Texas, 1956

By Jordan Project

Published on Jan 27, 2021


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TEXAS 1956 Vol. 1 – Chapter 2

Brick laughed.

"Yeah, it's not like he'll be drivin' outta here," he said. "I gotta say, this is a nice surprise. Think I oughtta fuck him?"

"If he comes back in his uniform, yeah," Jake said. "If he still wants to be 'captain,' then yeah, ya screw him. Otherwise, I take the lead. Agreed?"

Brick laughed again.

"Okay!" he said. "He comes back in boy clothes, we play it your way. Military clothes, we play it mine. Meantime, let's watch the game!"

Outside, the captain paced around, lost in thought about the specifics of what he'd have to endure. He was shocked by what the deputies knew about him and frightened by the choice he'd been given. Yet he was intensely attracted by the humiliation and shame. He had been there before, years ago, but had repressed the memories that he did not want to return.

He opened up the trunk and saw his "boy" clothes neatly folded there, and was lost in thought. Eventually, he removed his uniform, folded it carefully, and laid the pieces flat. When he was finished, stripped only to tight white briefs, he started by putting on a pair of white crew socks with red bands on top, then short-length khaki slacks, then his striped T-shirt, then a thin black belt, then tennis shoes. Just like in the movie, and just like long ago. He stood in back of the trunk lid and was profoundly relaxed, even happy. He wondered why he'd been so worried.

"Hey, you're back!" Jake said cheerfully, as he closed the front door. "Come on over and watch the game, little fella!"

Seated at one end of the couch, he beckoned Kenny.

"Right over here, ya little rascal," he said, smiling broadly. The deputy sat him down onto the right side of a lap created by the tree trunk of one leg whose ankle rested on the knee of the other. The boy straddled the deputy's leg, with neither foot reaching the floor. He settled onto his perch, his back resting against the deputy's chest, feeling his deputy's arm around his shoulder and his gigantic hand draped over the right side of his own chest. Kenny was a football fan too, and he watched with interest.

"I'm glad ya decided to put yer little guy clothes on before ya came back here," Jake whispered in the boy's ear. "Now I don't want ya to be worryin'. Neither of us is gonna hurt ya. Just remember yer 'yes sir' and yer 'no sir' when yer with us, and yer 'please' and yer 'thank you.' "

Kenny sighed and leaned into the Man's chest, his body relaxing. Feeling the fatigue that had been triggered by waves of fear and panic, he yawned widely and burrowed into the deputy's massive chest, feeling the warmth and drinking in the Man's aroma.

"There ya go, little guy," Jake said, stroking his head. "You just go to sleep for a while. I'll hold onto ya."

The boy turned over on his back and rested his head in the crook of the Man's elbow, turning his face inward. The deputy drew him inward into a tight cocoon, and Kenny went to sleep, his breathing heavy and steady. Jake looked over at his partner, sprawled out over the chair past the far end of the couch, and they exchanged smiles and resumed watching the game, quietly now.

An hour later, the boy awakened with a start, as Jake's body jerked. The favorite team had scored a touchdown, and the two deputies were cheering raucously. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, untangled himself and twisted himself into a position where he could straddle the Man's leg and watch the game.

"Sir, could I please go to the bathroom?" he asked.

"Sure thing," Jake replied. "Here, why don't ya ride me piggyback and I'll take ya."

The deputy got onto his knees in front of the couch, and Kenny climbed on.

"Hang on, buddy boy!" he shouted, and bucked around the living room while his partner laughed at the antics. Jake stopped at the bathroom door, and let Kenny down.

"Go in there and take yerself a shower and do whatever else ya need to do," he said. "I'll be back. My sink's high, but there's a stool on the floor."

A few minutes later, the deputy had returned and waited by the door. When he heard the toilet flush, followed by water running from the faucet in the sink, he entered and found the boy standing naked on the stool, bushing his teeth.

"Might as well take a leak myself," he said, moving to the toilet. Kenny tried not to look as the Man unbuckled his belt, opened his trousers, and lowered the waist band on his tight shorts, exposing his dick and balls. But it was useless, because he was mesmerized by what he saw and couldn't look away. The flaccid hose flopped over the waistband. It was long and thick, and uncut, surrounded by hair. The deputy had brought his large, tight balls forward.

"Five and a quarter inches soft," the Man said in matter-of-fact tone to the boy, who was gaping at the sight. "Nine inches stiff, five and three-quarters around. Got everything written down in the book."

