TG: Herlez by Sandy Sullivan

By Nostrumo

Published on Aug 27, 1995



From agate!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail Thu Aug 31 09:33:55 1995 Path: agate!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail Newsgroups: Organization: The Testsite Lines: 674 Message-ID: 41og83$2kt@nienor.IN-Berlin.DE NNTP-Posting-Host: Follow-Up: X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #13 (NOV)


Here we have a story which I found a while ago. I asume that this will be a repost, but I don't know for sure. I didn't saw this story here.

As ever I didn't write this story and didn't put any claim on it. Any constructive comments are welcome and flames > /dev/null.

I hope some people will enjoy the story



cut here with a sharp knife <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


by Sandy Sullivan

It all seems to natural now, but when it all first started, I wasn't sure what to think of it. I was in my third year of college, when I met her. She was absolutely perfect to me. She had a gorgeous very shapely body, shoulder length beige blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and her voice sounded like music.

She was very self confident and assured, and I was infatuated with her. I spent every waking moment thinking about her but just could not get up enough courage to approach her. I was only 5'6" and had a very small bone structure for a man, I also had little body hair and had not yet started to grow a beard. Doctors had told me not to worry that I was just going to be a person who matured late.

Our first date went like most usually do, dinner, dancing, ending with a cordial but definite goodnight at her door. But on the second date, her dominant nature became apparent, she suggested we skip the dancing and go back to her apartment. We started kissing and soon we were undressed and in each others arms. She asked me if I would let her dress me up in her clothes. I was surprised at her request and somewhat perturbed that she assumed the idea would be acceptable to me. She assured me it would be great fun, and since I didn't have any body hair or beard at all, it would be easy.

She gave me a quick scented bubble bath, and dried me off. She quickly helped me put on one of her bra's and a pair of her panties. Then she showed me how to tuck my penis back between my legs so that I showed no bulge in the panties. After this, she grabbed a garter belt and some stockings and helped me put them on. Now the bra still looked pretty stupid without anything filling it, so she went over to her drawer and pulled out a pair of breast forms and placed them into the bra. I asked her why she had them and she promptly stated that she had them because she absolutely loved men in dresses and kept them for just such occasions. I was a little disturbed that this wasn't just a spontaneous idea, but she was positive with every thing and seemed to be excited that I had agreed to let her dress me.

Next she sat me down to do my hair. My hair was past my shoulders to about the middle of my shoulder blades on my back, and I had never really cut the sides either, so she was pleased with that. She started working on my hair with a heat curlers. While the curlers were in, she starting putting make up on me. It all felt pretty neat, especially the lipstick, it was so creamy. Next came some perfume, and then she removed the rollers and started working with my hair. She wouldn't let me look at what she was doing.

She then led me back to her bedroom where she gave me a full slip to put on and then a cute little dress for me to step into it. It was somewhat low cut in front with lace edging and had a full skirt. She put a belt on me and pulled it very tight to pull my waist in and put a pair of her pumps on me. I was surprised they fit. She then painted my fingernails a coral pink and had me stand up. The pumps only had about 2 inch heels and I had very little difficulty walking in them. She led me over to the mirror, and I couldn't believe it was me. Well, she then got dressed herself again, and we sat and drank and talked for about half the night. At the end of the night, she talked me into going home dressed the way I was. It was a little scary, but she convinced me that no one was going to realize who or what I was, so I did it. After that night, she started dressing me up every time we got together. I was really beginning to enjoy it, although I could not understand why. We had never had intercourse and although we would kiss and she would caress and fondle me she always stopped short of allowing me to come. She taught me how to walk, talk, sit, and everything else she could and started taking me out dressed that way. She started giving me women's clothes, and within a month after we started the little game, I would just get dressed as she instructed before she would even pick me up. I even started wearing dresses when we weren't getting together.

When classes were over at the end of the spring semester, we had become inseparable, and I wanted to get engaged she said that would not be possible until I had met her family. She said I needed to meet them and they wanted to meet me and she would not be able to give me an answer until then. I was very disappointed but told her I would be glad to accompany to her home for that purpose. She said if everything went alright at the meeting we could spend the summer together there. I went back to wearing my male clothes for our trip. I did not know it at the time but she had packed most of my feminine clothing in with hers.

When we arrived at her parents house, we were greeted by three stunningly beautiful women. I was a little confused since she had said that she had a brother.

That's when she explained to me that after months of constant suggestions and encouragement from her mother and herself, her father and brother realized what a troubled, dissatisfying and unsuccessful life that they were living as males, and agreed to let them start feminizing them.

The women immediately put them on female hormones and after several years of hormones, certain other procedures, and intensive training no one could possibly discover that two of these beautiful women had originally been men. She introduced her mother Victoria to me, and I could see where she got her figure from. But I was really surprised to find out which ones were her father and brother. They were even more shapely than the genetic women, having much larger breasts. She told me they both required D cups in their brassiere's. She introduced them as Jaime' (had been her brother James) and Phyliss (had been her dad) Phillip.

I asked how men could get such large breasts. She laughed and said that they both had been given breast implants as her mother had decided that they should be able to experience the joy of being female to the fullest extent. They had also been required to wear tightly laced corsets constantly to train their figures.

When they had finally agreed with the women to submit to their desires, they had both quit their jobs and enrolled in beauty college to be trained for their new careers. Now they all worked together in the family beauty salon that her mother owned before getting married.

Pam then asked me what I thought about what they had done to her father and brother. I said I was a little stunned, and certainly found it unusual, but that it was quite interesting. That's when she told me she expected me to let her do all of that to me! She said it was all part of being accepted into her family. To say I was shocked would certainly be an understatement. The idea of actually having such things done to you to look like a woman had never entered my mind. Sure, I had been wearing womens clothing and makeup and letting her style my hair, but that was just temporary, and even though I had begun to really like it, she was talking about things that would be obvious and could not be undone!

