TG: "A TG Christmas

By Edwin Gay

Published on Dec 14, 1994






Ruth White

with apologies to William S. Porter


Ray Hirsch sat at a desk filling out form after form. It was amazing, the information that an employer required before you could start working at a new job: health insurance forms, Social Security, etc., and etc. He was now filling out a questionnaire on his background which would be used to conduct a security investigation, since his work might involve working on classified government projects. He stopped for a minute at the question: List any aliases you have used.

"I wonder if I should put down Rachel?" he thought.

Ray quickly dismissed the idea. No one could possibly know about her; Rachel was his little secret and she would stay that way. Among his many other accomplishments, Ray was quite the practiced transvestite and Rachel was his sobriquet when dressed. He found himself wishing he could dress up tonight, but all of his things were packed away on a moving van that was probably passing through Omaha, while he was staying in a motel here in San Jose. He told himself that he would have a place soon enough and then he could be Rachel every night and on weekends if he wanted. He turned in the stack of forms.

Mike Murphy took the forms from his latest acquisition. Mike was a headhunter for MTC Corp., one of the foremost software publishers in America, and there was sure to be a bonus for him for signing up Ray Hirsch. The kid wasn't much to look at; about 5'6" and real skinny, with rather long and unkempt brown hair, glasses, dressed in running shoes, a tee-shirt, and jeans, but he had the potential to be one of the best software engineers going. Ray was 24, but he didn't look old enough to buy a beer.

Mike didn't feel bad at all about taking advantage of Ray's situation to lure him out west. Ray was from Massachusetts and if nothing had happened he would probably never have left there. Educated at MIT, he lived at home with his parents while working for a little known firm outside Boston. Little known that is until a data base system Ray had developed for them became a best-seller and the industry standard. Ray had felt no need to change employment and stayed with his old firm, but at a much higher rate of pay.

What had changed everything was the death of his parents in a car accident. When he had heard of it, Mike immediately started courting Ray, thinking correctly that he might like to get away from New England and all the memories that it held for him. Ray was financially well off; what with the insurance settlement, selling his parents house, and his savings from his salary and bonuses, so Mike had avoided talking financial incentives and instead emphasized the reputation of the staff and facilities at MTC. The result was sitting in front of him.

"Welcome to MTC Ray, I'm sure you'll be happy here. Why don't you get settled and report in next Monday."

"Thanks Mike, but I'm staying in a motel and don't know anyone here. If it's possible I'd like to see where I'll be working and get acquainted with my new co-workers."

"Sure thing," said Mike while thinking, "what a find; brilliant and a workaholic to boot."


Ray was finding his way around the work station they'd given him when someone walked into his cubicle.

"Hi, you must be the fresh meat. I'm Jack Doyle, welcome."

Ray shook hands and checked out his greeter. Jack was slightly taller, by about 2 inches, but except for that and his blonde hair they could have been related. They were, but only by membership in that fraternity of what is sometimes called 'computer geeks'. Perhaps that was why they felt an immediate affinity for each other, or maybe there was something else.

Ray and Jack talked, discovering how much they had in common. When Jack found out that Ray was staying in a motel, he insisted that Ray move in with him until he could find a place of his own. Ray didn't need much persuading and soon they were unloading his stuff into Jack's secluded three bedroom house. Ray was surprised at how neat the house was, for a bachelor.

"I forgot to ask. Do you live here by yourself?"

"Right now I do. My sister Janice lived here with me for awhile after our parents died. She just moved to LA for a job, but I let her keep some of her stuff here in her old room."

That explained to Ray the neatness. A woman's touch always shows through. One of his favorite pastimes was to get dressed up and keep house. Ray loved to clean, cook, and do laundry as Rachel. His mother had found his dressing up cute and encouraged him at it, teaching him the housekeeping skills most men never learn, all the while hiding Rachel from his father. Ray missed his mom and he missed Rachel. He couldn't wait to get his own place.

Jack showed Ray the room and bath he'd be using and Ray quickly settled in. That evening, Jack invited Ray to go out with him to make the rounds of the bars and meet some people. Ray declined, saying he was too tired from his flight and first day at MTC, but would gladly take him up on the invitation some other night.

Alone in the house, Ray inspected his new surroundings. In the den he turned on the TV, then turned it off when he found nothing interesting. On the coffee table was the latest 'Cosmopolitan'. Ray picked it up and looked at it; the mailing label said Janice Doyle.

"She mustn't have changed her address yet," thought Ray.

He thumbed through the magazine. Then he remembered Jack saying that she'd left some stuff in the other bedroom. Ray knew that he shouldn't, that he would be betraying a confidence, but what the hell, it wouldn't hurt anyone. So he decided to sneak a peek in her room.

Ray opened the door to Janice's room and turned on the light. It was a vision of feminine delight. Decorated in pastels with lace everywhere, it looked as if she'd just left that morning. Ray walked past the bed, covered with a satin quilt, looked at the dressing table, and opened the closet. There were only a few dresses hanging in it, but they were all very stylish and feminine and Ray felt envy and desire rise within himself. There were several pairs of shoes on the closet floor; all of them high heels.

"It looks as though she took her work and casual clothes with her and left the dressy stuff here," thought Ray.

He took down a dress of black crepe and held it up against himself. It was a size 11 and looked as though it would fit him perfectly. He overcame that thought and quickly rehung it in the closet. He opened the other door. It led to a bathroom, looking in Ray saw that it connected to Jack's room, thinking it odd that brother and sister would share a bath. On his way out he stopped to open a drawer in the dresser. It was filled with neatly folded lingerie in all the colors of the spectrum, made of satin, lace, and nylon. He fingered a pair of satin panties.

"I wonder if she'd miss one pair?" he mused.

He quickly gave up on the idea, shut the drawer, turned out the light, and left; determined to get his own place and start dressing up again as soon as possible.

The next day Jack dropped off Ray at a car rental agency on his way to work. Jack had convinced him that, being in California now he needed a car and should rent one, until he decided on which model to buy, instead of relying on public transportation. Ray took off in the rental car and went house hunting.

Ray arrived home in the early afternoon. He'd found a couple of places that looked promising, but he wanted Jack's advice on the neighborhoods and traffic, as well as if he would be better off buying or renting. Driving up, Ray noticed that the flag was up on the mailbox. Jack wouldn't be home for hours and Ray thought he'd do him a favor and bring the mail in. Something in the pile of letters caught his eye; an envelope in an odd shade of green. He'd seen that odd colored envelope before. Ray pulled it out of the pile and was shocked to see the return address: Empathy Press, Seattle. Being a long-time fan of TV fiction, he was only too familiar with what they sold. The envelope was addressed to John Doyle.

"Holy cow!," he thought.

"Is Jack a crossdresser?"

Then a lot of what had seemed to be merely coincidence fell into place. Ray dropped the pile of letters on the hall table and went up to Janice's room. He went through the dresser and in the bottom drawer found what he had thought might be there; falsies. Not your everyday falsies though, rather they were custom made breast prothesis. Looking through the lingerie drawer, Ray found what he recognized as a cache-sex; he used one himself to compress and hide his genitals when dressed. He also saw some really stiff boned corsets that you couldn't expect to find in a young ladies wardrobe in this day and age. These things didn't convince Ray beyond a shadow of a doubt. What did were the hat boxes in the closet. There were lots of them, but they didn't hold any hats. Rather they held an array of dressed wigs on stands in various shades of blonde.

"Well I'll be damned, Jack is a TV. No wonder we hit it off so well. There is no sister, Janice is to him what Rachel is to me." Ray said to himself.

Ray wanted to let Jack know that he was also a TV, but couldn't think of a discreet way to do it. Finally he decided that the only way to do it was to be up front and forthright about it.

That evening Jack stayed home and was reading in the den, when Ray decided to broach the subject.

"Have you got a minute Jack?"

"Yeah sure. What's on your mind?"

"Well, I wanted to ask your advice on houses, but something else has turned up that I wanted to talk to you about."

"What's that?"

"I hope you won't be upset with me. I have never shared this with anyone but my mother, but I think you can understand. I am a crossdresser."

