TG ARCHIVES: "Panak's Deal

By The Archivist

Published on Oct 24, 1994




  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

Panak's Deal by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr

As the fourth son of an un-landed baron in a court that more than abounded with such, Panak was monumentally bored. Of course, he wasn't alone: most of the young nobles at court had no future to be preparing for either. Panak participated in the diversions of his peers: he was a passing fair fencer and swordsman, he enjoyed drinking (although he preferred the spirits served in the high-city to the swill served in the low-city dives the youth-of-rank frequented), he went along on terrorizing jags (although he really didn't like the destruction they caused), and he screwed around. It was actually the last point that gave him the most dissatisfaction.

For, you see, he wasn't a particularly good lover. His endowment was nothing spectacular, though it also wasn't too small to bother with either. This meant that to please a woman, he had to use technique. Unfortunately, he had none, and he couldn't ask anyone to teach him - that would be just too demeaning. Panak really wanted to give the girls he bedded the pleasure they deserved: he wanted to be good at at least one thing that benefited someone else.

Panak also dabbled in magic. He was about as good at it as about anything else he did. In fact, Panak's only real problem with anything he did was that he tended not to take his time and be thorough. In fencing, this kept him from being the master his natural talent could have made him. In loving, this defeated his purpose of pleasing his partner by absorbing him in himself. In magic, this was potentially deadly.

He spent time in the Court Library doing research, first in sex manuals, and then (in desperation) in magic grimoires. In this he persisted and finally found what he was looking for. However, he only read the brief description and general circumstances of the spell - it would bind a benign female demon (if possible, a succubus) within the body of the subject, which could be the caster with minor modifications to the spell. The effect of this would be to allow full access to the mental abilities and knowledge of the bound entity by the subject. Panak reasoned that this would let him know what a woman wanted so that he could properly please one. He didn't even bother to read further. He copied down the particulars of preparations and rituals since he couldn't take the book from the room. Then, after gathering the proper materials together from shops in town, he went to his rooms in the castle to enact the spell.

He cleared a large space in his sitting room and painted a pentagram on the floor. He melted wax in a bowl on a brazier, and set up the other paraphernalia necessary for the spell while it was melting: a large candle at each of the five points of the pentagram, and proper herbs and oils marking out symbols and special words in the points and along the lines. When the wax was ready, Panak stripped to the buff and took up the required position in the center of the pentagram. He took the wax and poured it over each of his ankles and his right wrist, sealing each to a point of the magical symbol. Next, he poured a blob of congealing wax on the inward point between the points his legs were anchored to and, after setting the bowl down, took the head of his cock in his hand, gritted his teeth, and stretched it until it touched the still hot wax glob. He hissed in pain, but held the very sensitive organ in the wax until it hardened enough to bond the cock to the pentagram. Lastly, he bound his left wrist to the symbol by plunging his hand into the bowl and pulling out a glob of half-congealed wax, and then placing his hand on the proper point, thus leaving the point behind him unlimbed.

He sat there for a moment or ten to let the pain fade away. When he was relatively comfortable again, he began the incantation, lighting the candles and the herbs backed in the brazier with a few prefatory words.

As he chanted, smoke began to fill the room from the burning herbs and the special candles. A combination of the smoke and the concentration Panak had to apply to his chanting serve to put the magician into a deep trance.

In his almost-dream, Panak saw a face become visible. It was a woman's face, very exotic and very beautiful. The tiny horns, cat-pupiled eyes, and fangs did nothing to decrease her allure. Panak's cock hardened at just the sight of her face, which was a bit painful but not enough to break his concentration. The face produced a voice that said, "I have been summoned in the name of Buralak to fulfill the Contract of Mertholian. All of the conditions have been met. Do you accept the price?"

In his trance, Panak said, "Yes," even though he had no idea what she was talking about - he hadn't read about any 'price'.

"Then so be it. I now bond with your corporeal form and take up residence within your mind. My knowledge will be yours. When the price has been paid, I will depart. Prepare."

The face faded away and Panak felt the wax around his wrists and ankles heat up again. The heat began to suffuse slowly into his whole body. The pain from this heat started out being just within bearable limits, but by the time his entire body was heated, he was writhing from the agony yet he could not break the fragile wax seals holding him in place.

Just as he was about to scream from the pain, the heat hit his crotch. It flared up all across his body, then drained into his cock which almost immediately began shooting cum into the wax binding it down, taking the heat with it. And, within a few seconds, it was over. As the forces that had held him in place released him, Panak collapsed, exhausted and relieved and invested of a she-demon.

When Panak recovered, he didn't feel any different. He tried to find the knowledge he was supposed to have gained, but there was nothing there that hadn't been there before.

Still, he had performed a spell - something had to have changed. He cleaned up the sitting room, then took a bath. After, he dried off, then dressed in the uniform of a minor lordling out for a good time, and took himself off to a gathering place of available women.

His better than average looks and evident station got him his choice of bedmates, as they usually did. He and his pick retired to one of the 'inns' in the city that rented by the hour. As soon as the door to the tiny but expensive room was closed, the blonde began to slip out of her clothes deftly and quickly.

When Panak saw the blonde begin to unlace her bodice, something clicked in his mind. He felt dizzy for a moment, and then someone else took over his body, leaving him a spectator.

He moved over to the woman and said, "Let me, please?" The blonde was surprised, but she stopped unlacing and let him take over.

Panak spent a good long while undressing the blonde, touching and caressing and arousing her while progressively baring more and more of her beautiful body.

Finally, she was naked and panting, the aroma of lust filling the room. Still fully clothed, Panak's demon driver began stage two. Using only his fingers, hands, lips, and tongue, Panak began caressing the beautiful body from head to toe. He spent long minutes in the hollow of her throat, under her armpits on the sensitive skin there, extra long on her nipples but also no the pearl-white skin of her breasts. He hesitated at her stomach, just barely touching the sparse pubic tuft, and bypassed her groin to go to her thighs, knees, and feet. Then, he returned to the pinkness between her legs and set to work pleasing the blonde even more than he already had. Still only using mouth and hands, but in ways he had never dreamed possible, he drove his partner wilder than he had ever pleased anyone in his life.

The blonde was so filled with ecstasy that she passed out three times, and still Panak worked. He persisted in his ministrations until the blonde surrendered consciousness entirely, only her body responding automatically. Then he stopped, stood up a little stiffly, and used the pitcher of water on the bedside table to clean up slightly. Somewhat refreshed, he took a seat and waited for the blonde to recover.

Before too long, the blonde began to stir. Panak stood up and began stroking key areas of the blonde's body to make sure she was in the mood when her mind came fully awake again.

