TG ARCHIVES: "The Amulet

By The Archivist

Published on Oct 28, 1994



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  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

The Amulet author unknown

"Long long ago there was a civilization that had mastered the laws of nature as no other civilization had done before," he said in a quiet voice, "Probably no civilization will ever achieve their power ever again." With thes e words he held up the amulet, swinging it before my eyes. "In the days before Egypt awoke to extend their dominion over the world there was Atlantis. The people of this island had learned to control the forces of nature. They did not use technology as we do, but instead, had learned to warp the power of the Earth to their very wills. But one day their power was unleashed upon themselves and they were destroyed. One should be very careful with this kind of power." The whole time he talked he continued to swing the amulet before me. It was hypnotizing me. It was if it was reaching out and caressing my face. Calling to me. The dark store seemed to melt and flow. Soon it was if I was standing in a void, the amulet floating before me. Then it dissapeared and I was again in the store standing in front of a dirty little man with very few teeth. I must have it. I had been searching for this ever since I had heard rumors of it over five years ago. It had been a long search that took me around half the world. But now it was standing before me.

"How much," I asked, "I will pay anything." My heart was beating through my chest as I watched him put it back in it's little black bag.

"I don't know if you can be trusted with such power," he stated flatly.

"I will agree to anything, I beg of you. Sell it to me." I reached into my pocket for my check book, my hands trembling. "I will give you $100,000." Surely that is enough?

"Sold," he stated flatly. I was in shock. I did not expect to get it for so little. The money meant little to me. This amulet which could answer my every fantasy was priceless.

"Agreed!" I almost screamed. My hands trembled as I wrote the check and handed it to him. He reached across, took the check and slid the black velvet bag towards me.

"You will know what to do," he told me. I turned and left the store.

I rushed towards my car and headed to my apartment. I tossed my keys to the valet and jumped into the elevator as the doors were sliding shut. John, the guy who lived on the floor below me was standing inside. "you look out of breath, been out jogging?" he asked. "I mumbled something back and punched the button for my aprtment. The rest of the ride up was quiet. Soon I found myself in my apartment staring at the amulet. I could not identify the metal. It looked like an alloy of some type of metal and a jewel. I had know idea how such a thing could be made but that was the only way to describe it. It was formed in to a circle, A snake with it's tail in its mouth. It was hung on a rope that seemed to be made of metal. It was flexible but I could see no joints. The amulet as a whole seemed to eminate raw power. I could not wait to try it.

I went into the bedroom and began to take off all my clothes. Soon I was naked in front of the mirror with the amulet in my hands. I nervously slid it over my head and around my neck. As it settled into place the room seemed to flash white and I passed out.

Awareness slowly slid over me. I had no idea how long I was out. It didn't seem that long but I was feeling pretty weird. I rolled over onto my back and immediately noticed a difference. I felt a weight on my chest, a strange new pressure. I slowly sat up and looked into the mirror. It had worked! I had been transformed. Where once had been a fairly muscular chest there were now soft beautiful breasts. They were incedible! They were round with large light brown aureolas wrapped a round the most incredible nipples. I shook myself just to feel them move. I slowly cupped my hands under them and lifted them slightly feeling there weight. My nipples immediately hardened as I brushed them lightly. It seemed like they were wired right into the wall socket and on into my crotch. My crotch! what had happened there?

I quickly rolled up onto my knees. The familiar feeling of my cock and balls was gone. In it's place was a light blonde patch of pubic hair surrounding my new vagina. I slowly slid my hands down along my stomach and between my legs. I slid my fingers across the outer lips and inside myself. I was not ready for the powerful feelings as I touched my clitoris.

I had to see what I looked like so I jumped to my feet and immediately stumbled. I guess my center of gravity had shifted or something. As I gained my balance I looked at myself in the mirror. It was amazing, I was the most beautiful women I had ever seen. I would have killed to sleep with myself if I had met me this morning. I had long slim legs, an incredibly flat stomach that enhanced my breasts. I had full lips that would hardly need any lipstick, high cheekbones and incredible eyelashes. My hair was light blonde , long and straight. I couldn't resist staring at myself. Slowly I slid my hands over my new body, pausing to twist my nipples slightly. I never knew that nipples could be so sensitive. I closed my eyes and continued to massage and fondle them. After a few minutes of this I felt a pressure building in my crotch.

I increased the speed and pressure of my ministrations and soon I fell to my knees as an orgasm washed over my body. My God! Not only was I a beautiful women, I was apparently able to almost have an orgasm on demand. I spent the rest of the day walking around my apartment catching myself in mirrors and touching myself whenever possible. I must have had ten orgasms during my travels. I spent the night as women, not wanting to stop.

The next day I had several business meetings so I had to take off the amulet. As I slipped it off of my head the same flash of light came and took me. Next time I would lay on the bed before I did this. I was liable to kill myself one of these days.

I'm not sure how I made it through the day. All I could think about was my amulet and how I was going to go shopping that afternoon. As soon as the last meeting was done I bolted past my secretary. I told her I was going out of tow n for a few days and to cancel my appointments.

I rushed into my room as soon as I reached home. I quickly jumped on the bed and slipped the amulet over my head. I came to in what seemed like a few moments. I quickly walked over to my closet and picked out some fairly androgenous clothes. I called down to the front desk and told them that I was loaning my car to a friend and to bring it around. Soon I was dressed and heading out the door. I could hardly wait to get to the stores. After parking in a garage I headed toward a section of town that catered to snotty rich women. the first thing that I would get was a dress. I wanted to feel free, to feel the wind on my legs, caressing my thighs. I walked into a store and started browsing. I quickly spotted a sundress that was just perfect. I told the girl that I would like to try it on. "What size?" she asked.