Jack didn't say a word, but by the way he blushed Ray could tell that he'd hit a nerve.

"What do you mean, you think I'd understand?"

"I saw the letter you received from Empathy Press. I've read their books for years and thought you might be a crossdresser also."

Jack sputtered " ... er ... I don't ... ."

"Don't worry Jack. Let's drop it and I'll forget all about it."

Jack got his voice back. "No, let's talk Ray. Yes I'm a TV, but I've never shared it with anyone and you kind of caught me by surprise."

The boys continued talking long into the night. Ray discovered that his suspicions were correct; there was no sister Janice, just Jack. After a long talk, they decided they could trust one another and at Jack's invitation, Ray decided to move in and share the house with him.


Ray moved in and bought a car. Eventually his belongings arrived and he settled in. Things were going great at work, the only problem was that each seemed reluctant to appear before the other 'en femme'. One evening they were talking when the discussion turned to dressing up. Ray learned that Jack had never gone out dressed.

"You're kidding me, surely you can pass."

"I'm not so sure, and even if I could, where would I go?"

"Out for a drive, a walk, shopping, or to a bar."

"Look I'm not gay so I wouldn't go to a gay bar and I wouldn't know how to handle it if some guy tried to pick me up in a straight bar."

"I'm not gay either, but going out dressed as a woman and passing in public can be the biggest thrill of all. You simply must try it."

"I don't know Ray, what if someone recognized me?"

"Come on. Don't give me any lame excuses. I'll show you how easy it is. You take me out as Rachel, see how easy it is, then I'll take you out as Janice. That is if you're not too much of a wimp."

"I'm no wimp, you're on."

Ray took off from work at noon that Friday to prepare for his 'date' with Jack. Soaking in a tub full of bubble bath, Ray shaved his body clean of the hair which had regrown since his last appearance as Rachel. He dried off, rubbed himself down with lotion, put on a robe, and went to his room. There he applied long false fingernails and painted them bright red. Then it was time to dress.

Ray carefully pushed his balls and cock up inside himself and put on a tight cache-sex to hold them there. He had to do this first because if he didn't and then got turned on, as he always did when dressing, he'd never get them hidden away. Ray got out what he called his 'boobies'. These were a pair of silicon and latex falsies that looked, felt, and bounced like the real thing. He smeared surgical adhesive on them, laid down on the bed, and positioned them properly. In several minutes they were set and would remain there until he applied the solvent. By dint of much effort, Ray was able to get a tight waist-cinch on and buckled. He could hardly breath. Padded panties followed to give him the hips and ass he lacked. Looking in the mirror, Ray saw that his skinny male body now sported a voluptuously feminine outline.

Ray put on a bra and panty set of white satin and lace. Sheer, smoke colored panty-hose sheathed his hairless legs. A slip which matched the rest of his lingerie flowed over every contour of his new curves. Deciding to not be too extreme, Ray stepped into a clingy red knit dress, pulled it on, and zipped it up. He buckled on a wide black patent leather belt, which served to emphasize his nipped in waist, and stepped into some black patent high-heeled pumps. A ladies watch went on his wrist and gold hoop earrings went into his pierced ears.

"Holy smoke!" said Ray to himself. He'd gotten into the dressing so much that he hadn't thought about make-up. He put a towel over his shoulders to cover his dress and quickly spread on the foundation, applied mascara, eye-liner, and eye-shadow. Powder and blush were put on and he was outlining his lips in a bright red which matched his nails when he heard Jack come in.


They had agreed that they would always use a girls name whenever one of them was dressed.

"I'm still getting ready Jack. I'll be out in a minute."

Ray quickly colored in his lips and sprayed on some expensive perfume. He got out a black leather purse and into it he put lipstick, a powder compact, and an atomizer filled with perfume. Taking a ladies billfold from the purse, he transferred to it, from his wallet, all his credit cards and identification.

"What else?" he thought.

He answered himself by putting on a thick gold link necklace and getting out a ring. It wasn't just any ring; it had been a gift from his mother and he treasured it. It was a class ring from MIT but in a girls style, set with his birthstone, and engraved "to Rachel, love Mom." He slipped it on his right ring finger and was dressed.

One more thing remained. Ray shook out a long brunette wig, pulled it over his head, tucked his own hair up under the cap, secured it with bobby pins, and brushed it out so that curls tumbled over his shoulders and down his back. Ray tossed the brush into his purse and grabbed what for him was an indispensable item; glasses in a fashionable women's style. He'd be blind without them or contacts. He went out to meet Jack.

Jack was dumbfounded. He stared at the girl who walked into the den. It wasn't that she was beautiful, although she was, but rather that she revealed absolutely no hint as to her true identity. From the long curly hair down to the tips of his high heels, Ray appeared totally feminine and entirely at ease.

"Ray, is that really you?"

"Yes Jack, but please, call me Rachel."

"Sure thing Rachel. Wow, you even talk like girl. How were you able to learn how to do that?"

"It's not hard, it just takes lots of practice."

They talked for a while and then left, looking for all the world like a young couple out on a date. In the driveway, Ray waited for Jack to get the car door for him.

"Sorry Rachel, I forgot my manners there for a minute." Jack said as he rushed around to open the door.

"Don't worry about it, but you should be careful to always think of me, and treat me, as Rachel and not your roommate Ray. I also should let you know that, before you go out, you'd better practice getting in and out of a car in a dress. It's not as easy as it looks."

And so Jack and Ray departed for their first evening out. It wasn't very memorable. Ray got asked for proof of age, which naturally he didn't dare provide, at several nightclubs before they found one that they could get into. They sipped their drinks, talked, and at Ray's instigation, and with great reluctance on Jack's part, they danced to some disco numbers. They didn't stay out late, but returned home rather early.

"See how easy that was?" Asked Ray after he had returned to a masculine visage.

"Sure, but you've had lots of practice."

"Not that much, and remember; I had to start somewhere. So when do I get to take Janice out?"

"I don't know. We'll see."

A couple of weeks went by with Jack showing no inclination to uphold his end of the deal. Finally, Ray pressed the issue.

"Jack, it's Friday and we are going out tonight. By we I mean Janice and me. That is if not you're a total wimp."

"OK, OK I'll do it."

Ray arrived home about six, wondering what he would find there. Jack was still in his room getting ready so Ray went in and put on a jacket and tie. He had decided to go all out and make sure that Jack enjoyed his first public appearance as Janice.

Ray was sitting in the den when he heard steps on the stairs. He looked up to see Jack enter and could tell immediately that Jack was scared and very tense.

"Why Janice, how nice you look tonight," said Ray.

"Do you really think so?"

"Oh yes." And he meant it.

Jack had on the black crepe cocktail dress that Ray had seen in the closet on his first night in the house and it fell to just above his knees. He wore a long curly blonde wig and while his make up was perhaps a trifle heavy, and he didn't use as much padding as Ray, the overall effect was quite pleasing. Ray decided that Jack's best feature was his legs. They were long and quite shapely, giving Jack a coltish look. Jack clutched a small black bag nervously in fingers tipped with long red nails. Ray looked him over and noticed that something was missing.

"Do you have any jewelry to put on Janice?"

"No. I never thought about that."

"Well every girl wears some, no matter how small. Let's see if I have some you can borrow."

Jack followed Ray to his room with jittery steps, unaccustomed as he was to the high heels he had on. He was intensely aware of his legs; shaven and on display in sheer black hosiery.

"I don't have all that much myself, but these should go well with your black dress."

Ray handed Jack a silver necklace and bracelet which he put on.

"Here put these earrings on."

Ray handed Jack some silver hoops.

"Ray my ears aren't pierced."

"What? Every girl has pierced ears these days. We'll just have to get that taken care of, but for now here's a pair with clips. While we're at it let's get some scent on you. I see you've got a lot to learn about going out as a girl."

"That's what I tried to tell you."

Ray held the door open for Jack as he entered the car. He didn't show too much thigh and it was obvious he'd been practicing.

"Where are we going Ray?"

"Just relax Janice."

"I'd like to but I'm terrified."

"I understand how you feel, but take my word for it, you look great. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

The boys arrived at their destination; a rather exclusive restaurant.

