Texas, 1956

By Jordan Project

Published on Jan 30, 2021


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TEXAS 1956 Vol. 1 – Chapter 8

Ridgeton emerged from the back of the house, dressed in a striped t-shirt and khaki pants that ended at the ankles, white crew socks, and sneakers. He looked all of eight years old.

"There he is! Hey, Kenny!" Shane called out cheerfully. "Come on over, let's have a look at ya."

He stood in front of the Men as they sat in the living room.

"Little Kenny here ain't never been a Man," Shane said to his brother. "Once we got all that squared away, I told Kenny that could wear his little-guy clothes around here on weekends. He likes that. Don't ya, Kenny?"

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir," Ridgeton said, blushing with embarrassment, but his dick stiff with excitement.

"Ya don't look like ya growed since we were all kids," Ty said. "Ya still five and a half feet tall?"

"Five foot five, sir," he answered. "In officer school, they called me five-fifty, sir."

Kenny looked at Shane and spoke.

"Sir, may I ask a question?" he said.

"Sure, Kenny, what ya need to know?" Shane answered.

"Sir, I can see that, um, Ty, um, well he's a sergeant just like you," he said. "I know I am to call all Men 'sir,' but at other times how should I tell the two of you apart, sir, when I am with both of you?"

"Why don't ya call Shane 'Sergeant Jordan' and call me 'Officer Jordan,' then," Ty said. "That okay with ya, Shane?"

"Stole the words right outta my mouth, brother," Shane said. "Here, let Kenny show ya what he's got on under his clothes. Kenny, unbuckle yer pants and take down yer undershorts. Raise yer shirt and show Officer Jordan what ya got on, then."

"Yes sir," he said, revealing the harness. Shane stood up and moved the straps, jostling the piece of hard rubber pressing against his rectum.

"Ya got yerself good 'n tied up and tightened up," he said. "Now turn yerself around and spread yer butt so Ty can see what's there."

When he had done so, Shane told him to turn back around.

"Kenny gets stiff sometimes," he said, pointing toward Ridgeton's small dick standing at full attention, poking through the ring that held it and his balls in place. "If he keeps up the good work, maybe I'll have him squirt his little gun today or tomorrow. I'm sure he'd like that, wouldn't ya little fella?"

"Yes sir!" Ridgeton said. "I'll do my best, sir!"

"I'm sure ya will, Kenny," Shane said, smiling warmly. "Anyway, ya can pull yer pants back up, then have a seat."

Ty was the next to talk.

"So here were are again," he said, with a chuckle. "Growed up together, went our ways. Kenny here is 27 goin' on 10. I'm 31 goin' on 31. Shane, yer what, 26 goin' on 26, except no wife 'n kids."

"That'll be comin' along pretty soon, I reckon," Shane Jordan replied. "Got my eye on a gal here, probably gonna pop the question pretty soon now."

"What about this?" his brother asked, gesturing toward Ridgeton.

"Won't be no problem," Shane said, smiling. "Takes the edge off, like ya used to put it, brother!"

"Yeah, that it does," Ty replied. "Happens up where I am too. Always good to get a little on the side, and yer queers never tell. Ain't that one right, Kenny?"

"Yes sir," Ridgeton replied.

"Ya know, brother, I seen plenty a queers as an MP," Shane said. "Kenny here's got it better than a lot of 'em, anyway."

"How's that?" Ty asked.

"Ya got the ones who's queer by nature but they fight it," Shane said. "That don't work, so they go queer part-time. The sheriffs pick 'em up at the pull-offs. I'm sure ya get that up there."

"All a-the time," Ty said, with a laugh. "One or two a month. Always got a weddin' ring on and a dick in their mouth. Half of 'em wind up killin' themselves eventually. So where does Kenny fit?"

"Kenny here, his step-daddy convinced him bein' queer was the worst thing," Shane replied. "Then you come along, Ty, and ya have him bein' queer for ya. But the real favor ya did was when ya had him wear them little boy clothes. Ain't that about right, Kenny?"

Ridgeton was amazed at the younger Jordan's insight.

"Yes sir, Sergeant Jordan," he said."I can't argue with you, sir. I don't think I've ever wanted to be a Man, and I know I haven't ever really been one, sir."

"So how'd ya come to know all this, Shane?" Ty asked. "I knew about the clothes because Kenny told me about how much he liked wearin' 'em and doin' chores for his Pops. That's how come I had him do it, anyway."

