Texas, 1956

By Jordan Project

Published on Feb 2, 2021


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TEXAS 1956 Vol. 1 – Chapter 15

On a bright and warm Sunday afternoon, Clayton drove to Deputy Jake's place as arranged. While he was gone Hank retrieved the film, and he and Dirk met a Man at the academy gate who quickly developed the negatives and returned them with a set of prints and the times when the spy cameras had taken the pictures.

Clayton pulled into the driveway, and saw the deputy kneeling over a bucket next to a sheriff's squad car. He was in uniform, the skin-tight pants seemingly painted onto his muscular ass. Jake stopped what he was doing, stood up and motioned to where Clayton should park.

"Howdy, Clayton!" he called out as the cadet got out of his car. "Yer right on time. Hope yer ready to work. Ya won't be needin' to wax yer car yet, but yer gonna have a couple motorcycles to tend to. Mine, and Deputy Brick's when he gets here."

"Yes sir!" he replied.

"I'll rinse mine off, and ya can start in on yers," he said. "Bucket's full of soap and water."

Jake worked fast, and and went into the house to retrieve a beer for himself and a bottle of soda for Clayton that included a dose of the "Management Plus" Correctol. He gave himself a dose of the supervision formula, and returned outside and handed the soda to Clayton and watched him work.

"Ya been at the school for a couple years now, so why don't ya tell me what the ranks are," Jake said, as Clayton began to rinse his car.

"Sir, among cadets there are privates, corporals, sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and a major," the cadet answered. "Everyone enters as a private and has to stay on campus. The first year is called "Obedience Year." Privates have to learn and follow all the academy rules, plus they have to obey any cadet who outranks him. It can get pretty rough, and some of them leave.

"In the second year, a cadet becomes a corporal except for 10 who are raised to sergeant because of how well they did in the first year. A corporal can leave campus on weekends, but he has to return by 9 p.m. unless he has a pass signed by a sergeant or above. Sergeants can stay out all night on weekends.

"Most cadets stay corporal until the fourth year, when they're raised to sergeant. If a cadet is a starter on the football team, or the wrestling team, or the baseball team, he's raised to sergeant in his second year and lieutenant in his third year The guards are lieutenants except for the guard leader, who is a captain right away.

"The class leader is the cadet major and is always a fourth-year. He's either a co-captain of the football team or the guard leader. My roommate Captain White is a co-captain of the football team and the guard leader, so everyone figures he will become the cadet major next year. My roommate Lieutenant Mayfield is a lieutenant because he's one of the guard."

"And you are a corporal now, and should be a sergeant next year, then?" the deputy asked.

"Yes sir, I will be a sergeant next year unless the cadet officers or the Commandant overrides it," Clayton replied. "About 25 cadets never make sergeant and graduate as corporals. In the end, of the 500 cadets, there are about 475 enlisted and 25 officers, sir."

"What about the staff that teaches you?"

"Every instructor is a major or a lieutenant colonel, sir," Clayton said. "The Commandant is a full-bird colonel. First-year cadets salute all cadets above them, and everyone salutes the cadet major, the instructors, and the Commandant, sir."

"The idea behind all that is to find the leaders and to show all cadets that every Man has a rank," Deputy Jake said. "It's to prepare ya for real life wherever ya wind up."

"Yes sir," Clayton replied. "That's what they tell us. It makes sense, sir."

"Keep a-goin' there, and I'll go get my cycle," the deputy said, as Clayton finished spraying his off with the hose. "Here's a towel to wipe yers off with."

Jake returned quickly with the motorcycle and parked it in back of the cadet's car. Clayton was now drying the vehicle, and the deputy joined in to help him as the booster in the cadet's soda and the formula in Jake's beer each took effect.

"That's right, everyone's got a place and a rank at yer school," the deputy said. "Now, there's another sort of order in life. Apart from the ranks, ya got two kinda Men, the leaders and the ordinary. The leaders make the rules and give the orders. Everyone follows 'em, including the leaders themselves. They're all Men, and they do it because they got self control.