"I can't go in there." Whined Jack.

"Don't worry. Just let me do all the talking."

Ray noticed heads turn as they entered. Jack was several inches taller than Ray in his heels, and no doubt some of the onlookers were wondering what such a babe was doing with a nerd. Which was precisely why Ray had avoided the club scene.

Ray noticed that Jack neglected to smooth his skirt under him as a girl would when he sat down.

"He does need some work on the fine points," Ray thought.

Ray ordered wine which they sipped, helping Jack to relax a little. Ray then ordered dinner for the both of them, after which Jack felt somewhat more composed. That is, until Ray asked him to dance to the music of a small combo which had started playing.

"I don't know how to dance."

"That's good, it will be easier for you to follow my lead instead of trying to lead yourself."

"I don't want to dance."

"I think you're afraid."

After some discussion, Ray found himself with Jack in his arms, guiding him around the dance floor. When it was over Ray thanked him for the dance.

"Can we get out of here now?"


During the ride home Jack was elated, barely believing that he had been able to pass successfully in public.

It was a while before Janice was out in public again. In the meantime, under Ray's tutelage, Jack practiced speaking like a woman and perfecting the persona of Janice. He made noticeable progress and to celebrate, Ray took Jack to get his ears pierced and bought him a pair of gold hoops as a present. As Jack grew more experienced in passing and gained confidence in himself, the only disagreement the boys had was about who got to dress up; they each wanted to don their finery and go out as girl. They eventually agreed to take turns escorting the other on alternate Fridays.

It also wasn't long before Rachel met Janice; Ray dressed up one Saturday to do housework and Jack decided to join him. Thus began what would become a kind of routine; one of them would dress up Friday and be escorted out on the town by the other. The next day the escort would join the other as a girl and there they would stay for the weekend.

Something else was happening to the boys relationship with each other. They were comfortable with, and trusted each other more than they ever had anyone before, except for Ray and his mother. The complexity arose because not only did Ray and Jack feel that way about each other, but Janice and Ray did, Rachel and Jack did, and Rachel and Janice did. You don't have to be a brilliant to see the potential complications in this relationship.


Just as Jack and Ray were progressing in crossdressing they were also taking great strides at work. They became a team, much like they were at home, and the results for MTC were nothing short of amazing. New software applications, developed mostly by Jack and Ray, practically flew off of dealers shelves. The boys were showered with money and treated like royalty. They sensed that they could get away with anything and, naturally, they started getting outrageous. It started with Jack wearing his diamond studs to work and daring Ray to top that. Ray did and their competition escalated from there.

One day before work Jack came down to breakfast.

"Guess what Ray?"


"I'm going to work dressed completely in girls clothing today."

"Oh yeah. Just what are you going to wear?"

"What I have on."


Ray looked closely at Jack. Sure enough the shirt buttoned up the wrong side and an examination revealed that the trousers were misses, even though cut in a masculine style.

"These are women's loafers and it looks like I'm not wearing any socks, but actually I have on sheer nude panty-hose," boasted Jack, "and underneath it all I have on the most delicious teddy."


"So how you gonna top this Ray?"

It took Ray awhile to figure out how to pull it off. One Friday he asked Jack to meet him in the employee cafeteria for lunch as he had something important he wanted to discuss with him. Jack complained about the quality of the food, but nevertheless agreed to be there. Imagine his surprise when in walked Rachel, looking very much the businesswoman in a smartly tailored suit.

Ray walked over, with his red lips in a big smile, and greeted Jack. Jack was flabbergasted.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" He hissed under his breath.

"Eating lunch. What else would I be doing here?"

"But ... what if someone sees you?"

"Plenty of people have already seen me. Relax no one will ever know. I've got this visitors pass." He pointed a long red fingernail to the badge clipped to his blouse. "I liberated it a couple of weeks ago. After lunch I'll walk out of here, turn in it. I'll bet you that the guards are looking at me and not the badge. By the time they figure out something is fishy, if they ever do, this girl will be long gone."


"Yes indeed. You had better start thinking hard about how you're gonna top this."

"Is that why you wanted me to meet you here, to tell me this?"

"Partially. You know, we are a pretty good team; as software engineers I mean. How would you feel about going into business for ourselves?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we could work for ourselves, at home if we like. We write our applications and hire someone to market them for us."

"Can we do that?"

"Sure we can. In fact, I have been approached by a firm that would like to do just that, it would also give me the opportunity to do something I've been thinking about for awhile."

"What's that?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Say Rachel, you'd better go home and change, or have you forgotten that it's Janice's turn out tonight."

"No I haven't forgotten, but I have decided that tonight is going to be girl's night out; Rachel is going to take Janice out."

"What? But what if you get pulled over or something?"

"So what? Just be ready by seven."

At seven-thirty that evening Ray's car was headed north on 101. The boys both wore stylish cocktail dresses.

"So where are we headed Rachel?" asked Jack.

"I thought we'd go bar hopping in San Francisco and try and pick up some guys."

"WHAT! Are you crazy?"

"Relax. I was only kidding. Actually we are going to San Francisco, but for a meeting of crossdressers"


"Don't worry, it's a group called ETVC and I've been to their meetings a couple of times already. It'll be fun and you'll meet lots of interesting people."

Jack rode on in silence until he remembered what Ray had told him at lunch. "By the way Rachel. What is this big secret you were going to tell me about?"

"Well. I was thinking. Isn't dressing up the greatest thrill, and don't you treasure every minute you get to spend as Janice?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Well the longest I've ever gotten to spend as Rachel was a long weekend. If I can work at home I may do it as Rachel, at least some of the time. Do you think you'd like to join me?"

"Gee ... I uh don't know for sure."

"Well, think about it."

"I will."

The boys went on to their meeting and it was a great success. They enjoyed themselves and were pleased to meet with many of the other crossdressers, including many professional people. They were especially taken with a beautiful blonde, who called herself Sally and told them that he was an M.D. in the real world. Jack and Ray each left with their handbags full of business cards.


Jack and Ray left MTC and formed their own company, but things didn't turn out exactly as Ray had planned. The boys spent so much of their time on projects that Rachel and Janice were consigned to the closet. The dedication paid off in the long run. Ray produced a word processing program that was revolutionary; he named it 'Flawless' because that's the kind of document it turned out. You didn't have to know what you were doing, it practically wrote everything for you. Jack meanwhile had developed a spreadsheet that any idiot could use. These products were the subject of a visit by the lawyers for their marketers.

"Here is the deal gentlemen. My principals have instructed me to offer you the sum of 2.5 million dollars for all rights to the aforementioned programs."

Jack and Ray looked at each other astonished.

"If this sum seems excessive it is because the contract contains an agreement not to complete. The persons tendering this offer believe that they can corner the market with your programs. The only thing they are afraid of is that a year or two down the line you guys come out with something better. Accordingly you agree not to participate in any software development for a period of six years after the signing of the contract. What do you think?"

Ray looked at Jack, who grinned, then turned to the lawyer.

"Where do we sign?"

When the lawyers had departed Jack asked Ray; "so what do we do now?"

"We celebrate."

"That's cool, lets go."

"Not so fast dude. We really have neglected Janice and Rachel shamefully. I've been so busy that I haven't shaved my legs in months. Why don't we let the girls go out and celebrate."

"Yeah, great idea. Let's go get dressed."

"Hey not so fast, it's only lunchtime. Let's do this right. Remember, we're rich now."

"So what do we do?"

"First thing, we hire a limo for the evening."


"Then we go shopping for some evening gowns."

"Yeah, right on."

"Then we get dressed."

Many men looked with longing at the two young women who passed through the best restaurant and the top bars in San Francisco that evening obviously celebrating. They were sexy, dressed to the nines, and obviously loaded, with money as well as booze.

Early the next morning they were riding back to San Jose in the limo with the drivers screen up. At Jack's suggestion they were drinking champagne out of their high heels. They'd already had a lot to drink.

"Here's to ush," said Ray lifting a sequined pump to his lips. He swallowed, but more of the bubbly ran out the sides of his mouth than down his throat."

