TG Story, Date For An Awards dinner

By Joyce Devries

Published on Apr 24, 2010



February 13th, 2010, Date For An Awards Dinner

By Joyce Devries, MSN Chat ID: Yahoo Chat ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, a few years ago I dated a GG Lesbian as Joyce and she "introduced" me to a Gay male friend of hers and an occasion came up that he needed a date for a company awards dinner for his work, but did not want a GG, he wanted me, as he thought I was more feminine than any woman he could have chosen, well I was floored, and immediately accepted, no this was not a TV/TG event. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was another really special, unique interesting adventure.


The wonderful experience of New Years Eve 2009 and the magical evening with Brad was barely two weeks old when I got an email from my female husband's GG lover Sharon (who knows all about my true sex), January 14th. 2010, asking me if I wanted to get together for lunch, the email read:

"Dear Joyce, I know we only chatted for a brief minute after our New Years dates when Brad and I were leaving your house, but would like to get together with you to discuss something further over lunch, let me know, I am free next Thursday if you would like, lunch is my treat!.

Best Wishes, Brenda".

In the past, every time Brenda invites me out to lunch there is something more going on and I knew this was probably going to be no different, but I was sure she was at least going to want to know about my time with her husband on New Years Eve and the intimate details. Now, I can never resist a chance to go out in public mainstream and a chance to get into one of my skirt suits, as I always have to wear when we go to lunch. I emailed her back immediately and said "yes and what time?". Brenda got back to me and told me that she was excited to see me and that she would pick me up around noon for lunch. I told Sharon via email and she emailed me back and told me to have a good time and reminded me of what Brenda did for a living (which was real estate) and that I should be picking one of the skirt suits I wear for work, which I definitely already had in mind when I read the email, only choice was which of the 9 that are in my closet that I wear to work for my female work for real do I choose?.

The days leading up to the meeting with Brenda were hectic with work, I was working almost 12 to 14 our shifts for my "guy job", and really had no chance to do what I usually do and that was to try on different outfits and combination of blouses and hose colour and shoes to see what would work, so it came down to the outfit for the day was going to have be a "game day decision". The Thursday morning came and I had taken the day off work, and when the house was clear, I went and showered and got all clean and then headed down to my room to start getting ready, and about that time started thinking about which of my 9 skirt suits I was going to be wearing, well, 3 were out as they were more for warmer weather wear, and one clearly was a spring skirt suit. I decided to get into my lingerie for the day then, go to my "work clothes" closet and thumb through it. I decided to go with my favourite white lace front closure bra in case my choice was going to be a white blouse, and then grabbed a pair of burgundy lace and satin panties from a matching bra and panty set and slipped them on. I was not sure about my hose choice yet, so I slipped on my pink satin makeup coat and went to the other room were the closet was.

As I was thumbing through the closet, I immediately ruled out a couple of skirt suit options, as Brenda had already seen me in them and then decided on a black blazer and pulled out a black skirt that did not belong to it, but was in the mood for, it was well above the knee and had a sexy left front kick pleat, so with the skirt and blazer set, I grabbed a white silk collared blouse, and headed back to my bedroom. Now, with the front kick pleat almost coming to my panties, stay ups and garters and stockings were out, as well as regular control top pantyhose, it was going to have to be sheer toe to waist pantyhose, and now it was the colour and decided for a more formal look and grabbed a pair of ultra sheer "nearly black" pantyhose. I then put on a pair of white satin gloves and opened a new pair of pantyhose, sat down and carefully slipped them up my legs and one on, I loved the look and feel of my legs, so silky smooth and would be perfect for the skirt and the look I wanted. Now, I still had not decided on my heels for the day yet, and was going to leave them for last, but grabbed a pair of 2" black heels for putting on my makeup as to not snag my ultra sheer hose. Then went to my bathroom, and started putting on my makeup for the day. I started with a nice application of foundation, then started on my eyes, my eyeliner was not think and heavy like I did for the New Years Eve event, but a "business application", just enough to define my eyes, but not too much. Eye colour was going to be purple on my lower lids and pink on my upper, final step for my eyes was a healthy coat of my new "lash blast" mascara. I did my cheeks with just enough blush to them a health glow, and decided on waiting until I was all dressed and ready to go before deciding on my lipstick.

Final touch for the bathroom was choosing a perfume for the day, and decided not to go with "fantasy" or "curious", but went for my daytime perfume, "halston's", and applied a healthy dose. I then went back into my bedroom and got dressed for the day, first was a pure snow white camisole, one I had custom made, then was the white silk collared blouse, followed by the short skirt, I loved the feeling of the lined skirt as it slid up my silky legs. After tucking in the blouse and zipping up the skirt, I grabbed for the single breasted blazer and did it up and made sure the silk collar of my blouse was outside of my jacket, then went and stood in front of my full length mirror and was thinking of hiking my skirt, but realized it was already up as high as it would go, any more and my panties were going to show as I walked. I made sure the slit was right and as I stared at myself in the mirror, I knew that there was only one set of heels that would do it justice, and opened the box with my 4 ½" black patent heels and slipped them on, and checked myself in the mirror and they definitely set the whole look off.

I Checked the time and it was 11:30, and just about then, the phone rang, and it was Brenda, calling from her cell phone and she told me that she was just leaving a client and that she would be about 20 minutes or so to pick me up, I told her that I would be ready. All that was left was putting on my nail polish and jewellery, and lipstick. I quickly sat down and carefully applied my favourite deep red nail polish and patiently waited for it to dry. When that was done I put on my Wedding rings, Bridesmaid ring, and silver pinky ring, then a set of 20 in pearls and matching pearl dropped earrings. After putting on my gold anklet on my right leg, I grabbed my purse and started double checking everything was in it, as I had not unpacked my gold clutch purse from New Years Eve. I then had to decide on the lipstick and went with one of my new Colour last shades, one I had not worn before and put it on and then used the sealer to finish the look off. I packed it away in my purse and heard the doorbell ring and knew that Brenda had arrived and took on last look at myself, grabbed my purse and headed upstairs, opened the door and there was Brenda standing there smiling.

I invited her in and she immediately complimented me on my outfit including, "girl, you do know how to show some leg!, I love the look, for someone that is not a GG, you certainly know how to dress". I thanked her and looked her over, she was in a tight cable knit turtleneck, and knee length black skirt, sheer nude hose, her "typical" 3" strappy heels and a red blazer, she was wearing a long spring coat, almost identical colour to one I was going to pull out of the closet. After the usual "female to female", kiss and hug, she asked if was ready to go and I told her I was and turned and opened the front hall closet and grabbed my light long spring coat and put it on and then followed Brenda out the door to he car. The winter that "was not" for 2009/2010 continued and loved the warm sun on my face as we got to her car, also loved the sound of her heels clicking along with mine. I slid in the passenger seat, and of course my skirt rode up and when Brenda slid in she looked me over and smiled, and gently took one of her hands and caressed my well exposed thigh and said, "silky smooth, like New Years Eve, I wanted so bad to touch them when we were in the ladies room", I smiled and said I am sure my husband Sharon's were just as nice, and she commented back that mine were silkier. She then asked, "so where to for lunch?", and I had not even thought about it and just blurted out "what about our 'usual'", which was a "East Side Mario's", located in Oakville Place, not to far away, which was a road house Italian style restaurant.

So as Brenda drove we talked about her work, and she asked me lots about my work in the Bridal salon, as she had a niece that was getting married, she had already bought her gown, and we talked all about her Wedding and the dress and her plans. That was pretty much all of the conversation as we pulled into the parking lot of Oakville place, and both got out and slung our purses over our shoulders and walked towards the entrance of the mall. As our heels clicked in unison we entered the mall, and right as we entered the mall, was the entrance to East Side Mario's. I took the lead and a hostess came and said, "just to the two of you today ladies?", I spoke up and told her it was and that we would like a booth if possible and she smiled at me and said that it was not going to be a problem. She grabbed two menu's and we followed her to a booth along the back wall, and she smiled at both of us as she put down our menu's and said, "Patricia is going to your server today ladies, enjoy your lunch". I was beaming with a smile and as we took off our coats and hung them up just outside our booth and then both slid in, Brenda said, "Sharon was right, you light up like a 'Christmas Tree', when you hear that phrase, 'ladies'". I smiled back at her and said, "you find that strange?, after all she has no clue who I am". She laughed a little and said, "good point, but who would think anything else after all?".

As Brenda was looking over her menu, I already knew what I was getting and took the opportunity to check out the restaurant, that was fairly packed and noticed that Brenda and I were not the only one in a skirt, as a matter of fact, there was lots of women in skirts!. Brenda looked at me as she closed her menu and asked I was ready to order and I told her I was and our Waitress came and introduced her self with "Hello ladies, my name is Patricia, I will be serving you today, anything to drink to start with?". We both ordered an ice tea, and she asked if we were ready to order, and again, we both said we were. I ordered the "Wedding soup" and Caesar salad and Brenda ordered a green salad and the same soup as I did. When the waitress left and took our menu's I had an idea what was coming next with Brenda grabbing my hands and saying "welllllll?", I played dumb and said, "what?" and smiled back at her. She then said, "so how was Brad on New Years Eve?, he has not stopped talking about how good you were". I blushed and she saw that and asked, "so how many times?", I told her 5, and she giggled, and said, "you sucked him so dry, we have not had sex for two weeks!". I laughed and apologized and she laughed and said, "no worries dear, just means I will not have to perform oral sex on him, he will wait for the next time with you, and I hate giving head". I reluctantly asked how my husband Sharon was and she smiled, and said, "she was incredible, we wore each other out, and thank you for lending her the 'Brad' dildo, she totally enjoyed that one" I smiled and told her I was glad she had a great time, and asked if she liked the dress she borrowed from me, and she told me it was stunning on her. Then she asked me to describe the time I wore it as a Bridesmaid, and was glad for the distraction as our waitress came and brought our drinks and followed right behind was a waiter with our food.