She was already panting when her eyes opened, and Panak helped arrange pillows around her to prop her up in a semi-sitting position. Then, he began a striptease that was slow and sensuous and aroused both the blonde and Panak. By the time he was naked, the blonde was fingering herself and he was hard as a rock. His equipment was average in every way, but the blonde was so hot that she was panting and moaning for it.

He adjusted the blonde's position again and knelt between her legs. He got into the position, aimed his cock, and eased his hips forward so that he entered her wet warmth slowly, teasingly. She grabbed at his ass and pulled him in all the way, then began sawing her hips back and forth, and moaning. Panak's hips began to move too, but not just back and forth: side to side, varying depth and speed, things he had never though about doing before either. And the blonde loved it.

Three female orgasms later, Panak decided to change positions. Using subtle had pressure, he communicated to the blonde that she should flip over and get up on her hands and knees. This was accomplished without cock leaving cunt, much to both their pleasure.

Panak continued fucking, now in the 'beast position'. The demon controlling him knew the advantages of this position and used them all. The blonde was again cumming, her spasming cunt squeezing Panak's cock lasciviously. Ordinarily, such activity would have excited him right into orgasm, but again the demon knew ways to keep his body under control, so he was no where near cumming.

He switched positions twice more, ending up with her on top. She was bouncing and rocking wildly over his still ready cock. The blonde, of course, had cum countless times and was still doing so, but with less and less energy. So, recognizing that the blonde was almost orgasmed out, Panak's demon let his body have its way. Panak felt the almost hour's worth of feeling hit him all at once and it felt better than anything else ever had. He trust his hips up hard once, twice, and finally shot his load with a force that felt like he was spewing gallons into the blonde.

His cock's actions triggered the blonde's final orgasm, and when Panak's cock shrank with its final load, the blonde sighed deeply, leaned down to kiss him, and slid off of him, immediately asleep. At least as completely satisfied as the blonde but in a totally different way, Panak thanked the demon that had begun teaching him the right way to please a woman that night. With a contented sigh, he fell asleep too.

The word spread quickly, and by the end of the week Panak had woman mobbing him in all of the hot night spots, and some of the bolder ones had begun to petition him at home both in person and by messenger or mail. Panak was astonished by the response: in his before-demon days, when he couldn't fuck for beans, he had still never had trouble picking up a woman. Perhaps, he though, women didn't like to talk about bad sex unless it was really awful, but good sex spread like wildfire.

If anything, Panak was only unhappy he didn't have more time to spend in his dalliances. Every night, many afternoons, a morning or two, and several more times per evening on the weekends, he bedded a different woman and still he had to turn some down. In every other way he was overjoyed at the deal he had made. It wasn't for the pleasure he got out of his couplings, but for the pleasure he gave to his partners. And all was right with the world. For a time.

Three things happened within one month that began to change Panak's life, beginning about three months after he had made his deal.

The first thing, early in that fourth month, happened in a clothes shop. Panak was doing a little browsing and a little shopping, though neither really for clothes. He was going through the undergarments section on the trail of a rather fetching blonde saleswoman when his attention was drawn to a display of exotic briefs from a far island country. what was so interesting to him was the material they were made of - it was shiny and very soft to the touch, and for some reason it excited him in a strange way. It was also available in a wide range of colors, which was decidedly exotic and equally erotic in that same strange way. He really had no idea why he did it, but he purchased a dozen pairs of the briefs in assorted colors and when he got them home, he promptly discarded all of his other underwear before even trying a pair of the new ones on. But when he did, he was glad - they fit perfectly and felt so good around his hips, not to mention his cock and balls.

The second thing happened while he was visiting one of his favorite early night spots, the common room of the Green Tiger Inn, shortly after his change in underwear styles.

It was a typical night. Panak was only there to check out the new talent in the area - he already had a date who would be waiting for him at home around half past ninth bell. The room was about half full - it would really come alive much later. He had sized up the women present, and dropped a name to a few that he didn't recognize. He was sitting alone finishing his dark ale before returning home when SHE walked in.

SHE was the Countess Derisha. Panak recognized her from Court. Not only was she high-ranking and landed, but she was possibly the most beautiful woman Panak had ever seen. She was tall and well formed, with silver-blonde hair faming an absolutely aristocratic face. She wore the best fabrics in the proper styles - she almost didn't fit into the surroundings, and if this hadn't been the Green Tiger, she would have been very overdressed.

Every head in the place turned when the Countess walked in - men and woman alike. To Panak it seemed that the whole room went silent (though the musicians were too professional to actually stop playing). In fact, it seemed as if the whole room vanished, leaving only the Countess and him alone.

She scanned the room and then her gaze locked on him. Still in that silence, she walked over to his table and sat down opposite him. As the room returned to normal, the Countess said, "Lord Panak?"

Panak couldn't find his tongue, so he just nodded. She continued, "I've heard...certain things about you. I was wondering how much of what I've been told was true."

The knowledge that he had been acquiring from his resident demon kicked in then, and his nervousness faded. While the Countess was undoubtable the epitome of womankind, she was still female and the charms he was learning would work on her.

So, he replied, "I imagine that that would depend on what you might have heard." He put exactly the right hind of coyness in his voice and face as he spoke.

She smiled and said, "True...true. Well, in order to avoid a possibly embarrassing question and answer session here in public, perhaps you could come back to my villa where I can verify the rumors first hand - and in private."

"I am at your disposal, my lady. Whatever I can do to please you ..."

"Yes, that was part of what I'd heard," she replied softly. Then, in a more normal tone, she said, "Come, then." She stood, followed by Panak, and they walked from the bar to a waiting coach. The ride in curtained privacy to the Countess' villa was passed staring at each other lustfully and dreamily.

The coach pulled up outside the street-side gates of the villa and the two passengers alit. The coach pulled away to find the alley-side gates, leaving the two to pass through the gates and cross the yard without noticing it at all. Panak's hands finally began to touch the Countess - lightly on the shoulders and back for now - as she led the way into her deserted villa and through ornate hallways and stairwells to a richly appointed bedroom.

The Countess sat on her huge bed and said, "Now that we are alone - I gave the staff off tonight - we can speak freely. I have heard rumors, as well as avowed testimony, that you are able to pleasure a woman like no other. It is said that you are capable of exhausting a woman with pleasure.

"Put simply, my lord, I want to learn if what they say about you is true. If it is, and I am acceptable to you, I would like to employ you. Interested?"

Panak said, "Very. I hope that I can please you in every way, as far beyond your expectations as what your 'sources' have led you to believe. Your pleasure is my only concern." Not allowing her another word, he sat next to her on the bed and kissed her.

He had begun absorbing techniques and procedures from his resident demon during his love making sessions while she was in control, so that lately he had taken to asking his demon not to take control during a select few of his dalliances to see if the lessons were sinking in (they were!). But there was something fascinating, compelling even, about the Countess. He wanted to be in her employ. So, he let his demon have full control, certain that he didn't yet have enough skill on his own to do for the Countess what she wanted done.