"Shit, my new dresh . I paid four thousand dollars for thish dresh. Ish by a famoush designer. I don't remember who zackly but he's famoush."

"I love thish," said Jack, "I love being Janish and I love you Rachel. Les be them for awhile."

" I loves you too Janish." Ray said as he leaned over and kissed Jack on the lips. "Les do keep the girls around."

Neither of them thought the kiss out of line. In fact, they didn't even remember it.

Ray woke up the next morning with the worst hangover of his life. He and Jack had drunk some more after they got home and it looked as though he had barely made it to bed. Looking at his pillows he knew he hadn't removed his makeup before he crashed. His wig had been thrown on the bureau, and his expensive new dress was in a pile on the floor along with his hose; he'd slept in his lingerie. He wondered where the new shoes he'd bought were, until he remembered drinking champagne out of them the night before.

Ray got up and took off his bra, panties, padded panties, and gaff. The adhesive holding his boobies on was good for days so he left them on while he showered. Afterwards he decided to remain as he was and put on panties, a negligee, and a robe and went down to get something to eat. He was munching on toast and drinking coffee when Jack came down. Jack had removed all traces of Janice and was wearing an old bathrobe.

"Wow dude! That was some night." Jack said.

"You're not kidding. I don't think I can handle one of those more than once a year."

"So who are you this morning; Rachel or Ray? You look like half and half."

"I'm not sure yet. Let me get over this hangover and I'll let you know."

Jack and Ray started rearranging their affairs, in this they were guided by some of the people they met in the TV club they belonged to. A lawyer and a banker helped them set up their investments, then arranged it so that Jack and Ray could access their money as Janice and Rachel and even got them credit cards in those names. Jack and Ray also started seeing Sally, or Walter as he was known as a man, for their medical needs.

One night Ray was driving himself and Jack home from their TV clubs annual dinner.

"Don't let that award go to your head Janice. You've still got a ways to go before you can compete on my level."

Jack had won an award as most improved TV while Ray had taken first place in the evening gown event.

"You're just lucky I didn't enter the evening gown competition."

"Oh yeah. Don't get too uppity. Remember, I taught you everything you know."

"That may have been the case, but these days I can pass as well if not better than you."

"In your wet dreams you can!"

"I can see we're gonna have to settle this."

"Definitely. Got any suggestions."

"No, but I'm thinking on it."

The next day Jack presented his challenge.

"You once said that you wanted to live as Rachel for awhile. So here's the wager. We each live as a girl for one year. Whoever give up before then looses. If we both make it then we let the members of the club decide which one of us is more convincing as a woman, and the majority decision will be binding."

"Sounds good to me, but what will we bet?"

"That's the fun part. We're living off the interest on our money now and I guess that works out to a little over $100,000 a year right?"

"I guess."

"O.K. The loser has to turn over his income for one year to the winner."

"That's a pretty big hunk of change."

"And that's not all. The loser has to work for the winner as a servant for the following year."

"What do you mean."

"I mean personal maid."

"I think you've been reading too many of those TV Queens Fiction Digests."

"Maybe, but you have to admit, it's an interesting challenge."

"Yes it is. I can see you now in a maid's uniform, tottering about on six inch heels, serving my guests while I act as hostess for the club."

"You seem pretty sure of yourself."

"You're damn right I am. Let's formalize this bet in front of witnesses and make it official."

In due time the formalities were taken care of and Jack and Ray embarked on their year in dresses, well two years for one of them.

One morning Jack came down to breakfast in a robe and Ray could see that something was different. Then he realized that Jack didn't have his falsies on.

"What's the matter Jack? You giving up so soon?"

"I thought you'd say something like that," replied Jack, "and I want you to know that nothing could be further from the truth."

Jack opened his robe.

"Take a look. I've been taking hormones and thought I'd surprise you when I win our bet by having real breasts, but they were getting too big with the falsies over them."

Ray stared at Jack's chest. Sure enough, there was some development there; the nipples were bigger and the aureoles had expanded and were swelling out. Ray asked him, "Where did you get hormones from?"

"Well Sally told me she was taking them and recommended it, so I got her to set me up."

Later on, Ray thought about Jack and the hormones. He stood to lose a significant amount of money, not to mention being Jack's maid for a year. He called up Sally and made an appointment to see her as Walter, on business.

Jack sat on the edge of an examining table as Walter explained his options to him.

"Sure you could go on hormones, but let me tell you it takes a long time before you see any changes and by the time you do, Jack will be way out in front, if you'll excuse the pun. No, for you we need something better, something dramatic ... I know, I have just the thing for you, implants."

"I don't want my chest pumped up with silicon." Said Ray.

"Silicon? That was the dark ages. Let me show you what we can do. We implant a little pouch under each breast. This is done under the arm and it is empty at that time so it leaves no scar. It settles in and then it has we fill the individual cells in it with saline solution. It's comfortable, the size increases as fast or as slow as you want, and you get as big as you want. We control which cells fill and create a perfectly normal appearing breast. If you also take hormones, as I recommend, to make your skin soft, we can remove some of the saline solution to keep the breast size constant so you don't become a 'tit queen'. When you've had enough of living as a woman it's a simple matter to empty the sacks out and remove them."

"Wow. I can do all that and it's not permanent."

"That's right."

"O.K. let's do it."

"Well let's talk about something else first Rachel. I think you're very sweet, so I want to help you win your little contest. I believe you should also have some cosmetic liposuction done."

"Some what."

"Liposuction. That's what they call it when they remove fat from under the skin. It was developed as a way for grossly obese persons to lose some weight quickly, but now is used to give a person whatever shape they want."

"Yeah, but then I'm stuck like that right?"

"Wrong. You diet, exercise, and take hormones to keep the shape, but when you've had enough, stop the hormones, eat a lot and work out and your body will return to a male form."

"Just how good is this process."

"Well from some of the cases I've seen firsthand; they could make Bo Jackson look like Whitney Houston."



"Where do I sign up?"

"Let's see. How about in two weeks?"

"Great. I'm there."

"Why don't you let me start you on hormones today?"

"Sure. why not?"

Ray, on his stomach on the examining table, felt the needle enter his left buttock. He was on his way. "Let's see Jack top this", he thought.

Ray returned home with his newfound curves. A little sore, but none the worse for wear and tear. He didn't see any change in his breasts, but what a waistline!

After the implants had settled in and stopped itching he returned to Walter who started the slow process of filling them up. It wasn't long before Ray discarded his falsies too. Naturally when Jack saw the changes Ray had wrought to his body he couldn't give up and not respond in kind. It was like an arms race, or if you prefer, a boobs race. Jack went to see Sally and it wasn't long before he was looking like a centerfold also.

Ray noticed that Jack seemed to stand and carry himself differently. He wondered what was going on, until one night when both of them were in the den, wearing baby doll nightgowns, and watching television. Ray noticed that Jack had something on under his.

"What's that you have on Janice?"

"Just my corset."

"A corset! Why are you wearing a corset now?"

"I always wear a corset Rachel. Even when I'm sleeping."


"Yes. It's for figure training."

"I just don't understand it Sally", said Ray. "Janice is really getting quite a figure. Can wearing a corset all the time do that?"

"I'm sure it helps, but I know that's not the only thing. Janice asked me not to tell you, but I feel I must. You know those sacks in your breasts? Well Janice had me implant a slightly different variant in her hips and buttocks."

"I guess I had better try them too."

"It wouldn't hurt."

Ray wondered to himself if maybe all of this was getting out of hand. He was slowly getting used to the corset he wore all the time now, but it was still a major pain in the ass. Still he had to admit it did make a difference. He walked straighter and held his chest out. And what a chest it was!. The tiny nipped in waist only served to highlight the enlargement of his breasts, hips, and ass. Even with his increased dimensions Ray noticed that a lot of his clothes seemed too large. Like Jack he was eating less due to the constant restriction of the corsets. He was glad he hadn't invested too much in dresses. He might go down a size before this was over.


Time passed and as is often the case, too much money and no work time led to extreme boredom. One afternoon the boys sat by the pool in bikinis. Although they could have passed on the beach at this point in their development, they preferred working on their tans in the privacy of their own yard. Jack picked up the paper he had put down earlier and idly read through the classified ads.