I said that I was surprised at her request and although I had been agreeing with her requests so far I wasn't sure that I wanted to get involved in looking like a woman for the rest of my life. It was obvious that she was not pleased at my answer, and she promptly reminded me of how much I enjoyed dressing up with her. She then said I had asked her to get engaged and if I expected her to agree to an engagement and eventual marriage it must be on those terms. After a few moments I thought why not agree, at least it might keep everyone from being too upset, and I did not want to blow this first meeting with her family. I could go along with them while I was here and when we got back to school I could then convince her that she didn't really want to do those things to me. Anyway I could go along for a few weeks with the harmless things like wearing makeup and clothes and I could always refuse if she wanted to go too far. And besides it might be fun just for the summer, after all it seemed like her brother and father were very happy in their new persona. After some hesitation as they all waited for my answer, I agreed to allow her to do everything she wanted to do to me so I could become a member of her family. She had made it plain that I would have to agree if I ever expected to have a sexual relationship with her.

It was right after I agreed, that her mother left the room and immediately returned with a syringe and gave me my first shot of female hormones. I was surprised that they intended to start so soon but since I had just agreed I had to accept the shot and act like I was pleased.

I was then required to get dressed in the feminine clothes that she had brought, and I spent the rest of the month that way, having all of them help me dress, teach me how to apply makeup, and styling and restyling my hair. All of her family worked in the family owned beauty salon so each day Pam and I would do all of the house work and meal preparation.

Since we were alone all day we were having a wonderful time as she taught me how to cook and perform all of the other tasks involved in housekeeping. Of course we spent a lot of time in bed together and I must admit I had never been happier and my earlier concerns about her desires to do things to me like they had her father and brother had faded during this time. Even though we were now engaged Pam would not allow intercourse but she patiently instructed me in how to please her by using my mouth and tongue. Within a week or two she no longer had to fondle my penis as I began to climax with her while licking and kissing her womanhood. My only concern at this time was each day her mother would bring another syringe and inject me with more female hormones.

Being injected every day was starting to worry me,as I thought if this goes on all summer it might start affecting me before we went back to school where I would have a chance to talk Pam out of this crazy plan of hers.

She and the other girls decided that they should completely restyle my hair as it wasn't really flattering and was a lot of trouble to style. Since we had started going together she had insisted that I keep letting it grow and now it was so long it reached the middle of my back. While we were still at school I had worn it in a ponytail most of the time, but since we had been here the girls had all taken turns rolling, braiding, and trying different things with it. But they all said it was just too long and too straight.

Early Friday morning the whole family brought me to the family's beauty salon, so they could work on me before the regular appointments arrived. I really was hesitant to go but they all insisted because it would make me look so much better. They assured me that I would really enjoy the experience. As soon as we arrived her mother immediately brought me to a shampoo bowl and washed my hair. So far the girls had been right, as she was massaging my scalp I had to admit I had never had such a relaxing and pleasant experience when washing my hair in the shower. She led me to her styling chair and began to shape and trim my hair, this was surprising since Pam had made so much over my long hair and wouldn't let me get it trimmed all year. Slightly alarmed I asked Pam if she had changed her mind and now wanted my hair cut.

Everyone had arranged chairs around us, as her mother had directed, so they would be able to see everything. She told me that she and her mother had discussed everything in advance and she was sure that I was going to be very happy with the results. I was still very nervous, but it had started to seem to me after the first few days that everything they had suggested to make me more feminine was very appropriate and I was beginning to have this strange compulsion or desire to submit. ( I did not know that the first effects of female hormones were to cause mental changes and that I was already beginning to think like a female , nor did I know that they were giving me the injections every day because they were using a highly soluble form of hormones that was rapidly utilized by the body.

My wife explained this to me much later, only after she had accomplished all of the changes she had planned. She said that this method was actually a type of shock therapy designed to cause the maximum amount of mental changes and chemical castration as soon as possible. This would destroy my will to resist and would cause me to become very submissive and compliant.)

Her mother completed the trimming and now Jaime' and Victoria, one on each side, were rolling my hair on small plastic sticks they called rods. Victoria was telling the size rod she wanted to use as they continued until all my hair was rolled tightly to my scalp on these rods. The chair I was seated in was facing a wall that had mirrors arranged so you could see the front and both sides of yourself.

From the first day they had been applying makeup on me, trying different combinations, and they had finally convinced me to let them shape my eyebrows and now they were much narrower and highly arched. Looking at myself in the mirror with full makeup and my hair rolled on these small rods, I was amazed at how much they had changed my appearance in such a short time, and I began to tremble, whether with fear of what they were doing to me or excitement because of it, I wasn't sure.

Pam opened a box and removed two plastic bottles, after opening them she poured the contents of one into the other, put the pointed top on it and vigorously shook it to mix it. She then snipped the end off the pointed tip and began to apply this strong smelling solution to my hair that was rolled on each of the rods. As I didn't know what they were doing I asked Pam why she was putting that smelly stuff on my hair. She replied that was how you did permanent waves, you rolled the hair on the proper size rod for the amount of curl you wanted and then applied the perm solution to soften the hair and make it assume the shape of the rods. I asked by permanent do you mean my hair is going to stay in the shape of these small rods! The whole family smiled as she said of course that's why we are doing this, we want you to have a very curly perm. With a curly perm for support, after we set and dry your hair it will be fluffy, bouncy and very feminine. After she finished applying the perm solution she placed a plastic bag over my hair and fastened it in front with a small plastic clip. She said it would take twenty minutes for the perm to process.

She turned my chair around to face the family and with a very stern expression asked me why I had expressed concern about having my hair permed. When I said that yes I was concerned, and that going from straight hair to very curly hair seemed like a very drastic step. She replied that getting your hair permed might be new to me, but compared to the many other things she had planned this was a very minor change.

She then asked if my concern over an everyday beauty treatment meant I was having second thoughts about letting her do everything to me that they had done to her father and brother. When I hesitated, she reminded me in a very dominating voice that I had agreed to those conditions in the presence of the whole family, and that they had accepted me on that basis. She was obviously upset with me and said that I was humiliating and embarrassing her in front of her family by questioning anything she wanted done to me. She then said that if I wanted to go back on my word that she would take me back to their house as soon as the perm was finished processing and I could leave immediately! But if I did she would never see me again!

