Texas, 1956

By Jordan Project

Published on Feb 5, 2021


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TEXAS 1956 Vol. 1 – Chapter 23

Another knock on the door, and "Mike" opened it.

"I think I finished your truck, sir, and I brought a rag for the bottoms of the corporal's boots," Kenny said, his Scout uniform stained by sweat. "Would you like to inspect the truck, sir?"

"Nah, but go back out there and get my black bag. Then come right on in and get the rag wet and do his boots," "Mike" said. "And get yerself a Coke and bring us a couple a-longnecks."

Kenny brought the bag and beers and Coke, then made short work of Tom's boot soles.

"Sir, should I put the shoe bench away?" he asked.

"Yeah, and then come on back in here and take off all yer clothes except yer socks, 'cause we're gonna swap yer cage," "Mike" said. "Yer due for the shrinker anyway, and I wanted "Tom" to see how these cages work."

Five minutes later, Kenny was standing in front of their easy chairs, wearing only his socks and the harness. "Mike" produced a key ring, one of the keys looking more like a thin bar. He inserted it into the side of Kenny's cage and twisted it, and the cage and the rim came apart.

"I'll show ya how all of it works after I'm done cleaning Kenny's pipes out," "Mike" said. "I'm gonna have Kenny take his harness off 'n put his undershorts back on. Zipper in back, but the shorts will catch the squirt from screwin' him. While I'm screwin' him he'll be rubbin' up against one a-them boots a-yers that he just shined, and if ya want he'll suck yer dick while he's at it."

"Mike" fished a tube out of the bag and handed it to Kenny.

"The slick's got a muscle relaxer in it so he'll be more comfortable," "Mike" said. "Kenny'll slick hisself up and then he'll put them shorts back on and get on his hands 'n knees and spread his legs. Tom, just lean back in yer chair, and if ya want yer dick sucked on, take it right on out."

Kenny followed the command, and "Tom" accepted the invitation.

"Now when ya go to screw one of the rascals, ya start slow so ya don't tear him up," "Mike" said. "There's a kinda second asshole way in there, and ya go slow there too."

Soon, "Mike" was all the way inside and built a rhythm that slowly increased while Kenny clutched at one of the cadet's legs and sucked on "Tom's" erection.

"Try using your hand on it," "Tom" said, the Supervision formula making him revel in his dominance. "Oh yeah, little Kenny, you just work on it."

"Okay, Tom, I'm about 30 seconds away," "Mike" said. "Ya getting' ready? Kenny'll be squrtin' any second here."

The cadet, lost in his orgasm, felt Kenny tighten around his boot and heard "Mike" breathing hard, his eyes closed in ecstacy. And then it was over.

"Kenny, ya go into the bathroom and hop in the shower," "Mike" said. "Here's another pair a-shorts for ya. And clean off yer bump."

"Thank you, sir!" he said. "Is there anything else I can do before I go?"

"Mike" chuckled and rubbed Kenny's backside.

"Not unless Tom's got somethin' in mind," he said. "Tom, ya got any beer to get rid of?"

"Nah, I'm good," he replied, rubbing his knuckles on Kenny's crewcut affectionately. "He did good there."

"Thank you, sir!" Kenny said, rising and turning to go, the new shorts and the rubber bump in hand.

By the time Kenny returned, "Mike" had retrieved an electric shaver.

"Stand over here so I can show Tom how the shrinker works," he said.

"The rims come in different sizes, so the first thing to do is shave off the hair where the ring goes," "Mike" explained. "Now, Kenny's never had much hair so it don't matter much, but we make sure he's shaved down everywhere because hair's for Men and Kenny don't like to think of himself as one."

"Mike" removed what little hair had grown near Kenny's dick and on his balls, then handed him a small bottle of lotion to spread on the skin that had just been shaved. "Other fellas got more hair, so ya got to remove it first. The ring's got a spring to keep to keep 'er tight enough, but we found out that some of 'em with regular cages were slidin' off."

He put to the ring onto Kenny to demonstrate.

"On the side opposite the lock, if ya turn it to two clicks it won't come off," he said. "With a shrinker it don't matter, 'cause the tube into his dick that won't allow it to slip off no how. But we still go two clicks. Once ya unlock, everything gets reset so ya got to do it each time ya lock 'em up."