"Lately I feel like I'm going crazy. You know, what I need is something to occupy my time; like a job." He said to Ray.

"Ha! What are you gonna do? Get a job as Janice?"

"I bet you I could. I could even write my own reference."

"No way dude! And if you could, I bet you wouldn't be working very long before they find out you are a guy and fire you."

"I betcha I could last longer working as a girl than you could."

"Oh yeah?"


"You're on."

"Fine. How much?"

"Say ten-thousand?"

"Sure that won't break you?"

"Fuck you. Let's shake on it."

"How about a grand to the first one with a job?"

"Fine with me."

They shook on it and each grabbed part of the classifieds and started reading.

"Look," said Ray, "here's an ad for a receptionist for a law firm. It says familiarity with Flawless desired. I wonder what they would say if they knew that I wrote the program?"

Jack found one that had potential. It said: RETAIL - clothing & costuming. Self-starting & reliable. Experience not necessary. Fashion Warehouse 555-1212.

"You know Janice, I don't know the first thing about job interviewing as a girl."

"Either do I, but I do know that we can't go looking for job looking like this.

While each of the boys now had a nice feminine cast to their bodies, their hair had grown in long and thick and was too bulky to wear a wig with. It just hung there, lifeless in clumps and tangles.

"What we need is a trip to a beauty salon."

"No way Janice. We'd be found out for sure, and we don't know the first thing about going in one."

"What do you mean we. I think I know how to handle this. I remember a girlfriend in college who was in the same boat. Just wear girls jeans and a sweatshirt and we'll head up to Berkeley."


"Hello girls. May I help you?" Asked the beauty store operator.

Jack and Ray stood there looking at each other and trying very hard not to giggle. Ray elbowed Jack whispering, "You got us into this. Say something."

Jack spoke up. "It's like this ... , you see we ... "

"Let me guess. You're graduating and haven't worried about your appearance since you entered college, but now you're going job hunting and need to look your best. Am I right?"

Jack breathed a sigh of relief. "Er ... exactly. How did you know?"

"It's not very hard. Every year we get a new crop of you gals. We're old hands at this. Come on who's gonna be first?"

The boys looked at each other again. Not waiting for an answer the lady grabbed Jack by the arm. "Sweetie, you've got to get used to this sometime and now's as good as any."

She handed Ray a book of hairstyles. "You can wait here until Betsy is ready for you. Meanwhile, look through this and see if anything strikes your fancy."

Jack and his guide vanished behind a screen into this unfamiliar domain of women.

The boys put themselves into experienced hands and took the whole treatment; wash, cut, perm, facial, manicure, make-over. The beauticians worked their magic and educated them in the use of cosmetics at the same time.

Ray stared at his roommate, in awe of the delicately beautiful girl that Jack had become. They left the salon, each toting the bagful of cosmetics and hair care products he had purchased. On the way to the car, Ray wanted to express his feelings, but his inexperience and shyness around girls showed as he groped for words. All he could get out was: "You're very pretty."

To which Jack replied. "Thank you Rachel. You don't look so bad yourself."

It was on to the mall after that, where the boys spent the afternoon purchasing wardrobes appropriate for young working women.

They were both hired the next day, so by agreement the $10,000 went into the big pot.

Each of the boys discovered his changed reality for himself; it was one thing to have breasts that could be unglued Sunday evening before work on Monday, but it was quite another to realize that come Monday morning you'd better have a clean bra ready to go.

They met for lunch their first day on the job.

"So how's the fashion business Janice?"

"It's great except I'm on my feet all the time and they insist that I wear high heels as well as fashions from the store, but I get a super discount. How do you like my this?"

Jack stood up and twirled, showing off the black leather miniskirt he'd been outfitted in. It seemed to be painted on his pert little butt.

"I'd never get away with that at the law firm. They're so stodgy there. It was made clear to me that I had better appear conservative and feminine at all times. In dresses only, I might add. Suits are only allowed for women lawyers. Anyway I noticed a couple of the younger lawyers giving me the eye. The only difficulty is typing with these long nails. It's one thing I never had to cope with before now."


Jack and Ray both excelled in their new occupations. Not only were they accepted as girls by all who met them, but they were also highly valued by their respective employers. Ray had taught himself shorthand and stenography and had been promoted to executive secretary at the law firm, while Jack had risen to the position of buyer at the clothing store and was doing a little modeling on the side for them. The boys had been successfully living and working as women for over six months, when Jack received an invitation for the two of them to go to a costume ball on Halloween.

"What shall we go as?" He asked Ray.

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"I don't have any ideas."

They sat in silence for awhile when Ray said: "I know let's go as ourselves."

"No silly. We are supposed to go in costume and everyone knows Janice and Rachel."

"That's not what I meant. Let's call off the bet for one night and go as Jack and Ray."

"Not a bad idea. Do you still have some men's clothing?"

"Yes. Don't you?"

"No. I gave it all to Goodwill."

Ray hadn't known that Jack had taken so drastic a step. "I've got mine in a box in the basement. I'll go get it.

Ray stared at his reflection while Jack looked on. The pair of men's shorts he had on definitely weren't made to fit his body the way it was now shaped. The cotton briefs were stretched tight across his plump derriere while the elastic band hung loosely around his tiny waist.

"What can I do with these boobs?" he asked Jack. The size of his ample breasts was not at all reduced by the tight tee shirt and fat nipples were obvious as they pushed against the thin cotton.

"I know," said Jack, running from the room. He returned with an elastic bandage which the two of them wrapped tightly around Ray's chest.

"This isn't going to work" said Ray.

That much was obvious. Even with the bandage crushing his breasts he couldn't button up his shirt over the remaining bulge. And his pants... . Well they were stretched so tight that if he bent over they'd surely tear.

"I look like a girl dressed as a boy."

Giving up on the idea they rented costumes and went as two southern belles. Ray also gave away his remaining male clothes, abandoning the notion of getting into them again any time soon.

It was the night of the ball that Jack and Rays relationship took a dramatic turn. They had been much sought after as dance partners by all the single men in attendance, but had still managed to imbibe quite a few drinks. Quite tipsy, they were driven home by Jack's co-workers. They were sitting in the living room having a nightcap.

"Say Janice help me undo this dress will you?"

The costumes were true antebellum period pieces and even with each others help had been difficult to get into properly. There was no way that they were going to get them off alone.

"Sure thing."

Jack's petticoats rustled as he moved over beside Ray in the green satin brocade gown he wore. Ray's was made of red velvet and white lace. Ray turned away and lifted up his hair as Jack worked on undoing the row of tiny buttons down his back.

"Boy I just don't see how women lived in these things a hundred years ago." Said Jack.

"Well they had maids to help them dress and undress. Sort of like I will. Say you'd better get used to doing things like this."

"First let's see how you do at it."

The boys shifted and Ray undid Jack's buttons. They both stood up and slipped off the heavy gowns.

"Whew. It's a relief to get out of that." Said Jack standing there in his petticoats. "I'm thankful Halloween only comes once a year."

"Well there's still Mardi Gras."

"I think I'll be a bunny for that."

"That is if I don't have you go as Fifi the French maid. Parlez Vous?"

"Just shut up and undo this corset."

Jack had lowered his petticoats and was standing there in satin pantaloons and an old-fashioned corset that tied in back. The boys had been sticklers for authenticity this evening. Jack breathed a sigh of relief as he was released from its vise-like grip. He pulled the down the top which had forced his breasts up into the dramatic cleavage which had been flaunted by his gowns low cut bodice.

Ray felt a stirring in his loins and it dawned on him that he was getting aroused on watching his roommate undress. Ray released his breasts from the corsets restraint and noticed that his nipples were stiff. Sally had told him that sexual excitement might manifest itself like that. He was a little embarrassed, but with his senses dulled by alcohol, getting turned on watching Jack undress his now resplendently feminine body, somehow didn't seem wrong or unnatural at all.

Jack sat back down on the couch.

"That's better, but these damned shoes."

They had of course worn buttoned-up high heeled shoes.