"Men don't really obey rules and orders. An ordinary Man might kinda-sorta obey a leader for a while, but mostly he just follows rules. Boys always obey their folks, or at least they're supposed to. Privates at yer academy obey the other cadets but only fer a year, and it's just to learn the rank idea anyway.

"Then there's the queer. He's gonna have to obey any Man who finds out about him, but it lasts forever. And it don't matter who that Man is. So a queer needs to stay in control of hisself if he don't want to be obeyin' a whole lot of Men, or maybe worse like that Clarky Branson. See what I'm sayin' there, Clayton?"

"Yes sir," he said.

"To those Men who know yer a queer, even if ya control yerself yer gonna obey 'em all. Yer gonna do what yer told, and no beatin' off or trollin' for dick. Not 'cause ya decided, but 'cause it's yer place. Understood?"

"Yes sir," he said.

"And ya know it's the right thing."

"Yes sir, it is."

"What's done is done around here, but once yer graduated and back in Oklahoma, it's gonna be in yer interest to stay in control so yer not havin' to obey all kinda random Men. Same down here. Ya don't want any Men getting' to know about ya beyond yer roommates, and me and Deputy Brick, and Kurt the mechanic."

"How about the guards, sir?" Clayton asked. "Do they know about me?"

"If ya go outta control them guards will wind up knowin'," the deputy replied. "So that's another reason to behave. Understood?"

"Yes sir," Clayton replied.

"Far as yer roommtes go, yer like a private that sucks dick," Jake said. "It's their job to keep ya behavin'. So far, so good, but don't ya ever forget it. If ya do what yer told and don't do what yer not allowed, they'll prolly keep it to themselves. But if ya get outta control, they's a-gonna tell the other guards."

"Yes sir," he said. "I understand, sir."

"Good enough, 'cause if ya get out of control again, them guards at yer school will work together to tighten the screws and tighten 'em real hard," Jake said. "I don't want there bein' no mystery about it."

"Yes sir," Clayton said, feeling a thrill at the danger of his lying and at the prospect of having the handsome guards tighten the screws real hard. "I appreciate it, sir."

"Okey doke, then," Jake said. The deputy had drunk a couple glasses of water along with his beer, and his bladder was full. He leaned against the fender of his patrol car, spread his legs, crossed his arms across his chest, and smiled.

"Come on over here," he said.

Clayton, clad in an academy olive drab utility uniform, obeyed the order and stood in front of the deputy.

"Go on yer knees in front a-me," Jake said, his voice gentle yet commanding.

The cadet knelt, his eyes in front of the Man's crotch.

"Now unzip my fly and reach in there in put what I got in yer mouth, then look me in the eye and get ready to start a-swallowin'," the deputy said.

He pissed hard, as Clayton gazed upward past the Man's belt buckle, into his eyes. The cadet had learned the technique two weeks earlier, and gulped it all down, When the Man smiled down at him and told him that he was doing his job right, the cadet was intoxicated by the deputy's satisfaction. Clayton was hard as a rock, but kept his hands away from himself.

"Thank you, sir," Clayton said. "Is there anything else I can do, sir?"

"Yep," he said, moving over and opening the door of the patrol car.

"Sit on down on the edge," he said, as his half-hard dick stiffened. "Time for ya to learn to swallow the whole snake."

He stood in front of the cadet, and guided his stiff dick downward. The deputy slowly pushed into the cadet's throat, massaging it as he went, going a bit farther each time, and pausing when Clayton gagged.

"It's just like yer asshole when yer gettin' yerself screwed," Jake said. "Relax and let the Man in there. And hold yer breath like when yer drinkin a load a-piss."

The cadet eventually got the hang of it, and soon the deputy's full length was in his gullet. He felt the deputy's hands on the back of his head as he slowly jackhammered his way down, in and out. Soon he was squirting into Clayton's throat, as the cadet looked upward into Jake's smiling face.