The kiss lasted for a long time. Though Panak had started it just before he gave his demon the reins, it was left to the Countess to end it. Meanwhile, Panak's demon used only lips and tongue, leaving his arms and hands out of the action even though the Countess was not showing the same restraint. Finally, breathing heavily, the Countess backed out of the embrace, leaving a smiling Panak looking on as she caught her breath.

With a sureness that Panak envied, the demon again acted. It stood Panak up and walked him the step it took to close on the Countess. Then it began to undress her with Panak's hands. It took its time, caressing the skin that was gradually revealed lovingly and erotically. By the time that the Countess had been rendered naked, she was panting even more heavily than after the kiss, her nipples tiny and rock hard at the tops of heaving breasts. Panak could sent her arousal strong and exciting in the room. All with only expert fingertips. Pleased with the success of its efforts so far, the demon really went to work.

The Countess was still poised on the edge of the bed, which was perfect. Panak's demon gently pushed her knees apart (which opened the outer lips of her pussy more, which increased the amount of woman-scent in the room by a great deal) and positioned Panak between them, still fully dressed. Kneeling, the demon passed up the obvious target and went instead for her breasts.

This time, the demon put everything into its stimulation of the Countess' breasts: hands, lips, teeth, and tongue. Apparently, the Countess had very sensitive nipples because when Panak's mouth began to suck on them, her hips went wild, pushing her pussy against his stomach and she began uttering tiny cries of pleasure. Panak was guided to pleasure all of her breasts, not just the nipples: it guided his mouth over the creamy skin of her wonderful mammaries, kissing and stroking and sucking on the slightly spongy flesh of her breasts, making sure there was plenty of pleasure being generated in them. And, by her rather obvious physical reactions to his attentions, it was working. In fact, by the time her body went slack with ecstatic overload, Panak's tunic was soaked from the exudate of her pleasure.

Panak's demon lowered the Countess to her bed and sat back on his heels. Presently, she recovered herself and propped herself back up on her arms. She opened her mouth to thank Panak, but his demon began to work again without waiting.

This time, he stayed low, walking forward a few inches until his face was right before her pussy. Taking a deep breath (both to prepare himself and to savor the heady aroma of the pinkly wet flesh before him), Panak's face moved forward. Arms braced themselves on her thighs, spreading them slightly farther apart, fingers stretched her outer lips further open, and his tongue began to explore the glistening vagina pouting before him.

Again, the demon riding Panak produced consummate skill in pleasuring the Countess' 'nether regions'. Fingers, tongue, lips, and careful teeth worked over that fairly small triangle of flesh, modifying its actions by the subtle commands of the Countess' reactions. Her moans began low, and though they stayed low they gained in intensity. Panak's arms began to do double duty keeping her hips relatively motionless.

When she passed out again, Panak's demon didn't stop. It eased off a bit, just stroking his tongue across the flesh lightly. When she began showing signs of awakening, the demon stepped up Panak's efforts, easing the Countess from sleep into full arousal. It kept up its work through to more of the Countess' periods of unconsciousness, deciding that she had had enough when she screamed out, "Oh by all the gods, YES!" as she passed out the last time.

Panak's demon drew him away from the Countess, seating him down in a chair to relax. The Countess was a long time recovering from his ministrations, and even after she finally opened her eyes, she didn't move more than enough to turn her head to look at him for a long time. Panak though there was something new in her eyes, something he had been looking for for a long time.

Eventually, she stretched languidly and said, "The rumors lied. They didn't even come close! I've never felt so much pleasure in my life, and you're still fully dressed! Does it get better when you undress?"

Panak's demon directed him to laugh deprecatingly and say, "Maybe not better - maybe just more of the same ..."

"So, show me ..."

Panak undressed, making even that simple act erotic. Not in a red-lantern strip-show way, but sexy and erotic just the same. Both were ready when he was finally naked, and he joined her on her bed. He showed her several times what he could give her while undressed, and it was lots more of the same.

And, the third thing that indicated the changes beginning in Panak's life happened the next morning. He was jostled awake for a few moments as the Countess turned over and snuggled up to him again. Before he could settle himself back to sleep, the door opened and a servant walked in carrying a tray bearing a silver ewer and basin, tow goblets, and a crystal decanter filled with something orange. But it wasn't the tray or its contents that caught Panak's eye: it was the servant.

He was young and handsome, with blonde hair and a trim body. He wore a short tunic bearing the Countess' arms prominently on the chest, and parti- colored hose in the Countess' livery colors. Watching the man go quietly about his task of placing the tray on a dresser by the wall, Panak began to feel a curious stirring in his loins. The servant turned and walked back to the door and then out, never knowing that Panak's eyes were glued to his waist until the door cut off his view. It wasn't until then that Panak realized that his cock was hard - even after the workout it had had with the Countess only hours before. As he realized this, and noticed consciously the random thoughts chasing themselves around his mind about what had been under that codpiece, he didn't find anything wrong with his lusting after the servant. He fell asleep again thinking about that, but when he awoke, he figured it had just been a bizarre dream.

Panak's playing around days were over, much to the dismay of most of the eligible woman in town. When it became known that the Countess had 'stolen' Panak, she had to hire extra bodyguards to keep the wailing women away from her house.

While Panak felt sorry for the women that now had to go without his skills, his joy in the company of the Countess completely soothed his conscience. Panak fit himself into the Countess' household with little trouble. He had been trained, after all, to a noble's life, to that kind of social interaction. His resident demon added an interesting facet to his personality that made him more than a fixture in the circles the Countess moved in: he was actively sought out, and the Countess was even more in demand than ever before, if that was possible.

Also, Panak's wardrobe began to change. The Countess had been intrigued by his exotic underwear and had gifted him with as many pairs as he could use. He received such a thrill from the soft and shiny material that he wondered if he would like other articles made out of it. For some reason, he had no problem asking the Countess if she could have her seamstress make him some satin hose and a silk tunic (those materials in those garments were more of a feminine thing, and once he would have never hinted at feminine leanings to a lover).

Again, the Countess was delighted, and soon his whole wardrobe had been replaced by identical clothes made of silks, satins, and velvets.

There were things, however, that he didn't tell the Countess about, although there were times he wanted to. He found himself increasingly attracted to men. His fantasies were equally divided between the soft and sweet charms of women - specifically the Countess - and the hard and angular mysteries of men - in particular, the Countess' room servant. As yet, these feelings and fantasies were no more than that, but he was finding it increasingly hard to resist the desires the sight of well filled tights and a codpiece generated in him. Time passed - the best days of Panak's life. The Countess was totally in love with him, the social circles were enamored of him - life was perfect, and all because of a simple spell. Panak blessed his demon every night before falling asleep in the arms of his exhausted Countess.

