TG ARCHIVES: "The Formula

By The Archivist

Published on Oct 31, 1994



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  • I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the newsgroup (and * therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I * am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes * public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these * stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE * SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need. * * -- The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES *

The Formula by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr

Scott added the last ingredient to his compound and mixed it carefully. He chuckled as it began to 'almost' flouresce an antifreeze green. He wondered if it would really work and decided there was only one way to find out - and he would have to be the guinea pig.

Scott was 19 and a junior in college - or at least he would be a junior come September when school started again. He was also one of the (if not the) greatest minds in bio-chemistry, a kind of idiot savant - brilliant in one specialize area but not too far from average in all others. He was working on a very specialized chemical compound - an elixir - during overtime at the lab he was helping to run over the summer. For now, he was officially only a lab-tech but his work under Dr Buench would assure him an assistant's post within the next year. Of course, if his compound worked the University might just make him a full professor even before he graduated.

Scott was a handsome youth - tall, light haired, with a swimmer's body. He was quite popular with the ladies, having had a number of 'conquests' among the co-ed portion of the student body. He was seldom without a night's date unless he had work to do. He had been instructed in the art of sex by a sophomore while a 17 year old virgin freshman. Sharon had been - in fact, still was - an extreemly well educated lady and she had been an excellent teacher. If not for her talents, patience among them, Scott might well have ended up scarred for life by his first sexual encounter. You see, one of the few areas Scott was below average was in cock size. He had only five and a half inches.

Of course, it's not supposed to matter - cock size, that is. And with Sharon it didn't. She reveled in everything there was of Scott and taught him over many nights of mutual pleasure how to use his endowments to the utmost of his ability. And those teachings served him well enough to persuade less than enthusiastic partners that less could be more. He had yet to have a complaint.

But even so, he had always wanted a bigger cock. In X-rated videos and magazines and in bathroom talk, bigger was better. Scott knew better, and first hand, too, but that didn't stop him from wondering and wishing.

It seemed almost like fate when the project in Dr Buench's lab was presented to him: it was on researching a method of increasing the size of animals by external processes - i.e. not a breeding program and not hormones, but a potion/lotion/pill/whatever that would enlarge the average cow or pig by two to five times its normal size without harming either the animal or its meat.

It didn't take Scott long to begin to redirect Dr Buench's research into avenues that worked for him. To be fair, he did his own research after hours and never stinted on Dr Buench's requests. And finally he had his elixir - a chemical compound that would, if his theories were right, increase the size of his cock.

After making a few notes in his lab book next to experiment number X-21, he stoppered the beaker containing his elixir and closed up the lab. He couldn't do his experimentation there, so he took the beaker (and, of course, his notes) home to the apartment that he shared with his best friend George. A brief hello to George, who was in the living room studying, and Scott went into his room and locked the door. Putting his favorite blue tape in the VCR and choosing a few good magazines, he got ready to apply the first dose of his elixir.

The fluid felt tingly and warm as he slowly massaged it into his cock. Beyond that, it wasn't much different from baby oil, at least until his orgasm hit. Aside from taking quite a while to arive (was that normal, or a product of his anxiety over his experiment, or something to do with X-21? He didn't know), it was absolutely amazing! It hit almost without warning with a spasm that sent the first wad of cum to hit the ceiling, and the 10 or so that followed almost matched the first. When he had recovered from the experience, he was sure that his work hadn't been wasted: even if it didn't increase the size of his cock, he could still sell it as a sex aid!

For four days Scott continued to jack off after work with his elixir without detecting any change in his cock (though the feelings generated while using Green X-21 (as he had come to call it) were consistently mind-blowing). He wasn't sure whether this was because it took time to work or because it wasn't going to work. He took to using it twice a day in desperation and then, in a last almost futile gesture, a week after he first produced the elixir he used it on himself three times in a row and fell asleep exhausted with exactly the same endowment he ever had.

He had bad dreams that night - nightmares of pain wracking his body, concentrated in his groin. Scott got little rest for his 9 hours of sleep and was glad when the alarm finally woke him to sweaty and twisted sheets. He stumbled out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom - he had a wicked piss-hardon.