"Thank you, sir," Clayton said when it was over with. "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"

The deputy wiped his dick on the cadet's upper lip and affectionately patted his cheek.

"I think ya done enough for now," he said.

Only a couple minutes after the cadet rose, Deputy Brick rode in on his motorcycle. It had been a couple of months since he'd last seen Brick, and the sight almost took his breath away.

"Needs a good scrubbin' down," Brick said. Jake grabbed a bucket, a hose, soap, and a couple of rags and handed them to the cadet.

"Get to work," he said. "Wash it, scrub it, wax it. When yer done, let us know."

The deputies turned their backs and walked away, leaving Clayton to the task. They went inside, grabbed a couple beers, and wandered outside to light up cigars and drink.

"Workin' out good?" Brick asked.

"Yep, he drank my piss and then he swallowed the whole sword good and easy," Jake said. "Told me he's been controllin' himself. I don't believe it for a second, but he's talkin' it. Hank's gonna let me know."

"So ya had 'em put the spy cameras in the room?" Brick said.

"Yep, and the

film's getting' developed right now," Jake said.

"Seems like a certain kinda part-time queer faggot to me," Brick said. "All Man with the wife or girlfriend, but wants to get bossed around by a tough guy."

Jake heard the phone ringing in the kitchen, and went in to answer it. Hank was calling to say that he'd gotten the pictures back. Clayton had been masturbating alone, just as they'd both predicted. The deputy chuckled and told his cousin to stick with the plan they'd talked about.

"That was Hank," Jake said, returning with two more beers. "They got pictures of Clayton beatin' off. Big surprise, huh?"

Brick laughed.

"Probably wants to get hisself caught," he said.

"Yep, prolly does," Jake replied. "We play along for a while. Me and Hank got it worked out. I figure he's testin' everybody. Clayton wants to be put in his place and kept there, but he wants to know that it's Men who are doin' it."

"That's about right," Brick replied. "He don't got respect fer the other faggots but he'll damn well do whatever a real Man tells him."

"Yep, exactly," Jake said, with a chuckle. "He just wants to know that he's dealin' with Men, so he's testin' us and he's testin' his roommates and hopin' he gets caught."

At that moment, Clayton walked in the back of the house where they were sitting.

"I cleaned your motorcycle and waxed the gas tank, sir."

The two deputies stood up, and it was all Clayton could do to keep from fainting. Their uniforms clung like gloves. Their muscles strained their shirts, and their semi-hard dicks stood out in their pants.

"Let's have a look then," Brick said. He led the way back out, swaggering as he went, followed by Jake and then by Clayton, who drank in the view.

Brick inspected his motorcycle and found it acceptable. Jake opened the trunk of his patrol car and hauled out a large duffel bag, and then Brick opened one of the saddle bags on his silver Harley Davidson Police Special motorcycle. He withdrew a pair of boots and some black leather straps, and put them in the duffel bag.

"Pair of my boots and a pair a-Brick's, plus Sam Brownes for each of us," Deputy Jake said to Clayton. "Put a 4-inch shine on the boots and oil up the Sam Browns, then bring 'em back when yer here in a couple weeks."

"Yes sir," the cadet replied.

"There's 4 pairs of shorts in there," Jake added. "Zippers in back. Ya wear them from now on. Give yer regular ones to Hank fer sakekeepin'."

"Yes sir."

"Ya been cleanin' yerself out every other day like I told ya?" Jake asked.

"Yes sir, including this morning, sir."

"Well startin' tomorrow, it'll be every mornin'. And leave yerself filled up and walkin' to yer classes," Jake said. "Shoot for holdin' it in until yer lunch."

"Yes sir."

Deputy Brick smiled.

"So Clayton here's behavin' himself, then?" he said, his voice playful and taunting, like Hank's back at school. "Learnin' his place with the Men, are ya?"