It was six months after he had enacted the spell, and three since he had moved in with the Countess when she first noticed the changes. She had gotten to know Panak's body intimately - after his work pleasuring her, she made sure to spend at least as much time pleasing him. But, because of their constant contact, it wasn't until Council business too her away for four days that she noticed. Upon her return, the first thing she did was drag him (well, it wasn't as if he resisted or anything) up to their room. When she closed the door, she threw herself onto him, stripped his soft, shiny clothes off, and attacked him. It had been four days since she had felt his perfect touch and most excellent organ, and she wanted to make up for it.

The first encounter was totally for her gratification, and it didn't last very long. She did her best to quench her thirst for his body, and did a very good - if temporary - job. After a few minutes of rest, it was Panak's turn. He did his usual thorough job, working slowly and expertly to drive her absolutely crazy, As he worked, he noticed that his demon only occasionally gave a hint or two - most of his actions came from his own mind. He was learning!

Then, after a somewhat longer recuperative period, it was the Countess' turn again. And, as she lay beside him, kissing his neck and stroking his chest, she finally noticed that his chest was rather more full than she had remembered. And not as if he had been exercising, either. She glanced down, and saw that Panak's chest was adorned by two small but very evident breasts pushing his pointy nipples into the air.

Startled, she sat up and looked at him, keeping her hand moving on his ... breast ... and nipple, which he seemed to be enjoying greatly. She had to think to remember what he had looked like that evening at the bar three or so months ago. But she did finally remember - and she was surprised. He looked much more ... feminine now. His skin was softer and lighter colored. It had never been really tanned or rough - Panak wasn't a laborer - but it had been a little less ... womanly. His face, too, had changed, become thinner but also less angular. His hair was much longer - it had grown a lot in only 3 months - but also much more silky before, and it was now a slightly lighter shade of brown, almost making it blond. His body had lost much of its tone: where it had been the casually muscled body of a nobleman, it was not the body of a young and idle woman. His chest was, as already noticed, sporting budding breasts. His waist was rather narrow, even though his stomach bulged a little. His hips were much wider than his waist, with a decidedly feminine shape. There was no part of his body - save one - that didn't now have the mark of femaleness.

The Countess' perusal of Panak's altered charms took a rather long time. In fact, she forgot what her hands were doing on his breasts until he gasped, then cried out and shot his load all over his front and her hands without anyone even touching him below the waist. She became interested again in his pleasure and this time attacked his breasts with her mouth. He went wild, getting into the pleasure even faster and better than before. Panak erected again immediately, and after making sure that he was very ready to go, the Countess made use of that erection with a fervor that seemed like she might not get to use it again. They didn't get to sleep until well after the sun came up.

Sometime later, mid-afternoon or so, they awoke and went into the Countess' bathing chamber together. There, as they waited for the tub to fill with hot water, she asked, "Hon, have you noticed what you look like lately?" Panak turned to her and frowned quizzically. "No," he answered, "not lately. Why?"

She stood and opened the twin doors that hid the three-way mirror. She gestured him over, and watched as he glided over with a marked sway n his hips. She watched the wonder, surprise, and dismay in his face as he examined himself in the mirrors. She could tell that he really hadn't noticed. She walked up behind him and hugged him, making sure to cup his breasts (and smiling as his cock twitched when she did), saying, "It's an interesting development, huh? Any ideas of why?"

He shook his head, and snuggled into her arms and body, somewhat frightened. To have changed so much, yet noticed nothing - he was very shaken. The countess said, "Well, we will find the answer then. Now come with me to the bath; it's ready. I'll send for Zorina as soon as we're done. I'm sure she can fathom the reason. But first, we've got a 'cleaning' to do." She smiled as her lips closed over his nipple and he sighed and closed his eyes in response. The water was very cold by the time they left the tub (even after three refillings), and it was far too late in the day to send for Zorina.

"It won't hurt you, dear. Its just that I will have an easier time working on you if you are asleep. Go ahead, Panak, drink up."

The gypsy woman held out a silver chalice full of a steaming, lemon- scented liquid. Panak gingerly took it, glanced at the Countess and, heartened by her reassuring look, drank the chalice dry. It tasted like a very fine wine without the alcoholic bite, and also without even a hint of lemon.

Zorina, the gypsy, turned to talk to the Countess while her potion went to work. It was the next day, and Panak had yet to come to terms with the changes the Countess had pointed out to him. In fact, he was refusing to think about it which was rather hard to do. He had been wearing soft and silky clothing for months now, but it seemed that only now was he noticing how good they felt against his skin. He could feel it brushing against his hips and ass, and against his nipples, which was very distracting. It also slid across his arms and legs, his stomach and back. It was like his whole body was suddenly hypersensitive, though he didn't know whether it was linked to his new appearance, or was some completely different problem.

Somewhere during his reverie, Panak slipped into a very deep slumber. Zorina noticed his glassy-eyes stare and said, "Its worked. I can tell because this potion is one of the few that puts someone under so fast they don't have time to close their eyes. Okay, time to do some checking."

She was very methodical and very thorough. She performed some general tests, and found that magic was involved in Panak's transformation to some degree. Next, she ascertained that it wasn't a curse or other external cause. She finally learned that some type of evocation magic had been used, but that for all she could tell the changes were actually natural in nature. She did further tests in the evocation area, though, and eventually discovered the demon within Panak's body.

Zorina made a few more preparations, and then went into a trance to try to contact the demon. Though she could have learned what she needed by other means, talking to the demon itself was easier and faster. Of course, if the demon proved recalcitrant, she could fall back on those other means.

She probed into Panak's body and mind, searching for the trigger that would force the demon to respond. Just as she found it, though, the demon presented itself to her in a female form and said, "What do you seek?"

Zorina spent a moment identifying the type of demon before her, and learned that the form she saw was its natural one. She said, "Information only, spirit of Hanfernol. By what authority do you inhabit this body?"

"By the Rite of Buralak, and the Contract of Mertholian, all properly executed and finalized."

Zorina had figured to hear that answer as soon as she had discovered the demon's type: it followed from the condition of Panak's body. She asked, "How long until the full Price has been paid by he who bound you?"

"Six months more will see the man Panak transformed fully into a woman, inside and out."

"How long before the process becomes irreversible?"