As we ate, I told Brenda she was up to something, and she said with a huge smile, "what do you mean?", and I told her every time she invites me out to lunch she has something going on. She had a wicked smile and said, "remember Joe?", it took me about 20 seconds and then I remembered Joe was a friend of one of her girlfriends that is a total Lesbian, Cheryle, that I dated, her friend and gay neighbour that I had an encounter with in a Wedding dress a few years before in Cheryle's apartment. I then said, "Cheryle's friend?", she said, "yes, the one you orally pleased in a Wedding gown in Cheryle's apartment", I asked her, "what about him?". Brenda went on to explain that he was looking for a date for an upcoming corporate awards dinner in February, and wanted to know if I was willing to be his date. I told her that right off the bat, I was a Lesbian and what would a gay man want with a TV?, I asked why he would not bring one his boyfriends to the party or a GG?. Brenda went on to explain that Joe was so taken with me, and not that it was the fact I gave him oral pleasure in a Wedding dress, but thought I was more attractive, interesting and intriguing than a GG, and he did not really like GG's to date, and he was deep in the closet and none of the people he worked with knew he was gay. I was a little shocked but the comment and the presentation of the circumstance that I really did not know what to say, and Brenda saw this, and handed me a piece of paper, and said, "here is his number, give him a call, he lives in Oakville now, I made no commitment on your behalf, but I know you cannot resist slipping into one of your formal dresses and go mainstream to a party that not a single person except for your date knows your true sex". I was smiling back at her and she said, "I see that in your eyes, the answer is yes, so time to start thinking of a dress dear, and it is a formal occasion", I smiled back at her and said, "do you know the calendar date?", she said it was the Valentines day Weekend, Saturday night, and as she sipped on her ice tea said, "I am sure you have a red formal you would be wearing in your closet", and I looked back at her and smiled and said, "several", and she smiled even more and said, "thought so".

We both finished our meals and I had to use the ladies room, and grabbed my purse and told Brenda I would be right back, and headed to the back of the restaurant where the ladies rooms were and by this the restaurant was packed and I knew I was getting looks as the front slit in my skirt was showing maximum leg, however, I stared straight away and never reacted to any of the looks I was getting. I went into the ladies room, and a middle aged woman walked past me and we exchanged the typical "female to female" smile as she walked out as I walked in, and the ladies room only had three stalls, and I went into the middle stall and hung up my purse on the door and hiked my skirt up and carefully lowered my pantyhose as well as panties and sat down and did my business, hearing no other females in the ladies room, really did not care what I sounded like as I peed. As I was cleaning up, another female came into the ladies room, and as I was carefully pulling my pantyhose and panties up, I could hear her peeing "like no tomorrow". I grabbed my purse and headed to the mirror and put my purse down on the shelf and pulled out my gloss and was adjusting my lips and was pleased that the colour last lipstick was working as advertised, and was just putting my gloss on when the other female came out of her stall. She was a "20 something" female in slacks and a blouse, and seemed like she was in a hurry, she joined me at the mirror, fluffed out her hair and gave me a positive "female to female" smile in the mirror and left the ladies room.

I walked back to the table and I could see Brenda was checking me out and I slid my purse and myself in and Brenda was smiling and said, "that was quite the show". I told her I had no clue what she was talking about but said, "you should have seen those 4 tables you walked past, every guy had their tongue on the table". I lied and told her I had no clue what she was talking about, but I did catch a glimpse of those tables staring at me. She had ordered us two more iced teas and was staring at me and said "you are quite the cock tease". I smiled with a wicked grin and said, "you dream of having legs like these", she smiled back and said, "a lot of real women dream of having legs like yours, and would kill you in a second if they knew what was between your legs, especially with you flaunting them in CFM's and walking in such ease wearing them", we both laughed and sipped on our iced teas. I noticed that she had settled the bill and she told me were free to go whenever we wanted and noticed that the waitress has wrote on the bill, "have a great day ladies, it was nice serving you, Patricia". We both finished our drinks and decided it was time to go and both grabbed our purses and our coats and Brenda told me that she had to use the ladies room, and even though I did not have to go, it was the right "genetic female" thing to do to tag team and followed her into the ladies room. When we entered, Brenda quickly went into a stall and I went to the mirror to check on my lips and they were fine, I was fluffing out my hair, a girl in the stall next to Brenda came out and joined me at the mirror and we exchanged a friendly "female to female" smile and she took out her lipstick and fixed her lips packed it away and then left. Brenda was out quickly after that and joined me at the mirror and took out her lipstick and fixed her lips as well, and then packed her purse and asked if I was ready to go, and I told her I was and we headed out to the front of the restaurant and as we walked out of the restaurant the hostess that seated us said, "have a lovely afternoon ladies".

I of course was on cloud nine and was thrilled with the idea of having a mainstream date, especially to a place that no one would have a clue about me, except for my date, as well as just had a chance to show off my legs and my outfit. As we walked back to the car with our heels clicking in unison, Brenda, said, "already thinking about your dress are you not?". I told her I was, and said that I would have to talk to Joe and find out more details and such, she then told me that I should consider the heels I was wearing as they were "killer CFM's", and would show off my legs no matter that I wore. As we drove home I thanked Brenda for lunch and was thinking about what dress I was going to pick, as in my wardrobe I had about 10 or so red formal dresses to chose from, but wanted to talk to Joe to ensure his expectations were the same as mine for the date, and it was not about gay male sex at the end of it.

We arrived at our home and pulled in the driveway and Brenda gave my silky very exposed legs a little caress and gave me a light kiss on the lips, and told me she hoped things would work out as I was leaving the car, she told me she loved my perfume and that I should have a fun time with Joe if it worked out, I thanked her again very much for the lunch and left the car. When I got into the house, I took off my long spring coat and hung it up and immediately went down to my formal dress closet, pulled out the 10 red formal dresses I had, and brought them to my room and hung them up on the shower rung in by bathroom. I decided not to bother with figuring out which one I wanted until I had actually talked to Joe and was planning on calling him the following week to ask him about the occasion. I opened my purse and pulled out the number for Joe, knowing full well, he was probably at work and when I called got his answering machine and told him, I would call him the following evening at 10pm, hoping to catch him at home. When I called and left and message I planned for the following evening to be in something lingerie when I called him.

I emailed my husband Sharon and told her what I was told, but since Brenda is her GG lover and they talk all the time she knew exactly what I was asked, and asked if I was going to accept and then of course she asked what I was going to be wearing. We emailed back and forth and told her I would make my final decision once I actually talked to Joe. The next evening came and I went to my room, I decided on slipping into my custom made long black lace and satin peignoir and matching wrap and a pair of new 3" black kid heels and I was really nervous as I picked up the phone at 10pm and dialled his number. He picked up on the second ring and knew it was me due to caller ID, and we started talking, and what impressed me right off the bat was that he did not start talking about the first time we met and I performed oral sex on him in a Wedding gown, as a matter of fact, he never once mentioned that. He went on to tell me he was thrilled that I was calling him, and was even more thrilled when I told him I would be honoured if I was his date and was really looking forward to the occasion. We chatting for at least an hour about everything to his work, my work in the Bridal salon, and really got to know one another. He went on to explain to me that with this company, this was the yearly awards banquet they had and he was receiving 4 awards, and really needed a date. I asked him bluntly why he wanted me and not a boyfriend as he was gay, or a GG, and he told me the same thing he told Brenda and that was I was more attractive, intriguing and interesting than a GG, and he was in the closet, and had no desire for a GG, but only for me. I told him about my rules about how I was when I dated men, and that my panties stayed on and I was not into gay male sex. He laughed out loud and told me, he had no interest in me like that and the date was nothing sexual at all, what he really wanted as he put it, "a pretty flower to show off on my arm". I of course was thrilled when I heard those words and told him I would be that "flower" and we talked about what he wanted to see me in and to no surprise, he was not a typical male and said, "something sexy and high heels", he said, "something to make me proud to show off". Since I had accepted, he went on to tell me that he would be picking me up at 5:30pm, as the reception and drinks were at 6pm, and dinner at 6:45pm, and the dinner was at "Le Dome", a place I have never been to as a female, in Oakville, and was a high end banquet hall, not that far away. The last thing he asked me was to email him the colour of my dress, and I knew right then and there it was for a corsage and I told him I would.

Now that I had talked to Joe and knew about the event I then spent the next couple of weeks going through the 10 red formal dresses I had to determine what my choices were. As well Sharon kept emailing me and asking details about the evening and what red dress I was planning on wearing. I tried on all 10 over the course of the weeks and remembered what Joe said, "something to make me proud to show off", I tried on "LBD" styled red ones, short and form fitting, two pieced ones, Bridesmaid styled ones, and one I wore on a date for the first time with a man in 1994. However I kept on coming back to one, which was a red velvet off the shoulder floor length Bridesmaid dress I got off Ebay and I had my seamstress, modify the slit from the back to almost "panty high" in the front left, and had a rhinestone lining around the bodice that totally set it off, it was retro for sure, but 80's retro was making a comeback, and I was dying to wear it out. I told Sharon about it via emails and she had never seen it on me before, but told me that she heard about it and I probably would look amazing in it and should "go for it".

With my dress now set, then all of the other details of my wardrobe had to be chosen, and it was obvious what heels I was going to be wearing and it was the same ones I wore when I went to lunch with Brenda. The heels were the 4 ½" "killer CFM" black patent heels, I knew they were too high for dancing, but I have danced and entire 9 hour evening in them before, and would set the look of the dress off perfectly, and was decided on wearing them. Next was my jewellery and again, right away knew what I was going to be wearing and that was the same sparkly earring and necklace and bracelet set I wore when I dated my first man, which was rhinestone, with ruby red stones in all three of the pieces and would set the outfit off. Next decision was my hose and ultra sheer "nearly black" black was not going to work, so it was going to be nude, I tried on the dress and thought that stay up stockings would not work and the slit as high as I got adjusted, but I was surprised. I tried on the dress and then put on ultra sheer nude stay ups and found that they just barely were visible when I walked in the dress and decided to go with them, but to make it more sexy, mainly for me (in case the stay ups slipped), I grabbed a white garter belt and slipped it on and carefully snapped up the 4 garters and walked around more and found it was not showing glaringly, it was, but not allot and thought it would be fun for the evening and made me feel even more sexy. With the outfit all set, I let Sharon know, and she told me that she would make sure the house was clear for the big day and that I was going to have a great time, and reminded me to make sure I was not over the top with my makeup, as I did not know what the lighting conditions for the awards banquet were going to be like.

Saturday February 13th arrived and I woke up in my basement bedroom and I heard the house upstairs moving around and then around 2pm, I heard my husband Sharon call downstairs, and told me that they were leaving. I then knew I had all day to relax as Joyce, and went upstairs and took a long shower and got nice and clean. I went back to my bedroom downstairs, and slipped into my lingerie for the evening, what I chose was my uncomfortable strapless white lace and satin bra, (which was needed for the dress) and decided on a pair of red lace and silk panties given to me by my first girlfriend in 1986, over top of my latex vagina and then my "Veronica", completed my lingerie. I put on my pink silk makeup coat and checked the time, and decided to relax and chatted a bit on line and while I was, did my nails with my favourite deep red colour nail polish, taking my time to make sure they were perfect. Around 4pm, I heard Sharon come back in the house and sounded like she was alone, I then decided it was time to get dressed for the big evening.

