TG: Office

By Michael Suelmann

Published on Dec 20, 1996



From Sat Dec 21 00:44:43 1996 Path: nienor.IN-Berlin.DE!!suelmann Newsgroups: Organization: The Testsite Lines: 169 Message-ID: 59f3b6$ NNTP-Posting-Host:

I didn't write this nor do I know how to contact the author

TG, ff/TS §§§§§§c Original Filename: OFFICE.TXT


Pat and Sue both worked for the JJ Brown Co. They were secretaries in a large office area, each working under different bosses, as did the other 6 girls that worked there. Pat and Sue got along very well together and often stopped after work for a drink or a bite to eat and then sometimes going to one or the others apartments for some leisurely time. Both Girls considered themselves very open about sex and relations and often talked about their urges and desires. As they worked longer together and got to know each other better they found themselves attracted more and more to the other until finally they decided to no longer deny themselves of the pleasure that they found in each others company, intellectually and sexually, especially as neither of them was having any luck with the male society. As time went on Pat and Sue found themselves turning down offers to go out on dates with the men that asked them, unless it was a double date and then the evening ended at the door, that is it ended as far as the men went, the girls often continued the night in the arms of each other. They had found that they could pleasure and satisfy one another better that any man had been able to do. That was because each knew instinctively, what would arouse the other the most because it effected themselves in that way. Men never pay attention to the finer details of a womans sexual arousal to them its all get it up, get it in and get it off and if the woman didn't come well then she must be frigid.

Now it happened at about this time that one of the other girls in the office was leaving on a maternity leave and would be out for about 2 months, her boss decided that instead of using one of the other secretaries, he would hire a new one on a temporary/ possibly permanent basis. The new girl was to start on the following Monday. That weekend Pat and Sue talked about what the new girl would be like. They hoped that she would be friendly and maybe she would even be interested in joining their twosome. Slim chance, but one can always dream.

Well their dreams had more reality than they expected. When they got to work on Monday they were pleasantly surprised with the new girls' fantastic looks. She was tall and slender with dark hair and brown eyes, she had high cheekbones that accented her dark wide spaced eyes and well shaped brows, her lips were full and a delicious red that almost seemed natural. The rest of her body was in proportion with her build, being neither too flat or busty, but gently curvacious. Pat and Sue walked over and introduced themselves. She answered them in a low, almost husky voice and said that her name was Victoria and that her friends called her Vicki and she hoped that they were going to be good friends. Just the way Vicki said it, it was an invitation that gave the girls tingles. They smiled in response and went about their work for the day.

Most of the next few weeks were pretty dull and uneventful, when on Wednesday, Vicki asked the girls if they would like to come to a party that she was having on Friday night for some friends. Pat and Sue said they would love to come and asked if it was necessary to bring a date. Vicki told them no and that most of the others were single parties. Maybe they would meet with someone they'd like to pair up with. That night Pat and Sue talked it over and decided that maybe it was time for them to see some new people and if they found anyone interesting at Vicki's party they should go for it.

Friday came and it was work as usual, everyone was kept very busy and there was no time to spend in the ladies room gossiping. At the end of the day, Vicki walked over to Sue's desk and reminded her that the party started at 8:00 but if they wanted to come over early that was fine, she confided that she could probably use the moral support, as this was the first party that she had given in quite awhile. Sue said she'd see if they could get there early.

Pat and Sue managed to get to Vicki's by 7:30 and rang the bell, Vicki's voice came over the speaker to ask who it was, then she pushed to buzzer to let them in. They knocked on the door and heard a muffled voice telling them to come in, Vicki called from the back that she was in the bedroom and would be out in a minute. When she walked out, she stopped in the doorway and smiled appreciatively, and gave them a long raking look that started with their faces, went down the length of their bodies and back up.

"You two look fantastic", she almost purred.

Pat was wearing a turquoise jumpsuit made of a soft clingy material that draped her body gently and was trimmed with silver accents she had on white sandals with almost 4 inch heels.