"Right after I left active duty and hired on at the lumber yard, just about the first woman I run into was Kenny's wife," Shane replied. "I screwed her like crazy for a couple months until she told me she was married to a short fella with a real small dick and who liked to wear schoolboy clothes on weekends. I put two and two together, and figured out quick who he was."

"Don't that beat all!" Ty said, laughing.

"She wanted to divorce Kenny and take up with me, but I didn't figure that it would do me a lot of good at the plant," Shane said. "So I introduced her to someone else on base, and that's who she wound up with. I wasn't ready to get myself married off anyway. It did make me keep an eye on Kenny though."

"Layin' yer trap, huh, little brother?" Ty said, still chuckling.

"Nah, not quite like that," he replied, casually. "Eventually I told the gunnies about him. They're also deputies on the sheriff's department. They caught him diddling a little girl, and told him that from now on he'd be a little boy for 'em. I didn't get involved direct until they told me Kenny claimed he wasn't queer."

Ty laughed even louder.

"He tried to tell 'em he wasn't queer, huh?" Ty said.

"Long story, brother, but the short one is that he said he was just curious about big dicks," Shane replied. "So really, with Kenny here, it's just a matter a breakin' the news that that he don't gotta worry about bein' a Man, long as he behaves himself."

Ty laughed.

"Well what do ya know!" Ty said. "Life in Texas ain't bad, is it?"

"Kenny here's helpin' on that front too," Shane said, getting up from his chair. "In fact, it really ain't a matter a him takin' care a-my dick. That's just another job for him to do. But anyway, let's go on out back. Show ya what's out there, and we keep on talkin'. Come on, Kenny."

Ty rose, and the bulge in his uniform jutted out a bit farther. Kenny's hard-on showed slightly, and they walked outside.

"Remember how Kenny was a gymnast back then?" Shane said. "The gunny who owns this place, who's gone for a couple months, he changed it around a bit so Kenny could do his exercises here, at least in good weather. He spent an hour at it this mornin' while I worked out over on that bench and with pushups and pull ups."

"Oh yeah, I remember," Ty said. "So yer keepin' him all tight, then."

"Yep, fer sure," Shane said, cheerfully, as they walked around the back lawn, an expanse of about an acre that was about a third mowed.

"Kenny'll take care a-the rest of this tomorrow," Shane said. "He done a good job today, don't ya think?"

"Yeah, he did," Ty replied. "Ya done a real good job there, Kenny!"

"Thanks sir!" Ridgeton called back, brightly.

"Kenny's been spendin' his weekends workin' here and at the place I'm buyin'," Shane said. "Next step's to make some changes at the lumber yard. Already started in on that, but there more come."

"Is that right?" Ty replied, curious. "Well, I guess ya said it wasn't just about Kenny here takin' dick."

"Not hardly, brother," Shane replied. "This is a matter of givin' Kenny the life he's been a-wantin' to have, takin' care of whatever a Man needs to have takin' care of. I am makin' this little fella's dreams come true."

Ridgeton was walking beside them, and Shane reached out and ruffled his crewcut and tugged lightly on the harness through his shirt.

"We got a change at the yard made a few weeks back. Replaced a foreman there with me," Shane said. "Kenny's the general manager for now, but I'm gonna be operations manager in another couple months. Next year, I'll be replacin' Kenny as general manager and he'll be the bookkeeper. Better place for him. Little fella really shouldn't be in charge a-Men."

"Well yeah, he shouldn't," Ty said.

"Meantime, he's payin' me part of his salary to make sure that a boy don't take home more than a Man," Shane continued. "There's gonna be some new contracts and expansion, so everything's due for a shuffle anyway. When it's all done, Kenny'll be takin' home less than any-a the foremen. Until then, he'll be clearin' his decisions through me."

"It all fits," Ty replied.

"At the base, it's pretty much already that way anyhow," Shane continued. "Kenny's never been looked at as much of a Man out there. Enlisteds call him by rank rather than 'sir,' and he gets the minimum salutes. The base commander sticks him in some little office to do the books."

"Ya know, I can't say none of it surprises me," Ty said. "I'm sure it comes through with the Marines, don't it?"

"Kenny's good with his addin' machine, but his heart ain't in it with Men," Shane said. "He been kinda stuck in it, and it shows even though he don't want it to. Ain't that right, Kenny?"

Ridgeton was flustered by the taunt, all the more because there was so much truth in it.