I went into my bathroom and started with my makeup, I remembered Sharon's word's, "not over the top", and put on a nice foundation base. Then started with my eyes and they were not going to be "dark formal", but my eyeliner was more than I would have put on for going to the Bridal Salon, for my real world female job, but not as dark as the recent New Years Eve Gala I went to. I decided to try something different with my eye shadow and pulled out a colour palate that was about the same age as my panties I was wearing, and given to me by the same woman that gave me the panties. To contrast my dress, I went with a deep green for my lower lids and a charcoal colour for my upper lids, finalizing the look of my eyes with a very healthy dose of my "lash blast" mascara. I pulled out my formal blush and applied a generous coat, again, not too much, but enough to give my cheeks some contrast and colour. As a veteran of genetic female functions, was really looking forward to the female to female interaction and wanted to be sure I was looking perfect. I left my lipstick application for the last thing to do when I was dressed. Next was my perfume for the evening and since it was a formal occasion out for the first time with Joe, I went for my "Obsession" perfume, and applied a healthy dose everywhere, behind my ears, wrists, breasts and ankles.

I checked the time and I was in good shape, Joe was coming to pick me up in 30 minutes and all I had to do was put on my jewellery, pack my black patent clutch purse, put on my lipstick and heels, and I was all set. I almost put on my Wedding rings, but did not, the only ring I put on was my Bridesmaid ring on my right hand. Next was the matching rhinestone jewellery set, with the red ruby, and I put on the necklace, bracelet and earrings, and a formal gold watch on my left wrist, finally a sparkly anklet on my left ankle. As I grabbed for my dress, I knew I was going to have to ask for my husband Sharon to help, as could only get it done up so far. I loved the feeling slipping into the dress and zipped it up as far as I could go, which was almost to the top, about that time, I heard Sharon moving around upstairs and what was unusual was heels clicking on the floor and was wondering what was going on. I continued my final preparations and kicked off my 2" black kid heels and then put on the black 4 ½" patent leather pumps. I then went in front of my floor length mirror and really like what I saw, I thought I looked great, the slit was perfect, showing allot of leg, and the sparkly jewellery really set the look off. I was just about to grab my black patent clutch purse to pack it for the evening, when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

I was assuming it was my husband Sharon wanting to make sure I was alright and was checking to see if I needed any help with zipping up my dress. I opened the door and was stunned, there she stood, wearing one of my favourite red silk blouses high collared, with a "peek-a-boo" sheer front, showing off her 38 D breasts, one of my slightly above the knee length black A-lined skirts with a thin silver chain belt. Thanks to her joining weight watchers, she looked amazing, to top it off, she had her hair up in a bun, was wearing a pair of my pearl drop earrings, had ultra sheer "nearly black" black hose on, had on identical heels to mine, 4 ½" black patent. Her makeup was as formal as mine and was wearing one of our 3 identical matching lipsticks, which was a deep reddish pink, I also noticed she had done her nails and they matched her lipstick, the same colour as I was wearing, which we bought a few years ago on a "girls shopping day out". I could smell her perfume and it was my "Fantasy" perfume I wore on New Years Eve, and stared at her, and she could see I was surprised.

Sharon then said, in a "matter of fact" fashion, "I do hope you do not mind me borrowing a few things from your closet?, after all, I have let you go through mine over the years, and now we are the same size again, expect more of it". I asked her if she was dressing for me meeting my date for the evening and she laughed and told me that she had other plans for the evening and turned around and asked me to do up the last few buttons on the high necked silk blouse she was wearing, she which I did. I was a little upset as she had not told me what was going on, but knew I had to get ready for Joe, and turned and asked her to "clip and zip" me up which she did and then pushed me away and had a huge smile and told me how good I looked, then spun around with the same smile and asked me what I thought of her look. I told her she looked great and asked her about why she was dressed the way she was and she told me that Brenda (her GG Bi lover) and her were going out to dinner, to celebrate an early Valentines day and then she leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, she then told me the place they were going to was "upscale" and they did not want to look out of place, and were both going to be in skirts and heels. I asked her about her perfume and she said, "oh yes something else I borrowed, Brenda was so captivated by it when you wore it on New Years Eve, she went on and on about it, I could not resist, I hope you do not mind?" she quickly thanked me for doing her up and turned and left to go back upstairs.

I could hear Sharon walking around upstairs her heels clicking and my body was full of emotions, as it should have been me going out to celebrate Valentines Day with her, not her and her GG lover. I stuck to the task at hand and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and pulled out things I needed from my regular purse, like lipstick, tissues, tampon, powder foundation makeup, etc. I then grabbed my clutch purse and took one last look at myself in the mirror and really liked how I looked then checked the clock and saw that my date Joe was due in 15 minutes!. My last task was to put on my lipstick and originally I had a plan to wear one of my colour last lipsticks, but in a "twisted" way, I was not going to let Sharon get the "better of me" and knew which one of the matching lipsticks was we owned she was wearing and grabbed mine, and put on the deep red shade, then gloss and packed them into my black patent clutch purse.

I walked upstairs, clutch purse in hand and was met by Sharon, pulling things out of her regular purse to her black clutch purse at the living room table, she smiled at me and told me I looked fantastic. I said nothing and went to the bathroom and put down my clutch black patent purse and carefully pulled down my pantyhose and panties and sat down and hiked my dress and did my business and cleaned up. I could hear Sharon's heels clicking up and down the hall to and from her bedroom, and when I was done, carefully pulled my pantyhose and panties back up and straightened out my dress and headed back to the living room. I found Sharon walking from the front hall closet, she had just put on her sand coloured faux fur coat and grabbed a tote bag and I watched her put her black clutch purse into it, hearing her heels click along the floor. She was smiling and looked at me, and told me, "enjoy the evening my dear, remember to smile!". I asked her what was in the tote bag was for and she walked up to me and said "well, I cannot sleep naked, so I packed the lingerie Brenda bought me for Christmas, and a few 'party favors', including 'Brad'". She was smiling wild and said, "I am sleeping over at Brenda's tonight, and I am still loving the feeling of your dildo 'Brad' on New Years Eve in my pussy, I want that dildo again tonight". She gave me a little kiss on the lips, so a "lipstick to lipstick light kiss" and kept walking and with her heels clicking on the floor stopped and looked back at me and said, "I have not forgotten about you my love, Brenda and I going to 'Le Castile' tonight, you know the high end steak house, in Mississauga?, but tomorrow night, I have made a reservations at our favourite place, 'Vila Rosa', 7pm, for Valentines Day, please be dressed and ready by 6pm, I will be wearing this outfit, so be in something appropriate, as you know it is upscale". She blew me a kiss and left out the back door and saw her get into her car and back out of the driveway.

I was left somewhat "stunned", but knew my date was going to be arriving shortly and could not dwell on what just happened, and went to the front hall closet and pulled out my black faux fur coat and slung it on the living room love seat and then went and started double checking my black patent clutch purse. I realized that I forgot a comb for my hair and quickly went downstairs to find one. I was searching through my regular purse when I heard the doorbell and knew it was Joe. Luckily I found the comb and grabbed it and quickly headed upstairs, I did not even bother packing the comb, and left it on the table and went to the door. I was moving as quickly as I could in my 4 ½" heels and as they clicked wildly across the floor, made it to the door and opened it and there was Joe.

Joe was exactly as I remembered him from the time I was in a Wedding gown and serviced him orally two years previously, he was distinguished and handsome, had a salt and pepper hair and moustache and was standing there with a dozen red roses. First words out of his mouth was, "WOW!!, look at you!, you look fantastic". He handed me the flowers and gave me a gentle peck on the cheek, I smelled them and they smelled amazing and then looked him over, he was in a black suit, and a satin red tie, and black shoes, he did not look bad himself. I invited him in and he came in and told him I was going to put the flowers in water, and as he came in told me that I not only looked good, but I smelled amazing as well, and I was smiling ear to ear as I went and grabbed a vase and filled it with water and put the flowers in. As I walked back into the living room, I grabbed my black patent clutch purse, shoved in my comb, and saw that Joe was standing there holding a white box and handed it to me and I grabbed it and he said, "for you my dear". I opened it and it was wrist corsage to match the colour of my dress and I gave him a little kiss in the cheek to thank him and pulled it out of the box and slipped it on my right wrist, it was real flowers and smelled lovely. He then held out my black faux fur coat and asked for me to come and to slip into it. I walked up to him and smiled and said, "guess it is time to leave?", and he said, "yes we do not want to be late", and turned and he slipped the coat over my shoulders as I could not put it all the way on due to the corsage. I pulled out the keys to lock the front door and as we left, I turned and locked the door and grabbed his arm and he lead me to his car.

Joe was definitely classy and lead me to the passenger side and opened my door and I adjusted my skirt and slid in and he closed the door and then went to his side and slid in and started the car. Now the slit on my skirt was exposing a huge amount of my silky exposed legs and I opened my coat and was expecting Joe to take advantage of it, but as he started the car, looked over at me and made the comment, "nice legs". We drove the short distance to "Le Dome" in Oakville, and not once did Joe take advantage of caressing my silky legs. I was a little disappointed, but not really surprised, as Joe after all was gay. As we drove, Joe and I went over our stories and we discussed details about our relationship and what we were going to tell people and he told me what awards he was getting and all about the people we were going to be sitting with. As we pulled up to the venue, I was a little nervous as I had never been to anything like this in my female "passing career", I had drove by it tons of times, but always wondered what it was like inside, and this time I was going to find out as a female.

We pulled up to the venue and I was tingling with anticipation, and Joe got out of his side of the car, I waited for him to open my door and I carefully slid out making sure not to show too much leg. Joe was a gentleman and he held out his hand and I stood up and grabbed his arm and went into the venue, and I remembered what Sharon told me and smiled. As we walked towards the doors, I realized I was "way out of my element", over my 23 plus years of passing I been everywhere as a female, walked down the isle for real, Bridesmaid for real four times, been to a Prom for real, and work as a female part time with no one knowing my true sex, but this was different, as I was going as the date of a divorced man as his new "girlfriend". What made it more intimidating was that Joe was the most successful and popular sales person in his company, so he was going to be the center of attention, which made me as well!. We walked into "Le Dome" and again, I had never been to the place as a male or female, and with my heels clicking along the marble floors, I was lost and literally being led by Joe which apparently knew where to go he lead us to the coat check. Always the gentleman, he removed my coat, and handed it to the coat check girl, which was cute, in a black below the knee length skirt and a pretty white blouse and I caught her checking me out as Joe and I turned to leave, and I appreciated the "non-verbal genetic female compliment" as she smiled at me.