"Yes sir, I am, sir," Clayton replied.

"Doin' what yer told to do, and not doin' what yer told not to do?" the deputy asked.

"Yes sir," the cadet lied.

Brick chuckled, and said, "Okey-doke then. Get down on yer knees, unzip my fly, reach inside, and take my dick out. Then put it in yer mouth, look at my belt buckle and hold yer queer mouth still. Let's see just how good ya are."

The Man's order was direct, delivered in a flat, direct, matter-of-fact tone that made it clear who was in charge.

"Yes sir," Clayton replied, moving to carry out the command. Soft, the lawman's dick was as big as the cadet's when it was hard. At the first trickle of urine, the cadet took a deep breath. His mouth filled up as he felt the deputy pissing hard, and he swallowed, staring straight ahead. The deputy said nothing and kept his hands on his belt.

When the piss stopped, Clayton stayed put and waited. The deputy, not saying a word, took his dick out of the cadet's mouth and zipped up.

"Thank you sir ..." Clayton said, but by then Brick had turned and walked away.

"Spread yer legs and grab yer knees from behind," Jake said. "And keep yer hands away from yer dick."

Clayton was on his back on the bed in the shed, wearing only a T-shirt. The deputy was in uniform, his erection sticking straight out of his unzipped fly. He was wearing a metal ring around behind his dick and balls to trap the blood in his hardon, making it even longer and thicker than it was. He'd put a towel over the cadet's genitals to conceal them from view, and eased his steel inside Clayton's asshole.

The deputy started slow, entering halfway and then withdrawing completely to give Clayton time to adjust. For lubricant, he had used K-Y jelly impregnated with a muscle relaxer. He moved into place, smiling downward as hiked up Clayton's t-shirt, grasped the cadet's abdomen with his large hands, and pushed him firmly against the mattress. The deputy used his legs to pin the cadet's legs back, and instructed him to put hands above his head, making his submission complete. As the lawman steadily increased the pace of the screwing, Clayton groaned and grimaced from the pleasure and pain. The deputy smiled the smile of a conqueror.

"There ya go," Jake said. "In 'n out, in 'n out. Keep lookin' me in the eye. That's good. There ya go."

The Man's dick jammed him over and over, and he felt pressure building inside, but it was far from over with. The deputy still hadn't gone all the way, but then he felt himself opening further as the Man went in past his second ring. Now it was real, and the deputy's ramrod was inside to very hilt.

"Open yer mouth," Jake said, his voice tender. The cadet complied, and the deputy spit from above, into his mouth. He rocked in and out, smiling.

"That's good for ya," he said tenderly as he went. "Nice 'n easy. Nice 'n easy. Ya take what a Man gives ya. There ya go. Nice 'n easy."

It was anything but that. The deputy knew that the cadet had been lying about not beating off, but that information would be used later. For now, Jake pumped hard and deep, penetrating all the way, wearing his smile, spitting again in the cadet's mouth, and eventually withdrawing without coming.

"Thank you, sir," Clayton said. "Is there anything else I do can do, sir?

Brick, who had been seated in a chair behind the cadet while he was being screwed, answered the question.

"Yer damn right," he said. "Move over sideways on the bed. Keep that towel over yer dick and hang yer head over the side. Jake says yer a sword swallower, and we're about to find out how good ya are it."

He had removed his motorcycle uniform and was clad only in his t-shirt and a pair of tight-fitting boxers as he moved into position.

"Open up, faggot," he said, withdrawing his rock-hard dick, made longer, thicker, and harder by the ring he was wearing. "Keep yer hands by yer sides."

Clayton followed the order, and was quickly swallowing the entire length.

"I'm gonna go wash mine off for when yer done and it's my turn," Jake said with a chuckle as Brick pumped. "Back in a flash. Don't choke the poor fella while yer at it."