I had no idea what size I was. "I'm not sure," I stammered, "what size do I look like?"

"You look like might be a seven," she answered, "let me go get you one. I'll bring it to you in the changing room." I walked back to changing room and began to undress. I decided to take off all my clothes. After a few minutes she walked into the room with the dress and handed it to me. I could tell that she was looking at me so I brushed her arm slightly as I took the dress from her. I stepped into it and slipped it up over my body. I turned around and asked her to zip me up. She very quickly obliged. It felt incredible as the dress slowly consticted over my breasts. They felt like they were being hugged by soft hands.

"What do you think," I asked as I spun around.

"It's beautiful," she said as she looked me up and down.

I looked down at her name tag. "You don't think it's too revealing do you, Barbara? I wouldn't want to come off like a slut or something".

"No, it's perfect for you. You've got an incredible body, you should be proud to show it off," she said, her eyes fastened on my breasts.

"Why thank you. That's very nice of you to say. By the way my name is Nicole" I said as I walked closer to her. I stopped with my face a few inches from hers, looking into her eyes. I could hear her catch her breath as I leaned toward her. I slowly raised my hand and ran it lightly accross her breast. "When do you get off here? I would love to get together later" I said as I looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"9:30," she said.

"Great! I'll stop by then. I'll also take the dress, but I need a pair of shoes. Something sexy, you pick them out!" She returned in a few minutes with a pair of white 4 inch pumps. I slipped them on and we went to the cash register to pay. "See you later," I said as I left.

The rest of my shopping day was great. I spent some time in some shoe stores letting the salesman catch a good view up my dress. I also hit some lingerie stores. So I could build up a good collection of frilly items that hopefully wouldn't be on me very long.

It was getting to be 9:30 so I headed back to the store to pick up Barbara. I hoped she was as hot as I was. I had been thinking about her all afternoon. "Hi Barbara," I said as I walked into the store. "Are you about ready?"

"Hi Nicole!", she called to me accross the store. "I'll be ready in a minute." I took a seat by the entrance and watched as she finished up closing the store. She kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye as I waited. I tried my best to give her a show. Soon she walked out of the store and told me that she was ready. She wasn't a minute too soon. I couldn't wait to get her alone. She was good enough to eat right on the spot.

"Why don't we head back to my place. I have a great bottle of wine we could share."

"Great, I'll follow you," she said. We walked to our cars. I made a motion for her to follow me and I headed toward my place. In a few minutes we reached my place and went up to my apratment. "This place is incredible," she said in an awed voice.

"It does the job," I said as I handed her a glass of wine. "Have a seat," I said, as I pointed to the couch. She walked over to the couch as I turned on some soft music. I slid onto the couch next to her. "How's the wine," I asked.

"Great," she said. "I've never had wine this good". We talked for a while and drank some more wine. With each glass she became more and more relaxed. "You are a very beautiful women Barbara. Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"No not right now," she answered. "I have not had the best of luck in relationships recently".

"Maybe your just not spending time with the right people," I suggested. I dipped my finger in some wine and licked it off as she watched. I smiled at her and recrossed my legs to give her a better view. An opportunity that she took full advantage of. I reached over and took her hand in mine and clasped our fingers together. She turned to me and I leaned over and kissed her very lightly on the lips. She began to respond to me, moaning very softly as I caressed her breasts. Soon we were in a passionate embrace, our tongues probing each other mouth. I got up and slid my dress off and stood before her clad only in the white pumps that she had picked out. Then I turned and walked toward my bedroom, looking at her over my shoulder. I heard her get up to follow me.

I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her to come in. She came into the room and I motioned her too me. She walked to me and stood in front of me. I slowly caressed her long tan legs. Soon I was sliding her dress up over her hips to expose her panties. Her crotch was soaking wet with her juices. I lightly traced my fingers over her mound causing her to throw her head back in passion. Her scent was too much for me to take. I pulled her panties down and fell to my knees before her. I licked my way up her thighs and soon had my head buried in her crotch. She grabbed my head forcing it toward her pussy. But, I had to take this slowly. I stood up, turned her around, and pulled the zipper down on the back of her dress. As it slid to the floor I unhooked her bra. She pulled it off and dropped it to the floor. I walked over to a full length mirror and motioned for her to follow. Soon we were standing in front of the mirror, clad only in our heels. I slid behind her and reached around to caress her breasts. We stared into each other's eyes as I coaxed her nipples to attention. I lifted her hair and nuzzled her neck. Slowly I slid my hands down her stomach toward her pussy. She leaned back into me as I touched her clitoris. I could tell she was close to having and orgasm so I stopped my movements. I took her hands and walked toward the bed and softly pushed her down. I laid down on the bed next to her and kissed her. My tongue probing deep into her mouth. She responded with equal passion. Then I kissed my way down her stomach until I reached her crotch. I couldn't wait any more so I plunged my tongue inside of her. Soon she was writhing on the bed in throws of an orgasm. We spent the rest of the night exploring each others bodies. It was an incredible experience having her tongue my clitoris and feel her long fingers deep inside me. That morning she left early but not after we exchanged phone numbers. I definitely wanted to see more of her. Then I lifted the amulet above my head.

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