"In four more months, exactly 10 months after the binding, the outer change will be complete and he will appear to be completely a woman save for his reproductive organs. Once that date has passed, the final stage will begin - the conversion of his male organs to female ones. For the 11th month, his penis and testicles will shrink until he is completely neuter between his legs. During the 12th month, he will develop complete female organs. By the 1 year mark, he will be completely female, able to bear children as well as nurse them. The beginning of this final stage marks the last point where the Price may be aborted: should I be exorcised from Panak after the start of the final stage, the process will continue anyway. Without my presence though, he may well go mad as his body changes. Only my presence guarantees his mental stability."

Zorina paused a moment to absorb the flood of information, and then asked, "What are the consequences of aborting the Price prematurely?"

"The body of knowledge for which Panak has paid has been transmitted to him these last six months. Should I be exorcised any time before the final stage begins, the consequences are dire - usually fatal. The severity of the consequence goes down as the 11th month nears, being at its least on the last day before the final stage begins. After that, there is no consequence imposed, since it comes naturally."

"One last question, Lady demon," said Zorina. "What is the final, least consequence imposed on that last day?"

"If I am exorcised on that last day, then in order for Panak to keep his altered body, he will have to ..."

Panak woke as if from a very deep sleep, though unaware of how he had come to be asleep. The last think he remembered was drinking that gypsy's drink, and now here he was in bed - alone.

He looked around and saw by the quality of the light coming through the window that it was mid-evening. By that torchlight, he also saw the note.

He picked it up and went to the window to read it. It said, "Dearest Panak: Zorina has told me everything: I know why you are turning into a woman. The Pact you made accounts for your reputation, but I'm sure that you didn't know what price you would have to pay - the one you are now paying.

"I'm sorry I don't have time to explain everything to you in writing - I have to go away for a few days to deal with some emergency in the country, and the coach is waiting for me right now. But, I promise to fill you in as soon as I get back. Then we need to discuss your future. If this emergency wasn't so urgent, I'd tell someone else to deal with it ... Well, soonest begun, soonest done. See you in a few days, Love, Alian."

Panak read the note three times, each time becoming more and more afraid. There wasn't anything in the letter itself, but he seemed to see something between the lines, something terrifying. He saw his expulsion from the Countess' - Alian's - life. She knew what he had done, and knew why he was changing. And she didn't like it, or him.

In the past three months, Panak had come to see the Countess as his life. While he had, before, done very well on his own, he could no longer imagine such. Without the Countess, he would be without life, without hope - he would be dead. And this note - it foretold that death.

Panak went a little wild then. He dressed - not realizing that his wardrobe had changed so much that he looked quite remarkable now - somewhere in between a fop and a lady in waiting. He made sure he had money, then fled the estate of the Countess, not willing to be dismissed face to face. As he rant into the night of the city, he wondered what he would do now.

The knocking was so faint that if Gelso hadn't been walking in front of the gate, taking breakfast to the duty-guard, he would never have heard it. He hurried into the gatehouse and delivered the meal, but he didn't stop to chat with Hener as he usually did. Instead, he returned to the gate and opened the postern. There, feebly clawing at the gate, bloody and in tatters, was Panak, the Countess' current man. Gelso knew how important Panak was to the Countess, being her chamber-servant and so fairly well placed among the staff. He got Hener to help him carry Panak, whom neither had realized wasn't still within the estate, up to the Countess' bathing room. Then, left alone with the young man, Gelso did his best (which was very good) to fix Panak up.

First, he stripped the young man of the remains of his unique clothing, which had been almost as badly treated as Panak had been. Being a good man- servant, Gelso had never said a thing to either Panak of the Countess about how strange the young lord had taken to dressing and acting, because it wasn't his place or station. Of course, that didn't stop the servants from gossiping among themselves, and Panak's increasing girlishness was a favorite topic. But not for Gelso, both because he considered himself above that soft of back biting, and because he found absolutely nothing ridiculous about Panak.

Once the young lord was naked on a bench in the bathing room, Gelso cleaned up his numerous wounds with a sponge and a bucket. He could see that most of the wounds had been caused by scraping across some hard surface, probably a floor. There were a few cuts - they looked as if they had been intended to taunt, not injure - and lots of bruises. After making sure the excess blood and all the dirt was cleansed from Panak's unconscious body, Gelso lifted the young lord into the tub and arranged him comfortably in the slightly medicated warm water. He looked at Panak, somewhat bemused by the slightly feminine contours of the young man. It was impossible for servants to desire their masters, and even moreso for a servant to covet the play-toy of their master. But Gelso had been attracted to Panak from the very first day the Countess had brought him home, and He hadn't missed the young lord's attention riveted on him that first morning, and often since. And, what with the way Panak was becoming more and more girlish every day, Gelso was finding him more and more attractive. But the first move had to come from him - masters could break any rule as they pleased, but the same was not permitted the servants...

After a nice long soak, Gelso scrubbed Panak down and sluiced him off. Then, after drying him off (and thrilling again to contact with his excitingly soft and strangely rounded body), Gelso tucked the young lord into the Countess' bed. He left long enough to get a tray of cold foods, some drinks, and to have his daily duties reassigned. Then he returned to the Countess' room to wait on Panak.

Panak awoke abruptly to memories of abandonment and despair, then pain and humiliation. He recognized the Countess' bed and bedroom, and briefly wondered how he had come to be here. Then he remembered where those feelings he had awakened to had come from and he moaned and wished he were dead.

"You're awake, sir." Panak tracked the voice and was only somewhat surprised to see Gelso sitting by the sideboard. The manservant rose and walked over to the bed, and said, "How do you feel, sir?"

Panak looked at Gelso silently for a few moments. Finally he decided to answer, but not as master to servant. He thought that his life as a lord of leisure was over, and last night's attempt to return to his former life as a son of the court hadn't gone well at all. He hoped that this servant could help him find a new life now that the Countess was through with him. And maybe there was something more to his decision ...

"Well, Gelso, I feel a lot better than I expected to , considering ..."

Some of his pain must have showed on his face for Gelso sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Sir, what happened? How did you end up at the front gate looking like you'd survived a peasant revolt, if only just barely?"

Panak smiled just a bit and shifted position. He then noticed that he was naked beneath the sheets - the satiny surface against his nipples and skin felt wonderful. After reveling briefly in the sensation, he wondered again how he had come to be here. He looked at Gelso, and presumed that the answer was sitting on his bed.

He sighed slightly and told Gelso about the gypsy and the purpose of her visit, and then the note and his interpretation of it. He told of his flight, and his first stop in a pub. He drank a lot very fast, and was almost immediately victimized. In the better class joints, he was just ridiculed for his clothes and his manner. he went from bar to bar, pub to inn, looking for someplace he would be accepted. As he moved lower in the town, he was assaulted more and more physically. Slapping, punching, pushing him down. The occasional knife, though they were never wielded to severely injure him. He had been chivveyed and chased from taproom to taproom, all the way down to the docks. There, finally beaten unconscious, he was left alone. How he had returned to the Countess' estate he didn't know - must have been pure instinct within the delirium and pain.