The silence in the salon was deafening, I kept opening and closing my mouth but I could not make words come out, I wanted to say yes and then I wanted to say no. My mind was speeding back and forth from desire to continue our relationship to a paralyzing fear of how far she would go in feminizing me. She reached out and took my hand and led me back to the shampoo bowl telling me the perm was through processing and we needed to rinse the perm solution out and apply the neutralizer. As we walked toward that area I realized that every member of the family was staring at me obviously waiting for my answer. She removed the plastic cap and rinsed my hair for several minutes, and then blotted it with a towel. She then snipped the top off of another squeeze bottle and began applying the neutralizing solution to my hair, as she bent over me she said that the perm was almost complete and as soon as she had rinsed the neutralizer out and removed the rods that we were going back to the styling chair and at that time If I did not confirm our prior agreement that I would have to leave immediately.

Her voice was very cold and emotionless and her stern expression hurt me very deeply. She said almost in a whisper that if I let her do as she wanted she would make me very happy, and that I would always be thankful that I had made that decision. She also said if I decided against her wishes I would never know the great joy that I could experience by allowing her to change me into a woman.

She returned me to the styling chair and faced it to the mirrors and started combing through my hair. My long hair was now a mass of spiral curls and I realized what I would look like if I had to leave now. She turned the chair around to face her family and asked me if I intended to confirm my earlier agreement to allow her to do to me what they had done to Phyliss and Jaime. I was finally able to manage very weak yes in reply. She then told me to raise my eyes up and look at her and said do you agree that you will accept every treatment or process that I want you to under go. I said in a slightly stronger voice that I would. She then asked if I would agree to have my body and face shaped by medications and surgical procedures in whatever manner she desired, and I said yes that I would agree to her every desire. At that moment she bent down, placed her hands on each side of my head and turned my face up for a kiss. As she kissed me she sucked out all of my breath and pushed her tongue as deeply as it would go into my mouth and then held my head tightly to prevent me from pulling back. I began to feel faint and as she continued to caress my mouth with her tongue I had a tremendous climax! It seemed as if my whole body was just flowing out through my penis. When she felt me relaxing from weakness she stepped back and said to me I told you I could make you very happy. Everyone must have known what had happened, but chose to ignore it to save me the embarrassment, each one then kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug in acceptance of my submission.

I was totally shaken and confused by what had just happened, but now understood that Pam had expected and planned this to happen. While dressing me that morning she had tucked my penis between my legs and placed a large sanitary napkin in my panties explaining the pad was in case I got too excited and had an accident. She then told me to pull my panties up snugly to hold everything in place. She had never had me wear a pad before so I thought it was unusual. Her comment about an accident seemed odd at the time since we both had noticed that it had taken me a long time last night to get erect. Obviously she knew some things she wasn't telling me since I had just filled that pad without having an erection! I didn't know such a thing was possible.

Victoria then took charge and reminded everyone that was almost time to open and for them to get ready for their first appointments.

Pam helped me to the ladies room as my legs were still weak and trembling. She had me stand and hold up my dress while she removed my panties and sanitary napkin. She smiled and showed me how much fluid was in the pad and asked if I had ever had a better climax. I admitted that nothing had ever come close to that feeling. She very sweetly washed me and then handed me a fresh napkin and said that I should wear one all the time from now on since once that first emission occurred I would be likely to have what she called spontaneous emissions at almost any time. I told her I didn't understand how that could happen without having an erection. She said that I was already beginning to receive the rewards she had promised me and that now I would not have to worry about erections as I received more hormones and other treatments I would soon have all of my orgasms just like the other women did.

She then took me back to her mother who started rolling my hair up on some hollow plastic tubes and secured them in place with several metal clips. While she was rolling my hair her mother told me that I had made a very wise decision and if I would try very hard to accept her daughters wishes that I would began to experi- ence wonderful feelings as I became more feminized.

She said that I was in the most difficult period right now, but after the hormones began to take effect and my breasts started growing I would really be very happy and would even become impatient because I would want to have more and more things done to me so I could be beautiful and feminine.I had been just sitting there while she rolled my hair and not realizing it I had actually been enjoying it and although I would not admit it I was now actually anxious for her to finish with my hair because I really wanted to see how pretty it would be. But her comment about my breasts growing almost brought me back to reality. I had secretly been worrying to myself because my nipples had been so tender for the last couple of weeks and had this wonderful tingling when I touched them.

I had not told anyone about this I guess because I didn't want to face the fact that something was happening and I was enjoying it. Obviously if my breasts did start growing I was going to have a much harder time going back to my old self when the summer was over. Worse yet was that I had started checking every morning to see if they had grown any and now had to admit it was because I was wanted them to. Oh' what was happening to me I shouldn't be enjoying having my hair permed and be wanting my breasts to grow BUT I WAS!

Pam came back just as her mother finished setting my hair and she took me over to a row of hair drying chairs, placed a dryer hood over my hair and handed me a some womens magazines, she said she would check on me in a few minutes and turned the dryer on.

I was just opening the first magazine when Jaime brought a manicure table over and said Pam had told him to do my nails. I found that a little strange since our first day at her family's house she made me let them grow and had Jaime file and polish them every few days, they even had a fresh polish job on them now. She placed one of my hands on the table and began removing the polish. We couldn't talk without shouting because of the noise from the hair dryer, and the heat was making me drowsy anyway, so I put the books down and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

I guess I had been aware that she was doing a lot of shaping and buffing but it felt so good napping I didn't even open my eyes to watch.

Pam had turned the dryer off and was pushing on my shoulder to wake me up. Jaime was gone, when I awoke and I smiled at Pam and said that I must have been really sleeping. I looked at my nails then and discovered that they were now very long, extending at least 3/8" past the ends of my fingers. She saw me looking and said those are ceramic nails and they have been glued to yours. Jaime had done them in a deep vibrant red and they were extremely shiny. I didn't know if I would be able to do anything with them , but they were absolutely beautiful. I must have been staring at them for a while because Pam asked me if I liked them, not thinking I said Oh' I love them they are so lovely, thank you for having them done. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wondered why did you say that? But the words had just sort of bubbled out. Even while I was thinking I shouldn't say anything to encourage her I looked at my hands and was thrilled all over again. ( If you are thinking that I was confused, saying one thing and then thinking another, you are right.I kept telling myself to try not to show approval for what she was doing to me but I was loving everything that was happening. I had even been thrilled to see myself with my hair all set on the rollers. (I thought to myself, quit resisting, you can change it all back as soon as you get back to school. Why not go ahead and enjoy everything now.)