Brick's sword seemed to penetrate the cadet's throat halfway to his stomach. When the deputy would withdraw, Clayton would take a deep breath and prepare to hold it while the lawman pumped away, silent and relentless as he went.

"Mmm-hmm," the lawman would mutter, occasionally holding it in place, his 9-plus inches, made into 10 by the ring, buried to the hilt. "Mmm-hmm."

Jake returned and watched.

"What'd I tell ya?" he said to Brick. "Ol' Clayton takes it like he's been swallowin' the sword for years."

The cadet's throat bulged under the assault, and he could see Brick's balls hanging heavy in the shorts. His dick had shriveled under Jake's anal attack, but now the cadet was rock hard. But he followed the order not to touch himself. And then it was over with, and like Jake, Brick hadn't come.

"Okey-doke, Jake, time to switch," Brick said, withdrawing his still-engorged dick and moving to the other side of the bed to take his position between the cadet's legs. He spread them wide and eased his way in, and was soon pumping deep and steady. Brick said nothing to the cadet, but spoke to Jake, who was now fucking Clayton's throat.

"Yer cousin been puttin' it to the queer faggot over at that school?" he asked, as they pumped in time with each other.

"Not yet," Jake replied. "Hank says he's been waitin' 'til Clayton's broke in. He's got damn near 10 inches on him. Got called 'Tripod' in high school, and he don't want to tear the kid up."

"I think ya can tell him Clayton's broke in," Brick said, lightly.

"Hank's got another reason," Jake said. "He told me some faggot used to suck his dick in high school, and the faggot went outta control. Says Clayton knows how to follow orders alright, but I'm thinkin' Hank ain't entirely sure about the rest yet. Prolly 'cause he's never really run a faggot 'til now."

"Hmm, yeah, I suppose I can see it," Brick said as he pumped the cadet's ass. "Them queer faggots can get cagey. Don't blame him none, I guess."

"The other roommate over there, Dirk, he's been gettin' his share and then some," Jake said. "Now that Clayton's swallowin' the sword like a champ, Dirk's gonna have somethin' else to look forward to."

The lawmen quickened their pace, and soon they were squirting into the cadet from both ends. Clayton's dick had softened again, but now he felt liquid being forced out. And then it was over.

"Thank you, Deputy Jake and Deputy Brick," he said, after he had recovered. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"That'll do it for now," Jake replied, chuckling.

Brick stood up, gathered his uniform, and put it back on. Clayton's exhaustion didn't keep him from staring as the deputy suited up, the fabric bulging with his muscles and his crotch. Brock caught him looking and smirked. He looked at his watch, and spoke to Jake.

"Got to be at Betty

Lou's in a few hours for dinner," he said. "I got time for a beer anyway. I can go to the house and get a couple of 'em. I'll be out back."

"How 'bout grabbin' the shine kit outta my front hall closet so Clayton can work on our boots?" Jake said.

"Sure thing," Brick replied.

"So how's it goin' with Betty Lou?" Jake asked as they sat drinking long necks while the cadet worked on Brick's motorcycle boots. "Nailin' her regular are ya?"

"Been doin' some of that, but I ain't quite certain if she really wants it," he replied.

"Okay, friend, let me pass along a few things that my Pops told me a long time ago," Jake said, casually scratching his balls as Clayton tried and failed not to be seen stealing looks.

"Pops said that a fair amount a-the women don't much like it. Way to find out for sure is to eat their snatch. If that don't melt 'em, forget it," he said.

"Got to say, I ain't done tried that one," Brick said.

"Well, friend, better start!" Jake said. "Be real nice to her, but if she holds out then ya got yer answer. Chances are once ya get on down there regular, she'll be doin' the beggin'."

"I suppose I can learn," Brick replied, with a laugh. "Guess it's time to have fishsticks a couple times a week so I can get used to it."

"Besides, ya got this or that queer faggot for what a gal won't do." Jake said. "They'll do what even Three-Finger's whores won't do, and then they'll thank ya for doin' it."