What happened next was a "whirlwind of activity", we entered the main room, and it was packed and all I did was hang off of Joe's arm, and did as Sharon said, "smile" as he walked me around and my 4 ½" heels clicking on the marble floor, I was loving it being a "trophy". I literally gave up on names, as Joe introduced me as his new girlfriend, and it seemed that "everyone" wanted to talk to him, I definitely was just "window dressing". I got complimented over and over about my dress and jewellery, and "how lovely I looked", by men and GG's, I kept thinking in my mind, "oh if you only knew what was under my skirt". I kept looking down and loved how my sexy lovely exposed silky legs were poking out of my dress as I walked and was proud and knew the alterations I got done on the dress were paying off as I caught many guys and a few women staring at my legs as I walked. As we continued to walk around I started to "size up the competition", like all of the other GG's, they were "sizing each other up", and I was one of them and loved getting looked over. I noticed that all of the other females were in skirts or dresses and it was a combination of floor length dresses and skirts, and then the younger crowd was in the newer stylish butt ugly strapless knee length dresses. Heel heights were predictable, with the older women in flats or 1 inch heels and the "20 something" girls (me included) in 3 to 4 inch and above heels. There was some outstanding dresses to look at and I noticed them, but just glanced and did not stare I stay in true "genetic female fashion", looked and smiled and moved on.

I started to see people start to take their seats and I was still hanging off Joe's arm and followed him to the table, where we found a card that read "Joe X, and guest". He looked over at me and for the first time in the evening, kissed me, but it was a light and "friendly" kiss on the lips and said out loud, "this is where we are sitting my dear". He pulled out my chair and I sat down and he pushed it in. There was 8 people at the table and sitting right next to me was a woman, about my age, not overly attractive, but very well put together with her purple spaghetti strapped A-line long dress, sequins on the bodice, hair was up in a bun and she was wearing sparkly jewellery like I was, and I noticed her nails were done and painted to match her lipstick and her makeup was very nice, I could not make out the perfume she was wearing, but it too was nice. I could see she was looking me over as well, and held out her and said, "I am Beth, nice to meet you, and I love the dress you are wearing". I thanked her and told her my name and as well complimented her in return about her dress, then the "usual female to female" conversation started, about Joe, how long I had been seeing him, where I worked, etc. I looked over and Joe gently caressed my bare silky covered leg only for a second, then continued on with his conversation with a male co-worker. Beth and I continued our "female to female" conversation and she asked all about my dress and then I did the same to her, the conversation went all over the place, I learned she worked in Oakville at the town and was in accounting and that she had two children, a boy and a girl, 10 and 12, and she was actually two years younger than myself. I had fun talking about my job at the Bridal salon, and it seems that whenever another GG finds out you work in a Bridal salon the question of "bet you have fun with the 'Bridzillas'" comes up. I laughed and told her she watched too many reality based TV shows on Bridal salons and that it happens maybe one in a while, not all the time, not like on the reality shows. We both laughed and continued talking and before I knew it, the first course was being served and it was a vegetable soup. I looked over at Joe and he gave me an affectionate kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear and said, "you are having way too much fun, you definitely would have me fooled". I smiled and grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes and basically gave him, the "I think I have done this a few hundred times before and know what I am doing look". He squeezed my hand back and I knew that I was holding my own and was not going be discovered or embarrass him.

The soup was amazing, next was the salad, which was a fresh green garden salad and during the changing of the plates, I took a look at the serving girls, they were all in below the knee length black skirts and white blouses, low heels and black opaque tights. Then the conversation turned to people all around the table talking and I was getting questions about my work at the Bridal Salon from 3 other women, two had daughters getting married and the questions were coming left right and center and I lost track of the two middle aged women I was talking to, but was having one "mental orgasm" after another and was having the time of my life. Finally, the main course was served which was roast beef, small potatoes and green beans. We were all busy eating and chatting and before I knew it, dinner was done, and it was time for dessert. Now I had looked around the table at the other women at the table and what they were wearing other than Beth. There was two other women both in their mid to late 50's wearing what looked like to be "Mother of the Bride" type dresses, well put together. Dessert came and Joe poured me another glass of red wine and dessert was orange sherbet.

Once dessert was done, and the plates were being cleared, I looked over at Beth and she gave the "universal genetic female signal" for a ladies room visit by picking up her black clutch purse and said, to the table, "ladies?". Well, me not being able to resist a trip to the ladies room with another genetic female, grabbed my patent black clutch purse and one of the "50 something" women grabbed her cream coloured clutch purse and we all stood up and I gave Joe a peck on the cheek and told him I would be right back. The three of us walked along, and I looked down and saw Beth was in black strappy heels and had to laugh a little inside as they looked exactly like what my husband's GG lover Brenda wears all the time, but lower. Beth was checking me out as well as we walked, and I was having yet another "mental orgasm", as we were not the only ones that had the idea to use the ladies room, and all of the GG's were checking each other out as we made our way down the curved hallway.

I was really excited as the chorus of heels were clicking down the marble hallway, mine included, and was wondering if it was going to be a ladies room and not just simply a ladies washroom. I was glad some of the other females knew where we were going, as I did not and just followed the crowd of formally dressed females holding their clutch purses. I eventually saw the "washrooms" sign and followed the other females into the "ladies" door, well, right off the bat I knew that it was not the ladies room I had experienced on New Years eve, this was the stalls, two couches and the mirrors and sinks all in one, and I was glad it was a ladies room, rather than a ladies bathroom. I sized it up, and there was 2 couches right near the entrance, about 6 sinks and mirrors and about 12 stalls. I looked over and the couches were already full with formally dressed women on them, and the mirrors already had a line up to use them, the three of us were in a line up for the stalls, I was in "heaven". I was the first of the three of us to get a free stall, and smiled as I walked past the woman that was leaving it and she smiled back at me. These stalls were not as sophisticated as the ones I used on New Years Eve or at Stage West, as they had no shelf to put your clutch purse and ended up putting my black patent clutch purse on top of the sanitary napkin disposal container. I pulled up my skirt and then carefully pulled down my panties and loved the fact I did not have to deal with pantyhose and sat down and did my business, making sure to make the right "tinkling sounds". As I was, I looked down and loved the fact I was staring at other woman in the next stalls in heels. After I was finished, made sure I cleaned up and used toilet paper and the "appropriate sounds". When I was done, pulled up my panties and stood up and adjusted my dress and then left the stall.

I LOVED the sight of leaving the stall looking at all of the other formally dressed females, and being greeted by another woman rushing to the stall, smiling at me and checking me up and down. I joined the line of the other ladies waiting for a spot at the mirror, I started looking around for Beth and the "50 something" woman and could not find them, and the ladies room was packed with other formally dressed women. I loved the smell of the other genetic women's perfume as I stood in line and soaked in the feminine atmosphere. A spot at the mirror came open and I went to it, again, smiling to the woman that left the spot and opened my patent black clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and lip gloss and looked in the mirror and smiled at the other women standing on either side of me. I applied my lipstick and gloss and was looking in the mirror behind me to see if I could see Beth or the "50 something" woman, and I could not. I was wondering if they had left already but was sure they knew the "ladies room code" and would not have left without the ladies they came in with. I packed up my black patent clutch purse and turned and smiled at the next woman that was coming to use the mirror and decided to give my feet a rest and found a place on one of the two large couches and sat down and smiled at each one of the women on either side of me. I checked both of them out and they did the same to me, I started looking around the room, and finally spotted both Beth and the "50 something" woman. I saw them leaving the mirrors and they spotted me and I got up and joined them and in unison left the ladies room and back down the marble hallway, our heels clicking in unison, I yet again, was in Heaven.

We arrived back at the table and Joe was a gentleman, stood up and gave me a light peck on the cheek and welcomed me back, then pulled out my chair. Then the speeches and awards started, I noticed Joe had topped up my wine glass, as Joe told me, he went up 4 times for awards, and I was not paying attention, I had no clue what each was for, but one was for salesman of the year. Each time his name was announced, as we all clapped, Joe would lean down and give me a light kiss on my lips, and the 4th time, I started getting thoughts for the first time in the evening, remembering the day in Cheryle's apartment with me in a Wedding gown pleasing him, that I wanted a little more than just light kisses and dancing from him, and was hoping it would be more, and would see where the evening would lead. Eventually the speeches and the awards were over and they announced that they music was going to come on and that they would need a few minutes to clear the dance floor. Joe asked me I wanted a drink from the bar and I asked for a club soda and cranberry juice, and she gave me another light kiss and left. Beth took the opportunity to lean into me and say, "you two make a nice couple". I smiled and thanked her and Joe came back and for the first time, other than little kisses showed a little more public affection and gently reached down and held my hand. I looked over at him and smiled and leaned over and gave him a little more of a loving kiss and told him I was having a great time, he smiled back and told me that "I was doing wonderful", and that he has gotten tons of compliments about me, and how lovely I looked, I smiled and had about "10 mental orgasms".

The music started and Joe asked if I cared to dance, and I of course said yes, and he pulled out my chair and then I asked if anyone was going to be at the table to watch purses and Beth said she would take the first "shift" and I put my black patent clutch purse down on my seat and pushed it in and Joe grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. The first two songs were fast, and I did my best in my 4 ½" heels, as I am used to ballroom dancing in them. The third song was a slow one and Joe pulled me in close and I looked up and stared at him, and right then and there knew something had changed. He leaned down and gave me a light kiss then said, "you are so ravishing, definitely one the top 10 women here tonight". He then leaned down and gave me a longer kiss and pulled me closer into his body and I knew it, I could feel his crotch against me and he was hard. I pushed him away slightly and looked him in the eyes then quietly said, "is that bulge in your pants for a woman or a man in a dress?". He leaned down and gave me an even longer kiss and this time his tongue entered my mouth and knew this was the question that was either going to end the evening, or make it more magical. He said, "how could anyone think of you as anything but a creature of beauty, a female, look around, you are more pretty than half of the real women here". I was thrilled at his comment, blushed and said, "but what really matters is you and what you think", he smiled and leaned down and gave me another long kiss after he broke it said, "I want nothing more than these sweet lips, breasts, I could care less what is South of those lovely breasts, other than those stunning silky legs".