Pam took me back to her mother's styling chair and Victoria removed all the rollers and pins and then placed a shiny satin like bonnet over my hair. Pam said that would protect my hair while I was getting a facial. As we walked through the salon that was now filled with patrons, I was conscious of the swishing of my stockings and the clicking of my heels. I was even more conscious of the fact that I liked the feel and sound of them.

I had noticed that Phyliss, Jaime and I all had on heels, while all the "real" women in the family were wearing low quarter nurses type shoes. I also had noticed that Victoria wore uniforms with pants and tops, and Phyliss and Jaime always wore uniform dresses with hose and high heels. I was wondering if there was some significance in this when I saw that of the other beauticians working in the shop some wore pants and some wore dresses. Pam noticed me looking all around,

and asked me what I was doing. I told her what I had been wondering about and she began laughing and then said that I was very perceptive because as far as she knew no one had ever discovered that there really was a pattern in their dress codes. She explained that everyone that had been born as females wore pants as a symbol of their superiority, and those who had been born male were never allowed to wear pants again. She laughed again when she saw that I was puzzled and said come on in the office with me and I will tell you all about it while we wait for Phyliss to finish with her present appointment.

She said that many years ago her mother had a continuous problem keeping beauticians at work. They were always getting pregnant or moving away when they got married and that most of the young ones were just working until they could find a husband anyway. During this time a young man had come in her salon and asked her if she would be willing to style his hair. She said of course she would and told him when to come back for his appoint- ment. When he returned he had even brought a picture of how he wanted his hair to look, she said that picture in the frame on the corner of mothers desk is the one she took of him when she had finished. I saw a pretty face and a curly hairstyle that had been popular some years back, as I remembered several of the ladies at the orphanage where I had lived had worn their hair in that style, and it seemed they were always going to the beauty salon to as they said "have their hair done". said that I didn't understand the connection in that story. She replied that I had not heard the whole story yet, she said that her mother had given him a perm and set his hair and that when she had finished he had begun to cry. Thinking she might have done something wrong she began to comfort him and assure him that if any thing wasn't just like he wanted she would do everything she could to make him happy. He said that she had done his hair perfectly and that he was just so happy he could not help but cry. As they continued to talk she learned that he had always wanted to be a girl but until he had graduated from school his mother who he still lived with had made him live completely as a boy. He had been unable to get a job in any of the normal male occupations of the time and had become so despondent that his mother had let him dress as a girl and let his hair grow. His mother was a widow and they had been able to live on their social security but now he would soon be too old and would not receive any more checks. He would join the service just to have an income so his mother and he could continue to keep their home. Since his birthday was only six months away he had decided to have his hair done and live as a girl until the last minute. After he left Victoria continued to think about him to see if there was any way she could help. Although she had refused to let him pay her and told him to come back twice a week so she could keep his hair looking nice, she still wanted to help him find a way to be happy. She thought of the perfect way the next day when her first appointment for the day arrived. Dr. Patricia Manning was her gynecologist and long time friend, while she was doing her hair she asked her if it really was possible to change a man into a woman as she had read in some of those tabloids. Dr. Manning assured her that it certainly was and that during her surgical residency she had served on the gender reassignment team of the foremost New York hospital and had personally participated in the conversion of over twenty formerly male patients.

Victoria learned some more of the details from her and then an idea began to form of how she could solve her problem of keeping beauticians and perhaps help that young man. She met with the young man and his mother and offered to pay his way through beauty college, hire him to perform all the cleanup and maid duties at her shop, and pay for his complete change into a woman. She asked in return that the son agree to work for her at regular wages for as long as she owned a salon.

Of course they were thrilled at the offer and he, now she, has been one of Victoria's most devoted and loyal employees since. As time went on other young men became candidates for this program, and by the time she had converted eight more, her thoughts had turned to her sorry husband and worthless son. Neither one could keep a job very long, and were always drinking and getting in trouble. Victoria had noted that all of her converts were polite, had very mild and sweet dispositions, and were very subservient and respectful to her. It was then that we decided to convert my father and brother. You can see how successful that has been. Now all the female members of this family are committed to each other that any male brought in to this family must be completely converted and trained to serve us and the welfare of the family. And now we are very happy that you are joining us, and when you have been properly prepared we can then get married.

I believe Phyliss has a free period now so lets get her started on your facial. Pam told Phyliss she wanted me to have a complete facial and to remove the regrowth on my eyebrows. Phyliss had me lay back on the table, and began removing my makeup she then put a pack on my face and placed some pads over my eyes and told me to relax for ten minutes while the pack worked. Next she removed the pack and placed some more pads over my eyes and said she was going to turn the lights up brighter so she could see better to work on my eyebrows. I had mentioned to Pam several days ago that the hair they plucked was growing back and she told me she had known that but she was going to let Phyliss work on them.

When she began working it was really stinging and I told her it sure was hurting more this time. She said it was probably because the facial had made my skin tender. After what seemed an eternity she finally removed the eye pads and began rubbing my whole face with an astringent, boy did it burn when she put it on my eyebrows. Finally she began to apply makeup again and I was glad to be getting through in here.

Besides I had been wanting to see what my hair was going to look like now that I had been given a curly perm.