Sue had on a dress that was fairly straight in shape, and then flaired out at the bottom hem, it came over one shoulder and down leaving the other one bare, and was gathered at the side seam on the left. It was a deep red and she wore gold jewelry to set it off. She also had on sandals with high heels, only hers were black with gold accents. What wasn't seen was the black corset with red satin ribbons and bows and the garters of black and red lace and red satin panties that she was wearing beneath the dress. Although after the once-over that Vicki had just given her, she wouldn't be surprised if she had guessed.

Vicki was wearing a multi-colored sequined, strapless gown that was floor length, but split up the sides almost to her hips, she had on matching sequined pumps and her nylons were done in a grey mesh pattern. Both Pat and Sue noticed that Vicki's shoulders were quite tan. They wondered if the rest of her was the same.

"Thanks for comming early", she said, "everything is almost ready I just have to get on the table."

Pat and Sue offered to help. So drinks in hand, they set the food and drinks out. It was a rather quiet party with about twenty people, some listened to music and danced, others sat around and talked. Vicki flitted from one group to the next talking and laughing with everyone. Pat and Sue met with some of them but didn't find anyone of real interest, their minds seemed to center on where Vicki was and who she was talking with. They decided to go to the bedroom to freshen up and talk things over. While they were in there the party was breaking up, as the last of the guests left, Vicki came to the door.

"Well everyone's gone now, so the party can get started", she smiled seductively at Pat and Sue as she walked over to them gently swinging her hips so that they could see each long leg revealed one at a time.

She came over to them and put an arm around each of their waists squeezing lightly.

"Don't think I didn't notice you two eyeing me all night", the husky breath was warm with laughter.

Pat and Sue were at first uncomfortable, but after a look to the other seemed to say "go for it." They too wrapped their arms around Vicki and smiled. Sue leaned over and kissed Vicki on the mouth and ran her tongue lightly over her lips while Pat reached up and began to fondle her breast. They moved slowly towards the bed and lowered themselves onto it, never once letting go of the other. They continued to fondle each other, Pat and Sue soon found their clothes removed and found themselves pleasing each other as they so often in the past had done, while Vicki, who remained mostly clothed except for her dress, pleasured both of them.

After they had reached a dizzying orgasim and had rested, Pat and Sue realized that Vicki had not been satisfied yet. As they turned to her, she looked at them through half-closed eyes and waited with her lusious red lips parted slightly and her breathing hurried. They laid on either side of her and gently but firmly began touching her, starting with her beautiful face and slowly, lingeringly moving their hands on and down her body, removing her camisole and bra, while kneading and squeezing her breasts, everywhere that their hands went their lips and tongue soon followed. While Pat removed Vicki's pantihose, Sue caressed her body and kissed her lovingly and thoroughly, Pat reached back up to remove her panties, but Vicki grabbed her hands and held them still. She looked into Pat's eyes and then Sue's, holding them with that gaze, studying them, then she let go of Pats hands and leaned back on the bed, smiling wistfully. Pat slid her fingers under the band of the panties and slowly started to pull them down, Sue had started to suck on Vicki's nipples pulling first one and then the other into her mouth and swirling her tongue around and around and nibbling gently on them. She stopped and looked and Pat when she heard her sharply draw in her breath, and then she looked down, where Pat was staring, between Vicki's legs, she too drew in a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry", Vicki said softly, "I wanted to tell you but I couldn't bring myself to, I didn't think that you would understand." She then started to get up and untangle herself from the arms and legs that held her down, tears were making her eyes bright and her lips were quivering.

Pat and Sue looked and each other, their recent sexual release on their minds, and they smiled, then reaching back to Vicki they wrapped their arms around her and giving her a hug to know that she was accepted the way she was, they continued where they had left off and brought Vicki to the most shattering orgasim that she had ever experienced, and they didn't stop there, they had the rest of the night and forever.

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