By The Archivist

Published on Oct 20, 1994




  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Jamie author unknown

Chapter 1

"James, stay out of my room or you'll be sorry!" Julia retorted. I looked at my older sister and hung my head. I had been caught again in her room, looking in her dresser drawer. I was 9 years old and had become very curious about girls. They had started becoming a subject of my interest about six months ago, and my two sisters were a handy way to study the new subject of my interest. "James - are you listening to me? I don't like it when I find you doing these things. I don't go through your room, and I want you to stay out of mine!" Julia really looked angry. "OK, OK sis, I got your message. I wasn't hurting anything. I was just looking!" I finally replied, not looking at her. I turned and ran from her room down the hall and into my own room.

This room was a study in contrasts. Where Julia's room was decorated in ruffles and lace, mine was a MAN'S room. When dad died last year mom had let me redecorate my room as a way of coping with his loss. I sat in the overstuffed wingback chair and started plotting a way to get even with Julia for yelling at me. It wasn't fair I decided. Here I was the only boy in a house with three girls; Mom, Julia, and Susan. My interest in girls had just started, and my sisters were a good way of studying what I had been told in school by the other boys about girls. She didn't have cause to yell at me like that, she was just a woman, and I was a man. Well, almost. I went over to my bed and plopped down, and started really thinking. Maybe I had just better leave her alone for awhile. Even though she was a good specimen, Julia was sixteen, and very pretty for a girl I guess, she always had boys looking at her when we went out to the mall. Well, maybe I can study Susan for a change while Julia cools off. She wasn't as interesting, she was only three, and hadn't developed any female traits yet. In fact, I decided, her body (at least with clothes on) looked a lot like a smaller version of mine. Oh well, I guess she would have to do, Julia was really mad, and looking at Mom's things were out of the question. Mom would probably rip my head off if she caught me in her room. Susan, I guess it's you.

I got out of bed, opened the door to my room, and walked down to Susan's room. I opened her door and looked in. "Good, she's not here." I went in and closed the door behind me, not noticing that Julia had come out of her room just in time to see me go into Susan's. I went over to my sister's closet and slid the door back. Inside were a few dresses, blouses, and skirts. Hey! Not bad, I thought to myself as I started looking through her stuff. I imagined what she must feel like wearing those things. Always having to be careful about running, or sitting. More proof that boys were the superior sex. We didn't have to worry about showing the whole world our underwear when we sat down! I closed her closet and went to her dresser. Opening the top drawer, I looked inside. Interesting. Julia's panties were nylon, these were cotton with little bears and bows printed on them. Hey! They even had lace trim! Carefully I started taking them out of the drawer and examining them one by one. They were in assorted colors, all of them had those designs on them - NO THEY DIDN'T. Down in the bottom of the drawer I found some nylon panties. These were all pink. When I pulled one of them out and held them up I could see that they also had the day of the week embroidered in a light blue on the right lower side of the just above the lacy leg opening. This pair said 'Saturday' - that was tomorrow. I wondered how often Susan wore these. I folded the panties and put them all back so no one would notice that anyone had been into them. I then looked at the other side of the drawer. Here was something Julia didn't have. These looked something like my tee shirts, only with lace. I wondered why Julia didn't wear them. I opened the next drawer, it was full of jeans and pullover tops. I shut that drawer thinking, "Nah, I get to see those things on her around the house all the time." I opened the third drawer looked in and saw it was full of slips. Just as I started to reach in, I thought I heard someone coming up the stairs. I shut the drawer, ran to the door and looked out. The way was clear, I made a break for my room. I ran in, and shut the door thinking, "That was close, but they didn't catch me."