I smiled and leaned into him, and put my head into his shoulders, still feeling the bulge in his pants and thought "YES!!!", and knew that the evening probably was going to end up well, but knew I probably was in the "driver seat", as I had to give Joe the "right signals". We danced around 6 songs or so and I was ready to take a seat as my calves were starting to feel the 4 ½" heels I was wearing and Joe lead me by my hand to the table, and we told the two couples that were sitting there that we would take a turn at "clutch purse watch". Joe said he would get me another drink and I told him the same, soda and cranberry juice, and he leaned down and gave me a light kiss on the lips and told me he would be right back. I soaked in the atmosphere and was loving it and I spotted a few "20 something" women in stunning and revealing gowns, and just glanced and did not stare, but I definitely wanted to, and I was being checked out as well. Joe came back with the drinks and I had just taken a sip when Beth came back to the table and reached down and grabbed her black clutch purse and smiled and stared at me and held it up with the "universal genetic female signal" for the ladies room, and I grabbed my black patent clutch purse and quickly stood up and gave Joe a peck on the lips and told him I would be right back.

As we walked along to the ladies room down the marble hallway, Beth said again to me, "you seem to be having a good time with Joe, a lot of people have commented on how well you make a nice couple" and I smiled and told her I was having a good time and thanked her. I saw her look me up and down again and she said, "how can you manage in those stiletto heels, my legs and feet get sore just looking at you in them", I glanced down and remembered she was only in about 2 ½" heels, maybe 3" and clunky, and told her, "dear I work in these puppies for 8 hour shifts, at the Bridal Salon, and no sitting down, they are no problem". She said, "you are a better woman than I, I could not pull it off", and we both laughed and I thought to myself, and had another "mental orgasm", "if you only knew". We entered the ladies room, and it was not as busy as right after dessert, but there was a line up, however it was small to use the stalls, I noticed there was no line up for the mirrors and there was a few free spots and the couches they were not that full with formally dressed women. I was a little disappointed, but still the buzz" and the atmosphere of being in a ladies room on an occasion like this with other formally dressed females was still a thrill. My turn came for a stall and I was in front of Beth and turned and smiled at her as I made my way to the stall and smiled at the woman that was leaving the stall, then went in. Like the last time, I put my black patent clutch purse on the top of the sanitary napkin disposal container, and then carefully pulled down my panties and sat down and did my business. Again, I loved looking down and seeing heels on either side of my stall, and made sure I made the correct "tinkling sounds", and then cleaned up and stood up and pulled up my panties and grabbed my clutch purse and left the stall. As I was walking to the mirror and sinks, was greeted by a woman taking my stall and we exchanged the usual "female to female smile".

I made my way to the mirrors, and spotted Beth and there was spot next to her open, I took it, put down my black patent clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and smiled at Beth in the mirror as she was touching up her lips. I did mine and fluffed out my hair and packed everything back in my clutch purse and smiled at Beth in the mirror and we both left the ladies room, and that was the last time I was going to be in the ladies room for the rest of the evening. We walked back to the main room, our heels clicking in unison on the marble floor, and the dancing was still going on and we made it back to the table, and Joe stood up and told me how more lovely I looked and leaned down to my face and gave me a loving kiss. I looked over at Beth and she was smiling and told me she and her husband would "man" the table, and I thanked her and put my black patent clutch purse on my chair and pushed it in and Joe lead me by my hand to the dance floor. We danced for about 6 or 7 more songs and all of the slow ones, Joe was staring at me, giving me light kisses and when he pulled me in close, I could feel the bulge in his pants up against my belly. I would stare at him and bite my lip and sometimes lick my lips in a seductive way, letting him know I was getting aroused as well as he was, but mine was mental, not physical.

It had been about 45 minutes and my calves were starting to feel it and I looked up at him and asked him if was ready to leave, and he smiled and gave me a long kiss and said he was. He gently grabbed my hand and lead me back to the table, and Beth and her husband were there. I reached down and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and told Beth I was leaving, I really did not notice the other people at the table, my focus was on Joe. Beth stood up and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "enjoy the rest of your evening dear and Joe". I thanked her and Joe lead me by the hand out of the hall, stopping by certain people to say goodbye and I stood there and smiled like Sharon told me and we eventually made it to the coat check. Joe was a gentleman and took the lead and got my black faux fur coat, and I turned around and he helped me put it on, this time I reached down and took off the corsage, so I could fully wear my coat. I was "tingling" in anticipation as Joe took my hand and lead me out of the hall, my heels clicking on the marble floor. We entered into the parking lot and the cool February air, I was glad I was wearing my black faux fur coat and Joe lead me to his car and the passenger side.

Before Joe opened the door, he leaned down and gave me the biggest kiss of the night, his tongue was darting in and out of my mouth and I reciprocated, and he pulled me in tight, but I could not feel if his member was hard or not with the big coat I was wearing, but assumed he was. After he broke the kiss I knew what was coming next and it was, "care to come back to my place for a drink?". I already had my answer and gave him a light kiss back and said, "I would be honoured". Joe opened my door and I slid in, and he was walking around to get in, I opened my coat and arranged the huge front slit in my dress to expose maximum leg, I put the lovely corsage in my black patent clutch purse and thought about how I was going to preserve it. Joe slid in and grabbed my hand and smiled at me, as the car started to go, I gently reached over and grabbed Joe's free hand and moved it to my silky exposed thighs. As we drove Joe caressed my legs and told me how proud he was to show me off in the evening and how everyone was complimenting him how I was a "good catch" and "how pretty" I was, we both laughed and said in unison, "if they only knew". Joe kept caressing my silky stocking covered legs and while he did, I knew my lipstick was destroyed and pulled out my lighted compact and put on a fresh coat of lipstick and gloss, I knew Joe was looking and I loved it. Eventually we got to his condo building, which was not far from my house, and was right on the water, on the shores of Lake Ontario. He pulled into the secured parking garage and parked, then got out and came around to my door and opened it and put out his hand and I grabbed it and he helped me out of the car, he smiled and grabbed my hand and lead me to the elevators, again, I loved hearing my heels clicking on the concrete.

We got to the elevators and were greeted by another couple, obviously coming from a formal occasion as he was in a suit and she was in a short formal LBD and 4" strappy heels and made up pretty, so I knew the elevator ride was going to be no making out. We all smiled and entered the elevator together and Joe's condo was on the 2nd floor, we were the first to get out and Joe held my hand and lead me the door of his Condo. He opened the door and he followed me in, all I could think of was "WOW". Joe's condo living room bay window overlooks the Oakville harbour, and even though there were no boats in it and partially covered in ice, I could imagine what it looked like in the summer. I walked towards it and was staring and loving the scene and Joe came up behind me and slowly removed my black faux fur and I let it slide off my arms and he gently leaned into my neck and told me how "delicious" I smelled and then I tilted my head to one side and he gently kissed my neck. I was lost in the moment and loving every minute of it, Joe went and hung up my coat, and I continued to stare he came back and asked if I liked the view and told him I did, and he said, "but I like this view better", then turned me around and started kissing me like crazy, his hands were all over my velvet backside, and I could feel the bulge in the front of his pants pushing against my belly. We continued kissing passionately for several minutes and then Joe broke the kiss and asked if I would like something to drink and I told him I would and he offered me a glass of wine and I accepted.

I watched as Joe walked away and was laughing inside as the bulge at the front of his pants was very evident, I stared out the window more and Joe said he had to use the washroom, I could hear him shuffling around. He turned on a light rock station for background music and dimmed the lights. Joe then came back and gave me a little kiss on my lips and handed me my wine, and told me we should "retire to he couch". We both sat down, but drinking wine was not what either one of us had in mind and after just two sips, we both put down our glasses and embrace into a long passionate kiss, Joe's hands were all over my velvet covered body and silky legs and he caressed me everywhere including my breasts, our tongues were dancing as we made out for at least 20 minutes. I on the other hand was gently caressing the large bulge in the front of his pants, and he was groaning as I did. I definitely wanted that bulge and to please and thank him for a wonderful evening and was hoping the time would be right.

To my disappointment, Joe broke our kiss and told me he wanted to stop. We were both breathing heavy and Joe was physically ready, his crotch was bulging out and I had to laugh inside, for me I was mentally having orgasm, after orgasm. He told me, "go to the washroom and 'freshen up', there is something for you in there". We exchanged one long last kiss and I stood up and Joe quickly stood up right after me and then told me stand still and he went in behind me and again nuzzled his head into my neck and kissed my neck and I felt him, fumbling for the clasp to the top of my dress, he eventually found it. Once the clasp was undone, he slowly unzipped my dress and I knew right then and there I was going to be changing. He then turned me around and gave me another long and passionate kiss and caressed my bare and exposed back and told me that I needed to go "freshen up", he requested I leave my fake breasts in the bathroom, as he wanted to enjoy my natural 36B breasts. I grabbed the upper part of my dress for support and asked Joe where the washroom was and he directed me down the hall, and I starting walking down the hall, I grabbed my black patent clutch purse with my heels clicking down the hall, I was excited and wondering what he was going to have me wearing, I knew it was going to be lingerie, but what kind and colour was going to be the question.

I found the bathroom and clicked on the light and squinted and let my eyes get used to the light. I put down my black patent clutch purse and one the counter was a box from "Le Vie En Rose", which I knew was going to be expensive lingerie. I quickly opened the box and found silk lavender coloured lingerie, in my excitement, my dress fell to the floor, and I stepped out of it then quickly grabbed it off the floor and put it on the counter. I pulled out the lingerie and it was a chemise with tons of lace at the breasts, was silky smooth, as well was a wrap that was matching and the top too had lace. I slipped off my bra and breast forms(wrapping them up in a towel) and left everything else on, silky sheer stay ups, garter belt and 4 1/2" black patent heels, then slowly slipped on the chemise, it felt like heaven, the feeling of the satin and lace over my bare breasts. Then was the wrap, and I looked at myself in the mirror loved the look, being 5'0" was probably longer on me, both the wrap and the chemise came just below my knees, which was perfect. Next step was fixing my makeup, as my eyes were smudged and my lips needing touching up. I cleaned up my eyes the best I could, but in my black patent clutch purse, I did not prepare for eye makeup repair and just used tissue to make them look respectable. I took out my lipstick and applied a healthy coat, then gloss and packed it back into my black patent clutch purse.