It was several seconds into a most relieving piss when Scott realized just what he was holding in his hands. There, grasped in both fists and being almost painfully forced to point downwards as a golden stream flowed from its blunt time was a two inch thick, 14+ inch long cock!

When his bladder was empty and his new cock soft, Scott raced back to his room to take measurements and found that his initial estimates were almost exactly correct: 2.5 inches thick, 14.25 inches long. To say he was ecstatic would be to underestimate the word: not only had his elixir worked (and far better than he could have hoped!), but he also had his wish - a cock that any porn-star would envy. To go from 5+ to 14+ inches was phenominal growth - he would have been happy with 8 inches, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The trouble began almost immediately. He had pumped himself up to full erection to measure his gains and he found that no matter how long he waited, it wouldn't go down. He tried to get dressed anyway but he found that his underwear was just too skimpy to do any kind of covering to his hard rod. Normally this would have been okay - going underwear-less wasn't that bad - but with his cock like this he couldn't even zip up his jeans!

So he did what he had to do - he jacked himself off, resulting in an orgasm using just baby oil that was intense as when he had used Green X-21 (which was an added bonus). Even flaccid, his cock was now huge. He found that his underwear still couldn't contain tis augmented basket so he left them off. He was barely able to close the zipper of his denims though it left him feeling compressed like never before. He discovered incidentally that his scrotum had also increased in size which didn't help his fitting into his pants at all.

He had just finished tucking his shirt in when the phone rang. Scott let it ring a few times to make sure George wasn't home. He caught it after the sixth ring and found it was Elizabeth, his most active current girlfriend.

He hadn't seen her in two weeks - his researches at the lab had been taking up his time as he closed in on the right formula - and just the thought of her gorgeous body barely covered by a halter top and short shorts - or her pink string bikini - made his balls start to boil. He felt blood begin to flow into his cock and the contstriction down there got worse and worse. He continued to try to talk to Liza but soon he was in too much pain to do more than grunt in assent or dissent every now and then.

Finally, just as he was about to go for the button of his fly he heard the sound of ripping cloth and an immediate lessening of the pressure at his crotch. He looked down and saw his new tool sticking out of his jeans through the hole it had ripped where the zipper met the cloth. His hand began to stroke it automatically as he began to pay attention to Liza again.

Eventually she gave up on trying to coax Scott out that night and said good-bye. Scott returned to his room as fast as possible and tried to figure out what to do now.

He hit upon a possible solution and called George at work both to ask him to let Dr Buench know that he wouldn't be in and to ask him to bring home certain chemicals and equipment from Scott's lab - it sure was fortunate that George worked for the same company (though on a different project) as Scott, because there was no way that Scott could go out of the house until he figured out a way to reverse the effects of his formula.

In the time before George got home, Scott experimented with ways to strap his cock down. The most effective, and consequently the most painful, method was taping it to his leg with duct tape. He found that if he was careful about what he thought about, he could keep himself from erecting which was important because duct tape was strong and hard to remove.

He then gathered together what equipment was lying around the house and set up a mini-lab in his room. When George got home, Scott stalled off his questions, thanked him for the box of chemicals and aparatus, and locked locked himself back into his room leaving poor George puzzled and on his own.

The calculations had already been worked out, so Scott set right in to mixing as soon as he had everything sorted out and in place. When he was done some two hours later, he had a beaker of luminously blue fluid labeled X-22 in his notes that should, if his calculations were right, take a few inches off his cock.

Scott eagerly removed the silvery binding from his cock and arranged himself comfortable on his bed. A stroke book provided impetus as he massaged a bit of the blue X-22 into his cock.

The orgasm he generated with the new elixir was just as powerful as that from Green X-21, but just as it was fading away into little spasms that barely managed to shake his cock a tingling began somewhere far behind his balls. The sensation grew and grew, tickling madly and spreading until he was just about to scream fromthe agony of the pleasurable sensation when it stopped suddenly and he blacked out.

Disturbing dreams followed as he drifted from unconsciousness into sleep. He felt strange sensations throughout his body which generated odd, distorted images in his mind. But the dreams weren't bad enough to rob him of sleep, so when sunlight through the window woke him the next morning, he felt wonderfully rested.