I opened my eyes, and there sitting on my bed was Mom. She looked very serious, and I wondered what she was going to yell at me about this time. "James, we need to talk. Sit down." I went over to my chair, sat down, and said, "I didn't do nothing, Mom." She just sat there looking at me. Finally she said in a low voice, "Are you telling me that Julia didn't catch you going through her room and you weren't just now in Susan's room going through her things." Caught! "Mom, I was just curious. Seeing as how in not too long I am going to have to take care of all of you women, I should know more about you," I said. Mom looking puzzled said "Just what do you mean by that, young man?" I answered, "Well all the guys at school say that women are weak and have to have a man to take care of them. I guess now that Dad's gone it's my time to take care of all of you." Mom just smiled and said, "Son, there are some things about your father you didn't know. One of which is that he had come to realize that women are in fact superior to the male of the species." She stood, and said "Come with me." I followed her out of my room and down the hall to her room. Mom walked over to a dresser in the corner and opened the top drawer, "This was your father's dresser, son, I want you to see what he wore every day of his life after marrying me." With that statement she started pulling clothing out of the drawer and placing the items on the bed. "Son, not only did your father believe, as I do, that females are superior. But with my permission and encouragement, he tried to become more like us. Your older sister knew about all of this, and your father and I were going to tell you, but we never seemed to get around to it." She turned to the bed and held up an item, "These are his panties. They are just like what I wear." She picked up another item, "Your father wore bras 24 hours a day, seven days a week, he also wore gartered hose and a girdle every day, during the hours he was awake. He kept his body hairless, and would submit to any female's wishes." I was totally confused by this point and asked Mom, "You made Dad dress like a girl?" Mom smiled again and said, "I had to at first, but by the time we had married he had come to believe as I do. I want you to understand that I loved him, and I love you. That's why I attempted to help him become a better person, as I shall with you."

The door to the room opened and Julia came in carrying a bag. Mom went to her and asked "Hon, did you get every thing I asked for?" Susan nodded and sat the bag on the bed. "Mom, I don't want to be a girl!" I cried, suddenly afraid. Susan turned to me, "Don't be such a baby, I have been a girl all of my life and I like it. I think it will be really neat to have another sister." Mom looked at me and said in a stern voice, "Now take those clothes off." I started to run for the bedroom door, but Julia grabbed me and held me while mom stripped me of my male clothing. I was so embarrassed, I was naked in front of my mother and my sister! "Don't be such a Ninny, your sister has supervised your father dressing and bathing many times from the time she was 7 on. You haven't got anything to hide from her," my mother admonished. Mom handed me a pair of pink cotton panties with little blue bows printed on them, and blue lace around the legs. "Put these on." I hastily complied thinking that even though these were girl's clothes, at least it was better than being naked in front of them. My sister then helped me to put on a pair of pink tights and a pink vest with a blue ribbon around the neckline. My mother handed me my jeans and my sweatshirt. "You can wear your regular outer clothes until school is out for the summer," she stated.

I grabbed them and put them on, then ran from the room and into my own. I felt so funny wearing this underwear. I went to my dresser to get some of MY underwear, but when I opened the drawer I found that Julia had already been here. My male underwear was gone, and had been replaced by undies just like I was wearing. I had no choice but to continue wearing what I had on, or go without. I had just decided to go without when my little sister came running into my room. She ran over to me and said in a excited voice, "Mommie just told me that you aren't going to be a boy anymore. She says you have new underwear just like mine! Can I see?" She was jumping up and down by this time, she was so excited. "Oh man, she will tell everyone if I'm not careful," I thought. I knelt down and told her, "Susan, I'll let you see them, but you have to promise that this is a secret for you, me, Mommie, and Julia. OK?" She seemed to calm a bit, and said "A secret? OK." I pulled up my sweatshirt so that she could see my vest. Susan said, "It's just like mine!" and ran from my room. I was crying in frustration by this time. Might as well leave this stuff on, it seemed as if the whole family was going to be checking on me anyhow. I got up, put my shoes on and went downstairs to watch TV until dinner. 

