By The Archivist

Published on Jan 10, 1995




  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Bust Up by Douglas Freese c 1994

Nina watched as Alan walked hand in hand with Lori. Hatred formed as heat in her palms, making them sweat. Alan was her man! That hussy had no right to him! Just because she was 15 to her 13 and was more developed didn't mean she was better. Nina grunted and stomped off to the locker room.

Inside, she flipped off her clothes and began to dress for PE. Noticing her spindly figure in the mirror, she almost cried. She would turn out to be very sexy, her mother kept assuring her. If she didn't, she could always whip up a potion to change that. Witches have that privilege.

Nina was an apprentice witch of one year now. Her mother had started her working for the local hag royal as a ingredient fetcher. Now and then she had gotten to take peeks into the Big Book, one that reeked of evil and death. Last week, when Alan had announced his plans to break up with Nina, she had held off on casting a love spell to bring him back. But when she'd found out it was because Lori Thompson had wanted him, she declared war.

The night before, Nina had zipped into the Hag's spell room and written down a couple of minor spells to practice. After a couple of successful attempts, she had been able to perform a couple of them, ones she deemed fitting for her revenge.

Nina ducked behind a door as the cheerleaders entered in to change. They always headed off to a separate room to practice instead of the actual PE gym with the rest of the students. Lori, entering last, took the longest in getting changed. From her viewpoint, Nina got to see the reasons why Alan was hooked on her. A 36C chest on a 24 waist looked good, even to Nina. Her long flowing red hair and green eyes almost mesmerized Nina sometimes. She had caught other girls staring at Lori, but one just couldn't help it sometimes. Lori emitted a glow of that Nina was destined to change.

As the rest of the cheerleaders left, Lori finished pulling her sweater over her white athletic bra. Nina sat down on the floor Indian-style and began her spell recital in her head. Concentrating on Lori's chest, she began to murmur to herself the spell words, softly so as not to be heard.

Lori bent over to tie her shoe she had propped up on the bench. As she breathed out, she felt a significant tug on her bra strap. Through the V-neck of her sweater, she saw something that made her jaw drop...her bust was inflating! And not slowly either!

In a matter of seconds, her breasts billowed out to the bra's breaking point, snapping the two hooks from the back. She found herself slowly arching her back, so as to not succumb to the increasing gravity pull brought on by her ballooning tits. The sweater pulled away from her body, making the fabric groan as it was being stretched around her. Placing her hands around her breasts in a vain attempt to hold them back, she found her hands soon couldn't meet in the middle. The V-neck began to stretch downward, pulled by her watermelon-sized hooters. Lori was almost at a 45 degree angle to the bench, trying to keep a balance between her boobs and gravity, when she began to wince in pain. Her once wide-open eyes squinted shut as her expanding mammaries began to split apart her now skin-tight sweater.

"Oh gggggggod!" Lori grunted as she stood up straight, blasting her boobs from the confines of the sweater. They landed about her, two fleshy beach balls that straddled the bench. She stared down at her blimping body, not knowing what to do.

Nina stopped chanting. She grinned at Lori's predicament. Seeing Lori at such a size was almost erotic to Nina, but for now it was funny. She heard footsteps approaching the door, and moved quickly. Crossing her fingers, she tapped them twice together. Instantly, Lori's breasts shrunk back to normal, leaving nothing but a shattered bra and a torn sweater dangling around her nubile chest.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation?" the cheerleader teacher asked upon entering. She saw Lori, still staring down at her breasts.

"What the heck?"

"I...I don't know...they..." Lori stammered, not knowing what to say.

Nina suppressed her chuckles, trying to remain hidden from sight. Oh, to have learned a cloaking spell! Yes, Nina was going to have plenty of fun.

Lori said nothing about what had happened to her in the locker room that day, or at least nothing Nina heard about. She wondered what must be going through Lori's mind right about now after an event such as the one she had created. Allowing herself a small smile, she packed away her books in her locker and proceeded to leave for the park.

A daily ritual with most of the students during the last week of school, the kids gathered at the recently opened pool to wash away their final test worries. Outside the gate, they stood awaiting the opening of the pools' doors for business. Nina snuck around to the side of the pool and took up a position near a hole in the fence. From it, she could see the entire pool deck area. Alan and Lori were in the pool together, attaching the deep end line markers to the sides of the pool.

Seeing Alan and Lori playfully splashing around sent waves of hate seething through Nina again. It seemed amazing that Lori could have totally forget what had happened to her just hours ago. She must really be as air-headish as she acted. And all this time, Nina had thought it to be an act. It made her almost feel bad about what she was about to unleash on Lori...almost.

The second Alan headed into the clubhouse to help the other lifeguards prepare for the human wave of kids building outside their door, Nina began to do her chant again. As she did, she stared intently at Lori.

Lori, who most boys came to the pool to ogle at, was wearing a blue one piece that had widening straps which covered her breasts, joining together at her navel and completing the suit. Her cleavage, although slightly apparent in most of her wardrobe, was blatantly evident now. Parents had even complained a bit due to the "show" her suit put on, but to no avail. No man in their right mind would have told her to quit wearing that suit. As she glided through the water, hair flowing behind her, she looked to Nina like some swimsuit model. That was about to change.