Phyliss pressed the intercom and told P am I was ready. I thanked her and she told me it was her pleasure, and that it was always gratifying to her when she could help Victoria with one of her projects and especially so since I was Pamela's. She said she would never be able to thank her wife and daughters for all they had done for her. Pam escorted me back to her mothers chair and I noticed that there was no one in the shop being worked on. When we reached Victoria's all of the family and employees were in the immediate area and were apparently waiting for "the unveiling". Victoria turned the chair to face my audience, removed the bonnet, and began brushing and combing my hair. As she worked it was obvious some were making comments to Pam about me, and I could hear every word, they were telling her how lovely I was, and what an excellent choice she had made. I guess it was then that I realized that she had chosen me, I had initiated our first conversation and had thought that I had been in control of our courtship. I now knew that control had been hers after the first time I let her dress me in her clothes. Their comments were embarrassing me, and I know I must have been blushing, because I was starting to feel trembley and excited. I was wishing Victoria would finish as I was anxious to see the results my self. Victoria began spraying and placing my hair with her fingers so I knew she must almost be through, at that moment she stepped back, looked at Pam and said "well?". The family and employees began oohing and aahing and as Pam turned me to face the mirrors they began to applaud.

The creature in the mirror was absolutely gorgeous, perfect make up, highly arched brows, and masses of flowing curls and waves cascading down over her shoulders with some curls laying in front of her shoulders. Pam was looking at me in the mirror and when she caught my eye she gave me a questioning look, I looked back at myself and told her "I love it and I love you for doing it to me". Just at that moment Victoria handed her something and she placed it on my ear. Holding my ear she said I am going to pierce your ears now. I opened my mouth to protest just as she squeezed, I felt a sharp pain, heard a small pop and shuddered as I began another spontaneous emission. When she touched my other ear my flow seemed to increase, she pierced it and I fainted. When I came to everyone except Pam and Victoria had gone back to their places. They were both smiling at me when I came to and Pam was kissing me and telling me how proud she was of me, Victoria was patting my hand and told me how well I had done. Pam said as soon as we get you cleaned up again, I am going to take you home so you can rest you have really had a big day!

For the next six weeks Pam and I were alone at the house all day, on the days the family was at work. We did housework and she continued to teach me, only now she was teaching me how to walk, sit, hold my hands, get in and out of a car, etc. I didn't know there was so much to learn. Twice a week we would go shopping for new clothes and to the salon to have our hair and nails done. I had begun to relish being pampered at the salon and was always anxious to go. After several weeks had


From agate!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail Thu Aug 31 09:33:56 1995 Path: agate!!!!fub!sauveur!nienor!nienor!not-for-mail From: nostrumo@nienor.IN-Berlin.DE (Nostrumo) Newsgroups: Subject: TG: Herlez by Sandy Sullivan (2/2) Date: 27 Aug 1995 03:07:22 +0200 Organization: The Testsite Lines: 539 Message-ID: 41ogga$2m4@nienor.IN-Berlin.DE NNTP-Posting-Host: Follow-Up: X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #13 (NOV)


Here we have a story which I found a while ago. I asume that this will be a repost, but I don't know for sure. I didn't saw this story here.

As ever I didn't write this story and didn't put any claim on it. Any constructive comments are welcome and flames > /dev/null.

I hope some people wouldlike the story



cut here with a sharp knife <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

2 Herlez______________________________________________by_Sandy_Sullivan_______

passed, I asked Pam why my eyebrows had not grown back in. She replied because when Phyliss did them for you she used the electrolysis machine to remove that hair permanently. Strangely enough I was pleased to hear that and told Pam I was delighted with my new eyebrows. She gave me a great hug and told me how much she loved the way I was progressing.

For a while I had still been concerned about the daily hormone injections, but for the last week or so Pam had been giving them to me and I had started looking forward to my injection. My breasts had started growing as Victoria said they would and now that I could see that growth I was really anxious for them to grow faster. I even had to remind Pam one day that it was at least an hour past the time for my hormones. She appeared to be delighted that I had reminded her. I had been so happy here and now realized that the euphoric state that I was living in was the result of the hormones. I was like an addict now, I had actually begun to crave the feeling of those wonderful hormones entering my body. I now knew that if I stopped receiving them I would lose this wonderful feeling. I did not know why, I only knew I had to have them!

All too soon the summer was over and we must return to college and I asked Pam what we were going to do, As I could not return and take up my old identity and schedule looking like this. What's more I said I don't want my old identity back, even if I have to quit school! Pam was ecstatic with my outburst, and was laughing loudly, I was suddenly crying and stamping my heel at her laughter. She held me and tried to tell me she wasn't laughing at me, but that she was just laughing because she was so happy that I wanted to continue as I was. Then she told me how precious I had looked crying and stamping my high heels at her and we were both crying and laughing together.

She said I had nothing to worry about Dr. Manning had arranged to have my name and school records officially changed.

When we got back to school, we arranged to close my apartment and move me into hers, since we had both lived off campus there was no problem of who lived with who. She reminded me that I didn't need my male clothes any more and promptly disposed of them all. After moving just a few personal items, books, and pictures, we sold everything else of mine and went on a fabulous clothes shopping spree, most of them being for me.

Just before we returned to school Dr. Manning had changed the type and dosage of my hormones and although I only received one injection a week now my body had really begun to blossom. I had experienced several bad weeks when changing to the new regimen, having bouts of depression, alternating with fantastic highs and lately had not experienced any spontaneous emissions, unless Pam and I were making love. But now my body seemed to have adjusted to the new hormone regimen and if possible, I was even more pleased to receive each injection. My breasts were really growing now, and my nipples actually seemed to glow with excitement.