"Sir ... um, sir ..." he stammered, until Shane cut him off as both Men laughed.

"Guess ya got yer answer, Ty!" Shane said.

"Yep, guess I did," Ty replied, laughing.

"Hey, brother, what about the harness ya got him wearin'?" Ty asked. "What's that all about?"

By now, they were walking back toward the house. Some big wooden "outdoor" chairs sat on a patio, along with a table. Shane sat down in one of them, and waved Shane into the other.

"Kenny, go get us a couple more beers from the fridge," he said to Ridgeton. "Officer Jordan here refilled yer Sprite, and it's sittin' on the counter for ya. Oh yeah, and back in the main bedroom's closet, there's the shoe shine stuff. Go get that and bring it on out here with ya."

"Yes sir!" he said.

As Kenny went inside, Shane kept talking to his brother.

"That harness he wears is somethin' from the brig. We rigged 'em up from web belts," he said. "Keeps Kenny knowin' his place. He's been wearin' it every day."

The two Men talked shop as Kenny shined Ty's boots. Wives, jobs, mortgages, kids. It went on for the better part of an hour, as Ridgeton spread the polish, rubbed it into Ty's boots, buffed, and spit, and shined. He applied edging to the sides of the soles, and used cloth to clean the soles, one after the other. He sat on a low stool as the Men drank the beers and chatted, ignoring him.

Finally, after the better part of an hour, he was finished. As instructed, he'd shined only the lower part of the older brother's cowboy boots, and now the shine was like a mirror. He drank the last of the piss from the soda bottle, and looked up.

"I'm done, sir," he said. "I hope they're right, Officer Jordan."

"Oh yeah, little guy, ya did a real good job there," Ty said.

"Ya like that Sprite?"

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir!" he replied eagerly, rolling the lawman's pants legs back down over the tops of his boots, then turning to look up at Shane.

"Sergeant Jordan, would you like it if I shined your boots too, sir?" he asked.

"That'd be good, Kenny boy," Shane said.

Shane leaned back, turned to his brother, and spoke.

"Looks like he's gettin' done down there, brother," he said. "I figure you'd wanna see if the little fella still knows how to kiss a Man's ass and all the rest."

"Oh yeah," Ty said, a smile spreading across his face.

"He's still in trainin' around here," Shane said, "so he's gonna need to keep them hands a-his away from his stiff little squirt gun, and not rub against ya."

"Not a problem at all, Shane," Ty said.

"Ya hear that, Kenny?" Shane said.

"Yes sir!" he said, humiliation mixing with excitement. "Is the shine good for you, sir?"

"Mmm-hmm," Shane replied. "Put all that stuff back and in the kit and take it back where ya found it. If ya got to take a leak go ahead and do it, but no beatin' off."

"Yes sir!" Ridgeton replied, gathering the shoe polish, brushes, and buffing cloth, and then going off to carry out his orders.

"You really got this goin' don't ya?" Ty said lightly after Ridgeton had left. "Ya got him just where ya want him."

"Workin' on it, brother!" Shane replied. "We got someone else from Oklahoma who ya might be interested in later on, at least if ya want yerself a regular suck anyway. I'm plannin' on makin' Kenny into that down here. We got our ways here. I ain't even come close to tellin' ya the half of it."

"I can see I gotta find a way to keep a-comin' on down to visit ya," Ty said. "Wife's a good enough baby factory, but ..."

"Oh yeah, I know what yer sayin', Ty," Shane replied. "I'm gonna have me a mess a-kids myself, but ain't no woman can do it all."

Shane handed Ty a piece of metal.

"Unscrew the bottom, brother," he said, handing him a cylindrical cloth cylinder and withdrawing a similar contraption from his own pocket.

"It's heart medicine, but it does somethin' else," Shane said. "Now watch."

He broke the cylinder and quickly stuffed it into one piece of the mechanism, then quickly screwed the two pieces together.

"Ya gotta be quick as can be," Shane said. "Got it?"

"Yep," Ty replied, breaking his cylinder and fumbling with it, letting the fumes rise.

"Holy shit!" he said. "Holy shit!"

Shane waited a while, and handed his brother another ampule.

"Quick, and right in there, Ty," he said. This time, his brother got it right.

"Now there's a little button near the top," Shane said. "Quick press, half a sniff, on nostril. Then think of little Kenny kissin' yer ass."