"Mike" fished a chrome rod through a hole in front of a cage consisting of short steel bars about an inch and a half long. "Ya have the fella hold his dick straight out like Kenny's doin' then ya ease it in. The tube don't go all the way to his bladder, but it makes it impossible to get hard even if he wanted to," "Mike" explained.

"Then ya move the little ring all the way back and click it into the big ring. There's all kinda cages that attach to the big ring. Shrinkers and regular ones. Different dick lengths, but you don't often go past 2 inches."

To the bottom of the large ring, he attached the strap and the bump and had Kenny put the harness back on, then finished the job by attaching it to the harness belt and tightening all the straps.

"Kenny feels that bump all the time," "Mike" said. "And this little valve at the tip a-the shrinker controls what comes out a-his dick. Ya push in and close it and nothin' comes out. Ya push in again and it opens to let whatever's comin' down the tube out. It's got a lock, so the fella who's wearin' it has got to get permission to take a leak if his supervisor sets it up that way."

"Now that's control!" "Tom" exclaimed. "Queer wearing one a-them knows who's boss, I reckon."

"Damn right," "Mike" said. "Okay, Kenny. Ya can put yer Scout clothes back on, and put them used shorts in my bag for ya to wash later."

"Yes sir!" he replied. "Thank you, sir!"

As Kenny was getting dressed, "Mike" glanced at his watch.

"Got to be headin' out," he said. "Kenny, y'all go to the truck 'n wait for me. Gonna have a few words with Tom here, then we'll be on our way."

"So that's how it goes," "Mike" said after Kenny left. "What do ya think?"

"Well, it's a lot to take in," he said. "Looks like it works for Kenny anyhow."

"It works for all of 'em," "Mike" said. "Kenny likes it more than most on account of not wantin' to be a Man and all, but they all get used to it. Like I been tellin' ya, they's happy to get under control. Most of 'em don't wanna be in the shrinker more 'n once though."

"Yeah, I bet," "Tom" said.

"Anyways, let me go back over what ya need to remember," "Mike" said. "First off, yer gonna be dealin' just with the queer faggots who are outta control. Now, control and knowin' their place are two sides a-one coin. Can't have one without the other. A faggot that ain't in control don't know his place, and a faggot that don't know his place won't be in control. As sure as day follows night, that queer faggot will sneak around and misbehave.

"The way to get a queer faggot in control and in place is through their balls. In my opinion, nothin' works like them cages. We only learned about 'em a little while back, but they're getting' real popular. The only question is whether to use 'em right away or try other stuff first."

The M.P. got up from his easy chair, stretched his legs, and headed for the door. "Tom" followed him with his eyes, and felt an erection stirring. He rose from his own chair and followed him to the door.

"Thanks for all of it," he said. "Mike" gave him a hearty slap on the back and opened the door.

"Jake oughtta be back in another hour or so," he said. "He always brings come barbeque. Bet yer hungry!"

"Damn right about that!" "Tom" replied. "Maybe see you again sometime."

Clayton looked out the window and saw Kenny on his knees in front of "Mike," and once the car pulled out he went back to the living room and masturbated, not knowing that there were hidden cameras all over the house. Jake returned a while later, holding a bag full of food.

"Hungry?" he said.

"Yes sir, I'm starving, sir!" Clayton replied.

The deputy told him to set the table, and as he was carrying out the order he opened the refrigerator and withdrew a beer for himself and a Coke for Clayton, which he dosed with the Management formula.

"So did ya have yerself a good time?" the deputy asked. "Ya know, I never said ya couldn't enjoy yerself today."

"Yes sir, I did," he said. "I'm glad you let me see it from the other side, sir."

"What about them cages?" Jake asked. "Think they're a good idea?"

"Can I sleep on that, sir?" Clayton replied. "The sergeant made good arguments, sir. When you told me that staying in control would be the hardest part, I didn't quite believe it, but now I know it's the hardest thing."

"Yep, it is," the deputy said. "Ya been stayin' in control?"

"Yes sir," he said, lying again. "But it's not easy, sir."