"Let me get them off for you." Said Ray.

Ray left the room and returned with tool to undo the buttons and finally got one off. Jack moaned as circulation reestablished itself in his foot. Not fully aware that he was entering dangerous territory, Ray said "Here, let me rub it for you."

Ray picked up Jacks right foot, noticing how cute it looked with its red toenails inside sheer hosiery, and started to massage it.

"Oh Rachel, that's tremendous." Whispered Jack.

"Just sit back and enjoy it Janice."

Ray got the other shoe off and massaged Jacks feet.

"It's your turn Rachel."

Ray lay back on the floor and let Jack get his shoes off and work on his feet. It did feel wonderful. Jack stopped and Ray just lied there. Ray was shocked to feel a hand on his breast. He opened his eyes to see Jack alongside him on the floor.

"What the ...?" Ray started to say, but as he looked into those deep blue eyes he realized beyond a shadow of a doubt that he truly loved Janice. Their lips met in a lingering lipstick smearing kiss, each one of them ignoring the fact that he was just as pretty and desirable as the make-believe woman he was kissing. They didn't go any further, but lust lay in each others arms sharing their closest secrets, and enjoying the intimacy. They continued to drink and cuddle."

Ray woke up the next morning shocked to discover where he was. In Jack's satin sheeted king-size bed, naked except for his cache- sex, with Jack's pretty blonde head in his arms, cradled to his breasts. Looking down Ray saw that Jack still had his cache-sex on.

"Well at least nothing happened." He thought to himself relieved.

Ray's attempts to extricate himself woke Jack up. Jack opened his eyes and saw him.

"Hi Rachel."

"Er ... what went on her last night."

"Just a little smooching is all I can recall."

Ray looked at Jack and felt himself overcome with the infatuation he had experienced the night before. He moved closer to Jack and Jack wiggled up beside him. Once again they were in a liplock.

"What's happened to us?" Thought Ray as Jack's tongue investigated his mouth. He didn't get an answer as this time their cuddling led to caresses.

Ray was in seventh heaven as Jack sucked first one plump nipple then the other, but he felt ready to bust.

"Excuse me Janice", Ray said and got up and ran to his room. Once there he stripped off his cache-sex letting his cock free. Not having had any sexual stimulation for some time, Ray was distressed at what had become of his cock. What had been a proud specimen of manhood was now just an atrophied little thing. He grabbed it anyway and proceeded to jerk off. As he came the image in his head was that of Janice.

"We'll just keep it at this level." Thought Ray.

Good intentions can only take you so far though, and it wasn't long before the boys didn't bother to leave the bed before masturbating. Then one night Jack reached down and grabbed a pair of satin panties. He wrapped them around Ray's cock saying, "Just sit back and relax Rachel", then pumped Ray to orgasm. The progress of this affair was predictable. Soon Ray had moved into the other bedroom off of the bath. After that, they would usually spend the night together in one or the other's bed. Due to their hormone regimens, neither of them could attain a hard enough erection to accomplish penetration, but they were soon lovers, each pretending to himself that he was in love with a beautiful girl while delighting in the sex available to two boy-girls. Their make believe romance continued to grow unabated.


Jack let himself in the front door. It had been a long day at the store. He'd noticed Ray's Porsche in the garage.

"Honey, I'm home."

From the kitchen came a sweet "Hi Janice how was your day."

"Pretty rough."

"Well just sit down on the couch and relax. I'll have dinner ready in jiff."

They had divided up the house chores and Jack was glad that Ray had taken over the cooking. The meals were always delicious.

Ray walked in with an apron over his office dress carrying a tray with glasses and a pitcher of Martinis. He poured one for Jack.

"Here. This will take the edge off of my poor baby's day."

Jack kicked off his high heels and took the proffered glass, as he sipped it, Ray pushed Jack's mass of blonde curls out of the way and started rubbing his neck. It wasn't long before Ray was on his knees massaging Jacks cramped feet. Pretty soon he had worked his way up those long legs and pushed Jacks short skirt up around his hips. Pulling down the pantyhose and panties revealed Jacks tiny hairless organs. Neither boy had any hair below his thin, highly arched brows by now. They had purchased a home electrolysis kit and loved to examine each others bodies, searching for and removing any stray hairs. Ray lovingly took Jack's tiny cock and balls between his red glistening lips and sucked him to orgasm as Jack enjoyed his martini. Ray felt a stirring in his panties as he thought about how Janice would return his loving after the dishes were dried and put away.

How could two lovers continue with a contest such as theirs? They couldn't, and at a party at their home for the TV group, Ray announced that the bet was off.

"To prove that we're not quitting cause we can't take it, Janice and I will remain in dresses and keep our jobs for another year."

The group applauded loudly. Jack and Ray had become heroes to all the crossdressers who knew them, living the life that each of them wished he could.

"Could I ask you guys a favor?" Asked Sally, later in private.

"Sure" replied Jack.

"Well since your bet is called off I was wondering if you still could use a maid for a year?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well it's kind of a long story, but I've finally decided to go ahead and become a woman permanently."


"There's more to it than that. Before I can get approval for the surgery I have to live and work for a year as a woman. I can't practice medicine as a woman until I change my licenses, and I can't change them until I have the operation. It's a Catch-22, so I guess I'll take a year off. I've got plenty of money, but don't know what I could do. If you'll let me work for you and give me the recommendation I need, then we'll all wind up with what we want."

"Why sure. I guess ... What do you think Rachel?"

"It's fine with me."

Sally moved in, took over the housekeeping duties, and became, if you will, a father figure with a figure to the two young men.

Before they knew it, it was Christmas and Jack and Ray decided that, since they were the only family each other had, they would start a tradition and spend every Christmas together, exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve.

Ray gave Jack a full length mink coat while he received diamonds; studs for his ears, a tennis bracelet, a necklace, and a huge ring.

Wearing nothing but his cache-sex, Ray paraded around the bedroom, modeling his new jewelry.

"Does this ring mean we're engaged?" He joked, admiring the big sparkler.

"No. It's a friendship ring, but if you ever do like Sally and go all the way, consider yourself engaged."

"Well that's not for me, but if you ever do it, I promise that I'll make an honest woman of you."

This couldn't go on forever and the relationship hit the rocks shortly into the new year. Ray attended an office party. He'd worn a revealing little black dress and delighted in vamping his staid male colleagues. Ray had too much to drink and wound up being driven home by Ken Myers, a timid and unassuming law clerk. When they pulled up Ken stopped the car.

"You know Rachel I've always thought you were cute, but until tonight I had no idea just how beautiful you really are."

"Why thank you Ken, that's very nice of you to say so."

Ken got out, came around, and opened Ray's door. Ray's dress, short to begin with, had ridden up his thighs, and Ken could not help but gawk at Ray's long nylon covered legs as they swung out the door. Swallowing hard, Ken escorted Rachel to the door. Once there he was in obvious discomfort as he blurted out, "Rachel do you think it would be O.K. if ..., er, ... uh, would you go out with me sometime?"

"I don't think so Ken." Ray felt sorry for the shy boy and decided to give him something to remember.

"But thanks for the ride home."

Ray put his hands on Ken's face and drew him closer where their lips met and Ray gave him a big hug and a long searching soul kiss. Just then the door opened and the light went on. Ken and Ray looked up to see Jack standing in the doorway with a with a shocked expression on his pretty face.

"Uh, I'd better be leaving. Good night Rachel." Said Ken as he backpedaled to his car.

Ray entered the house and shut the door behind him.

"Just what the hell do you think you were doing out there Ray?"

"Please call me Rachel, Janice."

"No. I think all this pretending has gotten out of hand. It's bothered me at times, but until tonight I could ignore it. Let's face reality. I'm Jack and you're Ray and do you realize what we have become? Well, I'll tell you what we are. A pair of little faggot cocksuckers. I could overlook the fact that you aren't really a girl, but this is too much. How much longer before you're seducing men in our house? Why I bet you'll even be trying to fix me up before very long."

"Oh Janice it wasn't like that at all."

