TG: "Suprise

By Edwin Gay

Published on Nov 16, 1994



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The Surprise

It had been two weeks and I still couldn't believe that the flawlessly beautiful woman I had been seeing was actually smitten with me too! She was ultra-feminine; almost girlish in her coquettishly sexy ways, and she was wonderful in bed with our lovemaking so incredibly varied that she seemed perpetually a virgin to me. Her wide-eyed pleasure at having sex with me and her easy intense orgasms fed my male ego like no other partner. Though my assumption that things were too good to be true was correct, the revelation that became known to me that Sunday afternoon proved to be even more exciting than what I had previously thought to be our normal male/female love affair!

We had just finished a passionate coupling and I watched her from the bed as she stood in front of her mirror brushing her long hair, her exquisite body clad only in a garter belt and sheer black stockings, and still flushed from our encounter. She saw me watching her and turned to face me, girlishly shaking her breasts and taking on an exaggeratedly model pose. She blew me a kiss and put on a blouse and a skirt informing me that she was going out to get us something to eat. I snuggled happily in the bed and she giggled and came over to kiss me. After a deep soulful embrace, she looked at me through her wide liquid brown eyes and told me that she never thought it could be this wonderful, and how she was happier than she had ever been. I hugged her, feeling her lithe curves and nodded my head in eager agreement.

After she left, i got up and put on a man's bathrobe I got from her closet. I walked to the living room again humorously pondering the masculine furnishings and decor of her apartment. I had asked her about her mannish tastes before, to which she replied that she had a brother growing up who was her primary influence, and his taste had become hers.

I went into the bathroom and started my bath. I hadn't had a lot of sleep the night before and my head was extremely fuzzy, so I opened up her medicine cabinet in search of some aspirin. The contents of the cabinet were sparse, and the only bottle of capsules I found was unmarked. I inspected the little pills and decided that they had to be some sort of pain killer, so I downed one with a cup of water. I took off my robe and got in the bath. As I lay comfortably in the warm water, I could feel the pill beginning to work. I was pleased and impressed with the swiftness of its effect, but found that instead of clearing my head, it was making it spin even faster! I began to wonder just what I had taken when suddenly it took hold of me with astounding force. I found my head thrown back and my body writhing uncontrollably in the water. In a state of near panic, I grabbed for the side of the tub and began to moan. Through closed eyes and in only a semi-conscious state, I was astonished to hear my groans of pain and confusion go from a baritone rumble to soprano feminine pantings! Now shaking all over, I felt my body begin to warp and change...It felt as though I was growing new parts and transforming completely. My head thrashed to one side and I forced myself to open my eyes. I found myself staring fixedly at my arm and the hand that was tightly gripping the side of the tub...But the arm and hand that I was looking at bore no resemblance to my own! The hairless soft limb and the slender tiny hand with its long fingernails were those of a woman! I cried out again, listening to the soft feminine voice that was coming out of my mouth. My head thrashed again in a spasm, and I felt wet silky hair slap against my cheek. How could my hair be this long??? Suddenly, I felt a huge spasm grip and hold me with incredible force. I felt swellings and withdrawals all over my changing body. My breath caught and I felt as if I would explode any second. The force held me for about ten seconds, and then climaxed as electric tingles spread throughout my body, extremities and skin.

As the heated waves subsided, I lay gasping in the water with my eyes closed. My hands found their way to my face, and before opening my eyes, I knew I was not myself anymore! Not only did I now have long hair, but my face was beardless and smooth. My newly long fingernails traced the contours of my face, feeling a small nose, smooth cheeks and a generous wide mouth. The last vestiges of the pill suddenly vanished and I opened my eyes to gaze upon the spectacular body of a beautiful woman. In awe, I took in the petite curvy form that I now called my own. My hands settled on two impossibly perfect breasts now seated prominently on my formerly hairy chest. Open mouthed, I squeezed them gently sending shivers of electricity through my womanly body. My hands and eyes slid over a firm, flat stomach and wide shapely hips before sliding up my slick, smooth inner thighs to the neat triangle that moments before had been a sizable penis.

"This is impossible!," I heard my new soft voice exclaim, tapering into a sultry whisper of pleasure as I stroked the warm opening between my legs. Though I easily could get lost in the pleasure of my experience, I snapped back to reality and forced my new self to stand up. I could feel the absence of my male strength as I heaved myself out of the water. As water dripped slowly down my shapely legs, I walked over to the bathroom mirror and took in the beauty that I had become. I looked at the face that stared back at me in wonder, seeing the perfect sculpted high cheekbones, the wide female eyes, and the dark black, shoulder-length hair that tumbled over my long sleek neck. I turned around and looked over my narrow shoulders at the perfectly smooth back and sexy heart-shaped bottom. As I had not yet dried off, I felt a chill overtake me when the air conditioner came on. The large nipples on my perfect breasts stiffened in response to the cold, and I found myself instinctively running my fingers over their pretty points. I stood there in the mirror, a wet beautiful female, smiling at the pleasure of pinching her stiff nipples and fingering her suddenly warm and throbbing vagina. The arousal I felt in this woman's body was like nothing I had ever experienced as a man. As my self exploration got more daring, I saw my pretty face begin to get flushed, and I heard uncontrollable sighs of feminine passion escape my full pink lips. Just when I was about to reach orgasm, I heard the front door open and my girlfriend call my name. I stopped my exploration and felt my breasts jiggle as I ran to shut the bathroom door. I stood there feeling my heart pounding in my tiny chest as she came and tapped lightly on the door and asked to come in. I said, "Wait!," trying to lower my new voice to male standards. It didn't fool her. With a note of alarm in her voice, she said, "Kevin?...Who's in there!?" I felt my feminine body tremble as I saw the doorknob turn and her face appear in the crack of the half opened door. Wide-eyed, she said, "Who!..." and then recognition registered in her face. "Oh, no!...Don't tell me you took one of my special pills!," she wailed and ran into the living room sobbing.