When Gelso touched his shoulder, Panak didn't even falter in his narrative, though he did feel a shiver run through him. And when that hand squeezed every once in a while, and his body shivered again each time, he still didn't halt his story. But, he did his best - and it wasn't hard - to call up the feelings in him at the end of his attempted escape so that when he got to the end of his story he was crying.

Triumph suffused his body when Gelso leaned over and hugged him. Somehow (the demon?), Panak knew that there was more than just comfort in that hug, and that was all the encouragement he needed. Hoping that the demon could help him in this endeavor, he stemmed his tears, turned his face up, and kissed Gelso on the lips.

Gelso tightened his arms around Panak and returned the kiss, pouring as much passion as he could summon up into it. Soon, though it had been Panak who had begun the kiss, the young lord let Gelso take over, easily giving over the reigns to the servant and becoming the submissive partner. So, when Gelso had had his fill (for the time being) of Panak's lips, he broke away and let Panak recline again on the bed.

Standing, Gelso took hold of the sheets and stripped them off of the bed, revealing the lovely nude feminized from of Panak lying there on the satin basesheet. he made such a sweet picture that Gelso almost didn't want to disturb it. But the sight of the lord's nascent breasts, and his hard cock curving up over his stomach, enticed him to meddle with it.

Kneeling beside the bed, Gelso reached out and placed a tentative finger on Panak's closest nipple. The young lord gasped and arched his chest up, then moaned when Gelso lightly rolled the hardening nubbin between two fingers. Smiling, Gelso began to touch, then squeeze, then caress his other breast while lightly touching his tongue to the first nipple. Panak gasped loudly when Gelso sucked his nipple into his mouth, then his moans got frequent and loud as well.

Gelso kept up his breast massage and nipple sucking until Panak's hips were writhing, his cock straining, and his face so contorted with pleasure that Gelso was half afraid the young lord would hurt himself. He placed one last kiss on each nipple, then stood up straight. While Panak unwound from his pleasure, Gelso removed his belt and tunic, and his shoes. Still wearing his tights, he climbed back onto the bed, this time between Panak's legs.

When Gelso placed a hand on each of Panak's thighs, the young lord gasped and started up to his elbows. Gelso looked into Panak's eyes and smiled, and, after a bit, Panak smiled back. Gelso's smile turned into an almost leer, and then he turned his attention to the task at hand.

The servant bowed his head above Panak's cock. The young lord's cock was a fine specimen, clean of line, almost delicately formed, somewhat small - not more than a hand and a half, and slender. Gelso admired it, though not for its size or shape, but for who it was attached to. He had seen a large number of organs (though he had sampled a somewhat smaller number) and he had found that no matter how awe inspiring a cock was, it was the person behind it that made the relationship. Gelso had bedded both smaller and larger endowed people, and had found little enough overall difference that size just wasn't a factor in him having a good time. of course, where blowjobs were concerned, smaller was better ...

Gelso began by carefully cupping Panak's hairless balls in one hand. Then, he opened his mouth wide, lowered it over half of Panak's cock, and closed his lips on the shaft. Bobbing slightly up and then down to caress the shaft, he used his tongue to thrill the head of the cock. Gelso spent a good long time like that, using his other hand to caress the young lord's stomach, hips, and thighs (all very hairless, smooth, and deliciously soft and sensuous).

When Panak began to moan and thrash his head about a bit, Gelso opened his lips and engulfed the entirety of the young lord's cock. With his nose buried in the light, soft, sparse pubic hair at its base, he caressed the cock with his whole mouth.

Gelso loved the taste of cock - both in general, and specifically the one in his mouth. It almost seemed to taste faintly feminine, but that may have been an illusion produced by the condition of Panak's body. It did still have a basically male flavor - salty, nutty, and a basic but undescribably taste that was the essence of male. it was that that was different here than with other men he had had - slightly less, slightly different ... something delicate and subtle. He savored the taste - the different and the familiar - as he proceeded to pleasure the young lord. Panak was responding very well in turn - without the tricks Gelso knew the event would have taken very little time, but even so it didn't last as long as Gelso might have liked. Panak's hips stopped moving, his balls contracted, and his seed began to pulse through his cock. Gelso pulled back enough to hold just the head in his lips, so he could savor the taste of Panak's cum on his tongue for as long as possible. Again, there was a difference in the taste even beyond the normal taste variance from man to man - that hint of femininity, somehow. Whatever the reason, if there was really a difference, Gelso loved the taste and wished there was more.

He cleaned the young lord's cock thoroughly both to prolong Panak's pleasure and to consume every last drop of his fantastic cum. When he was finished, Gelso stretched himself out next to Panak, threw an arm across his breasts, cupping the far one and pinching its nipple, and began kissing him again. Panak didn't respond right away - he was still recovering from his orgasm - but Gelso's talented tongue and slowly moving fingers reawakened Panak's interest and he began to kiss in return.

Gelso knew what he wanted next. After Panak was rearoused sufficiently, Gelso pulled away gently and tenderly and straddled Panak's neck, after pausing long enough to slip out of his tights.

Gelso smiled as he watched fear and fascination war on Panak's face as he stared at the weapon right in front of him. Gelso's cock was about a half-hand longer than Panak's and slightly thicker, but surprisingly even more hairfree than Panak's - in fact, Gelso's groin was completely devoid of hair. Even before the fascination had completely forced the fear from his face, Panak's hands were moving toward Gelso's doubly naked cock. By the time the young noble finally touched the servant's cock, curiosity and growing lust had joined the fascination.

Gelso settled back a little as he felt those curiously soft hands begin to explore his hairless crotch, and almost immediately felt his ass pushing against Panak's small breasts. 'What a perfect seat' he thought, then gasped when he felt a tentative tongue touch his cock. He looked down and was ready to give advice in pleasuring him, but he saw the concentration on the lord's face and how the hands had begun to move with more surety and less eager exploration, so he shut his mouth and let Panak work.

He felt his balls being caressed tenderly, and a careful finger pressing between his asscheeks from the front. He felt the delicate touch of Panak's tongue feather-licking up and down his shaft, punctuated by a momentary flash of hot, wet pleasure as his cockhead was engulfed briefly and then released again. As Gelso tried very hard to delay his orgasm from his side of the game he wondered just where the skill he was feeling had come from, as he was fairly sure that the young lord had never taken pleasure from his own sex before.

Panak didn't rely solely on Gelso to prolong their pleasure either - Gelso could tell that the young lord was doing his best to delay and heighten the servant's pleasure, and Gelso was surprised by some of the tricks used, including the one that managed to keep him fully hard and ready to go again mere minutes after the many minutes of excitement and building pleasure were rewarded by his body-wrenching orgasm and several mouthsful of man-cum for Panak. But hard and ready he was when Panak ejected his cock from his mouth and said, "Please fuck me, Gelso."