Chapter 2

I went downstairs and into the living room, turned the TV on and sat down before it. Susan, my little sister came in right behind me and said, "Jamie, change channels - I want to watch Romper Room." I replied, "Get lost, this cowboy show is going to be good!" My mother stepped into the living room at that moment, "James, you don't understand, do you? From now on any request from a real female is to be complied with immediately! Now unless you want me to spank you, do as your sister says." I turned to Mom, and said, "But Mom, I was here first." At that Mom strode over to me, "OK, that's enough. Stand up and pull your jeans, tights, and panties down." Flabbergasted. I just stared at her. Mom called out, "Julia! I need your help!" My older sister came in grabbed me, sat down on the couch, and pulled me over her legs face down. Mom undid my jeans and pulled everything down, baring my butt. Mom then grabbed my legs, and said to Julia "Spank him!"

At that Julia started spanking me until I was crying and promising to behave. Julia then stopped, and she and Mom let me up. I started to bend down to pull everything up, and Mom said, "No, leave them down. Go change stations, kiss your little sister, and tell her that you are sorry. Then go stand in that corner until supper is ready." I did as she told me and everything seemed to go OK until I got over to Susan. I leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, when she spotted my penis. She cried out, "Mommie, something's growing on Jamie!" Julia answered her, "Oh, don't worry about that. It's left over from when he was still a boy. You can touch it - it won't hurt you." Susan continued to stare at it, and reached out and grabbed it. I just stood there feeling that I was going to die in embarrassment. She finally let go of me and allowed me to kiss her on the cheek. I stammered out, "Susan, I'm sorry I didn't do what you said." I felt ridiculous saying this to a 3 year old. Looking very serious, Susan replied, "That's OK, Jamie. Mommie told me to tell her if you don't do ANYTHING I say. I like you being a girl." I stood and hobbled over to the corner, and stood there listening to Romper Room.

Just as Romper Room was going off Julia returned to the Living Room. "Girls, it's time for supper. Jamie, pull up your clothes and then you take Susan and both of you wash up for Supper." Susan came over and watched me pull up my panties and tights. Just as I was reaching for my jeans she said, "No! Leave them off, I want to see your undies, Jamie." I started to pull my jeans up anyway when Susan said, "I'll tell Mommie." Remembering the spanking from earlier, I pulled them off. Susan then said, "I want to see your undies, take your shirt and shoes off!" I slowly complied with her instructions. We then went into the downstairs bathroom and washed up, and headed into the kitchen to eat.

On arrival in the kitchen, Mom glanced over at us and said, "Girls, I think that's a good idea. I want both of you to eat in your underwear from now on. It will help to keep you from ruining clothes by spilling food on them. James, help Susan get her clothes off." I then helped strip Susan down to vest and panties. I asked Mom, "Do you want me to put her tights back on her?" Mom replied, "No, in fact take yours off, too. I want you two to eat in vests and panties from now on." I put Susan into her high chair, and helped to put her bib on her. Julia then brought another of Susan's bibs over and put it on me. "We don't want you ruining your clothes, Jamie. Hey Mom, that's a great name for James - Jamie. And it's so feminine. To think Susan, you came up with it." I looked down at the table and said to Mom, "Hey, this is one of Susan's baby plates. And a sippy cup, I know how to use regular stuff!" Mom snapped, "That IS enough of that young lady. Julia thought you should be put back on the bottle, and in diapers full time. I think I agree with her. Go get a diaper and rubber pants for her, Julia. I will call her school on Monday and say that I have changed my mind. I am going to homebound teach her starting now. Then call Sharon and see if we can borrow her crib for Jamie." Julia grinned at me, and left the room. I turned to Mom, "I'm sorry..." Mom interrupted me, "Shut up! From now until you are told otherwise you will not speak until you are asked a direct question. You will not walk, you will crawl. You act like you are more of a baby than Susan is, and you will be treated as such until you have learned to behave. Is that understood, young lady?" I looked at Mom, and gulped. I then replied, "Yes Ma'am." Mom turned and started looking through the kitchen cabinets, "I know I still have some bottles and formula here somewhere. Aha, found it." She opened the can of formula put it into a bottle and started heating it. Just then Julia returned, "Mom can I diaper her?" When Mom nodded Julia grabbed me by the arm and motioned for me to lie down on the floor. As she started stripping my panties off she said "It's a good thing they make these Pampers Overnighters in a size large enough to fit her. Cloth diapers are a mess to deal with." She put the diaper on me, then pulled a pair of pink, heavy rubber panties up over them. I looked down at myself. Those panties were a bright pink, and had ruffles all over them. They didn't look like any I had ever seen Susan wear. Mom then handed me the bottle and said, "Here's your supper. You will have to drink it lying in the floor, as we don't have a high chair for you yet." She stuck the nipple in my mouth, turned and sat at the table. Julia sat down also, and we all had our respective suppers.