The deputy let a mighty stream of piss into the bowl, and it landed with the force of a waterfall. After 45 seconds or so it was over. Before he zipped up, he turned to face Kenny, who'd finished brushing his teeth.

"Just about every time ya look at me or Deputy Brick, ya take a look at what we got, Kenny," he said, flashing a mischievous smile. "Ya know it's true, so don't ya bother denyin' it."

The boy flushed bright red and looked at the floor.

"I ... I'm not a queer, sir, I swear it," he said, softly.

"Someone must a-told ya that it was queer a-ya to look," the deputy said, softly. "It's what happened, ain't it? More 'n that too."

Kenny hesitated. It was a deep secret.

"Yes sir," he said. "Back a long time ago ..."

Jake cut him off.

"Ya don't need to tell me right this minute," he said, affectionately. "I just don't want ya worryin' about any a-that now."

The deputy leaned down, retrieved the wide stool that Kenny had stood on to use the sink, reached in back and flipped up another step.

"Here, ya sit yerself down," the deputy said. He stood directly in front of Kenny, his hands on his hips and one leg on the lower step. The boy's eyes stared straight at the bottom of the long fly of the Man' uniform trousers.

The seated boy raised his hands to explore, but hesitated.

"Here, Captain Kenny boy, ya just put them little hands a-yers around my leg," Jake said, raising his one foot to the top step. The fabric of his uniform clung tightly, highlighting the massiveness of his muscular thigh.

"Go right ahead," the deputy said, his voice like syrup. "Just us in here. Just you 'n me, Captain Kenny boy"

The boy ran one of his hands lightly over the top of the Man's thigh.

"Put yer other hand on the bottom," Jake said, coaxing gently. "Give it a good, hard squeeze."

The boy did as he was told, groping, still looking upward into the deputy's face as he smiled.

"Feel how big 'n strong that is, little Kenny?" the deputy said, smiling downward and softly rubbing his knuckles top of the boy's crewcut in approval. "That's what a Big Man's got."

Without speaking, the boy felt the circumference of the Man's leg, as Jake stroked his head and slowly bought his thigh closer to Kenny's cheek. Then he gently took one of the boy's hands and arranged it as an underhanded grip on his thigh while guiding the other to rub the top.

"There ya go, Captain Kenny boy," he said, gently. "Now that ain't half bad, is it, little fella?"

"It's like a tree, sir," the boy replied, awestruck. In his position, the standing Man's balls, only inches from his mouth, bulged against the fabric of his uniform trousers.

The deputy took the boy's hand and guided it up above his belt.

"Why don't ya feel a Big Man's gut, Captain Kenny boy," he said, his voice sweet. "Ya just rub my stomach there, little fella. Get a real good feel."

The boy put his hand on the Man's hard abdomen. He could feel the t-shirt underneath, so he pressed harder. Unable to look away from the deputy, he found himself thrilled by the widening smile.

"Ya like bein' Deputy Jake's little Captain Kenny boy?" he asked, the humiliation working like a hypnotic spell. "Ya like that, little fella? Ya like that? I know you dang well like it, little fella. Don't ya now, little fella?"

"Yes sir!" he answered softly, as he rubbed the Man's hard stomach. "Yes sir!"

Gently, the deputy took the boy's hand from his stomach. He kept it in his own hand, massaging the back of the boy's hand with his thumb while stroking his head.

"Ya wanna feel what the deputy's got between his legs, little Captain Kenny boy?" he asked, smiling and mocking, seductive, humiliating, and irresistible. "Ya just a little fella wantin' to know what it is a Big Man's got? Ya can tell me, little Captain Kenny boy. I'll let ya if ya want."

"Yes sir," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"So ya wanna touch me, Kenny boy?" he asked again, sweetly. "Am I hearin' right? Little Kenny want to touch this Man? That right, little fella?"

"Yes sir, I want to touch you sir," he said, a little louder.

"Then ya look straight in my eye and say, 'Deputy Jake, sir, can I please touch what ya got, sir?' " the deputy said. "It's what ya got to say if ya want to do that."

"Deputy Jake, sir, can I please touch what you've got, sir?" he repeated.

"Now tell me ya ain't a Man but yer a little boy, Kenny," the deputy said, hypnotically, "and then ask me again just like before."

