Texas, 1956

By Jordan Project

Published on Feb 6, 2021


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TEXAS 1956 Vol. 1 – Chapter 24

"Ya know, Clayton, I can feel for ya," Billy Ringo said at lunch the following Wednesday, the table shared with three other guards. "If I was a queer, I'd probably need a cage on my dick in a place like this myself. How's that thing working out, anyway?"

"I've only been wearing it since Sunday, so it's new, sir," the cadet replied. "At this point I can say that it fits well and that I don't get erections, sir."

"It keeps ya under control, that's fer damn sure," Hank said. "And ya been sayin' all along that queer faggots who get outta control got to be in control."

"Yes sir!" Clayton replied. "When I met up with the one queer who's been caged and listened to Deputy Jake and the one sergeant from the base, the cages sounded like the right thing, sir. I'm sure it's the right thing for me, sir."

"When ya first told me about them cages, I didn't quite know what to think about 'em," Strayley said, chiming in. "But it makes sense. If ya tell a queer that he can't beat off but ya still let him get a hardon, that ain't gonna work. Wouldn't work fer me whether I was a faggot or not. Them cages will keep a faggot like Clayton here in his place where he good 'n god damn well oughtta be."

Jimmy Smithson, suspecting nothing, went for another visit with Colt that Thursday. After he'd been screwed and they lay back chatting, the cowboy told him that he'd be switching ranches soon.

"Gonna be the lead there," he said. "Step up in pay, and I'm gonna be the manager. I can take ya on this summer as a helper, and we can see if we's right fer each other. Ya like that idea, little guy?"

"Yes sir!" he replied. "It would be a dream come true, sir. You know, my step dad was young when he married my mom. About your age, sir. You are like my second dad in a way, except I get to do all this."

"Okey doke, then," Colt said. "I'll make 'er happen. Better be ready to work hard out there."

"Yes sir!" he said. "I grew up on a ranch. Besides how my roommates treated me, my biggest complaint about the military college is too many books and not enough work, sir."

"We'll take good care a-that," the cowboy said with a laugh. "Better be careful what ya just wished for. Yer gonna be takin' care a-much more 'n just me."

The cowboy told Jimmy he'd have skip their next meeting at Three-Finger Buck's, knowing what was in store for him. That Sunday, Clayton dropped in at the room he shared with Chance and Bulldog, carrying Chance's boots and knowing that the two guards wouldn't be there.

"Hiya Jim!" he said when the cadet answered the door. "Got boots for Chance, but I see he's not here. Bulldog around?"

"They're off doing something with some other guards," Jim said. "Come on in. We haven't talked for a while. Good to see you again."

Clayton stepped into the room and saw that everything was clean, and commented that the racks were made up even though it wasn't required on Sundays.

"I've been doing it anyway," Jim said. "They seem to appreciate it. Your advice was good. They've eased off, and we've been getting along much better."

"Glad to hear it," Clayton said. "Captain White tells me you've been getting along real well with Colt Bates too. You're going to be his helper this summer, I hear."

Jim looked like he'd been socked in the gut.

"Wha-wha-wha-what?" he said, barely able to get the words out.

"I didn't expect it myself," Clayton said. "I didn't think you were queer. You told me it was someone else, so that's what I thought."

He explained that the cowboy worked with the same sheriff's deputies who patrolled the county park and highway pullouts, and that one of the sheriff's deputy's cousins was Hank White, his roommate. The room at Buck's had hidden cameras and microphones, and everything they'd said and done there was passed along to Hank, who'd shared it wth the guards.

"So another set of lies and tricks," the crestfallen cadet said. "My roommates, you, the deputies, the guards, that cowboy. You're all in on it."

"The only lies or tricks I can think of have come from you, Jim," Clayton replied, harshly. "All I knew when I started talking to you is that you roomed with a couple of guys who wound up becoming guards. That's it. You told me a bunch of lies. I did know about the cowboy and the room and all that, but I didn't think it was you."

"I was led into a trap," he replied. "I thought you were my friend."

"You were led out of a trap, Jim," Clayton said, feeling free to correct the cadet because he was not the kind of regular Man he had to avoid arguing with.

"Captain White told me that you were a regular at the park, and he'd you warned away a few times. You were even arrested once, but let go because the deputy who got you didn't want to ruin your life," Clayton said. "That park is a trap for cadets. It was for Clark Branson, and he wasn't the only one."

"No one told me that the cowboy is working with the sheriff," Jim said. "All I was told is that it would be safe to go with him."

"You have a point there, I suppose," Clayton said. "But it was a lot safer. And it sounds like you didn't exactly have a bad time."

"Now my roommates know about me, and so do the other guards," Jim said. "I'm finished here!"

"No you're not," Clayton said. "Look, Jim, it turns out that I'm the only one of those people who didn't think you were queer. All that cowboy did was prove it."

"Well, you're not a guard but you know," Jim said. "Do all the other roommates of guards know too?"

"I asked about that, and the answer is no," Clayton said. "The only reason I know is because Captain White wanted me to quiz you about the Commandant's rule change a while back. We got to be friends, so he asked me to do what I'm doing now to make it easier for you to handle."