"Oh sure it wasn't. Ever since you moved in with me you've lured me further and further into this mess. All I wanted was to dress up once and awhile and look where you've taken me; I'm a girl who happens to have a cock. If I don't watch my step I'm liable to wind up being fucked up the ass by one of your boyfriends. Well, I may have gone too far, but I'm not going any further."

"Janice. Please ..."

Jack turned and ran upstairs to his room.

Ray was on the couch crying when Sally came in to investigate the noise.

"What's the matter Rachel?"

"It's Janice."

"What about Janice?"

"She doesn't want to be Janice anymore and I don't blame her."

Sally sat down on the couch, took Ray in her arms, and hugged him.

"There, there. Tell Aunt Sally all about it."

Ray tearfully related the entire story, going back as far as his first meeting with Jack. When he was done he laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I just realized that I'm acting exactly as a girl would."

"Rachel, you've been living as a woman in a woman's environment for quite some time. No psychologist worth his salt would be surprised to find you responding like one."

"That may be, but I guess it's back to being plain old Ray again."

"Now don't be so fast young lady that you throw the baby out with the bath water. You're young, you're pretty, and you can pass. Do you know how many of the old-timers in the group would kill to be able to live as you are living. Look, you've the rest of your life to be a man, but this chance will never come again. Take advantage of it while you can."

"I'll think about it."

"Don't just think about it. Get away from here for awhile. I think you and Janice just need to get away from each other for awhile."

"I think Janice it getting away from me forever."

"Oh, I'll go have a talk with her tomorrow. Don't worry about it."

Ray went to bed and cried himself to sleep and by the next morning he had decided to take Sally's advice and stay as Rachel for the time being, and also to go back east for awhile. He went to Sally's room the next morning.

"Sally tell Janice that I'm going to New York to clear up some family business. Tell her also that I love her and will miss her."

Ray removed the big diamond friendship ring from his finger.

"Give this to her. Tell her I'll be back for Christmas and if she still wants me to have it, I'll be glad to take it back."

"But Rachel it's only May. Isn't that too long to be gone?"

"Long enough for the two of us to find ourselves and make up our minds about what we want."

Ray didn't even pack. He put on a dress, made up his face, and called a cab for the airport. He took only his checks, his credit cards, and his emergency cash stash; He'd buy what he needed in New York.


Ray had made up the story about family business in New York. Melancholy and despondent, he needed to get away from Jack and get over the quarrel they'd had. After arriving in New York and staying in a hotel, Ray sublet a small apartment. He picked a psychologist out of the yellow pages and made an appointment. He wanted to extricate himself from the persona of Rachel, with which he had become so confused that he couldn't sort it out on his own.

"Mr. Hirsch, and in all honesty let me say that I feel uncomfortable addressing you like that dressed as you are, I do not feel that I have the necessary background to deal with your case. It is like no other that I am familiar with. You suffer from a severe identity crises brought on by having lived as a woman for over two years. However, I do know of a clinic where they specialize in cases like yours and I'd like to refer you to them."

Ray departed a cab outside the Institute for the Amelioration of Gender Dysphoria. He looked up for a moment at the imposing building, smoothed his skirt, and went in.

Inside a pretty receptionist looked up .

"Hi may I help you?"

"Yes. My name is Ray Hirsch and I have an appointment for a referral."

"My name's Nancy. If you'll just fill out these forms we can get started."

Nancy watched Ray as he took the psychological profile test.

" Wow If I didn't know he was a boy I could never have guessed it. he's one of the best I've seen and I've seen some of the best." She thought to herself.

Nancy looked at the reason for referral.

"Unable to return to masculine role. Why would he ever want to?"

Nancy picked up the phone.

"Hello Leslie? You should see the one that just walked in."


Nancy starred the top of Ray's folder, thinking "He's to pretty to be a boy."

Ray looked up to find a beautiful woman standing in front of him.

"Hi. Done with the test?"

"Uh, yes ma'am."

"Oh don't be so formal. My name's Leslie."

"I'm Ray, er Rachel."

"Around here all us guys use girls."

Ray was amazed. "Are you a guy too."

"Sure am. One-hundred per cent all American male."

Ray found this hard to believe.

"So your from California?"

"Just recently."

Leslie looked over Ray's record.

"So ... you're having trouble getting in touch with your old male self again. I take it you don't want to live as a girl any longer?"

"I'm not sure anymore what I want to do."

"Well, I hope we can help you find what it is you're looking for. In the meantime, let me invite you to dinner to welcome you to New York."

"I'd like that."

"Good. Shall we say Saturday at eight."

Ray rode the elevator up to the penthouse. He'd found out that Leslie was the director of the Institute and fantastically wealthy. Wanting to impress his host, Ray had spent the morning shopping for a dress and the afternoon in a salon. The dress was shorter than he usually wore, but this was New York and he had the legs for it.

Leslie met Mike at the elevator along with another woman. Both wore evening gowns. Mike was in awe of such glamour.

"Rachel, may I introduce my wife Amanda."

They enjoyed cocktails while Ray took in his surroundings. The penthouse was a dream; a totally feminine environment. They made small talk about California and New York until Amanda announced that dinner was served.

"This is the best meal I've had in ages." Ray complimented Amanda.

"Why thank you, but it's nothing at all."

"You mustn't say that dear. This is outstanding." Leslie told Amanda.

"Amanda's become quite the cook since I married her." He told Ray.

"Rachel I invited you here tonight not only to get to know you but to show you first hand one of the options available to you."

"And what is that."

"As you know; I am a man. What you do not know is that my wife used to be a man."

Ray looked at the beautiful woman across the table from him.

"You're kidding me"

"I would never do that. Darling?"

Amanda spoke up, "It's true. My name used to be Michael Watson. After sex reassignment and a disappointing experience with another man I fell in love with and married Leslie."

"Do you like it?"

"Which; being a woman or being married?"

"Uh, both I guess."

"Well the answer is the same either way. I have never been happier and I feel totally fulfilled. I love my life now and see that this is my proper role. Any other lifestyle would merely have left me as I was; lonely, depressed, and unfulfilled."

Ray considered how that those terms described his emotional state of late.

"Are there a lot of guys like me around?" Ray asked Leslie.

"Oh yes, It's the main reason for the Institute and we have helped hundreds if not thousands of people like yourself. In fact,every employee of the Institute is, or at some time was a man."



"What about the receptionist Nancy."

"Especially Nancy. Until quite recently she was Dan."


They made small talk throughout dinner. Dessert was offered, Amanda declined saying that she had to watch her figure, and when coffee was served she excused herself. Ray watched the enchanting brunette leave, still finding it hard to believe that she could ever have been a man.

Ray and Leslie carried their coffee to the sitting room where they resumed their discussion.

"So I assume you wanted me to see how you live to show me that I could stay Rachel, find a girl, and settle down. Sort of put myself in your shoes."

"Not really."

"Then what?"

"I wanted you to meet Amanda. To see that you could live happily as a woman. As you put it, to have you put yourself in her shoes."

"You mean change my sex and get married?"

"Not necessarily to get married, but your psychological profile shows us that you are much more comfortable in the female role and that you are still deeply in love with your former roommate. You indicated that you feel that he still loves you, but can't deal with the fact that you are men, despite your appearances. Now if you were a woman, I'd bet that he could overcome his homophobia and that you could subsequently have an wonderful relationship with him, much as Amanda does with me."

"Oh, I don't think so Leslie."

"Well I'm not going to push you into anything that you do not want, and you don't have to make up your mind tonight. I just wanted you to see what's possible. You'll meet your counselor Monday and she will cover all the bases with you. Gail is just the one for you. She was married when she was a man and now she's married again. Be sure to pick her brain, having been up the aisle in a both a tuxedo and a gown I am sure that she can give you a good picture of what it's like from both sides."


"Gail I want you to know what a difference you have made in my life. These past weeks have cleared up so much. I know now that I'd never be truly happy as Ray and I wanted you to be the first to know that I have decided to go all the way and become a whole woman."

"Oh Rachel, I'm so happy for you. Let's see, you've already lived as a woman for over a year so we can waive that requirement. I'll certify you as mentally competent and that takes care of the formalities. We do our own surgery on the premises so all you have to do is pick a date."