I grabbed my black patent clutch purse and headed back into the living room, Joe heard my heels clicking and was standing, waiting for me with a fresh glass of wine and was smiling wildly. He handed me my glass and gave me a little kiss on the lips and told me how stunning I looked. I grabbed his hand and he lead me to the couch and we sat down. Joe was still in his suit and tie and we sat down and started making out heavily, he kept moaning, telling me how sexy and silky I felt and then started caressing me all over and told me that he wanted to caress and enjoy my breasts. I was lost in the passion of the moment and let him have my body, and then he opened the robe and pulled down the straps of the chemise and while he was caressing me all over, my silky legs, torso, but never near my crotch. He broke our kiss and leaned down and started tweaking and sucking on my nipples, back and forth, as well as caressing them, and kept moaning telling me how perfect they were and at one point looked up and me and said, "I have plans for these later", I wondered what that was and hope it did involve nipple clamps. I pulled the straps of my chemise back up, he then came and sat back next to me and we started another passionate kissing session, with him caressing me all over my satin covered body and silky legs.

Now it was my turn to enjoy, I broke our kissing and I started gently rubbing Joe's bulging crotch and moaning in his ear and asking if he liked what his "new Bride" did the last time we got together, and he moaned back, "I will never forget those lovely lips". I asked him if he wanted them again, and he groaned back loudly, "OH YES!". We then started passionately kissing again and I reached down and started to undo his belt, and when he figured out what I was doing, started helping in earnest and before I knew it, his pants and underwear were down around his ankles, and I had his rock hard member in my hands. I massaged the tip of his member and spread around the pre cum that had formed and massaged the head with my thumb. Joe was "beside himself", moaning and saying how good it felt. I knew it was time, I stood up and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick, I did not bother with my gloss and stared down at Joe and he was staring at me, stoking his hard and ready member as I slowly put on my lipstick. I put my lipstick back into my black patent clutch purse and Joe laid back and closed his eyes and knew he was waiting for me.

I got on my knees before Joe, was not really caring about my hose, getting a run, then licked my way up his legs to his crotch and he was moaning and telling me how good it felt, and when I got to his crotch, I slowly licked his balls and he continued groaning as grabbed his shaft and slowly started stroking up and down. I went to work right away, started slowly licking up and down his shaft and then engulfing the head and started swirling my tongue around his head over and over. Then, I went and opened my lips wide and took his member in as far as it would go and could feel his pubic hairs tickling at my nose and clamped my lips down hard and left a lipstick impression at the base of his member. I then concentrated on the underside of his shaft, licking and kissing and caressed his balls at the same time. I loved being in control and felt Joe's hands on my head as I was working on his member, moaning and groaning wildly. I must have done a really good job, as I could taste the pre-cum suddenly bubbling out of the head, and his breathing was getting heavier and shorter at one point he grunted and filled my mouth with his sweet juice, I had no chance to stop it like I usually like to do. I lost the number of spurts he filled my mouth with, but it was several, I swallowed each of them, eventually he finally stopped and I felt his member go soft in my mouth. I released his member from my mouth and sat back and gently stroked it and Joe was moaning how good it felt, I stood up and went and grabbed my wine and took a big gulp, then grabbed my black patent clutch purse and gave Joe a kiss on the cheek, his eyes were still closed as he recovered.

I told him I had to use the bathroom, and left him recovering on the couch and went to the bathroom smiling, still tasting some his sweet juice in my mouth and throat. I closed the door, put down my clutch purse and carefully pulled down my panties and sat down and did my business. I cleaned up, then opened my black patent clutch purse and put on a fresh coat of lipstick and gloss. I packed up my purse and left the bathroom, and walked down the hall to the living room, and Joe met me and he had changed, he was in a grey housecoat and had refilled the wine glasses as I put down my clutch purse, he handed me my wine glass and gave me a little kiss and told me how incredible I was, and I was more of a GG than any real woman he has ever been with. I was smiling, knowing I enjoyed it probably just as much and possibly more than he did. We sat down, he was caressing me all over my satin covered body, and silky legs, we broke into another long kissing session, I reached down, found he had stripped naked and slowly started caressing his hardening member. At one point we broke our kiss, I was slowly still caressing his member and asked him how he knew I was going to come back to his place after the event. He said he did not, and then asked him about the lingerie, and asked him how he had the lingerie for me, and he gave me a kiss, and told me he bought it for me, and was going to send it to me as a "thank you", the following week for coming to the awards banquet as his date. I asked him how he knew my size and he gave me another little kiss and said, "well you can thank your friend Cheryle for that, she was the one that actually bought it". I smiled and we went into another long kissing and caressing session and eventually, his member in my hand was rock solid and standing proud.

I stared down and saw my painted fingers around his firm member and was just about to lean down and start sucking on it to enjoy it again, and he noticed this and stopped me and said, "no, I want something else". I looked at him and gave him, a "I don't think so look", and he saw that then said, "no dear, I have no interest in anything other that those sexy lips and lovely breasts". I had no clue at that point what he was up to, but he stood up and offered me his hand to help me to my feet, and asked me to grab my black patent clutch purse and I did and he lead me to his bedroom, my heels clicking away on the hardwood floor. His bed was high off the ground and he was smiling with me and gave me a long kiss and was continuing to caress me all over my satin covered body, while I caressed his stiff member in one hand and black patent clutch purse in the other. He broke our kiss at one point and asked me to make my lips "very inviting". At this point I figured he wanted me to suck him in his own bed, so I opened my purse, took out my lighted compact and applied a healthy coat of lipstick and gloss, and noticed he took off his robe and was completely naked, his firm member sticking straight out, it was quite the sight. He came up to me after I had packed away my lipstick and gloss and said, "perfect", I smiled, he gave me a peck on the cheek and asked me to get up on the bed, I reached down and gave his strong member a caress and then got up on the bed, put down my black patent clutch purse on the bedside table. I was expecting him to join me on the bed, he then asked me to lie down sideways on the bed, which I did, then he came to me and asked me to lie on my back, he then gently grabbed my shoulders telling me to move to the edge which I did. He moved me farther and father to the edge, before I knew it my head was over the side of the bed and I was staring at Joe upside down. It was at that point I realized what he was up to, I saw his member approaching my face and he said, "I cannot make love to you, but I can to those lovely lips, let me know if you are comfortable with this". Now I have only seen this in porno movies and was not sure what it would be like, but said, "feed me your cock lover".

I closed my eyes and formed an "O" with my lipstick covered lips and felt Joe slowly enter my mouth and with the position I was in, he easily slid in his member all the way in and I did not gag at all. I felt his pubic hair tickling my chin and he moaned and asked if was fine. I simply clamped down my lips even tighter and started swirling my tongue around, and he slowly started to pump in and out of my mouth telling me that this was better than any pussy he had made love to. I found it rather odd, as he was gay, but must have been years ago, and really did not care, I wanted to enjoy the experience. I clamped down even more and he literally started making love to my lipstick covered lips and mouth he kept groaning and telling me, "my God, you are such a hot real woman, your lips are so smooth and lovely". Joe eventually got into a rhythm, and was making love with my lipstick covered lips. I had my eyes closed and he was thrusting in and out, I had never felt anything like it before, I had his balls banging against my forehead, his hands on the side of me as he thrust in and out, it was definitely a new experience for me. At one point he reached down and started caressing my lace covered breasts telling me how lovely they were, and it seemed to get him even hotter as he started thrusting harder and harder. I could hear him moaning about how sexy in the evening with my lovely dress, and would loved to have me as his Bride for real when he grunted and stopped moving and had his member deep down my throat and I could feel his member pulsing, but the only way I knew he had cum was the taste of his juice down the back of my throat.

He pulled out and sat back on a chair in the room, myself on the other hand rolled over and was dizzy as hell and looked over at Joe and he was smiling at me and said, "you are one incredible woman". I thanked him and rolled off the bed and grabbed my purse and left the bedroom and told Joe I needed to use the bathroom. As I walked I was a little wobbly on my heels as I was dizzy after being upside down for that length of time, but I made it to the bathroom, and closed the door. I put my clutch purse on the counter and the pulled down my panties and sat down and did my business. When I was done, cleaned up and then carefully pulled up my panties then went to the mirror and opened my clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and re- applied them and then after packing them away left the bathroom. I was not sure where Joe was, but when he heard my heels clicking on the hardwood floor he called out to me from the living room. I met him, and he had put his housecoat back on and had filled up the wine glasses again, and sat next to him on the couch and he was gentle caressing my legs and telling me what an incredible woman I was, as we sipped on our wine. I was curious and asked him, if he was gay, why he would want a woman, and he said, "well, we are both adults and not stupid, I know you are not a woman, and what is under those panties, but you are certainly more of a woman than I have ever known, and for tonight, you are a woman in my eyes, a hot and sexy one as well".

After that we never talked again for a long time, he just caressed me all over slowly, enjoying the satin material and caressing my lace covered breasts over and over, staring into my eyes and eventually we finished our wine and he pulled me close and we went into another long passionate kissing session. I reached down and opened his housecoat and found he was hard again and slowly started caressing him up and down and as we were kissing he was moaning again and then broke our kiss and said "come with me my love", and got up off the couch and offered me his hand I grabbed my clutch purse and he lead me, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor again to the bedroom. I was thinking he was going to make love to my lipstick covered lips again, but he stopped me at the side of the bed and told me to turn around and I felt him push my hair aside and was fumbling with my sparkly necklace and the clasp and eventually, I felt it when it came off, as he was doing this, I looked down on the bed, and noticed Joe had laid a towel at the upper part of the bed and over the pillow. He put the necklace on the nightstand and turned me around and gave me another long passionate kiss, and was again caressing me all over and I reached down and caressed his hard member.