Lori stopped doing her laps and stood still, as if listening for something. She then began to hunker down in the water a bit, almost as if se was adjusting the crotch of her suit. Her eyes widened, and she immediately began running for the side of the pool. Lifting herself out, a strange noise began to emanate from her. As her crotch lifted from the water, a loud sucking sound, like a straw that had hit the bottom of a drinking glass, came from that area! Lori stuck her hand down there, trying to stop the sound, but it just amplified it.

"What is going on out there?" came from the clubhouse. Alan began to come out from the area and Lori, not knowing what was happening, jumped back in the water to silence the noise coming from her clit. She turned and faced Alan.

"Nothing, hon. Don't open just yet, ok? I want to check something out."

"We open in two minutes, whether you like it or not. Those people will hang us if we don't. Better get ready." Alan went back inside the clubhouse. Lori's eyes grew wide again as she looked around her. The level of the pool was dropping! She walked around, trying to see what might be happening, all the while coming closer to the side of the pool where Nina was watching. As she approached the side of the pool closest to Nina, Nina clenched her fist tight. Lori seemed to almost orgasm facially, gripping tight to the side of the pool. Her teeth grit hard, she looked down at her wide-spread legs. The water level of the pool was dropping an inch a second. Water currents could be seem streaming toward Lori's middle. Where was it all going? As the water level reached the bottom of Lori's suit, Nina unclenched her hands. Lori slowly stood upright, noticeably shaken. She examined herself. A small patch of her swimsuit was missing, exposing her clit. The water level was now constant, but at least 3 ft below normal. Breathing heavily, Lori began to wade across the pool. Nina concentrated again, and began to blow air inside her cheeks, making them fill up.

Lori stopped wading and looked down at herself again. Her perfect stomach was rumbling so loud that even Nina could hear it a little. Lori closed her eyes and began to sway slowly. Something was happening inside her. She rubbed her hands over her stomach, then up and down her side. Her hips gyrated slowly.

"Oh god," Lori said uncontrollably. "It's too much! It's too big! I'm going to explode!"

Lori screamed a small orgasmic scream and immediately arched her back, thrusting her breasts into her now tightened suit. Instantly, Nina saw her bosom leap outward from her, filling up the straps in a blink. Lori's eyes remained closed and her hands ran to clasp together on her stomach as her chest swelled like nuclear explosions. In a heartbeat, her boobs blasted her suit off them, inflating faster that Nina had imagined they would. Lori fell to her knees, causing her tits to make a tremendous splash in the waist-high water. Now up to her neck, the water added buoyancy to her rapidly expanding bra-busters, now the size of beach-balls. Lori moaning and squirmed, placing her now-dwarfed hands on the top of her stretching tits, rubbing them hard.

"We're opening the doors in 10 seconds, hon!" screamed Alan from the clubhouse. Lori paid no mind to the news, still swaggering under the sensation of her ballooning breasts. Growing 6" a second now, they seemed to be the size of a Volkswagen Bug, spreading out with the help of the water. Her nipples looked to be the size of small trash cans. Nina grinned at the sight of this "goddess" attached to two huge balloons that would smother ten people each now. The entire shallow end of the pool seemed to become the holding area for the biggest pair of tits in the universe, and they were still growing.

Lori was being pushed into the opposite wall by her own massing bulks of tit flesh. When she touched the other side, a pink mountain of boobs began to rise from the pool, having hit the other side and having no where to grow but up and out. Lori flailed her arms as the boob blob continued to expand, her little frame pinned between her cleavage and the wall of the pool. Her arms were now almost pointing straight toward the sky as they lay on the expanding udders. It was such an extraordinary sight. Nina could almost hear Lori's skin stretching to accommodate the tits from hell.

"Here they come!!!" was yelled from the clubhouse. Nina let the air from her mouth in one blast, blowing around some leaves around her. In an instant, the tits began to shrink back towards Lori. In 3 seconds, they all but disappeared. Lori stood silent for a second, then grabbed her crotch. A torrent of water blasted from her clit, beginning to fill the pool again. So strong was the stream that Lori was actually lifted from the ground about one foot. She screamed in utter climax, her naked chest bobbing with each breath. In nothing flat, the pool was filled again, and the water stopped. Lori fell back to the ground again, going underwater.

Kids streamed from the restroom exits, diving for the pool. One little boy who made it first was geared with goggles. He dove into the pool head-first. When he opened his eyes, he saw something he'd never forget...a half-naked girl floating on the bottom of the pool. He watched as Lori came to her senses, then bobbed up for air. His first erection wasn't to far behind that moment.

"Lori!?! What are you doing!?" screamed Alan as he grabbed a towel from a child and threw it over Lori.

"I don't know what's happening. I grew, then the water went away..." Lori mumbled, staggering toward the clubhouse.

Nina got up from her viewing place and sprinted around to the front of the clubhouse. She made it to the front window just as the attendants were sitting Lori down in a chair.

"What's going on fellas?" Nina asked innocently.

"Lori is not feeling well," one of the other boy lifeguards responds. Nina looked him up and down. Where had he been all her life?

"You look like you are doing juuuust fine though," Nina cooed. The lifeguard blushed, then hopped the partition to talk face to face with Nina. He put his arm around her and walked her toward his car. Nina looked over her shoulder one more time to see Alan's confused look as she stared at Lori's quivering figure.

"She will be a bit more human now," Nina chuckled.


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