We settled in for the school year and she worked diligently, shaping, training, molding and making me into her dream mate. Pam had started my figure training the very first week, and I was getting used to the constriction of my waist, as I wore a tightly laced corset at all times. I was only allowed out of them morning and evening for two hour periods. My body had started moving fat from my waist to my bust and hips and I was beginning to like my new shape. Pam's studies in graduate school were much harder than mine and it seemed quite natural and proper for me to assume the household duties. This meant that when I wasn't in class or studying I was cleaning, cooking, washing and ironing, and even going to the market and running all of the other errands that are always so necessary in any home. At first I was hesitant to venture out in public and to go to class but her constant assurance and encouragement had me soon delighting to go out as I now knew that my appearance was impeccable and I only had to remember to speak softly and keep my voice in a higher register. I did not have any classes on Wednesday afternoon so Pam arranged a standing appoint- ment for me with the electrolysis instructor at the beauty college. Over a period of months she removed the few hairs from my face that resembled whiskers, shaped my neckline into a more feminine pattern, removed all of the hair from my armpits and lately had been removing hair in my pubic area. Pam had instructed her to remove all of the hair close to my penis, on and around my scrotum, and back to and in the anal area. The only hair I had left was on my head, which by the way had been growing much faster and thicker, my highly arched eyebrows, my eyelashes, and a tiny odd shaped patch above my penis. Each Tuesday evening and Saturday evening we both went to the beauty college, which was owned by her mothers sister, to have our hair and nails done. Although having my hair done in a salon was becoming routine, I continued to enjoy each trip immensely, and even though I hadn't got quite as excited as the first time Pam would good kid me about loving to be pampered and spoiled. Of course she was right, I was now absolutely thrilled by every thing feminine, and delighted in beautiful lingerie and clothes. Since we had returned to school I had not ever been allowed to wear any type of pants, and always wore heels, I didn't even own a single pair of flats.

I had really come to love high heels and was constantly wanting to go shopping for more.

One Saturday after having our hair and nails done I convinced Pam that I just had to have some new pumps to go with my new fall clothes. She laughingly agreed telling me how delighted she was with me because of my exhibition of such a purely feminine instinct. I found a perfectly adorable pair of chocolate brown lizard pumps with 4" heels and a darling ankle strap, I loved them so much I just had to wear them out of the store.

On our way out of the mall Pam stopped to look at some earrings in a shop window, as we were looking I saw a set of three different sized loops in an unusual twisted design and told Pam I thought they were really nice. Pam had three piercings in each ear and had several matched sets of loops but none of them were this unusual.

We went in the shop and Pam asked the attendant to show her the set. I noticed a chair in the front of the shop window and went to it to sit down. I had been too anxious to wear my new heels and the extra height was already causing my calf muscles to cramp. Pam purchased the set and she and the attendant came up to the chair where I was sitting. Pam said "Do you really like these earrings?" I replied "Oh yes, they are very unusual and I find them quite attractive." At my answer Pam reached over and removed my pearl studs. I still had not mastered that action with my long ceramic nails, for some reason I always fumbled with them. I said " I don't think they will look as good if you break up the set."

Pam said "I know." and taking the instrument from the attendant pierced my left ear twice.

As she made the first hole I climaxed in my napkin. (since my now flaccid penis was always tucked downward I could feel the hot liquid flowing between my thighs which made me very excited) When she pierced my right ear I came again. In a moment or two I noticed my reflection in the front glass of the shop, from what I could see of myself surely everyone passing by must know what had happened. My eyes were opened widely and with the slack jawed look I had, surely they could tell. I started trying to compose myself as Pam helped me from the chair. As we started to leave the shop the attendant was smiling and said "Do come again, I liked having you shop with us." I was so embarrassed I knew she understood what had happened to me and was almost certain some of the people passing by knew what was going on also. Pam asked why I was blushing so much, and putting her arm around me, pulled me to her and kissed me right in the middle of the mall. Shocked, I said "Pamela, what will all of these people think?" She replied "Oh they will think it is just a couple lesbians getting off on each other in public." I probably turned at least two shades redder at that answer, and must have started walking even faster toward the exit because Pam said laughingly " What is your hurry? I said " I am so embarrassed let's please hurry home." Not much was said on the ride home, but when we entered our apt. Pam asked what was wrong because I had been so quiet. I answered, " I have been thinking about what you said in the mall, about people thinking we are lesbians. I guess that is really the truth." Pam asked "Does that bother you?" I replied "No I don't think so, it is just that it had never occurred to me before." Pam said " Have you begun to realize that what I am doing to you is making my own personal lesbian, actually custom made to my design." I said. "Tonight it finally became clear, that is what you are doing to me is making me over just the way you want. Pam I love what you have done to me , Please don't stop until I am exactly like you want me to be." Pam replied "You have progressed so well that I have no intention of stopping now."

I had assumed that we would be going back to her family home for Christmas vacation. But Pam promptly told me we would be staying in the city as there was still a lot to be done. She took me to a plastic surgeon who changed the shape of my cheek bones, and put collagen in my lips to make them fuller and puffier. Pam said that she wanted me to look sexy like some of the new movie actresses. My eyebrows were lifted and my lids tightened and my nose was made small and slender. She even had my voice changed through surgery so that I was now a low soprano.

By the end of the spring semester I had been injected daily and then weekly with what must have been very high doses of hormones, for almost a year. I now had full A cup breasts. From the first day, that day when Victoria injected me with my first dose of female hormones, Pam had kept me on a very strict diet and exercise program. During the first six months I had lost a great deal of weight, most of that being muscle loss due to being on a low protein diet. After that time Pam completely changed my diet and began stuffing me with milk and other fatty foods. I had in the last five months gained back all I had lost plus some. It appeared that most of it had been deposited on my hips, buttocks and thighs. It felt really great having that big difference in my hips and waist, and I did not seem to be able to stop admiring my new shape. In fact I would spend a lot of time in front of the mirror admiring and caressing my breasts, hips and nice round butt and would always reach several climaxes. I should explain that by this time, not only could I no longer could get an erection, but when I climaxed my juices just would flow out of my limp penis. I had to wear Kotex Super-Maxi pads in my panties all the time to absorb the flow, since Pamela seemed to delight in telling me how beautiful I was becoming and was constantly playing with my breasts or rubbing my buttocks even when we were in public and this would produce an almost instant flow.

Pam never let me wear pants at all, not even a pants-suit, and I never wore less than 3 inch heels. I always had on full makeup, my ears were triple pierced and my fingernails were long, bright red, and shiny. When Pam took me to her family's home for the summer break she said it was time for me to have my breast implants to balance my appearance.

We went straight to the Doctor's office and Pam told her we were ready to enlarge my breasts. I had told Pam I didn't want huge breasts,like they had done to her father and brother and that B or a C cup at the most would be fine. Both she and the doctor agreed to this stipulation.

The doctor told me that to get the best results, she would use a two step procedure. She would insert a special implant that could be enlarged later. Then when my stretched skin relaxed, she would go in and add more solution to shape them properly. She said this is the latest procedure for breast enlargement as it helps prevents stretch marks.