The servant looked into the lord's eyes and saw the lust there, the honest want. Smiling, Gelso removed himself from Panak's chest and the bed, the leaned down to kiss Panak on the lips. Leaving the lord panting slightly, Gelso walked over to the bathing room and retrieved a small vial of oil. Rolling the bottle between his hands, causing the reactive stone to heat up and begin warming the oil within, Gelso returned to his mistress' bed and the reclining figure of the young lord thereon.

He climbed back onto the bed and positioned himself between Panak's widespread legs. He poured out a palm-full of oil and massaged it into his cock. Next, he poured out some more of the slightly thick, perfectly warm fluid and gently applied it to the flesh behind Panak's balls and between his asscheeks. One more portion of oil, smaller this time, was directed specifically onto Panak's anal ring. Gelso massaged the oil tenderly into that muscle, slowly pressing his finger into it, pushing some of the lubricant within Panak's body - enough to ease initial entry.

Setting the vial down, Gelso lifted Panak's legs and hooked his knees over his shoulders. Positioning his cock right at Panak's asshole, Gelso took firm hold of the young lord's hips and began to press forward. Entry was slow at first, but Gelso kept up a steady pressure and he gained admittance slowly. Panak's face was a grimace of paid underlaid by growing pleasure. As Gelso watched, the pain vanished, and suddenly the passage he was trying to invade stopped resisting so completely. His cockhead sank swiftly into Panak's body, after which a little pressure returned, slowing the continued entry to the perfect speed.

Now firmly lodged, Gelso let his hands roam. One began caressing Panak's torso, especially his breasts. The other stayed near Panak's cock, stroking it and his balls, but also playing with the smooth skin of his groin and thighs. And, he continued pressing his cock into Panak's body.

Eventually, Gelso was fully inside, his own groin flesh pressing against Panak's ass and balls. He began to withdraw after pausing for a moment to allow the young lord to feel his length within him fully. He withdrew until his cockhead was pulling on the lord's anal ring, then changed direction again. In and out, again and again, stimulating both of them slowly but greatly. Additional pleasure was fed to Panak by the gentle caresses, and the slightly more than gentle handling of his nipples and cock.

Their pleasure built rapidly, but leveled off short of an orgasm. They worked together, Panak passively, Gelso actively, building pleasure higher and higher but in slow, widely spaced increments. Time passed, and they reveled in each other. And, as had to happen eventually, it came to an end. First, Panak's ass muscles began to spasm rhythmically, indicating his first (ever) internal orgasm. Next, triggered by this, Gelso's cock fired off its second cum of the evening, sustaining its contractions for a surprisingly long time. And lastly, though it had been receiving almost as much attention as his ass, Panak's cock erupted for its second time, sending white ropes of cum as far as the underside of his breasts. And, when all three expressions of satisfaction died away, Gelso lowered himself down onto Panak's body, letting the lord's legs slip down his sides. After Kissing Panak for a long, lingering time, they settled into each others' arms, content to bask in their mutual pleasure.

Panak awoke in the arms of the handsome servant a different man. More complete, more...fulfilled. He had learned how to pleasure women thanks to his pact with the demon, but he now knew that that had only been half of the possibilities available to him. And Gelso had shown him the other half - an introduction he would always be grateful for. He was aware that the demon had helped him suck Gelso's cock, and in taking that cock into his ass - but it hadn't (entirely) been due to the demon that he had enjoyed the servant's ministrations. The very slight ache in his ass reminded him of the pleasure of last night, and he smiled dreamily and snuggled into Gelso's arms.

The movement woke Gelso and they kissed tenderly. Panak felt his cock begin to stir again, but he wanted to know something first.

"Gelso, is there someplace we can go? I ... I don't want to be kicked out by the Countess. I'd rather just leave ... be gone when she gets back ..."

The servant pushed himself up on his elbows and looked into Panak's eyes. "Do you really want to leave the Countess?" he asked.

"Well, n-no," Panak answered. "But, that letter ... she's going to get rid of me because of what Zorina told her ... I've got enough pride left to want to leave before I'm dumped."

"Panak, dear ... I think you're wrong about the letter and what the Countess intends. I've been on her staff for quite a while, and never have I seen her act so callously. Promise me you'll give her a chance. If it seems she is really going to get rid of you, we'll go away together - I've got family in the Capitol ... it won't be a problem. Okay?"

Panak sighed, and said, "Okay, Gelso. If you say so. I'll wait, as long as you let me repeat last night." He smiled, feeling his cock twitching into full life against the servant's stomach.

Gelso smiled back and said, "Of course, my lord, whatever you wish." He bowed, a maneuver that was difficult from his reclining position but which ended with his mouth on Panak's cock, which turned Panak's smile into a deep sigh of lust arising.

The Countess had been back for an hour before making it to her room. A page alerted Gelso and Panak that she was on her way up. The two men (one and a half?) kissed, and Gelso slipped out with the page.

Panak sat there, nervously awaiting the Countess. He almost believed Gelso when he had said the Countess didn't intend to get rid of him - but he was just self conscious enough to harbor the tiniest shred of doubt. At least he had a prospect beyond the Countess' favor ...

The door opened and the Countess strode in, shutting the door behind her. She leaned against it, sighing, then found Panak sitting by the window. her harried look softened completely and she walked over to him and collapsed at his feet, hugging him around the waist.

"Oh, my dearest Panak - I've missed you terribly, love. I'm so sorry about leaving you like that, but I had to go. Now, I know you're dying to know about what Zorina had to say and I'll tell you soon. We've got plans to make - it will be difficult to exorcise your demon before the contract is up. Also, there's a little penalty involved - I hope you don't balk at it. I really love you the way you are - I don't want to see you become a complete female. But ... that's for later, when I have the time to tell the tale properly. Now, I need a bath - and your help getting one. Come along, dearest ... come along ..."

Panak lay nestled against the Countess' side, his head on her shoulder and breast, his hands casually resting one between her breasts (almost cupping the one against which his chin rested like a pillow) and one in the slight depression where her thigh met her groin, fingertips touching her soft pubic hair casually, tenderly, but not in any way erotically. He was far too satisfied for that, and so, he know, was the Countess. Their reunion had been long and drawn out. First their bath, which lasted far longer than the heated water. Then the conversation over a meal, during which Panak had opened up completely to the Countess about his fears and his flight ... and his return. Even, after some hesitation, his day with Gelso. Much of the fear he had been hiding up 'till then vanished when the Countess smiled and kissed him for telling her about the servant. Apparently, not only did she not mind, she was looking forward to adding Gelso to their bed games at times. And then she had told him about the penalty he would incur when the demon was exorcised. He smiled in remembrance of the smile he had given then, and what had followed, which had led him to his near-sleep state now. And, good, warm memories foremost in his mind, he let himself settle into that slumber, content.