"Ya got me there," Brick said, laughing again. "Them whores call me the baseball bat, and there ain't no way I can stick it up their ass. Hell, Betty Lou can only take some of it between her legs, but ol' Clayton here takes the whole thing."

"Yep, and neither Betty Lou or one-a Buck's whores is gonna drink yer piss and then ask ya if there's anything more she can do for ya," Jake said. "The gals are good fer the in 'n out and suckin' yer dick and makin' kids and takin' care of 'em. Ya got to make sure they want that much, but that's all yer gonna get."

The cadet working on Brick's boot knew not to join in the conversation, but he also knew that the two lawmen were right. He made a mental note to pay close attention to his girlfriend's snatch up in Oklahoma. Clayton finished Brick's boots and asked whether the shine was acceptable. Brick said it was, and then he went to work on Jake's boots while the Men kept talking.

"I been talkin' to Hank about all of it," Jake said. "I tell him he didn't know how it worked when that queer was suckin' his dick in high school. I tell him that any Manjack who sticks his dick into a queer has pretty much got a duty to put that faggot in his rightful place and keep him there."

Brick nodded his head in agreement.

"Ya, it ain't fair to neither the Man or the queer if he don't," he said. "I bet the faggot that sucked Hank's dick figured he could call the shots on when he'd do it and when he wouldn't. Prolly figured he was Hank's equal."

"That's about the size of it," Jake replied. "The kid told Hank he wanted to suck his dick, and Hank told him any time, just say the word."

"Oooh, bad idea," Brick said.

"Yep, ol' Hank put himself at that faggot's beck 'n call when he did that," Jake said. "Faggot was tellin' him when and where and yes and no like he was doin' Hank some kinda favor. Even told Hank that he was a faggot fer gettin' his dick sucked, and if he didn't let him keep doin' it he'd spread the word,"

"That's no good," Brick said. "Can't ever have a queer faggot callin' the tune."

"That's when Hank broke the stupid kid's jaw," Jake said, "Spread the word that he done it 'cause the faggot kept after him. That was the end a-that, and none a-the other faggots ever bothered him again."

Brick shook his head and laughed.

"Prolly a good lesson fer Hank. Every inch ya give a faggot turns into a mile if they don't get to know their place from the get-go," he said. "It's the Man doin' a faggot the favor, and it's the Man who decides yes or no. Kid's lucky that he only got his jaw broke. Hear that, Clayton?"

"Yes sir," the cadet replied as he shined Jake's boots, his dick hard from the humiliation and the danger of what he'd been doing back at the academy.

"So ya got yer hands full," Brick said to Jake, chuckling. "Yer trainin' me in how to keep Betty Lou beggin' and yer trainin' Hank in how to run Clayton, and yer trainin' Clayton in knowin' his place. Ya ever thought about goin' to the teacher's college?"

Brick glanced at his watch, and stood up, his motorcycle uniform clinging to every part of his body.

"Gotta get movin' here," he said to Jake, "but I suppose I got time to give Clayton a drink before I go. Get on yer knees, faggot. Just like before."

"Yes sir," the cadet said, dropping to his knees, unzipping the lawman's fly, and resting his dick in his mouth while staring at the Man's belt buckle.

"I'm sure yer gonna have more things to tell Clayton after I go," Brick said, as he pissed. "Always the teacher. Far as I'm concerned, the queer faggot can learn by doin' what he told, but what the hell maybe he'll listen to ya."

When he was finished, Brick withdrew his dick and wiped it on the cadet's lips.

"Thank you sir," Clayton said. "Is there anything else I can do, sir?"

"Stay down there and open yer mouth."

The cadet followed the order, and the deputy aimed and squirted the piss he'd held back.

"Okay, now yer done," Brick said.

"Better get a move on," he said to Jake, chuckling as he turned to go. "Betty Lou's waitin' fer me to use my tongue."

Next: Chapter 16

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