His brother followed the prompt. He was lost in a dream, then came out.

"Fuck yeah!" Ty said. "Fuckin'-a yeah!"

Ridgeton returned to where they were sitting. The Men were sprawled in their chairs, their legs wide open. Shane had unwrapped a cigar and was puffing on it, the tobacco aroma filling the room.

"Ya know, there's another way to look at the queer stuff," Shane said, casually. "Think of it like this. Ya got yer willin' ones that went to California, or that get on their knees in some park at night. Ya got yer unwillin' ones that got screwed in the brig or in prison. Then ya got yer others like Kenny who'll do what a Man tells 'em no matter what it is."

Kenny stood, looking at them, until Shane noticed him.

"Sit on down between Ty's legs," he said. "Warm him up like ya know how to do."

"Yes sir," Ridgeton said. He sat down as instructed, and looked between Ty's legs. His erection was stiff and off to one side, forming a log in the crisp uniform trousers. The Man's balls bulged lower against the fabric, and Kenny put his mouth against and blew softly into them as Shane resumed talking.

"I don't care whether Kenny's a willin' queer or an unwillin' queer or a semi-willin' queer," Kenny heard him say. "He'll behave how he's supposed to behave, and he'll do it 'cause it's what a Man tells him to do. Period, end a-story, brother. Ain't a matter a-what he wants. It's what you want. That's what this one's here for."

Ty looked at his brother, his eyes bright and glassy. He pointed to the inhaler in his pocket, wordlessly asking if now was the time. Shane held up his hand with his thumb and index finger spaced close, indicating just a little. Ty fumbled with the mechanism, held it to one nostril and look a slight sniff, and screwed it back together.

"Oh yeah," Ty said, grabbing Ridgeton's head and pressing his mouth harder against his balls. "Ya do that, queer."

Then he stood up and turned around, and reached in his pocket and took another sniff.

"Kiss my ass, ya ass kissin' queer," he said, roughly. "Get to it, Kenny boy."

Ty worked quickly, turning back around and ordering Ridgeton to unzip his fly and haul out his stiff dick. It was thick and very long, more than 8 inches. Then he put it inside his mouth and pumped hard and deep, cursing Kenny's queerness all the while. It was over fast.

Shane had called Ridgeton over to sit between his legs, his head resting against his thigh, while he unwound from the attack. After a while, he maneuvered Kenny's cheek against his hardon while scratching the top of his head lightly. He did it while casually talking to his brother.

"Ya know, Ty, when yer doin' a corrections job, ya run across queers," Shane said. "Kenny's just as queer to shine yer boots as he is to suck yer dick. If I want little Kenny boy to wash my car, he'll wash my car. If I want little Kenny to suck my dick he'll suck my dick. If I tell him he'll give up $65 a week he'll give up $65 a week. And he'll wanna do it 'cause he ain't a Man. Little Kenny sure as hell likes to keep a Man satisfied in return for that Man lookin' after him."

He looked down at Ridgeton and spoke.

"Now ya warm me up, there little Kenny boy," he said. "Y'all know what to do now."

Ridgeton turned around and faced Shane, who'd slumped in the chair and thrust his crotch forward. His pants were gathered tight around his balls and dick, his legs spread wide. Ridgeton blew hot, moist breath through Shane's dark blue work pants into his balls. He kept his position by grasping one of Shane's thick legs with one arm, leaving the other free.

"Gimme yer hand, Kenny," Shane said. He guided it to the stiff lump pushing up against the fabric of his pants, and showed Ridgeton how he wanted it rubbed and squeezed.

"Ya know, brother Ty," Shane said casually as Ridgeton was working, "it ain't my concern whether Kenny's a faggot as 'long as he behaves 'n does his best at every job I have him doin' fer me."

Ty chuckled.

"Doesn't look like he hates this job," he said, lightly.

"I do think he might like what he's doin' now 'cause he gets to feel how big a Man is," Shane said, also chuckling. "He's always been interested in that, all the way back. Ain't that right, little fella?"

"Yes sir!" Ridgeton replied.

He looked down at Ridgeton again. Kenny was looking upward, and their eyes met, Shane's crooked smile showing a mixture of authority and slight mockery.

"Unbuckle my belt there, Kenny," he said. "Keep on doin' what ya been doin' but through my underwear."

"Yes sir!" Ridgeton said, thinking that Shane was right about his liking the part before he'd have to suck his dick.