No matter what sex I was now, I loved this woman and didn't want to lose her. I pulled on my robe quickly, noting that it now swallowed my womanly petiteness, and followed her to the living room. I tried to adjust my wholly female body into a comforting stance and explained that I had thought the pills I took were aspirin. She sobbed on the couch and said, "I was going to tell you eventually...but not yet...I wasn't ready yet!...And now look at you!...You're a much more beautiful woman than the one they made me into!" Still shocked by my own transformation, the realization that I had fallen in love with a woman who was in actuality a man, made me put my pretty hand over my mouth in astonishment. I sat down beside her, letting this admission slowly sink in, and my baggy robe fell open to reveal my lovely breasts. She looked at my chest through teary eyes and reached out her slender hand to gently cup a stiff nipple. The stimulation that I felt was so strong that it almost overrode the shock that I was feeling. She began to gently stroke my left breast, and with a choked laugh said, "Well, so how do you like being an accidental pin-up girl?...Don't worry, by the way. I have pills that reverse the effect completely." I sighed with relief and told her through my building passion that I loved her no matter what sex she really was. She smiled lovingly at me, and with her hand still playing with my tender breasts, I leaned forward to kiss her, our soft female lips coming together and filling me with desires that I guess could only be termed lesbian! She moved forward to return my kiss, and I could feel her own soft breasts against mine, her stiffening nipples becoming evident through her tight blouse, and rubbing delicious circles around my own. Our passions got more intense as our tongues slipped daintily into each other's mouths, and I felt her hands running playfully over the smooth sensitive skin of my bottom, teasing me as they ran sexily around my inner thighs. Instinctively, I parted my legs, and felt a momentary wonderful tingle as she allowed a finger to caress my vagina. I gasped when she did this, and I saw her giggle and pull back from me. She stripped slowly in front of me, her eyes never leaving mine as I took in her incredible body that now matched my own! When she was naked, she pressed herself against me and we moaned femininely together. As she slid her body over the soft rounded curves of my own, I felt myself becoming flushed with excitement. Her tongue darted expertly over my breasts as she kissed them gently. I ran my hands over through her soft hair, panting with anticipation as I felt her mouth work its way down my flat stomach to my waiting inner thighs. As she entered me with her tongue, I heard my new voice cry out softly with delirious whimpers of happiness. I pinched my pointed nipples as my hips thrust forward involuntarily, allowing her to get a grip on my smooth bottom cheeks. She pushed her face and mouth farther into my vagina as I continued to undulate my hips in instinctive female fashion. I was moaning with pure pleasure when she removed her mouth and continued her stimulation with her fingers. She moved completely on top of me and I felt her tongue darting over my ear as she whispered my name sexily. "Kevin," she said, "Would you like to experience what it feels like to be totally a woman?...Would you like me to make love to you in my male form?" I was now juicily flushed and enjoying my female role tremendously, so I moaned and ran my fingers through my own hair in response. She lightly bit my ear and slowly got off me to go into the bedroom, returning momentarily with a bottle of pills. She shook one out and motioned for me to feed it to her. I took it from her and playfully put it in her mouth, loving the feeling as she took my hand and sucked my fingers after she had swallowed. I felt her tremble slightly moments later and allowed her to lay me back on the couch and begin to suckle my breasts again. She began to writhe, and as the spasms grew stronger, I could feel her body changing on top of mine. I heard her girlish gasps become masculine groans as my hands felt the texture of her skin become rougher. Her body lengthened and muscles began to take the place of curves. Her hair became shorter and stiffer, and I felt the dainty weight of her girl's body become doubled. She groaned again, and as she raised her face from my chest, I saw her face become masculine before my eyes...her nose growing larger and her cheeks becoming filled with manly stubble. I held her close as her spasms entered the final stages, feeling her now hard and sinewy back and bottom with unexpected female pleasure. She shook with intensity, and I suddenly felt an erect male penis thrusting between my legs. In instinctive female fashion, I spread them for her and locked them around those of my now male lover. With a baritone cry of pleasure, he began to kiss me roughly as I felt him enter me. I gasped breathily as I felt him inside of me, his hands expertly squeezing my breasts as he thrust in and out. I wrapped my arms around his wonderful broad shoulders and used my new pelvic muscles to grip him harder as I became completely in his masculine power.

*** Drop a line to Kevin Moore on TG-Net if you enjoyed this! ***

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