His alarm hadn't been even been set so he wasn't surprised to find out that it was several hours after he was supposed to get up. Not worried, therefore, that George would still be around, Scott trotted to the bathroom naked.

Once again, it was standing before the porcelain throne that Scott made a startling discovery. As he stared down at the ripples his urine was making in the bowl, he gradually hoticed that there was an obstruction in the way. The obstruction turned out to be his chest - or rather his breasts!

Closer examination - i.e. a good long stare into a mirror - revealed that the blue X-22 had worked: his cock was now fully two inches shorter at full erection. Unfortunately, there seemed to have been some side effects, for the rest of his body had also been altered as if by some kind of very powerful female hormone: his chest now sported two adolescent-sixed 32-A cup breasts, but they were only the most obvious alteration. His face had become softer and rounder, his arms and legs were sleeker and more shapely, his stomach and waist had shrunk and inch and become very flat - not even a hint of washboarding - and he could swear that his ass had plumped a bit and become more tear-drop shaped.

Intrigued, Scott decided to experiment a little further. Back in his room (locked in, of course) he settled onto his bed with his book and the Blue X-22. It took a bit longer this time to bring himself off, but the effects of the orgasm were as before: strong orgasm, a building tingling sensation, and blackout.

When he drifted from dreamless sleep into full wakefulness, Scott noticed that the clock showed that only five hours had passed. A quick glance at his body showed that the X-22 had indeed done something to him in that short time.

Another visit to the full length mirror showed that a) his cock had shrunk a further three inches and b) his body was much further feminized. His hair had been lengthened and lightened from its normal business-length brown to a shoulder-length blond. His face had further rounded and was now decidedly feminine, with high cheekbones and a wide, sensual mouth. His breasts had increased to 36C, now a respectable presence on his chest and very beautiful. His waist had lost six more inches and was flat and perfect, with a cure little belly button right in the perfect place. His arms and legs had become more slim and feminine. And, his ass was now definitely that of a female - lusciously teardropped and sensuously rounded.

He stared at himself for a long time, strange thoughts running through his mind. Finally he pulled himself together and went to find his camera and tripod. He set them up and took several pictures of himself, some showing his cock, some hiding it. He them made himself breakfast-lunch-dinner and locked himself back in his room before George got home.

Scott intended to use his green elixir, hoping (somehow knowing) that it would counteract the blue's changes. If it didn't he was in big trouble. But before he got rid of his female self he had an urge to experiment a bit.

So he fired up the VCR with another of his favorite XXX tapes, got out some more magazines and other such aids, and once again began to jack off, this time using only oil as lubricant. After making spending a minimum amount of time getting his cock well on the way to orgasm he began his experiment - he began to play with his breasts.

The sensations he was able to generate by stroking and pinching and caressing his breasts were indescribable - both unique to his experience and very powerful. Combined with the pleasures of stroking his inflated cock and balls, he was almost convinced to forgo the return to full masculinity. He made it to orgasm before he tossed the X-21 out the window and then grew so frightened by his wild reaction to his feminized self that he set into reversing the effects of Blue X-22 as soon as he could, which meant immediatly.

Just for good measure, Scott brought himself to two orgasms in a row with his original formula. It took quite a while to make it to the second (really third) orgasm even with the added effects of the tingly green fluid but when he did the orgasm was just as powerful as all the others had been.

Scott just lay there and stared at the blue movie distractedly as he drifted into sleep. He did his best to keep his hands away from his breasts as the hot action on the screen began to penetrate his exhausted mind and started to counteract his wrung-out balls and slightly sore cock. He was successful right up until just before he fell asleep, and he was so out of it by then that he didn't even notice the sensations his right hand generated as it began idly stroking his right nipple. In fact those sensations both lulled him fully to sleep and directed him into erotic (if a little kinky) dreams.

He woke up some time after midnight out of those same dreams to find himself liberally covered with his own cum - he had had a wet dream, several actually, by the amount of sticky fluid coating his chest and legs. He examined his body by moonlight and was relieved to see that it was back to its pre-X-22 state - no more breasts, a properly masculine stomach and ass, and a 14-inch cock once again.