The next morning at breakfast, the deputy told him about Ty Jordan.

"He's a state trooper in Oklahoma. Covers yer county and a few others up there," Jake said. "He's gonna be runnin' ya. Knows yer family, has dinner with your folks. Long as ya behave yerself and do as he tells ya, he won't be informin' yer family or the sheriff. Yer secret will be safe."

The deputy sent Clayton out to wash his patrol car, and once he was outside he retrieved film from the cameras in the house.

"Got to run into town for a bit," he said to the cadet when he went back outside. "I'll be back in a couple hours. Make sure the house is clean, and ya might as well get the shoe-shine stuff because yer gonna be mindin' the Man's boots. He'll prolly be here before I'm back."

"Yes sir!" Clayton replied, as Jake climbed on his motorcycle. He sped off to get the flm developed in a hurry to find out whether Clayton had masturbated after being told not to.

An hour and a half after Jake left, a large Buick sedan pulled into the driveway. Clayton was just finishing with kitchen and dining room, and when he heard the sound went to look out the window. A tall Man emerged, wearing a uniform consisting of crisp light gray pants with a black stripe, a starched light gray shirt with black epaulets, and a black tie.

The cadet walked outside to offer his greetings.

"Hello, sir," he said. "Deputy Jake said that a Sergeant Ty Jordan would be coming here. Is that you, sir?"

"You got it," the Man replied. "You Clayton Thompson, then?"

"Yes sir, that's me," he replied. "That's a great car, sir! I can clean it if you want, sir."

"Later on," the trooper replied. "Meantime, I wouldn't mind a beer."

"Yes sir!" Clayton replied. "Do you want to come into the house, or should I get one and bring it out?"

Just then, Jake pulled in on his motorcycle.

"Howdy, Ty!" he said after he dismounted. "I see ya have met Clayton."

"Just got here, and he's already offered to wash my car and get me a beer," the trooper said with a chuckle. "Ya got this one trained!"

"Gettin' there, anyway," Jake replied. "Ya know about the queers, though. Always got to be keepin' a watch on 'em."

The next couple hours went well, as Clayton demonstrated his skills at boot shining sword swallowing, and piss drinking. After a round of it, the Men sat back in their easy chairs, and shared the contents of the cadet's notebooks.

"His roommates were tellin' me he was real well-behaved, but one of 'em didn't quite trust him," Jake said. "Turned out he was right. He was writin' them words and then he was beatin' off all the time."

The deputy handed an envelope with pictures.

"The last couple were taken yesterday," he said. "The same queer faggot who wrote all that stuff was doin' exactly the opposite."

Ty looked through the pictures and sighed.

"I'll be damned!" he said.

"They caught him beatin' off last Thursday and gave him the full treatment," Jake said, "and two days later he's back at it again. Once a outta-control queer faggot always one, I guess."

"Yeah, I suppose so," the trooper said, glancing at the stunned cadet seated on the floor. "What ya gonna do now?"

"Out at the base, if a queer faggot keeps it up even after gettin' a beatin', we stick 'em in a dick cage," Jake said. "The other MP's out there want to put 'em all in cages. I was leanin' toward it but still wasn't too sure, but I gotta say Clayton convinced me.

"Ya know, yer brother Shane's got that Kenny fella in a cage. Clayton spent the day with the two of 'em not knowin' ya are brothers. Saw all of it, so he knows what's a-comin to him now. I told my cousin Hank who runs the academy guard outfit, and by the time Clayton gets back to school tonight the rest of the guards will know. Hank's gonna be out here in a while so I can show 'em how the things work."

Ty laughed.

"A cage on their dick?!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, they tried all kinda things, but when they found 'em in some stuff they captured from the Germans at the end of the war," they shipped everything out here. "Sat in a storage room until someone found it. Been usin' em more and more. They make it impossible to beat off, and it changes 'em right quick."

"I'll be damned!" Ty said again. "Who the hell knew?"

"When Hank gets out here, I'll show ya the whole thing," he said. "No use goin' through it twice. I got to show my cousin how they work, so I'll be killin' two birds with one stone. Ya know, them queers can be pretty smart, but they can be pretty stupid too. I think ol' Clayton here maybe wanted to get hisself caught."