"All I want is to be healed up by Christmas. Is that possible?"

"Of course. Recovery takes about six weeks. Give yourself another four weeks to get your strength back and become familiar with your new plumbing and you'll be ready for anything, and I do mean anything." Gail winked at him. "You could wait a couple of months to be sure and still be done before Christmas."

"No. I'm sure. I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible."

"Great. How about a week from Monday?"

"That's fine with me."

"OK it's a date. By the way do you have those tapes I lent you?"

"Right here in my purse."

Ray handed them over the subliminal tapes that had been responsible for his change of heart concerning his change of sex.

"I don't know if they did any good. I took the sleeping pills you gave me and always fell asleep before I heard anything."

"Maybe it's just as well that you don't know how much they helped," thought Gail to herself as she took the tapes from the boy. "Can't have these getting into the wrong hands." It was amazing how fast and thorough those tapes were. Any man exposed to them would soon beg to be made into a woman, and they hadn't figured out how to turn it off once on. Gail thought about how she had been exposed to them by her ex-wife.

The passage from masculinity to femininity was a painful one for Ray, but when it was over, the fact that he had been a man seemed like ancient history to him. After recovering from surgery, he did what any girl in New York with unlimited funds would do; he went shopping. He had lost still more weight, and his body appeared to have stabilized at a size 7. Ray went to the best stores and filled out his wardrobe, or as he began to think of it; his trousseau. Remembering Jacks proposition, he considered himself engaged. One day on impulse he walked into a jewelry store and tried on engagement rings and wedding bands. He wished he hadn't returned the ring to Jack. Inspired, he went on from there to venture into a bridal salon and try on wedding gowns.

Ray admired himself in the mirror; he was captivated by the way he looked in the long ivory satin gown.

"I'm going to be the best wife to Jack that there is," he thought to himself.

Then he spoke aloud what would someday be his name.

"Mrs. Jack Doyle."

Ray liked it. It seemed to roll off of his tongue just right.


The house seemed like an old friend to Ray as he let himself in the front door.

"Janice? Sally?"

"I guess they're out."

Sally had kept in touch and had let Ray know that Jack was home and looking forward to his return. Ray went up to his room; it looked like he'd only been gone a day. Looking at the closet, ray wondered where he'd put all the dresses he'd brought back from New York. Ray took off for his appointment at the salon.

The next day was Christmas Eve and by previous mutual agreement dinner was a formal affair and no effort was spared. Sally had known that the boys would be back and had cleaned the house until it shone, cooked for two days, and would serve them their Christmas meal in her formal uniform.

For their part, Jack and Ray each purchased new gowns, their long manes had been styled into elaborate coiffures, their fingernails were filed to long points and polished to a ruby gleam, and each had been expertly made over by his favorite beautician.

Ray and Jack saw each other for the first time when they came down to dinner and each was immediately captivated by the stunningly beautiful woman across the table.

Ray saw the look in Jacks eyes and recognizing it as desire thought. "Great. He still wants me."

Jack had obviously lost some weight, but seeing the cleavage visible in the decolletage of his strapless gown Ray thought, "Jack must still be taking hormones to look like that, but I don't care; I love him as he is, no matter what he looks like."

Ray thought about what it would be like to satisfy Jack as a woman. What would it be like to have his newly created womanhood penetrated by Jack's cock? To have his insides filled with pumping come? Would he enjoy it? His speculations were interrupted by Sally.

"I'm glad you guys are back because I have some good news. I underwent my surgery while you were both away and I'm a girl now."

Jack and Ray applauded and congratulated her loudly. Ray wanted to share with her that he was also, but he was saving that revelation as a surprise for Jack. It would be his Christmas present.

"Hold it, hold it. There's more. You remember Ben from the group? Well he's asked me to marry him and I've accepted. I want you guys to be my bridesmaids. Will you?"

They both agreed enthusiastically. Ray had wanted to ask her if she would do the same for him, but kept his mouth shut.

The boys made idle chitchat during dinner. Sally cleared the remains away and left them sipping eggnog.

"You guys don't mind if I take off?" Asked Sally. "I have a date with my fiancee."

"So do I" Thought Ray.

"No by all means go," said Jack, "and give our regards to Ben."

"So how was New York Rachel?"

"Full of changes. You just wouldn't believe it. How was your summer?"

"Oh I went to Colorado and spent time hiking the mountains and rafting the rivers among other things."

"Well it looks as though it agreed with you."

"Oh I'm positive it did. It changed my whole outlook on life."

"Am I correct in assuming that your being here tonight signifies that you have at least some interest in resuming our relationship?"

Jack gave a high-pitched giggle and licked the rim of his cup seductively.

"Well things can never be exactly like they were before, but to answer your question; Yes. I would like very much to resume our relationship."

Ray felt Jack's stockinged foot caress his inner calf, and as Jack played footsie with him, Ray's spirits soared.

"Well then, in keeping with our tradition, if one time can establish a tradition, I would like to exchange gifts tonight. If you'll come up to my room later, I will have yours ready for you."

"Excellent," replied Jack. "I'll give you yours then also."

Ray excitedly stripped off his evening wear and attired himself in a lingerie set made of red satin. He stuffed his breasts into a bra with no cups, then wrapped a garter belt around his tiny waist. After pulling smoky nylons up his shapely legs he hooked them up and slipped his feet into silver lame spike heels. He then stepped into and pulled up a pair of crotchless panties to complete his look.

Ray laid on the bed in a provocative posture and positioned a silk coverlet so that it discreetly covered his altered genitals. There was a soft knock at the door which connected his room to the bathroom.

"Come in, my side is open."

Jack entered through their connecting door and looked at Ray. He had a provocative look on his pretty face, and Ray could tell by the way that Jack's plump nipples were standing at attention under the thin silk robe, which he wore tied with a sash, that he was hot and ready for anything.

"Well Jack. Do you mind if I call you Jack? I really do want to start thinking think of you like that. Here's my present. My panties are crotchless."

Ray threw off the coverlet.

"And so am I."

Ray's conversion was exposed to Jack's gaze.

"I am all woman now Jack and I am all yours."

Jack froze and seemed to blanch. He gawked at Ray and there was an look in his eyes that Ray had never seen before and it alarmed him. It wasn't astonishment, rejection, condemnation, revulsion, or any of the other reactions that Ray had steeled himself to receive. Instead Jack just stared at him in an odd manner.

Ray got up off the bed, and ran to Jack, embracing him.

"Jack, darling," he cried, "don't look at me like that. You said that Rachel was the girl you wanted to marry. While I was away I found out that I love you so much that I couldn't live without you, so I became Rachel. For you Jack. Say you still love me and let's be happy."

Jack looked about as if he did not know where he was. He slowly came out of shock and hugged Ray.

"I'm sorry about what I said about being us being faggots and all that. I want you to know that I love you deeply and that nothing can make me love you any less, but right now I think that we should go downstairs and have a drink."

"Oh Jack. Don't be so serious. It's Christmas Eve and I'm your present. I've been dreaming about this day ever since I had my surgery ... . Or is it that you don't want me like this?'

"Oh no, never. It's just that ... ."

Jack was sniffling.

"Oh what the hell! Merry Christmas!"

With tears welling up in his eyes, the now sobbing Jack let go of Ray, stepped back, and untied the belt of his robe, letting it fall open. He wore nothing underneath, which revealed ... nothing! Instead of the manhood that Ray longed for, there was only a furry patch of blonde pubic hair.

"Ray, I went to Colorado and became Janice for you. I knew I loved you and that there had to be a change and I thought that I'd have to be the one to make it."

Jack cried out loud.

"I wanted to take you up on your offer to make an honest woman out of me, but ...."

They hugged each other and cried for awhile and then the two girls, who had once been Jack and Ray, but were now irreversibly Janice and Rachel, went looking for some booze.

And so concludes the fable of these two foolhardy young men who so recklessly sacrificed for each other the most fundamental component of their personality. Now every fable must have a moral and this one is no exception: When you're giving someone a present, make sure that it can be exchanged in case of duplication.

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