So one problem - his effeminization - was solved, but he still had one left: a monster cock capable of ripping through a pair of 501s. He had to figure out what to do with his new endowment to keep it under control.

He also wanted to determine the ultimate effects of his two formulae. In particular, he wanted to know whether Blue X-22 could have made him into a full woman, and whether X-21 was capable of transforming a woman into a man. But how could he find volunteer test subjects if he couldn't leave the apartment?

He thought about the problem for a long time. Finally he realized that he was just going to have to get George's help.

But George presented a personal problem for Scott. George was two years younger than Scott and very handsome. They had met just the year before in a chem lab Scott was TAing. They had moved in together at the end of the school year and were getting to be really good friends.

Still, at times George made Scott nervous. He seemed a little - well, odd. And Scott, at times, felt a little odd around George. In vulnerable moments, especially when drunk or when inhibitions were down, he sensed in himself some rather strong and uncomfortable feelings for George. There were times when he was sure that George reciprocated those feelings, which only made Scott even more nervous. Scott was very sure of his sexual orientation - he was not gay! He was as completely heterosexual as it was possible to be, and he often called up his list of conquests in his mind when he was feeling "strange" around George to prove it. Too bad no one had ever told him about bisexuality.

What this meant was that he felt funny about asking George for help in this area. Though George was only a Freshman-soon-to-be-Sophomore, he had a large store of practical physiological knowledge. Scott knew what would be the best way to 'fix' his newly-created problem: a valve that could be opened and closed externally that would prohibit or at the least curtail the flow of blood to the erectile tissues of his cock without restricting the flow of life sustaining blood. Scott knew that it should work - George would know whether it could be done, and he could design it. Installation was another whole kettle of fish, but Scott had a few friends at Wilstone General who were likely capable and might even be willing.

So it was with a bit of trepidation that Scott rehearsed a little speech to present to George when he awoke that morning. He went over it, touched it up, and when it was a perfect as it was likely to get he went into the kitchen to await his roommate.

George arrived eventually and listened with apparent calm to Scott's little discourse. Scott was so taken aback by George's total lack of reaction that he felt compelled to prove he wasn't telling a story by opening his robe and revealing the newly augmented equipment in question. The exhibitionistic display made the cock rise swiftly into full erection and Scott's hand began to automatically stroke it into orgasmic submission.

George's eyes lit up when he saw Scott's enormous cock. He knew then that Scott's story was true because he knew for certain just how long Scott's cock had been before. He wasn't surprised by Scott's actions either - Scott's speech had been brief but complete. However, George couldn't let the erection go to waste so he casually slipped out of his chair and between Scott's legs, and replaced Scott's slowly moving hand with his own hands and mouth.

Scott gasped as George took the head of his cock into his mouth. Scott had been blown before but he knew right from the start that George was an expert. His tongue was silky soft and feather light and his fingers moved with an amazing delicacy as if George was playing a musical instrument.

Scott leaned back in the kitchen chair and closed his eyes as George slurpped his mouth over half of his massive cock - the most he would be able to ingest without more practice. Scott began to drift into ecstasy, becoming less and less aware of who was pleasuring him and more and more aware of the pleasure itself. The orgasm that finally hit him was as massive as ever and when he opened his eyes he saw that George had a faceful of the cum he wasn't able to ingest as Scott's cock had spewed it forth.

George wiped his face clean and said, "Scott, I'll be happy to help you with your 'little' problem if you let me test your blue formula - all the way."

"You mean...?"

"Yes, " said George. "I have always wondered what it would feel like to be a woman - a complete woman, inside and out. Your formula is a perfect way to find out, and it is both cheap and probably reversable. I'm volunteering with full knowledge of the expected results - you aren't going to find many who will do that, you know. What do you say?"

"Okay, sure, if you want to. How if I can just find a woman who wants a cock I can test X-21 as well...."

George called both of them in sick at work then went to work on Scott's preliminary designs for the cock valve. And, after a nice lunch, George made ready for his first test of Blue X-22.