He broke our kiss and said, "I want to give you something very special, a necklace". Again, I knew right then and there what he was up to, I said back, "a lovely pearl necklace?". He smiled and said, "yes, I want to make love to those lovely breasts of yours". He moved in and we went into another passionate kiss and he was feeling my satin covered body all over, I could feel the bulge of his crotch against my belly and again reached down and under his robe, found his hard member and started stroking it. We broke our kiss and we were smiling at each other and he reached down and undid the satin sash to my lavender coloured satin robe and then gently pulled it off my shoulders as it dropped to the ground, gave me a light kiss, while caressing my satin and lace covered breasts, told me to crawl up on the bed. I crawled up on the bed and after putting my clutch purse on the nightstand next to my necklace, I went and positioned my head on the pillow and watched as Joe slipped off his robe so he was naked and got onto the bed, he crawled into position and I could see his hard member as he crawled up my body straddling my torso. Before Joe came all the way up on my body, he leaned down and pulled down the straps to my chemise and exposed my breasts, and started sucking and nibbling on my nipples and massaging my 36B breasts telling me how lovely they were, I loved the feeling and sensations. Joe then licked and made the valley between my breasts wet and then moved further up on my body and I knew what I had to do and grabbed each one of my breasts and squeezed them together and watched Joe put his hard member in between them.

I stared up at Joe as he slowly started making love to my breasts and it was another new experience for me, I loved the feeling of his hard member sliding in and out and the fact he was on top of me and in control, it was so thrilling, I was loving it, and so was Joe. He kept thrusting back and forth and then started the routine of stopping and thrusting his bulging head into my mouth and took it in to my mouth and licked and sucked it and could taste his pre-cum. He was telling me how sexy my lips looked as he stared down on me, I kept squeezing and licking and sucking as he thrust his head into my mouth. I looked up at him from time to time and he was telling me how sexy I was all evening in my dress and how lovely my breasts were, he started getting into a rhythm, and then closed his eyes and I know he was going to be close, as his pre-cum was making my breasts slicker and slicker, allowing his member to move more smoothly, I simply loved the feeling!. I kept staring up at him and seeing the look on his face as he was aggressively thrusting in and out of my breasts and squeezed them together even harder, he was definitely ready to explode. About 2 minutes later he did and the experience was unique, his juice spilled all over the bottom of my chin and my breasts, then down the sides of my neck, it truly was a "necklace". He gave me one last thrust and push the head of his member into my mouth and I cleaned off the last of his lovely juice with my tongue then swallowed it down. He got off me and handed me a wash cloth, leaned down gave me a little kiss, told me how incredible my breasts were, and I giggled and started wiping his juice off of me and he told me he had to use the bathroom and left the room.

After I cleaned up, pulled up the straps to my chemise, got off the bed and put back on the matching satin and lace robe, grabbed my sparkly necklace and put it back on. I then looked over and saw the clock, and was stunned, it was 2:30am. I grabbed my clutch purse and headed into the living room, and Joe was on the couch relaxing and as my heels were clicking down the hall he was smiling at me and was telling me how pretty I looked. I went, leaned down and gave him a big long kiss and thanked him for the experience and he told me that he was the one that should be thankful as my breasts as well as my lips were so incredible. I told him it was late and that I was getting tired and he agree and was getting tired as well and told me that he was not going to be safely able to drive me home but was going to give me money for a taxi to go home. I gave him another long kiss and told him I had to get changed to go home and before I left him, he grabbed my breasts and massaged them and told me how much he loved them. I smiled and told him I was glad he liked them and then went to the bathroom, with my heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

I closed the door and pulled down my panties and sat down on the toilet and did my business and cleaned up and slid off the lingerie and grabbed my dress and took off my black 4 1/2" patent pumps and stepped in the dress and did it up as far as it could go. It was late and I was tired and exhausted, and thought about not doing my lips, but now that I was going to be going home in public transit, opened my black patent clutch purse and applied another healthy coat of lipstick and gloss. I slipped my 4 1/2" black patent heels back on and fluffed out my hair and packed my clutch purse, packed the lingerie back into the box and grabbed that and my clutch purse and with heels clicking on the hardwood floor, headed to the living room. Joe was standing, waiting for me and smiling and offered to do up my dress, but I declined as I would have no one to undo it at home when I arrived and explained my husband Sharon was on a date of her own with her Bi sexual female lover, and would no one to undo me when I got home. Joe went and grabbed my black faux fur coat and helped me on with it and told me the taxi would be coming anytime and handed me $40 and told me to put it in my clutch purse, which I did. He leaned in and gave me a long kiss and broke it and told me how he loved my lips and we started another long kiss and the buzzer went off, my taxi had arrived, Joe had ordered it when I was changing. Joe was still in his robe naked, and we shared one last long kiss and I reached down and found a very limp member, but gently stroked it, after we broke our kiss told him how much I enjoyed it. He said, "my dear you have the best lips I have ever experienced and those breasts are lovely, and you looked stunning, but you really should be going before your cab departs". He buzzed back and told the cab driver we were coming down.

He held my hand to the door and I gave him one last quick kiss and left his apartment and headed to the elevator, with my clutch purse and my new lingerie in hand. I heard the door close behind me and as I stood at the elevator, I closed my eyes and started remembering all of the incredible moments of the evening, and none were the intimate ones. The pure female to female interaction, and none had a clue about me and my true sex. The elevator came, and it was empty and I took it to the ground floor and saw the taxi waiting for me. As soon as the driver noticed it was a female, he jumped out and came and opened the back door and I smiled and thanked him and slid in. He asked me where I wanted to go and I told him and we were off, the ride was only about 15 minutes and I did not even look at the meter as he pulled in the driveway and pulled out the $40 Joe had given me and handed it to him, and it was not until I got out of the car, realized I gave him a $15 tip!. As I got out into the cold night air and fumbled for the keys to the back entrance in the dark did I realize how much I had to drink. I opened the back entrance and made my way into the house and to my bedroom, and then thought what my husband and her bi lover were doing and how their evening went.

I got to my bedroom and slipped out of my black faux fur coat as well as my dress and left them lying on the floor, put on my brand new lingerie and then went to my lingerie drawer, then pulled out my trusty vibrator and crawled up on the bed. I removed my red satin and lace panties and started the vibrator and rubbed it all over my latex vagina, and found the "sweet spot", and then was lost in the memories of the evening and eventually exploded into my latex vagina. I quickly got up and went right to the shower stall and dumped the contents of it, then grabbed a washcloth and cleaned up. I left the latex vagina in the shower stall and slid back on the special red silk and satin panties and crawled up into bed and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, but I did notice it was 3:30am.

I woke in the morning and saw it was 11:30am, I went to my bathroom and cleaned off all of my makeup from the night before and then basically went into "guy mode". I got out of the lingerie, packed it back into the box and headed upstairs to the shower and noticed Sharon was still not home, I went and had a long shower and got nice and "squeaky clean", then headed back downstairs to my room, and started writing in my diary about the night before. It was about 2:30pm, and I heard the back door open and he clicking of Sharon's heels on the hardwood floor and then silence. I waited for a while and then thought I would go and see her, and headed upstairs. On the counter in the kitchen was a note and two dildos, one being mine, which was the massive "Brad" and the other one they use with their strap on, the note read:

"Joyce, hope you had as good as an evening as Brenda and I did, I am taking a nap right now, not much sleep last night, please take of cleaning these, and I will expect you to be dressed and ready for 6pm, our reservation is for 7pm, and remember it is Valentines day, so wear something red, you already know what I am wearing,

Kisses, your Husband Sharon."

I grabbed the dildos and could smell the musty scent of each one of them on them, but did nothing with them other than take them back to my bedroom, and would enjoy them when I went back into "feminine mode" and put them on my bed. I then had to choose what I was going to be wearing for the evening and already had an idea, I pulled out a lipstick coloured red dress, lace over satin, knee length, I bought years ago. I wore it once for a photo shoot, and loved it, but had never had the chance to wear it out, as it is an "occasion dress". I slipped it on and it fit "like a glove" and then went to the closet and pulled a pair of matching lipstick patent red 4" heels and slipped them on and it was the perfect look, the last thing that made it perfect was a patent red clutch purse, I took everything off and laid it on my bed. I spent the some of the afternoon packing the purse, moving things from the black patent clutch purse to the red. When I was done, I chatted and such on line for the afternoon and around 4:30pm, heard the shower running and knew Sharon was starting to get ready and decided I better start as well.

I stripped down and then started getting ready, I decided to go with another pair of red panties, these ones made completely of satin and bikini style, slipped them on over my latex vagina, then slipped on my Veronica padding. Next was my bra, and for this I was staying with the red theme and put on a red satin and lace push up bra, then grabbed my pink satin makeup coat and slipped it on and again loved the feeling rubbing against my skin. Before I started my makeup, I crawled up on the bed and grabbed the two used dildos and laid back and licked and sucked on them and cleaned off my husband Sharon's pussy juice and her lover Brenda's pussy juice and savoured the taste and imagined what they did all night, and wondered how late they were going at it as Sharon needed a nap.

When I was done I rolled off and then grabbed a brand new pair of ultra sheer nude stay ups and the white lacy garter belt I had worn the night before along with the white satin gloves and sat down and after putting on the white satin gloves, I opened the package of the ultra sheer nude stay ups, then carefully slid them on. I took off the satin gloves and snapped the 4 garters in place and adjusted everything for my stay ups and garters to look right. Since the dress was lined I had no need for a slip or camisole, I slipped it on and loved the feeling the dress and smoothed it out and loved the feeling how it fell down over my stocking covered legs and the silky lining made it feel incredible, I was so looking forward to wearing it out for the evening. After slipping on the 4" patent red lipstick coloured heels, made my way to the bathroom to do my makeup.

Since I had been to Villa Rosa many times, new it was going to be low light and started with a darker application of my eyeliner, but was careful no to go too dark. I pondered my eye shadow decision and went with my favourite dark purple on my lower lids and pink on my upper lids, to finish off my eyes was my new "lash blast mascara", which really highlighted them. Next was a dark application of blush to accommodate for the lower light and finally, my lipstick was going be matching my dress and heels and was bright red and I used my gloss to really highlight them. I was just about to grab for my perfume and there was a knock on my bedroom door and it was husband Sharon, I opened the door and there she was, looking identical to the day before, my red silk blouse, my black above the knee length skirt with the silver chain belt, sheer nude hose and 4 1/2" black patent heels. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing a set of one my pearl dropped earrings and I could smell that she was wearing my "Fantasy" perfume, had her makeup done as formal as mine and was wearing one of our matching lipsticks. She looked me over and told me I was the perfect "lady in red, even your bright red lipstick matches", then went and turned around and I knew what she wanted and did up the last two buttons on the red silk blouse and I turned around and she did up the rest of my dress. She told me that she would meet me upstairs, as she could see I was not totally ready.