A full ten months to the day after Panak had made the Pact with his demon, he stepped into a prepared chamber naked and a very different person from the one who had sealed himself with hot wax to a pentacle, uttered arcane words, and made a deal with a demon for knowledge without understanding anything of the price he had agreed to pay.

The difference wasn't only physical, although that was the most easily visible change. Panak's body had blossomed fully into womanhood. Long, silky hair flowed down from his head to frame a face much softened from its former masculine state. His eyes were larger and more expressive, his nose slightly smaller, and his lips fuller. He had a long, harrow neck with no adam's apple at all, that flowed into soft shoulders. Long, delicate arms and fingers that could never, ever have wielded a sword. Full, rounded breasts with tiny maroon nipples. A narrow waist with a slightly mounded stomach, which flared into expansive hips and a magnificent teardrop of an ass. Long legs that became delicate feet completed the feminine picture - and then there was his cock framed by just a sparse fringe of hair there in the center of his groin above two hairless pink balls. Panak at times fancied that his cock had changed, become more feminine along with the rest of his body. But both the Countess and Gelso (not to mention Panak) still enjoyed it immensely, so it didn't really matter so long as it continued to function.

More profound than the physical change was the internal change. Panak was no longer a listless, bored young lord who had problems with self confidence, as well as sticking to things. Now, he was much more self assured, much more thoughtful and thorough. His mastery of such 'manly' arts as fencing and hunting had fallen into disuse, replaced by gentler arts, and spending time with his Countess and Gelso. There was actually not much left of the original, pre-Pact, Panak left internally, either - and he didn't mind it a bit.

Both Gelso and the Countess were already in the room, having been the ones who had prepared it. Madame Zorina had provided detailed instructions on the ritual required for the exorcism, but it fell to Gelso to perform the rites as the Countess didn't have enough talent to do it herself. But she was there for moral support and to help out in other ways, so while Gelso prepared himself by concentrating on the words he was to say, the Countess helped Panak through his own preparations.

The hardest part of the preparation was going to be the initial step. In the proper position on the floor was a silver pentagram. Within the pentagram was affixed a curious, cylindrical object pointing up from the floor. Panak had practiced with one of these to get ready - it wasn't quite as easy to take in a rigid object as it was a cock. He had greased his ass before coming down, so with the Countess' help he slowly lowered himself down and onto the dildo in the center of the pentagram. Pleasure and discomfort battled in his body as more and more of the carved and lacquered object entered him. After what seemed an eternity, he felt the floor under his buttocks, and he was completely 'seated' upon the phallus.

Very carefully, conscious of the rod within him and the ways it influenced his movement range, he positioned his arms and legs while the countess used specially prepared ropes and wax to painlessly seal him to the pentagram. Had he done more research, he could have used this method in his first invocation - it accomplished the same thing as applying the wax directly to his skin, and he could have even substituted the rope and wax method on his cock for the dildo in his ass, though the latter method provided certain added efficiencies to the ritual.

Fully prepared, the Countess kissed Panak on the mouth and retreated from the pentagram. She touched Gelso lightly on the shoulder to signal that all was ready, then took a seat by the wall. Gelso opened his eyes and asked Panak, "Are you sure you are ready, love?" Seeing his distracted nod (and realizing its reason and clenching his own asscheeks in sympathy/envy), he smiled and began.

Panak concentrated on breathing evenly as Gelso's voice droned around him. He felt the words enter him and he let them echo around inside until they began to set up the resonances in his mind that dropped him into the trance. he felt his body begin to float away from the floor, and then his mind began to move faster and leave his body behind. It came to rest in a vast emptiness that almost instantly became less empty when first a wavering image of Gelso appeared, and then a strange double image combining Panak's body and that of the demoness which inhabited it became visible.

Panak's only involvement in the exorcism would to just be there - Gelso would be the one to liberate Panak's body from the demon. So, he watched as Gelso began making passes in the air, forming symbols that remained behind in glowing lines of light. After the fourth symbol was complete, the Panak-body image faded from around the demoness. Gelso spoke for the first time, saying, "Demon, your presence is no longer required. We hereby break the contract you had with Panak - leave his body and return from whence you came."

The demoness answered, "The price required of Panak should you succeed in removing me is acceptable? Ingesting the male essence once a day will be imperative - the consequences of missing even one day will be disastrous."

"The price is acceptable," said Gelso, smiling, and Panak smiled too.

"Then let the contest begin," said the demoness. "Your will against mine, but the host - Panak - will feel the results of our striving. And one word from him will tip the balance in my favor, and I will not be exorcisable until the contract is up. If you are ready, let us begin."

The pain began immediately. At first it was slight, just an ache in his chest. Then, his nipples and cock started tingling, but the tingle soon turned to fire, a burning itching that spread across his whole torso very slowly.

As the pain grew, Panak struggled to contain it. He felt a cool thread of comfort trickling into him from Gelso, but most of his man-lover's concentration had to be on defeating the demoness. The pain grew until that coolness was almost drowned out. He was on the edge of shouting "Stop!" when he felt another sensation. Coldness - a river of soothing icy calm flowed into him, all but pushing the pain completely away. He turned his astral aspect and saw a very unsubstantial image of the Countess right behind him, her hands intersecting his astral aspect and feeding him support directly. He smiled at her, settling into her aura, and returned his attention to the battle between Gelso and the demoness.

As the conflict continued, Panak felt the intensity of the pain increase. But it grew very slowly, and the Countess' support was more than enough to help him withstand it. Still, he had begun to feel real pain again by the time that the image of the demoness flashed deeply red, and then changed to a soft green. The pain stopped, and Panak felt himself flooded with strength from both Gelso and the Countess.

The demoness said, "The contract is broken. The host has received much from me, and must still pay the price for not completing the agreed upon term. It is done." And the green shadow vanished.

Gelso spoke a single word and Panak found himself back in his real body. The Countess was already freeing his arms and legs of the wax-bound ropes, and when he was free, both Gelso and the Countess gently lifted him off of the dildo.

As they all embraced, Panak asked, "I'm free?"

Gelso answered, "Yes. She's gone and you won't change any further. And I, for one, am quite pleased about that - you are exquisite just as you are."

Panak smiled as Gelso kissed him, and then he giggled when he felt the Countess' fingers on his breast. He turned to her as she said, "I, too, am quite pleased, my lord. I praise your original intent, as well as your incomplete research that brought you to this state and to me. I love you, Panak."

And the oddly assorted trio began a life of love and happiness together.


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