"I'm not a Man, sir. I'm just a little boy, sir," he said, feeling his humiliation deepen further and his dick get hard. "Deputy Jake, sir, can I please touch what you've got, sir?"

"Do I see somethin' getting' all stiff?" he asked gently, smiling downward. "Is that yer little squirt gun there, little Captain Kenny boy?"

"Y-y-yes sir," he said, worried.

"It's alright, little fella," Jake said. "Little fellas get excited all the time."

The deputy opened a drawer in the cabinet beneath the sink, and grabbed a tape measure.

"There ya are, little fella," he said, bending down and deftly measuring the outstretched member. "Yer 3-3/4 inches long and an inch and a half around."

"It's not real big, sir," Kenny said.

The deputy reached over, took the boy's hand, and stood straight, his crotch almost touching Kenny's face. He looked like a flesh-and-blood skyscraper, bulging outlandishly in the middle. Gently, he guided Kenny's hand to where his balls swelled against the tan fabric of tight, creased uniform trousers. He stood wide, and to Kenny the protrusion was not just impossibly big but firm, as if the deputy had stuffed an orange in his pants.

"There ya go, little Captain Kenny boy," he said, pressing the boy's palm into his crotch and guiding his fingers to feel it. "That's what I got. That's what makes a Big Man stiff and squirt, right there. Now ya just rub me and squeeze a little bit, and get my balls all nice 'n warm."

Kenny did as he was told, looking upward at the deputy all the while.

"They're s-s-so big, sir," he said, breathing hard. His one hand still wrapped around Jake's leg, he freely explored with the other. After a while, the deputy gently guided his lips to where his hand was. The boy hesitated.

"Now open yer little mouth as wide as it'll go and blow as hard as ya can blow, little fella," the deputy said, firmness in his tone. Kenny hesitated, but then remembered the other deputy, and complied.

"That's a little Captain Kenny boy," the Man said, his voice returning to its hypnotic, seductive, gentle ridicule. "Ya keep lookin' up at me while yer doin' it. And gimme yer little hand while yer at it. Little fella gonna feel a Big Man like he's been wantin' to."

As before, the deputy massaged the back of the boy's hand with his thumb, and smiled, then guided it to the massive log that had formed in his uniform pants. He showed the boy how to grasp it and rub it, guiding him back and forth over the hardness that pressed against the fabric.

"That a-little Kenny boy," he said, the hypnotic sing-song even more intense now. "Little boy do as he's told. Big Man ain't gonna hurt little Captain Kenny boy as long as little Captain Kenny boy do as he's told. That's a-little Kenny boy, feeling a Man with his little mouth and his little hand. Little Kenny boy do his job. Little Kenny boy take good care of the Big Man. That's a-little Kenny boy. Little boy do as he's told ... "

The size of the Man's equipment astounded and excited Kenny, and so did everything else. The gigantic deputy's body, and its private parts combined with the humiliation of the words, the handsome, uniformed Man's quiet, gentle, and firm authority, confidence and impunity, and Kenny's release of his Manhood, to cast a spell and send him into a mesmerized state. He could feel his erection, and released his grip on the deputy's leg so he could touch himself. The deputy interrupted him.

"No, Kenny boy, ya take yer hand away," the deputy said, frowning and injecting firmness back into his voice. "Ya don't touch yerself, Kenny. Put that hand right back where it was, little fella."

He complied immediately, burying his mouth deeper into the Man's balls and blowing even harder, and gripping the dick as hard as he could.

"There ya are, little Captain Kenny boy," the deputy said. "Ya do nothin' but take care-a the Big Man. Ya do what the Big Man tells ya. Little Kenny do as he's told."

Jake's hips began to sway gently in a fucking motion, and he grasped the back of the boy's head and pushed his mouth into his crotch while keeping their eyes locked.

"There ya are," he said, his smile warmer than ever, as Kenny kept blowing hot, moist air through the fabric into his balls. "That's a little fella. There ya are, little Captain Kenny. There ya are. That's right ... "

The deputy held him there, and Kenny looked upward, his view partly blocked by the

protruding log. He was in a different world now, being led and coaxed, by the Man who was gently mocking him every step of the way. Each time the deputy called him a little boy, it was a new humiliation – the warmer it was said, the deeper and the more exciting and satisfying. When he told this deputy he wasn't a Man, it came from down deep.

The deputy unbuttoned his shirt, and Kenny knew what was next.

