronger. He moved his mouth to mark's ear. "Get on the bed while I get those ropes. I'm gonna make sure this apartment has memories." "GULP. Yes Sir." mark got on the bed while Noah picked up the lariat. He ordered mark to get on his belly and then he pulled mark's wrists behind him and then looped his ankles to the restraints. He heard mark moaning into the bed. "Did I just find a serious turn on for my soon to be ex-cowboy?" "OH, SHIT YES SIR. With my nipples. I'm putty." "Heh heh. Well, let's see if I can MOLD you before I breed you." Noah put mark on his side, and he began rubbing mark's balls through his uniform pants. Feel like big, juicy lemons. If I squeeze them, do I get juice?" mark gasped as the pressure increased. Then his moans switched to high pitched whimpers. Noah had opened mark's shirt with his free hand and now he was nibbling on mark's tit. "Sir, please. Please fuck me. Please make me your BITCHBOY. PLEASE SIR, PLEASE." Noah said nothing but opened mark's pants before he opened his. He showed mark how hard he was, and mark began to think "I wasn't that hard last night. I'm in trouble." Noah began pounding him: he had untied the hog tie so that he could spread mark out and he gave no quarter: his entire hard cock went into mark in seconds. Then he held it there. He pulled back on mark's collar. "I own you now, boy. You know that?" "Yes sir. I surrendered. I belong to you." "Don't ever forget it. EVER." Then Noah stopped talking as his piledriver of a dick thoroughly reamed mark, while mark was thinking "Can I handle this every single night? OH GOD I'll need pillows on chairs." Noah wasn't very vocal when he topped, but mark could feel the jizz pouring into him. "And you better keep your sphincter nice and tight, boy, because punishment is going to depend on how much you release." He rolled mark over and began edging him. Noah knew exactly how to handle mark. He brought him to the edge at least five times, before he said, "You'll get to cum when we get home. Maybe. But now, we're going through your stuff." Noah untied mark and then they worked for two hours putting stuff into piles: a much smaller one with what mark could bring, and the larger one for trash. "Stop by tomorrow after your work, mark, and start bringing the good shit over. It shouldn't take long. It didn't, and it was that next Saturday that Noah came over, and mark big goodbye to the cowboy cave. He was already nervous because Sunday, Noah had invited some of his best friends over to meet mark.

"You better remember everything you learned, boy, because I'm gonna make sure you know it when you do something wrong. But what you're doing right at this moment, is wiggling that ass. I think a good, solid fucking is in order when we get back to our place." He said it nonchalantly, but mark felt the butterflies moving when Noah said "OUR" place. Noah had mark wear the new outfit he had picked for him, as well as his slave collar with the lock, the wrist cuffs, and his chastity cage on Sunday. "DAMN I just wanna tell everyone to stay home, go to video chat and have them watch me do my boy the way he should be done." Noah had dressed in black jeans as well, but not skinny ones, and a dress shirt that fit him in a way that accented his arms, and his chest. "You come to the door with me when I let guests in. You stand with your hands behind your back and you wait for me to tell you what to do. You understand this, mark?" "I do Sir. I don't want to disappoint you." Noah gave him a look. "You won't. You want this more than I do." That was true, and Noah wanted it REAL bad. He had invited about ten friends. Some came with subs, but most were single. There was a lot of talk about how tall mark was, and questions about whether Noah intended to pierce him, tattoo him, or mark him in some way. Noah laughed at those questions. "He knows where he belongs and who owns him. Don't you mark?" "Yes sir, absolutely." "All we need is his collar. HEY. Have any of you guys seen this? mark, show them your wrist bands." He hesitated a minute because he had a feeling about what would follow, but mark showed them. "Now, look how easily they work." mark felt Noah pull his arms behind him, and heard the "click" as he cuffed him. "Now, I can do things like this." Noah began playing with mark's tits in front of everyone. He ignored yells to open mark's shirt. Instead, he whispered "Say the three words I love best, boy, and say them loud." mark wasn't sure if he was right, but he said in the loudest voice he could muster "I SUBMIT SIR" "FUCK YEAH," one of the friends responded. Noah continued to play with mark's nips, and he was moaning and finally "FUCK ME SIR" came out. That's when Noah looked at his friends. "I think we're gonna call it a night, gang. I have to get mark ready for work tomorrow. That involves a good shave, and a good fucking." When the last guest had left, Noah led mark to the bedroom. "First time really. Now, you're truly mind. You'd best get used to this, boy." He unlocked the cuffs. "Spread eagle, face up. Shaving comes first." "Yes Sir," mark answered. He knew it was coming. His body hair had come in to a point beyond where Noah liked it to be, and he was taking it all. He still hadn't gotten used to having his pubes shaved, but mark knew that discussion was not an option. And he wanted no option with what came next: he was so horny he couldn't stand it. Noah teased him by holding the tip of his cock directly against mark's ass, and not entering. "I wanna hear how much you want it. BEG for it sub boy." And mark did. Over and over again. He was in the middle of one plea when he felt Noah begin to enter him. He closed his eyes. He was ready to swoon. He would never know if it was luck or something else that had his path cross Noah's, but he had grown so much and he was so happy where he was. That night, when they got ready for bed, mark dared to ask: "Sir, can I sleep facing you tonight? I won't ask again. I promise." "No, you won't. Because that's an order. You sleep with me that way from now on."

So, over the near future, mark found himself enrolled in two classes at the university. One was medieval history. The second was an advanced Latin language class. He'd work, and on Tuesday through Friday (Monday was for Selma), he'd take an hour and a half class, get home, and settle in with whatever Noah had in mind. Noah drilled him -- both in Latin and in the bed -- at night and on the weekends. Noah began to bring mark to faculty functions with him. Everyone knew what was going on because they knew Noah. Sometimes, if Selma was there, and hadn't had too much to drink, she'd flirt with mark and, truth to be told, he never lost the tingle in his junk when he felt a woman's hand on his ass. There was no question, thought, that he was Noah's boy. He still is.

Thank all of you for reading. Maybe these guys will make a reappearance in the future, who knows? Meanwhile, stay well folks, and keep reading.

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