"I'm sure I'll have to be sucking their dicks now," Jim said.

"That wouldn't surprise me much," Clayton said. "But consider this: Captain White only told me this morning, but all of the guards have known since the first time you were with Colt Bates. Didn't you tell me that Lieutenant Williamson and Lieutenant Carruthers have been treating you better lately?"

"Yeah, they have," he said. "They've been a lot nicer to me, and they quit pestering me to suck their dicks. Maybe that's part of why I'm so surprised."

"Well, okay, I can see that," Clayton said. "Let me explain what I know about how they work, alright?"

"Sure, I'd like to know," Jim said.

"It started with those deputies. They're reservists out at the base. There's a brig out there with queers that they do studies on, so they've learned a lot," Clayton said. "The first thing is they only go after the ones who are out of control. Queers who mind their own business don't get chased after. The only reason they went after you is because you ignored their warnings."

"They were right about that, I guess," Jim replied somberly.

"They don't think all queers are the same," Clayton said. "Most of 'em are what they call part-timers with wives or girlfriends. Some are full-timers like you. And some of the full-timers like you don't want to think of themselves as Men."

"Th-th-they know about that too?" Jim said.

"The deputies got hooks into the queers they catch," he said. "There's one that knows all about cameras and microphones, and that's who set up that room at Three-Finger Bucks. There's a court reporter in town who's queer and got caught, and he listened to the tape recordings and made a transcript.

"That cowboy? They thought he was a queer because they caught him giving another one a hand job. Turned out the cowboy wasn't queer but was just drunk and horny and agreed to trade a hand job for a blow job. But that's why he helped trap you. He gets the benefit of getting to nail guys. He really likes cadets."

"Geez!" Smithson said. "I guess I never had a chance."

"Look, I know you feel betrayed, but you're going to look back on this and realize it was the best thing that ever happened to you," Clayton said. "That cowboy is your dream come true. At least that's what you told him, unless you were lying."

"I wasn't lying about that," Jim said.

"Captain White's cousin passed the word to him to tell your roommates to back off," he said. "Same with the rest of the guards. They're under orders to treat you gently as long as you follow the rules."

"The rules?!" Smithson exclaimed.

"Yeah, they have rules," Clayton said. "They want you back under control. If you follow the rules, no one but them will know about you. A lot of their rules are pretty much what you've started to do anyway."

"So I guess I really am trapped, then," he said.

"You can go to the Commandant and tell him you're queer, and leave," Clayton replied. "I don't know why you'd want to do that, but it would be a choice. Of course, your family will know, and you'll have to write off your time here because the Commandant will tell any other college why you left. The military too, if that's where you want to go. But you're only 19 years old, and you could manage."

"So what are the rules of theirs?" Smithson asked.

"A while back, they caught a different queer cadet and had him write them out," Clayton said, sliding the paper with the rules he'd written, but with the names changed. "Read this. These are their rules."

Smithson read through them and spoke.

"I can't even beat off?" he asked.

"Yeah, and that's the most important one to them," Clayton replied. "So you beat off a lot?"

"All the time," Jim replied.

"That's going to end if you stay here," Clayton said.

"But why?!" he said. "Who am I hurting?"

"It's to put you under control," Clayton said. "It keeps you in your place. You'll think only about satisfying them. At least you will have Men to satisfy. And Captain White told me they're going to order you to keep on seeing that cowboy and work for him next summer."

"Oh God ... " the cadet said, his voice a mere whisper. "How are they even going to keep me from doing it?"

"They tried things at the base," Clayton replied. "They castrated some of them, but it didn't work out. They tried drugs, and they didn't work. They tried beatings and they didn't work. So they use a cage that locks around your dick, and that works. It has a metal tube that goes up your dick hole. Keeps you from getting hard, but allows you to piss."

"Oh man ..."

"I convinced them to allow you to use willpower, but it won't work," Clayton said. "The cage has a lock on the pisshole, and if they catch you then they will put it on and make you get permission every time you take a leak. If I were you, I'd just have them put it on right away, because they will catch you."

"A cage with a tube up my dick?!"

"Last weekend, they took me to see a queer who was wearing one," Clayton said. "He's just like you, a full-timer who doesn't think of himself as a Man. He goes on and off it to one without a tube, because the other thing the tube does is shrink everything. You told Colt Bates that you wished your dick was smaller anyway."

"Yeah, but ..."

"He said it takes about a week to get used to it the first time, but he really likes it," Clayton said. "I know it's all new and scary, so they'll give you a few days to think it over. In the meantime, better keep your hand away from yourself unless you want to have to ask a guard every time you want to take a piss.

"I'm going to leave you with those rules. They go into effect immediately. Look on the bright side: You'll be sucking Chance Williamson's dick all the time now. No need to try to keep any secrets any more."

On his way down the stairs from the turret room, Clayton ran into Chance and Bulldog.

"So how'd it go?" Chance asked after Clayton saluted.