"Undo my belt, little guy, " he said. Still blowing into the Man's crotch, he removed his one hand from the deputy's leg, and the other from his dick, and unfastened the belt.

"Now take yer mouth off a-me and unzip my fly, " he said. "Then reach inside and see what ya feel, Captain Kenny."

"Yes sir," he replied. Inside, he felt the gigantic log, and ran his hand over it. The fabric was tight and slick, and he gasped, and ran his hand everywhere, over the Man's dick and down to his balls. The deputy, his eyes still locked on Kenny's, unhooked the clasp on his trousers and let them fall towards his knees, and the boy gasped again. The deputy was wearing tight boxer shorts that clung to everything, outlining his massive dick and large, tight balls.

"That's what the Big Man's got, little Captain Kenny boy," he said, hypnotically. "Gettin' time for ya to put Deputy Jake in yer mouth and find out what he and his squirt tastes like, little fella. Ya ready fer that, little fella?"

"Yes sir!" he said, drunk with excitement and humiliation and sheer awe at the size of the Man.

"Put yer little hands on the waistband and pull it on down, then," the deputy said, chuckling. "Little Captain Kenny ready to do what a Man tells him to do?"

"Yes sir!" he replied, breathing hard and peeling the shorts downward. The Man's erection, freed from the fabric, sprang back and hit the side of his face, causing the boy to recoil and the deputy to chuckle.

"Hey Captain Kenny, I know it's a weapon but it ain't lethal," he said, lightly.

Fully erect, the Man's gigantic unit was ruler-straight, pointing downward at a slight angle.

"Give it a good squeeze, and start pumpin' it some," the deputy said, even now keeping his eyes locked on Kenny's. The captain slowly pumped, and noticed clear liquid coming out of the slit at the end of the Man's dick.

"Open yer mouth and stick yer tongue out, little guy," the deputy said, smiling into Kenny's eyes and stroking his crewcut. "Captain Kenny do what the Big Man says now, hear?"

"Yes sir," he said, mesmerized, as the deputy wiped his dick on his tongue.

He tasted the sweet and salty liquid, and stuck his tongue out for more.

"You want that in yer mouth, little Captain Kenny boy?" the deputy asked. "Deputy Jake needs to hear ya tell him ya ain't a Man and to ask if ya can suck his dick. Go right ahead, little fella. Ya know the words. Say yer words, little guy."

"Deputy Jake, can I please suck your dick, sir?" he said, spellbound. "Please sir? I'm not a Man, sir, I'm just a little boy. Can I please suck your dick, sir? Please, sir?"

The deputy put his hands on his hips, stood tall, and smiled downward.

"Open yer mouth, then, little Captain Kenny boy," he said, his voice deep and smooth as silk, his hand caressing the boy's head. "Little Captain Kenny gonna suck on the Big Man now."

The captain, his Manhood abandoned under the deputy's spell, followed the command and opened his mouth, and the Man's stiff, slick pecker slid inside.

"Keep on lookin' me in the eye, little fella," the deputy said, moving his hips in and out. The captain gazed upward, his mouth full, as the Man pushed himself in and out of his mouth.

"There ya are, little Captain Kenny boy," he said, his smile and his voice tender, seductive, and mocking. "Ya take care of the Big Man there, little fella. There ya go now. That a good boy now."

He gradually quickened his pace, going further inside, and then withdrew his dick and spit on it, and rubbed the mixture of his and the boy's spit, and his juice, over the head, and onto his fingers, and then rubbed it across the captain's lips and onto his crewcut. Then back into the boy's mouth for more screwing, and then back out to repeat, then back in, and back out, over and over. After a while, the boy's face and hair were coated. Kenny could smell the mixture, and it excited and humiliated him.

"Man marks his territory," the deputy said, as he rubbed his slicked-up, leaking dick across the boy's lips and face. He entered again, and screwed faster and deeper, causing the captain to gag.

"You'll learn to open yer little throat," he said with a chuckle. "Now start rubbin' the back of my legs up near my butt, little fella."

Kenny complied, massaging the twin tree trunks while the deputy went in and out. Suddenly, his mouth filled up.

"Swallow that, little Captain Kenny boy," the deputy said, his hands now resting on his belt on either side of the buckle, below which the boy's mouth was working. "Little boy swallow what Big Man gives him. That a-boy, Kenny. That a-real good Kenny boy."

Next: Chapter 3

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