We had finished supper and had relocated into the Living Room to watch TV. Mom had given me another bottle of formula, that I was sucking on now, while sitting on the floor beside Susan. Susan was spending as much time watching me as she was watching the TV. Mom and Julia were on the couch. When the doorbell rang, I started to get up and run for cover. Mom commented over her shoulder, "You stay right there, young lady!" When she answered the door, she invited someone in. Petrified, I looked over to the door to see two women walk in carrying some equipment. They put it down, and went out for more. After about five trips they came in and Mom shut the door. I looked at the women. One looked to be in her mid-thirties like Mom, and the other looked to be around 15 or 16. About Julia's age. The older woman was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. The younger was wearing a tight black denim mini-dress that came midway between her knee and crotch. Her waist was exceptionally small, her bust large for her small frame. She also had on high heels which looked to me to be at least 4 inches high. It must have been difficult for her carrying all that stuff, dressed as she was, but she just picked up some of it and carried it up the stairs with Julia. Mom looked at the older woman and said, "Sharon, I want to thank you for the loan." The lady I now knew was Sharon said, "Think nothing of it. Denise is done with it and I was just going to have to put it in storage until someone needed it." The young woman and Julia came back down and got more. From my vantage point on the floor I could see partway up her dress. I could see stocking tops that were barely covered by the dress and white garters running up creamy smooth white thighs. As she bent to pick up a small piece of equipment I realized with a shock that I could see her panties. They were pink rubber panties just like the ones I had on over my Pampers. I looked up to see Mom and Sharon watching me. "I see that she has discovered where her rubber pants came from, Debbie." Sharon was saying to my mother. "I wonder if she will be trained easier than Denise." Mom replied, "I hope so. Let me see, how long has it taken you to get to this point in her training." Sharon thought for a moment or two, "Well... I started when she was 8. She was in the infant stage for a year, the toddler stage for 2 years after which I finally took her off the bottle and strained baby food. If fact, I think she was back to eating regular table food when she was 11. At twelve we had our good doctor friend remove her testicles, and give her breast implants. They only had 50 CC of saline in them back then. We also fitted her for her first corset back then. We kept her in the little girl stage until last year. That was when we started enlarging her breasts 200 CC a month until they reached the size they are now. We also stopped using the crib at that time and gave her first little girl's canopy bed. I don't think I am going to potty train her, I think that's better left for her future wife to decide if she wants her potty trained or not. Although I think she will be a much better mate if she remains untrained throughout her life. She's 15 now, and I expect that I will have her Lady's Maid and Companion training to the point to where we can sell her in the next year or two to a very good woman as a mate and lady's companion." Sharon looked down at me, and patted me on the head, "This one's going to bring a very high price if she's trained well, she's already showing signs that she going to be a great beauty." Julia and Denise came back in, and Julia announced "We have everything set up. Susan's diapered and in bed, but I told her she could stay awake until we brought Jamie up to bed. Come on, Jamie." I crawled over to Julia and Denise and followed behind them upstairs and into Susan's bedroom. There, setting against the wall beside Susan's bed was a large steel crib. They helped me into it and lowered the steel barred top over it, padlocking it shut. Susan looked over at me and said "I like having you as a girl!" With that Julia and Denise left the room turning off the light and shutting the door. I lay there in the crib thinking about the day and crying. I could see Susan in her bed by the nightlite. Some time much, much later I went to sleep also.


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