"Pretty much as expected, sir," Clayton replied. "He feels trapped, and he's worried about a cage. He's probably pretty nervous about how you and Lieutenant Carruthers and the other guards will treat him now."

"Yeah, I bet," Chance said. "How's yer cage workin' for ya?"

"I've gotten used to wearing it, sir," he said. "I can't really say much about anything else just yet."

"Yeah, they told us that takes a while," he said. "Anyway, why don't ya drop by next Sunday and show him how to take care a-my chaps and cowboy boots."

"Sure thing, sir!" he replied.

They stepped into their quarters, exchanging salutes with Smithson.

"Will ya look at this, Bulldog!" Chance exclaimed. They walked around the room, peering into closets and dressers, where they found their freshly laundered and ironed clothes neatly arranged. The bathroom was spotless, and the racks were square.

"Damn good job, Jimmy boy," Bulldog said. "This room would fly through the worst inspection."

"Thank you, sir," he said, his voice tentative from the bombs Clayton had dropped.

"You must a-done all this before Clayton got here, huh?" Chance asked, motioning the corporal to sit down on his rack.

"Yes sir," he replied. "It was my way to of saying thanks for treating me better lately. But now ..."

Chance saw the list of rules on Smithson's desk, and picked up the sheet of paper.

"You were on yer way toward a bunch a-this anyway," he said, his voice warm. "We don't think any different about ya now that the turd's on the table. It ain't exactly like we didn't think it all along, Jimmy."

"W-w-well, sir, you and Lieutenant Carruthers have always said bad things about queers, sir, and so do the other guards," he said, softly, his voice shaky.

"I don't see why things can't work real good for ya," Chance said. "All the rules really do is say what ya been doin' anyway. A couple new ones about yer car and yer dick, but that's it. Just follow the rules and yer gonna be fine."

"Sir, Clay Thompson told me about the cage."

"Hang on a sec," Chance said, stepping to the closet to grab a large leather bag secured by a lock. He twirled the combination, opened it, and sat on the rack next to the cadet, while Bulldog sat opposite him on another rack.

"Here's what it looks like," showing him the components. "There's at least one other queer cadet here who's been wearin' it, and he says it don't hurt and keeps him outta trouble. Shrinks ya down, which I understand is somethin' ya want anyway."

"Do all the guards know that, sir?" Smithson asked. "About how I wish I was smaller?"

"Yep," Bulldog said. "It don't bother 'em none. Might even help ya with 'em so long as ya follow the rules and all."

"Corporal Thompson said I wouldn't have to wear it if I could keep away from myself with willpower," Jimmy said.

"He's right about that, but I can tell ya that willpower don't hardly ever work," Bulldog said. "If ya decide to go that way and we catch ya – and we will – yer gonna look back and wish ya hadn't. But yep, that choice is yers."

"I know ya want to suck my dick, but the only way that'll ever happen here is if ya volunteer for that shrinker cage," Chance said. "And if yer willpower don't work and ya get caught, them other guards can get pretty rough. Way it is now, they're gonna be real nice to ya. But not if ya get caught beatin' off."

"So you're telling me to do that, sir?" he asked.

"Nope, just tellin' ya the truth," Chance said. "Everything we just told ya is like a check ya can take to the bank and cash."

"I can't see how I'd ever suck a Man's dick," Bulldog said, "but if someone said I couldn't use that thing even to whack off or else, I'd prolly be askin' to have it caged up. But I'm with Lieutenant Williamson here. It's your call. We'll live with it either way. Anyway, give it a few days 'n see what ya think."

The next morning, Jimmy asked if he could be caged.

"I woke up in the middle of the night with an erection, sir," he told Chance. "I started rubbing myself and then I stopped, and I realized that you were right. I won't be able to control myself on my own, sir. I knew it right away, but it was a lot to handle right away, sir."

"I'm sure it was," Bulldog said. "We could tell ya were really nervous, but we had to tell ya the truth."

"Yes sir, and I am glad that you did, sir," Jimmy said. "And I've been trying to think of a way to tell both of you how sorry I am for how I acted last year and this year. I shouldn't have been such a squirrel, sir."

"Well, you was scared," Chance said. "We've talked about it, and I bet we scared the hell out of you. Ya figured ya was queer, and then we start sayin' how much we hate queers. Wasn't our finest hour neither. But that was then and this is now. We're gonna make sure the other guards treat ya right. If any of 'em are mean to ya, just let us know and we'll take care of it."

"Thanks, sir," Jim replied. "I've been worried the whole time I've been here, sir."

"Trust us, Jimmy boy," Bulldog said. "They ain't gonna lay a hand on ya, and the Commandant's not gonna know a damn thing. We're gonna be like yer big brothers, watchin' over ya."

"I was an only child, sir," he said. "I never had a big brother but I always wanted one."

"Well now ya got two of us," Chance said. "Think a-the rest of the guards as yer big brothers' buddies. Anyway, join our table at lunch, and then be back here at 1500. Captain White's gonna be here to make sure we put that cage on right, but ya don't have to worry none about him."

"Yes sir!" he said.

Next: Chapter 25

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