When I came out of surgery I had B+ cup sized breasts. I couldn't believe how large and heavy they felt. I was sure she would only need to fill them out a little more in roundness, since they were large enough but did not have quite the right shape. What a delight my breasts were now! As soon as the soreness was gone I loved to feel the bounce and swing as I walked and climbed stairs. Each movement I made now would cause my nipples to tingle as my breasts jiggled. Two months later Pamela brought me back for Doctor Patricia to finish filling the implants.

After I had removed my clothes, leaving only my corset, nylons, and heels she had me lay on her table and put a little tent between my chin and breasts, she said that was necessary because she did not want me moving when I tried to see her working. Since the table was so short she had me put my legs in the stirrups and strapped them in. I had been given a Demerol shot when we first arrived and was beginning to feel a little drowsy but when she put injections of novocaine in my breasts it really stung. She moved to the end of the table and began examining my penis and testicles I wanted to protest but the Demoral had really taken effect and although I could hear what was being said, I was just too drowsy to move or talk. She told Pamela that my penis was shrinking too fast and she would have to start stretching it or it wouldn't be usable because there wouldn't be enough skin left.

Although I couldn't see what she was doing I certainly knew it when she began injecting my penis and testicles with novocaine. She said while we were waiting for that to become numb she would finish filling my breasts. I saw a huge syringe as she held it up and pushed the air out of the needle she looked at me and said that my implants had only contained a small amount of liquid when she put them in and that this solution would mix with what was already in them and would form a very natural feeling gel. Although my breasts were now completely numb, I had a sensation of pressure and a feeling of a heavy weight being placed on my chest as she worked. I must have dozed off completely because the next thing I knew Pamela was smiling down at me and telling me to wake up. She helped me take my feet out of the stirrups and sit up, as I swung my legs over the side of the table to stand up I nearly lost my balance. Pamela steadied me and told me it might take a few minutes to get used to my new center of gravity. They must have put the paper gown on me after Doctor Patricia had finished working on me, I thought it sure was blousy, when I looked down at the floor I couldn't see the toes of my shoes. Pamela held my arm and guided me toward a floor to ceiling wall mirror. She faced me to the mirror and raised the gown to my waist. My penis and testicles were gone! My groin area now resembled that of a female.

"Oh Miss Pamela what have you done to me?" I cried. " Doctor Patricia has made some adjustments to improve your appearance. Your testicles were removed so that they can no longer interfere with the female hormones you are receiving. Your penis is still there, it has just been pulled tightly back between your legs. She installed a metal sleeve just behind the head of your penis, a powerful elastic strap that is connected to the back of your corset is attached to a ring on the clamp. This will stretch your penis and keep it tucked under. It was shriveling up and I want it stretched back out. I do have plans for it and we will need all the skin we can get.

Of course it will be impossible to get an erection with that tight sleeve on it, but you haven't had one for a good while anyway, have you. Beside that, look how smooth and feminine you are now."was her reply.

She then laughed and said " You will have to be careful when you sit down since you will have your penis and the clamp to sit on."

Although I had never seen that part of either Jaime' or Phyliss I had wondered whether they still had a penis and if they had been castrated. However my curiosity had never been strong enough for me to inquire about it. Frankly, I was probably afraid of knowing just how much had been done to them.

I told her I was very worried about being able to enjoy sexual feelings and wondered if I would have orgasms now that she had castrated me. She promised that I would not have any problems in that area but would be even more likely to experience a more intense climax now that the female hormones would be free to completely control my mind.

I couldn't hide the shock that hit me when I realized I had actually been castrated! But she said she realized that I might be surprised at what she had done but that she also knew that I was so in love with my new body and appearance that I must have wondered about what it would be like not to have those ugly things hanging from my now beautifully feminine body.

I had wondered many times if she planned to castrate me and have my penis removed and had even fantasized about having my own vagina. But fantasies aren't real! This was real. My balls were gone forever!

Pamela reached up to my shoulders and removed the gown completely with a flourish and said "Voila', your new breasts!" No wonder I was having trouble finding my balance, they were huge! "You were so insistent about not wanting breasts as large as Jaime' or Phyllis, so we made them larger, you will now fill double D cups." Pamela stated.

I could only stare, not only were they huge, they were perfectly rounded and the brown circles around my nipples had been stretched into almost 3 inch circles. I couldn't believe what they had done, they had made them even bigger, after agreeing not to. Pamela made a big fuss over them though, saying how lovely they were, and how much it thrilled her for me to have such large breasts and of course that began to make me feel much better about them. I didn't realize that the hormones had caused such great mental changes that every suggestion to make me even more feminine would subconsciously cause me to desire the changes she wanted. As I turned first one way and then the other to see how they looked I became so excited thinking these perfect breasts are mine, I have beautiful, massive breasts all my own. Pamela had to steady me and started giggling as she pointed to the puddle on the floor as my juices ran down my legs. I could not help it, once the initial shock of their size wore off I realized that this was what I had really wanted.

From the first time I had checked to see if my breasts were growing, even though I could not admit it to myself then, I was envious of Phyliss and Jaime. I wanted to have even larger and more perfect breasts than they had.

I turned to Pamela and said"Since I cannot hide my joy because you have given me such beautiful breasts, I must apologize for deceiving you when I said I did not want mine to be as large as Jaime' or Phyliss had. I really thought that if I resisted you would be even more determined to make them very large. From the day that you first permed my hair and I saw how beautiful I could be, I have dreamed that you would make me more feminine in every way than anyone Victoria or you had ever done. I know that I am being selfish but I want to be the one you are proudest of, and love the most."