I went back into the bedroom and finished putting on the rest of my outfit which included the jewellery that I had worn the evening before, the sparkly jewellery with ruby stones, for my bracelet, necklace and earrings. Final two pieces of my jewellery was the sparkly anklet I wore the day before and a gold formal watch on my left wrist. Final touch was my nails and the colour I chose was going to be identical to Sharon's, I sat down and carefully applied a healthy coat. As the dried, I could hear Sharon's heels clicking around upstairs and checked the time and I knew we were getting close to leaving. When they were dry, I grabbed for my rings, put on my Wedding ring set and Bridesmaid ring on my right finger. The last thing I did was doused myself in "Curious" perfume, and I put it everywhere, behind my ear, breasts, wrists and ankles, Sharon was definitely going to smell it on me. I then went to my full length mirror and took one last look and knew I was perfect, but realized I still had to do my nails and quickly went and put on my favourite red shade. When they were dry, I grabbed my red patent clutch purse and headed upstairs to meet Sharon. Sharon was in her "usual position", sitting on the couch reading her book waiting for me and she smiled as she heard my heels clicking and said right away, "and a matching red clutch purse as well". I smiled and told her I wanted to look perfect, she stood up and came and game me a little "lipstick to lipstick" kiss and then said, "Brittney Spears is going to be well represented in the perfume department this evening, you smell lovely, ready to go?". I told her I was and we both walked, heels clicking to the front hall closet and pulled out our faux fur coats, mine black and her a sand colour and slipped them on. We were just about to leave and she said, "shit, I just remembered something", and scampered off down the hall, with her heels clicking wildly. She came back and opened her clutch purse and had a wicked smile on her face and said, "someone came to visit this morning". Then reached in her clutch purse and pulled out two tampons and handed them to me, I knew the drill (if she had her period when we went out, so was I) and grabbed them, and took off my coat, and grabbed my red patent clutch purse and headed to the bathroom. I pulled up my dress, and lowered everything and unwrapped one of the tampons, and slowly inserted it and pulled out the applicator, then pulled my panties back up, packed the other tampon into my clutch purse. I put the empty wrapper and applicator in my clutch purse and headed back into the living room. Sharon was waiting for me, and knew the routine and handed her my clutch purse and she opened it and pulled out the applicator and wrapper and said, "good girl, and you know you are changing at the restaurant?" and went to the kitchen to throw them out. I went and put my black faux fur coat on then we then grabbed our clutch purses and headed out to the chilly February evening.

We got to the car and Sharon started driving and at first I was freezing, and was glad I had on the coat I had on. Sharon reached over and I could see she had not taken off her nail polish and grabbed my hand and smiled at me and said, "happy Valentines day", and at the first stop light leaned over and gave me a long "lipstick to lipstick" kiss, she then held my hand all the way to the restaurant. She asked about my evening and how the awards banquet was and if I got compliments on my dress and I told her tons and she laughed a little and said, "showing that much leg I would hope you got comments". We got out of the car and both grabbed our clutch purses and headed into the restaurant with heels clicking in unison on the pavement.

I loved going into Vila Rosa again, as it had been a few years, and the atmosphere and setting was the same and I followed Sharon into the cloak room and we took off our faux fur coats and hung them up. Sharon took the lead and I followed, we met the greeter in his black tux, he smiled and looked up us and down and said, "ready for Valentines day I see ladies", I was smiling from ear to ear. Sharon spoke up, then told him our reservation name and he said, "of course, right this way ladies I have your table waiting", he grabbed two menus and Sharon and I followed him, he took us right to a table in the back corner Sharon and I had sat at a number of times, as well as a couple of dates I had been on with men and sat us down and right away asked us if we wanted to start with something to drink. Sharon asked for a carafe of house white wine and two glasses, he smiled and handed us the menus and told us our server was going to be coming soon. I already knew what I was having, I looked around and saw that restaurant was packed. Sharon and I were not the only ones in a skirt, there was tons of women dressed up in skirt, dresses and men in suits, so Sharon and I were not alone at being dressed up.

Our server came and for the first time ever, it was a female, not a man in a tux, she was in a white blouse, black skirt and black hose and low black heels, and was a cute "20 something", and had her makeup very well done, and was super cute, and greeted us with, "evening ladies, I am Cindy and will be serving you ladies this evening, would you like anything to start?". Both Sharon and I spoke up and said we wanted a salad, Cindy smiled and said "I will bring your wine first ladies and then the salad". I was smiling wildly staring at her as she walked away, and Sharon looked at me and said, "remember you are my wife, and I know she is cute, but you are coming home with me". We both laughed and, but I told her I love the "ladies" reference and she said, "oh I know you do". Cindy came back with the wine and said, "ready to order ladies?", I looked over at Sharon and she was smiling and then I ordered ravioli, Sharon ordered her usual, Veal Parmesan, Cindy smiled and took the menu's and said, "I will be right back with your salads".

Sharon and started talking about how we had never seen the restaurant this busy and before we knew it Cindy was back with our salads and said, "enjoy ladies". Before I started my salad I told Sharon I had to excuse myself and grabbed my clutch purse and headed to the ladies bathroom, I did not have to use the facilities, but wanted to show off my outfit. I stood and headed to the back of the restaurant where I knew the bathrooms were, I knew I was being checked out and loved it. I totally forgot about how steep the stairs were and headed down then, grabbing tight to the railing as I went down in my 4" heels. I found the ladies bathroom and had to laugh, it was nothing like the fancy ladies room I was in the night before. There was only two stalls, a sink and a mirror. I pulled out my lipstick and gloss and touched up my lips and as I was another woman walked in and we exchanged smiles and checked each other out, she went into a stall and I packed up my purse and went back upstairs to the main area of the restaurant.

As I entered the main are of the restaurant, I walked slower than normal and made sure my hips "swung" as I walked, I wanted to get noticed, and I did and loved it, my short skirt and heels were getting noticed. I got to or table and Sharon said, "showing off your gorgeous legs dear?", I told her I definitely was. We finished our salad, and our server came and grabbed our plates and told us that the main course was coming. As we waited we sipped on our wine and Sharon started asking more about the previous evening and how I enjoyed it and told her I loved it, the dancing, the female to female interaction, she smiled and said, "being on the verge of my period, I was so horny I could not get enough of Brenda, we made love and sucked clear into the morning hours, and that 'Brad' dildo was amazing". I told her I did not want to hear any more and we changed the subject and start talking about out our upcoming trip to Vegas. About that time our main meal came and Cindy put it down and said, "enjoy ladies", we started eating then starting talking about what we were going to be wearing in Las Vegas on our "girls day and evening out". We both agreed that we were going to be wearing out what we did in the daytime the previous year and that was jean miniskirts and flowered blouses. For the night time we talked allot about it and Sharon wanted the dress she wore to the gala on New Years Eve, which was one of my modified Bridesmaid dresses that went over well. I told her I was undecided, but was thinking about a dress I bought in our 2009 Christmas to Square One, a form fitting black dress with rhinestones around the bodice, chiffon sleeves and chiffon detailing on the hem of the skirt.

Dinner was delicious and after we both finished, I definitely had to use the ladies bathroom and new my lips had to be touched up and told Sharon I was going and grabbed my red patent clutch purse and as I stood up, Sharon looked at me and said, "don't forget to 'change'", I smiled and told her I would not. I slowly walked again to the back of the restaurant and loved again being checked out and took my time walking down the stairs. I entered the ladies bathroom and it was empty, which was surprising for the number of people that were in the restaurant. I went into one of the two stalls and put my clutch purse on the toilet paper dispenser and hiked up my dress and pulled down my panties, sat down and did my business. When I was done I reached down and grabbed the string of my tampon and slowly pulled it out and then wrapped it up in toilet paper and put it in the sanitary napkin container, I loved hearing the metallic "thud". I pulled out the other tampon Sharon had given me and took it out of its wrapper and inserted it and remove the applicator and put both in my clutch purse, then pulled my panties and everything up, hiked my dress back down, grabbed my clutch purse and headed out of the stall and to the mirror at the sink to check my lipstick. My lipstick definitely needed fixing and pulled my lipstick and lip gloss and applied a healthy coat, I packed up my clutch purse and head out of the ladies bathroom and back up the stairs, I met a middle aged woman in a dress coming down the stairs and we smiled at each other and I told her to be careful and we both laughed.

I walked back to the table and was still being checked out and loved every high heeled step and sat down and smiled at Sharon and slid my red patent clutch purse across the table and she opened it and said, "good girl, now it is my turn to change", she grabbed her black clutch purse, slid mine across to me and told me she had settled the bill and left and went to the ladies washroom. Our server Cindy came back and dropped off the visa receipt and smile and told me to have a nice evening. I looked around and the place was starting to thin out and I saw Sharon coming back from the ladies bathroom, and she had touched up her lips and sat down and said, "ready to go?". I told her I was and we both stood up and went to the cloak room, grabbed our faux fur coats and slipped them on, headed out into the cool February air and to the car.

We held hands all the way home and we talked about the evening and how enjoyable and special it was. We got home and it was around 10pm, and Sharon asked if I wanted to watch a movie, I told her I would love to see "27 dresses" again, she laughed and said, "I am not getting into a Bridesmaid gown at this hour". I told her that was not the intent and that I would like to get into our matching long black peignoirs and wraps. She smiled back at me and told me that would be perfect, and we both left to our respective bedrooms to change, after we went to the front hall closet and hung up our faux fur coats. Before to my bedroom, I asked Sharon to unzip me and she did and I left to go downstairs and slipped out of my 4" red patent heels and stepped out of my dress and hung it up then found my long customer made black peignoir and put it on, as well as the matching satin and lace wrap and put that on, and noticed right away how the arches in my feel were killing me and grabbed for a pair of black patent 4" heels I have just for wearing around the house as they are old and banged up and slipped them on. I did not bother touching up my lips, went upstairs and Sharon was waiting for me on the couch in her matching peignoir and wrap, but she had no heels on, but she did keep her nylons on. I sat down on the couch and she said, "ready?", I said "yes" and she turned on the movie, she had a blanket ready and we snuggled in together, every once in a while leaning in for a long Lesbian kiss, and held hands the whole time.

After the movie I was expecting to head down to my room for bed, but Sharon said, "I have a Valentines gift for you, we have the house free tonight, it is just us", she grabbed my hand and lead me to her bedroom, we shared one long last Lesbian kiss and then dropped our robes and climbed into bed and I rested my head on her satin and lace covered breasts as we cuddled and fell to sleep.


So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON- smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?,

Joyce Devries, My MSN Chat ID: My Yahoo Chat ID:

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