He went into his room and stripped, then came back out to present himself to Scott and his camera. Scott took several pictures of the very handsome and naked young man before George took the beaker of the blue formula back into his room.

Somewhere around midnight, George came into Scott's room and woke him up. Scott opened his eyes to see a changed roommate.

George had only been slightly feminized, in much the same way he had been after his first use of the blue elixir. But, though the change was just a little more than minimal it proved that Blue X-22 worked on someone who had never used Green X-21.

George's face was just a little longer than before, with higher cheekbones. He had tiny cones jutting from his naked chest bearing pert little nipples right at their tips. His waist had been thinned a bit, and his hips had flared by about the same amount. His ass had filled out somewhat, too. The rest of his body had softened in a general way, and his hair had grown about two inches longer and several shaded lighter than its original golden blond. And his formerly 8.5 inch cock was now just a fraction over 6 inches long.

Scott took more pictures and found that his cock had erected somewhere in the midst of the photo session. When he was through with the pictures, George came over and boldly began stroking Scott's cock. He just stood there and let his roommate excite him at first, but after a short time of examining George's half (plus or minus a few eighths) feminized body Scott decided that it wasn't fair to his roommate to be doing all the work. His pre-conceived notions of his own orientation were casually ignored as he took George in his arms and kissed him. He didn't even bother to try to rationalize his heterosexuality back into the picture with the argument that George was going to be a woman totally very soon as he lowered his head to George's little nipples and began to suck. His mind had expanded beyond the point of assigning labels to partners and he just wanted to give pleasure to a friend - who was perhaps more.

When both nipples were shiny wet and standing up stiffly, Scott licked a wet trail down George's stomach to his pubic hair. Settling himself on his knees and bracing his courage (as the old Scott tried to reassert himself), he extended his tongue and touched it to George's reduced cock.

Lightning didn't strike him and he didn't even gag. Heartened (and shoving the old Scott back in the garbage can he belonged in for good), he began to lick at the cock and finally went so far as to take it all into his mouth. It tasted okay, he thought. Not bad at all.

Scott's first blow job was crude and amateurish but that was to be expected. George still got off and he thanked Scott by returning the favor with a lot more style and flair. Then, after both reassured each other about what had happened, George returned to his room for another session with the blue formula.

George was even more feminine the next morning. Face, hair, waist, arms and legs were all more female. His hair color was corn-silk blond and Scott thought that it would probably end up naturally platinum. His chest - now undeniably breasts - had filled out to a nice 36C cup, gaining the proper pear shape along with the added volume. His hips and ass had also filled out, giving him a very sexy behind, and a comfortably curvy figure. His cock had shrunk to barely three inches when erect and almost invisible when soft. His balls had shrunk at a pace with his cock.

George made some phone calls to a messenger service (doing his best to deepen his voice), some engineering friends, and a womens' shop that delivered. After a good hearty breakfast, he posed for another set of photos. Then, as the last time, Scott sucked George's tiny cock after a suitable and exciting round of foreplay with his very nice breasts. Both were surprised by the amount of cum generated by that little organ. And George once again returned the favor and relieved Scott's cock of its build up.

The two deliveries came at almost the same time. George gave the messenger the plans for the valve and the address of the friends he had called, and he generously tipped the young man who came with the lingerie and clothes from the boutique. Then he said, "Well, it will take time for the boys at the shop to produce your valve, Scott. Why don't we use the time wisely, eh? Care to help me go the final mile?"

Scott readily agreed and he followed George into his bedroom, joining him on the bed. They both took a handful of the slightly viscous blue liquid and began to massage George's groin with it. Scott employed his other hand and mouth on George's breasts, and Geroge stroked Scott's cock with his un-blued hand.

They worked slowly and intensely, generating as much pleasure as they possibly could. Scott wanted to suck George's cock one last time but he wasn't at all sure of what would happen if he ingested the blue formula. So he settled for masturbating it fervently, which was a bit difficult as it was so small and George was at work down there as well. But they both cooperated and George loved it.

Midway through, Scott added another portion of the blue liquid, just to be sure. He wasn't at all sure (again) just what would happen if the full transformation couldn't be made all at once, and he didn't want George to end up in a dangerous half-state.