I had recovered from the surgery by the start of the spring semester, but Pam never let up on her campaign to completely remake me. At every opportunity she had something more planned. She now started having my make up permanently done. My lips were permanent- ly tattooed bright red. and my eye liner was permanent. Of course we continued our weekly ritual of shopping and going to the beauty salon twice a week to have our hair and nails done. After my first perm Pam had always instructed my stylist how to do my hair. Recently she had changed it from the long spiral or rope curls and had the stylist cut my hair in layers. It was still long, reaching to my shoulder blades, but with my new perm the effect was now more of a curly all over fluffy and very feminine look. I was really excited and happy with this new style and was looking at myself in every mirror I could find. Pam was delighted with my fascination with my appearance and kidded me for being so silly, as I could not seem to keep from constantly touching and fiddling with my hair. She was right, I seemed to be getting more scatterbrained and shallow by the day. In fact my studies were becoming more difficult and I was really having to work hard at concentrating on what I was doing. I had maintained a 4.0 grade average before I met Pam but they had slipped to 3.8 that semester and now I was having to drive myself in hopes of graduating with a 3.0. Accounting and business were the farthest thing from my mind lately, all I wanted to do was think and daydream about all the beautiful things that had been happening to me. I seemed to be in a continual state of excitement and euphoria over becoming so feminine. All it would take to break my concentration would be for my arm to brush against my breast, or feel them bounce as I walked, even nyloned thighs brushing together filled me with a rush of ecstasy. My heart was so filled with love and gratitude Pam would sometimes find me with tears in my eyes as we made love. I assured her they were tears of joy and gratitude .

We both graduated in May, me with a BS in accounting, and Pam as a Doctor of Psychiatry. After graduation and the round of parties and receptions we began packing to move to her home town where I was to work for the family beauty business. During the past year they had opened a wholesale beauty supply business and were planning to open another salon. Pam would be entering practice with Dr. Manning in a new partnership specializing in gender reassign- ment.

During the Easter break we had flown to her home town to select an apartment and furnishings. While we were there, Pam had Dr. Manning examine me and take blood and urine samples. Dr. Manning told me I was progressing quite well. After my exam Pam dismissed me to the waiting room while she and Dr. Manning held a lengthy conference. Since they were establishing a new clinic I assumed that to be the subject, and thought nothing of being excluded.

The movers completed loading all of our possessions by noon and we were in the taxi on our way to the airport when I realized we would be there a day before the movers. I asked Pam where we would be staying until the apartment was ready. Pam said" I will be staying with my family while you are in the hospital." "In the hospital?" I asked. "Yes" she replied,"Dr. Manning is going to perform the final operation tomorrow, you will be admitted to our new clinic as soon as we arrive." Surprised I asked apprehensively, "The final operation?, what is the final operation." Pam replied, " Your penis is going to be inverted to create a vagina, and your urethra will be shortened and relocated. Additionally the flesh of your empty scrotum will be used to create the proper appearance. Then you will be completely female."

I suppose that I really wanted her to have my penis removed because many times when I was looking at myself in the mirror I had wished for it not to be there. As I would gaze at my reflection and glory in my breasts, swelling hips and smoothly rounded buttocks the presence of my male organ would ruin my image.

In fact, she said after I was healed from the operation, she would have a little surprise for me. Because of her assurances I quit hesitating and agreed, truthfully I had for some time been plagued by desire to be completely and totally female. Throughout each day I would visualize my body without that ugly limp penis and empty wrinkled scrotum and was excited by thoughts of having beautiful sweet lips and a vagina like Pam. To be truthful since my penis couldn't get hard anymore it was just in the way and had become abhorrent and ugly to me.

As the taxi pulled under the covered drive I was quite impressed . Pam saw my appraisal and when I commented that it must have cost a lot of money she explained that this used to be a Womans Hospital that delivered children, and performed surgeries unique to females. They were able to buy it at a greatly reduced price from the federal government, after it had been seized from the former owners for tax evasion. Pam said she thought it appropriate that a Womans Hospital would now be creating women.

Pam and Dr. Manning planned to accept transsexual candidates from all over the world. They had converted two of the floors to apartments for their out of town clients to live in during their two year conversion period. We were met at the door by a nurse who showed us to the room I would be using. I noticed that some of the rooms had extra locks and wire glass windows in the doors and asked what they were used for. Pam said they were to be used for unwilling candidates. "Unwilling I asked?". Yes we have many requests from women, sometimes mothers, but mostly wives who want their sons or husbands converted."replied Pam. "Since they are brought to me under restraint, and always become hysterical when they discover what is in store for them, I commit them for treatment and these rooms are used until they accept their fate."Pam said. "To be quite frank, once our services are widely known we expect to have more unwilling patients than we can handle and are already planning an expansion.

My room was very nicely decorated in a very feminine manner, and only the hospital type bed and outlets identified it for what it was. Pam said," it is now mid afternoon, Doctor Manning plans to begin operating at 6:00 PM, I am going to the house to get settled in but I will be back by five. The nurse will start prepping you now and I will see you in a little while. As directed by the nurse I disrobed and stood in the bath tub. She scrubbed me from my waist to my knees with an orange colored disinfectant soap and rinsed me off with the detachable showerhead. She then painted me with an orange colored solution in the same area carefully rubbing it into the crack of my butt, the folds of my empty scrotum and all over my penis. I noticed how she looked at my penis, it had now been stretched until it was at least a foot long. It did look very strange, being attached to an otherwise feminine body. While I stood naked in the tub to dry the nurse removed her rubber gloves and brought me one of those too short, open in the back, hospital gowns to put on. She told me to remove my makeup and nail polish and watched silently as I did as I was told. When I had finished she told me to bed over the bed and she gave me a shot in the hip.

She had seemed to be very cold and distant and the extent of our conversation had been her telling me what to do. She surprised me when as she removed the needle she bent over me , kissing me on the cheek and reached under my butt and squeezed my penis. " I'll see you again when this ugly thing is gone. Then you will be one of us" with that statement she turned on the television set and left me alone in the room. I looked for a channel selector or a remote control but found neither one.

Well I guess I just have to watch what is on. I got on the bed, raised the head up, laid back and prepared to watch. My thoughts were all jumbled, thinking how sudden this was happening, and also how much I thought I had wanted this to happen, but now I was beginning to feel the first pangs of fear. The t v came on about then and captured my attention just as I was getting drowsy. Welcome to The Womans Clinic , we are dedicated to making you the most perfect woman you can be - - - - - - -

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