"Now when ya slide the tube in, ya go slow and ya make sure it's greased up first," Jake said, demonstrating the technique to Hank, who'd been dropped off by Deputy Brick a half-hour earlier. "Ya get 'er in there, and then slide the cage in together until the little ring clicks into the big one. And make sure to set the front of the tube how ya want it. We usually lock it."

The deputy unlocked the mechanism and slowly pulled the tube and cage out. He told Hank to try it himself.

"Ya want to be sure the feller's relaxed enough to hold still and cooperate with ya," Jake said. "This ain't meant to be a surprise, and there's no call to be harsh about it. By the time ya slide it in, he should know it's comin' and why. Yer doin' it for his own good, after he had every chance to control hisself. Ain't that right, Clayton?"

"Yes sir," he said. "I was given more chances to control myself than I deserved, and I couldn't, sir."

Hank locked the large ring and tightened it two clicks, then spoke gently to Clayton.

"Now hold yerself straight out," he said, putting another coat of lubricant on the tube and sliding it carefully into his piss slit. Then he eased the cage and tube in farther and clicked into the large ring, and ended by locking the tip closed.

"There ya go, Clayton," he said. "When ya need to take a leak, ya will request it either from me or any other guard. They all got keys."

"Yes sir," the cadet replied. "Thank you, sir. This is the right thing, sir."

"Hank, there's gonna be more queers for the guards to be runnin' pretty soon, so I recommend that ya show them how to use the cage like I showed ya just now," Jake said. "Each queer will be roomin' with two guards, and one oughtta be in the lead on this. Just make sure they's careful like I showed ya."

"Sure thing, Jake," he replied. Then he turned to the cadet.

"We're gonna get ya turned around, Clayton," Hank said, his voice conveying a sort of fatherly authority. "Ya been good at the words, but now we're gonna get ya calmed down 'n make 'em come true."

"So ya can see that Clayton's trainin' has more to go, Ty," Jake said. "But he'll be in fine shape by the time he gets back home. He ain't like Kenny. Clayton's a part-time queer, and they get treated different but they still got to know their place. While he's down here he'll be a full-timer, but we'll be unlockin' him if his gal visits, and when he goes back home fer the summer."

"What was all that about givin' him and Shane fake names yesterday?" Ty asked.

"We didn't want ya talkin' to each other about 'em, but now ya can tell Shane the whole story," Jake said. "I'm sure ya will share a few laughs."

"Okey doke, then," Ty said with a chuckle. "Ya guys got it down to some kinda science, especially with them cages a-yers. Hope it don't keep him from kissin' ass!"

"Not a bit!" Jake replied. "Want Clayton to show ya right now?"

"Read my mind, buddy!" he said, turning to the cadet.

"Go to it," he said to Clayton. "Kiss my hard ass, ya queer faggot!"

Clayton knelt in back of the trooper and did as he was told, while the trooper withdrew a small vial from his shirt pocket and took a sniff.

"That's right, ya little faggot," he said, reveling in the impunity of it. "Ya kiss my ass, little fella. That's right."

He grabbed hold of one of the cadet's hands and brought it around front.

"Grab hold a-the handlebar now," he said, chuckling, making sure that Clayton felt all rock hard, thick 9 inches. "That's right, ya lyin' little queer. Ya take care a-this Man right now."

Clayton felt himself stirring, but the tube in his dick kept him from getting hard. The trooper turned around and faced him.

"Undo my fly there and take it on out," he said, his voice a low growl. "Then put it in yer queer-ass mouth and start suckin'."

"Yes sir!" Clayton said, his enthusiasm causing all three Men to smile. As he did Ty's bidding, Jake drew close to Hank's ear.

"A lotta the part-timers seem to like it rougher," he whispered. "They need to be reminded who's boss. Full-timers like that Jimmy Smithson usually do better with gentle 'n firm."

The trooper had finished in Clayton's mouth. The cadet thanked him and asked if there was anything more he could do.

"Put yer mouth back on my pecker 'n wait, faggot," Ty said. "Got a couple beers to be rid of."

Next: Chapter 24

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