They spent almost two hours fondling each other and George's cock before first George and then Scott exploded in massive and moving orgasms. George fell asleep immediately and Scott was contented enough and tired enough to follow suit.

When Scott woke up he was alone in George's bed. He rolled over and stretched, then sat up. He briefly wondered where George was and was about to go find him when the subject of his interest arrived in the doorway with a little "ta daaa!"

Scott's jaw dropped open and his cock rocketed erect. George stood there naked and all woman, and more beautiful than ever. The blue formula had done its work to perfection - in fact, there was very little of the old George left in the person standing in the doorway.

He - she! - now had waist-length platinum blond hair framing a very long and oval face. Only the nose and eyes were even faintly the old George, and both were considerably more feminine. Her arms and legs were sleek and slender and shapely. Her waist was tiny and flat between a pair of 40D breasts that were creamy and round and mouth-watering, and wide sexy hips that sported a nice cushiony ass. Centered on those hips was a brief strip of silvery pubic hair just above a pair of bulging and purely feminine cunt lips.

"Um, hi George...uh, what should I call you now anyway? You certainly aren't a George anymore!"

"I decided I wanted to be called Alicia after looking at myself for an hour earlier. Like it?"

"Definitely. Alicia. Beautiful, just like you."

"Speaking of beautiful, Scott, I seem to have acquired a full set of feminine cravings with this body and that huge cock of yours is making my new cunt itch something awful. Could you maybe do something about it for me?"

Scott grinned a cheshire grin and said, "With the utmost pleasure, Alicia love. For both of us, of course, or I won't be doing it right. Come here, you gorgeous thing, you..." And he fell back on the bed spread-eagled, his cock hard enough to stand perpendicular.

Alicia nee-George walked up to the bed between Scott's legs and hugged his cock, rubbing it all over her stomach and stooping so she could rub it over her breasts as well.

Scott decided to let Alicia have the lead - after all, his cock was monstrous and Alicia was a virgin. Besides, what she was doing felt so good that he didn't need to do anything more.

Scott's augmented cock was thin enough to fit within Alicia's mouth, which hadn't changed much since she was George. When she had had her fill of stroking herself with it, she held his cock straight up and closed her lips around the head. As she began to feed as much of it as she could get into her mouth, she repositioned herself over Scott's knee and began to grind her cunt into it. Scott thrilled to the wet and warm feeling of Alicia's cunt on his knee, and the identical but different feeling of her mouth over his cock. He was incredably excited, but he could tell that his orgasm was a long way off.

Uncountable minutes later, Alicia's cunt-itch got the better of her and she stopped sucking Scott's cock. She scooted him around so he was completely on the bed and stood up over his groin, his cock aimed directly at her needing cunt.

She lowered herself down until the head of his cock touched her opening. Then, moving slower, she sank onto the cock, stretching her virgin cunt walls excitingly. Her progress continued until she felt Scott's cock come up against a thin blockage of tissue, and she knew that she actually had a hymen for Scott to break.

Alicia lifted back off a bit, then dropped several inched. She felt a moment of pain, very brief, and a warm wetness that she knew was blood. She was so exhilarated by the concept that she let her full weight bear on their union and she sank down all the way onto Scott's cock.

Almost miraculously, Alicia was more than able to accomodate Scott's endowment. After the slight discomfort of the initial too-fast intrusion, her cunt began to gush like a waterfall and they began to fuck like a well oiled engine. Scott grabbed Alicia's hips and helped her piston up and down for the full fourteen inches. There was little but the standard up and down in that, their first fuck, but what they lacked in variation they made up in passion. Still and even so, her last and their mutual orgasm didn't come for almost a full hour. As they fell asleep in each other's arms, they were both well satisfied with life and each other.

The valve came eventually and was installed, finally allowing Scott to leave the apartment. A black market deal got Alicia a real identity and she and Scott were married. And they both got incredibly rich from careful underground sales of both the green and blue formulas, while living a cover life selling derivatives of them as sexual aids confering staying power and orgasm enhancement. And they lived, of course, happily ever after.

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