Shane's boxer shorts were tight, and his blood-gorged balls and dick bulged outward as Ridgeton blew on his balls and massaged his erection.

"Kenny likes takin' care a-my stiff dick, that's much is obvious," Shane said to his brother. "I think it's startin' to occur to little Kenny boy that he only gets them little stiff ons a-his when I'm around. Little fella likes workin' fer me, no matter what the job is."

Ty chuckled again.

"As long as he enjoys his work, I suppose," he said.

Shane chuckled.

"I'm tellin' ya that Kenny enjoys workin' fer a Man who'll tell him what to do," Shane replied, nonchalantly. "That's what's a-goin' on with him. Queer's really kinda beside the point, I think. Kenny likes doin' his job, whatever it is, as long as he's doin' it fer a Man."

Ridgeton's mouth tightened hard in agreement. His tongue worked fast, pressing tight against the Man's dickhead, swirling and sucking. Ridgeton looked up, and their eyes met. Kenny was mesmerized, his tongue licking fast and his mouth sucking tight.

"Now that a-good little fella," Shane said gently. He smiled and withdrew his inhaler, taking a sniff, and scratching the back of Ridegton's head as he worked. "That a-boy. Ya do yer job for the Man here. Good little fella now. Real good little fella fer the Big Man, ya are. Kenny boy likes takin' care a-the Man."

Shane stood up, his pants down and his dick hard and sticking out of his boxers.

"Okay, Kenny, now open yer mouth and stick yer tongue out," he said, his tone both commanding and seductive. Ridgeton looked up, and pulled Shane's shorts down. His dick, more than 8 and a half inches long, sprang outward, precum leaking out the piss slit. Kenny opened his mouth, and put his tongue out. Shane ran his dick along Kenny's tongue. He blended the precum with Kenny's saliva, and used his dick to spread the mixture around his mouth, then onto his lips, and onto his cheeks.

"There ya go, Kenny boy," he said, taking another sniff, smiling and looking down. "Ya taste a Man there. Ya take what a Man gives ya, 'cause that's what a little fella does."

With that, Shane pumped harder, and soon he was squirting into Ridgeton's throat as it tightened and swallowed.

Ridgeton was back on the floor between Shane's legs, listening to the brothers as they chatted and bantered. Ty had retrieved a Sprite bottle and a funnel. They had both filled it, and Ridgeton sat drinking it.

"Kenny's car is outside, Ty," Shane said, glancing at his watch. "How about ya take his to yer in-laws' place? Kenny'll can clean it up fer ya before ya go. Ya can drop him off at his place and bring him back, say at 10:30 or so tomorrow."

"Sure thing, Shane," Ty replied, with a smile.

"If ya like the car, yer wife can drop off yers when she comes to get ya, and ya can do the title papers next time ya come back down," Shane said. "Kenny bought that car fer his wife when he thought he was gonna have a family. Ty, ya need the room, and Kenny don't need to be drivin' a Man's car."

"Sounds like a plan," Ty said. "True enough about that Ford a-mine. Pretty cramped, and gonna get worse."

"Kenny, ya get on out there and wipe it down, inside and out," Shane said. "We'll be out in a while. There's some rags under the sink and a bucket. Clean it up good."

"Yes sir!" Ridgeton answered. The car, a Buick he'd bought a year earlier, was his pride. He rose and went inside to the kitchen, then walked out to clean his car.

Once Ridgeton was gone, Ty walked back to the kitchen with his brother, reached into the refrigerator, and handed him a bottle of beer.

"I saw it on the way in," Ty replied, opening the beer. "Nice big new car. How much he gonna want in trade?"

"Nothin' at all, Ty," Shane replied. "And he'll thank ya fer takin' it."

"Part a-turnin' Kenny in a different way?" Ty asked. "Say, ya got another beer?"

"Yep," Shane said, handing his brother another bottle. "Now brother, I'd be much obliged if ya didn't stick yerself up Kenny's tailpipe. Mouth ought to be good enough. Part a-the trainin' he's been getting' from me."

Ty chuckled.

"Okey doke, Shane," he said. "Long as he sucks my dick, I'm happy."

"Go right ahead, Ty," Shane replied, lightly. "Anything comin' outta yer dick down his throat will be good for the little fella. By the way, next time ya come down ya can meet the other queer. Cadet at the academy who got caught. From up yer way and will be movin' back. He's gonna need to be watched over."

Next: Chapter 9

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